Uthman Ibn Affan (ra) - Part 2: Selfless Even When Slandered | The Firsts | Dr. Omar Suleiman
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 6 ก.พ. 2025
- Uthman (ra) had many qualities that set him apart, and those qualities shined brightest when he was slandered and under siege.
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The person who served water to the ummah, was prevented from water.
The person who bought gardens and donated in waqf, was prevemted from food.
The person who extended the mosque, was prevented from praying in the mosque.
What do we learn?? Our real food, real drinks are waiting in jannah, in sha ALLAH... This life is a life of Sabr... And to try to get recognized by ALLAH swt, nothing else...
May ALLAH let us meet this great man (ra) and his companions, the Siddiq, the other Martyr (ra) and the nabee (sm) in Jannat al firdaus
Is this all mentioned in the video??
Allahu akbar
That moved me to tears. These talks are the rain during the drought, the nourishment during the famine, the light during the darkness of much of 2020. May Allah protect and preserve your family, your iman and increase you in divine scholarship, dear brother. What a gift you are to us.
😮The re eat there ta water😊we’re all eall here to eyt e and we are not ttytyttttttttttttttttttrwtttttttttttwtttttttttttttttttwttttttttttttt
😮😮😮😮😮😅😅😅😮 onp o. K😮😮😮7😮😮😅😮
The one whom even angels are shy in front of him, his last dream caused my tears to flow. May Allah be pleased with him.
May Allaah unite us and our loved ones with Uthman (Ra) and the prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) 😭🤲🏻
May Almighty Allah include me and my family too. Ameeeeen, Ameeeeen Summa Ameeeeen ♥
Uthman Ibn Affan (RA) is indeed a selfless companion. May Allah (swa) make us amongst who will meet him in Jannahtul Al-Firdouse! Ameen Ya Rabb 😭😭😭
I always felt close to Usman RA .... Always ❤❤❤
Please pray for me for my success in this life and the next in sights of Allah swt
Pray for our dear departed
Pray for palastine
"Uhhibu ka wa rehman, hubak quresh ni usman"
I love you by the most merciful, the way that Quresh loves Usman ( RA)
I didn't cry for the last 22 episodes but I cried for this person😭😭 he purchased wel for people and he restricted for water in later 😭ya yeah grant us Jannat Firdaus
My heart broke at the end. So sad to hear how they treated such a righteous sahabi. We love Saydna Uthman رضي الله عنه ❤❤
I would love a video on aisha(r)
These videos are so beneficial. May allah bless dr. Omar for his efforts and may he bless us all
Sheikh omar this series is so beneficial....for me....and it changes our life and give us sakeena....tranquillity in our lives....in sha allah should continue this series........may Allah grant you the highest level of paradise... اللهم امين
Allahumma amiin
Assalamu Alaikum. Sis/bros. Imagine you know how you are going to die and imagine those of us with less faith, how anxious we would be! Ya Allaah, please help us to grow in imaan and to accept that we will return to you when you have determined it. Ya Allaah, help us live this life in proper preparation for death as we would want a place in Jannah with the pious predecessors. Allahu Akbar!
This is the first time i came to know about him in such a personal way. Jazak Allah kher ❤
جزاك الله خيرا
For doing the story of Uthman ibn Affan. Although I’m familiar with quite a bit of it, this was so beautifully told. I also did not know about the sadaqa tu jaariyah of Uthman (RA) - that continues to today. Sheikh Umar is right, Uthman (RA) is not always given his due time, often being eclipsed by Abu Bakr (RA) and Umr (RA) - justifiably great men that they are. اَلْحَمْدُلِلّه for this episode, that we don’t forget this special sahabi, son-in-law and so beloved to our رسول صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ.
This just contributes to our increasing love for the sahaabah. Imam al- Awlaki used to say, these sahaabah - the more you get to know about them, the more you love them. Other people, celebrities for example, often the more you get to know them, the more disillusioned you become.
May لله سبحانه و تعالى enjoin us with those whom we love in Jannah. آمين يا رب العالمين.
