The Blackstar is a retinue unit so you can bring it along with 1 veteran unit as retinue, in non agent armies.. tho that doesnt change how bad everything is in the book... Ill stick to index with friends or make my own full deathwatch codex homebrew it looks like
Thank you for spotting my mistake - I was so dead-set on the dedicated transport thing, I forgot about the RETINUE keyword. But as you said, not that it makes much of a difference overall.
@@scapegoatboy69 and because they aren’t dedicated Transports they don’t have to be filled.. though definitely won’t be worth the points as a gunship only
Thanks for the run, you were my go to guy for understanding Deathwatch when i started in 9th edition. Sad to see things end this way for my first faction. The long vigil is finally over
@SwissHammer I hope to see you come out of hiding Temor, we're back, and this new index actually looks pretty exciting. No more proteus, but the fortis is genuinely good and we seem to have the best terminators in the imperium 🤯
You've served honorably and maintained the Long Vigil better than most. You did a good job. As for what comes next, I plan to split my models into two armies. One Imperial Fleet detachment and one space marine chapter. Unsure what army to pick for the marines. Possibly Ultramarines or Dark Angels.
Thank you for the update Watch Master Temor!! The future looks bleak but we are of the Long Vigil! Vanguard detatchment is where I’ll be for the foreseeable 😢
Very welcome! Vanguard is great and feels "Deathwatch enough", especially given how mixed KTs were already struggling in 10th anyway. Still, I would have preferred them FIXING KTs, not removing them...
@@SwissHammer I know! My heart goes to all the Tourney players who we know have been forgotten. I was thinking of going to some Tournaments this year but not without my star Indomitor KT 🤦🏽 I’m lucky my gaming group is more than happy to put together some decent rules and let me run Legends units. Not everyone is like this though and it’s a hard pill to swallow
@@timbob1145 so back 🤝🏽🔥 Talon Strike KT looking amazing in both BSTF and Vanguard detatchment. Indomitor glow up, no longer a wet fish in melee Termies back Spectrus has bite Happy Black Clad Space Marine here 😂
@elispiller2686 same brother, conveniently i have 15 termis still on sprue and didn't buy any bikes! Time I bought some assault intercessors I think. Oh and a gravis captain to take thief of secrets for the indomitor kt. Praise the emperor.
I know I'm echoing a lot of fellow commentators. However, I really appreciate the time you put into Deathwatch. It was my first army and you made it easier to understand and play! Much love.
i think alot of us were prepared to see alot of stuff go to legends but having our HQs & last remaining units effectively locked out of Codex Space Marine was what we didnt see coming
Deathwatch is my main army. I'm gutted. 4.5k points in firstborn DW marines. I lovingly made a bunch of kitbashed units, custom poses and loadouts. I was working on some termies when the book was announced. The wind was taken out of my sails. I have other factions around 2k as well, but this has soured my love for the game that I'm done with 40k for a long time. Frankly I dont care to work on the other armies either as the DW was my driving force.
I feel you, heavily customizing Kill Teams was one of my main motivations as well. Also, Terminators are one of my favorite models, going to miss bringing all those CMLs 🥲
There's a 4th way, it's to play regular Space Marines and not attach DW Imperial Agents stuff. Since all mixed teams are going to legends you're not giving up much. And you get to keep: 1.) Painting all Space Marines with black armor, silver arms and various chapter badges 2.) All your SM strats and army rules because everything is Adeptus Astartes 3.) All your SM anti-tank 4.) All your primaris DW units (just not mixed) 5.) DW Tactical, Devastator and Scouts I mean, if you can't have unique rules, you can at least have a cool looking army.
Yeah, I think it boils down to rules vs. models. If someone is fine with playing codex Space Marines that look like DW, then these changes won't really affect them much. Personally, I would have preferred continued rules-support, but hey, GW did what they did...
