This channel has educated me more than any university could ever teach me. I think we can raise children efficiently by making them read good books and watch School of Life videos.
So pleased that you are able to produce such fantastic content on such a wide range of topics. Keep up the good work! P.S. I would love to see more videos on Psychology!
+jack Lennon Additionally I would like to hear about Freud's other theories pertaining to defense mechanisms such as regression, rationalization, and identification!
+The School of Life Thanks for the reply and the recommendation! I am a huge fan of yours and I hope to enjoy more content over the next 4 years when I go to university and study psychology!
+The School of Life wow, i just easily spent an hour reading through only just a fraction of the book and finding some older videos i had not seen before on topics i am interested in. Thank you so much for putting all of this information into such a well organized collection. you guys are the best, thank you for inspiring me with so many philosophies on life.
Freud was only nominally a psychologist. He created unscientific, ill-supported philosophical theories to explain psychological problems. Philosopher, yes, and to his credit he created and brought interest to the field of personality. He isn't very relevant to modern psychology, however. His penis-envy and Psychosexual theories are sexist, sexually obsessive BS. :)
+Amelia Pease Freud's theories can't be "sexist" and neither "sexually obsessive" because the sexuality and the sex isn't viewed in the same way for psychoanalysis, compared to the ways we know. It has a lot to do with "pulsion" (french word, dunno what's the meaning in english), and if you search about it is how different the unconscious and the conscious can read a single action To understand it better, an analogy. When you're thirsty, you drink water because you feel the need and your throat is dry. But, deep in your body, it's your body's call to reduce and eliminate toxins. But you're unaware of that The same logic applies to the theories applied to sex. It's not sex per se, it's about "pulsion" and how the unconscious needs to fulfill pleasure
I wanted to let you know that your voice has become the voice of my conscience in times were I need inspiration, courage, (self) advice, and/or motivation. Prior to my will to live's dash towards light and life, there I hear you. Thank you for every video! Good graces to you.
This video may have just single handedly saved me from losing my mind from an inability to form meaningful connections with people and a life largely devoid of romantic or sexual partners. I was on the verge of crisis - not knowing who I was, but its all just misguided energy. I really needed this in my life right now. Thank you for making this video, SoL.
I'm a musician. I can use my anxieties as a driving force to succeed creatively. Using negative feelings as the drive to do something positive, as this video suggests
I love this bc I'm studying psychology and it also helps me in my advice videos. Thank you so so much for teaching us about philosophy and psychology in such a simple and fun way ♥
I was literally talking to a friend about Sublimation some weeks ago, she didn't understand me and I didn't even know anything about Freud before now he had became my favorite scientist, his theories are sometimes unacceptable and absurd to the society yet I find them fascinating
Para los amigos hispanohablantes : pensando en el mensaje de este video me acordé de estos versos muy lindos del maestro Atahualpa Yupanqui: También es negra la tierra Y verde salen los pastos. Mientras la raíz padece Canta en sus flores el árbol. Ocasiones me figuro que soy de veras un árbol, lo miro al viento y me río, la raíz crujiendo abajo. Vale le pena escuchar toda la cancion. Se llama " Lo miro al viento y me río".
+Lua Veli Guten Abend, Lua, wie geht's? alles klar? Y bueno paro por aqui el aleman. Empece a estudiar esta lengua que como dijo Mark Twain - the awful German language in which a girl has no sex - das Madchen ...etc.Pero, a mi me gustan las lenguas. Cuando mejore mi dominio del alemán, te mando mensajes más "tedescas". Well, about Atahualpa, I totally agree with you - I just don't know or remember the song you mentioned, but I will check it out. Conoces tambien a Violeta Parra, Ariel Ramirez, Victor Jara y Mercedes Sosa, entre otros? Y la musica paraguaya con harpa (paraguay) ya has escuchado? Y sobre el video - realmente muy interesante - aunque yo no tenga tanto conocimiento para analisarlo profundamente - no hay como negar que una fuerza o una tensión interna (sexual o no) nos lleva a hacer cosas extraordinarias en el campo del arte o de la ciencia o que se yo...Un gran abrazo y una buena semana!
+Humberto Lopez Hola Humberto! Me alegro mucho de que estes aprendiendo el Aleman. Realmente es un idioma muy impresionante. Te va a gustar mucho. Ademas, uno vez que empiezas a entender lo que dicen, ya no suena tan hororroso como antes. Hasta a mi me gusta como suena. Es cierto que sea un idioma muy apropiado para la filosofia. Tiene una precision increible. Sabes, hay una pagina web que se llama " Duolingo" . Es gratis y dicen que es muy bueno. Fijate a ver si te gusta. Sí, conozco los musicos excellentes que me mencionaste. Especialmente Victor Jara me gusta muchisimo...... Sonre el arpa: sí, tenia un CD por aqui de un arpista paraguayo muy bueno, pero lo perdí...De los musicos Paraguayos conozco a Luis Alberto Parana, gracias a vos. Me gusto mucho, gracias! Un abrazo!
+Lua Veli Hallo Lua, alles klar? Ich lerne Deutsch mit eine Lehrerin via Skype (in fact, we are exchanging one language for another - she's helping me with German, and I help her improve her English - free of charge). Creo que luego podré comunicarme con más seguridad y confianza. Gracias por el "pep talk" de que la lengua alemana es sonora y apropiada para la filosofía. También me alegro que te gustaron mis sugerencias musicales - Luis Alberto del Paraná, entre ellas. Si tienes tiempo, escucha a Luis Bordón y su arpa paraguaya (TH-cam).En cuanto al tema Victor Jara: es uno de mis "héroes" - un excelente compositor/cantante y un luchador incansable por la gente humilde/campesina/trabajadora de Chile y de los otros pueblos "south of the Rio Grande", de Latinoamérica, Desafortunadamente, la dictadura militar de Pinochet en 1973 puso fin a la vida de este extraordinario artista y ser humano de la más alta calidad. Last but not least, Congratulations on your great comments! Unfortunately, I can't keep up with all the extra reading/movie viewing (also TH-cam Ted) you recommend as I have to catch up with a lot of my own too. Don't you wish we had "1000 lives" so we could read all the books we wanted, see all the movies we chose, travel to all these places and perhaps live there for a while, do all those sports, listen to(or learn to play) that kind of music, maybe learn 10 foreign languages, etc.? Un gran abrazo!
