Except he didn't say he was. He said he would rather take it slower and figure out all the repercussions first. Don't misrepresent people to prove a point
@@chuggynation8275 that's the exact sort of sensationalism that he was talking about. That innocent plant that is a hallucinogen and both people here agreed is not harmless.
5 ปีที่แล้ว +51
ChuggyNation Nothing that makes you see shit and feel shit is harmless. Remember that. It might be useful when you grow up.
As a Paramedic for 35 years, I never once attended a call where people had beat the shit out of one another, when people had been smoking weed. I attended thousands of calls where people beat the shit out of each other, when drunk. I've never met a stoned "asshole ".
I mostly agree, but I'm not gunna lie I know some guys that can still be assholes while stoned. It's not quite as bad, but they still aint gunna be very nice to you lol.
My old ex friend john jansen was just like that but I outclassed him so bad in every way physically I just kicked him out and cut him off for acting like the fool that he was and he's also autistic so I refused to beat him to a pulp cuz that's what would've happened if it escalated to violence.
Drew Tomlinson big money that's all and influence that comes with that money that's it, cigarettes and alcohol should be scheduled as class 1. no question
Benefits? There are none. The reason they are legal however is to control you by keeping you addicted, therefore forcing you to have to make money to feed your addiction. It's a viscious cycle. I used to work at a gas station and I had factory workers come in there all the time buying something that literally says "this product causes cancer" on the box. It just made me sad really.
I think marijuana should be legal but to compare how mentally impairing and physically impairing marijuana is to cigarettes is kinda silly. Especially when considering first time usage. Marijuana is a narcotic
not ruining peoples lives over a plant that has no negative effects if you're a responsible adult. his argument for "normalizing" its normalized already. 13 year olds smoke weed lmao. The fact is kids are gonna do shit REGARDLESS, of the law. Its really just up to helping parents educate their fkin kids so the next generations are more responsible and level headed overall, not just with drugs.
There hasn't been much scientific studies on marijuana because it's been illegal. The negatives haven't been studied. Does smoking pot while pregnant affect the baby? Etc etc.
@Chriz Daman details please? Im just saying alcohol is ridiculously accepted especially compared to a weed smoker. Religion and law are the main factors behind this. The economic negative of it was a factor of law.
I think that's called decriminalization buddy. Which would be fines for getting caught. People won't smoke more than they already do and they won't have to go to jail. I hate the pot army so much, it's like a fucking cult. Potheads all have some form of obvious potheadedness. If smoking crack was as mainstream then people wouldn't feel ashamed and become as delusional as Joe. All you'd have to do is reduce the bad reputation like they did with pot over the years. But the problems don't just disappear.
It's too late to make alcohol illegal. There's not much point to making Marijuana illegal. That would make it just as popular as alcohol, which wouldn't be good.
Woke up at 5 am, 5 bong loads down then walked the dogs for 2 miles, got home did 5 more loads and now I'm at work for a 12 hour shift, as I smoke my pen.
Define bong load, because damn bro, it sounds like you smoke like half a zip a day, no slighting you just seems impressive that you still work after that I would be asleep
@Badge Man If you think there isn't anything wrong with drinking you may be suffering from a serious case of denial buddy. I have multiple friends that have destroyed their lives with alcohol. Don't know anyone at the end of their rope, with having to either except it and die or face your demons and get over the fucking hurdle with pot.
It's the "Jock Mindset". they're limited by what other people are Ok with and never want to deviate from what is the most common way of thinking. I stay the hell away from limited dopes.
If you’re for both alcohol and weed being illegal, I can see and understand your position. But if you’re for alcohol but not weed, there’s no way to justify your belief.
He said the reason he doesn't want to criminilize alcohol is because it will never pass, and we already failed at that with the prohabiition. It would be a wasted effort. So that's in his defense; however, his argument for making weed illegal is still totally ignorant.
There's plenty of people who drink every day and lead extremely productive lives, working out, working and cleaning, there's a lot of people who do cocaine everyday and are way more productive than most of us running multinational companies , not a good argument for how good it bad a substance is.
As a Texan, Dan’s logic makes me question supporting him going forward. Alcohol is clearly more damaging than pot and his logic regarding policy is un-American. What happened to “the land of the free?” Wrapping people up in the criminal justice system for marijuana use is a disgrace. I say this as someone who has not smoked marijuana in 37 years. I respect his service but question what he thought he was serving. Policy?? Did we fight the revolutionary war to enable hiding behind “policy” in order to not loose a few fringe votes?
so i’m responding to this with a bong in my lap…. i understand the counterpoint to joe. he’s just concerned, in my opinion, with the lack of research and knowledge on how pot affects young people. it’s better of having strict laws to protect the kids and make it harder for adults than make it easy for everyone. i’m in my mid 20’s and i’ve been smoking for 10 years and the legality has never been a problem for getting my hands on marijuana
@@lyteyear2106 I see your point. But he's just taking the bootlicker stance imo. There's 15 states where it's legal and young adult use hasn't increased. It seems when something is legal, it almost loses its appeal to young people sort of. Part of the edginess of pot is that is was illegal. There's plenty of articles on this. Dan and people like him will never change there stance imo, but he's at least respectful of Joe's opinion. He just doesn't like it personally so he won't change his public opinion. Which happens to often. He'll even my dad in his older age, had a positive experience with pot. Something he never would've if it was still illegal in my state
Last time I got caught he literally did nothing but act like he didn't see it guess it was the end of his shift or something but he acted like I was smoking a cigarette and busted me red handed with it dead to rights. Didn't even fuckin acknowledge it.
And kids of the age around 15 getting permanent brain damage from smoking it wich will be really easy when it is legal. And if you are gonna say something like 'its there own choice' it's not because most kids of 15 would do almost anything that makes them think they are cool
lol my father who was a drunk would occasionally smoke pot and it made him so talkative even more so when he was drunk. I just think some people shouldn’t go near pot, they can’t handle themselves🤣
My dad drinks a lot now. This wasn’t always the case but for the last 15 years. He doesn’t get angry but he becomes very annoying and repeats himself a lot. There was a period of time when he also started smoking weed everyday and he basically stopped drinking and it was awesome. He was chill and relaxed but didn’t last long.
Lmao I dont think this is the pro weed argument we are going to use 2 push legal weed Btw hope all is well and u learned from the dysfunction not perpetuat it
I come from a long line of alcoholics. My dad was German. It’s tradition. I’m 23 and started drinking at 12. It almost killed me. I tried CBD on a whim at a buddies house just for shits. Then tried delta 8 and now I use marijuana full time. I quit drinking, am down 20 pounds and have never been happier.
Dan is looking at the issue backwards. Instead of "why should we legalise it' we should ask why it's illegal. You should start with all freedoms, and only have them revoked when there is good reason
Yeah. He asked what the benefits are to society if it gets legalized, rather than what are the benefits of keeping it illegal (and i see no benefit at all in prohibition)
Agents of the state are usually inconsistent for a number of reasons. If i propose to a woman, alone in the forest, "you want it in the ass or the mouth?" Is it really her choice?
I mean its been around for thousands of years - weed has gone through the forward entry that you're suggesting and it was noted to be abused and negatively affect younger users which was dans point and essentially Joe's point as well. I think they both agree that once you are mature enough to mentally handle it there really isn't an issue. Dan didn't like it and Joe does, both don't see it as much of an issue for adults. Weed just is a bit more potent to younger first-time users and doesn't have the social benefits that alcohol has which is probably why its so frowned upon recreationally.
That's weak thinking its better to solve something than wait we all know what will happen its safer than alcohol we dont have long on this earth waiting isnt a good idea
And ... for a me question follows, Can people actually handle freedom ... asking "to handle" not anything else ?! Is freedom being or felling irresponsible for your actions. But law and order at the same time disagree with feelings and personalities - which everyone pretends to behave like they don`t care … in ignorance.
@@dimitarraychev5357 we have laws against violence. If you can be responsible and drink alcohol then go drink. If you hit someone the law you broke is for violence not alcohol, same should apply with every drug. If you can safely do the drug without hurting anyone then go ahead.
@@basedmadoka9479 there is nothing about that comment that could go over ones head.. oh meth is a schedule 2 drug and they prescribe it to people.. oh that's some depth of knowledge that flew right over my head. You fucking moron
I would 100% rather be a pothead/stoner than an alcoholic. Like Joe mentioned, alcohol being legal and marijuana being federally illegal was mainly an economic decision
@@gkys111 Being completely straight edge makes people pretty aggressive. So id argue smoking weed or drinking occasionally is better than being sober 100% of the time
@@norankinsignia5195This is exactly he sort of response I'd expect to see from someone who doesn't smoke pot - I've never seen a mass brawl erupt into violence amongst a group of people who are baked out their tree
I've never smoked weed, then subsequently gone on to get in a fight, get my ass kicked, lose my car (not lose as in "impounded", rather, lose as in "Dude, where's my car?"), wind up in bed with a fat chick, then show up 2 hours late for work. That may have happened on Jack Daniels. Just saying.
@@leeham6230 , It would be better if he was a moron. I wouldn't trust this guy as far as I could throw him. Red flag laws are especially troubling for a Texas Republican. I think he's a tool.
Bradley Nolan you can say that about any issue it a weak argument on why weed she should be illegal and he basically said he would be ok banning alcohol
Not rly. I've had several experiences with alchohol, got very drunk, slightly drunk, or didnt even drink enough to get drunk, and didnt enjoy any of them. I love weed but it's not for everybody, just like alchohol isnt.
