and with the prototech blocks, I already know people will be making even larger ships, eventually running into the problems we have now, again. "What do you mean, my planet sized ship is overkill?"
That's literally the Keen fallacy lol. People complain the game lags because of big ships, Keen optimise the game, people build bigger ships that lag the game, Keen optimise the game, people build bigger ships that lag the game, Keen optimise the game, people build bigger ships that lag the game, etc, etc.
The main thing I want to see in vanilla is the 2x and 3x barrel weapons. Artillery turrets and autocannon turrets really arn't doing it for ship design.
Using the perspective image of the Prototech Assembler, i have reasonably concluded that its measurements are 2 blocks tall, 3 blocks wide, and 2 blocks deep.
A thing that would make the prototech assembler stand out, as well as a prototech refinery, would be the ability to handle more than 1 task at once. Aka, the assembler being able to make 2 or more different items at the same time, or the refinery being able to refine 2 or more items at once.
I personally would like it to have the feature to set a requested number of components and it crafts up to that amount so I always have 1000 steel plates in stock or whatever.
Laser turret that can only target missiles as a countermeasure. We have these IRL, and they are fantastic. Ensure they only attack missiles by having their target block being warheads only.
I like your thinking but people would try to evade that by packing cargo containers with exploding components. There's a solution to it I'm sure and I'd like to have a defense turret that could do the job if they can figure out the balancing.
Something I wish prototech weapons could do is orbital bombardment... Imagine how much fun npcs with orbital bombardment capabilities would be to fight against
NPCs bombarding I don't know about... But us players have...interesting ways to bombard from orbit 😂. Rods from God, nukes, dropping your ship on them...lots of ways!
Nah players would do that, wouldn't be so fun if NPCs did that. You'd have to make an udnerground base probably. What they SHOULD fix is that some projectiles don't travel as far as they should! I mean railguns can fire from low orbit I believe but not every big gun can that. And deffinitely not from high orbit, or god forbit, outside the gravity well xD
In the name of Clang, I hope that block, the red one with the symbol is a H2 generator. It takes ages for the regular H2/02 generators to process ice. On that line of thinking. How about a generator for a new type of fuel? Let`s say that new insane thruster requires a new type of fuel, hence, new recourses in the game and a new H2-generator-like block. P.S. Thanks for that "symbol question", now I won`t be able to sleep for days, I KNOW I`ve seen this before :D
To help you with this, you have most likely seen it in other forms of media before. It's from a fictional standardized library of symbols used to mark and indicate the purpose of various things around a space ship. It's called the Semiotic Standard which was created by the people behind Alien, that symbol specifically is rotated clockwise by 90 degrees, it's the symbol for an airlock. It's not uncommon for scifi media to pull inspiration from or directly use the semiotic standard since it has a CCL, so people are free to use it in commercial products.
Perhaps the unknown Prototech Block is a a Prototech weapon of the likes we've only seen in Project A-Ko (The Alien ship in the Space Battle scene that has a Giant Laser Canon that destroys the Human ship in 2 shots)? I don't really know, I'm just tossing stuff in the dark.
The keen support portal gave us a lot of hints on what new blocks we will get. Such as Gyros and giant gates, 5x5x1 armour blocks(I might be wrong) … etc
We are overdue for a radar system. If you're playing on a "fully populated" server, you're talking about 2 to 5 people per planet/moon. If everyone turns off their antenna, you're just playing single player with latency.
I'd like to see a system where more power production blocks = more radar signature. It wouldn't mean true stealth ships as such, but it would flag warships on your radar much farther out than civilian ships unless the ship was designed to have a low profile.
@@MediumRareOpinionsThat would add so much more depth to attaching bases. Getting up to the speed limit outside turret/radar range, shutting everything down, and getting the drop on the station. Like that scene from The Expanse.
I really wish they would do prototech ore detector as the radio spectroscopy mod. It’s so good, work very long range but doesn’t just tell you “hey this is here,” and it’s good on performance
I think another issue is lack of handheld weaponry- stuff like lmgs, snipers, smgs, heavy weapons, etc. Im hoping that a possible warfare III update could fix that
Zer0 @3:30 is the answer to the assembler perspective question. Also, this might be a dead end, but for the unknown prototech block. The symbol might have a connection with armour blocks, on the SE wiki, under Category:Game_icons there are old armor blocks with the symbol.
Lol yeah. I'm so used to looking at the image without the rest of the concept art, I forget that part exists lol. and I knew I'd seen that symbol somewhere! No I just have to find what it means now!
You're on the right path for sure. It's Sloped Armor Blocks that possess that symbol, but the color scheme is reversed. The sloped blocks symbol had a dark upper left portion, and light bottom right, this has the opposite( and the control panel lets us know this block is correctly orientated). So it almost feels like this is leaning towards "anti-armor" Also if you look at the smaller central symbol, directly beneath it you can make out a yellow warning /!\ triangle. So, maybe a new weapon variant? A prototech ammo container(Armor Piercing)? Or possibly even a new warhead?
@@LordNavala well in the terms of space engineers, anti armor could also mean a shield. if you were to inverse armor you'd effectively have a shield which would explain the icon being inversed. The warning label would likely have to do with the potential radiation it would emit. if you also go with the idea that it looks like a generator. you now have a conceptual Prototech Shield Generator.
@@jamestaylor9887 If the Dev's saying they don't want shields as true. How about a prototech whole grid repair device? Which like the welder causes injury when active.
To help answer this for this comment thread, look up the Semiotic Standard. It's a fictional library of standardized symbols for spaceships made by the creators of Alien. That symbol specifically is the Airlock symbol. It has a CCL so it can be used in commercial media like SE. It's not uncommon for people who make scifi media to slap them in places, often not getting the symbol use correct.
Great detectve work once agan Zero! You've also made great progress! You're speaking slower and more clearly than before and your edting is excelent! Your structure helps get a lot of information in the videos without all the padding you see other people adding and the jokes and cuts are really well done and keep the video tickiing along nicely wthout getting bogged down in details. Great work! I hope you're proud of the progress you've made chap.
I don't think it would be weird for their to be no prototech atmo thruster. After all, the atmos come in the flat variant, which is already super convenient for early game and atmo bound operations. Wouldn't surprise me if we only get ions in the next update, either, since they lag so far behind the hydrogen thrusters in performance as it is. Prototech hydro thrusters could be in warfare 3 if they add them at all. The full list of what I can think of that I'd like to see as prototech, assuming that they're all about more efficiently building bigger, are: block tools (drills, welders, grinders), refinery, assembler, thrusters, gyros, batteries, O2/H2 gens, and some variety of engine and/or reactor. I don't care how big they are or how many components I need to make them, really, I just want to get the same amount of throughput at a lower PCU. I'll design around the other factors as needed.
The main thing to keep in mind is how long it takes for them to make that many models for new blocks, I would love for them to add all of those things but it takes time to add all of those models. We'll probably get some of them in this update and then some more in a future update.