+Humberto Lopez Hallo Lua, mi maestra de alemán me corrigió la frase que te mandé: La frase correcta es - Ich lerne Deutsch mit einer (not ein) Lehrerin. These endings are real "killers" (ein, eine, einer, ein my ...). Una(s) pregunta(s) más sobre Victor Jara: Cuales son tus canciones favoritas de Victor? Hasta el fin de su vida fue un socialista convicto, que piensas de lo que dijo Churchill: "Si no sos socialista a los 18, no tenes corazón. si sos socialista a los 40, no tenes cabeza (español de Paraguay y adyacencias)" ?Take your time! Un gran abrazo!
+Humberto Lopez Hola Humberto! Espero que estés muy bien! Sabes, no deberias preocuparte demasiado por no cometer errores etc. Yo cometo errores en cada idioma que hablo. Trato de mejorarme y tal, pero al final del dia, si la gente entiende lo que digo, todo esta bien. De Victor Jara tengo varios discos aca. Claro, me gustan sus canciones mas famosas como " Te recuerdo Amanda" etc. Pero mi favorito es " El Arado" . No sé si lo conoces."Luchin" tambien es tan lindo.. Bueno para decir la verdad, no estoy de acuerdo con lo que dijo Churchill. Hay gente que se queda comprometida toda la vida y no son para nada gente que "no tenga cabeza." Todo lo contrario: Gente digna, sabia y consecuente. Piensa en alguien como Eduardo Galeano por ejemplo. Uno de mis heroes. Bueno, te deseo una muy buena semana y te mando un beso:-)
I can relate so much. I used to take pleasure in hurting people as a child. I craved for revenge. I'm an MD today and been enjoying various humanitarian projects. And i want to spend the rest of my life like this.
+Tom Morley Totally disagree. I like the other videos more, but I really enjoyed this one a whole lot. Honestly I tend to like all of them. I think they should keep on doing what they do! :)
I wish there were videos like yours but in German. I literally have to watch your videos and translate them in order to learn the stuff properly as I am a student in Germany and my teacher cant really explain the topic as good as your TH-cam videos. Thanks a lot !
This is the best channel on TH-cam for me....I will like to see some other psychologist like Jung,Rogers,Lacan,Adler......Thank you and keep up.Respect for your work
A fascinating video! I've also really enjoyed your philosophy and Eastern philosophy playlists. I'd recommend a video on the Buddhist Wheel of life, the philosopher Alan Watts did a great analysis of its metaphorical meanings and how they invariably relate to suffering through attachment which migbt compliment the Eastern Philosophy videos well, especially following the Kintsugi and the love of rocks video. You might also compare how schools of thought were mirrored, such as how the Buddha and Zeno both advocated similar stoic outlooks. Keep up the great videos!
Nietzsche wrote:There is, strictly speaking, neither unselfish conduct, nor a wholly disinterested point of view. Both are simply sublimations in which the basic element seems almost evaporated and betrays its presence only to the keenest observation. All that we need and that could possibly be given us in the present state of development of the sciences, is a chemistry of the moral, religious, aesthetic conceptions and feeling, as well as of those emotions which we experience in the affairs, great and small, of society and civilization, and which we are sensible of even in solitude. But what if this chemistry established the fact that, even in its domain, the most magnificent results were attained with the basest and most despised ingredients? Would many feel disposed to continue such investigations? Mankind loves to put by the questions of its origin and beginning: must one not be almost inhuman in order to follow the opposite course?[4]n the opening section of Human, All Too Human entitled ‘Of first and last things’,
I'm somewhat saddened by The School of Life's presentation of Freud in the sense of how much of what Freud found and spoke about was a product of his time, Sexual repression in particular, in addition to how he takes things somewhat into extremes and fails to recognise how the human actually work. Don't get me wrong he had quite a few good ideas, though mostly observations from which he based his ideas, but sadly his ideas contain too much speculation. A case of: "Close yet so far away". Now to be fair, the video is about sublimation. The observation of Sublimation as both a concious and possibly subconscious phenomena certainly has some merit in that our experiences - especially in early life as well as strong or traumatising experiences even more so - impact our choices and wants, sometimes even beyond our more inherent inclinations; Sublimation manifest and overwrites many other wants and drives we as humans and individuals might have; is most certainly accurate. Sadly Freud makes plenty of assumptions about the human that combined with a seeming lack of what I would consider deep enough of a study, exploration, understand and experience of the human leads him to yet again be: "Close yet so far away". And it is therefore I would have hoped that The School of Life in the best interest of the viewers, would henceforth in some way disclaim or present the idea's of anyone they choose to speak of in such a way that no one is left to believe that it is the truth. I am in no way wanting to encourage a bias, to censor or change the material discussed, but merely remind that these are ideas and we all might learn from them in some way. And while it might be implied that we should all be critical of whatever we are told, it is with the certainty of which The School of Life speaks that makes me write all of this in the first place. Or perhaps I am merely mistaken to think that The School of Life agrees with what they present and that they might instead in actuality be presenting the idea from the perspective of the author of a given idea. Yet this leaves me with a another dilemma: Considering The School of Life, their ambition, agenda and biases(which are obvious or at least noticeable in quite a few of their videos) how is any viewer supposed to differentiate between what they agree with vs. what they merely present to us in a nicely digestible manner?
I remembered an incredible documentary called " The Heart of Jenin" by the German director Marcus Vetter. It is about a Palestinian father whose 12 year old son had been shot dead by the Israeli soldiers while he was playing in his garden. The boy was taken to an Israeli hospital where they asked the father whether he wanted to donate his sons organs to Israeli children. You must consider that it is a decision you have to take right away, while your child's body is still warm..You would expect " the revenge" to be the first thing that comes to the man's mind. But he opted for dignity, goodness and nobility , he said yes and saved the lives of six children! In the documentary he visits every one of them after they recover. You may cry your eyes our watching it, but in a world full of horrors we should always keep in mind the stories of people who show us what a human being is capable of doing even in the face of the greatest injustice.