Not really. It sounds nonsensical because the norm is nonsensical. To the mad man everyone else is insane. We do not have due diligence on ANYTHING, it is why as a society we have sleep walked into so many problems. Just because we have never had due diligence does not mean it is nonsensical to begin now. Obviously there is the issue of freedom and appealing to the lowest common denominator etc., but we must also be weary of legitimising things that may not be in our best interest. The more you socially invest into something, the harder it will be to rebuke it. So when you make the argument about cigarettes and alcohol well you get the picture. I think comparing the use of marijuana for thousands of years to the tobacco industry is a false parallel. It is not just a policy issue, we have normalised alcohol and tobacco culturally, yes alcohol has its benefits, yes weed will have its benefits...but do we truly understand the benefits of weed in recreational terms. I think the constitution is one of America's biggest problems, people do not want to think about what makes sense, their instant reaction is blind freedom. Blind freedom = anarchy. Anarchy does not need a constitution stupid. Don't appeal to the lowest common denominator, but governments and functional members of society should not legitimise ANYTHING that is counterproductive. Even if it is legal, we need to shape the discourse..the same way a glass of red wine may be good for you, but binge drinking clearly isn't, these are things we need to understand. We cannot have a free for all.
@@mgway4661 The DNCFraudLawsuit proved that the RNC & DNC are not legally obligated to accurately count our votes... so he doesn't care about his peasant voters who aren't paying the fiat currency price for the speech they want.
Well it's hard to convince someone of a certain type of thinking when they really could care less about the subject. Dealing with weed is extremely low on his priority list.
Joe you are a drugadict you are sick drugs are for weak people that can't handle his own mind and when marihuana is not enough then is coke and then heroin this drug thing is only for money is like food, we are addict to food and water and we have to buy food is a necesity you are adding necesities to your body that will harm your brain and make you a slave and dumer
There is a difference between freedom and anarchy. Why have the United States of America if you want anarchy? A country does not exist just so you have colourful flags for your bumper stickers. If you do not like the idea of order, then there is no point having countries.
Although I agree with marijuana being legalized (being illegal didn't stop us in CA). Smoking before bed and watching South Park reruns on CC is a habit of mine. Keeps me calm (well, at least till I gotta find something else to watch because I can't stand Trevor Noah.) To say that everyone wants it so therefore it should be legalized sounds a little farfetched. If thats the argument should we legalize opiods for rec use? What about cocaine? I know a lot of people who smoke. Unfortunately I know a lot more addicted to the other drugs I mentioned.
@@travisfrench147 Actually heard about this in college. For what I remember (stoned college days) some country has legalized almost everything. People can get whatever they want..including help and rehab. I believe my professor said that this country has a very low crime rate. Now that you said you think everything should be legalized I agree with you.
I was 13 when that “one dealer” got me hooked on opioids. He had a college degree and a notepad that made it legal for him to get me hooked . It’s not just “streets” problem
He Didnt get u hooked. You got urself hooked stupid. The jagoff kid who made it available still belongs in pieces but u are in control of you. He didnt hook you you poor soul. He used drugs n got hooked. Who hasnt. U got better. Why go thru that an bs oneself
elspookso this pirate guy is a fucking idiot. And I don’t even think he’s ever actually smoked weed before. Notice when joe asks him specifics about the time he smoked he sounds like he’s lying abt it all lmao 🤣
@@basketcase6999 and we can clearly see weed isn't possible to ban either. Unlike alcohol it's not addictive and legalizing it doesn't even increase use. Only thing the "war on drugs" does is ruin millions of lives putting people in prison who aren't real criminals and costs billions of taxpayer dollars all for no reason.
Delos What I meant was that people (as in a majority of the population) won’t vote for a ban on alcohol. People have and will vote against legalising recreational marijuana in some areas. Also, I highly doubt that legalisation would not increase use - if it’s legal, more people will be willing to “try” it at least, and I would imagine people would be more likely to use it in public and whatever.
He said he "didn't like it" in the beginning of the video, which to me implies that he's done it and didn't like the effects, which does happen sometimes.
I don’t really think there needs to be any “benefits” shown or whatever aside from the fact that alcohol is legal and can kill you, even though marijuana can be 100% safely consumed
What is the medicinal value of alcohol? Why is alcohol ok for recreational use but marijuana isn't? Seems pretty consistent that non users don't see the value...hmmmm....
Well, obviously alcohol is an amazing disinfectant in the medical world. But as far as recreational alcohol made for consumption the only actual reason that it is legal while things like marijuana is not simply and not so simply has to do with a lot of politics, a lot of money, controlling multiple industries, corruption, crime, police, prison, etc etc etc.
@@noahdavid954 that's why I don't use marijuana, for me it's a light switch I'm either really high or sober. With alcohol I can regulate how high I am and how long.
@@chrisrivera3961 in my experience, the tough guys always freak out on weed or psychedelics because they try to fight it. Not saying this guy freaked out, but people with big ego's tend to have bad experiences with those substances because they can't accept what's happening and they try to maintain control. However, this guy seems really humble during this video so I don't think he's that type
@@James_Edward59 Politician shouldn't be a "job" at all. It's a duty for the common citizen, to be filled with one or two terms and be done with. But thanks to a lack of term limits, you can be a career politician and make your money by agreeing with corporations. The fact that we've gotten to the state where this is acceptable shows how far this nation has fallen already.
So far good discussion. One thing I wanted to add. I served 1.5 years in state prison and 1.5 years on felony parole/ probation for les than three ounces of weed. So now I'm a felon because of weed and have been one since 2016. Yes I broke the laws in my own community but just seems like prison for weed is a bit over kill. And I know I'm not the only one that has had the same type of thing happen. Also I still smoke weed I have a full time job I'm a concrete finisher. So I like to enjoy weed to relax at the end of the day and get rid of some of the aches and pains
Now that it is legal it seems really crazy to keep people in prison and to keep those criminal records. i needed weed for neurological pain and it was a life saver. Friend my brain a bit but better than dead
S4V4gE SOUTH just because something is normal doesn’t mean it’s morally good. And since when did teens become our standard for how our drug laws are formed?
@@samhapke6862 never said it they were the standard. I live in Alabama. Just as easy to get weed here as it is in Colorado. Teens have always smoked weed. Always will. That's my point and makes his point invalid
"Pot has more of an impact on productivity than alcohol" Hangovers cause lots of people to call into work. DWIs will definitely hamper your ability to get to work the next day when your ass in jail. Alcoholism is terrible on production.
@@davidfhth6842 yeah theres literally too much to go into. Im in AA its a great program but alcohol definitely took me out of work way more than pot ever could, weed doesn't really have any effect on whether or not im going to work.
@@johntaranto29 it also helps people get over Real drugs like meth and heroin it's a much safer option than things like methadone or cold Turkey. This guy is a fuxking shill. I respect his service but I dont respect his ineptitude in the debate
@@davidfhth6842 i like some of the right leaning points, the way he articulates them but the problem is theres left wing poison and right wing poison, while theres good left leaning points and right leaning stuff but some people you can kind of point out as authoritarians and it drives me mad
Totally agree, I've definitely lost more days due to hangovers. That's exactly why coffee and cigarettes are so acceptable (and coke tacitly) because they lend themselves to productivity, drugs that lend themselves to wellbeing not so much, if you're at peace you really don't care as much about productivity 🤷🏽♂️
Chanman21titans he never said that though. He said it should be legalized federally and give the decision of legalization to the states so the people who live there can vote on it.
@@Jacob-ni9ws ofc weed has a effect on lives buz most pot heads dont notice it ... all friends of mine that had ambitions now dont give a fuvk aboutbschool and only do the bare minimum and guess when all of it started .... when they started smoking weed . I dont think weed per say is bad but i thibk it should be illegal but people under 25 should be persecuted since it damages the brain ireversible .
CL Anthony Yeah, positive effects on the brain. And normalization? That’s fine. Marijuana isn’t a drug. It’s a natural substance containing not a single harmful chemical. So unless it’s cultivated in non-organic circumstances, being sprayed with pesticides etc, than it can’t do any harm.
@@theprophet_-__cxvii__-_8693 it inhibits brain development for up to one month. This means if you take it more than once a month your brain developing stops entirely. Additionally, if you smoke it there are more carcinogens than cigarettes. You sound like one of those dopey Californians who thinks anything organic is good for you and harmless. There are plants that exist which can paralyze you, shut all your organs down and kill you.
@@theprophet_-__cxvii__-_8693 If alcohol is legal then marijuana should be too. However, that's not because it's natural, many natural plants will kill you very fast.
It still just baffles me how these people just ignore the amount of damage alcohol does. We all love booze, but be real. I've seen firsthand that shit destroy more lives than meth and I'm from South Louisiana!
@@MM-jh6tf I'm ignoring it because that's not point. Medical marijuana isn't my issue. My issue is that these people just downplay how bad alcohol can be. Control the substance don't let the substance control you is all there is to be said.
@@ΞΞΞΞΞΞΞ-σ1γ wtf do you mean you "greened over"? Bruh youre telling me you smoked so much it was worse than a hangover? Yeah bruh take your shit and go out the door
@@froglifes6829 I Still prefer weed over alcohol, but you've obviously never greened out. I've been high for literal days after ingesting way too much phoenix tears, not a fun high either just extremely sluggishly stoned. Had to sit on a couch and just wait and sleep it out. Couldn't look at my phone or a tv or do anything really. Although I may still take that over one really bad whiskey hangover I've had.
@@NezNar Yeah bro ive never had any pheonix tears (didnt know that shit existed) but ive smoked and ate brownies. Ive never felt high the day after even after quite a few brownies. I guess what you mean by "greened out" is just that you got too stoned. The shit you described used to happen to me when i started smoking but then i built up tolerence. And yeah being too stoned> being hangover (atleast i didn't throw up when i was too stoned, just went to sleep fast as fuck)
Dude says alcohol makes you get along with people better HAHA this dude has never hung out with 4 people, smoked a joint, and laughed until you start crying. There is never hate, only love and laughter. Then at the end of the night you can drive home. Fantastic
First time I had a cookie and beers then drove my motorcycle and crashed, luckily I was so high I was only doing like 10mph 🤣😂🤣😂 Don’t drive after smoking or drinking anymore lol
@@mattprescott9293 Don't do it WHILE high, obviously...And dibles are deffo not something you want to do if you have to drive home; the effects can be felt strongly for hours, whereas if you smoke, you get high fast, then come down faster than edibles.
Brandon Palomo I know but Dan Crenshaw doesn’t have half the support Elon has or Tesla has. How is he gonna keep his job as a conservative if he comes out supporting weed.
