Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) prophesied that a time would come when one man would have to take care of fifty women: أَخْبَرَنَا دَاوُدُ بْنُ شَبِيبٍ، حَدَّثَنَا هَمَّامٌ، عَنْ قَتَادَةَ، أَخْبَرَنَا أَنَسٌ، قَالَ لأُحَدِّثَنَّكُمْ حَدِيثًا لاَ يُحَدِّثُكُمُوهُ أَحَدٌ بَعْدِي، سَمِعْتُهُ مِنَ النَّبِيِّ صلى الله عليه وسلم سَمِعْتُ النَّبِيَّ صلى الله عليه ُ " لاَ تَقُومُ السَّاعَةُ ـ وَإِمَّا قَالَ مِنْ أَشْرَاطِ السَّاعَةِ ـ أَنْ يُرْفَعَ الْعِلْمُ وَيَظْهَرَ الْجَهْلُ، وَيُشْرَبَ الْخَمْرُ، وَيَظْهَرَ الزِّنَا، وَيَقِلَّ الرِّجَالُ، وَيَكْثُرَ النِّسَاءُ، حَتَّى يَكُونَ لِلْخَمْسِينَ امْرَأَةً الْقَيِّمُ الْوَاحِدُ ". Narrated Anas: I will narrate to you a narration which nobody will narrate to you after me. I heard that from the Prophet. I heard the Prophet (ﷺ) saying, "The (Last) Hour will not be established" or said: "From among the portents of the Hour is that knowledge would be taken away, and ignorance will prevail; and the drinking of alcoholic drinks will be very common, and (open) illegal sexual intercourse will prevail, and men will decrease in number while women will increase so much so that, for fifty women, there will only be one man to look after them, i.e., to maintain them, to guard and protect them, and to satisfy their needs." (Bukhārī, Muslim, Ibn Mājah, Tirmīdhī) There are countless single women around the world today, many of them with children, who will read this essay with tears in their eyes. They will do so because they are themselves the evidence that the ominous prophecy, mentioned above, is now being fulfilled. They are women who have never been married, or who were married and divorced, sometimes more than once, and who have no one but themselves to maintain them, and their children. They have lost hope of ever getting an acceptable man as a husband. They lead lonely and vulnerable lives as single women. They need men to not only maintain them and guard and protect them, but to also provide them with a secure social status, as well as to satisfy their biological needs. The Prophet Isaiah (عليه السلام) must have prophesied a time to come which would be quite similar to that prophesied by Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) and which is now unfolding in the world. This is because he prophesied that on that day: “seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be called by thy name, to take away our reproach.” Isaiah 4:1 Since the Qur’ān has declared of itself that it “provides guidance to mankind” (al-Baqarah, 2:185) and that it “explains all things” (al-Nahl, 16:89), it should be quite obvious that the Qur’ān must provide Divine guidance through which society can respond to this dangerous and unprecedented crisis. Is there such Divine guidance, and a legal framework similar to that alluded to by Prophet Isaiah (عليه السلام), within which numerous women could be looked after by one man in a manner which is socially, morally and legally secure? This essay is devoted to searching for, and to locating, in the Qur’ān, not only Divine guidance on the subject, but, also, a legal framework within which many women could be looked after by one man. It should be obvious that the institution of marriage (i.e., the contract of Nikah) cannot resolve the problem since the Qur’ān demands strict equality in sharing of marital time, and in the maintenance of wives. It also restricts the number of wives a man can have to four, and warns that if a man fears that he would not be able to adhere to the strict demand for equity between wives, he should marry only one wife: . . . فَإِنْ خِفْتُمْ أَلَّا تَعْدِلُوا۟ فَوَٰحِدَةً . . . . . . but if you have reason to fear that you might not be able to treat them with equal fairness, then marry (only) one . . . (Qur’ān, al-Nisa’, 4:3) More importantly, Dajjāl has already so brainwashed most of mankind that most men are too scared to marry more than one wife, and most married women would vigorously oppose their husband if they chose to take additional wives. Dajjāl has also imprisoned the masses of men in such poverty, through Ribā, that many of them have difficulty in finding the means to marry even one wife. Finally, Dajjāl’s modern feminist revolution has provoked a backlash among men who are now too scared to marry even one wife. They find it more convenient to enter into clandestine relationships for satisfying their sexual needs, rather than to risk the enormous tragedy of marrying and then ending up with a divorce and a legal battle over children. The prophecy of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) not only informed us of a time to come when one man would have to look after fifty women, but also disclosed that knowledge would be taken away at that time, and that ignorance would prevail; hence readers should not be surprised when they find nothing derived from the blessed Qur’ān, in the contemporary world of Islamic scholarship, which even attempts to provide guidance and a legal framework which addresses this grave problem. The problem is also urgent because the prophecy makes mention of the danger of universal Zina (i.e., fornication or pre-marital, and adultery or extra-marital, sexual relations), and resort to alcohol, and hence to other drugs as well, at that time when so many women would be without men to maintain them and take care of them. Unless Islamic scholarship provides a solution to the problem, the likelihood exists in years to come of many such women resorting to Zina, as well as to the consumption of alcohol and other drugs, as a means of escape from the dead-end frustration of a lonely and bitterly painful world. Our study of the Qur’ān has disclosed that Allah Most High has permitted men to have sexual relations with only two kinds of women, namely wives and Milk al-Yamīn (see Surah al-Mu'minun, 23:5-7). Indeed the Surah also prohibits sexual relations other than with wives and with Milk al--Yamin. A Milk al-Yamīn, at the time of the revelation of the Qur’ān, was either a slave or a prisoner of war - and could be either male or female. This writer has concluded that unless a single woman can today freely offer herself to a man of her choice, as his Milk al-Yamīn, with two witnesses to the contract, while reserving the right to terminate the contract at any time she chooses, there is no other way possible in the Qur’anic guidance for countless single women to ever get a suitable man to maintain them, guard and protect them, and take care of their sexual needs in a manner which is socially, morally and legally permissible. Finally, it is well-known that Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) had a Milk al-Yamīn whose name was Mariya, who was gifted to him by the Mukawkus of Egypt (he was a governor in Alexandria), and with whom he had a son named Ibrahim. Despite the fact that she remained his Milk al-Yamīn until she gave birth to his son, she was always recognized to be one of his wives. There is no evidence that there was ever a time when she was not recognized as his wife. We can therefore perhaps argue that a single woman who offers herself to a man of her choice as his Milk al-Yamīn, and whose offer is accepted in a signed contract in the presence of two witnesses, can possibly be publicly recognized to have a social status of a wife, even though her legal status is that of a Milk al-Yamīn. If it is accepted that a single Muslim woman has the right, in the prevailing abnormal circumstances in which the ominous prophecy of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) is being fulfilled, to offer herself as Milk al-Yamīn to a Muslim man of her choice, on the condition that she reserves the right to terminate the contract whenever she chooses to do so, then there now remains no bar for such women to seek to resolve their need for someone to maintain them, to guard and protect them, and to satisfy their sexual needs.
