In all honesty I’m really happy that your going this far with this cretin. His repeated attempts to hurt you, dox you, and the audacity to be seen as a victim when he himself wound up hurting others, is really pathetic
Two words come to mind listening to Acerthorn act this way: Dunning Kruger. He genuinly thinks he is a master of the legal arts of lawsuitbending, only for him to just be on par with an ego-driven hobo on the street corner ranting about ancient aliens, chem trails and corruption to a world that only cares because he sues everyone telling him why he is wrong.
Speaking as someone who works in Customer Service I am very used to self important idiots who think they know my job better than me...but I've never seen anyone dumb enough to try it on a judge before.
Yup, sadly its a fine ballance though. Either you leave ways for poor morons to sue or you potentially screw over victims with no other recourse if they are retaliated against...sadly that also leaves it open to idiots like this. Honestly there needs to be a law, if you sue someone more then twice and lose both times then you need to convince the state prosecutor to allow the case to go forward regardless if your sueing in a diffrent state. And if denied you cant even attempt to sue the guy for 3 years or sue again at all for a year. To sue again you would need a lawyer to recomend the case to the prosecutor and if its denied a second time the lawyer is disbarred for a year then it should be a $50,000 fine with 1000 hours of community service as a pentalty to the suer. They should also get an automatic restraining order on them and finally also get a 5 year ban on being able to sue the same person. And to sue a 3rd time you need TWO lawyers to sign off and if denied again both lawyers are disbarred for 10 years and the suer gets charged with a $250,000 fine and 5 years in prison with no parole. Do that and morons like asshorn will have a very hard time sueing.
I’d say congratulations for beating this troglodyte, but it sounds like he did this to himself. Also don’t think I don’t notice you using Gollum as the stock footage; Associating a pathetic half formed shadow of a human… with Gollum. Oh Sid, Sméagol deserves better than that.
It is a shame that "swatting" is not taken more seriously in the US. It is treated like an annoyance. People have literally DIED from being "swatted". "Swatting" should be prosecuted as Attempted First Degree Murder. Doxxing should be treated as a violation of the victim's Constitutional right to privacy.
There's one case that comes to mind where the swattee (person who used the police to commit murder) went to jail for first degree murder. They probably won't get out of jail for at least another year.
I read this like 6 times, with total confusion and horror until I realized my error. I thought you were saying 'squatting'. As in squatting in an abandoned home. LOL. I was 12 seconds from a frenzied google search to find the person who died because their house or whatever was squatted in.
@@NobleUnclean Plot twist: the person went to squat in an abandoned home for the 10~ time in less then two hours, but then had a massive heart attack and died. If only they knew that urge to poop was actually a sign of heart attack. ;)
Andrew Finch (may he rest in peace) comes to mind for already-wrong swattings going even worse. The inevitable dismissal needs to lead to Acerthorn getting locked up if able before we get a sequel to _that_ tragedy.
Acquiring and keeping the many documents showing this person is trying to track you and your whereabouts name/identity and constantly attacking you with lawsuits should lead any competent lawyer to bring severe charges against Acerthorn on many various suits including Civil harassment.I would also use the information that he is seeking where you live as a possible violent assault maybe a swatting attempt and most certainly should be filed with the police.
What really sucks is that this loser doesn't have any money to be billed for when you crush his balls in court. At least once you get a judgment in the proper court you can start filing it as evidence that Acerthorn should NOT be granted things like filing fee waivers and unduly patiently extended additional attempts to do what he's doing. At this point you've got grounds for suit against him Sid. I hope you are preparing to make the most of it.
Can't squeeze blood from a stone, but at the very least Sid can have fun making sure no matter what Acerthorn does, he'll never be allowed in a courtroom again unless he's being prosecuted for felony counts of irredeemable stupidity in the first degree.
I can't believe this hasn't been laughed out of court already. A judge in a more sane part of the country would've taken one look at the lawsuit, read it, and laughed at it and told him get a life by this point.
Sucks that you have to deal with this, Sid, especially from such a serially litigious individual. I really hope he gets labeled as a vexatious litigant and gets stripped of his right to file in court.
If ever there was a person to be labeled as a vexatious litigant, it'd be Acerthorne. The only court room he should be allowed in is one trying him for terminal stupidity in the first degree.
Please enlighten me, at what point does his rampant and obvious abuse of the legal system get recorded permanently and they refuse to allow it at all? He keeps filing fraudulent claims, wasting court time and doing so under the "im too poor to pay" clause... when does the abuse of that clause get it revoked for malfeasance?
You can legitimately feel the judge thinking, "Oh my God. Fuck off." Lol. Also, he recently put out a video explaining why he doesn't want any friends or anything, but isn't he suing you for ruining his "opportunities with women" or something?
He's suing Sid for defamation that doesn't exist. The "I could've sued women for not dating me" is an example he used to prove he doesn't sue everyone.
Which is incredibly stupid and all it does is guarantee NO ONE will date him. Honestly the defamation Asser thorn in everyone’s side is alleging, HE IS DOING TO HIMSELF!