Can you have squads with multiple frag cannons or infernus bolters though? I ran squads with at least two heavy weapons in them. It does not sound like that is possible anymore. I have 4 frag cannon and four infernus bolter marines. Seems like I ran two or three of each in any army I fielded usually in the same unit. Rules seem to say I can only have one of each or one of each per five man unit more accurately I suppose. I guess that could work. I will hold off on crying death and doom just yet I guess. Still very bummer though.
I had just started playing 40k for the first time with friends on TTS and learning the armies. I had a Deathwatch I was working on. Well that's dead. I really feel for the people who spent so much money and time acquiring a Deathwatch army only to get shafted.
There will be no more purchases from GW by me at least. I have around 3500to 4500 points depending on load out of Deathwatch. 6 ten man Proteus KT: 5 vets with bolters &shields, four Terminators with various weapons and a bike for each team. 8 Characters, 16 Dreadnoughts 2 Razorbacks, 2 Rhinos, Land Raider Crusader, Land Raider Terminus, Godhammer Land Raider 2 Corvus Blackstars 3 Rapier Batteries
GW could have the codex very interesting by simply adding a rule allowing the use of battleline units from other Imperium codexes. This could have forced players to buy boxes of other factions, but GW doesn't need our money. I was really expecting the codex to include Inquisition Stormtroopers, i even painted a couple of Scion squads. It's a shame.
Yeah good point, the Stormtroopers seem very iconic and would have made for a good Battleline unit. I guess they just didn't put much thought/effort into this codex at all...
I am still baffled how GW could put together this IA codex and fold in the Deathwatch without any armor and no anti-tank. I had an Impulser Executioner and a Redemptor Dreadnought and neither of them now can be used. I can't even include half my HQs like chaplains, Tech Marines, or even the freaking Apothecary. Did they even playtest this concept?
How are 5 bloody veterans a killteam, where's the tactical flexibility? Lt Artimis and Capt Watch master? Wargear options nerfed, no ML etc. Not bloody happy
Honestly, I've been trying to be optimistic about the changes, but damn GW has made this difficult. No DW term No DW bikes and the big issues of having only 3 turns of rules for a 5 turn game
How do you think the legends datasheets will look like? Would it be possible that the legends kill teams get retinue keyword so i can still run them along side my salamanders and raptors? Cause that was my goal for my watchfortress proyect, 5 companies with 40 man and a captain, I build 3 of each kill team and veterans and other vainilla unit painted like a chapter that match the chapter specialty and their loadouts so in my lore as a watch master I send kill teams to support other chapters. I have some unpainted and unassembled things :(
The WHC preview article mentioned that they will get the DEATHWATCH keyword in order to get full support for the Alien Hunters detachment. Whether they get retinue or not remains to be seen. Personally, I have my doubts...
Frankly, whime I preferred deathwatch to other flavors of marines, thematically they probably never should have been more than just allies. I think it looks weak but the Agents codex is what i always wanted for a 40k faction. It needs storm troopers and a proper tank... But its awful close. The only thing I'm kind of mad about is that I built all of the special mixed kill teams and they just rugpulled them all. I'd probably own less marines if they had never offered those. I am irritated that I need to pivot.. yet again... And feel bad for people who had thousands and thousands of points of the 8th to 9th edition death watch... But I'm looking forward to mixing up some imperial soup! Oh, also, i know Grimdark Future isn't 40k... But their deathwatch copy faction has all the old options and feels thematic AF, so thats another option in my back pocket.
From a modelling perspective, I believe that Imperial Agents will have so much potential for amazing kitbashes and just cool looking armies in general. Personally, I just wish they had left options open for everyone: Imperial Agents AND standalone DW rules, like sisters and Grey Knights have and keep it. It's such a creative hobby overall, feels bad to have some of that taken away bit by bit (... rules have to fit on one datasheet, only play what can be built from one box, etc... give us players some credit, GW)
It hurts man. I will be building an IA army but I'm not sure how it will go. Also, no new models aside from a couple of characters and old returning models. Not even Primaris scaled vets. Meanwhile, Blood Angels getting shiny new models and refreshes every week during our codex replacement launch. Just feels like they don't care at all.
