[EDOPro]- How to 'Play' Frightfur

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 11 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 66

  • @clownyknight2
    @clownyknight2  6 หลายเดือนก่อน +18

    Frightfur is a deck composed of the Fluffal fairy monsters and the Edge Imp fiend monsters used by Sora Perse in the ARC-V manga and anime. Frightfur hasn't had any direct support since Rise of the Duelist but their archetype doesn't have a lock of ED summons or archetypal; making the deck able to adapt with tech cards. Depending on how one builds Frightfur, the deck can reliably go first or second. I aimed to go second and abuse the damage output the Frightfur fusion monsters are able to pump out for an OTK. Arguably the deck's signature card being Frightfur patchwork greatly aids in consistency of not only getting polymerization, but one of your needed fusion materials. Abusing Toy Vendor to search, and also draw with the aid of fluffal wings, keeps the deck pretty consistent.
    The monster overview and their goals are
    1. Eldlich the Golden Lord: By sending 1 S/T to the GY and itself, Eldlich can send a card to the GY. In the GY, Eldlich can send 1 S/T you control to bring himself back with a 1k atk boost and effect destruction immunity. Eldlich is to trigger your toy vendors but also act as possible removal or another big number on the board
    2. Fluffal Dog: when normal or special summoned, add edge imp sabres or a fluffal from deck to hand. The simple searcher of the deck.
    3. Fluffal Penguin: During your Main phase, one can special summon 1 fluffal (except a penguin) from your hand. If sent to the GY as a fusion material for a Frightfur, you can draw 2 cards then discard a card. Penguin's special summon isn't once per turn if brought back from the GY and it acts as a way to dig into your deck and GY setup.
    4. Fluffal Dolphin: you can target a Toy Vendor in your GY, then send 1 fluffal or edge imp sabres from the deck to the GY. If used as fusion material, you can shuffle a poly or fusion spell in banish or GY back into the deck. Dolphin typically will send a wings with its effect to get wing's GY effect but recycling poly for patchwork is welcome
    5. Edge Imp Chain: If sent from the hand or field to the GY, you can add a Frightfur card from deck to hand. This includes discarding or fusion material and typically will search patchwork or frightfur fusion.
    6. Fluffal Bear: by discarding the bear, set a toy vendor from the deck to your field. If on field can tribute itself to add a poly from GY to hand. Bear mostly is used to set up Toy Vendor.
    7. Edge Imp Sabres: if in the GY, can place a card from your hand onto top of the deck to summon itself. The effect doesn't come up much but is named on some of our fusions like Tiger and Wolf as well as being searchable outside of patchwork
    8. Edge Imp Scythe: During the opponent's Main Phase, reveal scythe and then fusion summon a Frightfur fusion using material from hand and/or field. if in the GY, it can be banished to protect a Frightfur fusion from being destroyed by card effects once. Usually combined with Frightfur Whale so Whale can pop a card; and the GY effect will protect said Whale even as a cost of its own effect.
    9. Fluffal Cat: if sent to the GY as material for a fusion summon, can target 1 poly in the GY and add it back to hand. Recycling poly instantly is pretty cool, especially since it doesn't have to be for a Frightfur fusion to do so
    10. Fluffal Wings: if in the GY and you have a Toy Vendor on the field, banish wings and a fluffal in the GY to draw a card, then send that toy vendor to the GY to draw another card. Draw power that actively triggers your Toy Vendor's GY effect.
    11. Fluffal Octopus: when normal or special summoned, you can add 1 fluffal or edge imp from the GY back to the hand. If used as fusion material for a Frightfur fusion, can recycle 2 banished monsters back to the GY. Octopus acts as a recovery of sorts but ideally you recycle a Wings after wings used its effect to use again later.
    The Spell and trap line up and goals are
    1. Frightfur Fusion: fusion summon a Frightfur monster by banishing materials from the hand or GY. Basically a way to get another fusion monster on the board with materials you likely already used
    2. Polymerization: the standard fusion spell that is searchable off of patchwork
    3. Frightfur Patchwork: add 1 edge imp and 1 polymerization from the deck to the hand. Gets one of your needed fusion materials and a polymerization
    4. Foolish Burial Goods: send 1 S/T from your deck to the GY. Typically sending Toy Vendor for a fluffal or Sabres search but can send Frightfur repair if desired