Naah, the case with women was Stebbins vs Stebbins & Stebbins 2013. Where D. Stebbins was admonished: "Further, Mr. Stebbins is advised not to yell at court staff or use abusive language in any written or oral communication with the Court or fellow litigants. Mr. Stebbins will be expected to behave with the decorum expected of all litigants who appear before, or file pleadings with, this Court." In that case either was father was sueing him and his mother, or he was sueing his parents. The issue is that his parents made him D. Stebbins II instead of coming up with a name, so it's hard to tell.
I'm sure good 'ol Acerthorn is just playing Bingo with the number of states he's already been marked a vexatious litigation in. I know I am! Come on California, I need the diagonal win!
Acerthorn has turned into Captain Ahab. He's become so obsessed in his vendetta against you, he's just going to bring about his own self destruction. I hope he never finds you, Sid. 👍
I think it's becoming clear now Acer is just doing this over and over because it's like playing the lottery for him, only he doesn't need to pay anything to do so. He just needs one win to be set up for life.
@@scottieboy1794 not ENTIRELY true. All he needs is to get to a jurry a single time and have just enough people on it who will look at sid as hitler due to percived isms and ists. While the odds of acer winning are about the same as my winning the lottery 67 times in a row and IS mathmatically posible......its also mathmatically posible for the entire earth to turn into chocolate at random. Just not likely
@arcticfox5118 well I guess that would be true but they would have to be all crazy especially since he keeps going against lawyers who know the laws that he clearly doesn't know.
@@scottieboy1794 consider the state of the U.S at the moment....finding 12 crazy people more intrested in fee fees then logic and facts is not that hard. Kinda like trying to hit a tree with a rock in the jungle. You see it all the time. Go look up the case where a moron driving in winter was being wreckless and massivly speeding. So ended up losing control and crossing the median then dieing when he did a head on with a werner semi....they found a jurry they could convince the trucker was at fault and awarded 100 MILLION dollars to the family. The big trick is getting a judge to agree in a state and convinceing the right jurry sid is a bigot. As i said not bloody likely but a none zero chance all the same.
It was already clear when people started digging into his past lawsuits, and internet history that dates back to 2008. His lawsuits are extortion attempts.
Well Sid, for your sake I hope it gets dealt with soon. Obviously not going to win any lawsuit (if he can even get it heard at all). He can still be a huge pain in the ass though, and no one really needs to be dealing with damaged people for prolonged periods of time.
What I find funny (and someone please correct me if I'm wrong) Is that I'm pretty sure he's already labeled a vexatious litigant in his home state. If I'm right doesn't that basically mean he either can't or would have a crazy hard time pursuing this in his home state? Would mean his only shot would be to try and figure out your home state. That's gonna be a tall ask. He'd probably have better luck trying to discover a new species of jellyfish.
@@keyman1737 actually only partially, he can only file a request for leave to file a lawsuit in his home state every so-much-time (not sure about the 6 months) AND judges can dismiss the case at face value, he needs express permission from a judge to actually even get to the filing stage of an actual lawsuit.
The thorn, is just the physical embodiment of salt. He just can't give up, he keeps getting defeated at every turn, but will not stop. If anything, he's a persistent bugger, will give him that. He's still a monumental douchebag though.
Well no, the true definition of insanity is a little more nuanced than that. But yeah if you like the Vaas definition of insanity, Acerturd definitely is.
I'd love to be able to send him anonymous types. Trust me, SidAlpha's real name is.... Seymore Butz. or maybe Hugh Jass. Oh, that wasn't it? Oh, sorry, this time I'm sure of it, his real identity is Mike Rotch.. Could probably keep him going for awhile.
Misfit got his channel back up (as far as I know, he got his Battlebit vid back up in addition to his response to that whole weirdness) and I'm glad he got the justice he deserved. Somehow, Cid playing Gollum while discussing the unclean hands gremlin himself is very, VERY clever. Cid, how is this case STILL going? Dude does not have anything else to sue over, at least from my perspective.
Courts are slow because they are overwhelmed. VERY little action since it was first filed in January because of that. Right now it seems that District Court Judges have literally hundreds, some thousands of cases at any given time. People like Acerthorn only make it worse.
@SidAlpha I hope that this saga gets a conclusion soon. Sid, I'd invest in personal defense if you haven't already. David Stebbins (Acerthorn) has gotten violent before (that court doc detailing his disagreement with his father clearly shows this), and he might try to go after you and your family. Again, maybe he got the wrong address, but I wouldn't want to be caught unprepared for the worst.
Damn. He has a lot of time with himself that he's willing to spend his life on this stupid case. 😂🤣😂 Like a kid on his temper tantrum because someone looked at him funny. This guy should be in an asylum wearing a straightjacket. 😂
You Sir, are painting mental images I don't want to think about... My lunch wanted to revisit the outside, but I managed to keep it where it belongs, thankfully. May your success be unhindered, swift and decisive when dealing with this issue. Keep being vigilant SidAlpha, please take care and stay safe!
Why the hell did some swamp donkey come up to my property and serve me a lawsuit saying I was SidAlph..... oooooooohhhh.... riiiight. Disclaimer: This didn't actually happen.
You mean a vexatious litigant? He has been. Just not in California. Sanctions for being a vexatious litigant are restricted by where such litigations are filed. Until he bothers a particular jurisdiction enough, that particular jurisdiction won't have him in their system as a vexatious litigant. iirc, he HAS reached that point with other jurisdictions, just not California or federal.
