Wow! I found you on accident, and was amazed. Only after half a night of watching a few of your videos, I subscribed. I am a nobody for all intent and purpose. From my teens to my twenties I would use my energies to heal. It was hit and miss. Strangely I was using bits of what you spoke about. Now in my thirties, I can't do it. One thing you said was made crystal clear. You can't help people if you are broken(not your exact words). I can neither afford, nor attend seminars. I don't mind. You are a great teacher, and I can learn from here. The way you try to help people is inspiring. I am one of the dumb ones. Who doesn't mind going though another's garbage. Now I just need to clean my yard first. I had to get that off my chest, hoping you understand, when I say thank you and don't stop what you do!
Around 15:00 We resist 3 things: 1) anything that threatens how we see ourselves, 2) how others see us, and 3) anything we know to be true. What is true is what is familiar and what is familiar is what is first.
I love this stuff.. I came across this site almost 3 years ago whilst going through a really tough time. As much as i wanted to watch them back then and .. I did try.. I really did.. looking at it now.. I wasn't in any shape to absorb this valuable stuff back then. Fast forward to now.. and my mind is hungry like a sponge absorbing fluid. I cannot tell you how much I love and enjoy your content and thankyou for all of it.. 🙏
The mind will proliferate if left to it's own devices .Mindfulness is the Path to the Deathless ,Buddha. I find your classes excellent and I will add your techniques to my repertoire of knowledge to free myself of UNNECESSARY suffering , not all suffering is completely avoidable but our ability to accept the unavoidable suffering is a big part of growing up. Thank you ,I feel lucky that I discovered your channel.
TRANSCRIPT [0:00] David: Yeah, it's based on something, What we call "pre-supposition." There are certain things, … In order for what you're interpreting to be true, …. a whole bunch of other things have to be assumed to be true as well. Student from the class: Right, like your own value system is what you base your comprehension of what's right and wrong.
David: Absolutely. Absolutely. That’s what we call "Criterion Rules." Let me give you a linguistic example that will really kind of pull this out to you. I teach a lot of conversational hypnosis. … Tracey will you see if we can get an eraser for the white board Please. [0:34] One of the things that I teach is called the "adverb adjective pre-supposition" Ok. Now in traditional academic English. We are generally taught that if we are going to say, for example, "The dog that was blue." Now Seth, rewind real quick. When I said "the dog" how many thought dog in your head. [holds up hand for a show of hands] [1:17] Right? Before I said the color, how many had a blue one? [pauses...silence…. Chuckles from floor] What color was your dog? Student from floor: I didn't think of a color. David: Alright, but you saw a dog right? What color was your dog? Student from floor: The dog that I saw? Black and white David: Black and white, right? What happens is that your conscious mind pays attention to the words. But your unconscious mind pays attention to the structure. [1:57] And the moment it hears something like the word "dog" it starts accessing every file in your system connected to the word "dog," and it spits up a picture, Based on that association. What I did here, was, …. that I gave you a poorly … well not really poorly, this is how some of us was taught to write. This is the structure of all boring communication by the way. The descriptor, the thing that describes the dog, is after the thing it describes. [2:36] Ok, the more pleasant, the more efficient way, is to make sure what is communicated, is what we sent, is to put the descriptor before the thing it describes. [2:59] Right? Now I use this to show you, how your unconscious mind takes a little piece of information and starts to run with it. It starts throwing in it's own information regardless of whether it is accurate or not. Now this process happens millions and millions of times, below the threshold of conscious awareness. When you repeatedly get hit with this kind of structure in your language, you start to get tired. [3:29] Because what literally has to happen is, you're going along real smooth, going along and everytime you meet something in the language that doesn't match your internal picture, you have to STOP, ... REWIND the picture, ... CHANGE the photograph to match, … and then MOVE on. That's the structure of bad writing. When I talk about bad writing, I am NOT talking about technical writing. I'm talking about boring writing. Stuff that is not fun to read. Technical manuals are written like this. [4:00] Scientific journals are written like this. OK. But If you look at the most compelling forms of literature that we have, almost without exception, first of all, there is lots of descriptors. Right? Lots of them. And they are almost always on either side of the subject. OK? This is probably the easiest way that I can give you an example of what your brain is doing. OK, It's doing this all the time with every word that it hears. Every process. [4:38] It's doing it so fast and so seamlessly that you don't realize that it is actually structuring your perception of reality. NLP is the study of the structure of subjective human experience and how language interacts with that to create our experience of the world. [4:58] Once we understand this and that in many cases the words coming out of our mouths, are literal maps of what parts of our brain is being activated at any given moment, we gain tremendous power over the system. We gain a tremendous level of self knowledge and self awareness. But until we become aware of it, this process will run us. Now I am using a very simple, very basic, one symbol language pattern, OK. To illustrate what the brain is always doing. [5:30] It's doing this in every aspect of your life. It's taking all the information that is coming in, it's finding all the associations that are connected to it, and spitting up the one consciously to your awareness, that it thinks is the most relevant to the situation that you are in. But it's remembering, … and accessing …. All of them. It doesn't pick, ... unconsciously. It fires all of them. [6:00] This is one of the powerful ways that conversational hypnosis and NLP, creates powerful changes in people. Because a Neuro Linguistic Programmer is somebody who understands how the brain actually processes information, … can talk to you on one level and be activating you on another. Ok, in the context that you hear is a very good thing. In the context of the people who run the country, not so good. OK, you came here because you want to take the randomness out of your life. Would that be true? [raises hand for a show of hands] [6:30] OK, is this stuff useful so far? OK. So what do we do about it? [David looks at a student in the class] Does that answer your question? Student: yes David; I just want to make sure because every now and then people ask me a question and I lapse into what I think is a very comprehensive explanation and they go, "that was great, but you didn't answer my question." So I want to make sure. I'm not putting anybody down. It's weird for me to be up on this stage. I'm telling you right now. So my perspectives are very shifted. [7:00] So what I want to do now is I want to introduce you a little bit to how to start changing. How to start making changes. Now I want to that by asking you a few questions. OK? How many people here have something that is blocking them. Ok Excellent. How many people here have something they want to do better? OK. [7:30] How many people here their primary concern is a relationship or something related to a relationship? OK. I want to target …. Humans learn best in context. So I want to make sure that you are connecting what you want most to the processes. Does that make sense? One of the other things that happens a lot of times is when people come to these workshops is, every now and then we actually break up and do practice with each other. They almost always pick the biggest, evilest, nastiest, thing in their life. [8:00] And throw a technique they barely know at it, and wonder "why don't this shit doesn’t work" OK. Your brain is hardwired, and defaults, to remembering things. OK. We spend a lot of time thinking we're thinking, but in actually we are remembering. Your brain defaults to what is familiar. So if you have this potentially new opportunity, that you've never had before, it's a new experience, maybe its something that has a huge payoff. Right? [8:30] But it is completely new, it's alien to the system. Versus not doing anything and doing what you've been doing, and feeling like crap about it but you've been doing that for twenty years. Guess what you're brain will pick. It's just the way the system works. It's hardwired that way. Now, can you transcend it? Yes. But only if you first become aware of it. [8:59] First rule of David's world. ANYTHING THAT IS OUTSIDE OF YOUR AWARENESS.... IS OUTSIDE OF YOUR CONTROL! My job tonight is to give you that awareness. Because once you have awareness, you now have choice. And sometimes NLP gets the bad rep of being overly manipulative. The true spirit of NLP and the discipline that I teach is all about giving people choices. Until you understand the unconscious programs running below the surface, you only think you have a choice. [9:34] If you want to make a change, if you want to something different, you have to muster tremendous amounts of will to get it done. Well guess what? You don't have that much. Will power is a finite resource. There's a book you might want to pick up. It's called, "WILLPOWER: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength" by a guy named Roy Bauwmeister & John Tierney. Ok. In that book, Bauwmeister isolates the two biggest building blocks of your willpower. [10:00] The amount of slept that you've had. And the amount of blood sugar in your system. [grinning and pointing to the chocolate] [Chuckles] See…. I'm giving you willpower. Right? We burn up units of willpower everytime we have to exert emotional control. Because we don't have one brain, we have three. Do you guys know this? … OK [10:24] You have three brains. [silly comment] This is your brain on David. The most prehistoric, the most primal, the most powerful part of you is your REPTILE brain. The Russian sports psychologist call this your "PALEOCORTEX." [10:40] PALEOCORTEX It is the part of you that works in primal drive Food Family Fighting Fleeing or Flight Fornicating OK? It is the part of you that works in terms of primal drive. It IS what is driving the bus. [11:15] This is why every now and then you'll hear me make an off color remark. It's not just because I want to be vulgar. It's because everytime I stimulate the reptile brain. I get 20 more minutes of attention. [chuckling] [11:30] And I need your attention. OK. I need you to understand this. OK.
Wrapped around your reptile brain is another layer and it is called your LIMBIC SYSTEM or your MAMMALIAN BRAIN. This is your emotional brain. This is the part of you that generates feelings. [11:54] There is a subset of lawyers in this country. Some of whom I've trained. And they practice a system called REPTILE. And it is all based on how to speak and present, ... to the REPTILE brain. [12:14] They are winning, multi-multi-million dollar lawsuits using it. OK? There is a whole field called neuro-marketing which is all about presenting information in a way that the reptile brain has to respond to. Now here is a thing you have to understand about the reptile brain. It doesn't care about morality. It doesn't care about the law. It doesn't care about religion. It doesn't care about ethics. All it cares about is satisfying and perpetuating the genes. Because your genes don't go to heaven. The meat stays here. Right? [13:00] The rest of us may go upstairs or downstairs. But the meat stays here. So all it cares about ... is the here and now. And it works off of primal…. And it generates drives. Write this down, tattoo it on your forehead. Because it will be a driver in 90% of the things that you are going to encounter in getting past things or getting people to do things. THE DRIVE THAT DOES NOT GET SATISFIED, GAINS STRENGTH. [13:29] Your lizard brain if there is a drive that is not being met, will consistently, without remorse , will take up more and more and more of the attention in your brain, and your body, until you act on it in some way. Now many times those actions that we are being prompted to do conflict with other things that we were taught at different layers of our experience. [14:00] They conflict with what we were taught as being good and bad as kids. They conflict with what society says is appropriate. They conflict with the rules of friendship and fair play. But we still want to satisfy that drive. We still have to find some way to balance that drive out. So what happens is ... that reptile brain generates an emotion. That emotion causes you to take action. Every drive in the body is a feeling …. and all emotions are feelings, but not all feelings are emotions. [14:31] So what do we do. We have another layer of our brain that came along later. The problem solving part of our brain. It's called the "NEOCORTEX." a.k.a. THE RATIONAL LIEING BRAIN. This is the part of you that is in charge of generating a reason WHY. [14:59] Why you are doing the thing that you are doing. And the part of you that is in charge of making sure that that reason is… and there are usually two reasons for doing what you are doing. The one you are going to tell people…. And the real reason. Right? It is in charge for generating both of them. How many people here wind up having resistance come up to certain things come up in your life? Right? Do you know what the structure of resistance is? Or what the primary areas of resistance are? WE PRIMARILY RSIST ANYTHING THAT CONFLICT ...OR THREATENS...OUR SENSEE OF SELF. In other words, if the information, or the situation that I'm in … threatens how I see myself. Causes me to look at myself less than appropriately or less than positively. I will inherently resist it. WE INHERENTLY RESIST ANYTHING THAT THREATENS HOW OTHER PEOPLE SEE US. Ok. If nobody is looking, they are a different person. Right? But if they are a public figure. They care about how other people see them. The image that they have. Anything that conflicts with that…. We resist. That’s just the way we work. [16:27] WE RESIST ANYTHING THAT CONFLICTS WITH WHAT WE KNOW TO BE TRUE. Here's the rub. For most of us … what is true… is what is familiar. What is familiar, … more often than not, …. because I'm a therapist, ... I spend a lot of time taking people to places they didn't know they had to go to,... to get free of stuff .... that was running their lives. [17:14] More often than not… what is familiar… is what was there first. When I do hypnotic regressions on people… and I take them back to the first scene, situation, or event, that has everything to do with the reason they are there. Without exception… well … alright… nine out of ten times. When we spring back to the seeds of that reason …. Cancer, … Muscular Sclerosis, Parkinson's, … chronic pain, … herpes, ….. Neuropathy, you know, any chronic disease. Almost without exception they go back to the age of zero to five years old. [18:07] Student from the floor: Say that again? You …. David: When I regress them back to the very first scene, situation or event, … that very first experience,…. that has absolutely everything to do with why they are there to see me, they almost always.... nine out of ten will go back to the time period of between zero and five years old. [18:30] Even though, when they walked into my treatment room, they came to me so they wanted to learn how to do a back flip better and they were afraid. David: yes? Student from the floor: So lets say I have something that related to back when I was one year old, but I can't remember that. David: Your conscious mind can't, but your subconscious mind can. In the kind of work I'm describing, which is NOT the kind of work we're doing here. [19:03] When you're doing regressive work. You have to remember that the unconscious mind is like a video camera that is always running. That it runs in all 5 senses. OK? So everything is recorded. But it is NOT exact. Information is deleted, distorted and generalized. Now, here is where it gets cool. When you come into this world, You have no idea of what's right or wrong. You have no concept of good and evil. You only know, "feels good" and "feels bad." It's familiar. It's unfamiliar. I feel safe. I feel threatened. That’s all you know. You have this huge blank harddrive. OK? And whatever experience you have becomes like a little hook. I should probably erase some of this crap. Did you guys get all of this? Is this useful? Alright. [erases the whiteboard] [20:00] This is what's driving your bus guys. This is what's driving the bus. The cool part is that you're going to be able to drive it yourself real frigging soon. Now. Can you see the board OK? OK, so this is you at birth. [A big empty circle] There is nothing there. Maybe a few hardwired instincts. You have no sense of "self." You have no sense of identity. It does NOT exist. And if you think about it. It makes perfect sense. How in fact were you formed in the womb? Did you suddenly pop into existence with a head and feet. Or did you start out as a cell? That was part of a bunch of other cells? [20:58] And then slowly evolve into something else? Your sense of self… is mommy. You are identified with mommy. When you come out through the birth canal, ... that doesn't change. It doesn't change for quite a while. The ages of zero to five are the most critical. You have no critical factor. You have no analytical capacity whatsoever. Whatever comes in first,... positive or negative, ... the first experience of each thing is just recorded. It's not judged. It's not analyzed. It's not compared. It's just recorded. And then an interesting thing happens. As you begin to accumulate more and more experiences, they start to get grouped. [22:01] Your unconscious mind starts to sort things by "sameness." and its not 100% the same, they can be just 30% the same. They are connected. They are NOT linear. And everything else that comes after that primal experience, that formal experience, becomes the standard that everything else is measured. Each of these experiences are like little hooks ... that we hang other experiences on. From that moment on, as we begin to develop that critical factor. We call it the borrowed … The bouncer at the bar kind of thing. You guys have all been to a nightclub where they have the guy outside who decides who gets in and who doesn't. I usually slip them a hundred bucks and they look the other way. But for most of us, they come up to us and the bouncer says no. You don't have the right look. You don't have the right feel. How does he make that distinction? [23:00] Because he decides what fits the internal environment. If you don't match the energy of the club. If you don't match the energy of the people inside the club that they are trying to cater to. You don't get in. That’s exactly what your conscious mind and your unconscious mind do. Everytime somebody tells you something, the first thing that happens is your unconscious mind sorts through your memories. Which are imperfect. There is information missing. But it replays everything it has in full fidelity. The feelings. The experiences. All of the building blocks are there. And you have that feeling again. If what's coming in matches that? It's generally accepted and you get another tick. If it doesn't match…. It's rejected. [23:54] Unless there is a tremendous amount of emotion …. Or repetition. That’s the only way they get in, as long as the critical factor of the conscious mind is in play. That’s just how you work. Now the cool thing is…. A. Write this down. Tattoo it on your forehead. [24:17] THE BEST THING ABOUT THE PAST IS… IT'S GONE. The things you are carrying around in your head are NOT the event that happened to you. They are imperfect photographs. They have information missing. They have information that is distorted. They have information that has been generalized. To make processing easier. And each of those photographs are written in a code. That dictate .... What you feel, hear, see, and perceive, (important word there, PERCEIVED) When that memory is accessed. [25:01] How many people here have ever seen a show called, "LIE TO ME" If you haven't, go rent the first three seasons of that show. There's only three. The consultant for that show… It's all about this expert in facial recognition, lie detection, and how he goes and solves crimes and things like that. But the consultant for that show is a guy called Dr. Paul Ekman. Paul Ekman is the worlds leading expert on emotions, facial cues, and how they interact. [25:33] He actually discovered something call micro expressions. That are little tiny fragments of facial expressions that happen underneath the ones we are trying to parade. (display) So you might be smiling, but actually be very very sad. They happen in a fraction of a second. And even that, he is also one of the worlds leading experts on lieing. He wrote a book called, "EMOTIONS REVEALED." In that book he outlined and refined a phenomenon called the "EMOTIONAL REFRACTORY PERIOD" [26:06] The "Emotional Refractory Period," is the period of time between the onset of time, between an emotion and the time it dissipates. During that time, that emotional state seeks to go on for as long as it possibly can. And it starts looking for ways to keep going. It's like a little life form that wants to keep going. So what it does, ... on a neurological level, without your conscious intent. Without your permission, and without your awareness, it changes what you pay attention to. [26:41] How many people here have ever been in an argument. [show of hands] [yeah come on, "I don't want to raise my hand" Just raise your frigging hand dammit] [laughter from the class] Now how many people noticed that you went through the arguing process, had the knock down, drag out, got the resolution, whatever, and for the next ten fifteen, twenty minutes, years later… anything that you said to that person pissed them off again. [27:05] No matter what. They found some way to twist what you said, and get angry again. Welcome to the world of the emotional refractory period. Anytime that you go into an emotional state, your perceptions change. And what you consciously pay attention to changes. And you only pay attention to the data, or the aspects of the environment, context or experience, that retrigger or re-enforce the emotional state. You don't get a two minute warning that you are about to get pissed off. Your unconscious mind does not signal your heart that you're about to have an emotional shift. You just go into it. Right? And once you're in that state, the state tries to maintain itself for as long as possible. [27:59] How many people here have ever bought a new car. OK excellent. Now how many people really researched the car before they bought it. Cool. How many people have had this experience. You go to the lot, … you haggle over the car... You make sure it’s the right color, ...You pay for the car, ... you're driving home. ... You're thinking ...Yeah baby…. And every motherfucker, ...bought the same car on the same day, ...everywhere you look, see the same car. How did that happen? [28:28] Same thing. You went into a specific state that was highly polarized to sorting for a specific kind of information. Your perceptual filters shifted, and everywhere you went, that’s what your unconscious mind pulled into your awareness. This is the same structure that underlies the laws of attraction. It's what's running below the surface, in your body the feelings that are being generated that are changing your perceptions and systematically drawing certain kinds of experiences into your life and removing the awareness of other types. [29:10] You see everything that we could ever want …. is already here. It's just filtered. It's how it is, it just filters our awareness. Does that make sense? Yes? Student from floor: Could that be where something in our life is changing our focus? David: Something is. What's happening is that your nervous system is filtering your reality. It's filtering what you are paying attention to, and the information you can get, many many times before anything …. becomes conscious. As I like to say, "Your conscious mind is always the least informed and the last to know ." But… it’s the one that screams the loudest and the one that gives you the rationale that's acceptable to yourself for why you do the things you do, so that's what we listen to. Yes? [a student hand their hand up] [29:56] [I could not hear anything the student said] David: Sure, …. Anybody here ever been in a relationship? And you come home and your spouse is really pissed off? And nothing you do is right? And you did absolutely nothing. It's like, guys you come home and you left the toilet seat up? You don't get sex for a month, because you left the toilet seat up. Ladies, you come home, you're pissed off because of the guy at work looked at you the wrong way again, …. The boss made you stay late. … The kids were giving you a hassle…. Right… you're not feeling real good…. And the next thing you know is you start venting to hubby … right... and he makes the cardinal mistake of trying to fix your problem. Instead of just listening. And letting you vent it. Right? Classic understanding of perceptual filters changing. Why? [30:00] Because neurologically when a woman gets stressed out, she gets more and more picky, she gets more and more precise. More and more detail oriented. When a man gets stressed out, he gets progressively more global. He gets progressively more big picture. When a woman communicates about her day, and about the problems that she has had, especially to HER man, she is NOT communicating to him for him to solve her frigging problem. She's more than smart enough to figure out her own shit. [31:30] She just wants him to listen. And let her vent it. But we don't ... [Student from floor interrupts David] [David is grinning at the male student in class] Hold on a minute mutherfucker. [Student is arguing for the mens side of this.] [Obviously he has been married a long time.] David: I'm on their side. Alright.... Guys don't think that way. Guys think in "cause and effect" terms. You have a problem, .... I fix it... It's done.... But that's not how the other gender operates. So the moment that she starts to vent, that she starts to express, you try to fix her problem. And that’s exactly the wrong thing. Because if you are trying to fix her problem.... You're not listening. [32:02] Because if you're trying to fix her problem, you're insulting her intelligence. Chances are She's already fixed it. She just wants to decompress and fine you for a while. You have to understand the perceptual filters that the other gender uses. This is NOT misogynist, this is neuroscience. This is what the studies have shown. If you want to look it up, you can look up a guy named John Medina, he wrote a book called, "Brain Rules" and there's actually a video of him teaching that to google, which is where I learned that from, so you can actually pull it up on TH-cam. It's well worth reading. But when you have a good day. ... Think about this. When you want to ask your Significant Other something, that they are very very predisposed to say NO to ... Don’t you do everything you can to butter them up... To put them in a good mood first? [nods head... Then shakes head] This means YES.... This means NO And it works for both genders. Right. [33:00] We know we forgot the anniversary, ... so we move heaven and earth to buy anything that looks expensive and looks, ... you know, we gave it thought. We try to compensate. But its too late because the filters are in place. Because when the filters shift, Now even your positive intentions are going to get distorted, you're just trying to make up for screwing it up in the first place. Does that make sense. This is what we do. Ok, I went a little bit deeper into the neurology of it because I wanted you to understand that there is all kinds of filters going on here. But if a guy screws up in a relationship, puts you in a bad mood.... Nothing he does is going to make it up to you. Short of two things...... looking her in the eyes, ... Getting on his knees, .... [laughter from room] Actually do you want to know what will do it faster than anything? "Honey, I'm sorry, I was wrong." And then wait for it. Which is where most guys screw that up. [33:58] You see, just because you apologize, doesn't mean that she is done. She has to vent. You say, "I'm sorry", She accepts your apology, and then she goes on for another twenty minutes. Why? Because she needs to decompress. What do we guys do? We get pissed off. "I just said I'm sorry. Why are we still talking about it?" Because that’s how you (men) process. Not her. IF All you did, when you were truly sorry, ... from a sincere place, ... look her in the eyes, and say "honey, I was wrong." And let her slime you for ten or fifteen minutes. Life would be happy. But we don't. Because we don't understand the process. Everything we human beings do is a process. And every process has a structure. And if it has a structure, then it has a code. If it has a code? It can be changed. [35:00] Does that make sense? OK, but seriously, in terms of a relationship if all you understood is this concept that when women are stressed, they get more specific, more detailed. When a man gets stressed he gets more global. And when you come home, you detect any shift in that level, in your significant other and you know what to do. Or in some cases, what not to. [35:26] Right? That's what NLP teaches us. Is that every single one of us is moving through the world with a check list. A map of how the world is supposed to work. Based on your internal environment. And you are projecting it out onto everybody around you... Looking for the people who match. And making anybody who doesn't ... Wrong. Both genders do it. The secret is to be aware enough to understand that that process is going on and having the flexibility enough to change what you're doing, to match the person in front of you. [36:02] To step into their map of the world. Does that make sense? That's the core of what NLP is about. It's understanding HOW these maps are created. First off (A.) understanding that the map is NOT the experience. The best thing about the past is that it is gone. All you have left, is an imperfect, poorly written, memory. Based on the emotions that you were feeling and the information you had at the time. That’s the nervous system randomly put into a filing cabinet somewhere. How many of you have a business? [show of hands] If you just took any piece of paper that came across your desk and threw it into a random filing cabinet, without looking at it .... How long would your business last? But that’s how our nervous system runs itself. Now the good part is, ... is that there is some default organization in there. So we are not completely hopeless. Alright. But if all we're carrying around inside of us. Not just in our minds but in our bodies, [37:02] This is a key part, these things are not in your mind. Per se. They are IN your body. They're not just in your brain. Although your brain is important. I'm often reminded... Anybody here know who Emo Philips is? He was a famous comedian back in the 80's. He was kind of a smuck. He kind of talked like this. And move like this and he had really long hair. And he would say things like, "you know, I used to think that the brain was the most fascinating organ in the body. " Then I had a forehead slap and thought. Look who's telling me that. That’s literally what your Neocortex is doing. NEOCORTEX The newest level of your brain. The part that thinks and rationalizes and analyzes. The part that thinks in words. The part that makes up reasons to justify acting on the rest of the system. The part that thinks it knows how to fix your shit. The part that tries to analyze whether something is actually working instead of going along with the process with full absorption and full commitment. That's the part that's keeping you stuck. [38:08] How many people here have ever been little children? [show of hands] How many people here have ever been little children? [laughter in the class] Have been little children? In other words, not do you have them... Have YOU ever been one. If I don't see any hands... If I see hands not going up.... I'm going to call on you. And I'm going to find out what test tube or cloning booth you came from. Alright, How many people here have ever been little children? And when you were a little child, did you play pretend? Absolutely, what did you like to play pretend at? Student: Superhero David: Superhero, cool. [to another student] Did you play pretend? Student: With Barbie Dolls. David: With Barbie Dolls. How about you? Student: Wonder Woman! David: Wonder Woman. I like her already. How about you guys? Student; I played with boxes. Pretending they were real. I played house. [39:05] David: Cool. How about you? Student: Princess David: Princess, alright! .... So how many tom boys do we have? How many girly girls? Now how many played soldier? Superhero? Here's the cool part. When you were a little kid and you played pretend. You're out in the backyard, or where ever it was, and you picked up the toy, or a stick, and you knew that it was a stick, that in the first 5 minutes that it was just a stick, that it was just a toy.... For the first five minutes. And seven and a half minutes later, it’s a real M60 Machine gun, and you're Rambo, and they're real communists coming around the corner and you're killing them all day. OR... for the first 5 minutes, YOU KNEW that the teddy bear sitting across from you was NOT the queen of England. Even though she had a little tiara. seven and a half minutes later, you're having tea WITH the queen of England. [40:00] And you're having this long drawn out conversation over kippers. [laughter in the class] Were you asleep? Were you asleep when you were Wonder Woman? Student: No I was escaping. David: You were escaping. Ok, Were you having a ball? Student: Not really but I was escaping and it was better than where I was going. David: it was better than where you were going, right? Were you having a ball when you were playing soldier? Student; Sure. David: Were you completely absorbed in the experience? Were you focused? Congratulations. If you can just do that, can have any change you want. If you can just be like a little kid, and play pretend, act it out, you can have, be, or do, anything you want. A very wise woman once told me that you can be, ... do, ... or have ... anything you want, ... but first you must become that person, to whom that thing can happen. [40:57] Student: So that's like putting on the persona you wanna be for a while until you get what you want? David: Yeah, that's that a little more advanced than this course. This course is about just scripts (?) and shit and getting back on track. And giving you some foundation. This rabbit hole there is no end to it, you can keep going with this. We do things in some of our advanced units that seem like Science Fiction. Anybody here have a pain? Cool, One more things before I start bringing people up here and demonstrating stuff, first of all, its assumed that’s it OK for you to be seen on camera. Second: how many people here have ever seen a movie? How many people here have a favorite movie? How many people here have lots of favorite movies. "As long as somebody else is paying, its my favorite movie." [laughter] Now you all know that when you walk into a movie theater, you sit down, you got your milk duds in one hand, popcorn in the other. [41:59] A big ocean of soda somewhere, maybe the boyfriend or girlfriend is carrying it. And you sit down in the chair .... and the lights go down..... And the screen opens .... And ninety minutes, two hours, two and a half hours go by, and you have an amazing time. You're swept into the story. And the credits start playing, and you come back to the moment and you had an amazing experience and besides from ache in your bladder, and the inability to stand up because you've been holding it for the last twenty minutes waiting for the trailer. Can you tell me at what moment, you became completely absorbed in that experience. Because if you can, then you're lieing. It means you weren't absorbed. Absorption in the process is one of the single biggest keys to getting full and pervasive change. When we start doing these exercises, ... and we will very shortly... There's two things you have to be aware of. If you are trained in NLP or Hypnosis, [43:01] We call it hypnotist disease. If you're not trained, we call it Smart Person syndrome. Smart person syndrome is when we're having an experience, I'm guiding you through an experience and you can always tell who they are because they're the one just sitting there like a statue. I'm telling you to act shit out and they're sitting there frozen. "Yeah, I'm doing it in my head." Ain't going to work. Or not as well. One of the secrets to what we are learning tonight, is "somatic engagement. " When you get the body involved. It's impossible, not to change. And I say that knowing that I'm going to be challenged. You don't have to believe anything I'm telling you. All you have to do is follow the instructions. Seriously, the change work that I do. People who are dying, people who are critical, people who are starting to see things come out. Their transplants and organs are starting to talk to them. [44:02] The people I work with aren't just weight loss people...they're people with serious serious problems. The change work I do is too important to be left up to the beliefs of a wimpy client. If a client has no belief to make a change, they won't get it. So my stuff works, whether you believe it or not. As long as (A.) You follow the instructions. (B.) You get completely absorbed. (C.) And be focused like when you were a little kid and you were playing pretend. That’s all you have to do. [44:30] That’s why we started the whole class off by looking at each other and going.... and feeling good. BECAUSE THE POWER IS IN THE PLAYFUL! I don't care if you have a tumor. I don't care if you have constipation. I don't care if you have a backache. a frozen shoulder. Knee pain. Could you stand up please? Can I call on you? This is Felice,(?) give her a big round of applause. [clapping] [45:00] She is one of the lovely demo subjects from one of my energy healing meetups. Where we practiced with her... I didn't say sit down young lady .... You came to me with an anxiety or shyness issue? Felice: Shyness David: Shyness... What happened? How long have you had that problem? Felice: Like forever. As long as I can remember. David: Forever .... And how fast did it go away? Felice: one event. David: One event. How long were you up in front of the class? Seemed like forever right? Felice: No, a little while. David: Just a few minutes right? Thank you. Give her a big round of applause. When you get the body involved, everything synergizes. When you separate elements out. If part of what we need is absorption and focus in the experience, and there is a part of us sitting on the outside, wondering if it's working. ... NEOCORTEX, by the way. [45:58] That’s the part that's keeping you stuck. Now, The beautiful part is, the more the body you get involved ... Even if there is a part of you is sitting on the outside... The changes will work.