@@Zer0sLegion Yeeup. I've actually used the tool to convert a model from blender to the format VRAGE uses and it takes FOREVER. That's on top of all the iterations and design that normally goes into developing something like this. If we assume for instance that concept C is the one that won for the ion thruster, there could easily be another concept for every letter of the alphabet and more that didn't get chosen, and all of them would have taken quite some time to develop to that stage. There would likely be another round of concepting with complete orthographic coverage of the block for the modeler to use after that, which takes even longer since it has to be more precise. Then they have to get modeled, which doesn't always work out the way the concept artist envisioned. It's a lot more laborious of a process than many people think, since modders usually skip a lot of those steps. Of course, I'm not psychic and KSH might use a different pipeline, but all of that above is fairly standard practice, so.
I suspect this is all to drop the huge PCU costs of Huge ships and help with server stability with reducing the number of blocks overall, So anything that gets a stupid number of blocks built there'll be a prototech block. The question is by how many will it be faster then an assembler with 4 speed upgrades as base or how many large ions will the prototech Ion's replace?
What would really be interesting would be a Prototech location. A ruin with schematics of Prototech blocks. Each ruin would have a different Prototech block schematic and a bit of lore in the same font as the stereoliths. They would be buried well below the marian surface, or deep inside asteroids.
Prototech wheels, pistons, rotors and hinges. And maybe drill. It would also be interesting to dig deeper if new ore, if coming, would be a few kilometres underground. Right now you, unless you're crazy, will never dig deeper than 100 meters. Also bigger ore veins would be handy. Like a cubic kilometer of iron ore...
I honestly can't wait for the new Prototech update, I wonder what the new armor paint will look like. Because of course, you can't have a space engineers DLC update without a new armor decal, they are my 2nd favorite things in space engineer DLC's, apart from the amazing new blocks.
6:12, idk about seeing it in game before but that looks like the semiotic standard symbol for airlock from the movie Alien, rotated 90 degrees counter clockwise.
I think i woudl be cool for prototech gyro's to have 2 variants Omni directional(like the current ones mayby 3x3x3 or 4x4x4) 1 directional 2x3x3 when you need turning power mainly in one axis Edit: minor spelling mistakes + forgot to put third axis
I certainly hope that this update comes with a new planet or even alien fauna. If it's a planet, I certainly hope for a new kind of alien planet. Maybe a bioluminescent one?
One odd thing I'd like to see for early game use is a small grid ship machine gun. Essentially, it would be the gun for an interior turret, but hard mounted. Could also be interesting having a machine gun turret for small grids. Really, though, the small grid gatling turret is, by design, trash. It needs a better fire rate, among other things.
I remember thinking “they should add a large gyro and just make it cost 20x more and be 40x powerful because IM TIRED OF FILLING ALL MY INTERIORS WITH GYROS!”
really think we need mega blocks for the large grid to make building capital ships easier and ideally more performance friendly (because less blocks ideally)
They showed off a mod that added them on stream a while back and they sounded really interested in them. I don't know if that means anything but it's worth noting.
I hope for more Walkable blocks. Quite love the Barbette Cargo container mod since its quite balanced ( 9x storrage compared to small sotrages and 1/3 compared to big storages while costing around 10x the ressources) and such a beauty for ships.
Looking at it more.. I'm starting to lean toward the "mystery" block being the in-game prototech assembler (or refinery). Looking at it, it has a lot of the hallmarks of the design concept, just reoriented a bit. It also wouldn't be the first time we had multiple control panels on a single block, so this might just be the teaser team exploiting a feature to disguise the block. The piping/tubing near that panel just looks too much like the same flat pipes we see in the concept image, and when you look at the current assembler(s), that portion directly above the panel is very similar to the visible innards of the released assemblers. But still not sold on the idea lol
Blocks I want: A 3x3X6 small grid piston, long over due IMO. Prototech turrets(LG&SG) for rail guns and LG Autocannon turret. Prototech thrusters for Atmo, H2, and Ion. Prototech production blocks: assembler refinery & H2/O2 generator. Prototech Batteries. Prototech FUSION reactors that require Uranium and H2. A Prototech Intrasteller Drive as an upgrade to the jump drive.
p.s. what I would like to see in SE (no particular order): 1. Traversable Docking Connectors, ie not for moving cargo but to act as an airlock portal for people...and data, power, and consumable gasses and fluids. 2. Anti-matter as a resource. if done realistically SE would need to include dangerous radiation zones around planets to 'mine' the stuff. 3. Player internally traversable very large Rotors, Pistons, and Hinges. for docking connections, and rotating wheel stations. 4. Angled Subgrid Connector and hull/armor blocks; for when angled ship shapes are desired but when one wants something simpler than a hinge or rotor to implement. 5. Retractable landing gear and ramps. 6. Believable resources which can only be found on planets and/or space e.g. hydrocarbons, chalk, graphite etc (also limiting Uranium and Platinum to space is not believable. 7. Better management of GPS data, including Transferable folders of GPS data onto datapads. 8. Using cameras to capture video, sound and stills of ingame events...such as the identity of the guy dismantling my assets while I am offline. 9. Computer power rating for various electric components; which would be used together to abstractly extend the effective range of various sensors, compute Jump accuracy, analyze minerals etc.
would LOVE to see these as well, but at least MOST of them have a mod in the workshop... where do you think they got build planner from, it's based off the Easy Inventory mod...
I’ve been building a massive ship for the past 4 ish months in Space Engineers trying to push the limits of the game and at the moment it needs 880 jump drives to go 1000 km. So a more powerful jump drive would be helpful.
Aside from the h2o2 generator and the hydrogen engine, the biggest thing that would benefit capital ships is gyroscopes. If the big thruster is ion and not hydrogen, maybe they thought the ice intake would simply be too high to manage hydrogen thrusters. Some sort of hydrogen scoop would be cool, though. But a larger gyroscope would benefit the game a lot
Would be nice if they added an item/or fuel that would allow us to do a BIG long range scan of grids. (but it wouldn't work on planets!) This way people can actually FIND each other in space. Else ppl just play their waiting games in their safespaces. Ofc., make this item/fuel hard to get AND give it a large cooldown, like 24h or smth.
@@Zer0sLegion what i think is going to happen is, you buy a datapad (named something like, UNKNOWN LOCATION) from space bases and the GPS from the datapad shows you where a planetary encounter is, when you get there you get attacked by drones that are salvaging the base in the encounter, after defeating the encounter there is a door into the base that leads you to a operational control area with a store and whatnot, but also, in the middle is one cargo container with a datapad inside, but instead of a GPS, you get a decryptable code that becomes a GPS when you run it through a decoder at a space base, the decoded GPS shows you where the space encounters are and you get the prototech blocks from the asteroid bases in the encounters
I feel like that mystery block is a jump drive. It looks to be 2x2, yeah, but it could have more volume because of being longer. Like it could be 2x2x6(24 blocks volume) versus 3x3x2 (18 blocks volume).
@@Zer0sLegion I'm gonna look through every single block just to make sure because I also remember that symbol. I thought it was on the jump drive but after just checking, it's not. It's also not on the refinery or the store blocks.
It would be cool if the prototech refinery let you select what kind of ore you want extract from stone. Like if you want more nickle you could change a setting on the refinery and any stone you feed into it would be converted exclusively to nickle.