An IA army should be a lot of fun from a modelling/fluff perspective, can really go wild with different style of units. Just a shame that DW had to be sacrificed for it. Also, have been eyeing Blood Angels myself, but oh boy the timing with their reveals stings.
12:12 Doesnt Sound GOOD! I got Space Marine Units.... But they Are All DEATHWATCH. AND NOW MY ARMY IS BROKEN IN HALF! SHOULD I SELL OR BURN THEM HERE IN TH-cam! Should I hire a Vindicare Assasin to hunt down GW?
Now that I considered dusting off my minis I see this. But heartbroken, I loved the idea of 9th Ed DW and the Primaris KTs. I still have an almost unassembled Dark Angel Combat Patrol (the one with the Redemptor Dreadnought), so I guess I’ll be building Dark Angels now.
Iron Hands don’t special rules anymore, they’re generic Marines. There is a detachment in the Codex “Ironstorm Spearhead” which represents the Iron Head, but it’s accessible to any Space Marine army.
GW is and continues to be a shitbag company. They had every opportunity to keep everyone happy and maliciously killed the faction. Any shred of guild I could feel buying knockoffs and recasts has gone out the window. GW will get no more money from me.
While there have been many questionable decisions down the road of 10th, dropping DW a year in is certainly a new low even for GW. I am with you, though, loyalty points are off...
It’s shocking! I have about 20,000+ points of deathwatch, mainly kill teams. I’m just waiting for the dust to settle before I decide what to do. Not looking good at all. Playing as bog standard marines is boring. I can’t believe they removed the Astartes keyword, how stupid. I’m pissed they only support older first born models especially after spending a small fortune buying and upgrading to primaris marines!
I hear you, it's not only the discontinuation of the army as we know it, but a weird reversal of what we would have expected with getting Primaris models. Now it's suddenly that all "new" stuff isn't DW, anymore... it's shocking. Great collection btw, impressive, I think I am still a few k short of that!
@@SwissHammer having the indomitor kt back, with gravis captain with thief of secrets and biologis with beacon was good enough, but now with their new rule is just magnificent.
My disappointment is immeasurable and this edition is ruined. There isn’t a single wargame, indie or otherwise, that lets you field kitted-out mixed-force style squads along with combined arms quite like 9th DW. I hope one day James comes back and revives 8-9th sort of like how they revived 7th with Horus Heresy, but that’s a total pipe dream.
I just spent soo much time watching soo many deathwatch videos and made an army list.. which is now useless Homebrew Legends (2000 points) CHARACTERS 5(470 points) Librarian In Phobos Armor(70 points) Watch Captain (80 points) Heavy Bolt Pistol, Master Crafted Power Weapon and Relic Shield • Enhancement: Thief Of Secrets Apothecary Biologist(85 points) on • Enhancement: Fire Discipline(30 points) Watch Captain Tor Garadon(90 points) • Warlord - Tor Garadon(90 points) Watch Master (105 points) • Enhancement: Tome of Ectoclades(40 points) BATTLELINE(1510 points) Deathwatch Veterans(200 points) Sgt with Combi-weapon and Xenophase Blade 1 Black Shield Blades 4 Deathwatch Thunder Hammers 2 Infernus Heavy Bolter with a close combat weapon 2 Astrates Shield with power sword Fortis Kill Team(230 points) Led By Watch Captain 5 Intercessors 2 Long Vigil Range Weapons, 2 Long Vigil Melee, and 3 Bolt Rifles 3 Hell blasters Plasma Pistol 3 2 Outrider 2 Spectrus Kill Team(180 points) led by Librarian In Phobos Armor 5 Infiltrators 2 Eliminator 2 Suppressor 1 Incursor with Heywire Mine Indominator Kill Team(270 points) led by Apothecary Biologist Kraken Rounds Heavy Intercessors 5 two heavy bolters Bolt storm Aggressors 2 Bolter Interceptors 2 Multi-Melta Eradicators 1 Indominator Kill Team(270 points) led by Tor Garadon Kraken Rounds Heavy Intercessors 5 two heavy bolters Bolt storm Aggressors 2 Bolter Interceptors 2 Multi-Melta Eradicators 1 Proteus Kill Team(360 points) Led by Watch Master 5 Kill Team Veterans 3 with Four Infernus Heavy Bolters and 2 with Astartes Shield and Long Vigil Melee weapon 1 Kill Team Bikers 4 Death Watch Terminator 1 Terminators with Stormshild and Thunder Hammer 2 Cyclone Missle Launcher 1 AutoCannon
That is what is being said... here is hoping they live up to the hype of bringing back a army that was once in the game you know "Sqauts".. j/k i look forward to it.
