LGBTQ Baha'i Experience Episode 3: Shoghi Aqdas Story

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 1 ต.ค. 2022
  • The story of a gay Ugandan Baha'i who escaped his homeland due to homophobia that threatened his life.

ความคิดเห็น • 29

  • @4thcandlemediatv
    @4thcandlemediatv ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Lots of love to this brother of mine from Kenya. I grew up with Shoghi, and all I can say is that he has kept his soft-spoken, deep, spiritual, and wise demeanour. I love that. The teachings of the Faith are very clear on how our LBTQI friends should not be discriminated against or treated with "Prejudice and disdain."
    However, we have to bear with our communities. We are still immature in our growth process. I remain hopeful that as a global Bahá'i community, the individuals, and institutions on the national and local levels will one day grow to truly understand the practical sides of not treating souls with "Prejudice and disdain".
    Once we get to take to heart what this means for our communities, then we will truly live out the teachings fully. As for our beloved brother, keep reading the writing @ShoghiAqdas ... Spirituality is a personal relationship between us and our Creator. Bahá'u'lláh loves us all equally. That's the relationship we should be striving to build.
    He has said that to be a Bahá'i is to live the life and to show forth love to all who may cross our path. As I come to know you and your big heart, I believe you do that in your personal, everyday life.
    Love and light to you, brother.

    • @Gail-bz5kh
      @Gail-bz5kh 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      The problem is that the Baha'i communities are responding to this new enforcement as homophobic and judgmental,. Baha'is are not respecting the US NSA's call-to-compassion-yet-denying-inclusiveness, a statement that makes no sense, so no wonder there is so much confusion and hostility. The animosity and judgmentalism from Baha'is online: they are not being led into finding a path of acceptance and embracement. That is so, so wrong. Your vision, and the NSA's vision, is unrealistic and as a result loyal Baha'is are disenfranchised and many lives are being destroyed. All thanks to the disastrous decision to start to enforce a poorly written outline sketch imagined for the future, known as the Kitab-i-Aqdas. It's time to reexamine this sketchbook and consider whether it helps elevate or destroy the Baha'i community.

  • @susanbensch1981
    @susanbensch1981 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Always informative, I do hope others will gain insight and empathy as an individual and community.

  • @evamariekeys4131
    @evamariekeys4131 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    To be a two Spirit person is SACRED 🙏❤️🙏

  • @sarabrucker7847
    @sarabrucker7847 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Thank you to this channel and thank you, Shoghi Aqdas, for sharing your experience.
    It’s disappointing enough when people’s social lives are endangered by homophobia, but to endanger the very lives of others for breaking social rules is truly shocking behavior for anyone who cares for humanity, let alone a Baha’i.
    The UHJ has clearly stated that LGBTQ people are not to be treated with “prejudice or disdain.” I would hope endangering the lives of others would be considered as such.

    • @lgbtqbahaiexperience4892
      @lgbtqbahaiexperience4892  11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Currently I am trying to assist a dear Baha'i brother in Uganda to attain refugee status , the Baha'is of Uganda should be ashamed that such a kind soul fears for his life on a daily basis, beaten up by gangs, trying to survive every day , the NSA of Uganda could care less

  • @zachlightcap2179
    @zachlightcap2179 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Ah. You're a pioneer now...

  • @jameshopkins7507
    @jameshopkins7507 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Beautiful, deep, informative interview. "Observing each other with the eyes of God", what a profoundly spiritual insight. If we did that, we would soon be beyond this hurtful situation of the exclusion of LGBTQ Baha'is - we are all one people just as God has made us.

  • @renegabelmann8714
    @renegabelmann8714 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Here in germany, where you think, we are a very open and friendly society, i made the same experience. When I told to a good friend, that I am gay, he totaly seperate from me and the local community push me away from any activities, with out any explanations or consultations. The bahais have so much fear about these subject

    • @lgbtqbahaiexperience4892
      @lgbtqbahaiexperience4892  11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      That's horrible Germany has one of the more problematic Baha'i communities in this regard, shame on them

  • @stephaniewilson5284
    @stephaniewilson5284 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    What an incredible human being ai agree with him on so many levels about how the Baha'i Faith is developing...I feel like it has lost its way. That it's greatness has been blemished in my eyes do to prejiduce allowing censorship and mis- translated words and bias. I love it it but it is headed for disaster.

  • @miriamqualls1963
    @miriamqualls1963 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    How can other bahai lgbtq+ people get in contact with you to share their stories?