    5. Frightfur Repair: Return 1 Frightfur fusion monster from your GY to the ED then you can special summon 1 fluffal or edge imp from the GY. In the GY, Repair can be banished to special summon 1 fluffal or edge imp from the hand. each effect is once per turn and can only use 1 per turn. Usually sent to the GY for the immediate summon but recycling your 1 of fusions if you do draw it is still a usable effect
    6. Toy Vendor: can discard 1 card, then draw a card and if its a fluffal special summon it otherwise send it to the GY. If Toy Vendor is sent to the GY add 1 edge imp sabres or fluffal from the deck to hand. The GY effect isn't once per turn and the on field effect is once per toy vendor. It can sometimes misfire but you're mostly abusing the non once per turn GY search
    7. Royal Penguins Garden: only here cause Fluffal Penguin can be searched off of it and it remains face up on field to work with Eldlich
    The Extra Deck overview
    1. Guardian Chimera: (3 monsters of different names) the fusion summon requires at least 1 monster on the field and hand. Chimera allows you to draw cards equivalent to the material used from the hand and destroys cards the opponent controls based on the materials used from the field. Untargetable if poly is in the GY. A way to board break and draw into the deck; will work with Dolphin or Cat's effects
    2. Frightfur Whale: (1 edge imp and 1 fluffal) if whale is fusion summoned, you can destroy 1 card on each player's field. once per turn as a quick effect, send 1 Frightfur card (except a whale) from the ED or deck to the GY and then target 1 Frightfur fusion monster and it gains atk equal to half its original for the turn. Whale can target itself and it usually used with Scythe as interaction against the opponent. Scythe can protect a Whale that targets itself for the pop if needed
    3. Frightfur Daredevil: (1 edge imp and 1 fluffal) if devil destroys a monster in battle inflict 1k dmg to them. If the devil is destroyed by battle or leaves the field by the opponent, inflict 500 dmg to the opponent for each frightfur monster in the GY. Mostly ran to bury with Whale's effect to summon a Sabre Tooth but the devil can act as a pseudo win con if you do enough damage but fail the OTK.
    4. Magnum the Reliever: (1 monster special summoned from the ED and 1 monster in hand) you can target 1 poly or fusion spell in the GY and place it on the bottom of the deck then draw a card. when another card effect is activated, Magnum can banish 1 poly or fusion spell from the GY to target a card on the field and destroy it. A generic fusion monster with some interaction that is only 2 material compared to 3 like chimera
    5. Frightfur Sabre Tooth: (1 frightfur fusion and 1+ fluffal and/or edge imp) when fusion summoned, Sabre Tooth can revive 1 Frightfur fusion from your GY. All frightfur monsters gain 400 atk and Sabre tooth is immune to destruction from battle or card effects if 3 materials were used. Sabre Tooth can be a defensive option against the right deck but paired with Kraken enables 8k dmg
    6. Frightfur Kraken: (1 edge imp and 1 fluffal) kraken can atk twice and once per turn, it can target 1 monster the opponent controls and send it to the GY; but then loses the ability to directly atk. Puts itself in defense mode at the end of the BP if it battled. The sneaky trick with kraken is use its effect to send a monster away but then fuse it into Sabre tooth with it as material. At that point it's a 'new kraken' and can atk directly or re use its first effect.
    7. Frightfur Wolf: (edge imp sabres and 1 or more fluffals) wolf can atk the same number of times as the amount of fusion materials used. Wolf shines on an empty board, boosted up via Whale, or summoned using Frightfur fusion using the materials used on Tiger after Tiger emptied the field
    8. Frightfur Tiger: (edge imp sabres and 1 or more fluffals) when fusion summoned, target cards on the field equal to the amount of fusion materials used and destroy them. all Frightfur and fluffal monsters gain 300 atk for each Frightfur and fluffal you control. Tiger acts as a great board breaker and can be chain blocked with some of its fusion material. The atk boost it gives can greatly add up as well
    9. Bahamut Shark: when forced to go first it summons the toad for a negate (summoned off of penguin and dolphin)
    10. Bagooska: a generic rank 4 that ideally stalls when forced to go first as the simplest option
    11. Abyss Dweller: GY hate
    12. Toadally Awesome: a negate summoned off of Bahamut when going first
    13. Pitknight Earlie: a generic link 2 that's only there for those that can't afford Little Knight
    14. Cross Sheep: a link 2 that when a fusion monster is summoned to a zone it points to, revives a lvl 4 or lower monster from the GY. Sheep is used to 'reset' a fluffal penguin's field effect mostly but can get back a fusion material used from the hand to use its on field effect