For all you Imperial Agents players, take it from a Deathwatch player! Dont make the mistake of mixing units from different codexes like Sisters or Grey Knights. As in the next edition you'll probably have a new codex without them. Noone likes wasted models, which gives you two options. 1) Complete your colection £££ 2) Stick with 9th edition 😊
@@SwissHammer It's clear GW has no bones about invalidating peoples collections, and in fact, seems to be their new business strategy. Your video was therapeutic dude 👍
The Blackstar is a retinue unit so you can bring it along with 1 veteran unit as retinue, in non agent armies.. tho that doesnt change how bad everything is in the book... Ill stick to index with friends or make my own full deathwatch codex homebrew it looks like
Thank you for spotting my mistake - I was so dead-set on the dedicated transport thing, I forgot about the RETINUE keyword. But as you said, not that it makes much of a difference overall.
@@WildAce001 huh... I guess anybody could take two Corvus Blackstars. That's a weird thought.
@@scapegoatboy69 and because they aren’t dedicated Transports they don’t have to be filled.. though definitely won’t be worth the points as a gunship only
@@WildAce001 the Blackstar SHOULD have been a Dedicated Transport and not Retinue. So sad
Thanks for the run, you were my go to guy for understanding Deathwatch when i started in 9th edition. Sad to see things end this way for my first faction. The long vigil is finally over
The long vigil never ends 😢
It was fun while it lasted, and 9th edition Army of Renown alone was worth it for me.
@SwissHammer I hope to see you come out of hiding Temor, we're back, and this new index actually looks pretty exciting. No more proteus, but the fortis is genuinely good and we seem to have the best terminators in the imperium 🤯
Thank you for all of your coverage. R.I.P. Deathwatch
Thank you for all your support over the course of 9th edition, DW had a good run!
You've served honorably and maintained the Long Vigil better than most. You did a good job.
As for what comes next, I plan to split my models into two armies. One Imperial Fleet detachment and one space marine chapter.
Unsure what army to pick for the marines. Possibly Ultramarines or Dark Angels.
Compliment accepted, thank you!
And this seems to be a good overall strategy. Blood Angels also look pretty neat as far as I'm concerned.
Thank you for all your video. Hope we'll get back next edition.
We can only pray to the God-Emperor at this point...
Thank you for the update Watch Master Temor!! The future looks bleak but we are of the Long Vigil! Vanguard detatchment is where I’ll be for the foreseeable 😢
Very welcome! Vanguard is great and feels "Deathwatch enough", especially given how mixed KTs were already struggling in 10th anyway. Still, I would have preferred them FIXING KTs, not removing them...
@@SwissHammer I know! My heart goes to all the Tourney players who we know have been forgotten. I was thinking of going to some Tournaments this year but not without my star Indomitor KT 🤦🏽
I’m lucky my gaming group is more than happy to put together some decent rules and let me run Legends units. Not everyone is like this though and it’s a hard pill to swallow
We're back!!!
@@timbob1145 so back 🤝🏽🔥 Talon Strike KT looking amazing in both BSTF and Vanguard detatchment.
Indomitor glow up, no longer a wet fish in melee
Termies back
Spectrus has bite
Happy Black Clad Space Marine here 😂
@elispiller2686 same brother, conveniently i have 15 termis still on sprue and didn't buy any bikes! Time I bought some assault intercessors I think. Oh and a gravis captain to take thief of secrets for the indomitor kt. Praise the emperor.
