You can search for it in the marketplace, simply by entering the name and type of your camera in the search box and adding the word "flexible LCD". if your camera is the same as the camera in the video, make sure what you order is what I ordered in this video.
Bang kamera olympus saya omd10 mark iii. Lcd nya gambarnya rusak seperti klise film warna. Apa ya kira kira penyebabnya ? Apa flexy lcd ? View finder bagus
tepat sekali kak, itu penyebabnya karena flexibel lcd yang ada sobekan, biasanya masih sedikit, sehingga gambar di lcd masih terlihat namun dengan warna yang tidak normal,
@@IvanAgram Sorry, this is the one: Make sure you 'unlock' the sockets for the ribbons (flip the black plastic bar on the socket), not just pull them out. I failed to do this, damaged a socket and ruined the repair.
The hardest part for me was putting everything back together correctly. I couldn't have done it without your precious video. Thanks!
You'r welcome
Would help if the video was centered on the part of the camera where you are working instead of mostly on your hand. Hard to see what you're doing.
Min punya saya kalo dinyaliin lcdnya ga nyala, harus ditekukin dikit baru bisa nyala.
Penyebabnya apa yah?
sama kak, itu ciri² fleksibel yg ada masalah
Bagaimana sekarang kak, saya sama seperti ini
Sepertinya sama cara buka dan ganti flexible Olympus OMD EM-1 mark 1 yah?
iya sama kak
Olympus md10 max11 saya klw pake ekternal blitz g nyala tks
bang ini pakai baterai internal apa capasitor ya untuk simpan seting tangal dan jam nya?
Pakai Cmos kak
Kalau electric viewer nya g bisa kira² knp bg
Kemungkinan kerusakan pada evfnya kak
Name of flex LCD ribbon please. How to order
You can search for it in the marketplace, simply by entering the name and type of your camera in the search box and adding the word "flexible LCD". if your camera is the same as the camera in the video, make sure what you order is what I ordered in this video.
Bang kamera olympus saya omd10 mark iii. Lcd nya gambarnya rusak seperti klise film warna. Apa ya kira kira penyebabnya ? Apa flexy lcd ? View finder bagus
tepat sekali kak, itu penyebabnya karena flexibel lcd yang ada sobekan, biasanya masih sedikit, sehingga gambar di lcd masih terlihat namun dengan warna yang tidak normal,
@@simplerepair terima atas advisnya bang 🙏
Sama-sama kak, semoga membantu
Flex buat em10 mark 3 sama bang?
Mark 1, 2 dan 3 semua sama bang
bang olympus em10 sy sm persis kyk abang, bisa service disini ga ya ? 🙏🏻
Bisa kak,
minta contactnya dong bang
You don't have to pull the front of your camera off as this video shows!!! This is a better approach:
your link is linking to the same video...
@@IvanAgram Sorry, this is the one:
Make sure you 'unlock' the sockets for the ribbons (flip the black plastic bar on the socket), not just pull them out. I failed to do this, damaged a socket and ruined the repair.
Pity it was out of shot a lot of the time
punya saya mati total kak, apa harus ganti baterai atau gimana?
Masalah bisa ada di batrai atau di kameranya kak, buat mastiin bisa coba dengan batrai lain, kalo ttp sama kemungkinan yg bermasalah adalah kameranya.
@@simplerepair iya kak tadi aku udh coba ternyata switch on-offnya yang bermasalah
@@widixidiwdi servis kena biaya berapa?