    • @clownyknight2
      @clownyknight2  6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      PART 2
      I tried building frightfur as a going second board breaking strategy foremost. Edge Imp Scythe allows a pop before your first turn and is the archetypal interaction outside of the hand traps and going second staples. Eldlich's first effect can deal with destruction immune monsters that Tiger or Whale can't deal with or even a backrow you don't want to walk into. Regardless of going first or second, a lot of the play starting involves the same cards. Penguin's first effect is one you want to use to trigger on summon/field effects of the other fluffals like dog to search, dolphin to reset any Toy Vendors, or Octopus to recycle. Link summoning cross sheep is the next goal if you have the available monsters to re use the 'new penguin' sheep revives after a fusion summon. If going first this is typically where you summon the XYZ monsters to set up interaction or lockdown. Magnum is our first turn fusion summon monster, try to search edge imp scythe for the opponent's turn, and ready your offense for the next turn.
      Going second after the usual cross sheep penguin shenanigans when applicable, is where one just searches as much fusion material as possible with patchwork, abusing Toy vendor, Dog, penguin's fusion material effect, etc. If the opponent has a weaker board, Tiger to destroy and then a Wolf summon can end a game quickly or the Sabre tooth and kraken pair works just as well. Whale can set up the GY effect of repair for more field spam while juicing up itself or another Frightfur fusion monster. The fluffal monsters and edge imp chain have effects that can actively chain block your fusion monsters' effects and help ensure they go through.
      The main threats outside of fusion hate are Droll and Lock bird with the deck's searching capabilities and need, super polymerization can ruin your day but it's dependant on the opponent's available super poly monsters since the frightfurs are DARK and WATER, and going into heavy backrow decks. The discarding for Toy Vendor can sometimes ruin your own game plan if the revealed card isn't one you want in the GY or a fluffal. Not opening patchwork or polymerization is an obvious hurt because Scythe is only the opponent's turn.

    • @clownyknight2
      @clownyknight2  6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Main Deck:
      2x Eldlich the Golden Lord
      3x Fluffal Dog
      3x Fluffal Penguin
      1x Fluffal Dolphin
      3x Edge Imp Chain
      2x Fluffal Bear
      1x Edge Imp Sabres
      2x Edge Imp Scythe
      3x Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
      1x Fluffal Octopus
      1x Fluffal Cat
      1x Fluffal Wing
      1x Frightfur Fusion
      3x Polymerization
      3x Frightfur Patchwork
      2x Foolish Burial Goods
      1x Frightfur Repair
      3x Toy Vendor
      1x Royal Penguins Garden
      3x Infinite Impermanence
      Extra Deck:
      1x Guardian Chimera
      2x Frightfur Whale
      1x Frightfur Devil
      1x Magnum the Reliever
      1x Frightfur Sabre-Tooth
      1x Frightfur Kraken
      1x Frightfur Wolf
      1x Frightfur Tiger
      1x Bahamut Shark
      1x Number 41: Bagooska the Terribly Tired Tapir
      1x Abyss Dweller
      1x Toadally Awesome
      1x Pitknight Earlie
      1x Cross-Sheep
      Side Deck:
      1x Edge Imp Scythe
      1x Tearlaments Merrli
      1x Fluffal Sheep
      1x Predaplant Dragostapelia
      2x Spright Sprind
      2x Lightning Storm
      1x Frightfur Reborn
      1x Foolish Burial Goods
      1x Foolish Burial
      1x Called by the Grave
      3x Forbidden Droplet
      1x Royal Penguins Garden

    • @leandroroman7053
      @leandroroman7053 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      We still waiting for that manga support. 😅

  • @CoppermineTypeK
    @CoppermineTypeK 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +12

    Ah yes fluffal, the deck that can perform cold fusion off 2 cards but can’t top to save its life
    Good stuff as usual

    • @MomirViggwilv
      @MomirViggwilv 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      Fluffals can spin its wheels better than any other deck in existence, it's just htat it has no endboard. It use to be able to go double Cruel Whale into VFD in Master Duel; can't do that anymore. It used to be able to scythe lock; can't do that either. It will soon be able to make Technalogue Valdrath, but this play sucks dick.
      The Moment a single Frightfur fusion is printed that is good going first, this deck instantly rockets to tier 1 status and I'm not even joking. The actual engine of Fluffal plays through any number of handtraps and plusses like crazy. And it ends on nothing.