Because I've literally had people ... And you can go to my TH-cam channel and find my L.A. meetings ...where the guys didn't believe this shit would work... And he just starts doing this spin thing [slowly] and he's just la la .... And then you see something weird happens ...[he is spinning faster and faster and faster] ...and he slammed it back in and his whole shit changed. S.H.I.T. Secret Hypnotic Influence Technique [laughter from class] [46:30] Not my first rodeo. [laughter] Who had an ouchy? Come on up. Give her a big round of applause. What's your name? Student: Kathy David: Kathy, I'm David. Thank you for coming up and being so attentive. So where is your ouchie? Kathy; I have this performance issue [with the left hip.] David: A performance issue. Is it OK to fix it? Is it OK to take the pain away? [47:02] Kathy: I would love it if you could take the pain away. David: Is there some reason that the pain needs to stay there? JUST BECAUSE YOU CAN TAKE THE PAIN AWAY.... DOESN'T MEAN YOU SHOULD TAKE THE PAIN AWAY! Kathy: Yeah, and you can take the numbness and the tingling away too. David: Are you sure? Kathy: Yeah! David: Alright. So here is what I want you to do.... Point to where you feel it. Kathy: right now? David: yeah. Kathy: It's right here, it's right here {on her left hip and thigh} David: Cool. Here's what I want you to do. Close your eyes. Now look at it with your inner eyes. On a scale of zero to ten, rate the sensation? [47:30] Kathy: to me it’s a seven. David: Excellent. Now I want you to notice that there is a color connected to that feeling. What"s the color? First impressions. Kathy: Oh, me, ... Yellow. David: Reach in and pull all the yellow energy out, reach in, get all of it. Hold it in your hands. Make sure you go it all. Sometimes that shit hides. ... See I told you. .... Now, do you got it all? Are you sure? Double check. [Kathy reaches behind her, way behind her to find some more in her lower back] [laughter from the classroom] Kathy: Yeah [48:00] David: Excellent. Now as you look at it. Did the color change or stay the same? Kathy: It changed David: Cool, what color did it change to? Kathy: kind of a deep orangey color. David: Excellent... As you look at it, notice that that color is spinning in a direction. What direction is it spinning? First impressions. Kathy: It is spinning in that direction. {indicating clockwise} David: Excellent. I want you to grab in both of your physical hands, physically grab it, and reorientate it in space so it is the exact opposite that it was spinning. So if it was spinning in one direction you spin it in the opposite direction. Physically turn it. [Kathy was confused for a moment by the instructions] Kathy: Oh yeah yeah yeah [48:32] David: Now double the spin. Double the speed. Double the force. Double the magnitude. Keep doubling it, over and over and over again. Until it takes on a life of its own. Until it is impossible for it to go back to the way it was. When you know that you've got it... Slam it back into that spot. Notice the change. Kathy: WOW Right! [49:00] David: On a scale of zero to ten? Kathy: Uummm I'd say it's a one and a half. David: Spin it back.... Nnnnmmmmzzzz ... Gone? Kathy; yeah. Big round of applause for the lady. [49:16] {applause} By the way.... Try to bring it back. Kathy: I really don't want to do that. David: I usually get that. Ok. I usually get one of three answers when I do this. The first one is: I say, notice what happened, and I say, try to bring it back, and they go: I can't Or I say, try to bring it back and they say: It's getting better. Or I say, try to bring it back and they say: [loud and angry] I DON'T WANT IT BACK! [transcribers list] I CAN'T IT'S GETTING BETTER I DON'T WANT IT BACK Well done.... See. ... Yes? [50:00] Student from floor: Are you working off of the chakra system? David: No. Student; Because she pulled it out like an orangey vortex and she spun it like a chakra. David: I know. Student: So its not working off of the chakra system at all? David: No. No we go beyond that. David to different student: Yes [50:15] Student on the floor: Yes, I noticed, see if this is something that they want to keep? you continue to spin it in the direction that they identified it. David: Yep Student: So if they don't want it, you tell them to do it in the opposite direction. [50:33] David: yes I do. Why? It goes back to Chinese medical theory. Law of ying and yang. I am an acupuncturist after all. The Law of Ying and Yang tells us. I'm going to contrast NLP with TCM. [Traditional Chinese Medicine] Two things... By the way I am also a certified Master trainer and Master practitioner in NLP and I can certify you if you want to learn all this weird stuff. TCM talks about the Law of YING and YANG. [51:00] The law of Ying and Yang says that neither Ying or Yang can not exist without the other. Right? Black / White ... Good / evil ... Hot / cold ... Dry / wet ... Can't exist. One can not exist with out the other. One can only be defined in terms of the other. Now while I'm on this subject. The YANG part of a person is their functional aspect. In other words, it’s the function of the liver, or the mechanics, it's not the structure. [51:30] So when you do this exercise, the first thing that will come back is the function. But the bio-mechanical component takes time. Ok, I'll tell you a funny story real quick. I was out at a maritial arts camp. And uh,... Two years ago as a matter of fact. And uh, there was a British couple, and she happened to be a hypnotist, she was big into Ericksonian Hypnosis and things like that which is a conversationally driven system. And she had come back and she was like strutting in ... [51:59] She had just done a pain control session on her husband and it had taken his hip pain away. .... And I'm kind of competitive. {laughter} "That’s really cool, on a scale of zero to ten how good is it?" And he gives me a number. "Oh great. " And I'm thinking how can I do this without being a dick? {more laughter} Right? Cause I have this internal check, cause I have an ego the size of Texas. Right? And when I do the work that I do, I have to make sure that I'm coming from the right space. So many times even though I just want to run in there and zap people I won't [52:33] I have to wait to do it until I'm not just doing it to build me up. Does that make sense. So I'm very aware of that. I'm not a humble guy. Although sometimes when you see the stuff that happens, it is extraordinarily humbling. The stuff that I do is like Science Fiction sometimes. Right. I mean like.... How's your hip feel? Kathy: it was starting to come back, but as soon as you asked, it was gone again. David: See the minute we asked? [HALFWAY MARK] [53:01] See what happened is she had a program, This goes back to Ying and Yang ...and NLP. Remember I said that everything in your system does has a code? By the way we might need to stretch that performance out because a lot of what is happening is bio-mechanical. OK NLP tells us that everything we do has a code, has a structure to it. See, here is where TCM and NLP merge. [53:29] The Law of YING and YANG says, you can't have one without the other. NLP says everything we do is a code. That means your system can not code for pain with out automatically creating the code for it's opposite. It's just the way you work. Once I isolate how your system codes one sensation, I automatically know how it codes for its opposite. [54:01] But that’s not enough. Now I have to stack as many parts of the nervous system as is humanly possible. Energetically Physically Psychologically Emotionally From the PALEOCORTEX to the MAMALLIAN BRAIN to the NEOCORTEX PALEOCORTEX ==> MAMALLIAN BRAIN ==> NEOCORTEX I need to get your internal environment interacting with your external environment. I need to get your physical body interacting with your subjective body. I'm going to light your nervous system up like a Christmas tree. And through it all, I'm going to hit you with certain key phrases. [54:31] That activate things in your nervous system that you can't resist. That's a different class but that's all going on in the two minute intervention. And I'll stay with it until it's gone. Most of the time I only have to do it once. Once in a while I have to do it three times. It'll drop every time. Sometimes you'll get a certain way into the process and they'll not go any further. ... Or it'll try to come back. [54:58] When that happens, what it really means is that there is a certain aspect of the experience that the unconscious mind needs to keep. There is a lesson that's mixed into the feeling and in the code of the experience that the unconscious mind cannot get rid of, ... or wont get rid of ... but not that it can't. It can get rid of any of it, because all it does is record, delete, and distort information. OK, and if that happens we have other interventions for that. That is the only time that we don't get resolution. I have NEVER ... I HAVE NEVER .... And that’s a bold statement on a video in a room like this [55:30] I have never ... Used this process and NOT gotten a change, where the subject followed the instructions. student from the floor: How long have you been doing this? David: I first got the download in 2005, I didn't know what I had until about two years ago. [7 years] I didn't know what I had. It was just something I done on a whim at a training, and I didn't realize .... I'll tell you about my cancer .... [56:00] ?????? Student: your wife is there to take care and I get this your saying about coding and NLP and YING and YANG, and it's energy, and it's consistent and by showing her the yellow and changing it and turning it around and it might go away for a minute but then it might go away for a minute because somebody tells her that but it might come back David: It's more than just her mind. It's her whole system. Student: Right and is that .... David to Kathy: Try to bring it back. Student: Well she doesn't want to bring it back. David: But I'm telling her to try to bring it back, that's my point. Student: But it will come back David: No, that’s your belief. Student: That's not my belief. I'm just saying that it ... David: No that's your belief. It's not coming back. Student to Kathy: Something about a phone number ??? David: OK Student: I'm just wondering why that is. I'm just trying to see ... David: You're just trying to see what? Student: That if it's not something ... I think that for me... You're looking at it like its an energy, and it's something that can be changed, Which I agree with, I think our bodies are fully connected and a lot of what we believe cause us to have certain insights ... Even people can get cancer, from negative thoughts. But I just wondering is this thing is, if it is fixed it all day long, David: Absolutely, if she does something bio-mechanically that reaggravates it. Then she can reinjure it. Right, What I said was, I changed the functional aspect. The bio-mechanical aspect HAS to be addressed. [57:28] That is why I also said, "Just because I CAN change something, doesn't mean I SHOULD change something." I was very specific. "Can I change this for you?" Right? I had a girl, if you go to my TH-cam channel, I had a girl that had a toothache at the 'HypnoThoughts Convention.' She came up and I said "Is it ok to get rid of it?" Because if the pain goes away, we tend to forget about it. Right, If I take the pain away you think you're cured. And many times you are. But not always. Maybe I cured it and maybe I didn't. [58:01] That's not up to me to decide. That's up to your nervous system. But I do know that every experience that she had, ... In spite of what you believe, ... Has a code and a structure to it. And it's her code. And the one code that you never resist is your own. If I tell her to do something, she may resist it. If SHE decides to do something. She wont. [58:29] Does that make sense? That's the secret, OK. If I put something, just install something into your system that isn't native to your environment, it may work, it may not. If I put something into your system that is your system, that you created, there is no resistance. Cause you made it. Does that make sense? Who else has got an ouchie? Student: Allergy? David: Something that you want to get rid of. Come on up. [58:59] David: Now it doesn't have to be physical by the way, it could be emotional. What's your name sweetie? Student: Sen You David: Sen You, My names David. Are you having fun so far? Sen You: Yes. David: What's going on? Sen You: Allergies David: Allergies? To what? Sen You: I collect allergies. Like hives. David: oooo I never worked with an allergy before. This should be interesting. Is it to anything in particular? Sen You: I started several years ago. From stress I think. David: Stress! So is there a time when you feel stress and you know that it's going to trigger that feeling? Sen You: Yes. David: Where are you feeling, where in your body does that feeling start? [very loud jet plane flying overhead] OH my god, they're coming for me. [laughter] Where in your body does that feeling start? Sen You: Here. [indicating her chest] David: Close your eyes. On a scale of zero to ten, I want you to rate the intensity of that feeling. What's the number, first impressions. Sen You: Now I'm nervous in front of everybody. So right now? David: un huh. [indicating yes] [1:00:00] Sen You: Eight. David: Eight. Excellent. [now soft voice] Look at it with your inner eyes. I want you to notice that there is a color connected to that feeling. What's the color? First impressions? Sen You: Dark Grey David: Dark Grey. Excellent. Do you believe in energy? Sen You: Yes. David: Excellent. [lifts both of her hands to her chest] Reach in with both of your hands and physically grab all of that dark grey energy and take it out and hold it in your hands in front of you. Make sure you get it all. Because sometimes it hides. [1:00:30] David: OK? And let me know when you've got it. Reach in and pull it all out. [To class] You've GOT to get them acting this all out. To Sen You: There you go. Is it all in your hands? Make sure it's all in your hands. [Sen You nods her head yes] Sen You: yes David: Excellent. As you look at it, did the color change or stay the same? SenYou: Same David: notice it is spinning in a certain direction. What direction is it spinning in? [1:00:53] Physically grab it in both of your hands. Now turn it so that it is the opposite of what it was. Now double the spin. Double the speed. Double the force. Double the amplitude. Double the magnitude. Keep doubling that energy until it takes on a life of its own. Until it is impossible for it to go back to the way it was. And when you know you've got it, slam it back into you. [Sen You is spinning it faster and faster now] That’s it, Yeah, get into it. Slam it back in. [She does] Notice the change.... Notice it's gone. Sen You: Is it gone? David: How do you feel? [Sen You is laughing] Sen You: I don't know. David: What do you feel in here? Sen You: It feels... It feels good. David: It feels good! That's where it starts. Sen You: OK David: Are you nervous anymore? Sen You: No. David: Really? {round of applause} Sen You: No David: It's just going to get better. Sen You: Thank you. David: I'll help you down. [1:01:53] Your nervous system... Guys ... Your nervous system ... I know ... Usually what happens is They'll be ... Did you notice how when it went back in how she just Right? This is NOT a subtle change. Right? [to Sen You] You may have emotions come up in you.... Let them... [to the class] What happens is that when you reverse the program, you send the opposite instructions into the nervous system and the nervous system will begin to reboot the system. [1:02:26] It will start to jettison, or purge or dissipate any experience that is stored in the body that is NOT in harmony with the new program. Anytime that I bring somebody up here, I'm prepared for Mount St. Helen. Because sometimes they need that. They need that moment of expression to let it come up, and let it come out. Sometimes they break out in a sweat. Sometimes they bawl for ten minutes. And then they are done. [1:03:01] Because as the feelings come out, they're being vented. You will never... It's not the feelings that come out that make you sick. There was a reference made to cancer earlier. The way I rediscovered this process was working on a cancer patient. My wife is Chinese. And she has a very big family. Most of whom are still in china. And we had her sick aunt who was a sweet wonderful lady. I'd like to say I saved her. I did not. [1:03:01] But I will tell you the story because it's the reason most of you are here. I taught my wife how to do energy. My wife has a Ph.D. in Biochemistry. She's a doctor of chiropractic, she learned TCM in China and she got her Masters of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine in this country. OK? She was the Valedictorian of her Acupuncture class and her chiropractic class.... At the same time! [1:03:57] Ok. So when we got on a plane to go visit her aunt, because her aunt had been given roughly two weeks to live. I thought she was going to go. I taught my wife how to do Reiki and chronic healing and stuff like that, but she already had a whole slew of skillsets in her toolkit. So I thought... Dumb me .... That we were going to go there and she was going to do the things that she knew ... And I don't speak Chinese. I barely speak in English. OK. So we got there. And if you've never seen the inside of a Chinese Cancer ward.... [1:04:30] DON'T! If you are energetically sensitive, don't go there. OK. I was vomiting and nauseous pretty much the entire week I was out there. I was only out there for a week. But, I had good state control. So sick aunt needed some help, so we got there and she was maybe 70 lbs. I mean she couldn't get out of the chair, out of the bed. She was just there. She had basically given up. Which you'll see a lot in cancer. OK. Cancer is almost always anger and a desire to checkout. OK. [1:05:00] In my experience, again this is the world according to David, if it matches yours, use it. If it doesn't, don't. There is no such thing as an emotionally healthy cancer patient. It's the things you DON'T express, that make you sick. It’s the things that society tells you is unacceptable to say, or express that make you sick. OK. I am as outgoing as I am, because I want to be healthy. I am as obnoxious as I am, because I want to be healthy. [1:05:30] And I don't give a shit what society says. Because they're the ones making you sick. They don't know it. Well some do. But I digress. We got there and all of a sudden I realize as we walk in and I take one look at my wife and She's ain't doing shit. She's just not... I mean you know when there's someone, who you care about, that is in that much distress, that as much as there is a part of you that is calm cool and collected as you are, they just check out. Right? [1:06:01] So I go OK. God you sent me here for a reason. So I'm thinking to myself ... Every technique that I know is based on language. Based on On going back to the initial sensitizing event, reprocessing the experience. Even the NLP techniques that I know, largely, are based on a understanding of language, and an English based language. I'm like Shit, what am I going to do? [1:06:31] And then it popped into my head. Constructs. Create either.... There's a lot of the techniques that I created that are based on the idea of creating a construct and something that the patient, or subject, can manipulate. That they can physically act out. So there was two techniques that I chose. That I could do through an interpreter. One was called the grey room. Sometimes when I teach this workshop, I teach the grey room. Tonight we're not doing the grey room. Tonight we're doing mostly spinning work. [1:07:00] And sub modality work. And uh, [looks at watch and sees the time] we got to get out of here soon. So basically I started doing the grey room is where you go into this construct, it's a Dome shaped room, with pearly grey walls and in the center is a big glowing fire pit. On the walls are papers in various colors, As a matter of fact, do you guys want to play with this real quick? Pretend to go into the deepest trance that is humanly possible. ... Awesome. Imagine ... You can do this with your eyes open or closed, but it's probably better with your eyes closed. OK. [1:07:31] Walk into the room. You see it's a dome shaped room, like a big A. In the center of the room is a glowing orange firepit. That's radiating a wonderful warm soothing energy. You can actually hear the fire crackling. And as you look around the room you notice the walls themselves are a pearly grey color, kind of translucent. And on the walls themselves are bits of paper. And you intuitively recognize that one color represents all the positive aspects (experiences) of your life. [1:08:02] All the things that make you feel strong, confident, powerful, deserving, worthy. All the things that make you feel good about you. While the other color represents all the less-than-positive things. All the things that you consciously know about, and most importantly the things that you UNCONSCIOUSLY know about. All the things that make you feel bad at the wrong time. That guide you and move you in ways that aren't always for your highest benefit. And when you recognize the colors that are associated with which, all I want you to do is simply reach out and touch one of those pieces of paper that represents a less-than-positive experience and I want you to rip it off the all and rip it up and crumple it up in your hands. And as you crumple it up notice where you feel it in your body. Notice how that feeling already begins to shift and change. and when you're ready for it .....ready to get rid of it..... walk over to the firepit and throw it in the fire. [1:09:01] Watch it burn up. Feel the release of that negative energy. As that piece is removed from your body. Solved, dissolved and resolved from your body. Solved, dissolved and resolved from you mind. And then you know what I want you to do when you're ready, and only when you're ready, I want you to reach out and grab another one of those pieces of paper and rip it off the wall. Crumple it up. Walk over to that firepit. Notice where in your body you feel it. As you crumple it up and throw it in the fire and [1:09:32] Feel the release. You may notice some of you beginning to yawn. That's usually a sign of your body releasing. It means you're doing it right. Not everybody does it that way. Walk over to the walk and grab another one of those pieces of paper and rip it off the wall. Crumple it up. Walk over to the firepit. Throw it in. feel the release. Feel the energy releasing from your mind and body. Feel your emotions shift and change. Feel your body becoming lighter. [1:10:01] {two thirds mark} As you begin to discover the keys to changing your mind and body. And now what I want you to do, at the rate and speed that’s optimal for you, I want you to go through every part of this room. I want you to rip off every piece of paper that represents a less-than-positive aspect or experience in your life, The things you consciously know about, and more importantly ladies and gentlemen, the things you unconsciously know about. Be thorough, look behind the positive pieces of papers because sometimes that shit hides. [1:10:31] Rip it off the wall. Crumple it up. Notice in your body where you feel it. and throw it in the fire. Feel the release. Remember the more you get the body involved, the more rapidly and deeper you change. I can't do this for you. This is all on you. Notice how good it feels. Feel the release. And if any emotions come up as they go in the fire, let them, That’s just a sign that your body is shifting and reorganizing itself. [1:11:05] It's the way it's supposed to work. Solved, dissolved and resolved from your body. Solved, dissolved and resolved from you mind. And when you know you're done, and you work at your own speed, no matter what I say, no matter what I do, you work at your own speed. Your unconscious mind is recording everything that I say. You're not going to miss anything. [1:11:28] When the last piece of paper goes into the fire, an amazing thing begins to happen. The fire begins to double and triple in size and strength. The fire begins to radiate an internal unlimited warmth, ...of strength. A nourishing energy that fills every level of your body and mind. Every cell and every atom supplying you with an endless unlimited supply of all the things that make you feel wonderful, feel strong and confident and powerful. And then something else amazing begins to happen. [1:12:02] All the papers remaining on the wall. All the things that make you feel strong and powerful and confident. Worthy in all the right ways. The things you consciously know about and the things that you unconsciously know about. They begin to glow with and inner radiance. They begin to take on an energy, and a fire all their own. They begin to grow and expand, and they begin to merge into one another. Coating the room with a glowing energetic sheet of wallpaper that just bathes you. [1:12:29] In a never ending supply of all the things that make you feel wonderful. Make you feel worthy. Give you the energy and the desire and the ability to move forward in life in a way that’s right and natural for you. In a way that you know you've got it. And when you know you've got it, you can feel that energy actually moving into your physical body. Taking up residence where you store those kinds of experiences. Like a miniature sun inside of you. Like a never ending supply of all the things that make you feel good. [1:13:02] That give you what you need to move forward and become the person who can have the life that you truly want. Your unconscious mind will automatically begin to shift and change ...and make all of those changes happen for you. Not just consciously. Although that’s important. But unconsciously. Tonight while you sleep and while you dream your other than conscious mind will take all the learnings of today, it will take the things it has seen and it has experienced and it has learned ... and it will rewrite your entire neurology. [1:13:34] It will begin to change the wiring in your brain and in your body so that your life only gets better. So that when you think about the past you only think about it in ways that make your life better. And from this moment on, that becomes the criteria for what you accept into your life. Either through suggestion or through impression. The criteria is simply "how is this making my life better?" [1:14:00] And if the answer is that it is not making your life better, you have complete freedom and authority to change it to a way that it does. That's the power that you all have. You've always had it. But nobody told you how to access it. Tonight, while you sleep and while you dream, your other than conscious mind The part of you that controls every part of you will make those changes for you. In a way that you know you're getting it. [1:14:29] That gives you more choice, more freedom, more awareness. More of all the good things that you want in life. It's just the way you work. When you know you've got it. Allow that energy to just saturate your whole body, Notice that it is spinning in a certain direction. Notice what happens to those feelings as it begins to spin, faster and faster and faster. Stronger and stronger. Spreading out to permeate every level of your body and mind. Giving you an unlimited supply [1:15:00] Of everything you could want. Everything you could need. In a way that you know you're getting it. Guiding you to become the kind of person who can have what they want. When you know you've got it, allow your eyes to open and look back up here. Notice how good you feel. [waits for the students to emerge]