  • @Valentine3e
    @Valentine3e ปีที่แล้ว +2


  • @hiramcrespo734
    @hiramcrespo734 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    This is why people should say NO to religion

  • @swampholler
    @swampholler 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I've always wondered, someone who left the Faith because of these views, how much of it all could be traced to the Iranian culture.
    But, also, what a betrayal to leave your spiritual children in such danger without support.
    Your description of Uganda really brought that home.
    It also renewed my love for the Spirit and teachings. What you said was so poignant.
    It's sad, too, I feel guilty when I share the philosophies because I may be reaching someone who won't be embraced. "This is beautiful. But you can't really have it."

  • @habibm19
    @habibm19 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

    remember folks. choosing to be a Baha'i or any religion does not mean finding the religion that conforms to your beliefs. the intention is to submit our weakness to God and have faith that God has the growth of our soul in His best interest, and thus requires us making sacrifices and letting go of our own personal desires, making every effort to align ourselves with His Will and His Teachings for our own spiritual's clear these are all tests in life, it's very sad to hear though and it's a sign of the strength of Faith when a soul succumbs to the tests and leaves the Faith because they choose to attach to their own personal desires rather than make every effort to turn towards God and strive to align to the Teachings and Will of God

  • @ivanradimov6126
    @ivanradimov6126 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Don't you realize that you are a lost branch in the elution!?
    Bahá'u'lláh said that you are madmen, wandering in the desert of your passions!

    • @Gail-bz5kh
      @Gail-bz5kh 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Please get some mental health intervention for your hostile homophobia.

  • @Gail-bz5kh
    @Gail-bz5kh 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    This wonderful interview breaks my heart. As a former Baha'i and health professional, I was there during the AIDS epidemic. I was there when those innocents breathed their last breaths, I held their hands, and taught the aides how to use oxygen tanks safely. It was such a horrible time, and now to inflict this nastiness on yet more innocents is unendurable. That is why I keep making comments on this issue. I will never stop. AIDS killed my brothers, my friends. And now the Bahai' Faith DARES to continues the legacy of death through disaffection and disallowing sincere Baha'is to share their legitimacy as followers of the Faith. What a cruel, horrible failure on the part of the Faith. I am so sad that the Baha'i Faith has fallen into such a deep hole of intolerance due to religion's complete misunderstanding of science. So the innocents suffer.
    And so I hate the destructiveness that the Faith's "rulers" have enacted And if you don't object, I hate you too. I held children with AIDS in my arms while they died. And yet you pass your sanctimonious judgment on them? On their deeply grieving parents? Shame on you all. And no more "it will be revealed" religiosity works. Ever. You're a dupe when you think that. Just as the Catholics declared just wars and filled the streets of Jerusalem with blood, nothing can excuse this hostile phobia. Dear God, such a beautiful Faith, but now so completely corrupted by incompetence and misdirection.

    • @ABARTH1979
      @ABARTH1979 หลายเดือนก่อน

      The Divine Law is what counts not our imaginations.

  • @zachlightcap2179
    @zachlightcap2179 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

    BUPC -

  • @healinghumanity1782
    @healinghumanity1782 ปีที่แล้ว

    Homosexuals want to be part of religion. Religion, however, refuses to completely embrace homosexuality. This is terribly frustrating. It’s an eternal torture. To be free of this torture, the homosexual has to choose the path which is easier.

    • @lgbtqbahaiexperience4892
      @lgbtqbahaiexperience4892  11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      LGBTQ people must find spiritual shelter outside of homophobic and transphobic institutions , thankfully there's groups who treat us with dignity unlike the Baha'i Faith as it currently stands , there's a middle path at the very least if the House wasn't so obstinate

    • @Gail-bz5kh
      @Gail-bz5kh 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Sadly, during the AIDS epidemic, I lost trust in the Faith and found my way into an Espiscopal Church. AIDS sufferers came to the church in order to find a place to die, and the church embraced them: marrying gays (though illegal at the time), providing comfort, physical support, financial support until they died. It changed my world. They became my brothers, and seeing them discriminated against in the Baha'i Faith has broken my heart. I wanted to revisit the Faith recently, but the vile condemnation of gays was so repugnant to me that I could never think of rejoining. All God's children are deserving of love, equal respect, equal empowerment. If the Baha'i Faith can't understand that, then I can never go there again.

  • @thoughtsurferzone5012
    @thoughtsurferzone5012 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Revealed religion, especially by flawed "holy men", has got to go.