I can't believe I forgot why you don't do PO box: people like Acerthorn makes it a necessity. Hope you and your family continues to stay safe. 🙏 And keep up with the content upload. They are awesome!
@SidAlpha honestly don't even bother. We all know how bad it is and don't particularly wanna see anybody suffer this game and it's mountains of incompetence lol
The courts will never blacklist people, Because ultimately it would be seen as a miss handling of justice should there come a moment where he is actually it the right and would need the ability to defend himself. That's not likely going to ever be true, but it is a line that the court will never cross.
Its a real shame acerthorn is allowed to file 1000 frivolous lawsuits out of spite and anger. I dont understand how people can be punished more if they waste the courts time. The courts are already backed up with very real cases. People should not be allowed to play games. There should be a fasttrack for bullshit.
Unfortunately, the system needs to take everything seriously, otherwise stuff that is really important can dissappear, or in the worst cases be disappeared.
Feel like this is beyond Psychopathy considering the definition of a psychopath, if anything he is moreso the equivalent to a Lunatic or strait up insane. Afterall, the definition of insanity is to repeat the same mistakes, and not only has he done that. He has also gone after the same person as if he is obsessed with you in some strange sickening way.
@@ThrashMetalWolf666 Not to be that guy, but not all sociopaths are violent. Hell, many (if not most) sociopaths are actually functioning members of society.
@@TheTimoprimo Yeah I tend to mistake impulsive behavior with aggressive, and violent behavior. Sociopaths can definitely be decent people. I just call Acer one because he displays behavior that's commonly associated with Sociopaths.
Love the use of Gollum footage, whether you meant it or not it fits perfectly as Acerthorn is a foul creature that civil folk find detestable who doesn't understand how foul he is :P
Hey, just a reminder, I know this sounds dumb coming from me to you.. but please, if it’s your own court case, don’t give any information out that can damage your case dude. Like I said, you probably already know this. But you know just in case. (no pun intended)
I doubt any federal court has jurisdiction over you once the federal claims were dismissed. He'll need to file in state court somewhere, locate you and establish personal jurisdiction. You may then be able to remove to federal court.
He seems more of a Staypuft the Marshmallow Man than the Terminator... blind to everything he's blundering into. Keep us posted on this train wreck, here's hoping the judge shuts this crap down _with extreme prejudice_ next time.
8:08 I wouldn’t say it’s so much reading comprehension’s as reality comprehension that’s his problem. After all Acerthorn hasn’t got what he wants yet, therefore somebody must be doing something wrong and any evidence to the contrary can be ignored.
Suing Acerthorn won't accomplish anything. The man has no money, no job, no assets, no life (according to dox published elsewhere on the web). Suing him's just a waste of time & money.
@@zenfrodothat's what he's allowed to be known publicly: remember, the Christian church often declares itself to be "asset rich and cash poor" for a reason.
Sid you might want to ask any legal counsel you already have if there's a means by which you can build a case for seeking punitive damages via countersuit if he does in fact continue his campaign of legal harassment. Its possible there isn't, but if there is, documenting anything on papper that you haven't already done so may help with that... Don't get me wrong, I would assume you've already thought of this, but, I'm constantly proven wrong at how easily obvious things can slip by people in the heat of the moment. Fight the good fight, and do the right do, Sid.
The big problem is because he is basically destitute, there's no way to actually retrieve the damages. Although I *would* suggest that his legal council look at whether his landlord is liable for this in any regard, though he may need a Slipping Jimmy strip-mall ambulance chaser to handle that. That'd at the very least put him on bad terms with his landlord and finally deservingly put Acerthorn in the streets. Edit: I was kinda saying this off the cuff but I think there may be something to this that'd be enticing to said Slipping Jimmy type grifter. See, because Acerthorn is engaging in these frivolous and fraudulent lawsuits from his home, that could feasibly put the landlord at fault because they're responsible for providing the premises for Acerthorn to engage in this behavior. But if these are found to be *unlawful* lawsuits, that could be against the rental agreement or lease he has, so even if he has section 8 housing, he CAN be evicted.
@@crazyinsane500 its certainly something to _consider,_ but I feel like going after someone morally unrelated, even if not legally so, probably isn't the best case scenario. You've gotta do what you've gotta do to live, but Sid did say he's not at that point of drain yet. If it were me, I'd definitely prefer anything that had to snap at someone, at least be the most directly responsible person... I do get that a landlord has certain legal culpability but I also think that its highly likely a given landlord would be largely unaware of the personal dealings (that is, crimes committed that give no obvious indication) of their tenants. I suppose no matter how hard we may or may not try to create just laws, there will always be holes and this may be one of them. I just hope it isn't the fateful crack in this case.