[To student in class] How are you feeling? [the student is feeling very good and excited] Good, Good, OK. That was the technique we started with and then she had reached a point in her process where things were starting to shut down. [talking about the aunt in the cancer ward again now] [1:15:34] She had fluid in the pericardium. We spun it. It went away. She had shortness of breath. We spun it. It went away. She had asides. That took a little bit longer. OK. By the end of the third day, she was walking around the cancer ward, swinging her IV bottle like a Samurai warrior. OK. She was getting progressively stronger every single day. OK. Our week was up. We went back to the United States. Shortly after we left, they moved her to another hospital. We don't know what happened from that point on. If it was because we couldn't continue doing sessions, I don't know. Was it something in the environment? She was very suggestible. Chinese always are, especially the ones from mainland China. Because their whole culture is about indoctrination and mind control. [1:16:29] You have to understand suggestionism is powerful. And it's not always conscious. That's why I install parameters in you. "Is it making your life better?" It's already there. I gave it to you. "If any suggestion comes your way that doesn't improve your life, it has no power over you unless you want it to." Because I don't take choices away, I help you have more. Is that OK? [1:16:59] OK. It is nine o'clock. How many people.... Is this useful stuff? Is this good stuff? [ask for a show of hands] OK. Excellent. Excellent. What we've got coming up...Tracey can you hand out the papers. We're just going to do a few more things, but I just want to make sure I get you out of here at a reasonable time. What I want you to do, is I'm going to teach you one more thing. I'm going to teach you the spinning technique. So you can go home and play with it. OK. [1:17:29] The secret is, if there is .... Does anybody have .... {any questions] Do you want me to do one more demo or do you want me to just teach you guys to do this? Students form the floor: "Just teach it." Just teach you? Alright here's how we're going to do this. Many times when I want to make sure I have all the systems working together. We'll start with what I had you guys start with at the beginning of this meetup. I have you reach out and find a picture. Right. Touch the picture and notice where in your body you feel it. That's called a "SOMATIC BRIDGE." That's NOT NLP, that's something David figured out on his own. [1:18:00] Anytime that I physically reach out and touch my imagery to my body's sensations, I activate more of the brain and nervous system,. than if I just played with a picture. OK. I've changed different roots. I find the picture Once I reach out and touch the picture, I might play with the size and shape of it, just to be sure where in my body it lives. Other than that, there is no reason to find the picture. Unless I'm going to do another kind of intervention. And then once I know where in my body it lives. I'm going to close my eyes and I'm going to look at that sensation with my inner eyes. I'm going to ask myself a very simple question. There is a color associated to that sensation, what's the color? First impression. The first thing that pops into my head is what I'm going to go with. You guys following me so far? I'm going to reach in physically.... You got to get the body involved ... It doesn't seem like a big deal,'s EVERYTHING!!! [1:19:01] Reach in and physically grab ALL of that energy....All that color ... If you believe that it is actual energy or a color,... doesn't matter...Just reach in ... Grab all of it ... Take it out ... Make sure you get it all... Because sometimes that shit hides... As some of you guys that came up found out, .... that some of that shit hid, didn't it? Right? Be thorough. Take it out, ... Hold it in your hands in front of you. [1:19:29] Notice, did the color change or stay the same? Pay attention to that. It's usually significant. BUT not something you need to worry about. Grab it physically with both of your hands. If it is something that you want more of....Notice the direction that it is spinning. Physically move that energy, that color , and spin it faster in the direction that it is already moving. Keep physically doubling the spin, doubling the speed, doubling the amplitude, until it takes on a life of its own. [1:20:00] Until it is impossible to go back to the way it already was. And when you know you've got it ... Slam it back into that spot ... {KEY PHRASE} "Notice the change.".. If it's something that you want more of, notice that it just keeps getting better and better. If its something that you want less of.... Notice that it is gone! On a scale of zero to ten, rate the sensation. [Assuming it was something that you want to get rid of] If it was anything other than a zero, take it back out and spin it again, and put it back in. Until it is zeroed out. [1:20:31] Wash, rinse, repeat. That’s it. Student question from the floor: So how would we do this on ourselves? David: Yes, If I'm looking at the energy. Let's say I want to radiate more trust and compassion. [closes his eyes] First I will isolate in my body, Where that feeling lives. As I look at it, I'll notice there is a color connected to that feeling. I'll notice the color. I'll reach in and I'll pull out all of that red energy. [1:21:01] I'll take it out and I'll look at it and I'll take it in my hands and I'll look at it with my inner eyes. I'll notice that it's spinning in a certain direction. Since its something that I want more of, I'll grab it with both of my hands and I'll increase that spin. I'll spin it over and over and over again. Over and over until it takes on a life of its own. Until it's impossible for it to go back to the way it was. And when I know I've got it. I slam it back in. [1:21:33] Notice the change. Notice that it just keeps getting stronger. Yes? Student question from the floor: When you just demonstrated that the test that you did in our brain, and then the sound you make, really works both for positive and negative? David: Yes [1:22:03] The secret to doing this is that when I'm up here and I'm doing a process with you.... Is that I'm doing the process WITH you. When I connect with ..... There's energetics going on here. You don't need to understand the energetics of what I'm doing, .... to do it to yourself. If you're going to do this with other people, you want to do this, .... it's important to have a deep neurological connection. Heartmath calls that "COHERENCE" It's a synchronization of the nervous systems. [Transcriptionist source links] [ and ] [1:22:29] It's all based on the laws physics... Not white light, new age, stuff. OK. In our trainings we go deep into that. When I'm with you. Not ONLY am I guiding you through the process, your eyes are closed, but how many times when I'm doing this process am I right there [with you] ... I've got something in my hands. I'm spinning something right along with you. Right. That connection activates your "MIRROR NEURONS." It activates the neuro-proprioceptive nervous system. [Transcriptionist source links] [ ] [ ] David: That’s the part of you that monitors time and space and electro magnetic fields.
[1:23:03] It’s the part of you that monitors your internal environment. It monitors pain reception, mechano-reception. If you were to have a sixth sense. It would be your proprioceptive nervous system, only it wouldn't be only your sixth sense. It would be your sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth sense. Because there are at least six different nerve endings that feed information into your proprioceptive system It’s the same part that gives you those creepy feelings when a strange guy is staring are your butt from across the room. OK. It's that part of you that if I reach into my pocket, and I feel something in my pocket, it’s the part of me that knows what's in my pocket without me having to look. [1:23:35] When I close my eyes and I hold my hands out in front of me. It's the part of my system that knows where my hands are in space. It's not your aura. Although it is the physiological counterpart of it. Everything I'm teaching you is Neuro Science. I'll give you the sources. You can look them up. I take credit for the synthesis, not the source. OK? [1:24:01] Your nervous system can NOT code anything, without automatically coding for its opposite. Once you've know how your system codes an experience, you gain power over it, as long as you dis-identify from the process. As long as you realize that it is just something that you are doing and NOT who you are. That's a very important concept. Anytime you can identify with something, usually the statement is prefaced by "I am X " If I tell you what I do for a living. I say "I am an accountant. " [1:24:32] I am a banker..... I'm a neuro linguistic programmer. "I am" is an identity statement. Which means you will fight to keep that identity, just as hard as you would to keep somebody from cutting off your arm. ... OK. The first thing we need to do is realize that every experience we have, is a process we're running. Every memory that you have is a photograph or a recording that you have. It is not you. It is not the thing that happened. It is simply something that you are doing. [1:25:05] And you can ALWAYS change what you're doing. Does that make sense? That being said, .... What's in your hands. Ok, How many people have something they want to get rid of real quick? I just want to give you... I just want to give tonight. I don't know. Everybody stand up who wants to get rid of something. [numerous students stand up] [1:25:30] Now for the sake of ease and comfort, on a shittiest scale of zero to ten, let's pick something in the low three to five range. OK. If you guys have something heavier you want to get rid of, after we go through the worksheet, I'll be happy to work with you one on one to clear some stuff out. That's why I come tonight. That's why I do the things I do. OK. So if there's something you guys want to change, Something you want to get rid of, Reach out and find a picture of it, touch the picture. Trace the edges of it. First thing I want you to do is I want you to make it worse. [1:26:00] So grab the picture and make it bigger. Notice the icky feeling. Notice where in your body you feel it. OK. Make sure you know exactly where it is. OK now bring the picture back to it's normal size. Now imagine that there is a little set of knobs along the bottom of that screen. One controls the brightness of that image. I want you to turn that knob all the way to the right until the picture whites out. Turn the knob back all the way to the left until the image blacks out. Notice which one feels better. Pick whichever one feels better. If it was white, turn it all the way to the right. If it was black, turn it all the way to the left. [1:26:30] Now guys, just in case there is something from this experience that your unconscious mind needs to preserve, some lesson, I want you to imagine in your dominant hand is a glowing magic marker, across that white or black screen, I want you to write everything this experience has to teach you. That needs to be kept. So you can keep the lesson and let the rest of it go. The screen will scroll so that you can write as little or as much as you want. Notice what happens to the feelings in your body as you begin to express that. [1:27:00] Physically expressing that. When you know you've got it, ... and when you know you're done...... And keep going , I don't care ... You can take as long or as little as you need, once you know you've got it, take that image and shrink it down to the size of a postage stamp. Now take it,... crumple it up,.... throw it behind you. You know the sound that a nail gun makes when it nails something? Now try to bring it back. [1:27:30] What just happened? Gone isn't it Margaret? Now point to where that feeling used to be. Close your eyes. Look at that place where that feeling used to be. There's a feeling connected to that place where it used to be. Notice the color. First Impression. Reach in and grab that energy. Take it out and hold it in your hands in front of you. First thing I want you to notice. Did the color change or stay the same? It doesn't matter ... As long as you can answer it.... Notice it spinning in a certain direction. If it's something you want more of, [1:28:01] physically grab it with both of your hands and double the spin in the direction it's going. Double the spin. If its something you want less of, turn it so that it's the opposite of what it was. Double the spin. Double the speed. Double the force. Double the magnitude. Keep doubling it. Double it, double it, double it. Over and over and over again. Ladies and gentlemen. Double it until it takes on a life of its own. Until its impossible to go back to the way it was. When you know that it is impossible to go back to the way it was. Then and only then, slam it back in [1:28:31] ........ ..... Notice the change in whatever direction you wanted. Whatever feelings that are connected to those experiences are there... if its something you wanted to get rid of, let them come up. Let them come out. As you feel them, you reveal them. As you reveal them you heal them. When you know you're done.... Try to bring them back. Notice what happens. You feel that right? Give yourselves a big round of applause. [1:29:02] Question from floor: When you slam it back in, does it go into your heart or where does it go? David: Whatever it needs to go. Many times, and I just noticed this recently, many times when I have somebody pull something out ... its almost always in the solar plexus. They take it out, ... and they spin it the opposite, ... and when they put it back in, ... they put it back into their heart. I've just started to notice that pattern. [1:29:28] But it was something ... I told them to put it back where they got it from, but they don't. Something about their system knows where that new experience needs to go. Ok, I got this technique.... This technique was downloaded to me .... If you believe in the higher power. It just came to me in one big blop one day. I was at a training. I been learning all kinds of other stuff. And this Canadian girl comes up to me, she was from Montreal. She has this horrible migraine or backache. Ok, I can't remember which. And it just "BLAM" ... And it just came out. [1:30:03] And her stuff went away. And I didn't think anything of it for seven years. Or close to seven years. It was just something I did. Over the course of that seven years maybe a total of four or five times. Until I wound up in China. And I didn't have anything else. Then it opened up a whole new field of study. And now We're doing stuff that almost seems like science fiction. I mean there isn't anything we haven't thrown it at. [1:30:29] When the subject follows the instructions, There isn't anything we haven't thrown it at, that it hasn't affected to some degree. How many people here just got a major change. {show of hands} Very cool. How many people just don't want to tell me? [laughter] Alright in your hands... Those of you who want to go deeper into this stuff. Every so often we run, what we call the "Self Mastery Super Charger. " How many people here would like to attract more love into their life? Cool. How many people here would like to dissolve the blocks to your success? Ooo good! [1:31:01] How many people here would like to make MORE money? Excellent. Remove fears? Unlock your authentic self and get what you deserve in life? Cool. Student comment: David: Again the whole idea behind this evening is to become the person who can have all those good things.
On October fourth and fifth.... Twenty fourteen We're doing our next two day, self transformation, self mastery supercharger. [1:31:30] This is not just a self hypnosis event. Most of the people who come to my meetups want to do one of several things. They either want to fix their stuff. They want me to fix their stuff. They want to fix other peoples stuff.
[1:31:52] I have a special love for people who want to fix other peoples stuff. I call them a special kind of stupid. Because anybody who volunteers to go in and shovel other peoples crap, who run into the burning building while everybody else runs out of, ... You're a special person. We call those people heroes by the way. We need more of them. [1:32:10] But you're no good to the world, broke. Figuratively or monetarily. You're no good to the world disempowered. You're no good to the world unhappy. You're no good to the world unsatisfied. So the first rule is fix your own stuff. Get the life you want, before you worry about giving the life that everybody else wants. Does that make sense? [1:32:27] On October twenty-first to the twenty-fifth We're doing our next certification, for those of you who are interested in becoming a certified hypnotist, or therapist. That’s our certification track. If anybody wants to op into that, we have a special package that includes this training. But not everybody wants to do that. Some of the people left early, so they're going to miss out, but everybody who came out tonight and put up with my crap, gets a free gift from me. [1:32:57] Usually to walk into my doors is one hundred and seventy-five dollars ($175) to three hundred and fifty dollars ($350) per hour. Everybody who came out tonight, ....on your chair is a card, or several cards as a matter of fact. In the back of the room is my lovely daughter Tracey. Everybody here gets a 30 minutes consultation with me... Free. In my office in Solana Beach. If you live far away like Orange county or L.A. you can do it by phone. OK. I don't necessarily promise to fix your problem, but I do promise to listen and figure out if what I do, can help you. If my offer is a fit. If it is I'll tell you. And we'll strategize a way for you to get the help you want. If it isn't... I'm not a fit for everybody. ... I piss some people off. OK. Which is more indicative of .... The people that get trigger by me, it says more about the people, than it says about me. OK. It took me a long time to realize that. When people get upset about something. It's telling you more about them that it does about you. If I can help you, I'll tell you. If I can't, I'll tell you that too. And I'll try/do my best to point you in the direction that will help you. [David sees a hand for a question] Yes? Student from floor: I have a daughter who is ??? Can I use this card to have you help my daughter? David: Yes, as long as... Important, very important ....Important, I would love to help your daughter but I'm going to tell you exactly what happens nine times out of ten when somebody else brings somebody to my office. They don't want to be there. OK. I can see it walking in the door. They're there because somebody they love wants them to be there and they're doing it to please you. [1:34:29] I will do a thirty minute consultation ...IF... I get the impression that she is there because she wants something. That she wants to be there. I'll take her on as a client. If I get the impression that she is there to make you happy.... I wont. In spite of what comes out of her mouth, I wont take her. Student says something I couldn't make out. ???? Something about phone sessions. David: Yeah, I do that now. Ever since I started telling my cancer stories, I've gotten people from all over the world who are calling me and doing phone sessions and doing things like that. I still prefer in person work. [1:35:00] Because I have more control of the environment. If you start to go into a physiological response, I can help monitor it, and change it. Over Skype, if the internet goes down and you're half way through a process, you're screwed. Right? {laughter} I've had that happen. That’s why I had to start doing Skype sessions out of my home. Because the internet is so unreliable at our clinic, I wont do it anymore. I will literally pad either side of our phone session with 40 minutes on either side. To make sure I have time to get back and forth from the home office to the clinic. [1:35:29] We have a beautiful clinic in Solana Beach by the way. We do meetups on Wednesday nights on Energy Healing. We're going to be doing our NLP skill buildups as well for those of you who want to learn more about NLP before you jump all the way in. If you've passed certifications but have had no opportunity to practice. It's a great place for you to come and get your feet wet and rehearse some skills. So those are things that we're doing. We're all over the place. This workshop is designed for those people who want to fix their own stuff. So you all get that free thirty minute consultation all you got to do is put your name, address, and phone number, on the back of that Action Chiropractic and Wellness card. [1:36:04] Hand it to my lovely daughter back there and she will get you on our schedule. They'll book you. Again, free thirty minute consultation. You don’t have to pay my $175... I'm going to raise my rates in January. But normally its $175 to $350 dollars an hour to come in. We'll take a look at what you got going on. We'll make some recommendations and if it’s a fit we'll see what needs to happens next. If not. You can ask me anything you want. I wont hold anything back. Because I'm all about you guys. [1:36:32] Most of the things that I'm standing up here teaching you. I didn't develop them for you. I developed them for me. I had stuff in my life that I needed to fix. That I wanted to do, and no one could teach me how to do them. And I had to go to all these different sources and put something together that worked. It turns out that a lot of people had the same stuff going on that I had. If you find value from what you go tonight. If you had a good time. [1:37:00] Please post good things to the meetup. Tell people about it. If you didn't have a good time. If I pissed you off, then please post to somebodies else's meetup. Normally for this particular event, when I teach it at the therapy group, its $1,950.00 ...OK. But what I'm doing for people... Normally what I do for meetups, is that I cut that in half and it's $975.00. [1:37:33] But you guys are really special. I love you. So here's what we're going to do. For anybody who wants to jump into that two day training. It's October 4th and 5th. (fourth and fifth) It's $497.00. Don't jump into this unless you REALLY want to change. Because the way this works is it's not lecture. It's not like me standing up here, exactly. The way it works is, I demonstrate the technique. I explain the technique. I install the technique in you. You do it to each other. Until you own it backwards and forwards. And then you learn how to do it to yourself. [1:38:17] So by the time you reach the end of the second day. There isn't anything... Charles will tell you. He's been through it. Who else has been through it? John... You've been through it John. Two Johns right? Steph has been through it. Talk to these guys. They will tell you. You will come out a different person. Your life will change. The process is called, "IDENTITY BY DESIGN." It's a seven stage process that teaches you how to rewrite every aspect of your life. So that when you remember the past, you only remember it in ways that makes your life better. It gets rid of the voices in your head that are constantly telling you of all the shit. All the bad things about you. And replaces it with a voice that only tells you the very best things about you in a voice that you can always believe. [1:39:00] It teaches you to take on the qualities, traits and attributes of people you really admire and install them directly into your nervous system. It teaches you how to reorganize the filing system that controls your past. So that all the negativity, the structure is changed, so that when you remember things, it has no power over you. When you remember the good things, you'll only remember them in ways that makes your life better. You'll practice the spinning technique, over and over and over again. And work it into everything. So that if anything comes up that you want to fix. You can fix it in an instant. [1:39:30] Student question from the floor: When is this going to happen? David: it's going to happen October 4th and 5th. Student: Where? David: It's in Solana Beach at my clinic. There should be an address... The address should be on here. If not, it's on those clinic cards. For those of you who want to enroll, Tracey will make sure you get an extra card with the address on it. Student: It's up on the third floor. Nobody can find this place. [laughter] Student: What are the hours? David: The hours are nine A.M. until six P.M. Student: nine A.M. to Six...ok. (9:00AM - 6:00 PM) David: yes. [1:40:01] Student: how do we find your stuff on you tube. David: How do you find me... There is a couple of videos that are really really popular. If you type in my name they come up. Speed Attraction. Secrets of Personal Transformation. Renegade Romance. Are all very popular, so you could probably find those easy. Or you could type in David L. Snyder. On the TH-cam search engine and my stuff should come up. You can also go to I started archiving .... I load everything up to You Tube first. For search engine work and so that people can find us. But then I take the edited portions of the training and I put them for free for a short time on the NLPpower website. So you can go to the NLPpower blog and watch all the meetups that we've done over the last 6, 7, 8, months. For those of you who are in my private mentoring program. There is a special members only section where you can access all the videos from the personal group trainings we've done for the last four years. Everything is archived there. We haven't talked about the math tonight, I don't want to throw too many things at you. Alright? [1:41:01] This training, ...again it depends upon size,.... if I've got 6 or more people I'll call and move it to here, and you all know where here is. But up to six it will be at my clinic in Solana Beach. We have this beautiful balcony overlooking the ocean. So when you do the lecture part and then everybody goes out on the balcony and zaps each other. And its hysterical to watch. [laughter] It's a party, it really is. Because I bring all the chocolate and candy and there's all kinds of cool restaurants. It's in the Cedros/Solana Beach design district. If you know where Cedros is. It's a really beautiful place. [1:41:31] It's nice. So that's what we got going on. And if anybody wants to jump in tonight. Before you leave, see Tracy, she'll run your information. I'm going to give you two more things. I'm going to drop another $200 bucks off {the price of $497.00} So you get the whole thing for $297.00. AND I'll throw in a complete video copy of the training for you. [1:42:04] So you'll have it to take with you. Now Marcus, because you went ahead and jumped into the October training, I don't want your money. You get this for free. Anybody else want to do that? Do you want the "Marcus" special? Anybody here who wants to use these skills to help other people. Again, that’s not everybody. That’s a very small demographic. Tonight's workshop is all about showing you what's possible. Showing you that you're not stuck, you're not broken. You can change anything. And I'm truly starting to believe that there is nothing that we can't change. The more that I do this work. The more people I work with. The more challenges I accept. The only parameters to doing this kind of work is that the person doing it, follows the instructions,.... with absorption and focus. [1:43:07] And you'll notice when I bring somebody up here I don't just say go back to your seat, ... I say try to bring it back ... I test it. I'm always testing. Right? Because that's how you learn. Some of the stuff I come up with. The stuff I'm sharing with you. It didn't come about because of things that worked. It came about because things went wrong. And I had to figure it out. And that’s kind of the core of we do in our hypnotherapy and NLP certifications. We call hypnosis or NLP, in freefall. Get the change, no matter what. So it develops in you a very very determined flexible skillset. That allows you the freedom to express who you are and get the changes your way. [1:43:58] We're not going to give you scripts. We're going to show you the principles. We're going to teach the techniques. And just like you would go to a maritial arts class and practice the same punch, over and over and over again. We're going to drill you on those skills. Over and over and over again. Whether you're coming for self work or you're coming to work to help other people. Everything we do is about wiring these things into you, not just unconsciously like some trainers like to claim, But giving you the ability to do it anytime, anywhere for any reason. That's what NLP power is about. That's why I stand up here and share, because people need to do this stuff that you just learned tonight. You need to be doing for yourself, first and foremost. And ultimately, when your shits handled, you'll be much more open to helping other people. Helping the people you love. Helping the people you care about. Thank you. [applause] End of video Running time was [1:44:51]
I love the way he inadvertently explains religious attachment in min: 16.00-17:31. Why was I a Christian in my younger years? Because I thought that was true, why was it true? Familiarity and "it was there first". Brilliant. Why wasn't I a Hindu? I knew nothing about it, learned about its mythology as an adult and it contradicted my sense of reality by the time I learned anything about Hinduism. I really believe religion is geographical and substantiated based on what gets programmed into us first.
