I like the preparation in Classic and how it can vastly improve your gameplay, I don’t mind WB’s because the reward is totally worth it for the effort you put into it
My last Vanilla guild (Phoenix - Greymane) got to Gothik in Naxx. We raided 4-5 night a week, 4 hours a night depending on attendance. I looked forward to logging on every night for raid, and played every other day of the week as well. Now, six hours a week feels rough.
Lich king heroic was what gave away the plot to me. I watched two separate raid groups get destroyed from the long term rot of skill and communication gap. This happens and the narrative or “easy” content will just contribute.
Eating a leftover calzone after finishing all my sod lockouts. Returning player rerolled alliance for first time. 60 in a week, all raids down before Tuesday. These videos have been my post sesh wind down go to
@@zdubzz1280well I quit in phase 2 and didn’t have it in me to start new fresh toons on anniversary and heard good things about sod. Novelty aspect and low barriers of entry make it extremely enjoyable to return. Even though I’ve done aq40 a few times they were really bad Monday pug runs so I have no concept of top end game performance yet. I do hate AQ though lol. Just wanted to experience naxx again. What didn’t you like about it brother?
You're a very eloquent speaker. When you got to the part about revulsion at not utilizing one's full effort you sounded like Agent Smith talking about his disgust with humanity. I felt it. In most of my WoW career (Vanilla, TBC, Cata, MoP) I was content to raid with people I'd befriend while playing the game, which meant being in decent but not great guilds. The amount of time just a few people who don't bother trying can steal from everybody else became apparent. In Classic I decided it was high-tier guilds only and, fortunately, things worked out nearly perfectly. I had the pleasure of logging in to raid with many private-server vets who knew a lot and were eager to learn more, always prepared to the best of their ability, usually open to feedback, unashamed to ask questions. In that environment I began to recognize a stark contrast with how 99% of the other people play the game. Some lessons: surround yourself with good people who are always striving to maintain or improve. Pride and ego are good things when they're earned through actions and they are different than the pride and ego of mediocre people. Doing a favor should not feel like it costs you anything: do favors habitually for others and foster an environment where favor doing is the norm, because you will be around people who will happily fill in your shortcomings. These are some of the things that people mean when they talk about developing a winning culture...they just never get granular and talk about what that actually requires. Shout out to Shard of for fostering an amazing guild environment.
I was in one of the guilds that actually killed Kel'Thuzad pre-TBC. Validus on Mal'Ganis. I played holy paladin. Anyway, player skill/game difficulty back then vs today is fascinating topic, but it's a conversation you can only have with someone who is ready to entertain a lot of nuance in the discussion. It's not like players are smarter today, as in their brains are more powerful (Flynn effect on IQ over the last 20 years notwithstanding lol), and in fact, I think good players of today actually have less deep mechanical knowledge of WoW's systems than the good players of ~15-20 years ago had. But still, way, way more players clear the content today than they did then. Players are more skillful, whether than means they have the knowledge on how to push their buttons more optimally, or it means the boss mods and weakauras are so strong today that they are just constantly steered toward the most optimal next in-game action, or maybe (probably in my case), you've raided enough hard encounters that forced you to grow as a player such that when you come back to Naxx and the original void zones from 2006 just don't seem that deadly anymore. Whatever the case, players are more effective. Does that mean they're actually better players? Why was the content so hard for us 20 years ago?
I also cleared back then and I think your final point was probably the most likely. Over the years, as computers have gotten better, games have increased in difficulty (you can put more on the screen for the player to deal with) and therefore our skill will have increased as a result. Back then, I expect a lot of players had to have low graphics settings and things like void zones likely won't even have shown in game (I remember "invisible" void zones on 4hm killing people).
We all complain, but there is no reason to do it. At the end of every problem we have, there is always the question "what are you going to do about it?" If you genuinely care about the solution, the answer will never be to complain.
The Cathun story gets me every time. On Pservers pre-nerf Cathun was killed no problem (it's reasonably hard). It's just people back then were really bad (including Ian).