The only trouble with this is, Freud wasn't entirely right, and the modern field of psychology has moved further from where his work left off. When talking about the father of psychology, remember that his intellectual descendants have continued the work.
Every time one of your videos finishes I expect that epic music that plays at the end of Ted-Ed videos Maybe I associate the two together because I learn something from both
"You know, this terrible pain is only the kiss of Jesus - a sign that you have come so close to Jesus on the cross that he can kiss you." And she joined her hands together and said "Mother Teresa, please tell Jesus to stop kissing me". That's were it was.
+Mimin Rdx um I know this is meant as a joke, but you should watch the documentary on mother terresa called: hell's angel. She was a pretty terrible person actually.
@0:55 in this helps me rationalize Ben Carson existing as a Neurosurgeon based on carson's own pointy-jabby words making me suuuuper skeptical up'ta now. #woundToMendFrom10orwhateveragethatbeltstabthingwas
Sublimation is the purification of primitive mental energy into something higher, while incorporating your Shadow is about making a part of you which was unconscious conscious. Parts we don't like about ourselves or have forgotten them.
Who said the surgeon was being noble? Maybe he really loved cutting things up and wanted to advance from dogs to humans, he's a smart kid, he knows he can either do it on the sly and end up getting hung or he could become a surgeon and spend his days up to his arms in guts and gore? What if what fraud thought of as sublimation was merely compromise?
+ben middleton Do underlying motives realy decide if something is good or bad? If someone got a flaming erection while cauterizing my wounds, i'd still be grateful to him.
iggywow That depends upon their level of self control, if he's at full mast because he's thinking of fucking that wound he's cauterising, you'd better hope he has the will power to stitch you up and send you away un-wound-fucked, without that willpower, those underlying motives become REALLY important
I'm detecting some humorous intention here. But clearly the premise is that nothing is acted on. The whole point is the underlying motive of the "good" action.
iggywow i am a strong believer in judging motivations over actions, i'll take a well intentioned under achiever over a skilled bastard any day of the week
Thank you for your videos. I just know how inportant it is for ALL people to be able to connect to the content through actually seeing themselves. I also just wanted to give an invitation to step out of the comfort zone of just showcasing white or lighter skin. Most stories are universal. And skin color shouldn't matter. In this world it does. Some people of color may not connect and my use the defense mechanism of that's a white people issue. When in fact it's just a people issue. I just want us to be able to see ourselves and each others as that, people. Thanks again for your eye opening videos.
+Mike De Jong Thanks for the suggestion. From the little we know we're not sure he's a good fit. But please feel free to expand on your reasons, particularly (if we can politely request) why you think some of his ideas would be useful to viewers.
+John Armstrong Well since you covered the ideas of capitalism and communism I thought it might be refreshing and interesting to show the less well known idea of traditionalism as well. Just so everyone can see a new perspective on things, a perspective they otherwise wouldnt have thought of.
+Chris O'Rourke I am not joking at all. What you said is pretty subjective, I do not see it the way you do. I thought that if school of life objectively states what Evola wanted more people could decide for themselves what they think about those ideas. As far as I know the goal of this channel is to introduce people to new concepts and not to push a modernist agenda. I understand you might not like him. But I think his ideas about keeping the traditional order (which isnt at all that bad imho) might be good to show in times where all the insititutions as he promoted are being attacked and tore down. He serves as a reminder of that tradition is always an option and then it is up to the watcher to decide if it is a good or a bad one.
+John Armstrong Ride the Tiger, if anything, is a tremendous guide directed towards a very overlooked kind of person in society; the differiented man. Here is a good excerpt defining this person: "This restriction must be kept in mind. What I am about to say does not concern the ordinary man of our day. On the contrary, I have in mind the man who finds himself involved in today's world, even at its most problematic and paroxysimal points; yet he does not belong inwardly to such a world, nor will he give in to it. He feels himself, in essence, as belonging to a different race from that of the overwhelming majority of his contemporaries." The differiented man, who perhaps would have been a warrior or a priest in a traditional society, finds himself completely lost in the modern consumerist society. It's a very interesting concept if you ask me. Revolt Against the Modern World, and Men Among the Ruins, are also great books of course.
That worked wonders in my 20's and i broke 6 figures before turning 30 while maintaining a fab bod in the gym and reading tons of religion, science and philosophy and classic literature. But now in my mid to late 30's i can barely be asked to do anything at all. I went from super over achiever to being some hybrid of the guy from Office Space, Lester Burnham, and Jeffery "The Dude" Lebowski. The tiny bit of relationship experience i actually had, combined with the horrible things I've seen, witnessed and heard from other people's relationships lead me to MGTOW conclusions just before discovering that was an actual thing. So now i "work" part time, play video games, and watch porn and take naps in the middle of the day while waiting for new videos from Barbarossa, Thinking Ape, Colttaine, etc etc. Working hard and believing in your dreams is a great way to get exploited and i just can't be asked any more. Eventually faith dries up and energy and passion runs out. You see that religion, politics, the news media, Hollywood, advertising, and even career guidance is just a few of the ways that society creates a maze of false promises, lies and illusions to control your behavior. Society was built by harnessing male labor via creating maximum sexual desire in males with ubiquitous sexual imagery and at the same time making access to actual sex as scarce as humanly possible. That's how you enslave the population. => As Pink Floyd sang: "We know what you dream. We told you what to dream. Welcome to the machine." You can run on the hamster wheel now to power this shit show if you want to. I'm done. Just be careful if and when you do get laid. The woman can walk off whenever she wants to and leave you with the bills while constantly dodging or refusing visitation. Then the machine can keep chewing on you long after you have nothing left to give.
Patrick Duncombe Just enjoying the day to day as much as possible atm. Although I am wondering what I want in the future. This is the first time in my life when my goals and future aren't that clear. So for the moment I just take as little stress as possible, and sometimes ponder what I should do next.