Just refresh the video if it freezes. Want More FREE Stuff? Check Out My Top Secret VIDEO ARCHIVES! for a FREE VIP PASS TO MY NLPPOWER MASTERMIND MENTORING ARCHIVES!
+Downtown Brown Hey Downtown Brown!, We sure do. Over half our client base is international and serviced directly through skype or some other video conferencing interface. We offer all prospective clients a FREE 30 Minute Consultation To Determine if Our Approach is a Fit For Your Needs. After you pass our initial screening we can outline strategies for helping you resolve your issues in the shortest amount of time possible. When You Are Ready To Schedule Your FREE 30 Minute Consultation Give My Office A Call At 858 481 1438 and my staff will get you on my schedule asap. Hope that helps you. Talk to you soon. Your Friend, David
Yes, if you call 858 481-1438 you can get on my FREE Consultation Schedule. We do 75 percent of our sessions via skype. Call us when you are ready. Talk soon. Your Friend, David
Sir, thank you so very much. Your delivery is top notch, and finding your work is putting me into yet another level of possible potentiality. so very grateful.
fed book did NOT let me follow your page ,did NOT let me copy the displayed message but I took a pic. This is the second time gestapo interfering with my interests !
Are you for REAL ? ! I could be PAINFREE ? That my body has the switch to turn off intractable or dull chronic pain that I've held for 20 years ? I believe it . We cure ourselves and I'm really ready to come out of my emotional pain which causes my physical pain ( ruptured discs or not ) ... I'm so unbelievably impressed with your teachings . I'm listening intently and saving all of these seminars for revisiting in order to cause healing . 2020 is the year of my regained vigorous health physically and mentally . No more , " Poor me , I'm a Widow and have no one and have to start ALL OVER AGAIN my family stole my Inheritance and act as if I were never born from the same parents. .. blah , blah , blah ..." Beginning again to make a New Carol E ! 61 years old to be ------- ? Yet remains to be seen ! ::))))
Jyippe79 You Go Boy! Spread DAT Word... Thats Why I Put It Out There! Too Important to Stay With Just Me! Let me know how you are doing or if you have any questions. Your Friend, David
I am happy to learnt these new techniques Doctor. I am also glad to know that it's the things you don't express that make you sick. Thank you very much.
David. Excellent information I have been following you for over one year. Your delivery and structure is All Pro! Example- My father has a Phd in Theology and I have literally blown his mind by using some of your exact words to describe "the mind" and how to reprogram it.Talk soon.
David excellent material. A suggestion, perhaps events could be filmed from the side to remove people that choose to wander about and block the view for those of use not fortunate to be there in person. Thanks for the material.
Holy crap I did the paper thing and I must've pulled off some major crap cause when that paper hit the fire I spontaneously burst into tears and felt a major lift off my shoulders.
I love the Grey Room - though I think I have to do this again as I could see the room and papers (Green - good and Black - Bad). I could feel the fire. I crumpled the the black papers and felt it in my body, but I couldn't seem to throw it into the fire. I look forward to updating you on how this effected me. Thank you David!
David Snyder I did the Grey Room again giving my full attention. Each time I took the black paper of the wall I feel a lightness in different places of my body. The Emerald Green shone bright and I felt tingly all over. When the fire grew I felt like I was basking in the sun but felt the warmth from all sides. I feel AMAZING even the soreness in my legs lightened (I did this exercise in bed after the gym) Thank you!
Can you help someone who has been struggling with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or OCD? How many victims of this disorder have you helped. Thank you for your the wonderful work that you do. God bless you.
This is the best teachings ever. This is the missing peaces i have been waiting for. Thank you sooo much David, you are truly great, this is very very amasing.
This is so eye opening...... everything you're speaking about gives me a sense of knowing even though I have no understanding from your reference. Brilliant knowledge that I will look into much further. Thank you for shareing what I see and feel to be effective healing on many levels to society and the world !!! Blessing to you : )
Dave, I thought I was "Obsessive/compulsive", but that OTHER guy inside my head says that it's all MY fault! And so I turned around 3 times in my tracks, threw salt over my shoulder, dodged a black cat, and walked around 5 ladders. Then I found that letting the air out of footballs at NFL games made me feel better. Now I'm a bookie!
Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and techniques, David! While I was doing the grey room, when increasing the fire after burning all the "bad papers", I started crying like a little child. I don't usually allow myself to cry but I couldn't hold it and I didn't feel like I wanted to hold it, I felt like letting it all go. And I feel so much lighter now. This was just amazing! I was wondering if you have many clients who cries during this exercise...
Michelle Medeiros Hey Michelle, my clients cry, shake, sweat, tremble, choke, cough, laugh, sneeze, get the dry-heaves. The symptoms of the neurology resetting itself are as unique for every individual as they are profound. When you use these protocols effectively, you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that something just happened. Congratulations for just letting the nervous system vent what it needed to. Let me know how you are doing in the future or if you have any questions. Talk Soon. Sincerely, Your Friend, David PS: Be sure To Check Out Our Upcoming Real World Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy Certification Boot Camp Sept. 15 through 19, 2015 you can read more about it here:
David Snyder Thank you very much for your reply, David! I've done many programs, some based in hypnosis, some in meditation and others in NLP. But none of them had such a tremendous and quick impact as your technique. I'm passionate about self-development and I have a website where I give tips and advice to people. I will definitely recommend you and your programs. I'll send you the link when I publish the article. :)
Michelle Medeiros hey Michelle, Thank you so much for your support and your great feedback. Keep us posted on your success stories applying these methods. Talk soon. Your Friend, David
This is pure genius!. . . Thanks so much David for sharing all that you have already. Just a question if you don't mind: Do you perhaps have an "essentials" reading list, dealing mainly with the physiological aspects (the hard wiring), as well as NLP? . . I would like to get a good foundation right first. Your personal suggestions would be highly appreciated!
Hi David! For the reason illustrated in the minute 4 to 5 I could understand for what reason the Japanese people is more open to new ideas, because the structure of their language. In Japanese you can say something like Blue the dog is Putting the verb at the end. Is more frequent Dog the Blue is but now that you say that I start to adapt my Spanish for talk like the Japanese people. Azul el Perro es For see if in this way I could influence more people to New ideas. Thanks! Pablo
David Snyder Question, While I was watching your "how to attract someone in less the 20 minutes" you said someting about society making a Man well, Not a Man anymore, how is that? and May I ask if U have a video playlist? Id like to start from ground 0 and learn the ways through you
Fk man this is GOOD. If had come across this video, 5 years ago, I would not have understood anything. Today every single word he says makes sense. Thank you Sir😊💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
I still remember I used positive affirmations and visualization ot just make me believe in myself more and build a resilient mindset, and it worked big time, I felt in control of my mind. And then when it worked I got lazy and stopped doing the exercise thinking I didn’t need it, and I actually lost a lot of the confidence that it gave me, plus more anxiety on top of that, almost like my brain can’t relax, now I’m back to doing it again, is this normal????
DAvid, it is super excellent lecture, beyond my comprehension in the sense of being new staff for me. Pardon my English structure for it is my second language. I am understand about 60% for two reasons: New technical vocabulary and concepts and because you speak to fast sometimes and diction is not clear some times as well. So please, slow down or take the time to word it out following perfection in your diction. Of course this is not English speaking people problem but it is my. Blessing David.
8:00 Your brain is hardwired and defaults to remembering things. We spend a lot of time thinking we're thinking, but in actuality we are remembering. 9:00 anything outside of your awareness is outside of your control. Once you have awareness you now have choice. 16:35 we resist anything that conflicts with what we know to be true. What's true to most of us is "familiar". What's familiar is what was there first.
bonto You are correct, alcohol or any other substance is never the answer. ways to decompress include physical activities, breathing exercises ( see my instant emergency pain relief videos) Specialized hypnotic stress and emotional detox techniques i.e. grey room, magic frame and "Energy Spinning" work great. Any form of creative expression that allows you to fully express your feelings in a complete but appropriate manner will rapidly "depotentiate" the emotional charges and let you decompress more fully back to a balanced state. Hope that helps you. Talk Soon. Sincerely, Your Friend, David
i will never be able to understand how people think pictures when they hear words. That is a crazy idea. The way he started explaining how the brain perceives some stimuli and then starts making associations and pulling all files that are related to that thing. It isolates the relevant files and then uses those to form a better understanding of whatever concept. That is exactly how my mind works. No pictures or visuals needed. There is a musical quality to language for me though. For example, i will pick up on sort of a melody and rhythm or some sort of pattern in speech. Later on, I use that "song" to be able to remember and, if needed, repeat what I heard damn near word for word. That rhythm makes that possible because only certain words will be able to fit that rhythm in the right way. Numbers make patterns, like directionally. So they sort of draw a pattern, but in movement that I can 'feel' in my head. It isn't like a drawn diagram or the written number. I can recall the emotions that I had when an event happened, of course, just like everyone else. But my thinking relies very heavily on words and sounds and the things that those words and sounds are related to in my experience of life, in my language, in other languages, in my culture or different cultures, pop culture, literature, etc. All of the things that I know about anything at all, all of it is pulled and I have to sift through it all. On a different note, I have changed the way I think over the past 7 or 8 years. It was hard and painful to get through destroying and rebuilding my ideas and beliefs. It is an ongoing process to constantly be evaluating myself and my thoughts, thinking about thinking. It was worth it in a way. The thing that really changed my approach to thinking and living was learning about logical fallacies, biases, perspective, emotions, manipulation, how anything in your environment influences you, how attention and vision work, how memory works, and a whole lot of other things.. Now, I am so much more open to the fact that I do not know anything at all. I feel sort of isolated though because I have changed my mindset. Other people don't like that. Sometimes it kind of makes me sad because I wish that I could connect with them. I can't though. I wouldn't go back to my old way of thinking and being, but it is awfully lonely here.
this is so vibrant . your message of healing is commendable. I was healed from pain. of chrones while the lady with the bad hip was . awesome.where do I sign up for classes so I to can teach this technique.? please respond.
I can definitely understand the focus as a child, and being so engrossed in play. But I have noticed people are bothered by someone that focuses intently or becomes absorbed in any matter. They will constantly try to create distractions. This will require much alone time, for those that can find that.
You are very knowledgeable and you put out some very good information. Critique if i may, please be able to anticipate and have the forethought of using a mic when an audience member comments or questions. It is virtually impossible to hear them so your responses are useless to your youtube viewers.
I just discovered your videos. Perhaps I am not watching in an orderly fashion, because I am lost on many abstract concepts....which I am sure aren't actually abstract with the proper foundational understanding of neural linguistic programming with respect to healing,etc. I will search the channel. Any recommendations from whomever sees this would be highly appreciated.
ll be using your spin techniques this evening David with a client who was abused by a relative when she was a child I'm confident it will work quickly and cant wait to find out. The most fun will be working out how to use the rest of the two hours they insisted on booking and they have another session booked after that. :)
Keithanthony Taylor Make sure to eliminate any "reasons why" they might want to hold on to those feelings. Use my magic frame technique prior to spinning it. Let me know how it goes. Your Friend, David
I'm looking for feedback about my experience with the gray room exercise. When I did it, it felt like there was a lot of negative stuff behind me. I hesitate to say that I felt fear; I felt practically nothing, but I had a sense that I could not or dared not turn around. I eventually forced myself to physically turn my chair. I don't think this changed anything. Do I need to just keep working at this a little bit at a time? Are there some suppressed negative experiences that I'm not willing to face? Should I approach this with the intention of addressing a specific negative, or just let things come?
it implies that there are most likely some things your unconscious mind is not sure you are ready for. You might want to explore that with the guidance of one of our trained associates.
Do you have any tips on how to use self hypnosis to get a better understanding on the influences in my childhood that are impacting me today? I tried the subselves garden hypnosis exercise but I had trouble really getting into trance. The spinning technique was more effective, but didn't help me find the root of my problem.
You will probably need to have someone guide you through those types of processes. Most people simply don't have the skill sets to do that level of work on themselves. Its best to have a guide.
@@DavidSnyderNLP I work with a therapist, but I find I'm more effective when working on my own because my people pleasing subself doesn't mold herself to the people around us when there are none. I find it very difficult to turn that off even with a therapist, which makes it very difficult for me to let myself fall into a deep trance with her. Perhaps with more time and deeper trust this will change. But since I posted the original commented I actually tried 3 of your techniques shown in your videos. Spinning, somatic bridge using a picture on a dimming screen, and the grey room. The grey room was easily the most effective, but I found it very helpful to create that somatic link and I think the problem I was having before was the disengagement with my body. I also tried using some awareness verbs while walking myself through the steps of the grey room and I think that helped a lot. Thanks for your free resources! I'm finding them very helpful.
so just from getting to know myself and reading a lot i discovered a lot of the stuff youve taught here on my own. however not in as organized and functional practical way. i had more of an understanding without the application part. but i reached a level through meditation and "raising frequencies" so high that I can feel these energies from the sub conscious and their geometry and they became so powerful and i accidentally put myself out of alignment somehow and they got so out of shape that it/they took on a life of their own as you say but became smarter than me (shape shift and change angles and leverage mathematically) and if i try to remove it/them it would change shape in order to stay inside me and try to affect and change my thought patterns emotions etc, it literally takes forms that fight me and attack me.. if i were to put a label on what im experiencing it would be what some would consider or call demonic forces i guess. i'm not trying to freak you out. this is just an old term for an advanced level of the loss of control over what youre talking about. it's everything youre teaching here but i can actually feel the energies you are imagining. and theyre huge and powerful. i once had control over it and it was simply my energy and it is still mine and i understand that im stronger and more powerful than it but maintaining that belief long enough to remove it is exhausting. this video has really helped more than anything ive found or tried so far but it still is not gone or fully aligned properly. any suggestions.
+Urban Graduate Yes You Can. Check out this lecture here:
More often than not you are better off following your gut. Just be careful to avoid mistaking gut feelings for wishful thinking. If you pay attention to your body, you'll begin to notice that those sensations tend to arise from very different parts of the body.
David Snyder Thanks for getting back to me so promptly I am loving your videos. I even enjoyed the descriptives so much in your email Ive signed up to your STEALTH programme. I have been studying NLP for a while and this is really helping me to make a bit more sense of it. I would highly recommend.
David Snyder could you please explain specifically what parts of the body the right feelings come from? or how to notice those feelings better. i tend to live mostly in my conscious mind and it makes me very indecisive cuz my conscious mind thinks about things from ALOT of angles.
andrew gray oh yeah and your awesome and all that jazz not big into the butt kissing but i'm watching every video you have and i consider you my sensei, lol
I have developed a fear of sleep due to having occasions of sleep paralysis. My body has reacted to this as a danger and so I fight sleep. How do I overcome this David?
David Snyder My mind is telling me this is dangerous. What happens when a biological function turns into something that you feel terrible about? All I can think of is tonight I have to sleep and be paralyzed for eight hours. It is a program. How do I reason with it?
It seems that your healing techniques depend on the ability to visualize: 'see the picture in front of you and move it' , 'what color is the energy and what direction it is spinning', 'notice the colors of the papers on the wall'. What about a non-visual person like me that doesn't see any of this? Thanks!
My techniques are not dependent on a persons ability to visualize. They are dependent on a persons ability to follow instructions and Play Pretend. i.e. use their imagination just like when they were children. Many of the people using these techniques claimed to have trouble (or at least believe they have trouble) visualizing. For the record there is no such thing as non-visual person. The visual component may not be 'consciously accessible directly but it is always present to some degree. Hope that clarifies things for you. Your Friend, David
I love this.... I've had similar "it just came to me instances in this area" I think from what I've seen so far you're pretty amazing and on the right track… I actually picked up energy or Reiki energy as people like to call it one day out of the blue... I just looked at a balloon and thought "I can move that" about 30 minutes later I am coursing energy through my palms and fingertips enough that I could mentally connect my fingertips and send the energy through to them so well you could see steam/heat... whatever you want you call it lol coming from them. That was 3 years ago... We are capable of so much. The subconscious is the hardest part to control though. Thinking "I couldn't do that" when... In reality... you ABSOLUTELY CAN regardless of what it is. You have to TRULY BELIEVE IT (void of any fraction of self doubt--ANYYYY WHATSOEVER can't stress that part enough when I talk to people about it ) you have to mentally, emotionally and sometimes physically attract it to your life. That or repel, refuse, deny and clear it from your life in entirety (depending on what it is) And conquer it. The possibilities are literally endless. If you want it in your life, have it. Take it, OWN it. If you don't, then you have to remove it from your life, mind, who you are in general and I say it this way because there's not an area you can't change. If your open minded enough (everyone is capable of being open enough but not everyone wants to be for reasons I'll never understand LOL)to take a complete hold of your life, your BEING in this world and can change your mindset to your limitless potential. You can literally change the world.
In the subconcious, I think we DO have a sense of self just when we are born, and more likely our brains are shaped to the outside world and this diminishes out subconcious. If you really think about yourself, you are the same inner voice, you have not changed since birth, baby, child, tenn, adult, etc....Nothingabout your true inner voice has changed. SOme can put on a super show, but they are the same at some part of the day.
Hello, David, Thank you very much for sharing. I have a 4 years psychology degree, but NLP course is much more appealing to me to learn to develop myself and also help others in the future. I experienced a quite diverse cultural background(from China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Australia and Europe), and I see many people in different cultures to some degree are unhappy with unfulfilled with their lives, me too sometimes. I would like to know when will be your next course and where will it be held on, and also the price, etc. I would like to learn with you if the opportunities are ready. Best Beagrds, Thanks. Anita (yunyan)
Share Away, That's Why I Gave Them To The World In The First Place. Just let people know where you found it. you can find more stuff here
Would it be possible to use the techniques you explained and demonstrated in the video to increase a skill? I want to increase my skill and techniques within sports(like bmx, roller skating). I would like to know if there are any specific techniques to help in that area.
love this... question for you ... Does the patient being on pain medications have any affect on the process demonstrated in your video here? Would the subject need to be free of as much medication as they could tolerate while doing the process of taking out the colored painful energy and reversing the rotation?
You are not changing because the mind and the brain are two different things, but the author of this video does not know it. These types of techniques are more on the level of tricks and for a short time, but the Mind is far more complex. The brain is just a transmitter for the Mind and nothing more than that.
So tell me, how would you align your subconscious/unconscious with your consciousness? or, how do I get my subconscious/unconscious to get on board with my conscious intentions?
HI Qi, For most people its going to require a combination of uncovering techniques and targeted regression skills. Regressive techniques vary but tend to yield the greatest degree of Conscious/Unconscious Integration. Hope that helps you. David
Yeah, I thought about regressing to a specific point in my life where a frickin shrink intervened where my parents were to ignorant to handle it, so yeah, that helps, Mahalo!
This is a beautiful thing and I feel very attracted to this what is the best way to find out more and if this is something you want to learn more about?
when a child of 13 months has vivid memories and recalls details and questioning, is that not a higher function? when a child of 2.5-3 yrs has vivid recall of situations and justifying behavior/questioning parental concerns, is that not higher thought process for age? It seems that those instances show that the young brain is not so blank. whether it be past life retained knowledge or some genetic/cellular memory, there seems to be more.
Bev Miller We start accumulating information from the time we are conceived onward. Lets be sure not to confuse the ability to accumulate information with the "developed ability to process it". First we record and imprint. then we process. Our processing and "justifying" behaviors are based on the information we have at the time - context, environment and emotional intensity. Not necessarily cognitive processes that come or develop later.
I remember being born and proved it to my parents when I was in my 20s. I recall much of my early years and I know I was thinking long before I could talk. I may be unusual but I believe all babies are like this but most don't remember that time long enough. I argued for years with my mother about my father hitting her when she was pregnant with me. She finally admitted it. I do not have an explaination for my memories as some happened pre-trauma.
Right, I didn't know you (lecturer) could swear "mother f.....ker*" so well during the lecture. I don't think it was rude to walk around. Would sometime, someone needs to go to the washroom OR you might get up to go out for a bite during break time and I am so sure that it was the break time? No? Yes?
G. AL Ang I agree. It could have been time for a break and the presenter simply just needed to stop and give that break. Other lectures I’ve been to when that happened that’s exactly what the presenter would do is notice that people were getting up for whatever reason and then realize it must be time for a break and then actually give it. Could be what was going on here in the video?
This video is informative and awesome but I'm completely distracted by people flux in front of camera!I am an Empath and this all makes total sense to how I communicate in the universe.where are you based out of?curious...Brittany
Dude, you are awesome!.. I got certified with Chris Howard. We have BJJ (Brazilian Jui Jitzu) as a common ground, but what is said here seems much more powerful. Do you ever come to Palm Desert Ca? Palm Springs area?
how to handle on argument on a narcissist , psychopath,sociopath person .or any kind of behavior disorder.. is there possibility to control them or what kind of technique we want to applied to them can u give me some steps and send into my e mail please thank you very much.
Why do you touch the person when doing this NLP/Hypnosis? You touch them when they come up and then when you have them put the energy back in. What is the purpose of YOUR touch in all this?
That physical routine of expulsing energy, may also be releasing endogenous morphine. Thus she feels better right off. What is remained to be seen is whether it lasts. On this video or a prior one, Mention was made to OCD. From which I suffer... Mine is autoimmune from strep. It is neurological not a personality quirk...Or a result of molestation etc. Of course these are triggers for this condition. Stress allows the autoantibodies into the area to attack it. The paleo-cortex Basal ganglia complex...
58:58 Healing Exercise
1:07:25 Gray Room Technique (Emotional Cleansing Exercise)
1:17:36 Energetic Spinning Virtues In
1:25:20 Getting Rid of Something with Energetic Spinning
Spiral Lightning
Thank you!!
You are awesome!
@@anjupatel2640 You too Anju ♡
Spiral Lightning 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
I really liked the healing exercise at 59:00 😊
Thank you
"We spend a lot of time thinking we are thinking, but we are actually remembering" Sooooo true
this is a originally Richard Bandlers quote
Wow! I found you on accident, and was amazed. Only after half a night of watching a few of your videos, I subscribed. I am a nobody for all intent and purpose. From my teens to my twenties I would use my energies to heal. It was hit and miss. Strangely I was using bits of what you spoke about. Now in my thirties, I can't do it. One thing you said was made crystal clear. You can't help people if you are broken(not your exact words). I can neither afford, nor attend seminars. I don't mind. You are a great teacher, and I can learn from here. The way you try to help people is inspiring. I am one of the dumb ones. Who doesn't mind going though another's garbage. Now I just need to clean my yard first. I had to get that off my chest, hoping you understand, when I say thank you and don't stop what you do!
Around 15:00 We resist 3 things: 1) anything that threatens how we see ourselves, 2) how others see us, and 3) anything we know to be true. What is true is what is familiar and what is familiar is what is first.
I love this stuff..
I came across this site almost 3 years ago whilst going through a really tough time.
As much as i wanted to watch them back then and .. I did try.. I really did.. looking at it now.. I wasn't in any shape to absorb this valuable stuff back then.
Fast forward to now.. and my mind is hungry like a sponge absorbing fluid.