The thing with classic endgame is the nature of the time commitment. I don't mind bashing my head against a boss for an entire night. I even enjoy it because it means I am getting better at the game while doing it. However, I loathe doing the mindless prep work : farming way too many consumables and getting world buffs in the case of classic. It's even worse when you die because you lose so much of that time you had to invest. From TBC onwards, it becomes bearable precisely because you have much less consumables you can farm and world buffs are a non-issue. The only thing you really need to reapply in TBC after a death is your food buff. Your flask persist through death and so does your sharpening stone / oil. The most fun I had while raiding was progressing savage in FFXIV precisely because of how little investment it requires of you outside of raiding and how the fights are knowledge based. For reference, the only buff you can use is a food buff that lasts for an hour, can be stacked up to two hours and persists through death. You also have potions on a 2 (?) min CD that give you a stat boost for something like 20 seconds, but you normally keep those only for fights you really could use the extra power. Best thing is that food and potions are dirt cheap. Imagine spending less than 5g worth of consumables for an entire night. Ironically enough, the only time I cleared Naxx was on a private server that used a modified TBC client for stability reasons. We were capped at 60 with classic talent trees, but some TBC holdovers persisted. The best of those was the battle/gardian elixir limit. Meaning you could only use a battle and guardian elixir or a flask. Lots of world buffs got treated as elixirs in TBC which made them unusable. The only ones exempt from that were the dragonslayer and ZG buffs. Now, that server had a low population, with less than a thousand people which meant that there weren't many heads/hearts getting popped so those were saved only for attempts where that extra boost of power could push us past the edge. So the only time I killed KT in a classic-like environment, I did without worldbuffs and with only a flask and food. I quit classic in phase 2 because my friends had the stupid idea of rolling on a pvp server. But honestly, the mindless farm would have gotten to me before Naxx was released anyway. I did play through TBC on a PvE server until my guild died in Sunwell. It was fun until Felmyst reminded us that we had been carrying some people through the rest of the expansion and that Sunwell wasn't that kind of place.
Just because you need wb's and consumes to clear something doesn't mean it's not easy. It just means it's effort. I can't say that any of the classic raids were even remotely comparable in difficulty to any of the raids past Legion. The mechanics involved in classic raiding are largely trivial and the mechanics before that even more so. It's largely a game about organising and equipping the people and that is great in and of itself. Raids don't need to be hard.
i think this just comes from a lack of introspection and actually sorting out your values/principles. the only reason other people's version of fulfillment frustrates you is because you dont really have idea of what that looks like for yourself. many people get stuck focusing on happiness or achievement, but life is actually much more than that. id wager the person you feel is ruining their life on the game could actually be closer to fulfillment than you are. food for thought.
Nax 40 back in the day was insanely difficult. Most Guilds could not even clear a few bosses. Today its a bit of a joke. Tho I will say KT has a ton of mechanics and abilities for a vanilla boss. Bit of a foreshadowing for things to come in TBC. 20 years ago we all played the game very differently than we do today. And the average player was much worse. Classic players in general are bad, but the amount of tools and information available today is crazy. Many players that came back for Classic never stopped playing WoW (like me). And got use to the Retail speed long ago. In comparison Classic is slow and super simple. TLDR: 20 years ago people who cleared Nax were insanely good players. Many of which today (that kept playing) are in top Guilds. We all evolve and they were elite then and are elite now on Retail. The bad players also got better in time, they surpassed vanilla content skill wise and now trying to flex at how easy it is with out realizing that they are 2 decades behind the curve.
One thing raiding has taught me is that you have no idea what you're talking about until you've done it yourself. I had no clue how tanking worked until I started raid tanking. I had no idea how often a group wipe was avoided by a clutch heal until I started healing. These comments come from one of two places. Either an elitist min/max prick who has a superiority complex because I knows something. Or an oblivious and entitled schmuck who doesn't know what he's talking about. Both can be ignored. Vanilla wow is a massive time sink if you really want to play the game. Gamers were already a niche group of people and the game was designed to be challenging. Which means it's not everyone. It's no surprise so few people cleared endgame. The coordination + time commitment + find like minded people, all on top of the normal time investment of wow. Hats off to all the good raid leaders I've had throughout my wow career.
I did it on a 02 comp. A dell tower. Most peoples comps werent even that new. I had to go to Fry's so many times to help my friends upgrade their home comps so they could actually play after realizing they didnt meet the prereqs for whatever reason.
Everyone back then did suck, in fact they were total ass. I played a mage and would lead damage in my raid without getting world buffs or having flask of supreme power.