I always wondered as a student of psychology what kind of impulses do we sublimate that drives us to this specific career, for example how a surgeon transfers his impulse to hurt into a career of helping others.
+ArmchairIntelligence Sadly Archimedes isn't on our radar as yet. But, if you feel like it, please do say a bit more here about why he particularly interests you and what his message to us today might be.
Well, there was a research that said that thinking about "sex" made people more perceptive and more productive or something on those lines. Just try to accept it instead of blaming it :D
Love the sublimated sibilant of the extra "S" in 'dissappointment'. Freud would be hissing with excitement. Great, succinct video(s), all round, though. I await with bated breath Isaac Liu's first attempt at a video showing us all how it really should be done under the heading: "When the urge to change my family name to Hunt by deed pole was sublimated into the redundant intimacy of online comment." Aufvienerschnitzel.
In psychology, sublimation is a mature type of defense mechanism where socially unacceptable impulses or idealizations are unconsciously transformed into socially acceptable actions or behavior, possibly resulting in a long-term conversion of the initial impulse.
It seems like there is a very thin line between sublimation and repression and I wonder about the nature of this line. It seems like it is related to some internal negotiations and the extent to which the conclusion of those negotiations feels just.
The link to Mad Adam files needs the 'www' removed for the link to work. Great video! I would love to see School of Life cover the poem "On the Nature of things." I really like the book "The Swerve" that shows the poems emergence and the spark that epicurean philosophy brought to the enlightenment. It's also visually beautiful and I think you can do it justice.
We are not turning selfish acts into selfless acts with sublimation, we are using reason for selfish benefits by planning for long term, stable, life sustaining pleasures rather than engage in short term unsustainable selfish pleasures. eg.productive activity vs theft. It is known in some circles as "growing up". Cutting the tails off dogs might be pleasurable for the moment but eventually you'll need to eat and find shelter so a different form of selfish activity will eventually take precedence.
Kind of reminds me of Philanthropy in a way. Especially coming from those super rich/famous individuals who ultimately use it to better their own situation even more.
+IntotheFire The Corpus Hermeticum, the Emerald Tablet translated by Isaac Newton, and Poemandres, where he seems to have stolen all his philosophical and psychological ideas from and claimed them for himself.
+Ryan Carlow "where freud was original he was not correct where freud was correct he wasn't original" Note: This is from memory, so I might have gotten it wrong. But it is important. Freud was a genius who had no idea how to run a scientific experiment. He pretty much just made stuff up. However, his approach to the mind did greatly influence modern thought, so I guess we owe him that.
"disappointment is inevitable, our longings will systematically outrun reality."
He also said in an article that not all human beings are capable of subliming and that a psychotherapist should not encourage his patients to sublime.
"You're an addict; so be addicted. Just be addicted to something else."
This channel has educated me more than any university could ever teach me.
I think we can raise children efficiently by making them read good books and watch School of Life videos.
So pleased that you are able to produce such fantastic content on such a wide range of topics. Keep up the good work!
P.S. I would love to see more videos on Psychology!
+jack Lennon Additionally I would like to hear about Freud's other theories pertaining to defense mechanisms such as regression, rationalization, and identification!
+The School of Life Thanks for the reply and the recommendation! I am a huge fan of yours and I hope to enjoy more content over the next 4 years when I go to university and study psychology!
+The School of Life wow, i just easily spent an hour reading through only just a fraction of the book and finding some older videos i had not seen before on topics i am interested in. Thank you so much for putting all of this information into such a well organized collection. you guys are the best, thank you for inspiring me with so many philosophies on life.
Freud was only nominally a psychologist. He created unscientific, ill-supported philosophical theories to explain psychological problems. Philosopher, yes, and to his credit he created and brought interest to the field of personality.
He isn't very relevant to modern psychology, however. His penis-envy and Psychosexual theories are sexist, sexually obsessive BS. :)
+Amelia Pease Freud's theories can't be "sexist" and neither "sexually obsessive" because the sexuality and the sex isn't viewed in the same way for psychoanalysis, compared to the ways we know. It has a lot to do with "pulsion" (french word, dunno what's the meaning in english), and if you search about it is how different the unconscious and the conscious can read a single action
To understand it better, an analogy. When you're thirsty, you drink water because you feel the need and your throat is dry. But, deep in your body, it's your body's call to reduce and eliminate toxins. But you're unaware of that
The same logic applies to the theories applied to sex. It's not sex per se, it's about "pulsion" and how the unconscious needs to fulfill pleasure
I wanted to let you know that your voice has become the voice of my conscience in times were I need inspiration, courage, (self) advice, and/or motivation. Prior to my will to live's dash towards light and life, there I hear you. Thank you for every video! Good graces to you.
This is why the most awesome people are the people who are having a hard time being appropriate in their societies.
+S Al Ameri haha
S Al Ameri It, certainly, is not a mere coincidence.
This video may have just single handedly saved me from losing my mind from an inability to form meaningful connections with people and a life largely devoid of romantic or sexual partners.
I was on the verge of crisis - not knowing who I was, but its all just misguided energy.
I really needed this in my life right now. Thank you for making this video, SoL.
+Greg Moberg I'm intrigued, as I find myself in quite the similar situation. If you are kind enough to share: What is the conclusion you came up with?
I'm a musician. I can use my anxieties as a driving force to succeed creatively. Using negative feelings as the drive to do something positive, as this video suggests
+Greg Moberg Thanks for sharing! Take care =)
+pennymac16 Is this a fucking group therapy session??!!! jk
broo this is the best defense mechanism
I suppose that many of us will be totally pleased if the videos have subtitles.
Yep, I would definitely appreciate it 😁
Any plans to do a video on Jung at all? Would be VERY interesting!
+1994PaulF Which one? Kim Jung Il? :O
+Devil's Advocado the good one ..Carl Jung
+1994PaulF mbti ?
They stated in another video's comment section that his ideas didn't quite fit SOL's views.
+Pál Csőke Didn't know SoL is aiming to become a religion?
I love this bc I'm studying psychology and it also helps me in my advice videos. Thank you so so much for teaching us about philosophy and psychology in such a simple and fun way ♥
Extra props for the exact German pronounciation here! ^^
I thought this guy have to be a swiss guy. very well done indeed!