I cannot tell you how much I love and enjoy your content and thankyou for all of it.. 🙏
I keep coming back to his videos, may be after weeks, or even months. Everytime I learn something new, by watching again. ❤️🙏
Wow, thank you!
The mind will proliferate if left to it's own devices .Mindfulness is the Path to the Deathless ,Buddha. I find your classes excellent and I will add your techniques to my repertoire of knowledge to free myself of UNNECESSARY suffering , not all suffering is completely avoidable but our ability to accept the unavoidable suffering is a big part of growing up. Thank you ,I feel lucky that I discovered your channel.
You're the best at putting the nervous system into words. For me this is not a lecture, damn, it's a journey into neuroscience. Hats off!
thats awesome, thank you for saying so
David: Yeah, it's based on something, What we call "pre-supposition." There are certain things, … In order for what you're interpreting to be true, …. a whole bunch of other things have to be assumed to be true as well.
Student from the class: Right, like your own value system is what you base your comprehension of what's right and wrong.
David: Absolutely. Absolutely. That’s what we call "Criterion Rules." Let me give you a linguistic example that will really kind of pull this out to you. I teach a lot of conversational hypnosis.
… Tracey will you see if we can get an eraser for the white board Please.
One of the things that I teach is called the "adverb adjective pre-supposition"
Ok. Now in traditional academic English. We are generally taught that if we are going to say, for example,
"The dog that was blue."
Now Seth, rewind real quick. When I said "the dog" how many thought dog in your head. [holds up hand for a show of hands]
Right? Before I said the color, how many had a blue one?
[pauses...silence…. Chuckles from floor]
What color was your dog?
Student from floor: I didn't think of a color.
David: Alright, but you saw a dog right? What color was your dog?
Student from floor: The dog that I saw? Black and white
David: Black and white, right?
What happens is that your conscious mind pays attention to the words. But your unconscious mind pays attention to the structure.
And the moment it hears something like the word "dog" it starts accessing every file in your system connected to the word "dog," and it spits up a picture, Based on that association.
What I did here, was, …. that I gave you a poorly … well not really poorly, this is how some of us was taught to write. This is the structure of all boring communication by the way.
The descriptor, the thing that describes the dog, is after the thing it describes.
Ok, the more pleasant, the more efficient way, is to make sure what is communicated, is what we sent, is to put the descriptor before the thing it describes.
Right? Now I use this to show you, how your unconscious mind takes a little piece of information and starts to run with it. It starts throwing in it's own information regardless of whether it is accurate or not.
Now this process happens millions and millions of times, below the threshold of conscious awareness. When you repeatedly get hit with this kind of structure in your language, you start to get tired.
Because what literally has to happen is, you're going along real smooth, going along and everytime you meet something in the language that doesn't match your internal picture, you have to STOP, ... REWIND the picture, ... CHANGE the photograph to match, … and then MOVE on.
That's the structure of bad writing. When I talk about bad writing, I am NOT talking about technical writing. I'm talking about boring writing. Stuff that is not fun to read. Technical manuals are written like this.
Scientific journals are written like this. OK. But If you look at the most compelling forms of literature that we have, almost without exception, first of all, there is lots of descriptors.
Right? Lots of them. And they are almost always on either side of the subject. OK?
This is probably the easiest way that I can give you an example of what your brain is doing. OK, It's doing this all the time with every word that it hears. Every process.
It's doing it so fast and so seamlessly that you don't realize that it is actually structuring your perception of reality.
NLP is the study of the structure of subjective human experience and how language interacts with that to create our experience of the world.
Once we understand this and that in many cases the words coming out of our mouths, are literal maps of what parts of our brain is being activated at any given moment, we gain tremendous power over the system. We gain a tremendous level of self knowledge and self awareness.
But until we become aware of it, this process will run us. Now I am using a very simple, very basic, one symbol language pattern, OK. To illustrate what the brain is always doing.
It's doing this in every aspect of your life. It's taking all the information that is coming in, it's finding all the associations that are connected to it, and spitting up the one consciously to your awareness, that it thinks is the most relevant to the situation that you are in.
But it's remembering, … and accessing …. All of them.
It doesn't pick, ... unconsciously. It fires all of them.
This is one of the powerful ways that conversational hypnosis and NLP, creates powerful changes in people. Because a Neuro Linguistic Programmer is somebody who understands how the brain actually processes information, … can talk to you on one level and be activating you on another.
Ok, in the context that you hear is a very good thing. In the context of the people who run the country, not so good.
OK, you came here because you want to take the randomness out of your life. Would that be true?
[raises hand for a show of hands]
OK, is this stuff useful so far? OK.
So what do we do about it?
[David looks at a student in the class]
Does that answer your question?
Student: yes
David; I just want to make sure because every now and then people ask me a question and I lapse into what I think is a very comprehensive explanation and they go, "that was great, but you didn't answer my question."
So I want to make sure. I'm not putting anybody down. It's weird for me to be up on this stage. I'm telling you right now. So my perspectives are very shifted.
So what I want to do now is I want to introduce you a little bit to how to start changing. How to start making changes.
Now I want to that by asking you a few questions. OK?
How many people here have something that is blocking them. Ok Excellent.
How many people here have something they want to do better? OK.
How many people here their primary concern is a relationship or something related to a relationship? OK. I want to target …. Humans learn best in context. So I want to make sure that you are connecting what you want most to the processes.
Does that make sense? One of the other things that happens a lot of times is when people come to these workshops is, every now and then we actually break up and do practice with each other.
They almost always pick the biggest, evilest, nastiest, thing in their life.
And throw a technique they barely know at it, and wonder "why don't this shit doesn’t work"
Your brain is hardwired, and defaults, to remembering things. OK. We spend a lot of time thinking we're thinking, but in actually we are remembering. Your brain defaults to what is familiar.
So if you have this potentially new opportunity, that you've never had before, it's a new experience, maybe its something that has a huge payoff. Right?
But it is completely new, it's alien to the system. Versus not doing anything and doing what you've been doing, and feeling like crap about it but you've been doing that for twenty years.
Guess what you're brain will pick.
It's just the way the system works. It's hardwired that way. Now, can you transcend it?
But only if you first become aware of it.
First rule of David's world.
My job tonight is to give you that awareness. Because once you have awareness, you now have choice. And sometimes NLP gets the bad rep of being overly manipulative. The true spirit of NLP and the discipline that I teach is all about giving people choices.
Until you understand the unconscious programs running below the surface, you only think you have a choice.
If you want to make a change, if you want to something different, you have to muster tremendous amounts of will to get it done.
Well guess what? You don't have that much. Will power is a finite resource.
There's a book you might want to pick up.
It's called, "WILLPOWER: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength"
by a guy named Roy Bauwmeister & John Tierney.
Ok. In that book, Bauwmeister isolates the two biggest building blocks of your willpower.
The amount of slept that you've had.
And the amount of blood sugar in your system.
[grinning and pointing to the chocolate] [Chuckles]
See…. I'm giving you willpower.
We burn up units of willpower everytime we have to exert emotional control. Because we don't have one brain, we have three.
Do you guys know this? … OK
You have three brains. [silly comment] This is your brain on David.
The most prehistoric, the most primal, the most powerful part of you is your REPTILE brain. The Russian sports psychologist call this your "PALEOCORTEX."
It is the part of you that works in primal drive
Fleeing or Flight
OK? It is the part of you that works in terms of primal drive. It IS what is driving the bus.
This is why every now and then you'll hear me make an off color remark. It's not just because I want to be vulgar. It's because everytime I stimulate the reptile brain. I get 20 more minutes of attention. [chuckling]
And I need your attention. OK. I need you to understand this. OK.
Wrapped around your reptile brain is another layer and it is called your LIMBIC SYSTEM or your MAMMALIAN BRAIN.
This is your emotional brain. This is the part of you that generates feelings.
There is a subset of lawyers in this country. Some of whom I've trained. And they practice a system called REPTILE. And it is all based on how to speak and present, ... to the REPTILE brain.
They are winning, multi-multi-million dollar lawsuits using it. OK? There is a whole field called neuro-marketing which is all about presenting information in a way that the reptile brain has to respond to.
Now here is a thing you have to understand about the reptile brain.
It doesn't care about morality.
It doesn't care about the law.
It doesn't care about religion.
It doesn't care about ethics.
All it cares about is satisfying and perpetuating the genes. Because your genes don't go to heaven. The meat stays here. Right?
The rest of us may go upstairs or downstairs. But the meat stays here. So all it cares about ... is the here and now.
And it works off of primal…. And it generates drives.
Write this down, tattoo it on your forehead. Because it will be a driver in 90% of the things that you are going to encounter in getting past things or getting people to do things.
Your lizard brain if there is a drive that is not being met, will consistently, without remorse , will take up more and more and more of the attention in your brain, and your body, until you act on it in some way.
Now many times those actions that we are being prompted to do conflict with other things that we were taught at different layers of our experience.
They conflict with what we were taught as being good and bad as kids.
They conflict with what society says is appropriate.
They conflict with the rules of friendship and fair play.
But we still want to satisfy that drive. We still have to find some way to balance that drive out.
So what happens is ... that reptile brain generates an emotion. That emotion causes you to take action.
Every drive in the body is a feeling ….
and all emotions are feelings,
but not all feelings are emotions.
So what do we do. We have another layer of our brain that came along later. The problem solving part of our brain.
This is the part of you that is in charge of generating a reason WHY.
Why you are doing the thing that you are doing. And the part of you that is in charge of making sure that that reason is… and there are usually two reasons for doing what you are doing. The one you are going to tell people…. And the real reason. Right?
It is in charge for generating both of them.
How many people here wind up having resistance come up to certain things come up in your life? Right?
Do you know what the structure of resistance is?
Or what the primary areas of resistance are?
In other words, if the information, or the situation that I'm in … threatens how I see myself. Causes me to look at myself less than appropriately or less than positively. I will inherently resist it.
Ok. If nobody is looking, they are a different person. Right? But if they are a public figure. They care about how other people see them. The image that they have. Anything that conflicts with that…. We resist. That’s just the way we work.
Here's the rub. For most of us … what is true… is what is familiar.
What is familiar, … more often than not, …. because I'm a therapist, ... I spend a lot of time taking people to places they didn't know they had to go to,... to get free of stuff .... that was running their lives.
More often than not… what is familiar… is what was there first.
When I do hypnotic regressions on people… and I take them back to the first scene, situation, or event, that has everything to do with the reason they are there.
Without exception… well … alright… nine out of ten times.
When we spring back to the seeds of that reason …. Cancer, … Muscular Sclerosis, Parkinson's, … chronic pain, … herpes, ….. Neuropathy, you know, any chronic disease.
Almost without exception they go back to the age of zero to five years old.
Student from the floor: Say that again? You ….
David: When I regress them back to the very first scene, situation or event, … that very first experience,…. that has absolutely everything to do with why they are there to see me, they almost always.... nine out of ten will go back to the time period of between zero and five years old.
Even though, when they walked into my treatment room, they came to me so they wanted to learn how to do a back flip better and they were afraid.
David: yes?
Student from the floor: So lets say I have something that related to back when I was one year old, but I can't remember that.
David: Your conscious mind can't, but your subconscious mind can. In the kind of work I'm describing, which is NOT the kind of work we're doing here.
When you're doing regressive work. You have to remember that the unconscious mind is like a video camera that is always running. That it runs in all 5 senses. OK? So everything is recorded. But it is NOT exact. Information is deleted, distorted and generalized.
Now, here is where it gets cool.
When you come into this world,
You have no idea of what's right or wrong.
You have no concept of good and evil.
You only know, "feels good" and "feels bad."
It's familiar. It's unfamiliar.
I feel safe. I feel threatened.
That’s all you know. You have this huge blank harddrive. OK? And whatever experience you have becomes like a little hook.
I should probably erase some of this crap. Did you guys get all of this? Is this useful? Alright.
[erases the whiteboard]
This is what's driving your bus guys. This is what's driving the bus. The cool part is that you're going to be able to drive it yourself real frigging soon.
Now. Can you see the board OK? OK, so this is you at birth. [A big empty circle] There is nothing there.
Maybe a few hardwired instincts. You have no sense of "self." You have no sense of identity. It does NOT exist. And if you think about it. It makes perfect sense. How in fact were you formed in the womb? Did you suddenly pop into existence with a head and feet. Or did you start out as a cell? That was part of a bunch of other cells?
And then slowly evolve into something else? Your sense of self… is mommy. You are identified with mommy. When you come out through the birth canal, ... that doesn't change. It doesn't change for quite a while.
The ages of zero to five are the most critical. You have no critical factor. You have no analytical capacity whatsoever. Whatever comes in first,... positive or negative, ... the first experience of each thing is just recorded. It's not judged. It's not analyzed. It's not compared.
It's just recorded.
And then an interesting thing happens. As you begin to accumulate more and more experiences, they start to get grouped.
Your unconscious mind starts to sort things by "sameness." and its not 100% the same, they can be just 30% the same. They are connected. They are NOT linear.
And everything else that comes after that primal experience, that formal experience, becomes the standard that everything else is measured. Each of these experiences are like little hooks ... that we hang other experiences on.
From that moment on, as we begin to develop that critical factor.
We call it the borrowed …
The bouncer at the bar kind of thing. You guys have all been to a nightclub where they have the guy outside who decides who gets in and who doesn't.
I usually slip them a hundred bucks and they look the other way. But for most of us, they come up to us and the bouncer says no. You don't have the right look. You don't have the right feel. How does he make that distinction?
Because he decides what fits the internal environment. If you don't match the energy of the club. If you don't match the energy of the people inside the club that they are trying to cater to. You don't get in.
That’s exactly what your conscious mind and your unconscious mind do. Everytime somebody tells you something, the first thing that happens is your unconscious mind sorts through your memories. Which are imperfect. There is information missing. But it replays everything it has in full fidelity.
The feelings. The experiences. All of the building blocks are there. And you have that feeling again.
If what's coming in matches that? It's generally accepted and you get another tick. If it doesn't match…. It's rejected.
Unless there is a tremendous amount of emotion …. Or repetition. That’s the only way they get in, as long as the critical factor of the conscious mind is in play.
That’s just how you work. Now the cool thing is…. A. Write this down. Tattoo it on your forehead.
The things you are carrying around in your head are NOT the event that happened to you.
They are imperfect photographs.
They have information missing.
They have information that is distorted.
They have information that has been generalized.
To make processing easier.
And each of those photographs are written in a code. That dictate .... What you feel, hear, see, and perceive, (important word there, PERCEIVED) When that memory is accessed.
How many people here have ever seen a show called, "LIE TO ME"
If you haven't, go rent the first three seasons of that show. There's only three.
The consultant for that show…
It's all about this expert in facial recognition, lie detection, and how he goes and solves crimes and things like that.
But the consultant for that show is a guy called Dr. Paul Ekman. Paul Ekman is the worlds leading expert on emotions, facial cues, and how they interact.
He actually discovered something call micro expressions. That are little tiny fragments of facial expressions that happen underneath the ones we are trying to parade. (display)
So you might be smiling, but actually be very very sad. They happen in a fraction of a second. And even that, he is also one of the worlds leading experts on lieing.
He wrote a book called, "EMOTIONS REVEALED."
In that book he outlined and refined a phenomenon called the "EMOTIONAL REFRACTORY PERIOD"
The "Emotional Refractory Period," is the period of time between the onset of time, between an emotion and the time it dissipates.
During that time, that emotional state seeks to go on for as long as it possibly can.
And it starts looking for ways to keep going. It's like a little life form that wants to keep going.
So what it does, ... on a neurological level, without your conscious intent. Without your permission, and without your awareness, it changes what you pay attention to.
How many people here have ever been in an argument.
[show of hands]
[yeah come on, "I don't want to raise my hand" Just raise your frigging hand dammit]
[laughter from the class]
Now how many people noticed that you went through the arguing process, had the knock down, drag out, got the resolution, whatever, and for the next ten fifteen, twenty minutes, years later… anything that you said to that person pissed them off again.
No matter what. They found some way to twist what you said, and get angry again.
Welcome to the world of the emotional refractory period.
Anytime that you go into an emotional state, your perceptions change. And what you consciously pay attention to changes. And you only pay attention to the data, or the aspects of the environment, context or experience, that retrigger or re-enforce the emotional state.
You don't get a two minute warning that you are about to get pissed off. Your unconscious mind does not signal your heart that you're about to have an emotional shift.
You just go into it. Right? And once you're in that state, the state tries to maintain itself for as long as possible.
How many people here have ever bought a new car. OK excellent. Now how many people really researched the car before they bought it. Cool.
How many people have had this experience. You go to the lot, … you haggle over the car... You make sure it’s the right color, ...You pay for the car, ... you're driving home. ... You're thinking ...Yeah baby…. And every motherfucker, ...bought the same car on the same day, ...everywhere you look, see the same car.
How did that happen?
Same thing. You went into a specific state that was highly polarized to sorting for a specific kind of information. Your perceptual filters shifted, and everywhere you went, that’s what your unconscious mind pulled into your awareness.
This is the same structure that underlies the laws of attraction.
It's what's running below the surface, in your body the feelings that are being generated that are changing your perceptions and systematically drawing certain kinds of experiences into your life and removing the awareness of other types.
You see everything that we could ever want …. is already here. It's just filtered. It's how it is, it just filters our awareness. Does that make sense?
Student from floor: Could that be where something in our life is changing our focus?
David: Something is. What's happening is that your nervous system is filtering your reality.
It's filtering what you are paying attention to, and the information you can get, many many times before anything …. becomes conscious.
As I like to say, "Your conscious mind is always the least informed and the last to know ."
But… it’s the one that screams the loudest and the one that gives you the rationale that's acceptable to yourself for why you do the things you do, so that's what we listen to.
Yes? [a student hand their hand up]
[I could not hear anything the student said]
David: Sure, ….
Anybody here ever been in a relationship?
And you come home and your spouse is really pissed off?
And nothing you do is right?
And you did absolutely nothing.
It's like, guys you come home and you left the toilet seat up?
You don't get sex for a month, because you left the toilet seat up.
Ladies, you come home, you're pissed off because of the guy at work looked at you the wrong way again, …. The boss made you stay late. … The kids were giving you a hassle…. Right… you're not feeling real good…. And the next thing you know is you start venting to hubby … right... and he makes the cardinal mistake of trying to fix your problem.
Instead of just listening. And letting you vent it. Right?
Classic understanding of perceptual filters changing. Why?
Because neurologically when a woman gets stressed out, she gets more and more picky, she gets more and more precise. More and more detail oriented.
When a man gets stressed out, he gets progressively more global. He gets progressively more big picture.
When a woman communicates about her day, and about the problems that she has had, especially to HER man, she is NOT communicating to him for him to solve her frigging problem. She's more than smart enough to figure out her own shit.
She just wants him to listen. And let her vent it. But we don't ...
[Student from floor interrupts David]
[David is grinning at the male student in class]
Hold on a minute mutherfucker.
[Student is arguing for the mens side of this.]
[Obviously he has been married a long time.]
David: I'm on their side.
Alright.... Guys don't think that way. Guys think in "cause and effect" terms.
You have a problem, .... I fix it... It's done....
But that's not how the other gender operates. So the moment that she starts to vent, that she starts to express, you try to fix her problem. And that’s exactly the wrong thing. Because if you are trying to fix her problem.... You're not listening.
Because if you're trying to fix her problem, you're insulting her intelligence. Chances are
She's already fixed it. She just wants to decompress and fine you for a while. You have to understand the perceptual filters that the other gender uses.
This is NOT misogynist, this is neuroscience. This is what the studies have shown. If you want to look it up, you can look up a guy named John Medina, he wrote a book called, "Brain Rules" and there's actually a video of him teaching that to google, which is where I learned that from, so you can actually pull it up on TH-cam. It's well worth reading.
But when you have a good day. ... Think about this. When you want to ask your Significant Other something, that they are very very predisposed to say NO to ... Don’t you do everything you can to butter them up... To put them in a good mood first?
[nods head... Then shakes head]
This means YES.... This means NO
And it works for both genders. Right.
We know we forgot the anniversary, ... so we move heaven and earth to buy anything that looks expensive and looks, ... you know, we gave it thought. We try to compensate.
But its too late because the filters are in place. Because when the filters shift,
Now even your positive intentions are going to get distorted, you're just trying to make up for screwing it up in the first place. Does that make sense.
This is what we do. Ok, I went a little bit deeper into the neurology of it because I wanted you to understand that there is all kinds of filters going on here. But if a guy screws up in a relationship, puts you in a bad mood.... Nothing he does is going to make it up to you.
Short of two things...... looking her in the eyes, ... Getting on his knees, .... [laughter from room]
Actually do you want to know what will do it faster than anything?
"Honey, I'm sorry, I was wrong."
And then wait for it. Which is where most guys screw that up.
You see, just because you apologize, doesn't mean that she is done. She has to vent.
You say, "I'm sorry", She accepts your apology, and then she goes on for another twenty minutes. Why? Because she needs to decompress.
What do we guys do? We get pissed off.
"I just said I'm sorry. Why are we still talking about it?"
Because that’s how you (men) process. Not her.
IF All you did, when you were truly sorry, ... from a sincere place, ... look her in the eyes, and say "honey, I was wrong."
And let her slime you for ten or fifteen minutes. Life would be happy. But we don't.
Because we don't understand the process. Everything we human beings do is a process.
And every process has a structure. And if it has a structure, then it has a code. If it has a code? It can be changed.
Does that make sense? OK, but seriously, in terms of a relationship if all you understood
is this concept that when women are stressed, they get more specific, more detailed.
When a man gets stressed he gets more global.
And when you come home, you detect any shift in that level, in your significant other and you know what to do. Or in some cases, what not to.
Right? That's what NLP teaches us. Is that every single one of us is moving through the world with a check list. A map of how the world is supposed to work. Based on your internal environment. And you are projecting it out onto everybody around you... Looking for the people who match. And making anybody who doesn't ... Wrong.
Both genders do it. The secret is to be aware enough to understand that that process is going on and having the flexibility enough to change what you're doing, to match the person in front of you.
To step into their map of the world. Does that make sense? That's the core of what NLP is about. It's understanding HOW these maps are created. First off (A.) understanding that the map is NOT the experience. The best thing about the past is that it is gone.
All you have left, is an imperfect, poorly written, memory. Based on the emotions that you were feeling and the information you had at the time. That’s the nervous system randomly put into a filing cabinet somewhere.
How many of you have a business? [show of hands]
If you just took any piece of paper that came across your desk and threw it into a random filing cabinet, without looking at it .... How long would your business last?
But that’s how our nervous system runs itself.
Now the good part is, ... is that there is some default organization in there. So we are not completely hopeless. Alright.
But if all we're carrying around inside of us. Not just in our minds but in our bodies,
This is a key part, these things are not in your mind. Per se. They are IN your body. They're not just in your brain. Although your brain is important.
I'm often reminded... Anybody here know who Emo Philips is? He was a famous comedian back in the 80's. He was kind of a smuck. He kind of talked like this. And move like this and he had really long hair.
And he would say things like, "you know, I used to think that the brain was the most fascinating organ in the body. "
Then I had a forehead slap and thought. Look who's telling me that.
That’s literally what your Neocortex is doing.
The newest level of your brain.
The part that thinks and rationalizes and analyzes.
The part that thinks in words.
The part that makes up reasons to justify acting on the rest of the system.
The part that thinks it knows how to fix your shit.
The part that tries to analyze whether something is actually working instead of going along with the process with full absorption and full commitment.
That's the part that's keeping you stuck.
How many people here have ever been little children? [show of hands]
How many people here have ever been little children?
[laughter in the class]
Have been little children? In other words, not do you have them... Have YOU ever been one. If I don't see any hands... If I see hands not going up.... I'm going to call on you.
And I'm going to find out what test tube or cloning booth you came from.
Alright, How many people here have ever been little children?
And when you were a little child, did you play pretend?
Absolutely, what did you like to play pretend at?
Student: Superhero
David: Superhero, cool. [to another student] Did you play pretend?
Student: With Barbie Dolls.
David: With Barbie Dolls. How about you?
Student: Wonder Woman!
David: Wonder Woman. I like her already. How about you guys?
Student; I played with boxes. Pretending they were real. I played house.
David: Cool. How about you?
Student: Princess
David: Princess, alright! .... So how many tom boys do we have? How many girly girls?
Now how many played soldier? Superhero? Here's the cool part.
When you were a little kid and you played pretend. You're out in the backyard, or where ever it was, and you picked up the toy, or a stick, and you knew that it was a stick, that in the first 5 minutes that it was just a stick, that it was just a toy.... For the first five minutes.
And seven and a half minutes later, it’s a real M60 Machine gun, and you're Rambo, and they're real communists coming around the corner and you're killing them all day.
OR... for the first 5 minutes, YOU KNEW that the teddy bear sitting across from you was NOT the queen of England. Even though she had a little tiara. seven and a half minutes later, you're having tea WITH the queen of England.