It now remains for the scholars of Islam to either confess their inability to offer a solution to the problem facing an ever-increasing number of our single sisters and daughters in the world today, or, if this writer is wrong in the solution he has offered, to provide us with an alternative solution that is based on absolute Truth located in the blessed Qur'an! Imran N. Hosein
Assalamu'alaikum wa rahmatullah wabarakatuh, Sheikh I want to ask you what is the different between malakad yad in your other lectures and milk al yamen in this one?
Salam Sheikh, May Allah grant you even more knowledge to lead us to THINKING even more too. It would be interesting to share the view/explanation of Michel Dardenne a convert Belgium Doctor about the marriage of Aicha (RAA) in regard to her age at the time of their marriage. Could it be possible that in fact, 6 years old in the cited Hadith means 16 years old? or not? Because if NOT, our duty and common sense must reject it! And Allah knows better. Here is the link to his video unfortunately in French:
This lecture is music to my ears. Finally the explanation of two subjects that have always disturbed me. May Allah preserve you Sheikh and bless you with youthful strength and energy bejahi Rasululahi (s.a.w)
Asc please pray for our brothers and sisters in Palestine, make dua for them and in sha Allah , god bless you all and accept your good deeds in this blessed month of Ramadan 🙏
Masha'Allah sheikh Imran hosein, you are absoletly right. May ALLAH give you long life and healthy, so we can learn much more from you. I learn so much from you. Love you sheikh❤️ and RAMADAN MOUBARAK
Plz tell me sheikh imran is shia or sunni salfi or diobandi bcz I. saw many saudées talking against him. Also tell me if sheikh have written a book on beliefs
And apparently he has some points to be reconcidered there is a big difference between sunnah that we have to do and something had been allowed by Allah and not forbiden to make life easier mil elyameen are for both men and women so it's not about sex as about rules read sorat Al noor
@@hebazamzam6469 he did not deduce that its only about sex, and neither is he giving a decree. He is giving his opinion which you can disagree with ofcourse it doesnt have to mixed with sunnah thats his point if you listen closely. I didnt even know there are more than 15 ayahs regarding the subject so have to appreciate him for inviting scholars of law to guide the ummah in this matter.
assalam..... my honourable Sheikh, lve been following ur ceramah for the last 2 yrs. Blessing to allah give me the opportunities knowing u via internet. all the ways lm supporting ur real content of ur islamic current world of islamic apporoach. Im Malaysian stay in Shah Alam
God bless you, as well our beloveddddd Orthodox-Christian-Believer-Brother and muchhhhhhh loveeeeeeee and respecttttt, alwaysssss, for the sake of the Holy Jesus Christ and the Holy Mother Mary Ameen❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏💒💒💒💒💒🕋🕋🕋🕋🕋💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿️🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
Jazakum Allah respected Shaikh for explaining the subject in detials . Yes the situation is now same where nikah is getting next to impossible and zinah is free. Allah SWT make us understand the subject and to make us protect from all these evils . Was salaam
Assalamu alaikum.... MashaAllah... May Allah allow us to go through each beneficial knowledge & learn Sunnah of Rasulullah SAW and understand properly. JazakaAllahu Khairan.
Nothing is 100% correct other than Quran not even Sahih Bukhari. Thanks for opening my eye. All knowledge comes from Quran, the absolute truth. The hadith which is in harmony should be accepted while the one goes against Qur'an should be rejected.❤️ Sheikh Imran Hosein, may Allah lengthen your life.
Dear Shaikh, there is absolutely no hope for the reconstruction of this Institution by schoolboys. So we pray Allah to give you energy and wisdom to solve the subject for us.
Aslamualekum our beloved Scholar, I hope you got my message that you are our shining star of Muslim scholar of our time!!! We love you so much!! May Allah give you more and more comfortable life!!!
Thank you for your great scholarly work of the Quran and Sunnah. Thank you for your selfless work. Thank you, Inshallah your sins forgiven and your grave stay will paradise like, and you see Jannah.
Assalaam malaikum Rahmatulla wa barakatu dear shiekh May Allah bless you and increase your memory Ameen and knowledge Shiekh there is loads of munafiks out there saying that you are a entertainer i dont see it that way i see that you say thr truth from quran and sunnah and dont make up anything Best wishes from London💙💙💙💙
Its a crucially important issue in current world. Many young women who is living without shelter of gurdianship of father or brother and not being considerd suitable for marraige due to her financial and social status. They are forced to get involved is Haram relationship with financially solvent people who has need for their companionship but they are not able to accept them as wife of full legal rights. Our Ulama is shying away to the concept of Right hand possesed women. THEY ARE HIDING THE TRUTH AND MOST Certainly THEY will Share the Sin of those men and women as they betrayed Quran and Sahi hadiths (Sunnah) of our prophet PBH. Many good hearted Peoples are going out of the fold of Islam due to these issues. I support your view Sir as you are probably the only scholar of Islam who is trying to revive a dead sunnah very crucial for our time.
@@umerrashid4940 Why islam allow intercourse with war captive women without nikkah according right hand process & sell them in market..i lost my iman for this u can help me.......Bro can i get your whatsapp for talk about it...i m fatima Reply please
Why islam allow intercourse with war captive women without nikkah according right hand process & sell them in market..i lost my iman for this u can help me.......Bro can i get your whatsapp for talk about it...i m fatima Reply please
I once tried to look at these verses and I found that in 2 of the verses Quran uses the word Ama(for slave) but then in same verse Quran use the word MilkalYameen,indicating that Milkal yameen is not slave otherwise why will Allah change the word in same aya .one verse is in surah baqara and other in surah noor. But one concern I have is how a women in Pakistan can contact a man gracefully since society has put lot of restrictions ,and large number of women in Pakistan are without husband and their age is increasing and they can't find husband or men to maintain them(Muhammad Farhan )
I hope some one like Dr Hafiz zubair who is linked with Alhikma international and muhadis media which is also on TH-cam will get time to do research on this subject as he has good bases in law and Islamic studies also if sheikh imran send him one book of set or if Hafiz zubair may contact sheikh imran may be there will be new ways open.I am quite sure that Hafiz zubair knows about sheikh imran ,I did leave few comments to Hafiz zubair let see if he respond.
@@SheikhImranHosein Milkal Yamin How to complete a halal relationship without marrying a girl in that way If there is a witness in front of him, the man will propose on behalf of the girl and the man will accept it. Tell me in detail how it will be completed!
Those peanuts in head people believed Ashia get married age of 6 but they them self dont let there daughter marriage at age of 6... stand like a man bugos believers 😂
@@muhammadomer9799 no Sahih Hadith can be in Conflict with the Quran, so it is understood what Aisha (RA) meant by 6 years of age, meaning 6 years after the Migration
A great lecture The marvelous analysis Mind blowing opinion New skyies of islamic philosophy A really brave and courageous stepping. Jazak Allah May you live long Aameen
Suratul A'raf: رَبَّنَا أَفْرِغْ عَلَیْنَا صَبْرًا وَتَوَفَّنَا مُسْلِمِینَ Rabbana afrigh ‘alaina sabraw wa tawaffana Muslimeen “Our Lord, pour upon us patience and let us die as Muslims [in submission to You].” - 7:126 -
AssalamuAlaikum Moulana, Again true scholarly lecture with full of wisdom and very transparently explained in very simple language. In Saudi Arabia they have similar thing of Milkal Yameen. You can make official agreement with women for period of time. You can visit her and you have to pay her fixed amount monthly what you have agreed in contract.