@@imspoon7188 I understand you're point however.... politicans, both Democrat and Republican, are the absolute last group of people on this earth who's jobs I care about. People who would suppress their morals and truths for political support are the last people who should be in positions of power
Bruh he didn't pick up on it quickly. It was obvious that he didn't wanna talk about his own experience from the first interaction. Dude literally had to make it extremely obvious that he didn't want to talk about it by saying there was a problem with his headphones 😅
Nobody is going to prison for getting a bag of marijuana. Now, if you are carrying large somes like my friend did and got busted, you'll sit a day or two in county and usually they'll just put your ass on probation and rehab. No judge worth his salt is sending a user to prison. Now if you are selling, and my cousin got busted, you can face much larger charges but he got lucky. I don't know what specifically happened since he lives in NY but he got a slap on the wrist. Anyone who is in prison for marijuana is probably a seller and probably selling for a gang.
@@theexiledrealmofaffirmation Why? I disagree with Dan on this too, but hear the guy out. He even says he's open to his mind being changed so its not like hes unreasonable. Though it is pretty dumb to be for alcohol and against weed lul
He is not arguing alcohol over marijuana. He saying, we missed on alcohol, when we legalized it and you cannot put the cat back in the bag. If we legalize marijuana, we need to do it right and not like we did with alcohol. You should realize, when changing policy, it's a three to five year process for the federal government. Once you fund that change, if you are wrong, it's three to five years before you can fix it and millions lost.
alcohol has been destroying communities since antiquity. egyptians, babylonians, assyrians all had prohibition laws at some point. and then america's prohibition gave rise to the mafia. case in point, humans have been wanting to get fucked up since time immemorial and it just so happens that tobacco and alcohol are legal
Other than the medical use alcohol, it does nothing but harm. The majority of homeless almost all have severe alcoholism. Alcohol is legal because it creates chaos, chaos causes incarcerations, and incarcerations are profit. Same with a lot of pharmaceuticals. We wonder why our society is fucking batshit now.
@sabir alam yes but in the 1920's they were called hippies and seen as undesirables to society, oh and "liberal". It's kind of sad really that people don't know the history behind cannabis prohibition.
@sabir alam. He's talking more about back when the prohibition on Marijuana really kicked off around 1920-30's when it was literally thought of, by some adults at least, as a gateway to poverty seeing as how black people and Hispanic people happened to be using it more back then
@@karljonson3287 || Just cause "it's already in", does not mean that they could not try to make illegal again. You know, how they're trying to do with abortion.
eh. I don't think it's for everyone though. I've done it on a few occasions and it pales in comparison to alcohol for me. Alcohol isn't for everyone either. I feel everyone has their thing.
If you're against all substances like alcohol, drugs, and tobacco then yeah I can understand that. But if you're against legalizing drugs yet drink alcohol and have no problem with stores selling cancer-causing tobacco then you have no room to talk.
Alcohol and tobacco are already legal. Although they are harmful substances they can’t be banned as they are both still widely entangled with our culture. If it was a case of introducing them today, I’d be against it - same with Marijuana.
@@dezire6746 you know that there was a time not too long ago when weed was perfectly legal until someone powerful said "nah i dont like weed" and decided to work towards prohibition. So the "its legal and in the culture we cant make it illegal NOW" really didnt matter jack shit to them.
I give it 5 years before they change. Too many old people that were hardline against it are passing away. Many under 55 want it legal federally. Government really needs to end it
@@JohnSmith-yd5wq Nice job bud, with a single comment you revealed a childish, ignorant mentality. Which is one of the biggest issues with this new rise of Liberals. They are children with no life experience who have no idea what they are talking about. If you really were knowledgeable and experienced, your comment would have been something more than a childish insult. Grow up buddy.
It's always some mf who has "smoked" as in took a turn of a blunt in college once and got lightheaded now he thinks he can influence law regarding weed lol
I’ll convince you right now, spark one up. This is one of Joe Rogan’s best moments of all time. Sometimes he says stupid shit, but that was the best response possible.
@@juliansaiz5714 but also shrugs off the entire debate of alcohol because it’s “out of the bag”.. seems like he’s just found a vague talking point that sounds smart..
@@DerpliciousDerek lol to be fair alcohol is legal and people drink and drive and kill people all the time. Anyone who doesn’t think weed should be legal is most likely doing it for political reasons.
The sad thing about all these debates is they ALWAYS ignore why a child even begins to seek substances to escape their reality. Nobody wants to address how this world is turning every generation of children into frustrated, miserable, worrisome, argumentative adults.
"I'm personally not opposed, but legislatively I feel different." Is just another way to say that he's willing to make laws that are counter to what he actually believes. Whether or not something should get someone locked up for years shouldn't depend on if YOU personally enjoy smoking it. Ridiculous.
b thustra that’s not what he said. He said so many times that he wants to leave it to the states. God the idiots that come out of the wood works when Joe talks about weed..
@@nathanielanger3941 "On a personal level, I'm not opposed to what you're saying; from a policy level though, I just look at things differently..." and then joe cut him off. If it's up to the states, then it shouldn't be something illegal at the federal level, so he should be in favor of federal legalization. And the "leave it to the states" argument doesn't change the fact that you nor anyone else should have a say in what I put in my own body. He's a representative elected to change national legislation. He should put his money where his mouth is if it's "up to the states".
@@nathanielanger3941 Well I would assume that he would want the federal laws enforced. There should be no word of marijuana anywhere in federal law, if you really want it left up to the states, but it isn't the case. It should be legal until states decide that it shouldn't be, but that isn't the case either. The default "American" position is that we will send you to prison for smoking weed, but we have some rando "cool parent" states making exceptions. That isn't letting states decide. It's doing something as stupid as a Prohibition2.0 on the part of the feds, then making the states be forced to make workarounds for it. Imagine if it were STILL federally illegal to drink alcohol, and we had to leave it up to the states to see who could drink?
@@zacknichols8013 personnel experience is only good, if the individual is internally honest and can think rhetorical about the experience. That is commonly called wisdom. Wisdom, is extremely uncommon these days. You don't have to experience something, inorder to be an expert. An individual doesn't have to use heroin, before he can speak against the use of it. Just like a skinny person, doesn't necessarily know about nutrition.
@@rafowens5560 does he? Does the person know or does he only know, what he thinks is true about his limited experiences. How does one's experience, correlate to the experience of millions of people? Seems to be limiting.
How the fxck did you manage to misspell alcohol? Lemme guess, you did it on purpose for the lulz, right? cuz if you say that, I won't believe it anyway.
@@mishmashmedley you u fuckin nitwit English isn't his first language ... U realize there's other shit outside of good ol' Merica right ? Countries that are 100x better than the US of Gay
Legalization is also about decriminalizing those serving unnecessary sentences due to being caught with the substance. Also, it gives people with mental disabilities an ease of access to a treatment that would not be as expensive nor as addictive as pharmaceutical medicine.
I have never seen a fist fight happen with a group of people smoking weed, but drunken brawls and drunk idiots trying to fight anyone just a little more often.
Because pot smokers are either in the corner with their friends giggling like little girls over something not funny at all . In front of the refrigerator eating all their parents food , or playing video games in a room at their mom's house . But in the sake of your point , They should put people in jail for using anything that can alter the mind . We have way to many idiots in this world , if we can all stay sober maybe in a few generations human kind will evolve.
Logic check: "We have been smoking marijuana for thousands of years." Medical suggestion 2019 : People should not smoke until the age of 26 (after brain is fully developed), but prescribe kids age 12-17 with Ritalin, Methylin, Metadate or Concerta once over age 18 prescribe xanax and any other benzodiazepine or pill available that "works". ?
As someone who lives in Canada where it’s fully legal everywhere. It is so much better now. No more propaganda. No more shaming. It’s just like having a drink now
@@larrytate1657 uhm, Hillary lost why are you bringing her up? he's either for it or against it. So far he's against it. May I remind you of Jeff Sessions who was nominated by trump and was extremely against even medical marijuana. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeff_Sessions#Marijuana Take accountability for your shitty president.
Conservative here. Absolutely. It's not even a conservative position, at all. Been thinking about it a couple days. "alcohol is out of the bag"... Ok? So you'd put alcohol back in the bag if we could? That's not a conservative position at all. Crenshaw's not wrong with any of his points. They're legit points. But legal is more useful and less dangerous (not risk free, that's different, there's still risk), than illegal. Also... Fuck edibles!!!
People who drink hard liquor, and are against recreational marijuana. Don’t have a ground to stand on.
Except he didn't say he was. He said he would rather take it slower and figure out all the repercussions first.
Don't misrepresent people to prove a point
@@thezerowulf507 take it slower ????????? HOW LONG YOU WANT TO MAKE A HARMLESS PLANT ILLEGAL ?????
@@thezerowulf507 Makes sense to me. He's saying he's open to discussion about recreational marijuana, and it's not a hill he is willing to die on.
@@chuggynation8275 that's the exact sort of sensationalism that he was talking about. That innocent plant that is a hallucinogen and both people here agreed is not harmless.
ChuggyNation Nothing that makes you see shit and feel shit is harmless. Remember that. It might be useful when you grow up.
I guess Joe and Dan don’t see eye to eye on this one.
Hey yo!
Boooooo, get off the stage lol
This should have been top comment.
@@michaeld8280 that's the first thought that came to me lol... Hey yo
*D'oh !!!😆*
Joe’s interview guest: I don’t like marijuana
Joe: *so you have chosen death*
Fucking priceless 😂😂
Hit the nail right on the head
4k Angel you can feel joe restraining himself from going full Hamilton Morris on this dude through the screen
@@nadlax5920 Then don't give him views I guess?
As a Paramedic for 35 years, I never once attended a call where people had beat the shit out of one another, when people had been smoking weed. I attended thousands of calls where people beat the shit out of each other, when drunk. I've never met a stoned "asshole ".
I mostly agree, but I'm not gunna lie I know some guys that can still be assholes while stoned. It's not quite as bad, but they still aint gunna be very nice to you lol.