And you're having this long drawn out conversation over kippers.
[laughter in the class]
Were you asleep? Were you asleep when you were Wonder Woman?
Student: No I was escaping.
David: You were escaping. Ok, Were you having a ball?
Student: Not really but I was escaping and it was better than where I was going.
David: it was better than where you were going, right?
Were you having a ball when you were playing soldier?
Student; Sure.
David: Were you completely absorbed in the experience? Were you focused?
Congratulations. If you can just do that, can have any change you want.
If you can just be like a little kid, and play pretend, act it out, you can have, be, or do, anything you want.
A very wise woman once told me that you can be, ... do, ... or have ... anything you want, ... but first you must become that person, to whom that thing can happen.
Student: So that's like putting on the persona you wanna be for a while until you get what you want?
David: Yeah, that's that a little more advanced than this course. This course is about just scripts (?) and shit and getting back on track. And giving you some foundation. This rabbit hole there is no end to it, you can keep going with this.
We do things in some of our advanced units that seem like Science Fiction.
Anybody here have a pain?
Cool, One more things before I start bringing people up here and demonstrating stuff, first of all, its assumed that’s it OK for you to be seen on camera.
Second: how many people here have ever seen a movie?
How many people here have a favorite movie?
How many people here have lots of favorite movies. "As long as somebody else is paying, its my favorite movie." [laughter]
Now you all know that when you walk into a movie theater, you sit down, you got your milk duds in one hand, popcorn in the other.
A big ocean of soda somewhere, maybe the boyfriend or girlfriend is carrying it. And you sit down in the chair .... and the lights go down..... And the screen opens .... And ninety minutes, two hours, two and a half hours go by, and you have an amazing time. You're swept into the story.
And the credits start playing, and you come back to the moment and you had an amazing experience and besides from ache in your bladder, and the inability to stand up because you've been holding it for the last twenty minutes waiting for the trailer.
Can you tell me at what moment, you became completely absorbed in that experience.
Because if you can, then you're lieing. It means you weren't absorbed. Absorption in the process is one of the single biggest keys to getting full and pervasive change.
When we start doing these exercises, ... and we will very shortly...
There's two things you have to be aware of. If you are trained in NLP or Hypnosis,
We call it hypnotist disease. If you're not trained, we call it Smart Person syndrome.
Smart person syndrome is when we're having an experience, I'm guiding you through an experience and you can always tell who they are because they're the one just sitting there like a statue.
I'm telling you to act shit out and they're sitting there frozen. "Yeah, I'm doing it in my head."
Ain't going to work. Or not as well. One of the secrets to what we are learning tonight, is "somatic engagement. "
When you get the body involved. It's impossible, not to change. And I say that knowing that I'm going to be challenged. You don't have to believe anything I'm telling you.
All you have to do is follow the instructions.
Seriously, the change work that I do. People who are dying, people who are critical, people who are starting to see things come out. Their transplants and organs are starting to talk to them.
The people I work with aren't just weight loss people...they're people with serious serious problems. The change work I do is too important to be left up to the beliefs of a wimpy client. If a client has no belief to make a change, they won't get it. So my stuff works, whether you believe it or not.
As long as
(A.) You follow the instructions.
(B.) You get completely absorbed.
(C.) And be focused like when you were a little kid and you were playing pretend.
That’s all you have to do.
That’s why we started the whole class off by looking at each other and going.... and feeling good.
I don't care if you have a tumor.
I don't care if you have constipation.
I don't care if you have a backache.
a frozen shoulder.
Knee pain.
Could you stand up please? Can I call on you? This is Felice,(?) give her a big round of applause.
She is one of the lovely demo subjects from one of my energy healing meetups.
Where we practiced with her... I didn't say sit down young lady .... You came to me with an anxiety or shyness issue?
Felice: Shyness
David: Shyness... What happened? How long have you had that problem?
Felice: Like forever. As long as I can remember.
David: Forever .... And how fast did it go away?
Felice: one event.
David: One event. How long were you up in front of the class? Seemed like forever right?
Felice: No, a little while.
David: Just a few minutes right? Thank you. Give her a big round of applause. When you get the body involved, everything synergizes. When you separate elements out. If part of what we need is absorption and focus in the experience, and there is a part of us sitting on the outside, wondering if it's working. ... NEOCORTEX, by the way.
That’s the part that's keeping you stuck. Now, The beautiful part is, the more the body you get involved ... Even if there is a part of you is sitting on the outside... The changes will work.
Because I've literally had people ... And you can go to my TH-cam channel and find my L.A. meetings ...where the guys didn't believe this shit would work...
And he just starts doing this spin thing [slowly] and he's just la la .... And then you see something weird happens ...[he is spinning faster and faster and faster] ...and he slammed it back in and his whole shit changed.
S.H.I.T. Secret Hypnotic Influence Technique
[laughter from class]
Not my first rodeo. [laughter]
Who had an ouchy? Come on up. Give her a big round of applause.
What's your name?
Student: Kathy
David: Kathy, I'm David. Thank you for coming up and being so attentive. So where is your ouchie?
Kathy; I have this performance issue [with the left hip.]
David: A performance issue. Is it OK to fix it? Is it OK to take the pain away?
Kathy: I would love it if you could take the pain away.
David: Is there some reason that the pain needs to stay there?
Kathy: Yeah, and you can take the numbness and the tingling away too.
David: Are you sure?
Kathy: Yeah!
David: Alright. So here is what I want you to do....
Point to where you feel it.
Kathy: right now?
David: yeah.
Kathy: It's right here, it's right here {on her left hip and thigh}
David: Cool. Here's what I want you to do.
Close your eyes.
Now look at it with your inner eyes.
On a scale of zero to ten, rate the sensation?
Kathy: to me it’s a seven.
David: Excellent. Now I want you to notice that there is a color connected to that feeling. What"s the color? First impressions.
Kathy: Oh, me, ... Yellow.
David: Reach in and pull all the yellow energy out, reach in, get all of it. Hold it in your hands. Make sure you go it all. Sometimes that shit hides. ... See I told you. .... Now, do you got it all? Are you sure? Double check.
[Kathy reaches behind her, way behind her to find some more in her lower back]
[laughter from the classroom]
Kathy: Yeah
David: Excellent. Now as you look at it. Did the color change or stay the same?
Kathy: It changed
David: Cool, what color did it change to?
Kathy: kind of a deep orangey color.
David: Excellent... As you look at it, notice that that color is spinning in a direction. What direction is it spinning? First impressions.
Kathy: It is spinning in that direction. {indicating clockwise}
David: Excellent. I want you to grab in both of your physical hands, physically grab it, and reorientate it in space so it is the exact opposite that it was spinning. So if it was spinning in one direction you spin it in the opposite direction. Physically turn it.
[Kathy was confused for a moment by the instructions]
Kathy: Oh yeah yeah yeah
David: Now double the spin. Double the speed. Double the force. Double the magnitude.
Keep doubling it, over and over and over again. Until it takes on a life of its own. Until it is impossible for it to go back to the way it was. When you know that you've got it... Slam it back into that spot.
Notice the change.
Kathy: WOW Right!
David: On a scale of zero to ten?
Kathy: Uummm I'd say it's a one and a half.
David: Spin it back.... Nnnnmmmmzzzz ... Gone?
Kathy; yeah.
Big round of applause for the lady.
By the way.... Try to bring it back.
Kathy: I really don't want to do that.
David: I usually get that. Ok. I usually get one of three answers when I do this.
The first one is:
I say, notice what happened, and I say, try to bring it back, and they go:
I can't
Or I say, try to bring it back and they say:
It's getting better.
Or I say, try to bring it back and they say:
[loud and angry] I DON'T WANT IT BACK!
[transcribers list]
Well done.... See. ... Yes?
Student from floor: Are you working off of the chakra system?
David: No.
Student; Because she pulled it out like an orangey vortex and she spun it like a chakra.
David: I know.
Student: So its not working off of the chakra system at all?
David: No. No we go beyond that.
David to different student: Yes
Student on the floor: Yes, I noticed, see if this is something that they want to keep? you continue to spin it in the direction that they identified it.
David: Yep
Student: So if they don't want it, you tell them to do it in the opposite direction.
David: yes I do. Why? It goes back to Chinese medical theory. Law of ying and yang. I am an acupuncturist after all. The Law of Ying and Yang tells us.
I'm going to contrast NLP with TCM. [Traditional Chinese Medicine]
Two things... By the way I am also a certified Master trainer and Master practitioner in NLP and I can certify you if you want to learn all this weird stuff.
TCM talks about the Law of YING and YANG.
The law of Ying and Yang says that neither Ying or Yang can not exist without the other.
Black / White ... Good / evil ... Hot / cold ... Dry / wet ... Can't exist. One can not exist with out the other. One can only be defined in terms of the other.
Now while I'm on this subject. The YANG part of a person is their functional aspect. In other words, it’s the function of the liver, or the mechanics, it's not the structure.
So when you do this exercise, the first thing that will come back is the function. But the bio-mechanical component takes time.
Ok, I'll tell you a funny story real quick. I was out at a maritial arts camp. And uh,... Two years ago as a matter of fact. And uh, there was a British couple, and she happened to be a hypnotist, she was big into Ericksonian Hypnosis and things like that which is a conversationally driven system.
And she had come back and she was like strutting in ...
She had just done a pain control session on her husband and it had taken his hip pain away. .... And I'm kind of competitive.
"That’s really cool, on a scale of zero to ten how good is it?"
And he gives me a number.
"Oh great. "
And I'm thinking how can I do this without being a dick?
{more laughter}
Right? Cause I have this internal check, cause I have an ego the size of Texas.
Right? And when I do the work that I do, I have to make sure that I'm coming from the right space.
So many times even though I just want to run in there and zap people I won't
I have to wait to do it until I'm not just doing it to build me up. Does that make sense. So I'm very aware of that. I'm not a humble guy. Although sometimes when you see the stuff that happens, it is extraordinarily humbling. The stuff that I do is like Science Fiction sometimes. Right. I mean like.... How's your hip feel?
Kathy: it was starting to come back, but as soon as you asked, it was gone again.
David: See the minute we asked?
See what happened is she had a program, This goes back to Ying and Yang ...and NLP.
Remember I said that everything in your system does has a code?
By the way we might need to stretch that performance out because a lot of what is happening is bio-mechanical. OK
NLP tells us that everything we do has a code, has a structure to it.
See, here is where TCM and NLP merge.
The Law of YING and YANG says, you can't have one without the other.
NLP says everything we do is a code.
That means your system can not code for pain with out automatically creating the code for it's opposite. It's just the way you work.
Once I isolate how your system codes one sensation, I automatically know how it codes for its opposite.
But that’s not enough. Now I have to stack as many parts of the nervous system as is humanly possible.
I need to get your internal environment interacting with your external environment.
I need to get your physical body interacting with your subjective body.
I'm going to light your nervous system up like a Christmas tree.
And through it all, I'm going to hit you with certain key phrases.
That activate things in your nervous system that you can't resist. That's a different class but that's all going on in the two minute intervention.
And I'll stay with it until it's gone.
Most of the time I only have to do it once. Once in a while I have to do it three times. It'll drop every time. Sometimes you'll get a certain way into the process and they'll not go any further. ... Or it'll try to come back.
When that happens, what it really means is that there is a certain aspect of the experience that the unconscious mind needs to keep.
There is a lesson that's mixed into the feeling and in the code of the experience that the unconscious mind cannot get rid of, ... or wont get rid of ... but not that it can't.
It can get rid of any of it, because all it does is record, delete, and distort information.
OK, and if that happens we have other interventions for that. That is the only time that we don't get resolution. I have NEVER ... I HAVE NEVER .... And that’s a bold statement on a video in a room like this
I have never ... Used this process and NOT gotten a change, where the subject followed the instructions.
student from the floor: How long have you been doing this?
David: I first got the download in 2005, I didn't know what I had until about two years ago. [7 years] I didn't know what I had. It was just something I done on a whim at a training, and I didn't realize .... I'll tell you about my cancer ....
[56:00] ??????
Student: your wife is there to take care and I get this your saying about coding and NLP and YING and YANG, and it's energy, and it's consistent and by showing her the yellow and changing it and turning it around and it might go away for a minute but then it might go away for a minute because somebody tells her that but it might come back
David: It's more than just her mind. It's her whole system.
Student: Right and is that ....
David to Kathy: Try to bring it back.
Student: Well she doesn't want to bring it back.
David: But I'm telling her to try to bring it back, that's my point.
Student: But it will come back
David: No, that’s your belief.
Student: That's not my belief. I'm just saying that it ...
David: No that's your belief. It's not coming back.
Student to Kathy: Something about a phone number ???
David: OK
Student: I'm just wondering why that is. I'm just trying to see ...
David: You're just trying to see what?
Student: That if it's not something ... I think that for me... You're looking at it like its an energy, and it's something that can be changed, Which I agree with, I think our bodies are fully connected and a lot of what we believe cause us to have certain insights ... Even people can get cancer, from negative thoughts. But I just wondering is this thing is, if it is fixed it all day long,
David: Absolutely, if she does something bio-mechanically that reaggravates it. Then she can reinjure it. Right, What I said was, I changed the functional aspect. The bio-mechanical aspect HAS to be addressed.
That is why I also said, "Just because I CAN change something, doesn't mean I SHOULD change something."
I was very specific. "Can I change this for you?"
Right? I had a girl, if you go to my TH-cam channel, I had a girl that had a toothache at the 'HypnoThoughts Convention.' She came up and I said "Is it ok to get rid of it?"
Because if the pain goes away, we tend to forget about it. Right, If I take the pain away you think you're cured. And many times you are. But not always. Maybe I cured it and maybe I didn't.
That's not up to me to decide. That's up to your nervous system. But I do know that every experience that she had, ... In spite of what you believe, ... Has a code and a structure to it.
And it's her code. And the one code that you never resist is your own.
If I tell her to do something, she may resist it. If SHE decides to do something. She wont.
Does that make sense? That's the secret, OK. If I put something, just install something into your system that isn't native to your environment, it may work, it may not.
If I put something into your system that is your system, that you created, there is no resistance. Cause you made it. Does that make sense?
Who else has got an ouchie?
Student: Allergy?
David: Something that you want to get rid of. Come on up.
David: Now it doesn't have to be physical by the way, it could be emotional. What's your name sweetie?
Student: Sen You
David: Sen You, My names David. Are you having fun so far?
Sen You: Yes.
David: What's going on?
Sen You: Allergies
David: Allergies? To what?
Sen You: I collect allergies. Like hives.
David: oooo I never worked with an allergy before. This should be interesting. Is it to anything in particular?
Sen You: I started several years ago. From stress I think.
David: Stress! So is there a time when you feel stress and you know that it's going to trigger that feeling?
Sen You: Yes.
David: Where are you feeling, where in your body does that feeling start?
[very loud jet plane flying overhead]
OH my god, they're coming for me. [laughter]
Where in your body does that feeling start?
Sen You: Here. [indicating her chest]
David: Close your eyes. On a scale of zero to ten, I want you to rate the intensity of that feeling. What's the number, first impressions.
Sen You: Now I'm nervous in front of everybody. So right now?
David: un huh. [indicating yes]
Sen You: Eight.
David: Eight. Excellent. [now soft voice]
Look at it with your inner eyes.
I want you to notice that there is a color connected to that feeling.
What's the color? First impressions?
Sen You: Dark Grey
David: Dark Grey. Excellent. Do you believe in energy?
Sen You: Yes.
David: Excellent. [lifts both of her hands to her chest]
Reach in with both of your hands and physically grab all of that dark grey energy and take it out and hold it in your hands in front of you. Make sure you get it all. Because sometimes it hides.
David: OK? And let me know when you've got it. Reach in and pull it all out.
[To class] You've GOT to get them acting this all out.
To Sen You: There you go. Is it all in your hands? Make sure it's all in your hands.
[Sen You nods her head yes]
Sen You: yes
David: Excellent. As you look at it, did the color change or stay the same?
SenYou: Same
David: notice it is spinning in a certain direction. What direction is it spinning in?
Physically grab it in both of your hands. Now turn it so that it is the opposite of what it was.
Now double the spin. Double the speed. Double the force. Double the amplitude. Double the magnitude. Keep doubling that energy until it takes on a life of its own. Until it is impossible for it to go back to the way it was. And when you know you've got it, slam it back into you.
[Sen You is spinning it faster and faster now]
That’s it, Yeah, get into it.
Slam it back in.
[She does]
Notice the change.... Notice it's gone.
Sen You: Is it gone?
David: How do you feel?
[Sen You is laughing]
Sen You: I don't know.
David: What do you feel in here?
Sen You: It feels... It feels good.
David: It feels good! That's where it starts.
Sen You: OK
David: Are you nervous anymore?
Sen You: No.
David: Really?
{round of applause}
Sen You: No
David: It's just going to get better.
Sen You: Thank you.
David: I'll help you down.
Your nervous system... Guys ... Your nervous system ... I know ... Usually what happens is
They'll be ... Did you notice how when it went back in how she just
Right? This is NOT a subtle change. Right?
[to Sen You] You may have emotions come up in you.... Let them...
[to the class]
What happens is that when you reverse the program, you send the opposite instructions into the nervous system and the nervous system will begin to reboot the system.
It will start to jettison, or purge or dissipate any experience that is stored in the body that is NOT in harmony with the new program.
Anytime that I bring somebody up here, I'm prepared for Mount St. Helen. Because sometimes they need that. They need that moment of expression to let it come up, and let it come out.
Sometimes they break out in a sweat. Sometimes they bawl for ten minutes. And then they are done.
Because as the feelings come out, they're being vented. You will never... It's not the feelings that come out that make you sick. There was a reference made to cancer earlier.
The way I rediscovered this process was working on a cancer patient.
My wife is Chinese. And she has a very big family. Most of whom are still in china. And we had her sick aunt who was a sweet wonderful lady. I'd like to say I saved her. I did not.
But I will tell you the story because it's the reason most of you are here.
I taught my wife how to do energy. My wife has a Ph.D. in Biochemistry. She's a doctor of chiropractic, she learned TCM in China and she got her Masters of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine in this country. OK? She was the Valedictorian of her Acupuncture class and her chiropractic class.... At the same time!
Ok. So when we got on a plane to go visit her aunt, because her aunt had been given roughly two weeks to live.
I thought she was going to go. I taught my wife how to do Reiki and chronic healing and stuff like that, but she already had a whole slew of skillsets in her toolkit.
So I thought... Dumb me .... That we were going to go there and she was going to do the things that she knew ... And I don't speak Chinese. I barely speak in English.
OK. So we got there. And if you've never seen the inside of a Chinese Cancer ward....
DON'T! If you are energetically sensitive, don't go there. OK. I was vomiting and nauseous pretty much the entire week I was out there. I was only out there for a week.
But, I had good state control. So sick aunt needed some help, so we got there and she was maybe 70 lbs. I mean she couldn't get out of the chair, out of the bed. She was just there. She had basically given up. Which you'll see a lot in cancer.
OK. Cancer is almost always anger and a desire to checkout. OK.
In my experience, again this is the world according to David, if it matches yours, use it. If it doesn't, don't.
There is no such thing as an emotionally healthy cancer patient.
It's the things you DON'T express, that make you sick.
It’s the things that society tells you is unacceptable to say, or express that make you sick.
OK. I am as outgoing as I am, because I want to be healthy.
I am as obnoxious as I am, because I want to be healthy.
And I don't give a shit what society says. Because they're the ones making you sick. They don't know it. Well some do. But I digress.
We got there and all of a sudden I realize as we walk in and I take one look at my wife and She's ain't doing shit. She's just not... I mean you know when there's someone, who you care about, that is in that much distress, that as much as there is a part of you that is calm cool and collected as you are, they just check out. Right?
So I go OK. God you sent me here for a reason. So I'm thinking to myself ... Every technique that I know is based on language. Based on On going back to the initial sensitizing event, reprocessing the experience. Even the NLP techniques that I know, largely, are based on a understanding of language, and an English based language.
I'm like Shit, what am I going to do?
And then it popped into my head.
Create either.... There's a lot of the techniques that I created that are based on the idea of creating a construct and something that the patient, or subject, can manipulate. That they can physically act out.
So there was two techniques that I chose. That I could do through an interpreter.
One was called the grey room. Sometimes when I teach this workshop, I teach the grey room. Tonight we're not doing the grey room. Tonight we're doing mostly spinning work.
And sub modality work. And uh, [looks at watch and sees the time] we got to get out of here soon.
So basically I started doing the grey room is where you go into this construct, it's a Dome shaped room, with pearly grey walls and in the center is a big glowing fire pit. On the walls are papers in various colors,
As a matter of fact, do you guys want to play with this real quick?
Pretend to go into the deepest trance that is humanly possible. ... Awesome.
Imagine ... You can do this with your eyes open or closed, but it's probably better with your eyes closed. OK.
Walk into the room. You see it's a dome shaped room, like a big A. In the center of the room is a glowing orange firepit. That's radiating a wonderful warm soothing energy. You can actually hear the fire crackling.
And as you look around the room you notice the walls themselves are a pearly grey color, kind of translucent. And on the walls themselves are bits of paper.
And you intuitively recognize that one color represents all the positive aspects (experiences) of your life.
All the things that make you feel strong, confident, powerful, deserving, worthy. All the things that make you feel good about you.
While the other color represents all the less-than-positive things. All the things that you consciously know about, and most importantly the things that you UNCONSCIOUSLY know about.
All the things that make you feel bad at the wrong time. That guide you and move you in ways that aren't always for your highest benefit.
And when you recognize the colors that are associated with which, all I want you to do is simply reach out and touch one of those pieces of paper that represents a less-than-positive experience and I want you to rip it off the all and rip it up and crumple it up in your hands. And as you crumple it up notice where you feel it in your body. Notice how that feeling already begins to shift and change.
and when you're ready for it .....ready to get rid of it..... walk over to the firepit and throw it in the fire.
Watch it burn up. Feel the release of that negative energy. As that piece is removed from your body. Solved, dissolved and resolved from your body. Solved, dissolved and resolved from you mind.
And then you know what I want you to do when you're ready, and only when you're ready, I want you to reach out and grab another one of those pieces of paper and rip it off the wall. Crumple it up. Walk over to that firepit. Notice where in your body you feel it. As you crumple it up and throw it in the fire and
Feel the release. You may notice some of you beginning to yawn. That's usually a sign of your body releasing. It means you're doing it right. Not everybody does it that way.
Walk over to the walk and grab another one of those pieces of paper and rip it off the wall.
Crumple it up. Walk over to the firepit. Throw it in.
feel the release.
Feel the energy releasing from your mind and body. Feel your emotions shift and change. Feel your body becoming lighter.
[1:10:01] {two thirds mark}
As you begin to discover the keys to changing your mind and body. And now what I want you to do, at the rate and speed that’s optimal for you, I want you to go through every part of this room. I want you to rip off every piece of paper that represents a less-than-positive aspect or experience in your life, The things you consciously know about, and more importantly ladies and gentlemen, the things you unconsciously know about. Be thorough, look behind the positive pieces of papers because sometimes that shit hides.
Rip it off the wall. Crumple it up. Notice in your body where you feel it. and throw it in the fire. Feel the release.
Remember the more you get the body involved, the more rapidly and deeper you change.
I can't do this for you. This is all on you.
Notice how good it feels. Feel the release.
And if any emotions come up as they go in the fire, let them, That’s just a sign that your body is shifting and reorganizing itself.
It's the way it's supposed to work. Solved, dissolved and resolved from your body. Solved, dissolved and resolved from you mind. And when you know you're done, and you work at your own speed, no matter what I say, no matter what I do, you work at your own speed.
Your unconscious mind is recording everything that I say. You're not going to miss anything.
When the last piece of paper goes into the fire, an amazing thing begins to happen. The fire begins to double and triple in size and strength. The fire begins to radiate an internal unlimited warmth, ...of strength. A nourishing energy that fills every level of your body and mind. Every cell and every atom supplying you with an endless unlimited supply of all the things that make you feel wonderful, feel strong and confident and powerful. And then something else amazing begins to happen.
All the papers remaining on the wall. All the things that make you feel strong and powerful and confident. Worthy in all the right ways. The things you consciously know about and the things that you unconsciously know about.
They begin to glow with and inner radiance. They begin to take on an energy, and a fire all their own. They begin to grow and expand, and they begin to merge into one another. Coating the room with a glowing energetic sheet of wallpaper that just bathes you.
In a never ending supply of all the things that make you feel wonderful. Make you feel worthy. Give you the energy and the desire and the ability to move forward in life in a way that’s right and natural for you. In a way that you know you've got it. And when you know you've got it, you can feel that energy actually moving into your physical body. Taking up residence where you store those kinds of experiences. Like a miniature sun inside of you. Like a never ending supply of all the things that make you feel good.