My guess for new components is new ingot types, however no new ores. I thing the new refinery, while being way faster than the old one, combines ores, like gold-iron-alloy or something, because adding more ore types may overcomplicate stuff, as searching each and every asteroid you find for one single ore is already tedious af. EDIT: except they add a new planet (far, far, far away, hence the new thrusters or jump drive to reach it), where the new ore spawns, but no where else.
I wonder if this update could also mean XL regular blocks.I remember a SE dev stream from last year where someone introduced them to the XL block mod. I think they mentioned looking into making blocks like this vanilla. But I'm not sure if it was only Xocliw (who is not a dev, IIRC) or if any of the other devs said that. Also, I'm expecting the PVE part of the update a bit like Splitsie's ACS mod, where you have to capture prototech ships and bases to get the prototech blocks or at least unlock them in the tech tree. This would in general also make sense since it would give console players access to content that's only available as mods right now
Some years (5 or 6years) ago there was a SE live stream and Xoc asked what kinds of blocks we'd like to see and had a poll. Some players wanted to see some extra large blocks over much smaller blocks. Just a thought.
I cannot wait for the what looks to be a thruster because I have some pretty big ships. And it takes a long time to get up to speed with the current thrusters. I would also love to see a new refinery.
Just a thought for the undefined prototech block, what if it is a O2/H2 Generator mixed with a Hydrogen Engine? A possible source of power for coming blocks and not to mention some details of block that mildly match the parent blocks.
I think it'd be cool to see a missile in Space Engineers that like takes time or is needs to be manually reloaded like some rocket launcher variants to prevent people from spamming missiles you only have them like once on your ship and then you have to spend a really lengthy process restocking them
That large new prototec ion thruster looks like it comes in multiple parts, three parts to be exact. Perhaps there's the main part that provides the base thrust, then there's an energy component part that probably reduces the total cost of energy requirements. And then the last part which increases the maximum output of the first module as a whole. And you can keep on adding additional modifications onto the base thruster, as many as desired or up to a limit, to customise the thruster how you want it to be used. Of course it has to be placed in a line that follows the length of the module, or perhaps even stagger the component a certain degree, just one man's opinion of course.
@@Zer0sLegionwell that's what their modules look like to me. Yes, ofcourse it modular thrusters and modular blocks would be more resource intensive. So is having 50 different thrusters facing the same direction. We have the refinery andassembler blocks, and they have module upgrades components attached, what's the difference having more of the same. They figured out the net code for them, why not integrate them in also.
@@rickbardock6581 You've reminded me that Keen did once explore having thruster upgrade modules in their example pack mods. Some of those example mod concepts did eventually get added like the cannon turrets. Maybe they will revisit the idea of modular thruster upgrades?
A idea for proto tech wepons is like a large grid version of the autocannon like a more powerful version and also a railgun turret that would be helpful another larger grid wepon would be a large grid gatling gun and I really need homing missiles
I would like RCS thrusters that work in several directions and also have the option of e.g. It makes more sense to accommodate a screen AND a lamp in one block. It would also be nice to have individually paintable block sides (so that you can make a different design for each side)
Just thinking in terms of what keen wants to do in this update, Prototech are just giant versions of very commonly used blocks, so that we can make our massive ships, without destroying performance (especially servers) We know about the large ion thruster, and the large assembler, we can guestimate there will be a prototech refinery, and a prototech hydrogen thruster. As such, my guess for the mystery block would have to be a prototech reactor, or battery. Not only would that make sense in terms of the game dev line of thinking, if you look closesly at the image, you can see what looks to be power cables coming from a power box next to the terminal. In the middle is what appears to be a gold chamber (sort of like fusion reactor designs?) All in all keen is trying to fix the scaling issue of space engineers, where players build 30-40 refineries and assemblers to fuel their massive fleets.
My block wishlist: Rangefinder for cockpit crosshairs: LG half block light panel LG offset light LG high output lights LG 3x3 rotor for things like railgun turrets LG offset neon's that can be used on half block edges Maybe someday.
a large Drill, Welder and Grinder System. Some kind of high tech tools who have some kind of senor field whould make life easyer in the lategame. they dont have 2 be faster but more range i want. maybe you can only fine the blueprints for this tools on different planets.. also sone kind off drill disable beacon who can protect bases against afk raids from below. so that you have to use your own resources to take over another base and can't just pierce through from below.
Honestly wouldn't mind a Prototech Drill or Welder Bit... Just a really big drill that could do bore tunnels or a welder that reachs further but is bigger on the ship.
Could that mystery block be a fusion power plant? We only really see one side so it could go further to the left of the video. If we are getting better versions of some of the blocks then they will either need more power to balance or we will not have to spam batteries or reactors. Which means we can have more internal space for decorating.
A semi-homing missile launcher with 1000-2000 range. Semi homing.. meaning... it could make turn until say.. 1k range.. where it runs out of fuel and then coasts. We could limit it by saying that each launcher can only control X missiles. Because otherwise CPUs will melt.
What I would want to add to alleviate the jump drive problems is not a more powerful jump drive, but a jump gate of some sorts. A block that generates a rift in space time between two locations, allowing to jump between another block of the same type. A gate can jump the grid over infinite distance, but need to be connected to the other jump gate via laser antenna. Jump gate could be a station only block.
I would love to have a feature/function/option in the next generation of the space engineers engine: If you place a thruster on the outer edge of a craft, it would spin it (and not just thrust straight into the direction it's placed). And if you wouldn't want that, for fuel economy or power reasons, you could have an option to enable/disable a "support gyroscopes" option on the thrusters. Since this is probably not able to be implemented into the current state of space engineers, like a mod, i'd love to see this or a variation of it in the future
@@mega6076 the way the mod I used in the past worked, the gyros can compensate for off center thrust but the main benefit was that thrusters could assist gyros in turning the ship. If you had bow thrusters, they would thrust when you turned meaning you could build ships that needed fewer dedicated gyros.
since xocliw mentionned the next updates of SE will be steering towards PVE ( i did say towards not exactly on point ) id assume the prototech will be relevant to that said content as propulsion - assembly and if you look closely at the thruster diagram you will probably notice that the thruster has a frame resembling a ( warp drive ). Tho i might be in the wrong here ( quoting you Zeros :P ) but it would make sense to combine and save space and that block as a panel in the video leaving doubt that it is a thruster/warp combined engine . I do hope that ( like all updates ) that they rework the hydrogen thruster flames since its only been ( midly ) updated once in all the updates compared to the 2 other types ( i know theres a mod but i like as less mods as possible so game runs smooth ) .... cheers all :D
note the biggest thing i noticed when looking at them is they take after the heavy industries/Automaton's blocks though i don't know if those can be of any help to solving what this may be
If you think there is a prototech o2/h2 generator, it makes sense that the prototech thruster is hydrogen powered. Some form of fusion engine. That would negate the need for ion and atmospheric engines.
just making sure that you read your comments, if you see this you should say BAZINGA in your next video (also keep up the great content bro, you are the most underrated space engineers youtuber)
I agree with a better battery and a much better gyro. I do hate how many gyros are needed in a large ship but still having to balance all that extra mass from those gyros
maybe its a block to make new raw materials? Something like an alloy furnace or idk molecular recombiner. Alloys are the only things i havent yet seen in SE.