@@colecampbell1906 that's true, actually that type of guys are even more assholes when they re not high
@@fodedordegatas1081 of course, it helps but it isn't a cure lol.
My old ex friend john jansen was just like that but I outclassed him so bad in every way physically I just kicked him out and cut him off for acting like the fool that he was and he's also autistic so I refused to beat him to a pulp cuz that's what would've happened if it escalated to violence.
I have., met a STONE(d)
a$$hole..but they are completely harmless.
😂 “I can convince you right now, spark one up” 😂
Nobody else like his comment! It’s at 420!
What are the recreational benefits of cigarettes? I'd love to know why they're legal if that's the argument.
Drew Tomlinson big money that's all and influence that comes with that money that's it, cigarettes and alcohol should be scheduled as class 1. no question
Jmpsthrufyre * 665 years ago i wouldn’t say class 1 they aren’t heroin
Drew Tomlinson you have a bright future ahead of you
Benefits? There are none. The reason they are legal however is to control you by keeping you addicted, therefore forcing you to have to make money to feed your addiction. It's a viscious cycle. I used to work at a gas station and I had factory workers come in there all the time buying something that literally says "this product causes cancer" on the box. It just made me sad really.
I think marijuana should be legal but to compare how mentally impairing and physically impairing marijuana is to cigarettes is kinda silly. Especially when considering first time usage. Marijuana is a narcotic
Recreation benefits... Not putting people in jail for no real reason.
They can’t extort people without jail and probation
Yeah the federal government could *at least* legalize medical marijuana and decriminalize recreational.
not ruining peoples lives over a plant that has no negative effects if you're a responsible adult. his argument for "normalizing" its normalized already. 13 year olds smoke weed lmao. The fact is kids are gonna do shit REGARDLESS, of the law. Its really just up to helping parents educate their fkin kids so the next generations are more responsible and level headed overall, not just with drugs.
Yeah, this is the winning argument. There's a "drunk tank" for a legal drug, but no "pot tank." The pot tank is a penitentiary.
Adolfo Lopez the prison industrial complex is a total joke
“I don’t like it, I like scotch”
Great argument
Sitting in prison because Danny likes scotch
i've seen alcohol destroy peoples lives around me.
ive seen weed destroy my fridge.
*I've seen Spicy Bean Burritos destroy my boxer shorts !!!*
There hasn't been much scientific studies on marijuana because it's been illegal. The negatives haven't been studied. Does smoking pot while pregnant affect the baby? Etc etc.
@@seanbaugh3239 👏👏👏👏👏
@@tdestroyer4780 there is next to no negative affects with weed lmao yes they have been studied. no you shouldnt smoke in general while pregnant.
I've seen pot wreck peoples psych. People proclaiming pot to be a wonder drug, are retards at best.
I want Dan Crenshaw to explain to me the recreational benefits of scotch
Edit: if you argue in favor of scotch you're an alcoholic
Stop asking questions peasant
It’s easier for politicians to rape women on alcohol than weed
Because the bible makes wine seem harmless
Weren't you listening? It's a social lubricant!!
@Chriz Daman details please? Im just saying alcohol is ridiculously accepted especially compared to a weed smoker. Religion and law are the main factors behind this. The economic negative of it was a factor of law.
Why legalize? To take it off the black market and keep people out of jail for something significantly less harmful than alcohol.
Parents should stop smoking once they have children though. You don't see that, women rarely stop smoking when they get pregnant. We've all seen it.
T Destroyer and hats not very true actually
@@pdubzpyro I've never seen a woman quit cigarettes or weed while pregnant, and hubby/boyfriend doesn't care either. Sure, some do, but it's rare.
I think that's called decriminalization buddy. Which would be fines for getting caught. People won't smoke more than they already do and they won't have to go to jail. I hate the pot army so much, it's like a fucking cult. Potheads all have some form of obvious potheadedness. If smoking crack was as mainstream then people wouldn't feel ashamed and become as delusional as Joe. All you'd have to do is reduce the bad reputation like they did with pot over the years. But the problems don't just disappear.
T Destroyer let people do whatever they want to themselves, it’s not your business anyways.
I couldn't disagree with him more.
The double standards applied here is staggering, with no sense of irony either.
It's too late to make alcohol illegal. There's not much point to making Marijuana illegal. That would make it just as popular as alcohol, which wouldn't be good.
@@whateveryh2119 why not?
Very typical of zioclops.
@@whateveryh2119 Wow, do you practice being this stupid, ill-informed and bit dim or does it come naturally?
You just described this whole interview, lol. Crenshaw honestly seems stupid.
Got really offended when Joe said 'those people are lazy bitches' then I realized it's 2.40pm and I'm still in bed smoking a spliff watching this.
Woke up at 5 am, 5 bong loads down then walked the dogs for 2 miles, got home did 5 more loads and now I'm at work for a 12 hour shift, as I smoke my pen.
@@420snoogins damn you'll need the weed for that 12 hour shift depending on where you work at least
@@swagcandy2576, busting ass in a boiler plant, doobage is required!
Define bong load, because damn bro, it sounds like you smoke like half a zip a day, no slighting you just seems impressive that you still work after that I would be asleep
@G. Barbatos where I live its whatever I can get tbf bro.
I’m always baffled by these guys who are against legalizing weed but openly admit they’re fine with drinking
@Badge Man good argument, why don't you elaborate.
@Badge Man If you think there isn't anything wrong with drinking you may be suffering from a serious case of denial buddy. I have multiple friends that have destroyed their lives with alcohol. Don't know anyone at the end of their rope, with having to either except it and die or face your demons and get over the fucking hurdle with pot.
I think he explained it by saying the genie is out of the bottle and they can't put it back in.
Badge Man and you’re brilliant. Lol
It's the "Jock Mindset". they're limited by what other people are Ok with and never want to deviate from what is the most common way of thinking. I stay the hell away from limited dopes.
If you’re for both alcohol and weed being illegal, I can see and understand your position. But if you’re for alcohol but not weed, there’s no way to justify your belief.
He said the reason he doesn't want to criminilize alcohol is because it will never pass, and we already failed at that with the prohabiition. It would be a wasted effort. So that's in his defense; however, his argument for making weed illegal is still totally ignorant.
@@tylersmall8876 weed prohibition works so well that 40% of people have smoked it and half of the state's populations voted for it to be legal 😂😂😂
Sherlock Holmes Alcohol and suicide go hand in hand.
Im for both being legal, i just prefer alcohol
Sherlock Holmes And alcohol doesn’t? There are also these things called alcohol poisoning and mixing pills that cause people to die.
Doesn't like weed. Wears an eyepatch. Drinks scotch.....definitely an evil villain 🤔🤔😂
and pumps millions of dollars to a foreign country fighting a war they shouldnt be.
Number 2
I smoke every day after work. Clean my house, and work out. If I drank scotch every day after work, I would most certainly not do those things.
DubMeDibbs Dan is just a big pharma sell out
You must be a sativa lover
@@zl1David busted
There's plenty of people who drink every day and lead extremely productive lives, working out, working and cleaning, there's a lot of people who do cocaine everyday and are way more productive than most of us running multinational companies , not a good argument for how good it bad a substance is.
you'd also have liver spots and a picked liver... take it from someone who's wife was an alcoholic. oh and weight gain too
So ignorant. He really needs to open his eye.
Michael Scott son of a bitch 🤣🤣🤣🤣
fuck that's a really good one XD
U made my day haha
It's funny cuz he only has one i. Personally eye love a good cyclops joke!
Don’t say that... Crenshaw may get offended and make you apologize
I can't trust someone with an eye patch who doesn't smoke weed.
yobardo562 Yobardo562 I mean, yeah
I don't trust like that neither
I can't trust someone who doesn't smoke weed
@@italianstalian331 do you asky to somebody if he smokes weed wjrn you met them for the first time? How does that work?
As a Texan, Dan’s logic makes me question supporting him going forward. Alcohol is clearly more damaging than pot and his logic regarding policy is un-American. What happened to “the land of the free?” Wrapping people up in the criminal justice system for marijuana use is a disgrace. I say this as someone who has not smoked marijuana in 37 years. I respect his service but question what he thought he was serving. Policy?? Did we fight the revolutionary war to enable hiding behind “policy” in order to not loose a few fringe votes?
well said my man
Thank you! They don’t want Marijuana legalized but can’t give a logical reason why. The key word being “logical”
He's a person that got butt hurt over a comedian making jokes. This guy is a loser.
so i’m responding to this with a bong in my lap…. i understand the counterpoint to joe. he’s just concerned, in my opinion, with the lack of research and knowledge on how pot affects young people. it’s better of having strict laws to protect the kids and make it harder for adults than make it easy for everyone. i’m in my mid 20’s and i’ve been smoking for 10 years and the legality has never been a problem for getting my hands on marijuana
@@lyteyear2106 I see your point. But he's just taking the bootlicker stance imo. There's 15 states where it's legal and young adult use hasn't increased. It seems when something is legal, it almost loses its appeal to young people sort of. Part of the edginess of pot is that is was illegal. There's plenty of articles on this. Dan and people like him will never change there stance imo, but he's at least respectful of Joe's opinion. He just doesn't like it personally so he won't change his public opinion. Which happens to often. He'll even my dad in his older age, had a positive experience with pot. Something he never would've if it was still illegal in my state
The most dangerous thing about weed is getting caught with it
Last time I got caught he literally did nothing but act like he didn't see it guess it was the end of his shift or something but he acted like I was smoking a cigarette and busted me red handed with it dead to rights. Didn't even fuckin acknowledge it.
The most dangerous thing about weed is your lack of knowledge on it
And kids of the age around 15 getting permanent brain damage from smoking it wich will be really easy when it is legal. And if you are gonna say something like 'its there own choice' it's not because most kids of 15 would do almost anything that makes them think they are cool
@@Bot-xp6kl you’re delusional.
Growing up in with two alcoholics as parents, the best memories I have with them were when they would smoke pot, it always stopped the yelling.