Oh yah dude I wish I could spend more time on wow but I have way too much going on in life wow is kinda crazy the hoops they make you jump through I enjoy having to use macros even hunt for world buffs make a guild n what not but yah I have to play it on a personalized private server because I don’t think I can keep up with the loot treadmill I really love the game and will try my hardest to get to 60-70 & clear all the raids n stuff up to wrath but yah I may have to tap out for some of those ret grinds and defs do not have time to level alts. I just wish it could be like back in the old days where this content took a long time to release not oh dude they drop phase 3 next week etc I just don’t know it’s easy for me to get burnt out on running classic dungeons and grinding it’s a beautiful beautiful game and PvP is super fun with the right friends I also love PVE but yah it’s a shame how I have just way to many 3D art projects and real life goals to become like the kids in the South Park wow episode
I think there are a lot of cracks with mmos that show when u don’t have as much time I play Druid as a nelf and even with 50% moving speed as a spirit and 40% with travel form it still has these super long gaps for you to run and wait that just say hey the longer the players take to complete this stuff the more money they’ll pay me and yah when they start forcing u to stomach content in vanilla it’s like dude imma have to use character boosting tactics or just buy max lvl characters which I’d never do. I’m about 35 on my main but yah I just hit a wall where I was burnt out my homie n I are gonna get back into it and then we can really experience all it has to offer but yah I am just kinda torn between real life and wanting to level my alts and main and experience everything but I’m not gonna force myself to do any of that or pay any extra money for that to cheat I’ll just make a private server and crank up EXP rates and can enjoy it at whatever leisure pace I want I think that’s the only healthy alternative just get what gear u get run dungeons with ur friend on the classic server but yah for alts n everything reputation grind for phase 5-6 in BC I’ll probably just be on a private server I hope that can help anyone whose in the same spot as me. Cuz yah I’m not saying nerf the challenge or give exp boosts or pay to win microtransactions these are a no no and ruin wow not about that in any form u earn ur gear and ur levels u play fairly or just give urself what u want on private servers and play with bots wow kinda just always feels like this sorta game where it holds u at gun point to get the once a year limited time Christmas event item! th-cam.com/video/wQZ_QMQkedI/w-d-xo.htmlsi=UdsdPZ4S_EKbzmR6
The game is very easy. This is a fact, the mechanics are simple and repetitive. The hard part of the game is its social aspect, gathering 25/40 competent people or finding a good guild willing to play with you is the hard part.
NA really does have some peculiar takes regarding video games and how people approach them / self accountability of performance within group environments. Ever since I was a kid I just wanted to improve and understand systems, particularly in video games. There also seemed to be many of us that did the same (wow and other games confirm this). But the amount of NA player base that arguably spends the same amount of time, effort, and care yet have 0 interest in self retrospection / analysis (in terms of video games, not personal behaviour) is baffling. I don’t care at all if you genuinely love to relax, play feelscraft, and do your own things. Likely lots of alts or not max level etc. hell I’m a classic Andy and I respect that. But to then criticize or become hostile with any notion of optimizing self play- so baffling to me. Just say that’s not for you, and that’s ok lol. Similar things exist in COD and League. In COD warzone saw an influx of new casual players and holy hell their views on “sweats” Whereas league is the complete opposite. People that play a ton and care a ton but don’t self analyze to improve. Really interesting stuff (which is typically on full display in r/classicwow) lol.
It has largely to do with the design of our public school system, which eradicates the competitive desire and self-respect. The people who come out the other end tend to be emotionally confused and fragile.
xD bro imagine needing world buffs for vanilla content... its so easy... my guild in vanilla cleared all of nax with prot pala tank.... I cleared it in 2019 with prot pala tank.... oh.. my logs..? my toon name..? my guild name..? uhhhhh cant remember xD Average reddit comment pre-classic and during classic
I like the preparation in Classic and how it can vastly improve your gameplay, I don’t mind WB’s because the reward is totally worth it for the effort you put into it
My last Vanilla guild (Phoenix - Greymane) got to Gothik in Naxx. We raided 4-5 night a week, 4 hours a night depending on attendance. I looked forward to logging on every night for raid, and played every other day of the week as well.
Now, six hours a week feels rough.
Lich king heroic was what gave away the plot to me. I watched two separate raid groups get destroyed from the long term rot of skill and communication gap. This happens and the narrative or “easy” content will just contribute.
me eating an in n out burger doing homework watching new jake video
Eating a leftover calzone after finishing all my sod lockouts.
