Grounded 1.0 Tips & Tricks: How To Survive Your First 10 Days

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 10 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 98

  • @Farmer_Rick_Ross
    @Farmer_Rick_Ross ปีที่แล้ว +144

    HUGE TIP : Collect some mushrooms and throw them in a pile on the ground! Weevils will flock to the pile and allow you to freely collect weevil meat! Great for Hunger/Healing!

  • @pookachu150
    @pookachu150 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    Helpful tips:
    1) if you die and don't want to trek for your bag, just quit on the "you died" screen. Especially useful in the pond...
    2) SCAN THE WEED STEM!!! I didn't do this till today. (A friend was helping me early on and I thought he got it) I didn't have any scaffolding until now and I built my base up in the tree. So that was all grass floors and clover ramps.
    3) With the new update making ziplines go both ways with an update think about making a tree base. Its close to the center of the map, is extremely high up, is easy to defend since only flying enemies will get to it, and the only real dangers come out at night.
    4) get the bandage upgrade for burge (robot guy) it cuts the cost of a heal over time from like 5 materials down to 2.
    5) dew catchers. Make one or two and you won't worry about water ever again.
    6) when you're ready to fight be sure to "peep" the enemies and check their data. It'll take forever to kill sonething if you aren't using the correct weapon or damage type.
    7) Once you can fight mosquitoes do so. You can make a weapon from them that gives you life steal. Upgrade it as much as you can and it will last you most of the game.
    8) Make a shield from weevils. This will save you so many deaths. Learn to shield right when an enemy strikes to parry it. Get enough of them and it'll stun them for a moment. Blocking does have a meter though. Be careful if its high. When it fills completely youll stumble on the next hit. Most bugs do a single strike or a 1,2,3 strike. They'll have different animations for it. Be sure not to let your meter fill on the 1st strike of a 1 2 3 or else itll hurt.
    9) repair repair repair! Stuff breaks if you use it too long. While it doesn't destroy the item you don't want it breaking while you're fighting a wolf spider. Or exploring a far away area. My advice is carry around repair items if you have the space. Usually this is only one or two items. And even if you REALLY need an extra slot to gather an item you can just repair early.
    10) Do you have a friend? Do they have grounded? If the answer to both of those are yes, congratulations. You can kill most any creature in the game. Most enemies can only focus on one thing at a time so while one of you is being slaughtered the other can be poking it for a little bit of damage. Best strategy is to place lean-tos by the enemy but a safe distance away, charge in like madmen and attack till one of you dies. Immediately accept your fate while your friend hangs on for dear life. Repeat this making sure one of you is always fighting it and as long as you have enough weapons you can kill anything! Reminder: enemies heal if not in combat. Doing this will keep them in it.

    • @meribarecentes6255
      @meribarecentes6255 ปีที่แล้ว

      Another tip is to use mutations they can be activated via the status tab keep in mind that you can only have 2 active but u can increase that number to 5 via milk molars(ill leave u trying to figure out what that is) useful ones are natural explorer since its buff its actually useful now because level 1 gives a 10% speed increase, level 2 gives 30% increase, and level 3 gives 50% increase cardio fan is also good to get stamina back faster.

  • @MaxFox_Gaming
    @MaxFox_Gaming ปีที่แล้ว +116

    Grub armor is a better tier 1 armor than acorn armor, since it gives you more stamina and allows your stamina to recover faster. It's really good for getting more attacks off and only has slightly less defense than the acorn set. Although acorn allows you to block more damage, it also increases the range at which bugs will come and attack you, and make them more likely to want to attack when in combat, making acorn a very bad idea for inexperienced players. It also costs much more stamina to use attacks because it is a heavy armor, so you'll end up having longer fights. Use it if you're looking for more of a challenge.
    Another good tip for early on is to get your hands on the Red Ant Club as soon as you can, since it's a good weapon and likely your first tier 2 one, and will give you an advantage against some of the smaller creatrues like ants, and of course the larva which can be quite a problem early on as they are a bit unpredictable and can also attack in swarms if you stumble across them. To get it you will need to kill 2 red soldier ants, which is actually easier once you get the bow since they are weak to stabbing damage - the pebblet spear is a decent option too. Worker ants are easy to take out, just try to catch them alone and use a pebblet axe to stun them, allowing you to get the kill before they can try running away and calling on more for help.
    The Red Ant Club will also give you a much better shot at taking out the ladybug, which is very tanky and can dish out a lot of damage. Clubs can dish out much more damage to them than a one-handed tier 1 weapon, and also blocks more damage that they do to you if you haven't got the perfect block timing quite down yet - just watch them carefully and try to circle them or back away after getting a combo, but beware their charge attack.
    Another tip - healing items. Dig up grubs for their grub sludge and craft a smoothie station after analyzing it. You can then use any 3 items and a grub sludge to make Questionable Slop, which gives you an instant heal when consumed. You can also make some specific ones that give you secondary effects, the best early one probably being Fuzz on the Rocks, crafted with mite fuzz, a pebblet and a lump of clay. It gives you 20 more health for 2 minutes, AND heals you if you're injured. Perfect to help you tank heavy hits in the beginning.
    Finally, make sure to make use of mutations when you come across them, as they will give you an edge in combat or doing other tasks. Cardio Fan is good for recovering stamina faster, and each weapon has a specific mutation for them after you kill enough bugs. To enable a mutation, just go to the Status tab and enable them there after discovering them. You can have 2 enabled at once, later increasing to 5 with upgrades. Other notable ones are Natural Explorer to run faster, Meat Shield for 30 more health permanently, Parry Master to get stamina back when perfect blocking, and Mithridatism to resist poison damage.