Damm that's sad
I wish my dad smoked instead of drinking when i was a kid.
lol my father who was a drunk would occasionally smoke pot and it made him so talkative even more so when he was drunk. I just think some people shouldn’t go near pot, they can’t handle themselves🤣
My dad drinks a lot now. This wasn’t always the case but for the last 15 years. He doesn’t get angry but he becomes very annoying and repeats himself a lot.
There was a period of time when he also started smoking weed everyday and he basically stopped drinking and it was awesome. He was chill and relaxed but didn’t last long.
Lmao I dont think this is the pro weed argument we are going to use 2 push legal weed
Btw hope all is well and u learned from the dysfunction not perpetuat it
As a former Security guard, we had way less hassle of with dealing with stoned people vs drunk people. Night and day
high people want no hassle lol
I come from a long line of alcoholics. My dad was German. It’s tradition. I’m 23 and started drinking at 12. It almost killed me. I tried CBD on a whim at a buddies house just for shits. Then tried delta 8 and now I use marijuana full time. I quit drinking, am down 20 pounds and have never been happier.
Dan is looking at the issue backwards. Instead of "why should we legalise it' we should ask why it's illegal. You should start with all freedoms, and only have them revoked when there is good reason
Yeah. He asked what the benefits are to society if it gets legalized, rather than what are the benefits of keeping it illegal (and i see no benefit at all in prohibition)
Agents of the state are usually inconsistent for a number of reasons. If i propose to a woman, alone in the forest, "you want it in the ass or the mouth?" Is it really her choice?
Very well stated
I mean its been around for thousands of years - weed has gone through the forward entry that you're suggesting and it was noted to be abused and negatively affect younger users which was dans point and essentially Joe's point as well. I think they both agree that once you are mature enough to mentally handle it there really isn't an issue. Dan didn't like it and Joe does, both don't see it as much of an issue for adults. Weed just is a bit more potent to younger first-time users and doesn't have the social benefits that alcohol has which is probably why its so frowned upon recreationally.
@Crella that is a really great way to put it
He didn't even say what Joe's power level was with that scouter on.
more like the solid eye
Underated comment 😂😂
this made me laugh out loud and my wife gave me a weird look. xD
It's over 4.20!!
Dude, that's fucking Bigg Boss!
"things dont need to be solved right away" spoken like a true policy maker
YungPercocet he’s right though. Shouldn’t try to jump the gun on stuff
Well we have many states fully legalized and yet we haven’t gotten enough information on basic things for it to be legal nationally.
Some things do need to be solved right away, while other things don't.
Policy making was designed to be a slow processes. You don't want to legislate a problem then deal with the repercussions as they come.
That's weak thinking its better to solve something than wait we all know what will happen its safer than alcohol we dont have long on this earth waiting isnt a good idea
It's not a war on drugs it's a war on personal freedom let's remember that at all times thank you
And ... for a me question follows, Can people actually handle freedom ... asking "to handle" not anything else ?! Is freedom being or felling irresponsible for your actions. But law and order at the same time disagree with feelings and personalities - which everyone pretends to behave like they don`t care … in ignorance.
@@dimitarraychev5357 we have laws against violence. If you can be responsible and drink alcohol then go drink. If you hit someone the law you broke is for violence not alcohol, same should apply with every drug. If you can safely do the drug without hurting anyone then go ahead.
You tool fans are insufferable
So good to see you 🎶
@@aaronherrera9171I missed you soo much
I only started smoking when i was 28 years old and found out that everything they told me as a kid was a lie.
You should try meth now
@@Ben-rp6wr oh you mean...
Adderall XR (amphetamine)
Concerta (methylphenidate)
Dexedrine (amphetamine)
Evekeo (amphetamine)
Focalin XR (dexmethylphenidate)
Quillivant XR (methylphenidate)
Ritalin (methylphenidate)
@@basedmadoka9479 nah he means straight crystal methamphetamine
@@HBC423my comment went over your head itz okay
@@basedmadoka9479 there is nothing about that comment that could go over ones head.. oh meth is a schedule 2 drug and they prescribe it to people.. oh that's some depth of knowledge that flew right over my head. You fucking moron
I would 100% rather be a pothead/stoner than an alcoholic. Like Joe mentioned, alcohol being legal and marijuana being federally illegal was mainly an economic decision
black people are working and so am i
fuck u
@@lostpockets2227 wtf?
@@lostpockets2227 .......uh what?
i've tried both, stoner was more fun and less debilitating; but neither is ideal
@@gkys111 Being completely straight edge makes people pretty aggressive. So id argue smoking weed or drinking occasionally is better than being sober 100% of the time
I’d rather be around a bunch of high people than a bunch of drunk people 🍁
They do the same thing from what I've seen.
Depends on the people. Some drunk people are the life of the party and fun af. While many stoners are fryed while stoned and boring af
@@norankinsignia5195This is exactly he sort of response I'd expect to see from someone who doesn't smoke pot - I've never seen a mass brawl erupt into violence amongst a group of people who are baked out their tree
Peter Ortiz not if you’re drunk
Being around stoned people with no food for miles is extremely dangerous. It turns people into mindless cannibals.
Joe: what is your favorite color?
Crenshaw: I say leave it up to the states.
wiremessiah it’s not mentioned in the constitution so it makes sense.
The Conservative Liberal that’s a very conservative liberal thing to say. As a libertarian I like it...
Leaving it up to the states is actually a good strategy. You get a more concensus based law.
Krabz says who? Well they can say that’s true.
@@pdubzpyro because you have a smaller group of people reaching a concensus on a law that applies to just them.
I've never smoked weed, then subsequently gone on to get in a fight, get my ass kicked, lose my car (not lose as in "impounded", rather, lose as in "Dude, where's my car?"), wind up in bed with a fat chick, then show up 2 hours late for work.
That may have happened on Jack Daniels.
Just saying.
Look on the bright side. You ended up banging a fat chick.
Norman D and they always try harder
@@normand5847 they got some good pussy tho'.
@@thecenterleftlibertarian53 if only i found them attractive
No that's what abusing alcohol got you
"I want to understand what the point is, what the benefits are"
Also Crenshaw "I enjoy scotch".
He did also follow that up with, alcohol is out of the bag already.
This guy is netarded. Wants to keep the wars going, and illegalize weed. What a moron!
@@leeham6230 , It would be better if he was a moron. I wouldn't trust this guy as far as I could throw him. Red flag laws are especially troubling for a Texas Republican. I think he's a tool.
Bradley Nolan you can say that about any issue it a weak argument on why weed she should be illegal and he basically said he would be ok banning alcohol
"Ive had several experiences." People only say that when they've had none
And when they're scared to try again😂
The guy's an elected official in a country that still isn't comfortable with their politicians having smoked weed, so he can't elaborate.
"I can't hear you" what a pussy lmao
People only say "people only say that when" when they themselves live life in generalizations.
Wait...ah damnit.
Not rly. I've had several experiences with alchohol, got very drunk, slightly drunk, or didnt even drink enough to get drunk, and didnt enjoy any of them. I love weed but it's not for everybody, just like alchohol isnt.
In order to be legal we need to prove its "recreational benefits"... What a nonsensical premise.
In the words of a brave shirtless Celtic man with a sword “FREEDOM!”
Not really. It sounds nonsensical because the norm is nonsensical. To the mad man everyone else is insane. We do not have due diligence on ANYTHING, it is why as a society we have sleep walked into so many problems. Just because we have never had due diligence does not mean it is nonsensical to begin now.
Obviously there is the issue of freedom and appealing to the lowest common denominator etc., but we must also be weary of legitimising things that may not be in our best interest. The more you socially invest into something, the harder it will be to rebuke it. So when you make the argument about cigarettes and alcohol well you get the picture. I think comparing the use of marijuana for thousands of years to the tobacco industry is a false parallel. It is not just a policy issue, we have normalised alcohol and tobacco culturally, yes alcohol has its benefits, yes weed will have its benefits...but do we truly understand the benefits of weed in recreational terms.
I think the constitution is one of America's biggest problems, people do not want to think about what makes sense, their instant reaction is blind freedom. Blind freedom = anarchy. Anarchy does not need a constitution stupid.
Don't appeal to the lowest common denominator, but governments and functional members of society should not legitimise ANYTHING that is counterproductive. Even if it is legal, we need to shape the discourse..the same way a glass of red wine may be good for you, but binge drinking clearly isn't, these are things we need to understand. We cannot have a free for all.
@@Bprovo bro people have been smoking weed recreationally for thousands of years. we know what we are dealing with. this isnt some crazy new drug
@@sginrummy88 we have been living on the planet for millions of years doesn’t mean we understand it....
Exactly, made 0 sense
why is this still a conversation?
Lobbyists probably. Us peasants can't even get $1k UBI so it's not us.
Lilliam Pumpernickle bc people dont know the risk u get from it like aids
Hes playing for his voting base
@@mgway4661 The DNCFraudLawsuit proved that the RNC & DNC are not legally obligated to accurately count our votes... so he doesn't care about his peasant voters who aren't paying the fiat currency price for the speech they want.
Listen to it
You know, Joe was born for this moment
Good comment, man.
Junkies like their drugs
@@yusufcagowayne1990 yeah... fucking alcoholics.
Crenshaw already made up his mind. This conversation was never going anywhere.
yea this is half of the country sadly
Like My Father says Arguing with a Republican is Like Arguing with a Brick wall
@@bailongwhitedragon437 So true. Such narrow minded people
Well it's hard to convince someone of a certain type of thinking when they really could care less about the subject. Dealing with weed is extremely low on his priority list.
@@bailongwhitedragon437 if you think this applies to just republicans, you've been sitting in an echo chamber too long.
Don’t like marijuana? Don’t smoke it. Problem solved.