  • @JoseOrichalcum
    @JoseOrichalcum 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +15

    I thought I had seen everything in Frightfur, until you used Penguin Garden AND Golden Lord.
    Freaking got me good, dang. Very funny as well, so great job

    • @UlisseAyulePkmnYGO
      @UlisseAyulePkmnYGO 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      It was already common to use it in Frightfur, but it is still so use them in Frightfur. 😇👍

  • @DarkCT
    @DarkCT 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +15

    So i knew about the penguin garden tech... but i hadn't considered eldlich. well played...

    • @kingscourge6031
      @kingscourge6031 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      Yeah Mr lichy rich has been an honorary (frightfur/fluffals) since I started playing the deck a few years back. Eldlich has helped me out of a few tight spots back in the day both for a huge bodyguard to help push for game or getting rid of annoying cards while generating me more hand advantage.😂😂

    • @DarkCT
      @DarkCT 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@kingscourge6031 it makes so much sense though since toy vendor and penguins garden are great things for him to even come back off of. I love that idea.

    • @kingscourge6031
      @kingscourge6031 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @DarkCT now and days I even see people playing a copy of spright sprind and 1 copy tearelament merli for some cool combos.

    • @DarkCT
      @DarkCT 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@kingscourge6031 thats... actually pretty dang slick. almost makes me wanna put together the deck for MD, despite the differences.

    • @kingscourge6031
      @kingscourge6031 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@DarkCT Its been a while but I still even play 2 of pendulum monsters (Fluffal Angel + Edge imp cotton Eater) just to be funny. I wouldn't really recommend playing more than 1 of each just to complete pendulum scales and be able to perform a pendulum summon and catch your opponent off guard.

  • @ridwana4037
    @ridwana4037 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Putting Golden Boy on this deck is awesome and really makes sense.
    You need a sugar daddy to buy those toys.

    • @Zambles
      @Zambles 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      a sugar momma bird if you will

  • @Enderblade312
    @Enderblade312 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Weight of the Other Promise while playing a deck owned by a character named Sora…touché. Always look forward to the duels and the sick memes.

  • @samurexatlas7373
    @samurexatlas7373 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Oh my god, Frightfurs absorbed the fool bird.
    It's about to become clown town

  • @ianr.navahuber2195
    @ianr.navahuber2195 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    0:33 Alwys love this cliche 5:34 What are you doing here Fred?!

  • @Annominus
    @Annominus 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    That dog joke alone was worth the subscription

  • @Gloose284
    @Gloose284 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Thank you for reminding me how terrifying these toys are. I will build this soon.

  • @gabrielsalinas1019
    @gabrielsalinas1019 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Yugioh, badger, ultrakill, AND TF2 IN THE SAME PLACE, love it

  • @michaelvassiliou9447
    @michaelvassiliou9447 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Next video cardian ill wait and ill keep asking im dedicated now

    • @DarkCT
      @DarkCT 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Id love to see that vid.

  • @xXxEstebansXd
    @xXxEstebansXd 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Your videos keep being the funniest and smartest. congrats.

  • @pinkiepie4273
    @pinkiepie4273 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Joli build ! Je l'ai testé et ça fonctionne très bien, merci 😊

  • @kasaitsuchi9750
    @kasaitsuchi9750 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Surpise at no FNAF jokes here, still this was great

  • @GiantSkyhawk
    @GiantSkyhawk 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Fluffal best deck

  • @Zambles
    @Zambles 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    What a horrifying ending, At least i got to deck you

  • @FluffalKyurem
    @FluffalKyurem 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I'd recommend a few more going options, such as Apollousa, I:P, and S:P/Knightmare Unicorn. You can also use an IOC engine to increase consistency. You also should definitely put Fluffal Sheep in the main deck as it's essential for a lot of combos.

    • @clownyknight2
      @clownyknight2  6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I honestly didn't really consider sheep because i noticed most ppl just used it for spright stuff but I should have tried it out a bit more personally after re reading its effects. Im trying to avoid SP just cause of its price tag but the one link 2 and probably daredevil i could have dropped for IP and apoll or unicorn you're probably right. Hopefully I at least got a couple laughs at the minimum.

    • @dragon-id5uj
      @dragon-id5uj 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Is IOC engine referring to like, magicians souls? I see that and think of the booster pack ...

  • @KiuhKobold
    @KiuhKobold 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Oh you're alive. Neat

    • @clownyknight2
      @clownyknight2  6 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Yea, early in the year my one computer fried itself so was out for a bit as i replaced it. Partial laziness and getting used to new job probably didn't help with the delay. Ideally now that I'm more used to my new work schedule the next one won't have such a long wait period.