    • @ClickyJayJay
      @ClickyJayJay ปีที่แล้ว +5

      I'm really new to this game. Thanks for the tips man :)

    • @shiners3137
      @shiners3137 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Thanks for these tips bud. Very helpful.

    • @CyrussNP
      @CyrussNP ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Any tips against Spiders? I’ve the red ant club and first bow and arrow, but those bastards keep taking me out. I managed to kill one orb weaver with 100+ arrows though I know that’s not the most effective way. I tried to kill another one but suddenly a wolf spider appeared, jumped up on the trunk I was firing from and chased me halfway across the yard 😂😂😂

    • @Juber777
      @Juber777 ปีที่แล้ว

      Very interesting info

    • @Dakingsnake
      @Dakingsnake ปีที่แล้ว +4

      When she recommended the acorn armor i was like huhhh and ive only been playing the game 2 days.

  • @KingPopinLockin
    @KingPopinLockin ปีที่แล้ว +15

    The best early game tips for combat:
    Craft a shovel asap, it stuns bugs easily. One hit will stun a worker ant and it will stay stunned long enough for you to kill it by spamming spear attacks. Stun builds up so if a bug doesn't stun in one hit, don't think that it can't be stunned.
    Perfect parry. When you block just as a bug is going to hit you, you will block the damage and add some stun. Just watch out because most bugs have a combo attack hitting 2-4 times depending on the bug. A good bug to practice on are mites. They have one attack that you can see coming a mile away.
    Knowing these things makes combat way easier throughout the entire game.

  • @HelpIdkAGoodUser301
    @HelpIdkAGoodUser301 ปีที่แล้ว +87

    A funny story in grounded, is me and my friend were at a spider den. He went in when I was asking him not to because I’m terrified of spiders. He goes in and the spiders don’t do anything. It’s because I had a lag spike. As soon as the game stopped lagging a spider just teleported close to us and I screamed so loud.

    • @tookool5616
      @tookool5616 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Dumb story

    • @petersonp84
      @petersonp84 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      Did you know there is an 'arachnophobia mode' in the game? It turns the spiders into goofy looking blob things but they might be less scary for you.

    • @HelpIdkAGoodUser301
      @HelpIdkAGoodUser301 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      @@petersonp84 yeah I have it on 3 because they look stupid on 3. On 5 they are basically invisible floating blobs and really hard to spot.

    • @caligonekids9851
      @caligonekids9851 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @PolorX25
      @PolorX25 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      @@petersonp84 Just recently downloaded the game (and trying to get my friends to download it as well) and I think having some white floating thing coming out of the darkness towards me is so much more horrifying than a spider. Plus, having spiders look natural only gives me more encouragement to slay them.

  • @themisfitowl2595
    @themisfitowl2595 ปีที่แล้ว +68

    The Acorn Armor set will also increase the attention from hostile bugs, because they find acorns delicious so you look like a tasty snack. Other early game armor sets might be better if you want to avoid combat.
    The Red Ant Armor will make all red ants see you as not a threat, allowing you to explore their anthills easily, while the Clover Armor although it has less defense it will keep your hunger and thirst bars from depleting as fast.

    • @trankia1224
      @trankia1224 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      so, it would be smart to just get all the armors, and swap them out when needed?

    • @themisfitowl2595
      @themisfitowl2595 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      Yup! This is exactly what I do. And even better, you can put your armor on the armor stands to store it. The armor stands also have a function that allow you to swap armor quickly without having to re-equip piece by piece.😀

    • @robzilla8084
      @robzilla8084 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      you callen me a snack?

    • @themisfitowl2595
      @themisfitowl2595 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Mmmmmmmmaybe... 😅😅😅

    • @meribarecentes6255
      @meribarecentes6255 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@themisfitowl2595 seems like a good test dummy for my candy staves eh?