Yea it's not the weed smokers strung out on the street causing crime lol
This should be applied to anything that doesn't effect other people
Joseph Kobatake well that’s not everyone
@Joseph Kobatake fire them
Joe you are a drugadict you are sick drugs are for weak people that can't handle his own mind and when marihuana is not enough then is coke and then heroin this drug thing is only for money is like food, we are addict to food and water and we have to buy food is a necesity you are adding necesities to your body that will harm your brain and make you a slave and dumer
Joe Rogan - "I'll convince you right now. Spark one up"
Or just maybe.....it should be legal because tax paying, hard working americans WANT IT.....period
Land of the free, or so the song says
There is a difference between freedom and anarchy. Why have the United States of America if you want anarchy? A country does not exist just so you have colourful flags for your bumper stickers. If you do not like the idea of order, then there is no point having countries.
Although I agree with marijuana being legalized (being illegal didn't stop us in CA). Smoking before bed and watching South Park reruns on CC is a habit of mine. Keeps me calm (well, at least till I gotta find something else to watch because I can't stand Trevor Noah.) To say that everyone wants it so therefore it should be legalized sounds a little farfetched. If thats the argument should we legalize opiods for rec use? What about cocaine? I know a lot of people who smoke. Unfortunately I know a lot more addicted to the other drugs I mentioned.
@@travisfrench147 Actually heard about this in college. For what I remember (stoned college days) some country has legalized almost everything. People can get whatever they want..including help and rehab. I believe my professor said that this country has a very low crime rate. Now that you said you think everything should be legalized I agree with you.
@@jaredvan685 Portugal is the country you are probably referring to.
@@Bprovo Weed is going to cause anarchy?
Shut the fuck up.
People are buying now as i type from drug dealers.
I was 13 when that “one dealer” got me hooked on opioids. He had a college degree and a notepad that made it legal for him to get me hooked . It’s not just “streets” problem
Doctors are glorified drug pushers
He Didnt get u hooked. You got urself hooked stupid. The jagoff kid who made it available still belongs in pieces but u are in control of you. He didnt hook you you poor soul. He used drugs n got hooked. Who hasnt. U got better. Why go thru that an bs oneself
Don't listen to this guy ^. Dude can barely form a coherent sentence.
@@ev5837 listen jihad Jones sysy nyc is different
@@mcozy333 ya maybe In the late 80s early 90s but if you honestly think Doctors are the problem I got some bad news for you
Marijuana bad. Scotch good. This thing became a comedy after the first 20 seconds & I'm an alcoholic.
Literally all republicans point at marijuana amd scream bad while they hold a glass of scotch with the other hand.
elspookso this pirate guy is a fucking idiot. And I don’t even think he’s ever actually smoked weed before. Notice when joe asks him specifics about the time he smoked he sounds like he’s lying abt it all lmao 🤣
@@kushpakk2210 he's straight bitching up. Somebodys gonna split his wig over something like that
@@ramsy4205 i see you watch certain prison channels and trying to act like them. thats kind of sad.
You ok, man?
“what are the benefits of pot recreationally?” well dan what are the benefits of scotch recreationally? bad argument
zoe His argument was that scotch wouldn’t be possible to ban, as Prohibition showed.
@@basketcase6999 as drugs existing show, prohibition doesn't work on anything
@@basketcase6999 nothing is possible to ban
@@basketcase6999 and we can clearly see weed isn't possible to ban either. Unlike alcohol it's not addictive and legalizing it doesn't even increase use. Only thing the "war on drugs" does is ruin millions of lives putting people in prison who aren't real criminals and costs billions of taxpayer dollars all for no reason.
Delos What I meant was that people (as in a majority of the population) won’t vote for a ban on alcohol. People have and will vote against legalising recreational marijuana in some areas. Also, I highly doubt that legalisation would not increase use - if it’s legal, more people will be willing to “try” it at least, and I would imagine people would be more likely to use it in public and whatever.
This dude talks like he’s never touched weed, then he skirts the question on how much he smoked
He’s a politician, he’s getting into dangerous territory discussing it
He said he "didn't like it" in the beginning of the video, which to me implies that he's done it and didn't like the effects, which does happen sometimes.
@The Perfect Gift Why do you have to assume that my criticism is an insult?
@The Perfect Gift How was that an insult?
And that makes his personal experience not matter if he doesn't say how much, it would show how much of a noob he is on personal experience
I don’t really think there needs to be any “benefits” shown or whatever aside from the fact that alcohol is legal and can kill you, even though marijuana can be 100% safely consumed
What is the medicinal value of alcohol? Why is alcohol ok for recreational use but marijuana isn't? Seems pretty consistent that non users don't see the value...hmmmm....
People have been asking that for years
Well, obviously alcohol is an amazing disinfectant in the medical world. But as far as recreational alcohol made for consumption the only actual reason that it is legal while things like marijuana is not simply and not so simply has to do with a lot of politics, a lot of money, controlling multiple industries, corruption, crime, police, prison, etc etc etc.
Alcohol is an amazing disinfectant
@@noahdavid954 that's why I don't use marijuana, for me it's a light switch I'm either really high or sober.
With alcohol I can regulate how high I am and how long.
“I’m not a freakout kinda person” -A guy that has definitely freaked out on pot
dude was a SEAL i dont think they can freakout.....
chris rivera lmao... right. Because SEALS are immune to Psychoactive substances??
@@evan1499 that was a joke dude.. i swear smokers are the most sensitive pussies on earth.
chris rivera same here lol! No hard feelings my man
@@chrisrivera3961 in my experience, the tough guys always freak out on weed or psychedelics because they try to fight it. Not saying this guy freaked out, but people with big ego's tend to have bad experiences with those substances because they can't accept what's happening and they try to maintain control. However, this guy seems really humble during this video so I don't think he's that type
The mindset of a politician is “I am your caretaker, I decide what’s best for you”.
That’s kind of their job dumbass lmao
@@James_Edward59 no they're job is to represent the people dumbass.
@@James_Edward59 Politician shouldn't be a "job" at all. It's a duty for the common citizen, to be filled with one or two terms and be done with. But thanks to a lack of term limits, you can be a career politician and make your money by agreeing with corporations. The fact that we've gotten to the state where this is acceptable shows how far this nation has fallen already.
@@headhunterx1291 u got my vote headhunter 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
James Edward Absolutely not. Their job is to serve the people not babysit them.
So far good discussion.
One thing I wanted to add.
I served 1.5 years in state prison and 1.5 years on felony parole/ probation for les than three ounces of weed.
So now I'm a felon because of weed and have been one since 2016. Yes I broke the laws in my own community but just seems like prison for weed is a bit over kill.
And I know I'm not the only one that has had the same type of thing happen.
Also I still smoke weed I have a full time job I'm a concrete finisher. So I like to enjoy weed to relax at the end of the day and get rid of some of the aches and pains
Now that it is legal it seems really crazy to keep people in prison and to keep those criminal records.
i needed weed for neurological pain and it was a life saver. Friend my brain a bit but better than dead
I'm 41. Marijuana has been normalised for teenagers since before I was a teenager. Not a valid argument
S4V4gE SOUTH just because something is normal doesn’t mean it’s morally good. And since when did teens become our standard for how our drug laws are formed?
@@samhapke6862 never said it they were the standard. I live in Alabama. Just as easy to get weed here as it is in Colorado. Teens have always smoked weed. Always will. That's my point and makes his point invalid
Did you have a stoner group at your high school?
@@stevenobrien557 No. I went to a diverse high school. Mostly black mixed with white and Vietnamese. Smoked with everyone. Was never a certain group
@@stevenobrien557 3 exchange students from Australia as well. All 3 smoked. Cone shaped joints mixed with tobacco. Was terrible
"Pot has more of an impact on productivity than alcohol"
Hangovers cause lots of people to call into work. DWIs will definitely hamper your ability to get to work the next day when your ass in jail. Alcoholism is terrible on production.
Dying isnt good for productivity either
@@davidfhth6842 yeah theres literally too much to go into. Im in AA its a great program but alcohol definitely took me out of work way more than pot ever could, weed doesn't really have any effect on whether or not im going to work.
@@johntaranto29 it also helps people get over Real drugs like meth and heroin it's a much safer option than things like methadone or cold Turkey. This guy is a fuxking shill. I respect his service but I dont respect his ineptitude in the debate
@@davidfhth6842 i like some of the right leaning points, the way he articulates them but the problem is theres left wing poison and right wing poison, while theres good left leaning points and right leaning stuff but some people you can kind of point out as authoritarians and it drives me mad
Totally agree, I've definitely lost more days due to hangovers. That's exactly why coffee and cigarettes are so acceptable (and coke tacitly) because they lend themselves to productivity, drugs that lend themselves to wellbeing not so much, if you're at peace you really don't care as much about productivity 🤷🏽♂️
"I don't like marijuana I like scotch."
Ok bud.
Wiliam Forsythe really thought you did something huh?
Wiliam Forsythe correct
Wiliam Forsythe Scotch is way worse for you than marijuana is.
Wiliam Forsythe stfu william
@Wiliam Forsythe i do. So your comment is invalid. Normal sane human beings give a fuck.
I feel like he’s lying when he says he’s done it. And I like how he did not say anything about the criminalization of it.
Hes def lying😅
My favorite argument, “I don’t like it, so it should be illegal”
Chanman21titans same thing with the gun thing I don’t use it....so it should be illegal
Chanman21titans he never said that though. He said it should be legalized federally and give the decision of legalization to the states so the people who live there can vote on it.
@@Jacob-ni9ws ofc weed has a effect on lives buz most pot heads dont notice it ... all friends of mine that had ambitions now dont give a fuvk aboutbschool and only do the bare minimum and guess when all of it started .... when they started smoking weed . I dont think weed per say is bad but i thibk it should be illegal but people under 25 should be persecuted since it damages the brain ireversible .
@@stevenhickman8127 legalized medically federally not recreationally isbwhat he said
Chanman21titans That wasn’t his argument.....
“It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.” Upton Sinclair
This hurt to listen to. I don't even smoke weed, and Dan feels really out of touch.
i mean Joe is right it is the propaganda that he is spewing, boomer
He's right about the effects on the brain. He's also right about the normalization of it.