Mashallah Beautifully and thoroughly explained an important subject many try to convince as being taboo in todays society, yet the problems and challenges women are facing today is crystal clear. Higher rates of divorce and women unable to find suitable marriages due to loss of hope and trust.
Sheikh the interpretation given by most imams is that Milki yamin was meant to be a slave woman; maybe captured as a prisoner of war forexample but since the practice of slavery has been abolished the law is not applicable and relevant today.
@mango fish Then what rule will be applied for women, when the female to male ratio would be 1:50 (according to hadith)? Will the rest of the women don't deserve a halal way of getting a man for them (while a man can marry four women at most)? Conventional school of fiqh and the imams surely don't have answer for this. Ask yourself. You might get what is correct and what is not.
Assalam Alaikum Sheikh/Viewers. ...I understand that the differance between a Zauj and a Milk Al Yameen as 1) Zauj (wife ) has an authenticated witnessed contract of marriage (Nikah) with terms and conditions from the woman. Woman under Milk al Yameen HAS NO such document. But there is an unwitnessed verbal (obligatory ) /documentary (optional) contract of marriage. 2) In both cases there is a marriage contract with different terms and form. 3) In both cases should ALLAH Subhana be called as a witness? 4) In case of woman under Milk Al Yameen is it obligatory to provide food /shelter/clothing /Biological needs. ....all or only biological needs as in the case of woman who may already have already have food shelter clothing . 5)In case of dissolution of ties. ....formal procedures are to be followed in case of Zauj and not so in the case of Milk al Yameen . 6)Milk Al Yameen is different from Zina because there is no obligation on either party whatsoever and also the tag of SIN it carries. The children born in such relations have no social recognition. 7)Children born in Milk Al Yameen have right to property of the father. What is the documentary evidence of legal heirship Sheikh? 8)Take the case of a prostitute /a mistress she has no protection whatsoever My comments above are based on what I heard from Sheikh Imran. I am not personally ENDORSING anything about Milk Al Yameen. It is just a discussion. Please comment and correct my understanding on the subject. ....rgds
Very good writing. This could be easily manipulated unless if the man fear Allah and his goal is Akhirah. The woman who agrees to be a Milkal Yamin also i believe will a strong mukminah , otherwise she will ridiculed this concept right away. This is a viable way to produce quality offsprings for this ummah at this particular time going into the penultimate stage of Akhiruz zaman.
This false Hadid led to suffering of so many innocent child ! My Auntie was at the age when she couldn't even get a bath by herself when she was given in Marriage. She had many children at very young age and she died early in the age of 45 due to ill health. May Allah give Muslim Hedaiah to understand Qur'an and Sunnah.
Thats horrible.. I know someone in my famly this happened to, however Allah promised as The Day or judgement. Allah will not tolerate such wicked behvior. Especially when they lied about Allah will doing this.
I do agree with you 100% regarding the age of Aesha. The Hadith, whatever its status amongst compilers, is contradictory to Quranic Injunctions, all logic, rationale. I heard one Mufti refereeing to an event wherein Abdullah Ibni Abass slept in the same Room of his aunt, wife of Prophet, and reported about the night prayer of Prophet. Mufti said that Ibne Abbass was 13 and reached puberty hence allowed to stay for the night in the same room. I asked him, if a person of age 13 had not attained puberty،how come Aesha had attained it at 6 or even nine. His reply is/was laughable.... "Puberty is a precondition for Nikah".
The western world view polygamy as Milk Al Yameen because the first wife is the legal wife and have the rights of protection and law and inheritance. All the additional wives are less wife and they have no protection accept under shariah. And They say its perfectly legal to cohabat and call them spiritual wives but you must never call them your legal wife. She is also has a status above the girlfriend because she live with you and get support but not as legal wife. And if you have children with her then she can sue you for child support. And to divorce her is not required by court.
Allah bless you with best of health , wealth & Eimaan Believers pray & Obey with Understanding & Patience with Practicing Deen According to Quran & Sunnah for Success of both the worlds Allah bless ummah with khair o Affiyah welwisher @ Monotheism of Tranquillity
@@braveheart8318 She actually does have choice!!! Exactly like me, indeed, she does have choice. She doesn't have to follow your tips and do what what you want her to do... She and me, we actually do have beautiful men who respect us exactly the way we are and we want to, that men are in the middle - east Arab Khalleggee, so...., yeah! She does have a choice! Thank you! 🤛 🙄
اسلام علیکم یا شیخ: your being in Islamabad 🇵🇰 Pakistan is a great blessing of ALLAH for we PAKISTANIES, please recall your Urdu language so as we can comment in اردو please.
Another question how did the jews knew Umar (RA) was intimate with his wife from the back? Did he tell them while having a discussion about what's permissible?
Salaam Sheikh, can you speak about the latest events in Jerusalem please. Would love to hear your analysis on it. Worrisome times ahead, may Allah (swt) preserve the Palestinians in their struggle and preserve the haqq.
@@ahmedd320 The Mulhama is around the corner! Women will be in need, to avoid what Allah(swt) hates!!! This subject needs to be spoken, now, because it is Haqq!
@@navto28 yes I know, no one has spoken about it more courageously & in depth than Sheikh, but given the current situation I think we would all appreciate some words of wisdom from our Sheikh.
06:04 *Sheikh* , the term "Aya" here means a miracle, the real meaning of "Naskh" is to make other miracles obsolete by the most fascinating miracle (aya) which is the Quran ... So , the Quran did "Naskh" to all other miracles which been sent by Allah to support claims of other prophets . What supports this idea is what comes next ( الم تعلم بأن الله على كل شيء قدير) .. Lots of scholars through generations made the mistake of considering naskh is a form of cancelling some wordly ayats in Quran which is wrong, because Quran (أحكمت أياته) من لدن خبير عليم ... Quran is perfect , no such thing as Naskh in Quran.
As salam alaykoum wa rahmatoullahi wa barakatouh Don’t be so quick to condemn, you know the sheikh is preparing a video on it. You’re in capacity to think and to see the quickness of the events taking place right now so the first thing we should all do is make duas for our brothers and sisters. Laylat al qadr might be tonight if it didn’t happen already, use your time to make duas don’t forget the power of it. Time is precious these days, use it wisely
Was Hajar mulk al yameen ? This is what the Judeo Christians say . If she was a slave concubine what would the implications mean ? Would appreciate some clarifications on that.
My understanding is slavery and option of milk al yameen are 'allowed' law in Quran. Dear sheikh, don't make it a 'farz' law. May Allah give us more wisdom.