Please turn this into a documentary movie 🙏🙌😂 EDIT: I just realised you couldn't because acerthorn would try to sue for copyright & demand royalties for future sales of the movie 🤣
Change Acerthorn to a semi-sentient computer artificial intelligence called CARPANET (designed by Jambert Ra Amino), use the "based on actual events" scripwriting blenderology that TV movies love to use, have Christopher Nolan direct, and call the movie "Binary Seppuku"... ...if you have to pay the owner of the copyright of "War Games" a royalty to use an obvious variation of the line "A strange game - the only winning move is not to play..." (as the JCN supercomputer Mycroft will tell CARPANET as CARPANET is being walked down the hallway to the AI execution chamber), I'll gladly toss Sid Alpha a tenner toward the licencing :)
That character model makes the Gollum in the recently released bad game look sympathetic and heartwarming by comparison... ...the riddle battle between Gollum and Bilbo in The Hobbit, my favourite bit from Middle Earth, and that's why Gollum deserves a good game (which, by all accounts, he didn't get :( )
man i was having a shitty morning but this was hilarious. although I'm sad your going through this his attempt to tell the JUDGE how to do her job was just priceless!!
Same here. Why waste a perfectly tasty Pineapple by dipping it in an unpleasant liquid and then ramming it up the rectum of a crazy person!? I’d much prefer if he used a cactus instead. More spikes for starters 🌵
Isn't there some kind of Stalking Law in the US that he might be violating at this rate? If he was in the UK he Would be behind bars for stalking, just saying. (Case of Alex Bellfield and the BBC)
Original video on Acerthorn that is the basis for this lawsuit:
i vote we all officially call him asscorn .. because he is always asshurt when people dont agree with him
In all honesty I’m really happy that your going this far with this cretin. His repeated attempts to hurt you, dox you, and the audacity to be seen as a victim when he himself wound up hurting others, is really pathetic
thx to keep us updated.. this is so entertaining
Before I watch, I'd like to guess.
Is the snag the fact Acerthorn is really, really, really, really stupid?
@@Babbleplay its more than that... u can be stupid, but still a nice person... or at least bearable.
Two words come to mind listening to Acerthorn act this way: Dunning Kruger.
He genuinly thinks he is a master of the legal arts of lawsuitbending, only for him to just be on par with an ego-driven hobo on the street corner ranting about ancient aliens, chem trails and corruption to a world that only cares because he sues everyone telling him why he is wrong.
Ah using Gollum to explain how Acerthorn is essentially a man child trying to get what he rightfully believes is his. You my good man, are an artist.
I'm glad more than a couple of people noticed the allegory.
Speaking as someone who works in Customer Service I am very used to self important idiots who think they know my job better than me...but I've never seen anyone dumb enough to try it on a judge before.
He's done it in every single one of the Copyright Lawsuits in addition to this one.
I hate that you have to deal with this insanity. The legal system shouldn’t be a lottery for mentally unstable people.
Yup, sadly its a fine ballance though. Either you leave ways for poor morons to sue or you potentially screw over victims with no other recourse if they are retaliated against...sadly that also leaves it open to idiots like this.
Honestly there needs to be a law, if you sue someone more then twice and lose both times then you need to convince the state prosecutor to allow the case to go forward regardless if your sueing in a diffrent state. And if denied you cant even attempt to sue the guy for 3 years or sue again at all for a year.
To sue again you would need a lawyer to recomend the case to the prosecutor and if its denied a second time the lawyer is disbarred for a year then it should be a $50,000 fine with 1000 hours of community service as a pentalty to the suer. They should also get an automatic restraining order on them and finally also get a 5 year ban on being able to sue the same person.
And to sue a 3rd time you need TWO lawyers to sign off and if denied again both lawyers are disbarred for 10 years and the suer gets charged with a $250,000 fine and 5 years in prison with no parole.
Do that and morons like asshorn will have a very hard time sueing.
Are you sure it's a good idea to post footage of Acerthorn in this video?
Oh? That's Gollum? Sorry; easy mistake to make.
Good news, Acerthorn has now been labeled a vexatious litigant in the Northern District of California.
very good news lmao
I’d say congratulations for beating this troglodyte, but it sounds like he did this to himself.
Also don’t think I don’t notice you using Gollum as the stock footage; Associating a pathetic half formed shadow of a human… with Gollum. Oh Sid, Sméagol deserves better than that.
......Maybe he did. But I figured what better character to put on the screen.
It is a shame that "swatting" is not taken more seriously in the US. It is treated like an annoyance. People have literally DIED from being "swatted". "Swatting" should be prosecuted as Attempted First Degree Murder. Doxxing should be treated as a violation of the victim's Constitutional right to privacy.
constitutional rights are only applied to the population from the government. Swatting should be first degree attempted murder for sure.
There's one case that comes to mind where the swattee (person who used the police to commit murder) went to jail for first degree murder. They probably won't get out of jail for at least another year.
I read this like 6 times, with total confusion and horror until I realized my error. I thought you were saying 'squatting'. As in squatting in an abandoned home. LOL. I was 12 seconds from a frenzied google search to find the person who died because their house or whatever was squatted in.
@@NobleUnclean Plot twist: the person went to squat in an abandoned home for the 10~ time in less then two hours, but then had a massive heart attack and died. If only they knew that urge to poop was actually a sign of heart attack.
If I've learned anything from watching LegalEagle, "show cause" means "tell me why I shouldn't sanction you sideways with a brick"
Andrew Finch (may he rest in peace) comes to mind for already-wrong swattings going even worse. The inevitable dismissal needs to lead to Acerthorn getting locked up if able before we get a sequel to _that_ tragedy.