CL Anthony Yeah, positive effects on the brain. And normalization? That’s fine. Marijuana isn’t a drug. It’s a natural substance containing not a single harmful chemical. So unless it’s cultivated in non-organic circumstances, being sprayed with pesticides etc, than it can’t do any harm.
@@theprophet_-__cxvii__-_8693 it inhibits brain development for up to one month. This means if you take it more than once a month your brain developing stops entirely.
Additionally, if you smoke it there are more carcinogens than cigarettes.
You sound like one of those dopey Californians who thinks anything organic is good for you and harmless. There are plants that exist which can paralyze you, shut all your organs down and kill you.
@@theprophet_-__cxvii__-_8693 If alcohol is legal then marijuana should be too. However, that's not because it's natural, many natural plants will kill you very fast.
his arguments all boil down to 'i'm scared of change'
literally though haha I was thinking the same
Couldn't agree more.
Also sounds like he’s sensible. Maybe he is afraid that change could be societally harmful.
@@BigBass-xf5yi afraid of change that is supported by literally every nonbiased study that has ever been done on the topic, grow up
Well he is a conservative. Most don't want radical change. Even if it means being oblivious to the societal benefits...
It still just baffles me how these people just ignore the amount of damage alcohol does. We all love booze, but be real. I've seen firsthand that shit destroy more lives than meth and I'm from South Louisiana!
Phil Leotardo he literally didn’t. Watch the video again
@@MM-jh6tf He said it's not harmless then he quickly swept it under the rug.
Phil Leotardo he said medical marijuana has benefits, why is everyone here ignoring this.
Kylle Epstein exactly. Hence my fucking point :)
@@MM-jh6tf I'm ignoring it because that's not point. Medical marijuana isn't my issue. My issue is that these people just downplay how bad alcohol can be. Control the substance don't let the substance control you is all there is to be said.
Well, I’ll give him this. He’s definitely a politician.
He's definitely an idiot.
What was that? I couldn't hear you? You're in front of me and I dont want to answer your question so I'm just going to say i cant hear you. 😊
ThumbWiggler that part was a joke smfh
@@1BrknHrtdRomeohe's smarter than the typical liberal Democrat
It is legal to drink battery acid, but no one is doing it. Don't tell the kids!
Huh. What a brain dead argument.
@McNugget Fan Suicide requires proof of intent, otherwise it's just an accident.
@McNugget Fan no it's not mcnugget where are you getting your information?
@McNugget Fan not in the US
McNugget Fan inside how attempted suicide is illegal. like how tf the government has power over if we live or not? wtf
"I don't like the government telling me what to do"
"government said we can't have plants sorry kids"
I would much rather be "too" stoned, than blackout drunk 🤷♂️
Too stoned is relative. I've greened worse than any hangover I've ever had but I still enjoy both
@@ΞΞΞΞΞΞΞ-σ1γ wtf do you mean you "greened over"? Bruh youre telling me you smoked so much it was worse than a hangover? Yeah bruh take your shit and go out the door
@@froglifes6829 I Still prefer weed over alcohol, but you've obviously never greened out. I've been high for literal days after ingesting way too much phoenix tears, not a fun high either just extremely sluggishly stoned. Had to sit on a couch and just wait and sleep it out. Couldn't look at my phone or a tv or do anything really. Although I may still take that over one really bad whiskey hangover I've had.
@@NezNar Yeah bro ive never had any pheonix tears (didnt know that shit existed) but ive smoked and ate brownies. Ive never felt high the day after even after quite a few brownies. I guess what you mean by "greened out" is just that you got too stoned. The shit you described used to happen to me when i started smoking but then i built up tolerence. And yeah being too stoned> being hangover (atleast i didn't throw up when i was too stoned, just went to sleep fast as fuck)
James Stillings or you could be neither and learn how to have just have enough to make you feel good 😂
He never tried pot, he said it exactly like my mum did and I know she was lying
Is your mom also a sitting member of Congress who actually cares about his reputation?
So you’re saying he’s scared to tell the truth cause he’s part of Congress? Strange 🤓
Is this the fabled creativity you stoners claim weed endows you with?
You Don't Know Me if u saw his fat cow of a mom u wouldn’t be saying that lol
I think if alcohol and tobacco are legal, then how is weed worse?
Bobby Hakel Debate-level counter right there
@@bobbyhakel4074 lmao
let's go ahead and update our questions to one's which are relevant in this century.
That's the problem. Cigarettes shouldn't be legal. They are so fucking harmful, and so is alchohol. Altering your mind is for nimble ninny nancies
@@bobbyhakel4074 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆
Dude says alcohol makes you get along with people better HAHA this dude has never hung out with 4 people, smoked a joint, and laughed until you start crying. There is never hate, only love and laughter. Then at the end of the night you can drive home. Fantastic
Impaired pre-frontal cortex would make it pretty hard to drive critically
You sound ill-experienced my friend
First time I had a cookie and beers then drove my motorcycle and crashed, luckily I was so high I was only doing like 10mph 🤣😂🤣😂
Don’t drive after smoking or drinking anymore lol
@@mattprescott9293 Don't do it WHILE high, obviously...And dibles are deffo not something you want to do if you have to drive home; the effects can be felt strongly for hours, whereas if you smoke, you get high fast, then come down faster than edibles.
That without the driving 😉
Elon musk hits joint on show, politician wont even talk about past experiences. One changes the world, one has to Worry about political parties
Derrick Pearcy are you like unaware of what happened to Tesla after he hit the joint
@@imspoon7188 Babies jumped shipped and the stock is higher than ever now lol
Brandon Palomo I know but Dan Crenshaw doesn’t have half the support Elon has or Tesla has. How is he gonna keep his job as a conservative if he comes out supporting weed.
@@imspoon7188 I understand you're point however.... politicans, both Democrat and Republican, are the absolute last group of people on this earth who's jobs I care about. People who would suppress their morals and truths for political support are the last people who should be in positions of power
Brandon Palomo it’s fine that you don’t care about his job. But he more than likely does
respect to joe for picking up the hint and changing the subject when his guest didnt want to answer
diddle9616 yeah i noticed that too that was good on him
Ethan Klein would've doubled down.
He should’ve just called him out on his bullshit
He's done this more and more lately. First time I saw it was with Paul Stamets and portobello mushrooms.
Bruh he didn't pick up on it quickly. It was obvious that he didn't wanna talk about his own experience from the first interaction. Dude literally had to make it extremely obvious that he didn't want to talk about it by saying there was a problem with his headphones 😅
Here’s a pro for society: people will stop going to prison for marijuana possession. That’s all that needed to be said.
Yeah, because there's so many people doing years in prison for having a dime bag.
Potheads and Democrats love to push that bullshit narrative.
Nobody is going to prison for getting a bag of marijuana. Now, if you are carrying large somes like my friend did and got busted, you'll sit a day or two in county and usually they'll just put your ass on probation and rehab. No judge worth his salt is sending a user to prison. Now if you are selling, and my cousin got busted, you can face much larger charges but he got lucky. I don't know what specifically happened since he lives in NY but he got a slap on the wrist. Anyone who is in prison for marijuana is probably a seller and probably selling for a gang.
Argy most people that go to prison for selling pot usually have other felonies tied to it, like illegal hand guns.
Dumbest logic... Here is a pro to legalizing rape... no more people in prison for it... YAY!
Jeremiah Kivi Where, in the Philippines
It's a sin to lock people up over a plant.
This dude is really tryna argue for alcohol over Marijuana lol 😂
This man is a MORON.
@@theexiledrealmofaffirmation Why? I disagree with Dan on this too, but hear the guy out. He even says he's open to his mind being changed so its not like hes unreasonable. Though it is pretty dumb to be for alcohol and against weed lul
He is not arguing alcohol over marijuana. He saying, we missed on alcohol, when we legalized it and you cannot put the cat back in the bag. If we legalize marijuana, we need to do it right and not like we did with alcohol. You should realize, when changing policy, it's a three to five year process for the federal government. Once you fund that change, if you are wrong, it's three to five years before you can fix it and millions lost.
I love people that didnt watch the video and fulfilling a stereotype that you're all a bunch of idiots.
@@tupa12 I think you're a moron
"It feels like a bag of sand" comes to mind when he's talking about his personal experience.
Bro I have touched boobs before Im not lying
Ya he says hes tryed it b4 but has he really experienced it
have man tites touched
But he's 35 years old! Doesn't that mean he has experienced everything?
I do weed ALL THE TIME bro she just goes to a different school that's why you don't know her.
alcohol has been destroying communities since antiquity. egyptians, babylonians, assyrians all had prohibition laws at some point. and then america's prohibition gave rise to the mafia. case in point, humans have been wanting to get fucked up since time immemorial and it just so happens that tobacco and alcohol are legal
vietimports weed is illegal because alcohol and tobacco companies are bribing politicians to keep it that way
@@Jackass_Gamer not just that. The hippies, Mexicans and blacks used it so that played a huge factor in it's criminalization and demonization.
Other than the medical use alcohol, it does nothing but harm. The majority of homeless almost all have severe alcoholism. Alcohol is legal because it creates chaos, chaos causes incarcerations, and incarcerations are profit. Same with a lot of pharmaceuticals. We wonder why our society is fucking batshit now.
@sabir alam yes but in the 1920's they were called hippies and seen as undesirables to society, oh and "liberal". It's kind of sad really that people don't know the history behind cannabis prohibition.
@sabir alam. He's talking more about back when the prohibition on Marijuana really kicked off around 1920-30's when it was literally thought of, by some adults at least, as a gateway to poverty seeing as how black people and Hispanic people happened to be using it more back then
Give five people alcohol and a fight will break out, give five people marijuana and they'll start a band.
Joe Rogan: So hey Dan have you ever tried dmt?
Dan Crenshaw: I don't know what is up with these damn headphones!
"I want to know what the benefit of marijuana is" lol whats the point of scotch?
It's already in. Can't make scotch illegal bruh.
@@karljonson3287 || Just cause "it's already in", does not mean that they could not try to make illegal again.
You know, how they're trying to do with abortion.