That give you what you need to move forward and become the person who can have the life that you truly want. Your unconscious mind will automatically begin to shift and change ...and make all of those changes happen for you. Not just consciously. Although that’s important. But unconsciously.
Tonight while you sleep and while you dream your other than conscious mind will take all the learnings of today, it will take the things it has seen and it has experienced and it has learned ... and it will rewrite your entire neurology.
It will begin to change the wiring in your brain and in your body so that your life only gets better. So that when you think about the past you only think about it in ways that make your life better. And from this moment on, that becomes the criteria for what you accept into your life. Either through suggestion or through impression. The criteria is simply "how is this making my life better?"
And if the answer is that it is not making your life better, you have complete freedom and authority to change it to a way that it does.
That's the power that you all have. You've always had it. But nobody told you how to access it. Tonight, while you sleep and while you dream, your other than conscious mind
The part of you that controls every part of you will make those changes for you. In a way that you know you're getting it.
That gives you more choice, more freedom, more awareness. More of all the good things that you want in life. It's just the way you work. When you know you've got it. Allow that energy to just saturate your whole body, Notice that it is spinning in a certain direction. Notice what happens to those feelings as it begins to spin, faster and faster and faster.
Stronger and stronger. Spreading out to permeate every level of your body and mind.
Giving you an unlimited supply
Of everything you could want. Everything you could need. In a way that you know you're getting it. Guiding you to become the kind of person who can have what they want.
When you know you've got it, allow your eyes to open and look back up here. Notice how good you feel.
[waits for the students to emerge]
[To student in class] How are you feeling?
[the student is feeling very good and excited]
Good, Good, OK.
That was the technique we started with and then she had reached a point in her process where things were starting to shut down.
[talking about the aunt in the cancer ward again now]
She had fluid in the pericardium. We spun it. It went away.
She had shortness of breath. We spun it. It went away.
She had asides. That took a little bit longer. OK.
By the end of the third day, she was walking around the cancer ward, swinging her IV bottle like a Samurai warrior.
OK. She was getting progressively stronger every single day.
OK. Our week was up. We went back to the United States.
Shortly after we left, they moved her to another hospital. We don't know what happened from that point on. If it was because we couldn't continue doing sessions, I don't know. Was it something in the environment? She was very suggestible.
Chinese always are, especially the ones from mainland China. Because their whole culture is about indoctrination and mind control.
You have to understand suggestionism is powerful. And it's not always conscious. That's why I install parameters in you.
"Is it making your life better?"
It's already there. I gave it to you.
"If any suggestion comes your way that doesn't improve your life, it has no power over you unless you want it to."
Because I don't take choices away, I help you have more. Is that OK?
OK. It is nine o'clock. How many people....
Is this useful stuff? Is this good stuff? [ask for a show of hands]
OK. Excellent. Excellent.
What we've got coming up...Tracey can you hand out the papers.
We're just going to do a few more things, but I just want to make sure I get you out of here at a reasonable time.
What I want you to do, is I'm going to teach you one more thing. I'm going to teach you the spinning technique. So you can go home and play with it. OK.
The secret is, if there is ....
Does anybody have .... {any questions]
Do you want me to do one more demo or do you want me to just teach you guys to do this?
Students form the floor: "Just teach it."
Just teach you? Alright here's how we're going to do this. Many times when I want to make sure I have all the systems working together.
We'll start with what I had you guys start with at the beginning of this meetup.
I have you reach out and find a picture. Right.
Touch the picture and notice where in your body you feel it.
That's called a "SOMATIC BRIDGE."
That's NOT NLP, that's something David figured out on his own.
Anytime that I physically reach out and touch my imagery to my body's sensations, I activate more of the brain and nervous system,. than if I just played with a picture.
OK. I've changed different roots.
I find the picture
Once I reach out and touch the picture, I might play with the size and shape of it, just to be sure where in my body it lives.
Other than that, there is no reason to find the picture.
Unless I'm going to do another kind of intervention.
And then once I know where in my body it lives. I'm going to close my eyes and I'm going to look at that sensation with my inner eyes.
I'm going to ask myself a very simple question.
There is a color associated to that sensation, what's the color? First impression.
The first thing that pops into my head is what I'm going to go with.
You guys following me so far?
I'm going to reach in physically.... You got to get the body involved ... It doesn't seem like a big deal,'s EVERYTHING!!!
Reach in and physically grab ALL of that energy....All that color ... If you believe that it is actual energy or a color,... doesn't matter...Just reach in ... Grab all of it ... Take it out ... Make sure you get it all... Because sometimes that shit hides... As some of you guys that came up found out, .... that some of that shit hid, didn't it? Right? Be thorough.
Take it out, ... Hold it in your hands in front of you.
Notice, did the color change or stay the same?
Pay attention to that. It's usually significant. BUT not something you need to worry about.
Grab it physically with both of your hands.
If it is something that you want more of....Notice the direction that it is spinning.
Physically move that energy, that color , and spin it faster in the direction that it is already moving. Keep physically doubling the spin, doubling the speed, doubling the amplitude, until it takes on a life of its own.
Until it is impossible to go back to the way it already was. And when you know you've got it ... Slam it back into that spot ...
"Notice the change."..
If it's something that you want more of, notice that it just keeps getting better and better.
If its something that you want less of.... Notice that it is gone!
On a scale of zero to ten, rate the sensation.
[Assuming it was something that you want to get rid of]
If it was anything other than a zero, take it back out and spin it again, and put it back in.
Until it is zeroed out.
Wash, rinse, repeat. That’s it.
Student question from the floor: So how would we do this on ourselves?
David: Yes,
If I'm looking at the energy. Let's say I want to radiate more trust and compassion.
[closes his eyes]
First I will isolate in my body, Where that feeling lives.
As I look at it, I'll notice there is a color connected to that feeling.
I'll notice the color.
I'll reach in and I'll pull out all of that red energy.
I'll take it out and I'll look at it and I'll take it in my hands and I'll look at it with my inner eyes.
I'll notice that it's spinning in a certain direction.
Since its something that I want more of, I'll grab it with both of my hands and I'll increase that spin. I'll spin it over and over and over again. Over and over until it takes on a life of its own. Until it's impossible for it to go back to the way it was. And when I know I've got it. I slam it back in.
Notice the change. Notice that it just keeps getting stronger.
Student question from the floor: When you just demonstrated that the test that you did in our brain, and then the sound you make, really works both for positive and negative?
David: Yes
The secret to doing this is that when I'm up here and I'm doing a process with you.... Is that I'm doing the process WITH you.
When I connect with ..... There's energetics going on here.
You don't need to understand the energetics of what I'm doing, .... to do it to yourself.
If you're going to do this with other people, you want to do this, .... it's important to have a deep neurological connection. Heartmath calls that "COHERENCE" It's a synchronization of the nervous systems.
[Transcriptionist source links]
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It's all based on the laws physics... Not white light, new age, stuff. OK. In our trainings we go deep into that.
When I'm with you. Not ONLY am I guiding you through the process, your eyes are closed, but how many times when I'm doing this process am I right there [with you] ... I've got something in my hands. I'm spinning something right along with you. Right.
That connection activates your "MIRROR NEURONS." It activates the neuro-proprioceptive nervous system.
[Transcriptionist source links]
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That’s the part of you that monitors time and space and electro magnetic fields.
It’s the part of you that monitors your internal environment. It monitors pain reception, mechano-reception. If you were to have a sixth sense. It would be your proprioceptive nervous system, only it wouldn't be only your sixth sense. It would be your sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth sense. Because there are at least six different nerve endings that feed information into your proprioceptive system
It’s the same part that gives you those creepy feelings when a strange guy is staring are your butt from across the room.
OK. It's that part of you that if I reach into my pocket, and I feel something in my pocket, it’s the part of me that knows what's in my pocket without me having to look.
When I close my eyes and I hold my hands out in front of me. It's the part of my system that knows where my hands are in space. It's not your aura. Although it is the physiological counterpart of it. Everything I'm teaching you is Neuro Science.
I'll give you the sources. You can look them up.
I take credit for the synthesis, not the source. OK?
Your nervous system can NOT code anything, without automatically coding for its opposite.
Once you've know how your system codes an experience, you gain power over it, as long as you dis-identify from the process. As long as you realize that it is just something that you are doing and NOT who you are.
That's a very important concept. Anytime you can identify with something, usually the statement is prefaced by
"I am X "
If I tell you what I do for a living. I say "I am an accountant. "
I am a banker..... I'm a neuro linguistic programmer.
"I am" is an identity statement. Which means you will fight to keep that identity, just as hard as you would to keep somebody from cutting off your arm. ... OK.
The first thing we need to do is realize that every experience we have, is a process we're running.
Every memory that you have is a photograph or a recording that you have. It is not you. It is not the thing that happened. It is simply something that you are doing.
And you can ALWAYS change what you're doing. Does that make sense?
That being said, .... What's in your hands.
Ok, How many people have something they want to get rid of real quick?
I just want to give you... I just want to give tonight. I don't know.
Everybody stand up who wants to get rid of something.
[numerous students stand up]
Now for the sake of ease and comfort, on a shittiest scale of zero to ten, let's pick something in the low three to five range.
OK. If you guys have something heavier you want to get rid of, after we go through the worksheet, I'll be happy to work with you one on one to clear some stuff out. That's why I come tonight. That's why I do the things I do. OK.
So if there's something you guys want to change, Something you want to get rid of, Reach out and find a picture of it, touch the picture. Trace the edges of it. First thing I want you to do is I want you to make it worse.
So grab the picture and make it bigger. Notice the icky feeling. Notice where in your body you feel it. OK. Make sure you know exactly where it is. OK now bring the picture back to it's normal size.
Now imagine that there is a little set of knobs along the bottom of that screen. One controls the brightness of that image. I want you to turn that knob all the way to the right until the picture whites out.
Turn the knob back all the way to the left until the image blacks out.
Notice which one feels better.
Pick whichever one feels better. If it was white, turn it all the way to the right. If it was black, turn it all the way to the left.
Now guys, just in case there is something from this experience that your unconscious mind needs to preserve, some lesson, I want you to imagine in your dominant hand is a glowing magic marker, across that white or black screen, I want you to write everything this experience has to teach you. That needs to be kept. So you can keep the lesson and let the rest of it go. The screen will scroll so that you can write as little or as much as you want.
Notice what happens to the feelings in your body as you begin to express that.
Physically expressing that.
When you know you've got it, ... and when you know you're done...... And keep going , I don't care ... You can take as long or as little as you need, once you know you've got it, take that image and shrink it down to the size of a postage stamp.
Now take it,... crumple it up,.... throw it behind you.
You know the sound that a nail gun makes when it nails something? Now try to bring it back.
What just happened? Gone isn't it Margaret?
Now point to where that feeling used to be. Close your eyes. Look at that place where that feeling used to be.
There's a feeling connected to that place where it used to be.
Notice the color. First Impression.
Reach in and grab that energy. Take it out and hold it in your hands in front of you.
First thing I want you to notice. Did the color change or stay the same?
It doesn't matter ... As long as you can answer it....
Notice it spinning in a certain direction. If it's something you want more of,
physically grab it with both of your hands and double the spin in the direction it's going. Double the spin. If its something you want less of, turn it so that it's the opposite of what it was.
Double the spin. Double the speed. Double the force. Double the magnitude.
Keep doubling it. Double it, double it, double it. Over and over and over again. Ladies and gentlemen. Double it until it takes on a life of its own. Until its impossible to go back to the way it was.
When you know that it is impossible to go back to the way it was. Then and only then, slam it back in
........ ..... Notice the change in whatever direction you wanted. Whatever feelings that are connected to those experiences are there... if its something you wanted to get rid of, let them come up. Let them come out. As you feel them, you reveal them. As you reveal them you heal them.
When you know you're done.... Try to bring them back. Notice what happens. You feel that right?
Give yourselves a big round of applause.
Question from floor:
When you slam it back in, does it go into your heart or where does it go?
David: Whatever it needs to go. Many times, and I just noticed this recently, many times when I have somebody pull something out ... its almost always in the solar plexus. They take it out, ... and they spin it the opposite, ... and when they put it back in, ... they put it back into their heart. I've just started to notice that pattern.
But it was something ... I told them to put it back where they got it from, but they don't. Something about their system knows where that new experience needs to go.
Ok, I got this technique.... This technique was downloaded to me .... If you believe in the higher power. It just came to me in one big blop one day.
I was at a training. I been learning all kinds of other stuff. And this Canadian girl comes up to me, she was from Montreal. She has this horrible migraine or backache. Ok, I can't remember which. And it just "BLAM" ... And it just came out.
And her stuff went away. And I didn't think anything of it for seven years. Or close to seven years. It was just something I did. Over the course of that seven years maybe a total of four or five times.
Until I wound up in China. And I didn't have anything else. Then it opened up a whole new field of study. And now
We're doing stuff that almost seems like science fiction. I mean there isn't anything we haven't thrown it at.
When the subject follows the instructions, There isn't anything we haven't thrown it at, that it hasn't affected to some degree.
How many people here just got a major change. {show of hands}
Very cool.
How many people just don't want to tell me?
Alright in your hands... Those of you who want to go deeper into this stuff.
Every so often we run, what we call the "Self Mastery Super Charger. "
How many people here would like to attract more love into their life? Cool.
How many people here would like to dissolve the blocks to your success? Ooo good!
How many people here would like to make MORE money? Excellent.
Remove fears?
Unlock your authentic self and get what you deserve in life? Cool.
Student comment:
David: Again the whole idea behind this evening is to become the person who can have all those good things.
On October fourth and fifth.... Twenty fourteen We're doing our next two day, self transformation, self mastery supercharger.
This is not just a self hypnosis event. Most of the people who come to my meetups want to do one of several things.
They either want to fix their stuff.
They want me to fix their stuff.
They want to fix other peoples stuff.
I have a special love for people who want to fix other peoples stuff. I call them a special kind of stupid. Because anybody who volunteers to go in and shovel other peoples crap, who run into the burning building while everybody else runs out of, ... You're a special person. We call those people heroes by the way. We need more of them.
But you're no good to the world, broke. Figuratively or monetarily.
You're no good to the world disempowered.
You're no good to the world unhappy.
You're no good to the world unsatisfied.
So the first rule is fix your own stuff. Get the life you want, before you worry about giving the life that everybody else wants. Does that make sense?
On October twenty-first to the twenty-fifth We're doing our next certification, for those of you who are interested in becoming a certified hypnotist, or therapist. That’s our certification track.
If anybody wants to op into that, we have a special package that includes this training. But not everybody wants to do that.
Some of the people left early, so they're going to miss out, but everybody who came out tonight and put up with my crap, gets a free gift from me.
Usually to walk into my doors is one hundred and seventy-five dollars ($175) to three hundred and fifty dollars ($350) per hour.
Everybody who came out tonight, ....on your chair is a card, or several cards as a matter of fact. In the back of the room is my lovely daughter Tracey. Everybody here gets a 30 minutes consultation with me... Free. In my office in Solana Beach. If you live far away like Orange county or L.A. you can do it by phone. OK.
I don't necessarily promise to fix your problem, but I do promise to listen and figure out if what I do, can help you. If my offer is a fit. If it is I'll tell you. And we'll strategize a way for you to get the help you want.
If it isn't... I'm not a fit for everybody. ... I piss some people off. OK. Which is more indicative of .... The people that get trigger by me, it says more about the people, than it says about me. OK. It took me a long time to realize that.
When people get upset about something. It's telling you more about them that it does about you.
If I can help you, I'll tell you. If I can't, I'll tell you that too. And I'll try/do my best to point you in the direction that will help you.
[David sees a hand for a question]
Student from floor: I have a daughter who is ??? Can I use this card to have you help my daughter?
David: Yes, as long as... Important, very important ....Important, I would love to help your daughter but I'm going to tell you exactly what happens nine times out of ten when somebody else brings somebody to my office.
They don't want to be there. OK. I can see it walking in the door. They're there because somebody they love wants them to be there and they're doing it to please you.
I will do a thirty minute consultation ...IF... I get the impression that she is there because she wants something. That she wants to be there. I'll take her on as a client. If I get the impression that she is there to make you happy.... I wont.
In spite of what comes out of her mouth, I wont take her.
Student says something I couldn't make out. ???? Something about phone sessions.
David: Yeah, I do that now. Ever since I started telling my cancer stories, I've gotten people from all over the world who are calling me and doing phone sessions and doing things like that. I still prefer in person work.
Because I have more control of the environment. If you start to go into a physiological response, I can help monitor it, and change it. Over Skype, if the internet goes down and you're half way through a process, you're screwed. Right?
I've had that happen. That’s why I had to start doing Skype sessions out of my home. Because the internet is so unreliable at our clinic, I wont do it anymore. I will literally pad either side of our phone session with 40 minutes on either side. To make sure I have time to get back and forth from the home office to the clinic.
We have a beautiful clinic in Solana Beach by the way. We do meetups on Wednesday nights on Energy Healing.
We're going to be doing our NLP skill buildups as well for those of you who want to learn more about NLP before you jump all the way in.
If you've passed certifications but have had no opportunity to practice. It's a great place for you to come and get your feet wet and rehearse some skills. So those are things that we're doing. We're all over the place.
This workshop is designed for those people who want to fix their own stuff.
So you all get that free thirty minute consultation all you got to do is put your name, address, and phone number, on the back of that Action Chiropractic and Wellness card.
Hand it to my lovely daughter back there and she will get you on our schedule. They'll book you. Again, free thirty minute consultation. You don’t have to pay my $175... I'm going to raise my rates in January. But normally its $175 to $350 dollars an hour to come in.
We'll take a look at what you got going on. We'll make some recommendations and if it’s a fit we'll see what needs to happens next. If not. You can ask me anything you want. I wont hold anything back. Because I'm all about you guys.
Most of the things that I'm standing up here teaching you. I didn't develop them for you. I developed them for me. I had stuff in my life that I needed to fix. That I wanted to do, and no one could teach me how to do them. And I had to go to all these different sources and put something together that worked. It turns out that a lot of people had the same stuff going on that I had. If you find value from what you go tonight. If you had a good time.
Please post good things to the meetup. Tell people about it. If you didn't have a good time. If I pissed you off, then please post to somebodies else's meetup.
Normally for this particular event, when I teach it at the therapy group, its $1,950.00 ...OK.
But what I'm doing for people... Normally what I do for meetups, is that I cut that in half and it's $975.00.
But you guys are really special. I love you. So here's what we're going to do. For anybody who wants to jump into that two day training. It's October 4th and 5th. (fourth and fifth)
It's $497.00.
Don't jump into this unless you REALLY want to change. Because the way this works is it's not lecture. It's not like me standing up here, exactly.
The way it works is,
I demonstrate the technique.
I explain the technique.
I install the technique in you.
You do it to each other.
Until you own it backwards and forwards.
And then you learn how to do it to yourself.
So by the time you reach the end of the second day. There isn't anything... Charles will tell you. He's been through it. Who else has been through it? John... You've been through it John. Two Johns right? Steph has been through it. Talk to these guys. They will tell you. You will come out a different person. Your life will change.
The process is called, "IDENTITY BY DESIGN."
It's a seven stage process that teaches you how to rewrite every aspect of your life. So that when you remember the past, you only remember it in ways that makes your life better.
It gets rid of the voices in your head that are constantly telling you of all the shit. All the bad things about you.
And replaces it with a voice that only tells you the very best things about you in a voice that you can always believe.
It teaches you to take on the qualities, traits and attributes of people you really admire and install them directly into your nervous system. It teaches you how to reorganize the filing system that controls your past. So that all the negativity, the structure is changed, so that when you remember things, it has no power over you.
When you remember the good things, you'll only remember them in ways that makes your life better.
You'll practice the spinning technique, over and over and over again. And work it into everything. So that if anything comes up that you want to fix. You can fix it in an instant.
Student question from the floor: When is this going to happen?
David: it's going to happen October 4th and 5th.
Student: Where?
David: It's in Solana Beach at my clinic. There should be an address... The address should be on here. If not, it's on those clinic cards.
For those of you who want to enroll, Tracey will make sure you get an extra card with the address on it.
Student: It's up on the third floor. Nobody can find this place.
Student: What are the hours?
David: The hours are nine A.M. until six P.M.
Student: nine A.M. to Six...ok. (9:00AM - 6:00 PM)
David: yes.
Student: how do we find your stuff on you tube.
David: How do you find me... There is a couple of videos that are really really popular. If you type in my name they come up.
Speed Attraction.
Secrets of Personal Transformation.
Renegade Romance.
Are all very popular, so you could probably find those easy. Or you could type in David L. Snyder. On the TH-cam search engine and my stuff should come up. You can also go to I started archiving .... I load everything up to You Tube first. For search engine work and so that people can find us. But then I take the edited portions of the training and I put them for free for a short time on the NLPpower website. So you can go to the NLPpower blog and watch all the meetups that we've done over the last 6, 7, 8, months.
For those of you who are in my private mentoring program. There is a special members only section where you can access all the videos from the personal group trainings we've done for the last four years. Everything is archived there.
We haven't talked about the math tonight, I don't want to throw too many things at you. Alright?
This training, ...again it depends upon size,.... if I've got 6 or more people I'll call and move it to here, and you all know where here is. But up to six it will be at my clinic in Solana Beach. We have this beautiful balcony overlooking the ocean. So when you do the lecture part and then everybody goes out on the balcony and zaps each other. And its hysterical to watch.
It's a party, it really is. Because I bring all the chocolate and candy and there's all kinds of cool restaurants. It's in the Cedros/Solana Beach design district. If you know where Cedros is. It's a really beautiful place.
It's nice. So that's what we got going on. And if anybody wants to jump in tonight. Before you leave, see Tracy, she'll run your information. I'm going to give you two more things.
I'm going to drop another $200 bucks off {the price of $497.00} So you get the whole thing for $297.00.
AND I'll throw in a complete video copy of the training for you.
So you'll have it to take with you.
Now Marcus, because you went ahead and jumped into the October training, I don't want your money. You get this for free.
Anybody else want to do that? Do you want the "Marcus" special?
Anybody here who wants to use these skills to help other people. Again, that’s not everybody. That’s a very small demographic.
Tonight's workshop is all about showing you what's possible. Showing you that you're not stuck, you're not broken. You can change anything. And I'm truly starting to believe that there is nothing that we can't change.
The more that I do this work. The more people I work with. The more challenges I accept.
The only parameters to doing this kind of work is that the person doing it, follows the instructions,.... with absorption and focus.
And you'll notice when I bring somebody up here I don't just say go back to your seat, ... I say try to bring it back ... I test it. I'm always testing. Right?
Because that's how you learn. Some of the stuff I come up with. The stuff I'm sharing with you. It didn't come about because of things that worked. It came about because things went wrong. And I had to figure it out.
And that’s kind of the core of we do in our hypnotherapy and NLP certifications. We call hypnosis or NLP, in freefall.
Get the change, no matter what. So it develops in you a very very determined flexible skillset. That allows you the freedom to express who you are and get the changes your way.
We're not going to give you scripts.
We're going to show you the principles.
We're going to teach the techniques.
And just like you would go to a maritial arts class and practice the same punch, over and over and over again. We're going to drill you on those skills. Over and over and over again. Whether you're coming for self work or you're coming to work to help other people.
Everything we do is about wiring these things into you, not just unconsciously like some trainers like to claim,
But giving you the ability to do it anytime, anywhere for any reason. That's what NLP power is about.
That's why I stand up here and share, because people need to do this stuff that you just learned tonight.
You need to be doing for yourself, first and foremost. And ultimately, when your shits handled, you'll be much more open to helping other people. Helping the people you love. Helping the people you care about.
Thank you.
End of video
Running time was [1:44:51]
Is no one else going to commend this man for putting in this work!? Jeeheezus, thank you Mr. G. Ray
Thank you
Wow. Good job. Thank you
Thank you soo much 🙏🙏
Mr. G.Ray Glenn Sr i
I love the way he inadvertently explains religious attachment in min: 16.00-17:31. Why was I a Christian in my younger years? Because I thought that was true, why was it true? Familiarity and "it was there first". Brilliant. Why wasn't I a Hindu? I knew nothing about it, learned about its mythology as an adult and it contradicted my sense of reality by the time I learned anything about Hinduism. I really believe religion is geographical and substantiated based on what gets programmed into us first.
Just refresh the video if it freezes.
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Talk to you soon.
Your Friend,
Yes, if you call 858 481-1438 you can get on my FREE Consultation Schedule. We do 75 percent of our sessions via skype.
Call us when you are ready.
Talk soon.
Your Friend,
David Snyder what if the experiences are mostly negative
David Snyder seven stages of attraction
Sir, thank you so very much. Your delivery is top notch, and finding your work is putting me into yet another level of possible potentiality. so very grateful.
I have searched high and lo for NLP information , thankfully the fuqing algorithm let me find this priceless piece 🤩
fed book did NOT let me follow your page ,did NOT let me copy the displayed message but I took a pic. This is the second time gestapo interfering with my interests !