New Assembler might as well introduce new tier of recources (materials) for other high end blocks I wish they added actual shields too but probably im asking too much Also i think the thruster might be 5x5, especially in such size, you could expect them to make it not even so that you can easly place it in the middle :P 6:08 i think i have an idea, seeing the picture right away i thought this is a refinery (and i still think it could be, bigger one, laying flat for new recources?) but hearing your arguments, i think i know alternative i could bet my money on: new power source. With new big power hungry blocks, we could use new power block too. There is cool mod i forgot name for (and too lazy to check) that adds blocks like that using hydrogen, and i think this is exactly that. Some new type hydrogen fushion ish block that obviously uses hydrogen more efficiently (bust still ALOT) to produce high power output (or it will use simply some new type of material, perhaps even some craftable 'core' or 'fuel rod' or something like that) 9:27 I really dont think so. Unless this is actually come with some modded code for this, or some clever solution, it won't happen. Because of how SE works, if you increase range, it heavly impacts the game as it constatly feeds data from space around you, you can try using mods for that and see it its not only recource heavy (pc) but also bugs out the game/UI 9:38 what is that actually? :P PS. Yes, totally agree that we need better (SPACE EFFICIENT FFS) gyroscopes more than anything
2:09 I believe that is is 3 blocks because it could just take up a little bit of that 3rd on. Also maybe look into this possibility if you see this. What if the ancient civilization were all really big and these blocks were normal sized to them. Maybe the monolith was small to them?
@@Zer0sLegion I have the same conclusion about these blocks being upscale versions of existing ones so I feel it's a strong likelihood. Making big ships more PCU efficient in the same way a large reactor has the same PCU as a small one.
Im definitely exited to see what these prototech blocks will being to the game. Hope it will bring better progression to the game. But maybe not so stream line. Like currently there is almost no reason to use a basic assembler outside of extreme space restriant or resorces. The advanced one just fully replaces it. So i hope this prototech assembler may only be able to make prototech components. Making it so a good facility would need both.
What Prototech Block do you want the most in the next update? Let me know!
A prototech block to enable orbital mechanics 😮
proto tech fish tank
prototech torpedo/rocket launcher with homing projectiles
Tractor Beam!!!
Pls keen, prototech toilet!
I need it now!
Sometimes I wish I had one...
One with a built-in light would be an improvement 😅
Don't forget prototech shower™
and with the prototech blocks, I already know people will be making even larger ships, eventually running into the problems we have now, again.
"What do you mean, my planet sized ship is overkill?"
That's literally the Keen fallacy lol. People complain the game lags because of big ships, Keen optimise the game, people build bigger ships that lag the game, Keen optimise the game, people build bigger ships that lag the game, Keen optimise the game, people build bigger ships that lag the game, etc, etc.
@@Zer0sLegion This is only a good thing, though.
It means people who have shit pcs can have decently sized builds.
@@wildwyatxbox well eventually we are gonna get to the point where keen can optimize no more. then we get space engineers 2.
@@Zer0sLegion Oh it's like that with almost all creative games
My PC cries with 200k PCU ship and there are ships as big as 600k or more PCU. WHAT ARE YOU RUNNING BRO?! NASA server?!
The main thing I want to see in vanilla is the 2x and 3x barrel weapons.
Artillery turrets and autocannon turrets really arn't doing it for ship design.
I have a feeling something like that might be coming, especially if we're getting capital ship size blocks.
YES PLEASE, let me have small grid heavy weapons that pack a punch.
@@Zer0sLegion ye, because ships are going to have to be MUCH bigger, so it would make sense to add bigger weapons.
Wait, prototec, ore scanner, refinery, drill? Yes please! That would be superb!
Oh and everything else in prototec variant too, of course..
Ore detector and Drill are very high on my list!
@@Zer0sLegion really i think they should just buff ore detectors.
"Flamingo" That one got me XD
It was better than some of the other things people wanted me to say lol.
@@Zer0sLegionsay SKULLLL EMMMOOOJIIII like Matt Rose does
@@Offical_Ghost_Rider Nah, the community wasted there one word on flamingo. They'll get a new word next year.
@@Zer0sLegion I have set an alarm for one years time. You better stick to what you say, or else I will unalive your first minecraft dog >:)
I didn’t think he’d actually do it xd
for every time zero says "space engineers" in his next video, i will drop a thermonuclear warhead in modded SE and show everyone in his discord server
I look forward to it. Full volume nukes though, no cheating.
@@Zer0sLegion oh god what have i brought myself into
good thing there is a nuke missile launcher mod.... it may be old school as mods go, but it's powerful strong vs voxel at least
@@mikewhitaker2880 i have the expanded nuke mod i think, it adds thermonuclear weapons, which basically decimate anything in a 100m or close to that
Oh this is gonna be fun
Using the perspective image of the Prototech Assembler, i have reasonably concluded that its measurements are 2 blocks tall, 3 blocks wide, and 2 blocks deep.
id really like a prototech Drill. it would be sooo useful. cuz you dont have to make the front of your mining ship a drillnado.
Yeah, that would be very good! I would love a larger drill.
Finally, I could make a working DRG drop pod
A thing that would make the prototech assembler stand out, as well as a prototech refinery, would be the ability to handle more than 1 task at once. Aka, the assembler being able to make 2 or more different items at the same time, or the refinery being able to refine 2 or more items at once.
I personally would like it to have the feature to set a requested number of components and it crafts up to that amount so I always have 1000 steel plates in stock or whatever.
@@Zer0sLegion just use a auto crafting scrpit
@@jebadayakillers4356 Or just use a mod. Or, I could have it as a base game feature, which is what I want.
Laser turret that can only target missiles as a countermeasure.
We have these IRL, and they are fantastic.
Ensure they only attack missiles by having their target block being warheads only.
I like your thinking but people would try to evade that by packing cargo containers with exploding components. There's a solution to it I'm sure and I'd like to have a defense turret that could do the job if they can figure out the balancing.
Something I wish prototech weapons could do is orbital bombardment... Imagine how much fun npcs with orbital bombardment capabilities would be to fight against
Lol, I doubt we're ever gonna get that for multiplayer balance but you could always drop warheads from space 😅
Doesn't sound like much fun to me
NPCs bombarding I don't know about...
But us players have...interesting ways to bombard from orbit 😂. Rods from God, nukes, dropping your ship on them...lots of ways!
Prototech Fire Control firing with fixed Railgun/artillery at the actual max range of the ammo.
Nah players would do that, wouldn't be so fun if NPCs did that. You'd have to make an udnerground base probably.
What they SHOULD fix is that some projectiles don't travel as far as they should! I mean railguns can fire from low orbit I believe but not every big gun can that. And deffinitely not from high orbit, or god forbit, outside the gravity well xD
The huge mystery block is obviously a prototech toilet. Finally a pipe big enough not to get clogged as soon as someone... yeah, you get the idea.
4 people have said that lol🤣
In the name of Clang, I hope that block, the red one with the symbol is a H2 generator. It takes ages for the regular H2/02 generators to process ice.
On that line of thinking. How about a generator for a new type of fuel? Let`s say that new insane thruster requires a new type of fuel, hence, new recourses in the game and a new H2-generator-like block.
P.S. Thanks for that "symbol question", now I won`t be able to sleep for days, I KNOW I`ve seen this before :D
I could see there being a new fuel type, I would personally like solid fuel for rockets as that's what we use irl.