@@MulhollandDr sarcasm
@@karljonson3287 || None intended.
You missed his point just as he missed Joe's.
Canabis is waaaaaay better than alcohol ever could be.
eh. I don't think it's for everyone though. I've done it on a few occasions and it pales in comparison to alcohol for me. Alcohol isn't for everyone either. I feel everyone has their thing.
@@theonetheonlymemelord5738 100% I enjoy both but I feel I have a better time when I drink. All depends on you are.
@@codytolley7239 I agree but sometimes I dont like to pay for fun the day after
@@billbosagginz740 for sure that is a huge negative about drinking. Marijuana you wake up feeling refreshed
Joe you’re completely right. You know what you’re talking about and understand real statistics and facts. Keep up the good work.
What statistics? Strawmen?
Yeah this one eyed douche is a tool for politicians.
Less than a minute in
"...I just don't like it, I like scotch..."
Aight imma head out
If you're against all substances like alcohol, drugs, and tobacco then yeah I can understand that. But if you're against legalizing drugs yet drink alcohol and have no problem with stores selling cancer-causing tobacco then you have no room to talk.
Alcohol and tobacco are already legal. Although they are harmful substances they can’t be banned as they are both still widely entangled with our culture. If it was a case of introducing them today, I’d be against it - same with Marijuana.
Marijuana smoke is carcinogenic BTW
@@dezire6746 you know that there was a time not too long ago when weed was perfectly legal until someone powerful said "nah i dont like weed" and decided to work towards prohibition. So the "its legal and in the culture we cant make it illegal NOW" really didnt matter jack shit to them.
@@MBOgonnaPWNu it stunts growth of the frontal lobe. Decision making. I love smoking but it shouldn't be for children and young adults.
His positions are based on what his donors tell him.
I like Dan Crenshaw and I'm a Republican but they need to get with the program on marijuana. It's such an idiotic thing to still be illegal federally.
I give it 5 years before they change. Too many old people that were hardline against it are passing away. Many under 55 want it legal federally. Government really needs to end it
Well you're a idiot so it really doesn't matter what you think. Admitting you're a Republican proves it.
I agree. I’m also a republican and I endorse pot it’s good for adults
@@JohnSmith-yd5wq Nice job bud, with a single comment you revealed a childish, ignorant mentality. Which is one of the biggest issues with this new rise of Liberals. They are children with no life experience who have no idea what they are talking about. If you really were knowledgeable and experienced, your comment would have been something more than a childish insult. Grow up buddy.
Hard agreed
Joe is lowkey the dad we all deserved
It's always some mf who has "smoked" as in took a turn of a blunt in college once and got lightheaded now he thinks he can influence law regarding weed lol
He doesn't think he can influence it, he knows he can influence it :).
Abraham lol wat? Stfu
more likely this dude gets paid by big pharma and alcohol lobbies before he comes to his 'informed' decisions ;)
@Abraham he right tho stfu
Oh my god YEAH, even people who are just against it
I’ll convince you right now, spark one up.
This is one of Joe Rogan’s best moments of all time.
Sometimes he says stupid shit, but that was the best response possible.
Benjamin Crout you have really low standards for best moments off all time my dude
I think rogan could have been far more aggressive i would have been far more aggressive with this prick
Lets not recreate the events of metal gear solid people
“I’m not dying on this hill” proceeds to die on this hill😂😂
but hes not dead lol
@@ElonMars I don’t think you Know what it means lol...
@@lewizzrocks teach instead of look down on.
The recreational benefit of marijuana is...
and millions and billions in tax dollars and less prisoners
i salute you, sir
He wants to keep comparing alcohol to marijuana what’s the recreational benefits to rec alcohol...
@@juliansaiz5714 but also shrugs off the entire debate of alcohol because it’s “out of the bag”.. seems like he’s just found a vague talking point that sounds smart..
Yes and alcohol has no medical benefit
This dude reminds me of the sergeant from the beginning of Pineapple Express that says it's illegal
An asshole!
just watched this movie last night , high as hell
James Remar!
Wow, a disagreement about a political issue in today’s times that doesn’t involve name calling and arguing. Bravo guys 👏
This was 2019. 2020 is a different climate.
Should check out his argument with Steven crowder about it
@@DerpliciousDerek lol to be fair alcohol is legal and people drink and drive and kill people all the time. Anyone who doesn’t think weed should be legal is most likely doing it for political reasons.
@@jacobreid7077 ok
To be completely honest joe didn’t let dan talk much. He interrupted him a lot
The sad thing about all these debates is they ALWAYS ignore why a child even begins to seek substances to escape their reality. Nobody wants to address how this world is turning every generation of children into frustrated, miserable, worrisome, argumentative adults.
"I'm personally not opposed, but legislatively I feel different." Is just another way to say that he's willing to make laws that are counter to what he actually believes. Whether or not something should get someone locked up for years shouldn't depend on if YOU personally enjoy smoking it. Ridiculous.
b thustra that’s not what he said. He said so many times that he wants to leave it to the states. God the idiots that come out of the wood works when Joe talks about weed..
@@nathanielanger3941 "On a personal level, I'm not opposed to what you're saying; from a policy level though, I just look at things differently..." and then joe cut him off. If it's up to the states, then it shouldn't be something illegal at the federal level, so he should be in favor of federal legalization. And the "leave it to the states" argument doesn't change the fact that you nor anyone else should have a say in what I put in my own body. He's a representative elected to change national legislation. He should put his money where his mouth is if it's "up to the states".
b thustra did he say that he wants the Feds to enforce drug laws within individual states?
@@nathanielanger3941 Well I would assume that he would want the federal laws enforced. There should be no word of marijuana anywhere in federal law, if you really want it left up to the states, but it isn't the case. It should be legal until states decide that it shouldn't be, but that isn't the case either. The default "American" position is that we will send you to prison for smoking weed, but we have some rando "cool parent" states making exceptions. That isn't letting states decide. It's doing something as stupid as a Prohibition2.0 on the part of the feds, then making the states be forced to make workarounds for it. Imagine if it were STILL federally illegal to drink alcohol, and we had to leave it up to the states to see who could drink?
Person who doesn’t smoke weed tries to explain why it’s bad to a person who has decades of experience with weed. Hmmmmm🤔
How does smoking weed or not smoking weed, qualify anyone as an expert? Just because you can use a pencil, doesn't mean you know how to draw.
War Monger maybe because you know how it really affects you?
@@warmonger9100 personal experience lends more credibility than a hunch that you can hardly articulate.
@@zacknichols8013 personnel experience is only good, if the individual is internally honest and can think rhetorical about the experience. That is commonly called wisdom. Wisdom, is extremely uncommon these days. You don't have to experience something, inorder to be an expert. An individual doesn't have to use heroin, before he can speak against the use of it. Just like a skinny person, doesn't necessarily know about nutrition.
@@rafowens5560 does he? Does the person know or does he only know, what he thinks is true about his limited experiences. How does one's experience, correlate to the experience of millions of people? Seems to be limiting.
Lol this guy defends his alcohol like a true addict.
@@itsdebeast5308 😂
How the fxck did you manage to misspell alcohol? Lemme guess, you did it on purpose for the lulz, right?
cuz if you say that, I won't believe it anyway.
@@mishmashmedley cause im from belgium and have a hard time spelling english,But i still give it a shot.
@@mishmashmedley you u fuckin nitwit English isn't his first language ... U realize there's other shit outside of good ol' Merica right ? Countries that are 100x better than the US of Gay
Legalization is also about decriminalizing those serving unnecessary sentences due to being caught with the substance. Also, it gives people with mental disabilities an ease of access to a treatment that would not be as expensive nor as addictive as pharmaceutical medicine.
I overdosed on weed and the worst part was waking up to the extra loud Matrix DVD menu. I had a taco, hit play and fell back asleep..
You're a true survivor, bro.
I hope you’re recovering ok
was the taco ok when you woke up?
I'm really worried about that taco.
Damn son how many marijuanas did u inject?
I have never seen a fist fight happen with a group of people smoking weed, but drunken brawls and drunk idiots trying to fight anyone just a little more often.
Because pot smokers are either in the corner with their friends giggling like little girls over something not funny at all . In front of the refrigerator eating all their parents food , or playing video games in a room at their mom's house . But in the sake of your point , They should put people in jail for using anything that can alter the mind . We have way to many idiots in this world , if we can all stay sober maybe in a few generations human kind will evolve.
Agree 100% !!!
&&&& I have never heard of a death via driving just smoken pot !! hard to kill someone driving 13mph !! LMAO
joaquin murieta put yourself in jail. Society doesn’t want you dummy
I have actually seen stoners fight. It's pretty funny
Logic check:
"We have been smoking marijuana for thousands of years."
Medical suggestion 2019 :
People should not smoke until the age of 26 (after brain is fully developed), but prescribe kids age 12-17 with Ritalin, Methylin, Metadate or Concerta once over age 18 prescribe xanax and any other benzodiazepine or pill available that "works".
GottaMinute Can JRE Atleast rag this shit?
Well said fam
check mate.
As someone who lives in Canada where it’s fully legal everywhere. It is so much better now. No more propaganda. No more shaming. It’s just like having a drink now
If we’re being honest he’s only against it because old conservatives wouldn’t vote for him if he was for it
Speak on it!!!
Fact-based statement!!!
Nah Trump is more for it than Hillary was. This issue matters lil on the grand scale.
Trump isnt for jack shit but himself besides being the NRAs boytoy
@@larrytate1657 uhm, Hillary lost why are you bringing her up?
he's either for it or against it. So far he's against it.
May I remind you of Jeff Sessions who was nominated by trump and was extremely against even medical marijuana.
Take accountability for your shitty president.
Conservative here.
It's not even a conservative position, at all.
Been thinking about it a couple days.
"alcohol is out of the bag"... Ok? So you'd put alcohol back in the bag if we could?
That's not a conservative position at all.
Crenshaw's not wrong with any of his points. They're legit points.
But legal is more useful and less dangerous (not risk free, that's different, there's still risk), than illegal.
Also... Fuck edibles!!!