I can hear your love for Madinah in your voice Sh Omar.
Everytime we read Quran Today it is Thanks to Hazrat Usman RA who compiled it under supervision of Sahabas and sent copies of standardized version of Quran across the world. Allah appointed him SubhanAllah for the preservation of the Quran
When the end is jannah every thing else doesn’t matter may Allah have mercy on you Othman (R.A)
I can't stop crying. O Allah forgive us, guide us. Help us to be amongst the noble companions and the prophet Sallahu Alahi wa Assalam
Aameen YA RABB.
Such a sad thing that some of the same people who didn’t let water get to the man who bought water for the Muslims when they needed it
Disinformation and rumour mongering is more today through social media as we are addicted to it.We need to learn from the events in Islamic history.Thank you Dr Omar..May Allah swt be always pleased with you.
SubhanAllah. What a beautiful story over both parts. So thankful to brother Omar Suleiman for being a light to this Ummah.
This series made me cry.
How gentle and modest he was Alhamdulillah.
May Allah (SWT) be pleased with him.
Subhanallah his death and burial reminds me so much of what was done to Dr. Muhammad Morsi may Allah have mercy on him
May Allah bless you Dr. Allah blessed me with a baby boy on 21-1-21 and the same day he was given the name Mohammed Usman
May Allah protect you and your family from any kind of harm Imam Omar. I love you for the sake of Allah.
Aselmeykum worahmatulah wobarakatu alhamdulillaah now our face is bright and bright we have hope on mercy of Allah yaa mujib 🤲😁
So many lessons we should take from this. Even today, we see some part of us as ignorant as those who murdered Uthman Ibn Affan(ra).
After watching this episode I named my brother uthman
This made me cry x
That shows how much we have to let go of gossip and slander brothers and sisters, just as mentioned in Surah Nur, if one begins gossip or slander, even if it's real, let go of it and do not talk of it for the honour of the servants of Allah, it even led to our beloved Calipha to be killed, the one the angels shyed away from, the son in law of Rasullah saw, subhanallah...
This made me cry so mush💔💔💔
Everytime we read Quran Today it is Thanks to Hazrat Usman RA who compiled it under supervision of Sahabas and sent copies of standardized version of Quran across the world. Allah appointed him SubhanAllah for the preservation of the Quran! What a grand sadqa-e-jaria! No wonder he was promised Jannah in his life!
It’s heartbreaking to imagine somebody like Uthman (RA) being slandered SubhanAllah.
Shaikh umar !May Allah bless you so clearly explained that everyone understands ya rabbi except our effort to learn Allahuma Ameen
May Allah make it easy for you to emulate the honourable characteristics of Uthman r.a. Your lessons have been very beneficial but ma shaa Allah your character and how you respond to your current situation speaks volume and is an example for Muslims. May Allah continue to keep you under His protection. Aameen.
Baarakallahu laka fiddarain yaa sheikh
Everything about him is beautiful رضي الله عنه ❤️
Mashaallah thank you ya imam I appreciate the long video it's never enough alhamdoulilah ❤
Al hamdulillah as salaamu Alaikum. Awesome reminder per usual. May Allah swt continue to bless you ameen
Waliakum asalam
Wa’alayka salam
MashaaAllaah TabarakAllaah. Such beautiful naration ya Sheikh. 💝 Am never tired of listening to your naration of Ahadith. BarakaAllaahu feek
May Allah SWT be pleased with our third righteous caliph Hazrat Uthman Radhi Allah Ta'ala Anhu.. Such a beautiful soul that passed through such hardships and dedicated his life for Islam.. May Allah make us those who join Prophet Muhammad SAW and these righteous caliphs in Jannah Aameen. Many lessons to be learnt through him.
اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَىٰ مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلَىٰ آلِ مُحَمَّدٍ كَمَا صَلَّيْتَ عَلَىٰ اِبْرَاهِيْمَ وَعَلَىٰ آلِ اِبْرَاهِيْمَ إنَّكَ حَمِيْدٌ مَجِيْدٌ
اللَّهُمَّ بَارِكْ عَلَىٰ مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلَىٰ آلِ مُحَمَّدٍ كَمَا بَارَكْتَ عَلَىٰ اِبْرَاهِيْمَ وَعَلَىٰ آلِ اِبْرَاهِيْمَ إنَّكَ حَمِيْدٌ مَجِيْدٌ
Ameen yaa rabb zazakalaah gheir for duas and jugement day i can speak no worry the torcher calamaties allah god almight knows best i can walk with my head up alhamdulielaah chame for those who got pain 😭
Excellent naraion by sheikh Dr Omar suliman 👍👌👍👍👌 Uthman R A story break my heart 😭 may Almighty Allah bless you shaikh always and protect you always 🤲🤲🤲🤲 all the best 👌👍👌👍🙏🙏🙏🙏
May Allah (SWT) be your protector at all time our respected brother. Thank you for teaching us about these Noble Companions.
Allah bu iman askini bizlerde versin insaallah Amin
Masha allah . May allah reward you abundantly for sharing such beautiful things which I haven’t heard any where else . The way you narrated it made me cry sheik 😭
Thank You Dr Omar, you are such a blessing to us all, the story you tell, is impacting our hearts. Not many can convey such stories in such manner!
Waiting for hussain’s R.A story ❤️
The person who served water to the ummah than was prevented from having water.
The person who bought gardens and donated without expecting anything in return, was not allowed to have those fruits and actually no food at all.
The person who extended the mosque, was prevented from praying in the very mosque.
"Uhhibu ka wa rehman, hubak quresh ni usman"
I love you by the most merciful, the way that Qureshi's loves Usman ( RA)
Jazakallah for sharing these firsts and insight to the lives of these noble people with lessons to take away. May Allah swt reward you and your family immensely in this life and the hereafter.
Jazakallahu khairan
I was waiting for this episode for so long
I’ve been waiting for this!
اَللّٰھُمَّ صَلِّ عَلٰی مُحَمَّدٍ وَّعَلٰٓی اٰلِ مُحَمَّدٍ کَمَا صَلَّیْتَ عَلٰٓی اِبْرَاھِیْمَ وَعَلٰٓی اٰلِ اِبْرَاھِیْمَ اِنَّکَ حَمِیْدٌ مَّجِیْدٌ اَللّٰھُمَّ بَارِکْ عَلٰی مُحَمَّدٍ وَّعَلٰٓی اٰلِ مُحَمَّدٍ کَمَا بَارَکْتَ عَلٰٓی اِبْرَاھِیْمَ وَعَلٰٓی اٰلِ اِبْرَاھِیْمَ اِنَّکَ حَمِیْدٌ مَّجِیْدٌ
1) اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَسْأَلُكَ الْعَفْوَ وَالْعَافِيَةَ فِي الدُّنْيَا وَالآخِرَةِ
Allahumma inni as’alukal-‘afwa wal-‘afiyah fid-dunya wal-akhirah
" O Allah, I ask You for forgiveness and well-being in this world and in the Hereafter "
Ma sha Allah, such an amazing story and so sad indeed. Thank you.
اللهم صلى وسلم وبارك على نبينا وحبيبنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين وسلم تسليما كثيرا
Jazzakallah khayr ouztas. May you be fully rewarded for these teachings
How authentic is the narration that Uthman (RA) used to recite the entire Qur'an in 1 rak3a? There's no doubt he would be reciting at a moderate pace (not too fast and not too slow) with reflection, which means it would take him no less than 30 hours to recite the entire Qur'an, which means he would miss all 5 prayers if he's praying at night. It is not possible to recite the entire Qur'an in the night in a ~6 hour period, especially with contemplation and reflection. The only thing I can think of is that he would do this during the early days of Islam, when only a few chapters of the Qur'an were revealed to the prophet (pbuh). So perhaps this is an early narration, and not a narration during the time of Uthman's khalifa. Wallahu a3lam.