@@patrickgambler8585 he is Swiss actually, moved to London when he was young
what if this happens in reverse order, like a person who met all his desires and was well-behaved s a child, turns out to be a psycopath as an adult
hmm interesting, i suppose it's possible
that's what affluenza is.
Can all of a baby's desires be met? People always want what they do not have. I bet infants never stop wanting.
ye I kinda identify with the first part there, no psycho .. yet..
saia sox There's no evidence to suggest that psychopaths can be created that way.
I was literally talking to a friend about Sublimation some weeks ago, she didn't understand me and I didn't even know anything about Freud before now he had became my favorite scientist, his theories are sometimes unacceptable and absurd to the society yet I find them fascinating
Freuds sublimation, strenght of the weakness, kint-sugi what a wonderful connection
No, thank YOU for helping our beloved philosophy survive
what a wonderful video ! amazing art !!
Para los amigos hispanohablantes :
pensando en el mensaje de este video me acordé de estos versos muy lindos del maestro Atahualpa Yupanqui:
También es negra la tierra
Y verde salen los pastos.
Mientras la raíz padece
Canta en sus flores el árbol.
Ocasiones me figuro
que soy de veras un árbol,
lo miro al viento y me río,
la raíz crujiendo abajo.
Vale le pena escuchar toda la cancion. Se llama " Lo miro al viento y me río".
+Lua Veli Guten Abend, Lua, wie geht's? alles klar? Y bueno paro por aqui el aleman. Empece a estudiar esta lengua que como dijo Mark Twain - the awful German language in which a girl has no sex - das Madchen ...etc.Pero, a mi me gustan las lenguas. Cuando mejore mi dominio del alemán, te mando mensajes más "tedescas". Well, about Atahualpa, I totally agree with you - I just don't know or remember the song you mentioned, but I will check it out. Conoces tambien a Violeta Parra, Ariel Ramirez, Victor Jara y Mercedes Sosa, entre otros? Y la musica paraguaya con harpa (paraguay) ya has escuchado? Y sobre el video - realmente muy interesante - aunque yo no tenga tanto conocimiento para analisarlo profundamente - no hay como negar que una fuerza o una tensión interna (sexual o no) nos lleva a hacer cosas extraordinarias en el campo del arte o de la ciencia o que se yo...Un gran abrazo y una buena semana!
+Humberto Lopez
Hola Humberto!
Me alegro mucho de que estes aprendiendo el Aleman. Realmente es un idioma muy impresionante. Te va a gustar mucho. Ademas, uno vez que empiezas a entender lo que dicen, ya no suena tan hororroso como antes. Hasta a mi me gusta como suena. Es cierto que sea un idioma muy apropiado para la filosofia. Tiene una precision increible.
Sabes, hay una pagina web que se llama " Duolingo" . Es gratis y dicen que es muy bueno. Fijate a ver si te gusta.
Sí, conozco los musicos excellentes que me mencionaste. Especialmente Victor Jara me gusta muchisimo......
Sonre el arpa: sí, tenia un CD por aqui de un arpista paraguayo muy bueno, pero lo perdí...De los musicos Paraguayos conozco a Luis Alberto Parana, gracias a vos. Me gusto mucho, gracias!
Un abrazo!
+Lua Veli Hallo Lua, alles klar? Ich lerne Deutsch mit eine Lehrerin via Skype (in fact, we are exchanging one language for another - she's helping me with German, and I help her improve her English - free of charge). Creo que luego podré comunicarme con más seguridad y confianza. Gracias por el "pep talk" de que la lengua alemana es sonora y apropiada para la filosofía. También me alegro que te gustaron mis sugerencias musicales - Luis Alberto del Paraná, entre ellas. Si tienes tiempo, escucha a Luis Bordón y su arpa paraguaya (TH-cam).En cuanto al tema Victor Jara: es uno de mis "héroes" - un excelente compositor/cantante y un luchador incansable por la gente humilde/campesina/trabajadora de Chile y de los otros pueblos "south of the Rio Grande", de Latinoamérica, Desafortunadamente, la dictadura militar de Pinochet en 1973 puso fin a la vida de este extraordinario artista y ser humano de la más alta calidad. Last but not least, Congratulations on your great comments! Unfortunately, I can't keep up with all the extra reading/movie viewing (also TH-cam Ted) you recommend as I have to catch up with a lot of my own too. Don't you wish we had "1000 lives" so we could read all the books we wanted, see all the movies we chose, travel to all these places and perhaps live there for a while, do all those sports, listen to(or learn to play) that kind of music, maybe learn 10 foreign languages, etc.? Un gran abrazo!
+Humberto Lopez Hallo Lua, mi maestra de alemán me corrigió la frase que te mandé: La frase correcta es - Ich lerne Deutsch mit einer (not ein) Lehrerin. These endings are real "killers" (ein, eine, einer, ein my ...). Una(s) pregunta(s) más sobre Victor Jara: Cuales son tus canciones favoritas de Victor? Hasta el fin de su vida fue un socialista convicto, que piensas de lo que dijo Churchill: "Si no sos socialista a los 18, no tenes corazón. si sos socialista a los 40, no tenes cabeza (español de Paraguay y adyacencias)" ?Take your time! Un gran abrazo!
+Humberto Lopez
Hola Humberto! Espero que estés muy bien! Sabes, no deberias preocuparte demasiado por no cometer errores etc. Yo cometo errores en cada idioma que hablo. Trato de mejorarme y tal, pero al final del dia, si la gente entiende lo que digo, todo esta bien.
De Victor Jara tengo varios discos aca. Claro, me gustan sus canciones mas famosas como " Te recuerdo Amanda" etc. Pero mi favorito es " El Arado" . No sé si lo conoces."Luchin" tambien es tan lindo..
Bueno para decir la verdad, no estoy de acuerdo con lo que dijo Churchill. Hay gente que se queda comprometida toda la vida y no son para nada gente que "no tenga cabeza." Todo lo contrario: Gente digna, sabia y consecuente. Piensa en alguien como Eduardo Galeano por ejemplo. Uno de mis heroes.