@@Zer0sLegion good point, in any case our ships are about to get even bigger.
@@Zer0sLegioni woudl like the new fuel to bost the base thruster in addition to mayby being required for new engines
There are a lot of things from Industrial Overhaul that I would love to see become vanilla. One of them being depleted uranium and DU-based ordinance.
To help you with this, you have most likely seen it in other forms of media before. It's from a fictional standardized library of symbols used to mark and indicate the purpose of various things around a space ship. It's called the Semiotic Standard which was created by the people behind Alien, that symbol specifically is rotated clockwise by 90 degrees, it's the symbol for an airlock. It's not uncommon for scifi media to pull inspiration from or directly use the semiotic standard since it has a CCL, so people are free to use it in commercial products.
Perhaps the unknown Prototech Block is a a Prototech weapon of the likes we've only seen in Project A-Ko (The Alien ship in the Space Battle scene that has a Giant Laser Canon that destroys the Human ship in 2 shots)?
I don't really know, I'm just tossing stuff in the dark.
i agree there, maybe some sort of, idk, prototech ion cannon
I love the content man, the care and effort you put in your videos and community should be noticed widely, keep up the good work bro!
Thanks, will do!
The keen support portal gave us a lot of hints on what new blocks we will get. Such as Gyros and giant gates, 5x5x1 armour blocks(I might be wrong) … etc
The portal might gives ideas but some of those things have been on there for years lol.
We are overdue for a radar system. If you're playing on a "fully populated" server, you're talking about 2 to 5 people per planet/moon. If everyone turns off their antenna, you're just playing single player with latency.
We need something like this, I swear, if encounters are handled with gps markers I will flip a lid.
A radar/ECM paradigm wouldn't be hard to do.
I'd like to see a system where more power production blocks = more radar signature. It wouldn't mean true stealth ships as such, but it would flag warships on your radar much farther out than civilian ships unless the ship was designed to have a low profile.
@@MediumRareOpinionsThat would add so much more depth to attaching bases. Getting up to the speed limit outside turret/radar range, shutting everything down, and getting the drop on the station. Like that scene from The Expanse.
I really wish they would do prototech ore detector as the radio spectroscopy mod.
It’s so good, work very long range but doesn’t just tell you “hey this is here,” and it’s good on performance
I have been playing Space Engineers for a really short time, I didnt know this game was so alive! You are a good youtuber.
It's been getting regular updates for the last few years.
Clearly, that sign at the side of the block was the Like and Suscribe buttons.
Damn, I should have said that😅
Doing my job for me!
I haven't played SE in 4 years but I've been binging your videos a lot, keep it up
Thanks, will do!
I think another issue is lack of handheld weaponry- stuff like lmgs, snipers, smgs, heavy weapons, etc.
Im hoping that a possible warfare III update could fix that
I dunno if we need all those weapons but a sniper or a shotgun would be cool.
@@Zer0sLegion oh right I did forget to mention shotguns
Zer0 @3:30 is the answer to the assembler perspective question.
Also, this might be a dead end, but for the unknown prototech block. The symbol might have a connection with armour blocks, on the SE wiki, under Category:Game_icons there are old armor blocks with the symbol.
Lol yeah. I'm so used to looking at the image without the rest of the concept art, I forget that part exists lol.
and I knew I'd seen that symbol somewhere! No I just have to find what it means now!
You're on the right path for sure. It's Sloped Armor Blocks that possess that symbol, but the color scheme is reversed. The sloped blocks symbol had a dark upper left portion, and light bottom right, this has the opposite( and the control panel lets us know this block is correctly orientated). So it almost feels like this is leaning towards "anti-armor" Also if you look at the smaller central symbol, directly beneath it you can make out a yellow warning /!\ triangle. So, maybe a new weapon variant? A prototech ammo container(Armor Piercing)? Or possibly even a new warhead?
@@LordNavala well in the terms of space engineers, anti armor could also mean a shield. if you were to inverse armor you'd effectively have a shield which would explain the icon being inversed. The warning label would likely have to do with the potential radiation it would emit. if you also go with the idea that it looks like a generator. you now have a conceptual Prototech Shield Generator.
@@jamestaylor9887 If the Dev's saying they don't want shields as true. How about a prototech whole grid repair device? Which like the welder causes injury when active.
To help answer this for this comment thread, look up the Semiotic Standard. It's a fictional library of standardized symbols for spaceships made by the creators of Alien. That symbol specifically is the Airlock symbol. It has a CCL so it can be used in commercial media like SE. It's not uncommon for people who make scifi media to slap them in places, often not getting the symbol use correct.
Prototech warhead would be awesome, and the ultimate friendship killer for me considering how much I use mines
Great detectve work once agan Zero! You've also made great progress! You're speaking slower and more clearly than before and your edting is excelent! Your structure helps get a lot of information in the videos without all the padding you see other people adding and the jokes and cuts are really well done and keep the video tickiing along nicely wthout getting bogged down in details.
Great work! I hope you're proud of the progress you've made chap.
can't wait for my CPU to become a prototech nuclear reactor trying to run my larger ships
I'm hoping we get a large gyroscope so you don't have to awkwardly spam gyroscopes everywhere until it moves fast enough
I don't think it would be weird for their to be no prototech atmo thruster. After all, the atmos come in the flat variant, which is already super convenient for early game and atmo bound operations. Wouldn't surprise me if we only get ions in the next update, either, since they lag so far behind the hydrogen thrusters in performance as it is. Prototech hydro thrusters could be in warfare 3 if they add them at all.
The full list of what I can think of that I'd like to see as prototech, assuming that they're all about more efficiently building bigger, are: block tools (drills, welders, grinders), refinery, assembler, thrusters, gyros, batteries, O2/H2 gens, and some variety of engine and/or reactor. I don't care how big they are or how many components I need to make them, really, I just want to get the same amount of throughput at a lower PCU. I'll design around the other factors as needed.
The main thing to keep in mind is how long it takes for them to make that many models for new blocks, I would love for them to add all of those things but it takes time to add all of those models. We'll probably get some of them in this update and then some more in a future update.
@@Zer0sLegion Yeeup. I've actually used the tool to convert a model from blender to the format VRAGE uses and it takes FOREVER. That's on top of all the iterations and design that normally goes into developing something like this. If we assume for instance that concept C is the one that won for the ion thruster, there could easily be another concept for every letter of the alphabet and more that didn't get chosen, and all of them would have taken quite some time to develop to that stage. There would likely be another round of concepting with complete orthographic coverage of the block for the modeler to use after that, which takes even longer since it has to be more precise. Then they have to get modeled, which doesn't always work out the way the concept artist envisioned.
It's a lot more laborious of a process than many people think, since modders usually skip a lot of those steps. Of course, I'm not psychic and KSH might use a different pipeline, but all of that above is fairly standard practice, so.
I suspect this is all to drop the huge PCU costs of Huge ships and help with server stability with reducing the number of blocks overall, So anything that gets a stupid number of blocks built there'll be a prototech block.
The question is by how many will it be faster then an assembler with 4 speed upgrades as base or how many large ions will the prototech Ion's replace?