Acquiring and keeping the many documents showing this person is trying to track you and your whereabouts name/identity and constantly attacking you with lawsuits should lead any competent lawyer to bring severe charges against Acerthorn on many various suits including Civil harassment.I would also use the information that he is seeking where you live as a possible violent assault maybe a swatting attempt and most certainly should be filed with the police.
What really sucks is that this loser doesn't have any money to be billed for when you crush his balls in court. At least once you get a judgment in the proper court you can start filing it as evidence that Acerthorn should NOT be granted things like filing fee waivers and unduly patiently extended additional attempts to do what he's doing.
At this point you've got grounds for suit against him Sid. I hope you are preparing to make the most of it.
Can't squeeze blood from a stone, but at the very least Sid can have fun making sure no matter what Acerthorn does, he'll never be allowed in a courtroom again unless he's being prosecuted for felony counts of irredeemable stupidity in the first degree.
If only the judge could force him to pay you for damages and harassment
They can if Sid files for sanctions
Unfortunately, acer is too poor to be forced to pay
How long do you want to drag out a lawsuit?
Acerthorn : Yes.
I can't believe this hasn't been laughed out of court already. A judge in a more sane part of the country would've taken one look at the lawsuit, read it, and laughed at it and told him get a life by this point.
Sucks that you have to deal with this, Sid, especially from such a serially litigious individual. I really hope he gets labeled as a vexatious litigant and gets stripped of his right to file in court.
If ever there was a person to be labeled as a vexatious litigant, it'd be Acerthorne. The only court room he should be allowed in is one trying him for terminal stupidity in the first degree.
Using footage of Gollum during this is a work of genius.
It was the only viable choice I could think of.
I appreciate the decision to use Gollum gameplay while talking about this actual gollum.
Those devs had a Dark Souls ambition on a Hollow Knight budget.
At this point Acerthorn is going to get bared by the courts, which means he loses the ability to file any kind of lawsuit.
OH GOD NO!!! It's bad enough looking at his face - I would projectile hurl all the way to Fukushima if I saw the rest of his body as well /urghhh!!!/
Please enlighten me, at what point does his rampant and obvious abuse of the legal system get recorded permanently and they refuse to allow it at all?
He keeps filing fraudulent claims, wasting court time and doing so under the "im too poor to pay" clause... when does the abuse of that clause get it revoked for malfeasance?
Not soon enough…
Dude no one deserves to be tormented with the Gollum game. Don't do that to yourself my brother.
It's an allegory. :P
I was hoping for a "get bent weirdo" somewhere in this video, like the last video.
You can legitimately feel the judge thinking, "Oh my God. Fuck off." Lol.
Also, he recently put out a video explaining why he doesn't want any friends or anything, but isn't he suing you for ruining his "opportunities with women" or something?
He's suing Sid for defamation that doesn't exist. The "I could've sued women for not dating me" is an example he used to prove he doesn't sue everyone.
Which is incredibly stupid and all it does is guarantee NO ONE will date him.
Honestly the defamation Asser thorn in everyone’s side is alleging, HE IS DOING TO HIMSELF!
Maybe he should put up a few attraction signs.
Naah, the case with women was Stebbins vs Stebbins & Stebbins 2013.
Where D. Stebbins was admonished:
"Further, Mr. Stebbins is advised not to yell at court staff or use abusive language in any written or oral communication with the Court or fellow litigants. Mr. Stebbins will be expected to behave with the decorum expected of all litigants who appear before, or file pleadings with, this Court."
In that case either was father was sueing him and his mother, or he was sueing his parents.
The issue is that his parents made him D. Stebbins II instead of coming up with a name, so it's hard to tell.
I work as a carer for autistic children and it's good to see in Acerthorn all the reasons I do my work for. So that my charges don't end up like him.
this is still going on? yeash. this is worse then a Clingy Partner that refuses to accept the break up.
I'm sure good 'ol Acerthorn is just playing Bingo with the number of states he's already been marked a vexatious litigation in. I know I am! Come on California, I need the diagonal win!
Acerthorn has turned into Captain Ahab. He's become so obsessed in his vendetta against you, he's just going to bring about his own self destruction.
I hope he never finds you, Sid. 👍
I think it's becoming clear now Acer is just doing this over and over because it's like playing the lottery for him, only he doesn't need to pay anything to do so. He just needs one win to be set up for life.
He would have to hire and actual attorney first before a win can happen, with how he speaks in the court documents he'll never get a win.
@@scottieboy1794 not ENTIRELY true. All he needs is to get to a jurry a single time and have just enough people on it who will look at sid as hitler due to percived isms and ists.
While the odds of acer winning are about the same as my winning the lottery 67 times in a row and IS mathmatically posible......its also mathmatically posible for the entire earth to turn into chocolate at random. Just not likely
@arcticfox5118 well I guess that would be true but they would have to be all crazy especially since he keeps going against lawyers who know the laws that he clearly doesn't know.
@@scottieboy1794 consider the state of the U.S at the moment....finding 12 crazy people more intrested in fee fees then logic and facts is not that hard. Kinda like trying to hit a tree with a rock in the jungle. You see it all the time. Go look up the case where a moron driving in winter was being wreckless and massivly speeding. So ended up losing control and crossing the median then dieing when he did a head on with a werner semi....they found a jurry they could convince the trucker was at fault and awarded 100 MILLION dollars to the family.