Bueno, te deseo una muy buena semana y te mando un beso:-)
I can relate so much. I used to take pleasure in hurting people as a child. I craved for revenge.
I'm an MD today and been enjoying various humanitarian projects. And i want to spend the rest of my life like this.
This is so brilliant! Sublimation tries to explain so much of our inner mechanisms, it is amazing.
Please do these curriculum videos twice a week instead of once. They are far more enlightening than the other videos produced.
***** I do see the necessity of the other videos. I find curriculum courses especially fascinating however. Anyway keep up the good work.
+The School of Life I fully agree
+Tom Morley Totally disagree. I like the other videos more, but I really enjoyed this one a whole lot. Honestly I tend to like all of them. I think they should keep on doing what they do! :)
BY AZURA BY AZURA, it's the grand Champion
The School of Life is back! Love it!!!
“Freud added soberly” excellent choice of words! 3:36
4:20 Le Friend Zone. Kudos to the Graphic person.
for a non german your pronouncing is very good
+saemundar Yes he is.
Alain de Botton was originally from Switzerland.
Please note, at 0:14, the misspelling of "dispair." And we are not talking about uncoupling, I presume.
Fulfilling second bests!! Great line
I wish there were videos like yours but in German. I literally have to watch your videos and translate them in order to learn the stuff properly as I am a student in Germany and my teacher cant really explain the topic as good as your TH-cam videos. Thanks a lot !
Aren't most Germans good at English?
2:44 Next to Charlie Chaplin is Matsumoto Seichō, if anyone else was wondering.
This is one of the most interesting TH-cam pages thank you
Peter Griffin: I had such a crush on her... until I met you, Lois. You're my silver medal.
This is the best channel on TH-cam for me....I will like to see some other psychologist like Jung,Rogers,Lacan,Adler......Thank you and keep up.Respect for your work
"Sublimate well" is my new favorite catchphrase.
I believe Viktor Frankl deserves at least one video! If not a video series that is...
This video is strangely relevant to my life right now. Crazy coincidence!
Amazingly entertaining video, simply superb!!
I love that he isn't talking to fast to appear to be more interesting to others. Unlike some on TH-cam.
3:48 “continually we encounter people we’d love to sleep with but mustn’t” cue Bieber’s mugshot
A fascinating video! I've also really enjoyed your philosophy and Eastern philosophy playlists. I'd recommend a video on the Buddhist Wheel of life, the philosopher Alan Watts did a great analysis of its metaphorical meanings and how they invariably relate to suffering through attachment which migbt compliment the Eastern Philosophy videos well, especially following the Kintsugi and the love of rocks video. You might also compare how schools of thought were mirrored, such as how the Buddha and Zeno both advocated similar stoic outlooks. Keep up the great videos!
So true, a friend who tortured cats in school, went on to become an accomplished heart surgeon.
This was awesomely informative! please make a video on all of Freud's main ideas!
+The School of Life Even better. :)
Did Freud finally understand what projection was? He seemed to be projecting his own urges onto everyone else.
It is easy to notice people projecting but it's near impossible to notice this in ourselves.
@@carolusrex5563 I disagree, your highness.
Putting a room with subliminal things will impact the mind.
"If you tell people how they can sublimate, they can't sublimate."
Henry Stack Sullivan
Thank you, The School of Life !
Thank you so much for the really helpful work. Please do more defence mechanisms. It is fantastic!
thank you TSOL, i really need this right now.
Nietzsche wrote:There is, strictly speaking, neither unselfish conduct, nor a wholly disinterested point of view. Both are simply sublimations in which the basic element seems almost evaporated and betrays its presence only to the keenest observation. All that we need and that could possibly be given us in the present state of development of the sciences, is a chemistry of the moral, religious, aesthetic conceptions and feeling, as well as of those emotions which we experience in the affairs, great and small, of society and civilization, and which we are sensible of even in solitude. But what if this chemistry established the fact that, even in its domain, the most magnificent results were attained with the basest and most despised ingredients? Would many feel disposed to continue such investigations? Mankind loves to put by the questions of its origin and beginning: must one not be almost inhuman in order to follow the opposite course?[4]n the opening section of Human, All Too Human entitled ‘Of first and last things’,
basically turn disappointments into a drive to success?
+Mia Gless that doesn't always work, which is why i think this is a load of malarkey.
+Mia Gless You arrived at that conclusion just because of Freud?!
This animation is pure genius
I'm somewhat saddened by The School of Life's presentation of Freud in the sense of how much of what Freud found and spoke about was a product of his time, Sexual repression in particular, in addition to how he takes things somewhat into extremes and fails to recognise how the human actually work.
Don't get me wrong he had quite a few good ideas, though mostly observations from which he based his ideas, but sadly his ideas contain too much speculation. A case of: "Close yet so far away".
Now to be fair, the video is about sublimation.
The observation of Sublimation as both a concious and possibly subconscious phenomena certainly has some merit in that our experiences - especially in early life as well as strong or traumatising experiences even more so - impact our choices and wants, sometimes even beyond our more inherent inclinations; Sublimation manifest and overwrites many other wants and drives we as humans and individuals might have; is most certainly accurate.
Sadly Freud makes plenty of assumptions about the human that combined with a seeming lack of what I would consider deep enough of a study, exploration, understand and experience of the human leads him to yet again be: "Close yet so far away".
And it is therefore I would have hoped that The School of Life in the best interest of the viewers, would henceforth in some way disclaim or present the idea's of anyone they choose to speak of in such a way that no one is left to believe that it is the truth.
I am in no way wanting to encourage a bias, to censor or change the material discussed, but merely remind that these are ideas and we all might learn from them in some way.
And while it might be implied that we should all be critical of whatever we are told, it is with the certainty of which The School of Life speaks that makes me write all of this in the first place.
Or perhaps I am merely mistaken to think that The School of Life agrees with what they present and that they might instead in actuality be presenting the idea from the perspective of the author of a given idea.