Oh, it 100% is. The blocks are rewards for completing quests but are secretly a way of improving performance.
What would really be interesting would be a Prototech location. A ruin with schematics of Prototech blocks. Each ruin would have a different Prototech block schematic and a bit of lore in the same font as the stereoliths. They would be buried well below the marian surface, or deep inside asteroids.
The update is about exploration and encounters so maybe!
Prototech wheels, pistons, rotors and hinges. And maybe drill. It would also be interesting to dig deeper if new ore, if coming, would be a few kilometres underground. Right now you, unless you're crazy, will never dig deeper than 100 meters. Also bigger ore veins would be handy. Like a cubic kilometer of iron ore...
Still praying for central wheels personally.
Also, mining that many voxels causes mega lag, there's a reason they don't put ores that deep lol.
Just wondering does anyone actually build these big ships in survival?
Looks like the Thruster is going to be real useful for building Juggernaut-type Ships.
Or a medium stupidly powerful attack ship
I honestly can't wait for the new Prototech update, I wonder what the new armor paint will look like. Because of course, you can't have a space engineers DLC update without a new armor decal, they are my 2nd favorite things in space engineer DLC's, apart from the amazing new blocks.
The prototech thruster has a kind of regal design, so maybe it's like that? Or maybe a more alien design.
6:12, idk about seeing it in game before but that looks like the semiotic standard symbol for airlock from the movie Alien, rotated 90 degrees counter clockwise.
Space Engineers has a bunch of symbols like that in game which are very similar to the ones used in alien.
I think i woudl be cool for prototech gyro's to have 2 variants
Omni directional(like the current ones mayby 3x3x3 or 4x4x4)
1 directional 2x3x3 when you need turning power mainly in one axis
Edit: minor spelling mistakes + forgot to put third axis
I certainly hope that this update comes with a new planet or even alien fauna. If it's a planet, I certainly hope for a new kind of alien planet. Maybe a bioluminescent one?
I don't see much point in a new planet until they add stuff to the ones that already exist in the game tbh.
@@Zer0sLegion Buh- but glowy forests!
One odd thing I'd like to see for early game use is a small grid ship machine gun. Essentially, it would be the gun for an interior turret, but hard mounted. Could also be interesting having a machine gun turret for small grids. Really, though, the small grid gatling turret is, by design, trash. It needs a better fire rate, among other things.
Yeah, a weapon below the gatling would be cool for small grids. Like a super early game weapon.
I remember thinking “they should add a large gyro and just make it cost 20x more and be 40x powerful because IM TIRED OF FILLING ALL MY INTERIORS WITH GYROS!”
really think we need mega blocks for the large grid to make building capital ships easier and ideally more performance friendly (because less blocks ideally)
They showed off a mod that added them on stream a while back and they sounded really interested in them. I don't know if that means anything but it's worth noting.
Yes! It's not worth building capital ships if you're spending hours just building a huge flat sheet of blocks for it 🥲
I hope for more Walkable blocks. Quite love the Barbette Cargo container mod since its quite balanced ( 9x storrage compared to small sotrages and 1/3 compared to big storages while costing around 10x the ressources) and such a beauty for ships.
I would love an airtight airlock or something similar.
@@Zer0sLegion I agree. atleast we got a mod for it
With the rail gun he says if you miss it will cost a lot.
Looking at it more.. I'm starting to lean toward the "mystery" block being the in-game prototech assembler (or refinery). Looking at it, it has a lot of the hallmarks of the design concept, just reoriented a bit. It also wouldn't be the first time we had multiple control panels on a single block, so this might just be the teaser team exploiting a feature to disguise the block.
The piping/tubing near that panel just looks too much like the same flat pipes we see in the concept image, and when you look at the current assembler(s), that portion directly above the panel is very similar to the visible innards of the released assemblers. But still not sold on the idea lol
Blocks I want: A 3x3X6 small grid piston, long over due IMO. Prototech turrets(LG&SG) for rail guns and LG Autocannon turret. Prototech thrusters for Atmo, H2, and Ion. Prototech production blocks: assembler refinery & H2/O2 generator. Prototech Batteries. Prototech FUSION reactors that require Uranium and H2. A Prototech Intrasteller Drive as an upgrade to the jump drive.
i would like more economy and trading scenarios or building colony scenarios would be great but yes the prototech sounds awesome
I would hope with more exploration and encounters that they would put some love into the economy system.
p.s. what I would like to see in SE (no particular order):
1. Traversable Docking Connectors, ie not for moving cargo but to act as an airlock portal for people...and data, power, and consumable gasses and fluids.
2. Anti-matter as a resource. if done realistically SE would need to include dangerous radiation zones around planets to 'mine' the stuff.
3. Player internally traversable very large Rotors, Pistons, and Hinges. for docking connections, and rotating wheel stations.
4. Angled Subgrid Connector and hull/armor blocks; for when angled ship shapes are desired but when one wants something simpler than a hinge or rotor to implement.
5. Retractable landing gear and ramps.
6. Believable resources which can only be found on planets and/or space e.g. hydrocarbons, chalk, graphite etc (also limiting Uranium and Platinum to space is not believable.
7. Better management of GPS data, including Transferable folders of GPS data onto datapads.
8. Using cameras to capture video, sound and stills of ingame events...such as the identity of the guy dismantling my assets while I am offline.
9. Computer power rating for various electric components; which would be used together to abstractly extend the effective range of various sensors, compute Jump accuracy, analyze minerals etc.
Traversable rotors, hinges and pistons is an amazing idea I wish was part of the game.
would LOVE to see these as well, but at least MOST of them have a mod in the workshop... where do you think they got build planner from, it's based off the Easy Inventory mod...
With regards to the rest, some of those I know aren't feasible in the current engine.
@@Zer0sLegion A pity, I was trying to avoid SE2 scale ideas.
I’ve been building a massive ship for the past 4 ish months in Space Engineers trying to push the limits of the game and at the moment it needs 880 jump drives to go 1000 km. So a more powerful jump drive would be helpful.
Lol, you definitely need it.
How much mass are you trying to move?
@@MediumRareOpinions 2.7 Mt and its still not done yet😓
@@Angry_Seagull_Gaming out of curiosity, what kind of vessel are you building?
@@MediumRareOpinions trying to build a capital ship.
Aside from the h2o2 generator and the hydrogen engine, the biggest thing that would benefit capital ships is gyroscopes. If the big thruster is ion and not hydrogen, maybe they thought the ice intake would simply be too high to manage hydrogen thrusters. Some sort of hydrogen scoop would be cool, though. But a larger gyroscope would benefit the game a lot
I think gyroscopes are a must have!
Gyros and batteries always felt lacking for not having a large variant.
Would be nice if they added an item/or fuel that would allow us to do a BIG long range scan of grids. (but it wouldn't work on planets!)
This way people can actually FIND each other in space.
Else ppl just play their waiting games in their safespaces.
Ofc., make this item/fuel hard to get AND give it a large cooldown, like 24h or smth.
The game needs that, I swear, if they use gps to show us where the encounters are i'm gonna flip.