Subhanallah so touching
Jazakallahu khair shaikh 💕❤️
JazakAllah khairun for this, Alhamdullillah
اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ وَسَلِّمْ عَلَى نَبَيِّنَا مُحَمَّدٍ ﷺ وَعَلىٰ آلِهِ (مـا أنـا عـلـيـه و أصـحـابـي) وَصَحْبِهِ وَسَلِّمْ تَسْلِيمًا ﷺ
( إِنَّ اللَّهَ وَمَلَائِكَتَهُ يُصَلُّونَ عَلَى النَّبِيِّ يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا صَلُّوا عَلَيْهِ وَسَلِّمُوا تَسْلِيماً) سورة الأحزاب Verse 56
Blessings of ALLAH be upon Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam and the progeny of our Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam
Oh ALLAH, shower thy blessings on Hazrat Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam, Who is light, actual light, mystery among the mysteries, and the leader of the excellents.......
Okkk is the best story
My father was buried in baaki. MashaAllah.
Subhana Allah 😭❤
Dr.Omar Suleiman May Allah SWT bless you and your family in abundance. Now i know so much i didn't know before. I hope that you can make an episode on Hussain and Hassan RA
Masha allah such ♥️♥️♥️♥️🌹🌹🌹🕋🕋🕋🕋
Asalaamualykoem afrter all the calamaties and torchers that day of jugement day i can talk i forgive all and across the globe allah god almighty sort out our afairs alhamdulielaah
الله أكبر وأعظم عظيماً
Jazakallah khair 🙏
Subhanallah 😭😭😭😭
Asalam U Aalikum,
Jazak Allahu Khayran
Mashallah.....I..am with..them...I start...oll..relation from...Ahimed..to..oll..inshallah..dont....think...in...bad...mashallah
Masha Allah . jazakallah sir. .
Masha Allah❤
Allah hu akbar 😢
Beautiful 💓 lecture
Jazakallahu khairan ❤
Jazakallah Syekh what a beautiful story
Allah bless you
Allahumma Ameen
Assalamualakum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatohu
JazakAllah khair...beautiful explained stories...i just request that can you please mention the references of books to understand the seerah of companions and also spread this to others that one can understand all these and will be more better understanding of quran tafseers as well..thanks...
Love this series hope u make more 😊😊👍👍
Very sad 😢😢😢
Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said follow uthman ra from hadidth .
Asalamo Alaikum sheikh,
This is beautiful narration of Uthman r.a. I have one doubt sheikh about last narration -when rasool allah came in the dreams of Uthman ra to tell him that he is going to break the fast with them, So my question is that as soon as uthman ra wakes up and he starts reading quran and then people of his time killed him but my doubt is who narrated this last narration if he dies on the same night?
Assalamo Alaikom! Sheikh Omar, would you please make a video that content Prophet Nuh and his Children? I have been searching here in youtube but i cannot find what i am trying to hear about his life and his children. It is really appreciated if you could grant my request.
Jazakallahu khairan 🤲
Please consider to change your intro music, what it has to do with the content you present.
Thank you. Jazak Allah ho Khyr
I think it’s only vocals not music since this is an Islamic channel they should know that instruments is haram
Does anyone have any recommendations on a book in English about Othman RA?
Ur mom
Allah Akbar ❤
My question is how do we know about his dream if he was killed right after that?
he told his wife, he wasn't killed the exact minute after.
@@immanuelkant7097 thank you
Salaam. I recently watched a video on Uthman in the moments in he was killed. I thought it was this video but the narration was the Abu Bakrs son grabbed Uthmans beard and was going to kill him but Uthman rebuked him. Abu Bakrs son then fled. Am I hallucinating or was that in one of the Yaqeen institute videos?
The reason I ask is because there are people disputing this narration.
Any help is appreciated. Thank you!!!!
ASelamu Aleykum: Reference: Sahih Al Muslim page number 2799. Book 39. Book 52, hadith number 26. Hadith 6723. Please read.