I know I'm echoing a lot of fellow commentators. However, I really appreciate the time you put into Deathwatch. It was my first army and you made it easier to understand and play! Much love.
Much appreciated, thank you very much!
i think alot of us were prepared to see alot of stuff go to legends but having our HQs & last remaining units effectively locked out of Codex Space Marine was what we didnt see coming
Yeah, that our few remaining datasheets will not even be considered Space Marines anymore is quite something...
Deathwatch is my main army. I'm gutted. 4.5k points in firstborn DW marines. I lovingly made a bunch of kitbashed units, custom poses and loadouts. I was working on some termies when the book was announced. The wind was taken out of my sails. I have other factions around 2k as well, but this has soured my love for the game that I'm done with 40k for a long time. Frankly I dont care to work on the other armies either as the DW was my driving force.
I feel you, heavily customizing Kill Teams was one of my main motivations as well. Also, Terminators are one of my favorite models, going to miss bringing all those CMLs 🥲
Same thing with me.😢
There's a 4th way, it's to play regular Space Marines and not attach DW Imperial Agents stuff. Since all mixed teams are going to legends you're not giving up much. And you get to keep:
1.) Painting all Space Marines with black armor, silver arms and various chapter badges
2.) All your SM strats and army rules because everything is Adeptus Astartes
3.) All your SM anti-tank
4.) All your primaris DW units (just not mixed)
5.) DW Tactical, Devastator and Scouts
I mean, if you can't have unique rules, you can at least have a cool looking army.
Yeah, I think it boils down to rules vs. models. If someone is fine with playing codex Space Marines that look like DW, then these changes won't really affect them much. Personally, I would have preferred continued rules-support, but hey, GW did what they did...
Can you have squads with multiple frag cannons or infernus bolters though? I ran squads with at least two heavy weapons in them. It does not sound like that is possible anymore. I have 4 frag cannon and four infernus bolter marines. Seems like I ran two or three of each in any army I fielded usually in the same unit. Rules seem to say I can only have one of each or one of each per five man unit more accurately I suppose. I guess that could work. I will hold off on crying death and doom just yet I guess. Still very bummer though.
Tragic. I’m not selling my army but absolutely not playing for the rest of 10th. I hope the writers from 9th regain creative control for 11th.
A good moment to catch up on that pile of shame. Fingers crossed for 11th edition!
I had just started playing 40k for the first time with friends on TTS and learning the armies. I had a Deathwatch I was working on. Well that's dead. I really feel for the people who spent so much money and time acquiring a Deathwatch army only to get shafted.
Personally, I don't regret any of the models I built, they can be repurposed, just a shame how it went rules-wise.
I legit quit the game. My entire army faction gone? All that time not recognized by the very company that makes the rules? Fuck it, I am out.
Can't blame you, that was quite a new low from GW side...
There will be no more purchases from GW by me at least. I have around 3500to 4500 points depending on load out of Deathwatch. 6 ten man Proteus KT: 5 vets with bolters &shields, four Terminators with various weapons and a bike for each team.
8 Characters,
16 Dreadnoughts
2 Razorbacks,
2 Rhinos,
Land Raider Crusader,
Land Raider Terminus,
Godhammer Land Raider
2 Corvus Blackstars
3 Rapier Batteries
That's a sizable army, very nice! Got lots of Terminators myself, the loss of DW Terminators is particularly upsetting for me 😑
@@SwissHammer thank you. It took a long time to assemble and it was fun!
I had extremely low expectations but GW somehow went the extra mile to make this worse than nothing.
Unfortunately, this is pretty much exactly what happened...
Heartbroken. I just outright quit after this.
Yeah, that was about as bad as it could get.
Yeah. Was going to try 40k again. But now just focusing on my other systems
While its not preferred you can always play generic marines with deathwatch scheme like I will do
I’m looking forward for a review from you on the “new” codex we’ve got ;)
Great to hear, it will be coming soon!