Salam alikum. Sheikh I respect your opinion regarding the Marriage of Aisha(R.a), but what we do with Hadith of bukhari and Muslim mentioning her age to be six, reject the Hadith? If we do won't we become munkar e Hadith (rejectors of the Hadith) please answer. Lot's of duas. Wasslam.
Dear Sheikh just as you said tha Milk al yameen are the ones which a person might not be able to treat equally as his wife. Don't you think this also is the case with intimate relations, say if a person supports a woman apart from his wife and doesn't makes any intimate relations with that woman
Shaykh, if you read this, there is also the fact that Nikah in Arabic simply means sex. When the Qur'an talks about Nikah it doesn't always refer to Aqd al Nikah. When it refers to Aqd al Nikah it says so. Also notice that there is no indication in the Quran how you get married. So where I would disagree with you respectfully is that milk al yameen in my analysis is simply a marriage without an aqd. Meaning, it's where a woman gave herself to a man without a contract and thereby through the act of sex became his. Remember that consent before sexual relationships is established even with milk al yameen because the Qur'an says, "Do not force them into prostitution." As a modern application of milk al yameen, having myself studied the verses on the subject I found a few things to be true concerning concubinage: 1) It's not preferred by merely permissible 2) It is partly a concession as a result of proximity (the woman lives with the man). 3) The caliber of a concubine is less than that of a wife (she must be muhsanaat and she isn't al muhsanaat). 4) The punishment for her transgression is therefore half that of Al Muhsanaat (the house wife/ inherently chaste woman). When I look at the modern context I'd say the description fits the career woman who requires a man for little else than companionship, but who cannot be as chaste as a housewife given that she must by necessity engage with men in her work environment and her daily activities. She isn't a traditional housewife. Such women are at any rate used to giving themselves in 'marriage' to men, only they think they are committing zina. Also if you look at Surah al Nur, then it is clear that zina is adultery and not fornication. In other words, if a married woman has sex with a man other than her husband, she has committed zina and by extension the man she did it with. If you are still alive when you read this I'd like to send you my work. Thank you.
Salam Sheikh Imran, I am so happy to know that you are in Islamabad. I have always been wishing and dreaming to meet you and cant believe that you are in my city but I am unable to meet you as I am far away from there. Plz let me know how my father can come meet you as he is also a great follower of your lectures and he will be excited to meet you Insha Allah. Awaiting your reply sir.
Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) prophesied that a time would come when one man would have to take care of fifty women:
أَخْبَرَنَا دَاوُدُ بْنُ شَبِيبٍ، حَدَّثَنَا هَمَّامٌ، عَنْ قَتَادَةَ، أَخْبَرَنَا أَنَسٌ، قَالَ لأُحَدِّثَنَّكُمْ حَدِيثًا لاَ يُحَدِّثُكُمُوهُ أَحَدٌ بَعْدِي، سَمِعْتُهُ مِنَ النَّبِيِّ صلى الله عليه وسلم سَمِعْتُ النَّبِيَّ صلى الله عليه ُ " لاَ تَقُومُ السَّاعَةُ ـ وَإِمَّا قَالَ مِنْ أَشْرَاطِ السَّاعَةِ ـ أَنْ يُرْفَعَ الْعِلْمُ وَيَظْهَرَ الْجَهْلُ، وَيُشْرَبَ الْخَمْرُ، وَيَظْهَرَ الزِّنَا، وَيَقِلَّ الرِّجَالُ، وَيَكْثُرَ النِّسَاءُ، حَتَّى يَكُونَ لِلْخَمْسِينَ امْرَأَةً الْقَيِّمُ الْوَاحِدُ ".
Narrated Anas:
I will narrate to you a narration which nobody will narrate to you after me. I heard that from the Prophet. I heard the Prophet (ﷺ) saying, "The (Last) Hour will not be established" or said: "From among the portents of the Hour is that knowledge would be taken away, and ignorance will prevail; and the drinking of alcoholic drinks will be very common, and (open) illegal sexual intercourse will prevail, and men will decrease in number while women will increase so much so that, for fifty women, there will only be one man to look after them, i.e., to maintain them, to guard and protect them, and to satisfy their needs."
(Bukhārī, Muslim, Ibn Mājah, Tirmīdhī)
There are countless single women around the world today, many of them with children, who will read this essay with tears in their eyes. They will do so because they are themselves the evidence that the ominous prophecy, mentioned above, is now being fulfilled. They are women who have never been married, or who were married and divorced, sometimes more than once, and who have no one but themselves to maintain them, and their children. They have lost hope of ever getting an acceptable man as a husband. They lead lonely and vulnerable lives as single women. They need men to not only maintain them and guard and protect them, but to also provide them with a secure social status, as well as to satisfy their biological needs.
The Prophet Isaiah (عليه السلام) must have prophesied a time to come which would be quite similar to that prophesied by Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) and which is now unfolding in the world. This is because he prophesied that on that day:
“seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be called by thy name, to take away our reproach.”
Isaiah 4:1
Since the Qur’ān has declared of itself that it “provides guidance to mankind” (al-Baqarah, 2:185) and that it “explains all things” (al-Nahl, 16:89), it should be quite obvious that the Qur’ān must provide Divine guidance through which society can respond to this dangerous and unprecedented crisis. Is there such Divine guidance, and a legal framework similar to that alluded to by Prophet Isaiah (عليه السلام), within which numerous women could be looked after by one man in a manner which is socially, morally and legally secure? This essay is devoted to searching for, and to locating, in the Qur’ān, not only Divine guidance on the subject, but, also, a legal framework within which many women could be looked after by one man.
It should be obvious that the institution of marriage (i.e., the contract of Nikah) cannot resolve the problem since the Qur’ān demands strict equality in sharing of marital time, and in the maintenance of wives. It also restricts the number of wives a man can have to four, and warns that if a man fears that he would not be able to adhere to the strict demand for equity between wives, he should marry only one wife:
. . . فَإِنْ خِفْتُمْ أَلَّا تَعْدِلُوا۟ فَوَٰحِدَةً . . .
. . . but if you have reason to fear that you might not be able to treat them with equal fairness, then marry (only) one . . .
(Qur’ān, al-Nisa’, 4:3)
More importantly, Dajjāl has already so brainwashed most of mankind that most men are too scared to marry more than one wife, and most married women would vigorously oppose their husband if they chose to take additional wives.
Dajjāl has also imprisoned the masses of men in such poverty, through Ribā, that many of them have difficulty in finding the means to marry even one wife.
Finally, Dajjāl’s modern feminist revolution has provoked a backlash among men who are now too scared to marry even one wife. They find it more convenient to enter into clandestine relationships for satisfying their sexual needs, rather than to risk the enormous tragedy of marrying and then ending up with a divorce and a legal battle over children.
The prophecy of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) not only informed us of a time to come when one man would have to look after fifty women, but also disclosed that knowledge would be taken away at that time, and that ignorance would prevail; hence readers should not be surprised when they find nothing derived from the blessed Qur’ān, in the contemporary world of Islamic scholarship, which even attempts to provide guidance and a legal framework which addresses this grave problem.