The big trick is getting a judge to agree in a state and convinceing the right jurry sid is a bigot. As i said not bloody likely but a none zero chance all the same.
It was already clear when people started digging into his past lawsuits, and internet history that dates back to 2008.
His lawsuits are extortion attempts.
He's weaponizing the legal system and hoping for a big payout, wherever that comes from.
His room's a mess, he's a mess, and his lawsuits are a mess.
Well Sid, for your sake I hope it gets dealt with soon. Obviously not going to win any lawsuit (if he can even get it heard at all). He can still be a huge pain in the ass though, and no one really needs to be dealing with damaged people for prolonged periods of time.
What I find funny (and someone please correct me if I'm wrong) Is that I'm pretty sure he's already labeled a vexatious litigant in his home state. If I'm right doesn't that basically mean he either can't or would have a crazy hard time pursuing this in his home state? Would mean his only shot would be to try and figure out your home state. That's gonna be a tall ask. He'd probably have better luck trying to discover a new species of jellyfish.
He is, yes.
I think you are right about vexatious litigant. I think that means he can only field once per 6 months in his home state.
@@keyman1737 actually only partially, he can only file a request for leave to file a lawsuit in his home state every so-much-time (not sure about the 6 months) AND judges can dismiss the case at face value, he needs express permission from a judge to actually even get to the filing stage of an actual lawsuit.
@cnfuzd1 Thank you.
@@cnfuzd1 Ohhhhh.
Sid, when you go to court vs this guy please go dressed as Batman.
Poor old Davey Stabbins. He keeps on sinking his own boat and shrieking about how it's actually everyone elses fault.
The thorn, is just the physical embodiment of salt. He just can't give up, he keeps getting defeated at every turn, but will not stop. If anything, he's a persistent bugger, will give him that. He's still a monumental douchebag though.
Crazy people will not stop? Isn't that the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Why the F courts indulge these wackos ...
Well no, the true definition of insanity is a little more nuanced than that. But yeah if you like the Vaas definition of insanity, Acerturd definitely is.
I'd love to be able to send him anonymous types.
Trust me, SidAlpha's real name is.... Seymore Butz.
or maybe Hugh Jass.
Oh, that wasn't it? Oh, sorry, this time I'm sure of it, his real identity is Mike Rotch..
Could probably keep him going for awhile.
I thought SidAlpha was a girl with a voice filter "he" stole from a top secret government lab on Mars?
Not to doxx the guy but I'm pretty sure his name is Mike Hunt.
Acerthorn has an A c e r _t h o r n_ to his side: his own idiocy.
Misfit got his channel back up (as far as I know, he got his Battlebit vid back up in addition to his response to that whole weirdness) and I'm glad he got the justice he deserved.
Somehow, Cid playing Gollum while discussing the unclean hands gremlin himself is very, VERY clever.
Cid, how is this case STILL going? Dude does not have anything else to sue over, at least from my perspective.
Courts are slow because they are overwhelmed. VERY little action since it was first filed in January because of that. Right now it seems that District Court Judges have literally hundreds, some thousands of cases at any given time. People like Acerthorn only make it worse.
@SidAlpha I hope that this saga gets a conclusion soon. Sid, I'd invest in personal defense if you haven't already. David Stebbins (Acerthorn) has gotten violent before (that court doc detailing his disagreement with his father clearly shows this), and he might try to go after you and your family. Again, maybe he got the wrong address, but I wouldn't want to be caught unprepared for the worst.
Damn. He has a lot of time with himself that he's willing to spend his life on this stupid case. 😂🤣😂 Like a kid on his temper tantrum because someone looked at him funny.
This guy should be in an asylum wearing a straightjacket. 😂
You Sir, are painting mental images I don't want to think about...
My lunch wanted to revisit the outside, but I managed to keep it where it belongs, thankfully.
May your success be unhindered, swift and decisive when dealing with this issue.
Keep being vigilant SidAlpha, please take care and stay safe!
I think he is obbssessed. Maybe to point of blaming Alpha for everything wrong in his life.
Why the hell did some swamp donkey come up to my property and serve me a lawsuit saying I was SidAlph..... oooooooohhhh.... riiiight.
Disclaimer: This didn't actually happen.
Not sure why he hasn't been labled a vexatious litigant yet.
He has to some degree, I think. A previous judge has restricted the number of suits he can file per year if I remember correctly.
@@SergeiMosinIn the state that he lives in he is restricted to one lawsuit per three months. Which is why he is suing people in California instead.
How has he not been declared litigious yet?
Because the lawsuit needs to be fully finish first at the very least, and then someone needs to file litigious against him.
You mean a vexatious litigant? He has been. Just not in California. Sanctions for being a vexatious litigant are restricted by where such litigations are filed. Until he bothers a particular jurisdiction enough, that particular jurisdiction won't have him in their system as a vexatious litigant. iirc, he HAS reached that point with other jurisdictions, just not California or federal.
I can't believe I forgot why you don't do PO box: people like Acerthorn makes it a necessity. Hope you and your family continues to stay safe. 🙏
And keep up with the content upload. They are awesome!