Yet this leaves me with a another dilemma: Considering The School of Life, their ambition, agenda and biases(which are obvious or at least noticeable in quite a few of their videos) how is any viewer supposed to differentiate between what they agree with vs. what they merely present to us in a nicely digestible manner?
That, was beautiful!
This is sooooo good! I understand better than with my french philosophy teacher (because I'm french aha) Thank you!!!!
mon ptit loukoum who the heck cares if you're French?
I remembered an incredible documentary called " The Heart of Jenin" by the German director Marcus Vetter. It is about a Palestinian father whose 12 year old son had been shot dead by the Israeli soldiers while he was playing in his garden. The boy was taken to an Israeli hospital where they asked the father whether he wanted to donate his sons organs to Israeli children.
You must consider that it is a decision you have to take right away, while your child's body is still warm..You would expect " the revenge" to be the first thing that comes to the man's mind. But he opted for dignity, goodness and nobility , he said yes and saved the lives of six children!
In the documentary he visits every one of them after they recover.
You may cry your eyes our watching it, but in a world full of horrors we should always keep in mind the stories of people who show us what a human being is capable of doing even in the face of the greatest injustice.
le friend zone XD
Flightless Wings I'm a co-author
co author of ?
constraints lead to creativity.
The only trouble with this is, Freud wasn't entirely right, and the modern field of psychology has moved further from where his work left off. When talking about the father of psychology, remember that his intellectual descendants have continued the work.
Freud wasn't entirely right? He slowed down progress in the field of Psychology for at least a hundred of years. He was a quack and a fraud.
Every time one of your videos finishes I expect that epic music that plays at the end of Ted-Ed videos
Maybe I associate the two together because I learn something from both
Mr. Creasy same hahaha I love the final words in Ted videos
so, what was mother teresa's dark energy ???
She bandaged people because her subconscious desires of bondage duh
chronic masturbation.
"You know, this terrible pain is only the kiss of Jesus - a sign that you have come so close to Jesus on the cross that he can kiss you." And she joined her hands together and said "Mother Teresa, please tell Jesus to stop kissing me". That's were it was.
Artytom Inquisitive Minds How charitable of the evil old bitch.
+Mimin Rdx um I know this is meant as a joke, but you should watch the documentary on mother terresa called: hell's angel. She was a pretty terrible person actually.
@0:55 in this helps me rationalize Ben Carson existing as a Neurosurgeon based on carson's own pointy-jabby words making me suuuuper skeptical up'ta now.
Whoever thought to edit the transition at 2:15 is a fucking god.
this is beautiful. i needed to learn about this again. i was a really angry kid and i'd like to think I sublimated that into my art today. thanks!
What's the difference between this (sublimation) and incorporating your shadow?
Sublimation is the purification of primitive mental energy into something higher, while incorporating your Shadow is about making a part of you which was unconscious conscious.
Parts we don't like about ourselves or have forgotten them.
best philosopher of all the times..........
Who said the surgeon was being noble? Maybe he really loved cutting things up and wanted to advance from dogs to humans, he's a smart kid, he knows he can either do it on the sly and end up getting hung or he could become a surgeon and spend his days up to his arms in guts and gore? What if what fraud thought of as sublimation was merely compromise?
+ben middleton Do underlying motives realy decide if something is good or bad? If someone got a flaming erection while cauterizing my wounds, i'd still be grateful to him.
That depends upon their level of self control, if he's at full mast because he's thinking of fucking that wound he's cauterising, you'd better hope he has the will power to stitch you up and send you away un-wound-fucked, without that willpower, those underlying motives become REALLY important
I'm detecting some humorous intention here. But clearly the premise is that nothing is acted on. The whole point is the underlying motive of the "good" action.
i am a strong believer in judging motivations over actions, i'll take a well intentioned under achiever over a skilled bastard any day of the week
+iggywow Abdulkarim Elnaas This is one of my all time favorite TH-cam threads, Thank you :)
excellent job, the video is informative, has the perfect tempo, very well written and very interesting to the end. way to go.
A new pickup line? "Hello, i have the general urge to"
Thank you for your videos. I just know how inportant it is for ALL people to be able to connect to the content through actually seeing themselves. I also just wanted to give an invitation to step out of the comfort zone of just showcasing white or lighter skin. Most stories are universal. And skin color shouldn't matter. In this world it does. Some people of color may not connect and my use the defense mechanism of that's a white people issue. When in fact it's just a people issue. I just want us to be able to see ourselves and each others as that, people. Thanks again for your eye opening videos.
In my opinion Julius Evola deserves a video on your channel
+Mike De Jong Thanks for the suggestion. From the little we know we're not sure he's a good fit. But please feel free to expand on your reasons, particularly (if we can politely request) why you think some of his ideas would be useful to viewers.
+John Armstrong Well since you covered the ideas of capitalism and communism I thought it might be refreshing and interesting to show the less well known idea of traditionalism as well. Just so everyone can see a new perspective on things, a perspective they otherwise wouldnt have thought of.
+Chris O'Rourke I am not joking at all. What you said is pretty subjective, I do not see it the way you do. I thought that if school of life objectively states what Evola wanted more people could decide for themselves what they think about those ideas. As far as I know the goal of this channel is to introduce people to new concepts and not to push a modernist agenda. I understand you might not like him. But I think his ideas about keeping the traditional order (which isnt at all that bad imho) might be good to show in times where all the insititutions as he promoted are being attacked and tore down. He serves as a reminder of that tradition is always an option and then it is up to the watcher to decide if it is a good or a bad one.
+John Armstrong Ride the Tiger, if anything, is a tremendous guide directed towards a very overlooked kind of person in society; the differiented man. Here is a good excerpt defining this person: "This restriction must be kept in mind. What I am about to say does not concern the ordinary man of our day. On the contrary, I have in mind the man who finds himself involved in today's world, even at its most problematic and paroxysimal points; yet he does not belong inwardly to such a world, nor will he give in to it. He feels himself, in essence, as belonging to a different race from that of the overwhelming majority of his contemporaries." The differiented man, who perhaps would have been a warrior or a priest in a traditional society, finds himself completely lost in the modern consumerist society. It's a very interesting concept if you ask me. Revolt Against the Modern World, and Men Among the Ruins, are also great books of course.