Gonna Watch this Later Deathwatch Brother! Maybe we have to play the hell out of LEGENDS!
Best in faction "Legends", why not... retirement ambitions!
GW could have the codex very interesting by simply adding a rule allowing the use of battleline units from other Imperium codexes. This could have forced players to buy boxes of other factions, but GW doesn't need our money.
I was really expecting the codex to include Inquisition Stormtroopers, i even painted a couple of Scion squads. It's a shame.
Yeah good point, the Stormtroopers seem very iconic and would have made for a good Battleline unit. I guess they just didn't put much thought/effort into this codex at all...
I am still baffled how GW could put together this IA codex and fold in the Deathwatch without any armor and no anti-tank. I had an Impulser Executioner and a Redemptor Dreadnought and neither of them now can be used. I can't even include half my HQs like chaplains, Tech Marines, or even the freaking Apothecary. Did they even playtest this concept?
Yeah, for DW players of 9th and early 10th this is a terrible treatment
It hurts to see this as the end of The Watch.
It does indeed, unless there will be an unexpected comeback at some point in the far future
At least our hopes are!
Feel sorry for all you deathwatch player. But as an Inquisiton play. I love this codex, including the deathwatch part
I bet, hurts for Deathwatch players, but of course a new army always opens up new possibilities for others!
@SwissHammer not really a knew army. It has been around since 3rd edition
Now our watch has ended...
... for now!
How are 5 bloody veterans a killteam, where's the tactical flexibility?
Lt Artimis and Capt Watch master?
Wargear options nerfed, no ML etc.
Not bloody happy
Yeah, it's about as bad as it could get.
@@SwissHammerare you aware that DW terminators are still in boarding action 😮
Yikes, I guess I should sell all my boxed 40k stuff or switch to Dark Angels or something 😢
Or wait it out and hope for better times 😉 (the optimistic me)
The long watch is finally over.
The long Vigil never ends!
Thanks for the review. What will happen to the channel now?
Will still cover any DW updates, assuming that there will be at least some...
Ty for your Vids and the effort to help players of DW. RIP Deathwatch
Very welcome, rip DW indeed
Honestly, I've been trying to be optimistic about the changes, but damn GW has made this difficult. No DW term No DW bikes and the big issues of having only 3 turns of rules for a 5 turn game
As much as losing mixed KTs hurts (even though they were underwhelming in 10th anyway), that they also took away DW Terminators... daaaaaaaamn.
How do you think the legends datasheets will look like? Would it be possible that the legends kill teams get retinue keyword so i can still run them along side my salamanders and raptors? Cause that was my goal for my watchfortress proyect, 5 companies with 40 man and a captain, I build 3 of each kill team and veterans and other vainilla unit painted like a chapter that match the chapter specialty and their loadouts so in my lore as a watch master I send kill teams to support other chapters. I have some unpainted and unassembled things :(
The WHC preview article mentioned that they will get the DEATHWATCH keyword in order to get full support for the Alien Hunters detachment. Whether they get retinue or not remains to be seen. Personally, I have my doubts...
Frankly, whime I preferred deathwatch to other flavors of marines, thematically they probably never should have been more than just allies.
I think it looks weak but the Agents codex is what i always wanted for a 40k faction. It needs storm troopers and a proper tank... But its awful close.
The only thing I'm kind of mad about is that I built all of the special mixed kill teams and they just rugpulled them all. I'd probably own less marines if they had never offered those.
I am irritated that I need to pivot.. yet again... And feel bad for people who had thousands and thousands of points of the 8th to 9th edition death watch... But I'm looking forward to mixing up some imperial soup!
Oh, also, i know Grimdark Future isn't 40k... But their deathwatch copy faction has all the old options and feels thematic AF, so thats another option in my back pocket.
From a modelling perspective, I believe that Imperial Agents will have so much potential for amazing kitbashes and just cool looking armies in general.
Personally, I just wish they had left options open for everyone: Imperial Agents AND standalone DW rules, like sisters and Grey Knights have and keep it.