Love this and a bunch of your other NLP lectures, super informative. You're an awesome teacher!
Are you for REAL ? !
I could be PAINFREE ? That my body has the switch to turn off intractable or dull chronic pain that I've held for 20 years ?
I believe it . We cure ourselves and I'm really ready to come out of my emotional pain which causes my physical pain ( ruptured discs or not ) ...
I'm so unbelievably impressed with your teachings .
I'm listening intently and saving all of these seminars for revisiting in order to cause healing .
2020 is the year of my regained vigorous health physically and mentally .
No more , " Poor me , I'm a Widow and have no one and have to start ALL OVER AGAIN my family stole my Inheritance and act as if I were never born from the same parents. .. blah , blah , blah ..."
Beginning again to make a New Carol E ! 61 years old to be
------- ? Yet remains to be seen ! ::))))
Curious how it went :)
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David, you are changing my life for the better. Thank you.
Thank you kind Sir. I hope my mom resonates with this like it has done for me.
As always...EXCELLENT! I have shared this on every social venue I'm on, Keep em' coming. I always learn from your videos.
FREE NLP TRAINING - SPEED SUCCESS SECRETS How Reprogram your Unconscious Mind and Eliminate Unwanted Thoughts...
This is spot on.. I'm absolutely in awe right now.
David Snyder, you are awesome. This stuff actually works. I hope to spread your knowledge to people that are in need. Thank you so much.
Jyippe79 You Go Boy! Spread DAT Word... Thats Why I Put It Out There! Too Important to Stay With Just Me!
Let me know how you are doing or if you have any questions.
Your Friend,
you know i was thinking moving back to CA but after watching all your videos i will make sure i get back just so i can take your classes.
I am happy to learnt these new techniques Doctor. I am also glad to know that it's the things you don't express that make you sick. Thank you very much.
my pleasure, use the knowledge well.
David. Excellent information I have been following you for over one year. Your delivery and structure is All Pro! Example- My father has a Phd in Theology and I have literally blown his mind by using some of your exact words to describe "the mind" and how to reprogram it.Talk soon.
David excellent material. A suggestion, perhaps events could be filmed from the side to remove people that choose to wander about and block the view for those of use not fortunate to be there in person. Thanks for the material.
Holy crap I did the paper thing and I must've pulled off some major crap cause when that paper hit the fire I spontaneously burst into tears and felt a major lift off my shoulders.
I love the Grey Room - though I think I have to do this again as I could see the room and papers (Green - good and Black - Bad). I could feel the fire. I crumpled the the black papers and felt it in my body, but I couldn't seem to throw it into the fire.
I look forward to updating you on how this effected me. Thank you David!
David Snyder I did the Grey Room again giving my full attention. Each time I took the black paper of the wall I feel a lightness in different places of my body. The Emerald Green shone bright and I felt tingly all over. When the fire grew I felt like I was basking in the sun but felt the warmth from all sides.
I feel AMAZING even the soreness in my legs lightened (I did this exercise in bed after the gym)
Thank you!
Stef Lee I would use a paper shredder. Works for Bill and Hilary.
Thanks for the suggestion Tony Boyle
Can you help someone who has been struggling with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or OCD? How many victims of this disorder have you helped. Thank you for your the wonderful work that you do. God bless you.
Hi Michael, we've helped a few. Call the clinic for a FREE 30 Minute Consultation to find out if we can help you 858-481-1438
The principles in this video are phenomenal. Thank you so much.
Thanks for everything, David. Hope to see you down in Oz (Australia) one day soon.
This is the best teachings ever. This is the missing peaces i have been waiting for. Thank you sooo much David, you are truly great, this is very very amasing.
This is so eye opening...... everything you're speaking about gives me a sense of knowing even though I have no understanding from your reference. Brilliant knowledge that I will look into much further. Thank you for shareing what I see and feel to be effective healing on many levels to society and the world !!! Blessing to you : )
Dave, I thought I was "Obsessive/compulsive", but that OTHER guy inside my head says that it's all MY fault! And so I turned around 3 times in my tracks, threw salt over my shoulder, dodged a black cat, and walked around 5 ladders. Then I found that letting the air out of footballs at NFL games made me feel better. Now I'm a bookie!
Really loving this guy. wouldn't mind getting some of his DVDs for xmas if he has any
Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and techniques, David!
While I was doing the grey room, when increasing the fire after burning all the "bad papers", I started crying like a little child. I don't usually allow myself to cry but I couldn't hold it and I didn't feel like I wanted to hold it, I felt like letting it all go. And I feel so much lighter now. This was just amazing!
I was wondering if you have many clients who cries during this exercise...
Michelle Medeiros
Hey Michelle,
my clients cry, shake, sweat, tremble, choke, cough, laugh, sneeze, get the dry-heaves. The symptoms of the neurology resetting itself are as unique for every individual as they are profound.
When you use these protocols effectively, you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that something just happened.
Congratulations for just letting the nervous system vent what it needed to.
Let me know how you are doing in the future or if you have any questions.
Talk Soon.
Your Friend,
PS: Be sure To Check Out Our Upcoming Real World Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy Certification Boot Camp Sept. 15 through 19, 2015
you can read more about it here:
David Snyder Thank you very much for your reply, David! I've done many programs, some based in hypnosis, some in meditation and others in NLP. But none of them had such a tremendous and quick impact as your technique. I'm passionate about self-development and I have a website where I give tips and advice to people. I will definitely recommend you and your programs. I'll send you the link when I publish the article. :)
Michelle Medeiros hey Michelle,
Thank you so much for your support and your great feedback. Keep us posted on your success stories applying these methods.
Talk soon.
Your Friend,
Thanks David. I will try them again. The ones I have watched are very interesting. would like to learn more. thanks again
This is pure genius!. . . Thanks so much David for sharing all that you have already. Just a question if you don't mind: Do you perhaps have an "essentials" reading list, dealing mainly with the physiological aspects (the hard wiring), as well as NLP? . . I would like to get a good foundation right first. Your personal suggestions would be highly appreciated!
Hi David! For the reason illustrated in the minute 4 to 5 I could understand for what reason the Japanese people is more open to new ideas, because the structure of their language.
In Japanese you can say something like
Blue the dog is
Putting the verb at the end.
Is more frequent Dog the Blue is but now that you say that I start to adapt my Spanish for talk like the Japanese people.
Azul el Perro es
For see if in this way I could influence more people to New ideas.
Any Time
David Snyder Question, While I was watching your "how to attract someone in less the 20 minutes" you said someting about society making a Man well, Not a Man anymore, how is that? and May I ask if U have a video playlist? Id like to start from ground 0 and learn the ways through you
Fk man this is GOOD. If had come across this video, 5 years ago, I would not have understood anything. Today every single word he says makes sense. Thank you Sir😊💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
I still remember I used positive affirmations and visualization ot just make me believe in myself more and build a resilient mindset, and it worked big time, I felt in control of my mind. And then when it worked I got lazy and stopped doing the exercise thinking I didn’t need it, and I actually lost a lot of the confidence that it gave me, plus more anxiety on top of that, almost like my brain can’t relax, now I’m back to doing it again, is this normal????
its not abnormal.
@@DavidSnyderNLP Your brain will reroute back to what it knows best .
Show this man to the whole world
3:30 ... how do you explain every European language other than English? almost without exception, the 'descriptor' comes AFTER the 'object'.
DAvid, it is super excellent lecture, beyond my comprehension in the sense of being new staff for me. Pardon my English structure for it is my second language. I am understand about 60% for two reasons: New technical vocabulary and concepts and because you speak to fast sometimes and diction is not clear some times as well. So please, slow down or take the time to word it out following perfection in your diction. Of course this is not English speaking people problem but it is my. Blessing David.
Will spinning get rid of chronic depression? I did this and I'm not depressed anymore.
8:00 Your brain is hardwired and defaults to remembering things. We spend a lot of time thinking we're thinking, but in actuality we are remembering.
9:00 anything outside of your awareness is outside of your control. Once you have awareness you now have choice.
16:35 we resist anything that conflicts with what we know to be true. What's true to most of us is "familiar". What's familiar is what was there first.
good notes
How do guys decompress? I don't like getting angry, it just seems to make things worse and I don't think alcohol is the answer.
You are correct, alcohol or any other substance is never the answer. ways to decompress include physical activities, breathing exercises ( see my instant emergency pain relief videos) Specialized hypnotic stress and emotional detox techniques i.e. grey room, magic frame and "Energy Spinning" work great.
Any form of creative expression that allows you to fully express your feelings in a complete but appropriate manner will rapidly "depotentiate" the emotional charges and let you decompress more fully back to a balanced state.
Hope that helps you.
Talk Soon.
Your Friend,
bonto I deflate a few NFl footballs. Works good for me, (and helps me cover the point spread!)
i will never be able to understand how people think pictures when they hear words. That is a crazy idea. The way he started explaining how the brain perceives some stimuli and then starts making associations and pulling all files that are related to that thing. It isolates the relevant files and then uses those to form a better understanding of whatever concept. That is exactly how my mind works. No pictures or visuals needed. There is a musical quality to language for me though. For example, i will pick up on sort of a melody and rhythm or some sort of pattern in speech. Later on, I use that "song" to be able to remember and, if needed, repeat what I heard damn near word for word. That rhythm makes that possible because only certain words will be able to fit that rhythm in the right way. Numbers make patterns, like directionally. So they sort of draw a pattern, but in movement that I can 'feel' in my head. It isn't like a drawn diagram or the written number. I can recall the emotions that I had when an event happened, of course, just like everyone else. But my thinking relies very heavily on words and sounds and the things that those words and sounds are related to in my experience of life, in my language, in other languages, in my culture or different cultures, pop culture, literature, etc. All of the things that I know about anything at all, all of it is pulled and I have to sift through it all.
On a different note, I have changed the way I think over the past 7 or 8 years. It was hard and painful to get through destroying and rebuilding my ideas and beliefs. It is an ongoing process to constantly be evaluating myself and my thoughts, thinking about thinking. It was worth it in a way. The thing that really changed my approach to thinking and living was learning about logical fallacies, biases, perspective, emotions, manipulation, how anything in your environment influences you, how attention and vision work, how memory works, and a whole lot of other things.. Now, I am so much more open to the fact that I do not know anything at all. I feel sort of isolated though because I have changed my mindset. Other people don't like that. Sometimes it kind of makes me sad because I wish that I could connect with them. I can't though. I wouldn't go back to my old way of thinking and being, but it is awfully lonely here.
your new tribe is one the way, keep swimming
David can you please recommend some NLP books? I wish you had one 😞
this is so vibrant . your message of healing is commendable. I was healed from pain. of chrones while the lady with the bad hip was . awesome.where do I sign up for classes so I to can teach this technique.? please respond.
U bet.look for Playing in kivas my utube vid coming soon.
I can definitely understand the focus as a child, and being so engrossed in play.
But I have noticed people are bothered by someone that focuses intently or becomes absorbed in any matter.
They will constantly try to create distractions. This will require much alone time, for those that can find that.
I have a big problem with lack of self_confidence , I wish I can get rid of it.
Really good video. Thank you David
You are very knowledgeable and you put out some very good information. Critique if i may, please be able to anticipate and have the forethought of using a mic when an audience member comments or questions. It is virtually impossible to hear them so your responses are useless to your youtube viewers.
I am in Africa. How do I work with you if I would like to know more about how the nervous system and all that is.
come to classes!
I just discovered your videos. Perhaps I am not watching in an orderly fashion, because I am lost on many abstract concepts....which I am sure aren't actually abstract with the proper foundational understanding of neural linguistic programming with respect to healing,etc.
I will search the channel. Any recommendations from whomever sees this would be highly appreciated.
ll be using your spin techniques this evening David with a client who was abused by a relative when she was a child I'm confident it will work quickly and cant wait to find out. The most fun will be working out how to use the rest of the two hours they insisted on booking and they have another session booked after that. :)
Keithanthony Taylor Make sure to eliminate any "reasons why" they might want to hold on to those feelings. Use my magic frame technique prior to spinning it.
Let me know how it goes.
Your Friend,
Keithanthony Taylor how did it go?!!?!!?
I'm looking for feedback about my experience with the gray room exercise. When I did it, it felt like there was a lot of negative stuff behind me. I hesitate to say that I felt fear; I felt practically nothing, but I had a sense that I could not or dared not turn around. I eventually forced myself to physically turn my chair. I don't think this changed anything.
Do I need to just keep working at this a little bit at a time? Are there some suppressed negative experiences that I'm not willing to face? Should I approach this with the intention of addressing a specific negative, or just let things come?
it implies that there are most likely some things your unconscious mind is not sure you are ready for. You might want to explore that with the guidance of one of our trained associates.
Do you have any tips on how to use self hypnosis to get a better understanding on the influences in my childhood that are impacting me today? I tried the subselves garden hypnosis exercise but I had trouble really getting into trance. The spinning technique was more effective, but didn't help me find the root of my problem.
You will probably need to have someone guide you through those types of processes. Most people simply don't have the skill sets to do that level of work on themselves. Its best to have a guide.
@@DavidSnyderNLP I work with a therapist, but I find I'm more effective when working on my own because my people pleasing subself doesn't mold herself to the people around us when there are none. I find it very difficult to turn that off even with a therapist, which makes it very difficult for me to let myself fall into a deep trance with her. Perhaps with more time and deeper trust this will change. But since I posted the original commented I actually tried 3 of your techniques shown in your videos. Spinning, somatic bridge using a picture on a dimming screen, and the grey room. The grey room was easily the most effective, but I found it very helpful to create that somatic link and I think the problem I was having before was the disengagement with my body. I also tried using some awareness verbs while walking myself through the steps of the grey room and I think that helped a lot. Thanks for your free resources! I'm finding them very helpful.
How do i help others , how do i makes people too change so i can help them on their problems
so just from getting to know myself and reading a lot i discovered a lot of the stuff youve taught here on my own. however not in as organized and functional practical way. i had more of an understanding without the application part. but i reached a level through meditation and "raising frequencies" so high that I can feel these energies from the sub conscious and their geometry and they became so powerful and i accidentally put myself out of alignment somehow and they got so out of shape that it/they took on a life of their own as you say but became smarter than me (shape shift and change angles and leverage mathematically) and if i try to remove it/them it would change shape in order to stay inside me and try to affect and change my thought patterns emotions etc, it literally takes forms that fight me and attack me.. if i were to put a label on what im experiencing it would be what some would consider or call demonic forces i guess. i'm not trying to freak you out. this is just an old term for an advanced level of the loss of control over what youre talking about. it's everything youre teaching here but i can actually feel the energies you are imagining. and theyre huge and powerful. i once had control over it and it was simply my energy and it is still mine and i understand that im stronger and more powerful than it but maintaining that belief long enough to remove it is exhausting. this video has really helped more than anything ive found or tried so far but it still is not gone or fully aligned properly. any suggestions.
Can you do the taking away pain technique on yourself?
+Urban Graduate Yes You Can.
Check out this lecture here:
how come he's wearing 2 watches?
Good stuff David. Thanks for sharing
So when everyone tells you not to listen to others but follow your gut instinct.. would this be a good idea?
More often than not you are better off following your gut. Just be careful to avoid mistaking gut feelings for wishful thinking. If you pay attention to your body, you'll begin to notice that those sensations tend to arise from very different parts of the body.
David Snyder Thanks for getting back to me so promptly I am loving your videos. I even enjoyed the descriptives so much in your email Ive signed up to your STEALTH programme. I have been studying NLP for a while and this is really helping me to make a bit more sense of it. I would highly recommend.
David Snyder could you please explain specifically what parts of the body the right feelings come from? or how to notice those feelings better. i tend to live mostly in my conscious mind and it makes me very indecisive cuz my conscious mind thinks about things from ALOT of angles.
andrew gray oh yeah and your awesome and all that jazz not big into the butt kissing but i'm watching every video you have and i consider you my sensei, lol
I have developed a fear of sleep due to having occasions of sleep paralysis. My body has reacted to this as a danger and so I fight sleep. How do I overcome this David?
Regress to cause, vent the emotional charge, reprocess the memory with the resources needed to go through it comfortably.
David Snyder My mind is telling me this is dangerous. What happens when a biological function turns into something that you feel terrible about? All I can think of is tonight I have to sleep and be paralyzed for eight hours. It is a program. How do I reason with it?
It seems that your healing techniques depend on the ability to visualize: 'see the picture in front of you and move it' , 'what color is the energy and what direction it is spinning', 'notice the colors of the papers on the wall'. What about a non-visual person like me that doesn't see any of this? Thanks!
My techniques are not dependent on a persons ability to visualize. They are dependent on a persons ability to follow instructions and Play Pretend. i.e. use their imagination just like when they were children. Many of the people using these techniques claimed to have trouble (or at least believe they have trouble) visualizing.
For the record there is no such thing as non-visual person. The visual component may not be 'consciously accessible directly but it is always present to some degree.
Hope that clarifies things for you.
Your Friend,
I love this.... I've had similar "it just came to me instances in this area" I think from what I've seen so far you're pretty amazing and on the right track… I actually picked up energy or Reiki energy as people like to call it one day out of the blue... I just looked at a balloon and thought "I can move that" about 30 minutes later I am coursing energy through my palms and fingertips enough that I could mentally connect my fingertips and send the energy through to them so well you could see steam/heat... whatever you want you call it lol coming from them. That was 3 years ago... We are capable of so much. The subconscious is the hardest part to control though. Thinking "I couldn't do that" when... In reality... you ABSOLUTELY CAN regardless of what it is. You have to TRULY BELIEVE IT (void of any fraction of self doubt--ANYYYY WHATSOEVER can't stress that part enough when I talk to people about it ) you have to mentally, emotionally and sometimes physically attract it to your life. That or repel, refuse, deny and clear it from your life in entirety (depending on what it is)
And conquer it. The possibilities are literally endless. If you want it in your life, have it. Take it, OWN it. If you don't, then you have to remove it from your life, mind, who you are in general and I say it this way because there's not an area you can't change. If your open minded enough (everyone is capable of being open enough but not everyone wants to be for reasons I'll never understand LOL)to take a complete hold of your life, your BEING in this world and can change your mindset to your limitless potential. You can literally change the world.
David, Would it also help to reverse spin and then throw the negative energy away with all your might?
test it, let me know what happens.
In the subconcious, I think we DO have a sense of self just when we are born, and more likely our brains are shaped to the outside world and this diminishes out subconcious. If you really think about yourself, you are the same inner voice, you have not changed since birth, baby, child, tenn, adult, etc....Nothingabout your true inner voice has changed. SOme can put on a super show, but they are the same at some part of the day.
Can I learn to live in the present? The now?
Hello, David, Thank you very much for sharing.
I have a 4 years psychology degree, but NLP course is much more appealing to me to learn to develop myself and also help others in the future. I experienced a quite diverse cultural background(from China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Australia and Europe), and I see many people in different cultures to some degree are unhappy with unfulfilled with their lives, me too sometimes. I would like to know when will be your next course and where will it be held on, and also the price, etc. I would like to learn with you if the opportunities are ready. Best Beagrds, Thanks. Anita (yunyan)
+anita gu
You can check out our events calendar at we have a ton of cool programs scheduled for 2016
I need to practice that more. I notice that habit and my language sounds so elementary.
Thats the first step, awareness
Fin your videos very informative do you mind if i share it?
Share Away, That's Why I Gave Them To The World In The First Place. Just let people know where you found it.
you can find more stuff here
Excellent explanation . CAN U PLEASE SHARE THE AUTHORS Name Power of words by.....
hey david thanks for the very helpful video....i have been suffering from social anxiety , can i use the spinning technique for my anxiety?? thanks
Would it be possible to use the techniques you explained and demonstrated in the video to increase a skill? I want to increase my skill and techniques within sports(like bmx, roller skating). I would like to know if there are any specific techniques to help in that area.
It could be used that way in combination with other techniques.
Can you share which techniques will help me? :)
love this... question for you ... Does the patient being on pain medications have any affect on the process demonstrated in your video here? Would the subject need to be free of as much medication as they could tolerate while doing the process of taking out the colored painful energy and reversing the rotation?
Thank you. Good question. Should we detox off hydromorphone ? Or will your program help go through withdrawl ?
You sir are amazing! Thank you very much for your work! Subscribed!
Amazing techniques
Glad you like them!
my brain is a sponge. i know nothing. how far will i have gone in the nlp journey after watching the ~58 other videos on the playlist. thanks
I have qu if you don't mind, who I am, and how can I know who I am?
Mr David, may GD keep blessing you . When you come to texas?
I keep trying the spinning technique but it doesn't ever seem to work... how come?
You are not changing because the mind and the brain are two different things, but the author of this video does not know it. These types of techniques are more on the level of tricks and for a short time, but the Mind is far more complex. The brain is just a transmitter for the Mind and nothing more than that.
So tell me, how would you align your subconscious/unconscious with your consciousness?
or, how do I get my subconscious/unconscious to get on board with my conscious intentions?
HI Qi,
For most people its going to require a combination of uncovering techniques and targeted regression skills. Regressive techniques vary but tend to yield the greatest degree of Conscious/Unconscious Integration.
Hope that helps you.
Yeah, I thought about regressing to a specific point in my life where a frickin shrink intervened where my parents were to ignorant to handle it, so yeah, that helps, Mahalo!
Qi Huna
Let me know if you need anything else. Talk soon.
Your friend David
This is a beautiful thing and I feel very attracted to this what is the best way to find out more and if this is something you want to learn more about?
you can sign up for our newsletter or go to
when a child of 13 months has vivid memories and recalls details and questioning, is that not a higher function? when a child of 2.5-3 yrs has vivid recall of situations and justifying behavior/questioning parental concerns, is that not higher thought process for age? It seems that those instances show that the young brain is not so blank. whether it be past life retained knowledge or some genetic/cellular memory, there seems to be more.
Bev Miller We start accumulating information from the time we are conceived onward. Lets be sure not to confuse the ability to accumulate information with the "developed ability to process it". First we record and imprint. then we process. Our processing and "justifying" behaviors are based on the information we have at the time - context, environment and emotional intensity. Not necessarily cognitive processes that come or develop later.
I remember being born and proved it to my parents when I was in my 20s. I recall much of my early years and I know I was thinking long before I could talk. I may be unusual but I believe all babies are like this but most don't remember that time long enough. I argued for years with my mother about my father hitting her when she was pregnant with me. She finally admitted it. I do not have an explaination for my memories as some happened pre-trauma.
David is there a list of books you recommend reading on NLP?
We have an extensive reading list, most of our books are NOT on NLP.
@@DavidSnyderNLP where can I access the list
So if it's biomecanically proven (MRI scan) that there's something wrong, then it's impossible to cure it, but the pain it causes can be controlled?
in my experience with many people yes.
how rude are these people wandering around during a presentation...unbelievable and very bloody annoying
....thinking the exact same thing.....I would get very upset if I was the "teacher" it's very "rude" behaviour.
Stig Selsmark As an NLP student, I'd Try to understand
Right, I didn't know you (lecturer) could swear "mother f.....ker*" so well during the lecture. I don't think it was rude to walk around. Would sometime, someone needs to go to the washroom OR you might get up to go out for a bite during break time and I am so sure that it was the break time? No? Yes?
G. AL Ang
I agree. It could have been time for a break and the presenter simply just needed to stop and give that break. Other lectures I’ve been to when that happened that’s exactly what the presenter would do is notice that people were getting up for whatever reason and then realize it must be time for a break and then actually give it. Could be what was going on here in the video?
How about having to go to the bathroom? Thats a long time to sit without a break
This video is informative and awesome but I'm completely distracted by people flux in front of camera!I am an Empath and this all makes total sense to how I communicate in the universe.where are you based out of?curious...Brittany
Sir,why is it no sound at all?
You are not broken, you just need a software upgrade 😊❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️
Dude, you are awesome!.. I got certified with Chris Howard. We have BJJ (Brazilian Jui Jitzu) as a common ground, but what is said here seems much more powerful. Do you ever come to Palm Desert Ca? Palm Springs area?
hi David Snyder do you have a website?
how to handle on argument on a narcissist , psychopath,sociopath person .or any kind of behavior disorder..
is there possibility to control them or what kind of technique we want to applied to them can u give me some steps and send into my e mail please thank you very much.
Why do you touch the person when doing this NLP/Hypnosis? You touch them when they come up and then when you have them put the energy back in.
What is the purpose of YOUR touch in all this?
That physical routine of expulsing energy, may also be releasing endogenous morphine. Thus she feels better right off. What is remained to be seen is whether it lasts. On this video or a prior one, Mention was made to OCD. From which I suffer...
Mine is autoimmune from strep. It is neurological not a personality quirk...Or a result of molestation etc. Of course these are triggers for this condition. Stress allows the autoantibodies into the area to attack it. The paleo-cortex Basal ganglia complex...
I wish everyone would sit down please!