@@Zer0sLegion what i think is going to happen is,
you buy a datapad (named something like, UNKNOWN LOCATION) from space bases and the GPS from the datapad shows you where a planetary encounter is, when you get there you get attacked by drones that are salvaging the base in the encounter, after defeating the encounter there is a door into the base that leads you to a operational control area with a store and whatnot, but also, in the middle is one cargo container with a datapad inside, but instead of a GPS, you get a decryptable code that becomes a GPS when you run it through a decoder at a space base, the decoded GPS shows you where the space encounters are and you get the prototech blocks from the asteroid bases in the encounters
I feel like that mystery block is a jump drive. It looks to be 2x2, yeah, but it could have more volume because of being longer.
Like it could be 2x2x6(24 blocks volume) versus 3x3x2 (18 blocks volume).
It doesn't look like a jump drive though. I'd imagine, if we do get a jump drive, it will follow the profile of the current one.
@@Zer0sLegion I'm gonna look through every single block just to make sure because I also remember that symbol. I thought it was on the jump drive but after just checking, it's not. It's also not on the refinery or the store blocks.
@@Zer0sLegion After checking every single block in the game I can't find that square that's half-filled on any other component than this new one.
Very good video m8, love you. Btw my Fav moment 11:10 xDDDDD i cant
Lol, it is quite funny.
It would be cool if the prototech refinery let you select what kind of ore you want extract from stone. Like if you want more nickle you could change a setting on the refinery and any stone you feed into it would be converted exclusively to nickle.
That would be extremely overpowered but i'm here for it!
My guess for new components is new ingot types, however no new ores. I thing the new refinery, while being way faster than the old one, combines ores, like gold-iron-alloy or something, because adding more ore types may overcomplicate stuff, as searching each and every asteroid you find for one single ore is already tedious af.
EDIT: except they add a new planet (far, far, far away, hence the new thrusters or jump drive to reach it), where the new ore spawns, but no where else.
I think alloys would be a good shout as it's an easy way to add new tiers of stuff without padding out the game with new ores that take ages to find.
alloy smeltery could also be that prototech block
@@demonexirr agreed
I wonder if this update could also mean XL regular blocks.I remember a SE dev stream from last year where someone introduced them to the XL block mod. I think they mentioned looking into making blocks like this vanilla. But I'm not sure if it was only Xocliw (who is not a dev, IIRC) or if any of the other devs said that.
Also, I'm expecting the PVE part of the update a bit like Splitsie's ACS mod, where you have to capture prototech ships and bases to get the prototech blocks or at least unlock them in the tech tree.
This would in general also make sense since it would give console players access to content that's only available as mods right now
I dunno about just XL armour blocks but this update seems to be in aim of that idea of having larger blocks.
Some years (5 or 6years) ago there was a SE live stream and Xoc asked what kinds of blocks we'd like to see and had a poll. Some players wanted to see some extra large blocks over much smaller blocks. Just a thought.
Yeah, he's gone on about it a lot over the years.
I cant wait for this update! also keep up the fun/good content!
Thanks! Will do!
Assuming your correct, Proto Tech has been a sorely needed feature.
I feel like zero is getting more and more unhinged and slowly slipping into insanity
It's not that slow 😂
I'm find ok, everything is fine 🤪
I cannot wait for the what looks to be a thruster because I have some pretty big ships. And it takes a long time to get up to speed with the current thrusters. I would also love to see a new refinery.
Just a thought for the undefined prototech block, what if it is a O2/H2 Generator mixed with a Hydrogen Engine? A possible source of power for coming blocks and not to mention some details of block that mildly match the parent blocks.
As a Xbox space engineers player with limited PCU. A bigger thruster would be great.
Yeah, I think that is the point.
I think it'd be cool to see a missile in Space Engineers that like takes time or is needs to be manually reloaded like some rocket launcher variants to prevent people from spamming missiles you only have them like once on your ship and then you have to spend a really lengthy process restocking them
That large new prototec ion thruster looks like it comes in multiple parts, three parts to be exact. Perhaps there's the main part that provides the base thrust, then there's an energy component part that probably reduces the total cost of energy requirements. And then the last part which increases the maximum output of the first module as a whole. And you can keep on adding additional modifications onto the base thruster, as many as desired or up to a limit, to customise the thruster how you want it to be used. Of course it has to be placed in a line that follows the length of the module, or perhaps even stagger the component a certain degree, just one man's opinion of course.
Modular thrusters would be cool but probably very performance intensive.
@@Zer0sLegionwell that's what their modules look like to me. Yes, ofcourse it modular thrusters and modular blocks would be more resource intensive. So is having 50 different thrusters facing the same direction. We have the refinery andassembler blocks, and they have module upgrades components attached, what's the difference having more of the same. They figured out the net code for them, why not integrate them in also.
@@rickbardock6581 You've reminded me that Keen did once explore having thruster upgrade modules in their example pack mods. Some of those example mod concepts did eventually get added like the cannon turrets. Maybe they will revisit the idea of modular thruster upgrades?
A idea for proto tech wepons is like a large grid version of the autocannon like a more powerful version and also a railgun turret that would be helpful another larger grid wepon would be a large grid gatling gun and I really need homing missiles
I would like RCS thrusters that work in several directions and also have the option of e.g. It makes more sense to accommodate a screen AND a lamp in one block. It would also be nice to have individually paintable block sides (so that you can make a different design for each side)
I don't think some of that is possible in the engine.
Just thinking in terms of what keen wants to do in this update,
Prototech are just giant versions of very commonly used blocks, so that we can make our massive ships, without destroying performance (especially servers)
We know about the large ion thruster, and the large assembler, we can guestimate there will be a prototech refinery, and a prototech hydrogen thruster.
As such, my guess for the mystery block would have to be a prototech reactor, or battery.
Not only would that make sense in terms of the game dev line of thinking, if you look closesly at the image, you can see what looks to be power cables coming from a power box next to the terminal. In the middle is what appears to be a gold chamber (sort of like fusion reactor designs?)
All in all keen is trying to fix the scaling issue of space engineers, where players build 30-40 refineries and assemblers to fuel their massive fleets.
More upgradable blocks would be fun. I want more upgradable modulars
Yeah, upgrade modules really have been forgotten haven't they😔
Remember the Gyro Module mod that keen made themselves? That was neat.
A Gigantic ship made of 10-20 parts only would be cool.
Imagine they upgrade the game entirely to accommodate larger ships than ever before.
I'd like to see a new missile ammo variant that seeks targets so the rocket turret gets use again, and the gats have reason to shoot missiles again.
You could to balance this by makeing it turn 15 or so degrees ever 10 or 15 blocks
My block wishlist:
Rangefinder for cockpit crosshairs:
LG half block light panel
LG offset light
LG high output lights
LG 3x3 rotor for things like railgun turrets
LG offset neon's that can be used on half block edges
Maybe someday.
I think that 3x3 rotors get more and more likely every day
a large Drill, Welder and Grinder System. Some kind of high tech tools who have some kind of senor field whould make life easyer in the lategame. they dont have 2 be faster but more range i want. maybe you can only fine the blueprints for this tools on different planets..
also sone kind off drill disable beacon who can protect bases against afk raids from below. so that you have to use your own resources to take over another base and can't just pierce through from below.
I would love a larger drill or welder. And safe zones prevent drilling.
I could of sworn the sign was just one of tje block siza type things.
It's similar but not the same.