The problem is also urgent because the prophecy makes mention of the danger of universal Zina (i.e., fornication or pre-marital, and adultery or extra-marital, sexual relations), and resort to alcohol, and hence to other drugs as well, at that time when so many women would be without men to maintain them and take care of them. Unless Islamic scholarship provides a solution to the problem, the likelihood exists in years to come of many such women resorting to Zina, as well as to the consumption of alcohol and other drugs, as a means of escape from the dead-end frustration of a lonely and bitterly painful world.
Our study of the Qur’ān has disclosed that Allah Most High has permitted men to have sexual relations with only two kinds of women, namely wives and Milk al-Yamīn (see Surah al-Mu'minun, 23:5-7). Indeed the Surah also prohibits sexual relations other than with wives and with Milk al--Yamin.
A Milk al-Yamīn, at the time of the revelation of the Qur’ān, was either a slave or a prisoner of war - and could be either male or female.
This writer has concluded that unless a single woman can today freely offer herself to a man of her choice, as his Milk al-Yamīn, with two witnesses to the contract, while reserving the right to terminate the contract at any time she chooses, there is no other way possible in the Qur’anic guidance for countless single women to ever get a suitable man to maintain them, guard and protect them, and take care of their sexual needs in a manner which is socially, morally and legally permissible.
Finally, it is well-known that Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) had a Milk al-Yamīn whose name was Mariya, who was gifted to him by the Mukawkus of Egypt (he was a governor in Alexandria), and with whom he had a son named Ibrahim. Despite the fact that she remained his Milk al-Yamīn until she gave birth to his son, she was always recognized to be one of his wives. There is no evidence that there was ever a time when she was not recognized as his wife. We can therefore perhaps argue that a single woman who offers herself to a man of her choice as his Milk al-Yamīn, and whose offer is accepted in a signed contract in the presence of two witnesses, can possibly be publicly recognized to have a social status of a wife, even though her legal status is that of a Milk al-Yamīn.
If it is accepted that a single Muslim woman has the right, in the prevailing abnormal circumstances in which the ominous prophecy of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) is being fulfilled, to offer herself as Milk al-Yamīn to a Muslim man of her choice, on the condition that she reserves the right to terminate the contract whenever she chooses to do so, then there now remains no bar for such women to seek to resolve their need for someone to maintain them, to guard and protect them, and to satisfy their sexual needs.
It now remains for the scholars of Islam to either confess their inability to offer a solution to the problem facing an ever-increasing number of our single sisters and daughters in the world today, or, if this writer is wrong in the solution he has offered, to provide us with an alternative solution that is based on absolute Truth located in the blessed Qur'an!
Imran N. Hosein
Assalamu'alaikum wa rahmatullah wabarakatuh, Sheikh I want to ask you what is the different between malakad yad in your other lectures and milk al yamen in this one?
So there is no wali needed and there has to be 2 witnesses. But does it have to be written or can it be a verbal contract?
Can A Muslim man Have Christian women as his Milk- Al yameen or vise versa ?
salaam alaykum shaykh, so is it also possible for a man to have 4 wives and multiple milk yameen
Salam Sheikh, May Allah grant you even more knowledge to lead us to THINKING even more too. It would be interesting to share the view/explanation of Michel Dardenne a convert Belgium Doctor about the marriage of Aicha (RAA) in regard to her age at the time of their marriage. Could it be possible that in fact, 6 years old in the cited Hadith means 16 years old? or not? Because if NOT, our duty and common sense must reject it! And Allah knows better.
Here is the link to his video unfortunately in French:
I will comment soon on the Masjid al-Aqsa oppression Insha Allah. INH
JazakaAllah khayran 💗
Waiting for that Sheikh
Thanks Sheikh for your enlightenment of wisdom from Qur'an.
Masha Allah even in your old age you do more than so many of us. Alhamdoulillah wa lillahi alhamd.
This lecture is music to my ears. Finally the explanation of two subjects that have always disturbed me. May Allah preserve you Sheikh and bless you with youthful strength and energy bejahi Rasululahi (s.a.w)
Spacially the mulk al yameen the slavery of women, have some shame
I pray Allah give you jannatul firdaus my sheikh.
Ameen Suma Ameen
@@arkannathani5937 May Allah guide you, say amen
Keep up the good work Sheikh Imran your are a soldier of Allah taa'la alhamdulilaah
Congratulations on showing the courage and integrity on this subject which will be of paramount importance in the End Times.
Power sheikh! On the tough subject & brave to said a spade as a spade....hopefully there is young schollar accepting the task. Amin
I have. Now make him answer!
AsSalamu Alaikum Sheik Imran and all his followers, Ramadan Mubarak to all :)
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله
Walekum as Salaam wa rahmatullahi wa barkatuhu
“Were this world to be sold on the market, I would not buy it for a loaf of bread, for all the troubles it contains.”
- Imām Shāfi’ī
Yes true
Subhan Allah, Jazakallah Sheikh❤
Lot's of prayers for your health and safety❤
Subhanallah... May Allah SWT always grant you good health and His Rahmah fid dunya wal Akhirah.
May Allah give you long life and good health. And may Allah give you great success in your mission.
May Allah reward the sheikh with gleaming light in his grave amen.courage for the truth.finally he spoken the truth of so proud.
Asc please pray for our brothers and sisters in Palestine, make dua for them and in sha Allah , god bless you all and accept your good deeds in this blessed month of Ramadan 🙏
long live putin - long live imran hosein - long live assad, russian army is the best they will fix palestine
@@russianlady1428 what do you mean? Here in the west they are talking so bad about those who you mentions?
@@malikkarimi7188 west lies all the time
Praise Israel!
@@fakeline5061 you school boy assad is good
Masha'Allah sheikh Imran hosein, you are absoletly right. May ALLAH give you long life and healthy, so we can learn much more from you.
I learn so much from you. Love you sheikh❤️ and RAMADAN MOUBARAK
Plz tell me sheikh imran is shia or sunni salfi or diobandi bcz I. saw many saudées talking against him. Also tell me if sheikh have written a book on beliefs
@@MrsSumaira8367 sheikh is from ahle sunna wal jama but he doesn't believe in the non sense of sectarianism e.g barelvi, deobandi, sufi, salafi etc
Sheikh, as a catholic, your wisdom is greatly appreciated. May Allah bless you many times over.
Man he is encouraging for slavery, don't you understand when he talk about mulk al yameen
@@FAGU-7j are you gonna spam lies again you trolls never change your start
@@mohammedjafer9265 ya hayawan what lies came from me? Tell me or be silent
Do you accept Muhammed pbuh as the last and final messenger?
Shukrillah sheikh you have given me insight into 2 subjects I'm completely ignorant about
May Allah bless you and grant you longevity Inshallah Ameen
He is the only scholar who has the backbone to talk about this subject.