It's such a creative hobby overall, feels bad to have some of that taken away bit by bit (... rules have to fit on one datasheet, only play what can be built from one box, etc... give us players some credit, GW)
It hurts man. I will be building an IA army but I'm not sure how it will go. Also, no new models aside from a couple of characters and old returning models. Not even Primaris scaled vets. Meanwhile, Blood Angels getting shiny new models and refreshes every week during our codex replacement launch. Just feels like they don't care at all.
An IA army should be a lot of fun from a modelling/fluff perspective, can really go wild with different style of units. Just a shame that DW had to be sacrificed for it. Also, have been eyeing Blood Angels myself, but oh boy the timing with their reveals stings.
12:12 Doesnt Sound GOOD! I got Space Marine Units.... But they Are All DEATHWATCH. AND NOW MY ARMY IS BROKEN IN HALF!
Should I hire a Vindicare Assasin to hunt down GW?
While that would no doubt make for a fantastic show, plastic fumes are bad for your health, brother 😉
@@SwissHammer Hahahah True!
Grüße aus Deutschland!
Press F to pay respect.
Now that I considered dusting off my minis I see this. But heartbroken, I loved the idea of 9th Ed DW and the Primaris KTs. I still have an almost unassembled Dark Angel Combat Patrol (the one with the Redemptor Dreadnought), so I guess I’ll be building Dark Angels now.
Maybe we will be returning to DW this coming December after all...
@@SwissHammer yeah saw it. I still have same DW models, but I’m now almost 1000pts into a DA army.
Absolutely gutted!!
Royally so!
IDK what faction of space marines to choose? im leaning towards iron hands, but idk where to find there special rules?
Iron Hands don’t special rules anymore, they’re generic Marines. There is a detachment in the Codex “Ironstorm Spearhead” which represents the Iron Head, but it’s accessible to any Space Marine army.
GW is and continues to be a shitbag company. They had every opportunity to keep everyone happy and maliciously killed the faction. Any shred of guild I could feel buying knockoffs and recasts has gone out the window.
GW will get no more money from me.
While there have been many questionable decisions down the road of 10th, dropping DW a year in is certainly a new low even for GW. I am with you, though, loyalty points are off...
Wait for the faq to drop on the release. Might be some changes
Adeptus Astartes keyword would go a long way, but at this point it's difficult to remain hopeful
@SwissHammer if it gets add you would have to faq. Adept soritas and grey knights into the other requisition units too.
They butchered my boys. Like id rather they got fully squatted than this half arsed shadow of the BSTF, which was already underperforming
Agreed, in a way this is kind of the worst possible outcome.
Add a comment...🤬
Allies for Imperial knights 😢
I wonder if even Imperial Knights would want overcosted DW Vets...
Whelp...the models are still cool. We can always run them as any other Space Marine data sheet.
Yeah, if anything, all restrictions are off, we can go for any marines now, the kitbashing continues!
It’s shocking! I have about 20,000+ points of deathwatch, mainly kill teams. I’m just waiting for the dust to settle before I decide what to do. Not looking good at all. Playing as bog standard marines is boring. I can’t believe they removed the Astartes keyword, how stupid.
I’m pissed they only support older first born models especially after spending a small fortune buying and upgrading to primaris marines!
I hear you, it's not only the discontinuation of the army as we know it, but a weird reversal of what we would have expected with getting Primaris models. Now it's suddenly that all "new" stuff isn't DW, anymore... it's shocking.
Great collection btw, impressive, I think I am still a few k short of that!
The astropaths have delivered us some incredible news. Get your cyclone missile launchers back on and jump in your blackstars brothers!
We might have to teleport rather than fly the Blackstar, sadly, but the DW Terminators sure have me fired up!
@SwissHammer indeed! Over the moon to see you back brother watchmaster.
@@SwissHammer having the indomitor kt back, with gravis captain with thief of secrets and biologis with beacon was good enough, but now with their new rule is just magnificent.
Hi Temor. Will you be reviewing the new index?
Hey! Indeed, the full review will be available next week!