Returning player rerolled alliance for first time. 60 in a week, all raids down before Tuesday. These videos have been my post sesh wind down go to
@@AC-be5guyou’re a real one for finishing out sod. Just couldn’t keep myself into it. I held out until AQ.
@@zdubzz1280well I quit in phase 2 and didn’t have it in me to start new fresh toons on anniversary and heard good things about sod.
Novelty aspect and low barriers of entry make it extremely enjoyable to return. Even though I’ve done aq40 a few times they were really bad Monday pug runs so I have no concept of top end game performance yet.
I do hate AQ though lol. Just wanted to experience naxx again.
What didn’t you like about it brother?
that patchwerk story is gold
As a guild leader, raid leader, and main tank from BC through the end of Cata, I felt a lot of what you had to say.
You're a very eloquent speaker. When you got to the part about revulsion at not utilizing one's full effort you sounded like Agent Smith talking about his disgust with humanity. I felt it. In most of my WoW career (Vanilla, TBC, Cata, MoP) I was content to raid with people I'd befriend while playing the game, which meant being in decent but not great guilds. The amount of time just a few people who don't bother trying can steal from everybody else became apparent. In Classic I decided it was high-tier guilds only and, fortunately, things worked out nearly perfectly. I had the pleasure of logging in to raid with many private-server vets who knew a lot and were eager to learn more, always prepared to the best of their ability, usually open to feedback, unashamed to ask questions.
In that environment I began to recognize a stark contrast with how 99% of the other people play the game. Some lessons: surround yourself with good people who are always striving to maintain or improve. Pride and ego are good things when they're earned through actions and they are different than the pride and ego of mediocre people. Doing a favor should not feel like it costs you anything: do favors habitually for others and foster an environment where favor doing is the norm, because you will be around people who will happily fill in your shortcomings. These are some of the things that people mean when they talk about developing a winning culture...they just never get granular and talk about what that actually requires. Shout out to Shard of for fostering an amazing guild environment.
Risen on nightslayer?
@@tehfuqizg0inon588 Maybe. They started on private servers and then were on Whitemane from 2019-2021. Probably still going.
back in wrath I was raiding 5 hours 3 nights a week it was wayyyy too much time commitment
I was in one of the guilds that actually killed Kel'Thuzad pre-TBC. Validus on Mal'Ganis. I played holy paladin.
Anyway, player skill/game difficulty back then vs today is fascinating topic, but it's a conversation you can only have with someone who is ready to entertain a lot of nuance in the discussion.
It's not like players are smarter today, as in their brains are more powerful (Flynn effect on IQ over the last 20 years notwithstanding lol), and in fact, I think good players of today actually have less deep mechanical knowledge of WoW's systems than the good players of ~15-20 years ago had. But still, way, way more players clear the content today than they did then. Players are more skillful, whether than means they have the knowledge on how to push their buttons more optimally, or it means the boss mods and weakauras are so strong today that they are just constantly steered toward the most optimal next in-game action, or maybe (probably in my case), you've raided enough hard encounters that forced you to grow as a player such that when you come back to Naxx and the original void zones from 2006 just don't seem that deadly anymore. Whatever the case, players are more effective. Does that mean they're actually better players? Why was the content so hard for us 20 years ago?
I also cleared back then and I think your final point was probably the most likely.
Over the years, as computers have gotten better, games have increased in difficulty (you can put more on the screen for the player to deal with) and therefore our skill will have increased as a result.
Back then, I expect a lot of players had to have low graphics settings and things like void zones likely won't even have shown in game (I remember "invisible" void zones on 4hm killing people).
Game was always easy. Just PC was Gapped and Servers were 1k Pop dead af 😂
I think weakauras and other add-ons make it much easier
Very fun to read this comment
We all complain, but there is no reason to do it. At the end of every problem we have, there is always the question "what are you going to do about it?" If you genuinely care about the solution, the answer will never be to complain.
Don't forget to seed an instance so you get more drops
I like your attitude, depression has fucked me over
Its hard to act when you lack certainty that what you are doing will help
The Cathun story gets me every time. On Pservers pre-nerf Cathun was killed no problem (it's reasonably hard). It's just people back then were really bad (including Ian).
Online game communities suffer from a tremendous amount of apex fallacy.
Those action bars never cease to confuse me.
The thing with classic endgame is the nature of the time commitment.