And apparently he has some points to be reconcidered there is a big difference between sunnah that we have to do and something had been allowed by Allah and not forbiden to make life easier mil elyameen are for both men and women so it's not about sex as about rules read sorat Al noor
@@hebazamzam6469 he did not deduce that its only about sex, and neither is he giving a decree. He is giving his opinion which you can disagree with ofcourse it doesnt have to mixed with sunnah thats his point if you listen closely. I didnt even know there are more than 15 ayahs regarding the subject so have to appreciate him for inviting scholars of law to guide the ummah in this matter.
@@nothanks8594 then tell him what is right
Il wait
@@nothanks8594 stop acting like you know more than him. What is right then? This channel is only for those who think and use their brains lol
@@elspethg7497 who are you then? Isis? Ok
assalam..... my honourable Sheikh, lve been following ur ceramah for the last 2 yrs. Blessing to allah give me the opportunities knowing u via internet. all the ways lm supporting ur real content of ur islamic current world of islamic apporoach. Im Malaysian stay in Shah Alam
Let's be friends. Can I have your email address please?
god give u long life.
God bless you, as well our beloveddddd Orthodox-Christian-Believer-Brother and muchhhhhhh loveeeeeeee and respecttttt, alwaysssss, for the sake of the Holy Jesus Christ and the Holy Mother Mary Ameen❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏💒💒💒💒💒🕋🕋🕋🕋🕋💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿️🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
Amin ! ❤❤❤
@@maddyamy7075 ❤❤❤
May ALLAH grant him healthy long life, Ameen sum Ameen,,,,
I am amazed by you oh sheikh
You are the only one who speaks truth
I rejected this hadeeth long before
May Allah bless u sheikh...
Very critical points you have discussed....
And very wisely discussed...
Jazakum Allah respected Shaikh for explaining the subject in detials . Yes the situation is now same where nikah is getting next to impossible and zinah is free. Allah SWT make us understand the subject and to make us protect from all these evils . Was salaam
thank you chekh imran we love u. from morocco u r a good man in this planet and thanks again
Assalamu alaikum.... MashaAllah... May Allah allow us to go through each beneficial knowledge & learn Sunnah of Rasulullah SAW and understand properly.
JazakaAllahu Khairan.
Aslamoalekum Sheikh IMRAN mashAllah wat a wonderfull speach may ALLAH bless you looking forword to see you in munchin inshALlah maassalam
Nothing is 100% correct other than Quran not even Sahih Bukhari. Thanks for opening my eye. All knowledge comes from Quran, the absolute truth. The hadith which is in harmony should be accepted while the one goes against Qur'an should be rejected.❤️ Sheikh Imran Hosein, may Allah lengthen your life.
Bro i also feel mental problem as muslim girl but nobody give my good u can help me?
@@NRFP I am not a scholar but a man with very limited knowledge. If it falls within my knowledge, I will surely help you.
@@NRFP sister, i feel so bad for you and many others, may god guide us all ameen.
@@osman7240 But why u did not give good answer.
Plz sir pray for all Muslims and espacialy for Palestinians and kashmiri people. ALLAH BLESS YOU AMEEN.
Dear Shaikh, there is absolutely no hope for the reconstruction of this Institution by schoolboys. So we pray Allah to give you energy and wisdom to solve the subject for us.
Aslamualekum our beloved Scholar,
I hope you got my message that you are our shining star of Muslim scholar of our time!!! We love you so much!! May Allah give you more and more comfortable life!!!
Our beloved sheikh stay blessed love from Peshawar
I love his gestures and the way he is explaining it JazakAllah shaikh
Thank you for your great scholarly work of the Quran and Sunnah. Thank you for your selfless work. Thank you, Inshallah your sins forgiven and your grave stay will paradise like, and you see Jannah.
Jazakhallah kheyr sheikh for your wisdom. May Allah increase your noor.
Assalaam malaikum Rahmatulla wa barakatu dear shiekh May Allah bless you and increase your memory Ameen and knowledge Shiekh there is loads of munafiks out there saying that you are a entertainer i dont see it that way i see that you say thr truth from quran and sunnah and dont make up anything
Best wishes from London💙💙💙💙
Very well said sheikh. Jazakallah Khair.
Its a crucially important issue in current world. Many young women who is living without shelter of gurdianship of father or brother and not being considerd suitable for marraige due to her financial and social status.
They are forced to get involved is Haram relationship with financially solvent people who has need for their companionship but they are not able to accept them as wife of full legal rights.
Our Ulama is shying away to the concept of Right hand possesed women.
THEY ARE HIDING THE TRUTH AND MOST Certainly THEY will Share the Sin of those men and women as they betrayed Quran and Sahi hadiths (Sunnah) of our prophet PBH.
Many good hearted Peoples are going out of the fold of Islam due to these issues.
I support your view Sir as you are probably the only scholar of Islam who is trying to revive a dead sunnah very crucial for our time.
Very good 👌 comment!
Ulema are uncomfortable with this. They even deny or shy away on accepting how many respected Sahabas had milkal yamin
@@umerrashid4940 Why islam allow intercourse with war captive women without nikkah according right hand process & sell them in market..i lost my iman for this u can help me.......Bro can i get your whatsapp for talk about it...i m fatima
Reply please
Why islam allow intercourse with war captive women without nikkah according right hand process & sell them in market..i lost my iman for this u can help me.......Bro can i get your whatsapp for talk about it...i m fatima
Reply please
Profound lecture from sheikh Imran Hossein. May Allah you strength and long life. Aamin ya Rabb
Salam and blessings on all my brothers. UK loves you sheikh.
I once tried to look at these verses and I found that in 2 of the verses Quran uses the word Ama(for slave) but then in same verse Quran use the word MilkalYameen,indicating that Milkal yameen is not slave otherwise why will Allah change the word in same aya .one verse is in surah baqara and other in surah noor. But one concern I have is how a women in Pakistan can contact a man gracefully since society has put lot of restrictions ,and large number of women in Pakistan are without husband and their age is increasing and they can't find husband or men to maintain them(Muhammad Farhan )
Good work
I hope some one like Dr Hafiz zubair who is linked with Alhikma international and muhadis media which is also on TH-cam will get time to do research on this subject as he has good bases in law and Islamic studies also if sheikh imran send him one book of set or if Hafiz zubair may contact sheikh imran may be there will be new ways open.I am quite sure that Hafiz zubair knows about sheikh imran ,I did leave few comments to Hafiz zubair let see if he respond.
then why would mutah and misyar be abolished??
in which verse milk al yamin is mentioned?
@@dr_ShahAdnanإِلاَّ عَلَى أَزْوَاجِهِمْ أَوْ مَا مَلَكَتْ أَيْمَانُهُمْ فَإِنَّهُمْ غَيْرُ مَلُومِينَ
This man needs a medal.
Medal is for people needing worldly gains not for gaining the hereafter.
@@jumuahinsights1804 still.....he deserves it.....we are suppose to take deen n dunia together.....ofkrse by obeying allah n his prophets.....
Make dua for shaikh, it will be the best medal.
please bear in mind before commenting that hes our Greek christian brother
Absolutely, well said brother.