My disappointment is immeasurable and this edition is ruined. There isn’t a single wargame, indie or otherwise, that lets you field kitted-out mixed-force style squads along with combined arms quite like 9th DW. I hope one day James comes back and revives 8-9th sort of like how they revived 7th with Horus Heresy, but that’s a total pipe dream.
Agreed, difficult to feel positive about the edition at this point. But who knows what the future has in store...
I hate what they did to the Deathwatch. I heard they aren't getting a codex. That's just lame. Props to finding loopholes.
I just spent soo much time watching soo many deathwatch videos and made an army list.. which is now useless
Homebrew Legends (2000 points)
CHARACTERS 5(470 points)
Librarian In Phobos Armor(70 points)
Watch Captain (80 points)
Heavy Bolt Pistol, Master Crafted Power Weapon and Relic Shield
• Enhancement: Thief Of Secrets
Apothecary Biologist(85 points) on
• Enhancement: Fire Discipline(30 points)
Watch Captain Tor Garadon(90 points)
• Warlord - Tor Garadon(90 points)
Watch Master (105 points)
• Enhancement: Tome of Ectoclades(40 points)
BATTLELINE(1510 points)
Deathwatch Veterans(200 points)
Sgt with Combi-weapon and Xenophase Blade
1 Black Shield Blades
4 Deathwatch Thunder Hammers
2 Infernus Heavy Bolter with a close combat weapon
2 Astrates Shield with power sword
Fortis Kill Team(230 points) Led By Watch Captain
5 Intercessors 2 Long Vigil Range Weapons, 2 Long Vigil Melee, and 3 Bolt Rifles
3 Hell blasters Plasma Pistol 3
2 Outrider 2
Spectrus Kill Team(180 points) led by Librarian In Phobos Armor
5 Infiltrators
2 Eliminator
2 Suppressor
1 Incursor with Heywire Mine
Indominator Kill Team(270 points) led by Apothecary Biologist
Kraken Rounds
Heavy Intercessors 5 two heavy bolters
Bolt storm Aggressors 2
Bolter Interceptors 2
Multi-Melta Eradicators 1
Indominator Kill Team(270 points) led by Tor Garadon
Kraken Rounds
Heavy Intercessors 5 two heavy bolters
Bolt storm Aggressors 2
Bolter Interceptors 2
Multi-Melta Eradicators 1
Proteus Kill Team(360 points) Led by Watch Master
5 Kill Team Veterans 3 with Four Infernus Heavy Bolters and 2 with Astartes Shield and Long Vigil Melee weapon
1 Kill Team Bikers
4 Death Watch Terminator 1 Terminators with Stormshild and Thunder Hammer 2 Cyclone Missle Launcher 1 AutoCannon
Im just starting a Deathwatch army... rip Kill Teams
Maybe we will be returning to DW this coming December after all...
That is what is being said... here is hoping they live up to the hype of bringing back a army that was once in the game you know "Sqauts".. j/k i look forward to it.
Sir! Come back
Never left!
Heartbroken as hell.
So am I, so am I...
For all you Imperial Agents players, take it from a Deathwatch player! Dont make the mistake of mixing units from different codexes like Sisters or Grey Knights. As in the next edition you'll probably have a new codex without them.
Noone likes wasted models, which gives you two options.
1) Complete your colection £££
2) Stick with 9th edition 😊
Grey Knights Terminators in particular might be a candidate for a new kit - as happened for the SM Terminators
@@SwissHammer It's clear GW has no bones about invalidating peoples collections, and in fact, seems to be their new business strategy. Your video was therapeutic dude 👍
RIP man
RIP indeed
DW Kts slaps tho?
In non Space Marine armies, yes, which is ironic at best
Deathwatch are not compatible with the commercial politic.
One box = one unit
So sad that this seems to be what killed DW 😑
I used this channel for my deathwatch when i started in 9th. Thank you for your insight and wisdom for the long watch. 🫡
Looking back, 9th edition (esp. Army of Renown) was such a good time for DW. Thanks for your support!