I don't mind bashing my head against a boss for an entire night. I even enjoy it because it means I am getting better at the game while doing it.
However, I loathe doing the mindless prep work : farming way too many consumables and getting world buffs in the case of classic.
It's even worse when you die because you lose so much of that time you had to invest.
From TBC onwards, it becomes bearable precisely because you have much less consumables you can farm and world buffs are a non-issue. The only thing you really need to reapply in TBC after a death is your food buff. Your flask persist through death and so does your sharpening stone / oil.
The most fun I had while raiding was progressing savage in FFXIV precisely because of how little investment it requires of you outside of raiding and how the fights are knowledge based. For reference, the only buff you can use is a food buff that lasts for an hour, can be stacked up to two hours and persists through death. You also have potions on a 2 (?) min CD that give you a stat boost for something like 20 seconds, but you normally keep those only for fights you really could use the extra power.
Best thing is that food and potions are dirt cheap. Imagine spending less than 5g worth of consumables for an entire night.
Ironically enough, the only time I cleared Naxx was on a private server that used a modified TBC client for stability reasons. We were capped at 60 with classic talent trees, but some TBC holdovers persisted. The best of those was the battle/gardian elixir limit. Meaning you could only use a battle and guardian elixir or a flask. Lots of world buffs got treated as elixirs in TBC which made them unusable. The only ones exempt from that were the dragonslayer and ZG buffs.
Now, that server had a low population, with less than a thousand people which meant that there weren't many heads/hearts getting popped so those were saved only for attempts where that extra boost of power could push us past the edge.
So the only time I killed KT in a classic-like environment, I did without worldbuffs and with only a flask and food.
I quit classic in phase 2 because my friends had the stupid idea of rolling on a pvp server. But honestly, the mindless farm would have gotten to me before Naxx was released anyway.
I did play through TBC on a PvE server until my guild died in Sunwell. It was fun until Felmyst reminded us that we had been carrying some people through the rest of the expansion and that Sunwell wasn't that kind of place.
Just because you need wb's and consumes to clear something doesn't mean it's not easy. It just means it's effort.
I can't say that any of the classic raids were even remotely comparable in difficulty to any of the raids past Legion. The mechanics involved in classic raiding are largely trivial and the mechanics before that even more so. It's largely a game about organising and equipping the people and that is great in and of itself. Raids don't need to be hard.
i think this just comes from a lack of introspection and actually sorting out your values/principles. the only reason other people's version of fulfillment frustrates you is because you dont really have idea of what that looks like for yourself. many people get stuck focusing on happiness or achievement, but life is actually much more than that. id wager the person you feel is ruining their life on the game could actually be closer to fulfillment than you are. food for thought.
Nax 40 back in the day was insanely difficult. Most Guilds could not even clear a few bosses. Today its a bit of a joke. Tho I will say KT has a ton of mechanics and abilities for a vanilla boss. Bit of a foreshadowing for things to come in TBC.
20 years ago we all played the game very differently than we do today. And the average player was much worse. Classic players in general are bad, but the amount of tools and information available today is crazy.
Many players that came back for Classic never stopped playing WoW (like me). And got use to the Retail speed long ago. In comparison Classic is slow and super simple.
TLDR: 20 years ago people who cleared Nax were insanely good players. Many of which today (that kept playing) are in top Guilds. We all evolve and they were elite then and are elite now on Retail. The bad players also got better in time, they surpassed vanilla content skill wise and now trying to flex at how easy it is with out realizing that they are 2 decades behind the curve.
One thing raiding has taught me is that you have no idea what you're talking about until you've done it yourself. I had no clue how tanking worked until I started raid tanking. I had no idea how often a group wipe was avoided by a clutch heal until I started healing.
These comments come from one of two places. Either an elitist min/max prick who has a superiority complex because I knows something. Or an oblivious and entitled schmuck who doesn't know what he's talking about. Both can be ignored.
Vanilla wow is a massive time sink if you really want to play the game. Gamers were already a niche group of people and the game was designed to be challenging. Which means it's not everyone. It's no surprise so few people cleared endgame. The coordination + time commitment + find like minded people, all on top of the normal time investment of wow. Hats off to all the good raid leaders I've had throughout my wow career.
Do naxx on a 2003 computer , you cant
I did it on a 02 comp. A dell tower. Most peoples comps werent even that new. I had to go to Fry's so many times to help my friends upgrade their home comps so they could actually play after realizing they didnt meet the prereqs for whatever reason.