Il est courageux ce monsieur a son âge il tient a transmettre son message tellement juste
Merci! INH
@@SheikhImranHosein Milkal Yamin How to complete a halal relationship without marrying a girl in that way
If there is a witness in front of him, the man will propose on behalf of the girl and the man will accept it.
Tell me in detail how it will be completed!
Those peanuts in head people believed Ashia get married age of 6 but they them self dont let there daughter marriage at age of 6... stand like a man bugos believers 😂
Those goat, sheep, donkeys and cattle.
6 years after Hijri not 6 years of age
@@karimmoop9560 read proper karim
@@muhammadomer9799 no Sahih Hadith can be in Conflict with the Quran, so it is understood what Aisha (RA) meant by 6 years of age, meaning 6 years after the Migration
A great lecture
The marvelous analysis
Mind blowing opinion
New skyies of islamic philosophy
A really brave and courageous stepping.
Jazak Allah
May you live long
Suratul A'raf: رَبَّنَا أَفْرِغْ عَلَیْنَا صَبْرًا وَتَوَفَّنَا مُسْلِمِینَ
Rabbana afrigh ‘alaina sabraw wa tawaffana Muslimeen
“Our Lord, pour upon us patience and let us die as Muslims [in submission to You].”
- 7:126 -
May you live longer shiekh until this whole ummah is enlighten...we can call you now as this generation Mujaddid.🙏🙏
Love the way sheikh chuckles
Love u sheikh ❤️❤️❤️👍👍👍👍
Sheikh I admire you so much.
AssalamuAlaikum Moulana,
Again true scholarly lecture with full of wisdom and very transparently explained in very simple language.
In Saudi Arabia they have similar thing of Milkal Yameen. You can make official agreement with women for period of time. You can visit her and you have to pay her fixed amount monthly what you have agreed in contract.
I totally agree that the Hadis concerning Ayesha (ra) is weak or fabricated
May Allah bless you shaikh and accept your deeds for the ummah.
Mashallah Beautifully and thoroughly explained an important subject many try to convince as being taboo in todays society, yet the problems and challenges women are facing today is crystal clear. Higher rates of divorce and women unable to find suitable marriages due to loss of hope and trust.
Allah hamare gunah muaaf fermaye or aap jesy logon se hamary deen ki hefazat fermaye.....
Brilliant Sheik Mashallah.
Not all hadees are correct because logic defies some of them.
Aselamu Aleykum Werahmetullahi Weberekathu Sheik i am from Ethiopia, lovely follow yr lectur vidios. May Allah grant you a better healthy life.
Eid Mubarak to you beloved Sheikh ♥️
Thank you Sheikh may God bless you
Respectfully, Shaykh. I accept your challenge.
Sheikh the interpretation given by most imams is that Milki yamin was meant to be a slave woman; maybe captured as a prisoner of war forexample but since the practice of slavery has been abolished the law is not applicable and relevant today.
@mango fish
Then what rule will be applied for women, when the female to male ratio would be 1:50 (according to hadith)?
Will the rest of the women don't deserve a halal way of getting a man for them (while a man can marry four women at most)?
Conventional school of fiqh and the imams surely don't have answer for this.
Ask yourself. You might get what is correct and what is not.
Assalamu’alaykum wrwb from Borneo Island
MashaAllah Ramadan Karim, from Vietnam & Egypt.
After hearing ur lectures iam left with 100 doubts with no one to clear them.I only keep praying allah to show me the right path.
Same here it seems as if there is something missing
@@hebazamzam6469 assalamu alaikum heba my daughter name is Hiba.
Assalam Alaikum Sheikh/Viewers. ...I understand that the differance between a Zauj and a Milk Al Yameen as
1) Zauj (wife ) has an authenticated witnessed contract of marriage (Nikah) with terms and conditions from the woman.
Woman under Milk al Yameen HAS NO such document. But there is an unwitnessed verbal (obligatory ) /documentary (optional) contract of marriage.
2) In both cases there is a marriage contract with different terms and form.
3) In both cases should ALLAH Subhana be called as a witness?
4) In case of woman under Milk Al Yameen is it obligatory to provide food /shelter/clothing /Biological needs. ....all or only biological needs as in the case of woman who may already have already have food shelter clothing .
5)In case of dissolution of ties. ....formal procedures are to be followed in case of Zauj and not so in the case of Milk al Yameen .
6)Milk Al Yameen is different from Zina because there is no obligation on either party whatsoever and also the tag of SIN it carries. The children born in such relations have no social recognition.
7)Children born in Milk Al Yameen have right to property of the father. What is the documentary evidence of legal heirship Sheikh?
8)Take the case of a prostitute /a mistress she has no protection whatsoever
My comments above are based on what I heard from Sheikh Imran.
I am not personally ENDORSING anything about Milk Al Yameen. It is just a discussion.
Please comment and correct my understanding on the subject. ....rgds
Very good writing.
This could be easily manipulated unless if the man fear Allah and his goal is Akhirah.
The woman who agrees to be a Milkal Yamin also i believe will a strong mukminah , otherwise she will ridiculed this concept right away.
This is a viable way to produce quality offsprings for this ummah at this particular time going into the penultimate stage of Akhiruz zaman.
@@NRFP your question not clear
Assalamualikum sheikh.. peace be with u.. Salam from Indonesia 🇮🇩💛
This false Hadid led to suffering of so many innocent child ! My Auntie was at the age when she couldn't even get a bath by herself when she was given in Marriage.
She had many children at very young age and she died early in the age of 45 due to ill health.
May Allah give Muslim Hedaiah to understand Qur'an and Sunnah.
Thats horrible.. I know someone in my famly this happened to, however Allah promised as The Day or judgement. Allah will not tolerate such wicked behvior. Especially when they lied about Allah will doing this.
Asalamuaalaikum sheik is Saidu from Berlin. Thanks Allah bless you❤
I do agree with you 100% regarding the age of Aesha. The Hadith, whatever its status amongst compilers, is contradictory to Quranic Injunctions, all logic, rationale. I heard one Mufti refereeing to an event wherein Abdullah Ibni Abass slept in the same Room of his aunt, wife of Prophet, and reported about the night prayer of Prophet. Mufti said that Ibne Abbass was 13 and reached puberty hence allowed to stay for the night in the same room. I asked him, if a person of age 13 had not attained puberty،how come Aesha had attained it at 6 or even nine. His reply is/was laughable.... "Puberty is a precondition for Nikah".
Darrul ulum have failed us. Brother
Assalamualaikum.. May Allah bless you with good health.
Assalamu Alaikum, Sheikh we are waiting your precious comments about the current situation in Masjid e Aqsa.
The western world view polygamy as Milk Al Yameen because the first wife is the legal wife and have the rights of protection and law and inheritance. All the additional wives are less wife and they have no protection accept under shariah. And They say its perfectly legal to cohabat and call them spiritual wives but you must never call them your legal wife. She is also has a status above the girlfriend because she live with you and get support but not as legal wife. And if you have children with her then she can sue you for child support. And to divorce her is not required by court.