I can easily see zero as Batman
I am the knight🦹
what have you done!?!
Yes anothor video lets go !!!
Prototech armor block that is like 3x3x1, that way we can build bigger ships with less PCU
Honestly wouldn't mind a Prototech Drill or Welder Bit... Just a really big drill that could do bore tunnels or a welder that reachs further but is bigger on the ship.
Drill and welder would be amazing.
The "prototech refinery" or "prototech ore detector" might be a smaller version of the large prototech ion thruster
Maybe, although I would expect a block like that to be round all the way.
Could that mystery block be a fusion power plant? We only really see one side so it could go further to the left of the video. If we are getting better versions of some of the blocks then they will either need more power to balance or we will not have to spam batteries or reactors. Which means we can have more internal space for decorating.
Maybe, it's just a bit small for that.
@@Zer0sLegion we are seeing it from only one demission so what keeping it from being larger where we couldn't see
A semi-homing missile launcher with 1000-2000 range.
Semi homing.. meaning... it could make turn until say.. 1k range.. where it runs out of fuel and then coasts. We could limit it by saying that each launcher can only control X missiles. Because otherwise CPUs will melt.
What I would want to add to alleviate the jump drive problems is not a more powerful jump drive, but a jump gate of some sorts. A block that generates a rift in space time between two locations, allowing to jump between another block of the same type. A gate can jump the grid over infinite distance, but need to be connected to the other jump gate via laser antenna. Jump gate could be a station only block.
Something like that would be cool but I'd like a reason to travel like that first.
With big ships you need big hangars/airlocks so a prototech air tight hangar door.
I would love to have a feature/function/option in the next generation of the space engineers engine:
If you place a thruster on the outer edge of a craft, it would spin it (and not just thrust straight into the direction it's placed).
And if you wouldn't want that, for fuel economy or power reasons, you could have an option to enable/disable a "support gyroscopes" option on the thrusters.
Since this is probably not able to be implemented into the current state of space engineers, like a mod, i'd love to see this or a variation of it in the future
There's a mod that does that but it's a massive pain in the ass to build ships.
That wouldnt happen because of the gyroscopes though
@@mega6076 the way the mod I used in the past worked, the gyros can compensate for off center thrust but the main benefit was that thrusters could assist gyros in turning the ship.
If you had bow thrusters, they would thrust when you turned meaning you could build ships that needed fewer dedicated gyros.
@@MediumRareOpinions I thought this feature was already in game anyway
@@MediumRareOpinions such as putting thrusters to the side
since xocliw mentionned the next updates of SE will be steering towards PVE ( i did say towards not exactly on point ) id assume the prototech will be relevant to that said content as propulsion - assembly and if you look closely at the thruster diagram you will probably notice that the thruster has a frame resembling a ( warp drive ). Tho i might be in the wrong here ( quoting you Zeros :P ) but it would make sense to combine and save space and that block as a panel in the video leaving doubt that it is a thruster/warp combined engine . I do hope that ( like all updates ) that they rework the hydrogen thruster flames since its only been ( midly ) updated once in all the updates compared to the 2 other types ( i know theres a mod but i like as less mods as possible so game runs smooth ) .... cheers all :D
note the biggest thing i noticed when looking at them is they take after the heavy industries/Automaton's blocks though i don't know if those can be of any help to solving what this may be
what if we got a proto battery
You actually added “flamingo”. You absolute mad lad!
i was thinking maybe the prototech assembler could manufacture multiple types of components at the same time, such as having two different queues.
If you think there is a prototech o2/h2 generator, it makes sense that the prototech thruster is hydrogen powered. Some form of fusion engine. That would negate the need for ion and atmospheric engines.
Hydrogen engines already work in both.
Prototech hangar doors. While I love building my own out of clang and dreams, I’d also like to have an easy way out sometimes.
The hangar doors in game are just too slow. I forgot to mention that 😅
Yeah, I would love this.
just making sure that you read your comments, if you see this you should say BAZINGA in your next video (also keep up the great content bro, you are the most underrated space engineers youtuber)
Lol, I can't do a shoutout for every single thing that people ask for, there would be no time for a video.
Maybe the mega ion thruster just runs on uranium ingots as it's big enough that it could contain its own reactor
I agree with a better battery and a much better gyro. I do hate how many gyros are needed in a large ship but still having to balance all that extra mass from those gyros
Yeah true, gyros are super heavy!
What’s the shield mod that was surrounding the yellow base in space?
That's vanilla lol, that's a safezone.
@@Zer0sLegion damn I’m dumb as hell it just looked more shield like than those to me
the symbol reminds me of semiotic standard for airlock
I am pretty sure that's what it is, either applied incorrectly which isn't uncommon for the semiotic standard or it could actually be an airlock.
maybe its a block to make new raw materials? Something like an alloy furnace or idk molecular recombiner.
Alloys are the only things i havent yet seen in SE.
New Assembler might as well introduce new tier of recources (materials) for other high end blocks
I wish they added actual shields too but probably im asking too much
Also i think the thruster might be 5x5, especially in such size, you could expect them to make it not even so that you can easly place it in the middle :P
6:08 i think i have an idea, seeing the picture right away i thought this is a refinery (and i still think it could be, bigger one, laying flat for new recources?) but hearing your arguments, i think i know alternative i could bet my money on: new power source. With new big power hungry blocks, we could use new power block too. There is cool mod i forgot name for (and too lazy to check) that adds blocks like that using hydrogen, and i think this is exactly that. Some new type hydrogen fushion ish block that obviously uses hydrogen more efficiently (bust still ALOT) to produce high power output (or it will use simply some new type of material, perhaps even some craftable 'core' or 'fuel rod' or something like that)
9:27 I really dont think so. Unless this is actually come with some modded code for this, or some clever solution, it won't happen. Because of how SE works, if you increase range, it heavly impacts the game as it constatly feeds data from space around you, you can try using mods for that and see it its not only recource heavy (pc) but also bugs out the game/UI
9:38 what is that actually? :P
PS. Yes, totally agree that we need better (SPACE EFFICIENT FFS) gyroscopes more than anything
2:09 I believe that is is 3 blocks because it could just take up a little bit of that 3rd on. Also maybe look into this possibility if you see this. What if the ancient civilization were all really big and these blocks were normal sized to them. Maybe the monolith was small to them?
Maybe, I'm not sure by the designs if they were created by an alien civ but rather based on their designs.
If keen is lurking, Encased large Gyro please. The single attach point is cumbersome.
That has to be coming eventually, right? That and a new gatling turret are the things I want the most!
@@Zer0sLegion I have the same conclusion about these blocks being upscale versions of existing ones so I feel it's a strong likelihood.
Making big ships more PCU efficient in the same way a large reactor has the same PCU as a small one.
Im definitely exited to see what these prototech blocks will being to the game. Hope it will bring better progression to the game.
But maybe not so stream line. Like currently there is almost no reason to use a basic assembler outside of extreme space restriant or resorces.
The advanced one just fully replaces it.
So i hope this prototech assembler may only be able to make prototech components. Making it so a good facility would need both.
Yeah, I agree with this, I would love for there to be a reason to use both.
I use Arlyn Drives mod which are insano powerful. But this being a base item in the game makes it look very appealing