Thanks for the Chinese subtitles by the way :)
That's why I'm so successful! I never get laid which leads me so sexually frustrated I put all that work to good use 😂😂😂
That worked wonders in my 20's and i broke 6 figures before turning 30 while maintaining a fab bod in the gym and reading tons of religion, science and philosophy and classic literature. But now in my mid to late 30's i can barely be asked to do anything at all. I went from super over achiever to being some hybrid of the guy from Office Space, Lester Burnham, and Jeffery "The Dude" Lebowski. The tiny bit of relationship experience i actually had, combined with the horrible things I've seen, witnessed and heard from other people's relationships lead me to MGTOW conclusions just before discovering that was an actual thing. So now i "work" part time, play video games, and watch porn and take naps in the middle of the day while waiting for new videos from Barbarossa, Thinking Ape, Colttaine, etc etc.
Working hard and believing in your dreams is a great way to get exploited and i just can't be asked any more. Eventually faith dries up and energy and passion runs out. You see that religion, politics, the news media, Hollywood, advertising, and even career guidance is just a few of the ways that society creates a maze of false promises, lies and illusions to control your behavior. Society was built by harnessing male labor via creating maximum sexual desire in males with ubiquitous sexual imagery and at the same time making access to actual sex as scarce as humanly possible. That's how you enslave the population.
As Pink Floyd sang:
"We know what you dream. We told you what to dream. Welcome to the machine."
You can run on the hamster wheel now to power this shit show if you want to. I'm done. Just be careful if and when you do get laid. The woman can walk off whenever she wants to and leave you with the bills while constantly dodging or refusing visitation. Then the machine can keep chewing on you long after you have nothing left to give.
+Jeremy Gross What do you plan to do now?
+Patrick Duncombe I shall have my fill of bread and wine and then I will tell more tails of how I had my fill bread and wine 😊😂😂😂
+Jeremy Gross You know you can use condoms.
Patrick Duncombe Just enjoying the day to day as much as possible atm. Although I am wondering what I want in the future. This is the first time in my life when my goals and future aren't that clear. So for the moment I just take as little stress as possible, and sometimes ponder what I should do next.
I always wondered as a student of psychology what kind of impulses do we sublimate that drives us to this specific career, for example how a surgeon transfers his impulse to hurt into a career of helping others.
Any plans for a video on Lacan? Pllllease?
+Josef K Yes, we've got plans - but it might take a while
+John Armstrong How about Archimedes?? Please give me a sign...
Sadly Archimedes isn't on our radar as yet. But, if you feel like it, please do say a bit more here about why he particularly interests you and what his message to us today might be.
I'm not very good at this. My libido just seems to distract me from doing productive work, not contribute to it.
Well, there was a research that said that thinking about "sex" made people more perceptive and more productive or something on those lines. Just try to accept it instead of blaming it :D
Love the sublimated sibilant of the extra "S" in 'dissappointment'. Freud would be hissing with excitement. Great, succinct video(s), all round, though.
I await with bated breath Isaac Liu's first attempt at a video showing us all how it really should be done under the heading: "When the urge to change my family name to Hunt by deed pole was sublimated into the redundant intimacy of online comment."
why not do something on carl jung?
Does anyone know from what artwork is that dude in 4:45 ?
How does this relate to Reaction Formation? Also, can we consider this the same Sublimation discussed by Anna?
In psychology, sublimation is a mature type of defense mechanism where socially unacceptable impulses or idealizations are unconsciously transformed into socially acceptable actions or behavior, possibly resulting in a long-term conversion of the initial impulse.
Sigmund Freud questioned the very essence of who we are...
Love the videos, please do one on William james as I feel his philosophical ideas lay the groundwork for psychology and free will
It seems like there is a very thin line between sublimation and repression and I wonder about the nature of this line. It seems like it is related to some internal negotiations and the extent to which the conclusion of those negotiations feels just.
The link to Mad Adam files needs the 'www' removed for the link to work. Great video! I would love to see School of Life cover the poem "On the Nature of things." I really like the book "The Swerve" that shows the poems emergence and the spark that epicurean philosophy brought to the enlightenment. It's also visually beautiful and I think you can do it justice.
Your German enunciation is actually suprisingly good
We are not turning selfish acts into selfless acts with sublimation, we are using reason for selfish benefits by planning for long term, stable, life sustaining pleasures rather than engage in short term unsustainable selfish pleasures. eg.productive activity vs theft. It is known in some circles as "growing up". Cutting the tails off dogs might be pleasurable for the moment but eventually you'll need to eat and find shelter so a different form of selfish activity will eventually take precedence.
the problem is holding "opposites" in the mind as truth, when they are merely arbitrary.
Beautiful 🥲 thank you
jung! maslow! milgram! we want more!!!
also, lol at bieber 3:48
+javi park Want Maslow indeed. It's sad how he is only known for his hierarchy of needs..
Kind of reminds me of Philanthropy in a way. Especially coming from those super rich/famous individuals who ultimately use it to better their own situation even more.
Freud is cool! studied him and did a project on him really cool guy
Thank You for this video.
awesome last two sentences
1:35 can someone please tell me what this art piece is?
The happy side of psychoanalysis!
In order to stop suffering you must understand the cause and creator of the suffering
Please do more on Freud and perhaps the basics of Psychotherapy - please!
could you explain more about da Vinci's urge to know
+bdr hsin he wanted to knw why he was attracted to peens and why people had different sexual preferences???
4:20 haha the title of the book
*What would be the best beginners guide/book to learning about Freud??*
+IntotheFire The Corpus Hermeticum, the Emerald Tablet translated by Isaac Newton, and Poemandres, where he seems to have stolen all his philosophical and psychological ideas from and claimed them for himself.
+Ryan Carlow "where freud was original he was not correct where freud was correct he wasn't original" Note: This is from memory, so I might have gotten it wrong. But it is important. Freud was a genius who had no idea how to run a scientific experiment. He pretty much just made stuff up. However, his approach to the mind did greatly influence modern thought, so I guess we owe him that.
This is incredible! I love it!