  • @Killercrock999
    @Killercrock999 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    2 tips for someone who has been playing for months
    1. Get the. Ladybug amor as fast as you can. It is very easy to get if you follow tip 2 and it is busted early game
    2. Learn to perfect block as it can save you from death a lot. It’s okey if you die the first few times trying to learn because once you learn how the bugs attack( and put parry master on if you want to) you can progress the game faster.
    One more thing. Don’t use acorn amor. It used to be good buts now it’s not

    • @meribarecentes6255
      @meribarecentes6255 ปีที่แล้ว

      Acorn armor is still good and another thing about ladybug armor is if ur really good(like me) it can carry u through the ENTIRE GAME just not the javamatic defense

    • @Killercrock999
      @Killercrock999 ปีที่แล้ว

      I understand what you mean for acorn armor being good but I personally think it’s the worst armor for a new players now with it making you more likely to be attacked by bugs that never would have even seen you. Yes if you played before and your good at perfect blocking it’s decent at best but if you played before you can get ladybug armor by the end of day 1. Speaking of ladybug armor,you are right that ladybug armor can carry you through the game and people should definitely use it for a long time but I feel like their are other armor that are better to use late game. Am I saying you should get get rid of ladybug armor as soon as you can, no but as a veteran I say that you shouldn’t rely on a tier 2 amor to carry you though the game and get a tier 3 armor that you fits with your play style. If you do want to use the ladybug armor that’s fine I personally don’t recommend it but the only person that you should always listen to is to yourself.

  • @TibekHD
    @TibekHD ปีที่แล้ว +12

    Add Barrie chunks on jerky rack gives 1/1 leather rather than hand craft 3/1 more leather parts for everyone 👍🏼

    • @killagamez4619
      @killagamez4619 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Thanks. I never knew that. Should save me multiple trips to the hedge

  • @BigZiggeran
    @BigZiggeran ปีที่แล้ว +26

    Save yourself some trouble when shooting down berries for fruit leather harvest rocks and just throw rocks at the berries to knock them down.

    • @toastytoaster974
      @toastytoaster974 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      That's so goddamn clever, much thanks

  • @aniranci
    @aniranci ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Always circle ur enemy in close combat it will make u not miss and u dodge there attacks

  • @awildvaporeon391
    @awildvaporeon391 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    found an early way to get Bombardier parts is to smash open the egg sacks in the headge lab area the spiderlings are easy to take care of

  • @toxerpot
    @toxerpot ปีที่แล้ว +4

    My trick is get a shield and a larva blade to go to kill Wolf spiders and then i craft the spider dagger and the insect bow. Then i use the dagger until i get the mint mace or the antlion sword.

    • @meribarecentes6255
      @meribarecentes6255 ปีที่แล้ว

      I just kill them with a pebblet axe on day 1 if they wanna visit Bug God that is.

  • @johnmillay6790
    @johnmillay6790 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Been playing hard. Loving grounded 1.0

  • @MrJblazini
    @MrJblazini ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Mosquitos are so annoying 😆

  • @Krowwfather702
    @Krowwfather702 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I just started playing this game and I feel like I’m playing the kids version of ELDEN RING 😂

  • @DynastyShooter21
    @DynastyShooter21 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    The first ten days is referenced a couple times in this video, my wife and I just started playing and are nervously wondering what happens after 10 days, or is that just an easy reference point for noob players?

    • @DraGonKniGht20
      @DraGonKniGht20 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      The latter. Most videos of this type typically use x days as a reference to the 'early game', where you're still fresh to the game, learning how things work, etc. It's not like 7 days to die where there would be a blood moon and you get swarmed by zombies on the night of every 7th day. 🙂

    • @meribarecentes6255
      @meribarecentes6255 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Its just a reference point as you said.
      Or is it jk
      Fun Fact: during early access they always send a wolf spider to the mysterious machine on day 5

    • @meribarecentes6255
      @meribarecentes6255 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @T Rocka i just annihilate everything now because I've mastered the most important thing: Parrying. If u master parrying u are essentially invincible(even my friends struggle to kill me) because just parry and u take ZERO damage, apply stun damage to whatever u parried, lose ZERO stamina(unlike blocking), and with specific armor pieces and upgrades apply debuffs like poison with the black widow armor or armor decrease with the fire ant armor

  • @MrAreos033
    @MrAreos033 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    "Nutz even" 🤣🤣👀

  • @chargasm712
    @chargasm712 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Grounded full release is here 👍

  • @StealthyZombie
    @StealthyZombie ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Play with a seasoned survivalist if you can! Someone who’s conquered the backyard in the beta is a great friend to take into 1.0 with you.