    • @KiuhKobold
      @KiuhKobold 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@clownyknight2 hey, so long as you are having fun doing it then it's not work.
      We can all get used to something new, but if it's something we love to do then it's all wins from there.
      Remember to take pauses, eat well, sleep and find time for your needs. Cuz else it'll become a chore, and buddy, your videos are ART. Take your time with them.

  • @UlisseAyulePkmnYGO
    @UlisseAyulePkmnYGO 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Oh damn, I was wanting to work again in my Frightfur decklist. Thank you very much! ❤
    EDIT: Where Super Poly, with Garura, Panzer Dragon, Muddragon!? 😰

    • @dragon-id5uj
      @dragon-id5uj 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Panzer dragon?? If you're including that, might as well grab draco equiste, gilti gearfried, earth igniter etc

  • @smokingstalker7574
    @smokingstalker7574 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Took me less than a minute to realize that some part of the BGM is a remix of Port Ormos Main Theme.
    Being a Genshin Impact player has its grace when ir comes to music.
    I'll have to put a nice Like on the video, mainly because I Play Toys at Master Duel.

    • @clownyknight2
      @clownyknight2  6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      If you liked that remix, I put the link to it in the vid description from the ocremix site.

  • @dragon-id5uj
    @dragon-id5uj 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Man, fluffals were cool and, like d/d, one of those decks that 'coulda been a contender' if only their key busted support arrived on time. Now Patchwork *belongs* to branded

  • @diana-Lulu
    @diana-Lulu 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Since Frightfur can be a video, maybe Super Hyper Ultimate Strong Neo New Abyss Actor can too😂😊

  • @djinsanity3575
    @djinsanity3575 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I have seen a crazy duel and I loved it

  • @GoldenShadowKnight
    @GoldenShadowKnight 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    im very surprised you used anime moments in the intro especially after the downfall of clownyknight1 you walk a dangerous game good sir

    • @clownyknight2
      @clownyknight2  6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      This time if they come after me again, its on videos that clearly aren't the full run time of the video. Worst case i gotta lose the intro if they claim and i can keep videos up as opposed to nuking em all like i tried to do with the anime edits

    • @GoldenShadowKnight
      @GoldenShadowKnight 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@clownyknight2 ah very good

  • @Silverbaxx
    @Silverbaxx 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Where or how can I get that woody laugh audio!? Its fantastic and I need it on a soundboard.

  • @Vinylmelody1517
    @Vinylmelody1517 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The kingdom hearts music...is it because the character who uses fluffals is named sora? If so that's brilliant

  • @storminfirefang09
    @storminfirefang09 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Im always down for toy story 5

  • @PhotonKingShark77
    @PhotonKingShark77 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Best deck

  • @theonethathungers5552
    @theonethathungers5552 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    How to play any deck: play against bad decks or brick hands with custom hands everytime

  • @lloydbagby8355
    @lloydbagby8355 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I bean a while onther deck i got tomany decks i want build

  • @MegaBichiX
    @MegaBichiX 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    wait, no owl?

    • @clownyknight2
      @clownyknight2  6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I did try it out but maybe it was anecdotal evidence on my end but every time i had the owl i didn't have much else to work with. It could easily be ran as a 1 of from preference though with the toy vendor searching shenanigans though.

    • @MegaBichiX
      @MegaBichiX 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@clownyknight2 maybe it's me always having patchwork Ashed, but I always found another way to search Poly, or his second effect in the off-case of not having any left in deck, a most welcome addition. I know Owl isnt always useful, but I much rather have him and not need him(use him as material) than needing him and not having him as a search target. but maybe that's just me

  • @Ramsey276one
    @Ramsey276one 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    0:30 source please?

    • @clownyknight2
      @clownyknight2  6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      If you mean the introduction audio, it's from the Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie for Theaters about at the 1 hour and 13 minute mark www.adultswim.com/videos/aqua-teen-hunger-force/aqua-teen-hunger-force-colon-movie-film-for-theaters

    • @Ramsey276one
      @Ramsey276one 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@clownyknight2 Thanks!

  • @yompigebhart7282
    @yompigebhart7282 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Badger jumpscare! What the fuck is a bad videoooooo

  • @MomirViggwilv
    @MomirViggwilv 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I've played this deck a ton back when it was good. People who diehard play this deck in the year of our lord 2024 are out of their fucking mind. The deck does nothing turn 1. Cruel Whale pass? Eldlich pass? Blind Second strategies do not work.
    Maybe when Technalogue Valdrath comes out, you can make him turn 1 with two copies of Nightmary. End on *checks notes* 1.5 pieces of interaction.