Why are you torturing yourself playing Gollum
I was planning on reviewing it but didn't have the time.
@@SidAlphamight as well play it if you already paid for it 😅
@SidAlpha honestly don't even bother. We all know how bad it is and don't particularly wanna see anybody suffer this game and it's mountains of incompetence lol
He's trying to put himself in the mind of the turkey goblin that's sueing him
it's gotta be less painful than acerthorn being acerthorn (maybe)
I legitimately wonder what it will take for this to stop. Unless a court forces him to, he'll never stop
"weaponized idiocy" , what a post before-times term!
I found the Gollum footage for this video to be very a propos. Good job! :)
Honestly i dont know how this guy keeps being able to file for lawsuits and not see the fact he KEEPS doing this and blacklist him, it just baffles me
The courts will never blacklist people,
Because ultimately it would be seen as a miss handling of justice should there come a moment where he is actually it the right and would need the ability to defend himself.
That's not likely going to ever be true, but it is a line that the court will never cross.
Algorithm food to help Sid alphas channel
Lobotomized and disgustingly overweight terminator. 😂
Gonna have to remember that one...
Its a real shame acerthorn is allowed to file 1000 frivolous lawsuits out of spite and anger. I dont understand how people can be punished more if they waste the courts time. The courts are already backed up with very real cases. People should not be allowed to play games. There should be a fasttrack for bullshit.
Unfortunately, the system needs to take everything seriously, otherwise stuff that is really important can dissappear, or in the worst cases be disappeared.
Imagine him and Billy Mitchell sueing each other.
Oh that would be GLORIOUS!
I'd watch that
Ever since Karl Jobst called him "Silly Bitchell" In a video, I actually forgot his real name was Billy. XD
That would be a Mobius strip of stupid with no beginning or end.
Feel like this is beyond Psychopathy considering the definition of a psychopath, if anything he is moreso the equivalent to a Lunatic or strait up insane. Afterall, the definition of insanity is to repeat the same mistakes, and not only has he done that. He has also gone after the same person as if he is obsessed with you in some strange sickening way.
Sociopath is a better term to describle Acerthorn. Manipulative, impulsive, narcissistic, violent, and he has no empathy, and remorse for others.
@@ThrashMetalWolf666 Not to be that guy, but not all sociopaths are violent. Hell, many (if not most) sociopaths are actually functioning members of society.
@@TheTimoprimo Yeah I tend to mistake impulsive behavior with aggressive, and violent behavior.
Sociopaths can definitely be decent people. I just call Acer one because he displays behavior that's commonly associated with Sociopaths.
@@ThrashMetalWolf666 Fair enough
Honestly at this point ANY Case involving Asser Thorne in the ass should be dismissed WITH PREJUDICE and not without Prejudice.
Love the use of Gollum footage, whether you meant it or not it fits perfectly as Acerthorn is a foul creature that civil folk find detestable who doesn't understand how foul he is :P
Oh, it was most definitely intentional.
Acerthorn is one of those people who really should know when to quit, but lacks the self awareness to be able to do so.
How nice of you to show raw footage of a wild acerthorn in the background.
"Wild People Kingdom"...I think Sid would be a great narrator for a nature documentary series (make it happen, Mutual of Omaha!)
Never fight stupid, they are experts at doing the most insane crap.
Unfortunately it's a court of law. I don't really have much choice in the matter.
Hey, just a reminder, I know this sounds dumb coming from me to you.. but please, if it’s your own court case, don’t give any information out that can damage your case dude.
Like I said, you probably already know this. But you know just in case. (no pun intended)
don't worry Sid, when the moment is right we'll pay for the legals, you have 120 thousand people watching your back.
This! I am willing to do my part.
He is lucky that you are much nicer than many of us. He will eventually mess with tbe wrong person. Karma is a mother.
Sorry your going through all this mess
I remember a lot of internet lolcows claiming they've found the identity of their enemies, it never goes well for said lolcows.
Is there a point and time when he could be fined for wasting court time?
That would be nice.
I doubt any federal court has jurisdiction over you once the federal claims were dismissed. He'll need to file in state court somewhere, locate you and establish personal jurisdiction. You may then be able to remove to federal court.
God dang its good to have you back.
Thanks for the update. We have ya back all the way mate 👍
He seems more of a Staypuft the Marshmallow Man than the Terminator... blind to everything he's blundering into. Keep us posted on this train wreck, here's hoping the judge shuts this crap down _with extreme prejudice_ next time.
I can see the the glow from Acerthorn's nuclear butthurt from here.
Im just here to claim unclean hands
Let's see them unclean hands!
8:08 I wouldn’t say it’s so much reading comprehension’s as reality comprehension that’s his problem.
After all Acerthorn hasn’t got what he wants yet, therefore somebody must be doing something wrong and any evidence to the contrary can be ignored.
I love this. Drag em into the light
Oh Acerthorn, you are not going to win. Just drop it and be prepared to be sued. Big time.
Suing Acerthorn won't accomplish anything. The man has no money, no job, no assets, no life (according to dox published elsewhere on the web). Suing him's just a waste of time & money.