    • @meribarecentes6255
      @meribarecentes6255 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yep can agree! Xbox Gamertag: PaperSquash5216 if you need help but I'm only good when I host though

  • @ebenstrange6821
    @ebenstrange6821 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I lead a bombardier beatle to my little and hill friends and the bombardier died and I 1 spotted an unlucky soldier ant 10 minutes into my playthrough and I'm going to try it for a second time

  • @nderitumuriuki7945
    @nderitumuriuki7945 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Amazing tips! 😊

  • @TheRickDingler1548
    @TheRickDingler1548 ปีที่แล้ว

    forgot the juice box in the sandbox

  • @dexter11112
    @dexter11112 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Love the vid great tips

  • @nflisrigged1395
    @nflisrigged1395 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    More people need to play this online.
    It's free on game pass .

    • @SillyUAVideos
      @SillyUAVideos ปีที่แล้ว +3

      All games on game pass are free but game pass isnt free

    • @Catlover45yt
      @Catlover45yt ปีที่แล้ว

      It's a dollar tho but true

  • @maliticus7474
    @maliticus7474 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    So I've been looking around since 1.0 launch and no one is mentioning the dew collector. Has it been removed from the game? I'm a few days in, have a lot of stuff researched, and have researched web fiber and silk and I still don't have the pattern.

    • @nurielsalinas8777
      @nurielsalinas8777 ปีที่แล้ว

      How do you unlock the trading with burg.l option? I doesn’t give me the option to do you know why?

    • @maliticus7474
      @maliticus7474 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@nurielsalinas8777 I'm brand new to the game as of 1.0. The burg.l trading that I've seen in older videos now seems to be handled by the computer in research tents around the map.

    • @maliticus7474
      @maliticus7474 ปีที่แล้ว

      Welp, It seems I had the dew collector pattern after all. I never saw the pattern pop up when I scanned things or leveled my brain power, but I have it after all...

  • @AbideinChristFully
    @AbideinChristFully ปีที่แล้ว +1

    My kids playing this, and we don't know how to even unequip a rock without throwing it. I need a BASIC guide. How to build a axe/hammer? HOW to build that lean to?

    • @K9emerald
      @K9emerald ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I has this same stupid issue. Ok so apparently you have to keep that stupid rock on your hot key. (The bottom row of your inventory) then once it's there, get out your inventory menu and hold I believe is left bumper? Can't remember but it'll show a inventory wheel. In the wheel you should see that stupid rock and you'll be able to unequip it once you select it.

    • @tomclayton9881
      @tomclayton9881 ปีที่แล้ว

      Are you on Xbox yeah?

    • @meribarecentes6255
      @meribarecentes6255 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@K9emerald or u can just equip something else y'know

  • @ethanwolanczyk6435
    @ethanwolanczyk6435 ปีที่แล้ว

    Love the vids

  • @diogonz7777
    @diogonz7777 ปีที่แล้ว

    Can you recruit npc in this game for your base?

  • @kendogo7
    @kendogo7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Man I started over and built on that dymn baseball I'm going up the stick gear a noise look see nothing and a wolf spider jumps me on the stick I was so mad before 1.0 133 days and ain't ran into a wolf spider by that ball now I have seen him 3 times in 2 days

  • @LyricClock-fo8he
    @LyricClock-fo8he ปีที่แล้ว

    Take on ladybugs with the red ant club and friends

  • @Caleb.2Famous
    @Caleb.2Famous ปีที่แล้ว

    It took me 200 days for roll poly armor😅

  • @Mark-mu4pj
    @Mark-mu4pj ปีที่แล้ว

    Good video guys.

  • @Zcrouse08
    @Zcrouse08 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    This game launched with more bugs than it had in beta! ; )

  • @idiotplays377
    @idiotplays377 ปีที่แล้ว

    So is getting a their 3 weapon before day 5 and on whoa is good?

  • @alex3007
    @alex3007 ปีที่แล้ว

    More of that Scottish accent please 😍

  • @lennchadful
    @lennchadful ปีที่แล้ว

    did he say 5 juice boxes and then name off 8?

  • @theoldpokemonsage3067
    @theoldpokemonsage3067 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @vaderknight2850
    @vaderknight2850 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Will gta come back to gamepass

  • @infinitysynthesis
    @infinitysynthesis ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Why does she always sound like she's chewing food when talking.

  • @Wickedroonz
    @Wickedroonz ปีที่แล้ว

    this game is pain

  • @Yt_Shadow234
    @Yt_Shadow234 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Grounded ain't even out on xbox, it still says game preview/pre order

    • @GJB21
      @GJB21 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      It says that but 1.0 is out

  • @jerzh9366
    @jerzh9366 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    The buggiest game on Xbox! 🤣

    • @leojames2950
      @leojames2950 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Fr like everywhere i go theres a bug

  • @traption4617
    @traption4617 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    These tips are garbage

  • @requ1emYBA
    @requ1emYBA ปีที่แล้ว

    With seeing the clickbait thumbail and hearing the sentence “You want to base near clean water-“ you already know this is just for views.