My new hp pavilion in 2003 struggled from 1.0 threw 5.0
Has anybody ever asked you…what the fuck are those key bindings? 😂
Everyone back then did suck, in fact they were total ass. I played a mage and would lead damage in my raid without getting world buffs or having flask of supreme power.
dunno, this sounds pretty libbed out to me
Oh yah dude I wish I could spend more time on wow but I have way too much going on in life wow is kinda crazy the hoops they make you jump through I enjoy having to use macros even hunt for world buffs make a guild n what not but yah I have to play it on a personalized private server because I don’t think I can keep up with the loot treadmill I really love the game and will try my hardest to get to 60-70 & clear all the raids n stuff up to wrath but yah I may have to tap out for some of those ret grinds and defs do not have time to level alts. I just wish it could be like back in the old days where this content took a long time to release not oh dude they drop phase 3 next week etc I just don’t know it’s easy for me to get burnt out on running classic dungeons and grinding it’s a beautiful beautiful game and PvP is super fun with the right friends I also love PVE but yah it’s a shame how I have just way to many 3D art projects and real life goals to become like the kids in the South Park wow episode
I think there are a lot of cracks with mmos that show when u don’t have as much time I play Druid as a nelf and even with 50% moving speed as a spirit and 40% with travel form it still has these super long gaps for you to run and wait that just say hey the longer the players take to complete this stuff the more money they’ll pay me and yah when they start forcing u to stomach content in vanilla it’s like dude imma have to use character boosting tactics or just buy max lvl characters which I’d never do. I’m about 35 on my main but yah I just hit a wall where I was burnt out my homie n I are gonna get back into it and then we can really experience all it has to offer but yah I am just kinda torn between real life and wanting to level my alts and main and experience everything but I’m not gonna force myself to do any of that or pay any extra money for that to cheat I’ll just make a private server and crank up EXP rates and can enjoy it at whatever leisure pace I want I think that’s the only healthy alternative just get what gear u get run dungeons with ur friend on the classic server but yah for alts n everything reputation grind for phase 5-6 in BC I’ll probably just be on a private server I hope that can help anyone whose in the same spot as me. Cuz yah I’m not saying nerf the challenge or give exp boosts or pay to win microtransactions these are a no no and ruin wow not about that in any form u earn ur gear and ur levels u play fairly or just give urself what u want on private servers and play with bots wow kinda just always feels like this sorta game where it holds u at gun point to get the once a year limited time Christmas event item! th-cam.com/video/wQZ_QMQkedI/w-d-xo.htmlsi=UdsdPZ4S_EKbzmR6
The game is very easy. This is a fact, the mechanics are simple and repetitive. The hard part of the game is its social aspect, gathering 25/40 competent people or finding a good guild willing to play with you is the hard part.
Yea get 40 ppl to do anything in a cohesive repetitive manner lol
NA really does have some peculiar takes regarding video games and how people approach them / self accountability of performance within group environments.
Ever since I was a kid I just wanted to improve and understand systems, particularly in video games. There also seemed to be many of us that did the same (wow and other games confirm this).
But the amount of NA player base that arguably spends the same amount of time, effort, and care yet have 0 interest in self retrospection / analysis (in terms of video games, not personal behaviour) is baffling.
I don’t care at all if you genuinely love to relax, play feelscraft, and do your own things. Likely lots of alts or not max level etc. hell I’m a classic Andy and I respect that. But to then criticize or become hostile with any notion of optimizing self play- so baffling to me. Just say that’s not for you, and that’s ok lol.
Similar things exist in COD and League.
In COD warzone saw an influx of new casual players and holy hell their views on “sweats”
Whereas league is the complete opposite. People that play a ton and care a ton but don’t self analyze to improve.
Really interesting stuff (which is typically on full display in r/classicwow) lol.
It has largely to do with the design of our public school system, which eradicates the competitive desire and self-respect. The people who come out the other end tend to be emotionally confused and fragile.
xD bro imagine needing world buffs for vanilla content... its so easy... my guild in vanilla cleared all of nax with prot pala tank.... I cleared it in 2019 with prot pala tank....
oh.. my logs..? my toon name..? my guild name..? uhhhhh cant remember xD
Average reddit comment pre-classic and during classic
Ppl sayin naxx is ez probably only cleared Wrath naxx :'D