@@zenfrodo Problem is he'll still attack behind :/
@@zenfrodothat's what he's allowed to be known publicly: remember, the Christian church often declares itself to be "asset rich and cash poor" for a reason.
there has to be at least one or two TH-cam lawyers willing to keep an eye on this case and make content from it for little cost...
bruce willis criminal lawyer on youtube could if he wanted but he mostly covers celebrity court cases
Sid you might want to ask any legal counsel you already have if there's a means by which you can build a case for seeking punitive damages via countersuit if he does in fact continue his campaign of legal harassment. Its possible there isn't, but if there is, documenting anything on papper that you haven't already done so may help with that...
Don't get me wrong, I would assume you've already thought of this, but, I'm constantly proven wrong at how easily obvious things can slip by people in the heat of the moment.
Fight the good fight, and do the right do, Sid.
The big problem is because he is basically destitute, there's no way to actually retrieve the damages.
Although I *would* suggest that his legal council look at whether his landlord is liable for this in any regard, though he may need a Slipping Jimmy strip-mall ambulance chaser to handle that. That'd at the very least put him on bad terms with his landlord and finally deservingly put Acerthorn in the streets.
Edit: I was kinda saying this off the cuff but I think there may be something to this that'd be enticing to said Slipping Jimmy type grifter. See, because Acerthorn is engaging in these frivolous and fraudulent lawsuits from his home, that could feasibly put the landlord at fault because they're responsible for providing the premises for Acerthorn to engage in this behavior.
But if these are found to be *unlawful* lawsuits, that could be against the rental agreement or lease he has, so even if he has section 8 housing, he CAN be evicted.
@@crazyinsane500 its certainly something to _consider,_ but I feel like going after someone morally unrelated, even if not legally so, probably isn't the best case scenario.
You've gotta do what you've gotta do to live, but Sid did say he's not at that point of drain yet. If it were me, I'd definitely prefer anything that had to snap at someone, at least be the most directly responsible person... I do get that a landlord has certain legal culpability but I also think that its highly likely a given landlord would be largely unaware of the personal dealings (that is, crimes committed that give no obvious indication) of their tenants.
I suppose no matter how hard we may or may not try to create just laws, there will always be holes and this may be one of them. I just hope it isn't the fateful crack in this case.
@@crazyinsane500 | Sometimes it's not about the money, but instead the message.
Given how stubborn Acerthorn is, hes going to file again or something...
So how does this end? At which point does this become legal harassment if it isn't already?
I wonder if Sid likes Gollum more than Acerthorn.
They are very akin to each other in a lot of ways.
He’s still trying to sue you?
Damn I’m sorry man.
I can't believe this is still going. Good luck Sid I hope this thorn in your side gets removed with haste.
Ugh Acerthorn lives up to the thorn bit in his name, he will never seem to get the idea and just drop it.
Please turn this into a documentary movie 🙏🙌😂
EDIT: I just realised you couldn't because acerthorn would try to sue for copyright & demand royalties for future sales of the movie 🤣
Change Acerthorn to a semi-sentient computer artificial intelligence called CARPANET (designed by Jambert Ra Amino), use the "based on actual events" scripwriting blenderology that TV movies love to use, have Christopher Nolan direct, and call the movie "Binary Seppuku"...
...if you have to pay the owner of the copyright of "War Games" a royalty to use an obvious variation of the line "A strange game - the only winning move is not to play..." (as the JCN supercomputer Mycroft will tell CARPANET as CARPANET is being walked down the hallway to the AI execution chamber), I'll gladly toss Sid Alpha a tenner toward the licencing :)
Honestly Sid... this is just free content at this point! Milk it dry and get that bag!
How did you get Acerthorn into that Lord of the rings game as a model? it's near-perfect!
That character model makes the Gollum in the recently released bad game look sympathetic and heartwarming by comparison...
...the riddle battle between Gollum and Bilbo in The Hobbit, my favourite bit from Middle Earth, and that's why Gollum deserves a good game (which, by all accounts, he didn't get :( )
man i was having a shitty morning but this was hilarious. although I'm sad your going through this his attempt to tell the JUDGE how to do her job was just priceless!!
I forgot Wackadoodle as an insult, I’ma start using that again it’s hilarious. 😂
You must be doing something right if you've managed to get yourself such determined nemdsis.
how is this guy still going......
"Pineapple dipped in turpentine" there's a mental image I didn't need lol
Same here. Why waste a perfectly tasty Pineapple by dipping it in an unpleasant liquid and then ramming it up the rectum of a crazy person!? I’d much prefer if he used a cactus instead. More spikes for starters 🌵
"A fresh pineapple dipped in turpentine" lol
I saw this pop up while playing FF16 and was like "okay time for a small break."
Man, when/if this saga ever concludes it will be one hell of a Mega-Mix video.
Never thought I'd say this, but Acerthorn manages to make VenomFangX and Digital Homicide look like reasonable people.
It's been, 84 years.
Honestly at this point I just feel sorry for him.
I was just this morning wondering what happened to this dad stabbing larval legal lolcow and lo and behold down you descend to deliver the news.
Isn't there some kind of Stalking Law in the US that he might be violating at this rate?
If he was in the UK he Would be behind bars for stalking, just saying. (Case of Alex Bellfield and the BBC)
i'm very happy you're back. thank you good luck & you always make me laugh. appreciated