Allah bless you with best of health , wealth & Eimaan
Believers pray & Obey with Understanding & Patience with Practicing Deen According to Quran & Sunnah for Success of both the worlds
Allah bless ummah with khair o Affiyah
welwisher @ Monotheism of Tranquillity
Gem of knowledge, jzk sheikh ♥️
Very nice talk, it seems like it is the opposite of what you say. Women are maintaining men here in my part of the world.
Which part of the world is that?
True 👍
Same thing here in my land... 😢 😓
It will happen after malhama
She actually does have choice!!!
Exactly like me, indeed, she does have choice.
She doesn't have to follow your tips and do what what you want her to do... She and me, we actually do have beautiful men who respect us exactly the way we are and we want to, that men are in the middle - east Arab Khalleggee, so...., yeah! She does have a choice!
Thank you! 🤛 🙄
Assalam Sheikh, (cold storage) 👍🏻 deep hikmah on this !
اسلام علیکم یا شیخ: your being in Islamabad 🇵🇰 Pakistan is a great blessing of ALLAH for we PAKISTANIES, please recall your Urdu language so as we can comment in اردو please.
May Allah swt bless you long life and grant you sound health. Ameen
Another question how did the jews knew Umar (RA) was intimate with his wife from the back? Did he tell them while having a discussion about what's permissible?
As salamu alaikum Sheikh from South Carolina
Salaam Sheikh, can you speak about the latest events in Jerusalem please. Would love to hear your analysis on it. Worrisome times ahead, may Allah (swt) preserve the Palestinians in their struggle and preserve the haqq.
He had already spoken , please find his old video and you will find it...
@@navto28 he needs to speak about it now, not milkal yameen
@@ahmedd320 The Mulhama is around the corner! Women will be in need, to avoid what Allah(swt) hates!!! This subject needs to be spoken, now, because it is Haqq!
@@navto28 yes I know, no one has spoken about it more courageously & in depth than Sheikh, but given the current situation I think we would all appreciate some words of wisdom from our Sheikh.
excellent talk and very important one so glad to hear and welcome to pakistan hope they learn from your knowledge
If only a million Muslims surrounding Israel from places such as Iran Iraq Afghanistan Pakistan turkey marched to al Aqsa what would the Jews do then
06:04 *Sheikh* , the term "Aya" here means a miracle, the real meaning of "Naskh" is to make other miracles obsolete by the most fascinating miracle (aya) which is the Quran ... So , the Quran did "Naskh" to all other miracles which been sent by Allah to support claims of other prophets . What supports this idea is what comes next ( الم تعلم بأن الله على كل شيء قدير) .. Lots of scholars through generations made the mistake of considering naskh is a form of cancelling some wordly ayats in Quran which is wrong, because Quran (أحكمت أياته) من لدن خبير عليم ... Quran is perfect , no such thing as Naskh in Quran.
How about saying something about Al aqsa and the Palestinians
also, many of his videos are prerecorded days in advance
This guy hardly talk sense. Knut bored stories.
As salam alaykoum wa rahmatoullahi wa barakatouh Don’t be so quick to condemn, you know the sheikh is preparing a video on it. You’re in capacity to think and to see the quickness of the events taking place right now so the first thing we should all do is make duas for our brothers and sisters. Laylat al qadr might be tonight if it didn’t happen already, use your time to make duas don’t forget the power of it. Time is precious these days, use it wisely
Assalamu Alaikum Sheik, please comment on the recent attacks on Musjid Al Aqsaa and the Palestinians. Jazaakallah
Milk Al Yameen -those of whose your right hand possess. It’s a big issue be careful not to slip. Many will use it for zina
Very true. This can either cause unimaginable fitnah or save many lonely muslimahs
Was Hajar mulk al yameen ? This is what the Judeo Christians say . If she was a slave concubine what would the implications mean ?
Would appreciate some clarifications on that.
My understanding is slavery and option of milk al yameen are 'allowed' law in Quran.
Dear sheikh, don't make it a 'farz' law.
May Allah give us more wisdom.
Have I made it a Fard (obligatory law)? INH
Salam sheikh. I may be wrong but your tone was towards that.
May God guide us all.
BarakaAllah fik 💗
Love you Shaikh from London..
Salam alikum. Sheikh I respect your opinion regarding the Marriage of Aisha(R.a), but what we do with Hadith of bukhari and Muslim mentioning her age to be six, reject the Hadith? If we do won't we become munkar e Hadith (rejectors of the Hadith) please answer. Lot's of duas. Wasslam.
Dear Sheikh just as you said tha Milk al yameen are the ones which a person might not be able to treat equally as his wife. Don't you think this also is the case with intimate relations, say if a person supports a woman apart from his wife and doesn't makes any intimate relations with that woman
Shaykh, if you read this, there is also the fact that Nikah in Arabic simply means sex. When the Qur'an talks about Nikah it doesn't always refer to Aqd al Nikah. When it refers to Aqd al Nikah it says so. Also notice that there is no indication in the Quran how you get married. So where I would disagree with you respectfully is that milk al yameen in my analysis is simply a marriage without an aqd. Meaning, it's where a woman gave herself to a man without a contract and thereby through the act of sex became his. Remember that consent before sexual relationships is established even with milk al yameen because the Qur'an says, "Do not force them into prostitution." As a modern application of milk al yameen, having myself studied the verses on the subject I found a few things to be true concerning concubinage: 1) It's not preferred by merely permissible 2) It is partly a concession as a result of proximity (the woman lives with the man). 3) The caliber of a concubine is less than that of a wife (she must be muhsanaat and she isn't al muhsanaat). 4) The punishment for her transgression is therefore half that of Al Muhsanaat (the house wife/ inherently chaste woman). When I look at the modern context I'd say the description fits the career woman who requires a man for little else than companionship, but who cannot be as chaste as a housewife given that she must by necessity engage with men in her work environment and her daily activities. She isn't a traditional housewife. Such women are at any rate used to giving themselves in 'marriage' to men, only they think they are committing zina. Also if you look at Surah al Nur, then it is clear that zina is adultery and not fornication. In other words, if a married woman has sex with a man other than her husband, she has committed zina and by extension the man she did it with. If you are still alive when you read this I'd like to send you my work. Thank you.
Salam Sheikh Imran, I am so happy to know that you are in Islamabad. I have always been wishing and dreaming to meet you and cant believe that you are in my city but I am unable to meet you as I am far away from there. Plz let me know how my father can come meet you as he is also a great follower of your lectures and he will be excited to meet you Insha Allah. Awaiting your reply sir.
I don't even have one wife, so two or more is already out of the question for me.
@@pendlelancashire MGTOW
women of the Dajjal
Masha Allah keep it up broo!!!
this age is like no other age that came before, the men really have to step up.
Sheikh, please make a video specifically for those of us living in the USA who are on your side.
What do we need to know and do?
Jazakallah, sheikh
Alhamdulillah there are hopes for muslim sisters,