Ca de fiecare data, ai facut un video la inaltime, cu informatii foarte bune! Faci o treaba foarte buna! Nu pot decat sa iti MULTUMESC pentru toate informatiile date!
Very good guide! I've decided to change the filter myself since I have allergy and the mechanics probably just use the cheaper ones and charge more. This was very useful to understand and choose which one to buy
I have this same model in my car, already used the cuk2939 and the fp2939, tbh there is not a great difference between both, positive thing for the fp is the price, sometimes it's basically the same as the cuk.
bb the major difference for my car is the the poliphenol one is high air obtructing and it is not ok at all. I have fogged windshield in the sunmer and no heat in the winter
After 2 month of use i can say it's definitely a very marginal difference. Maybe be more prominent for other people that haven't lost their nose because of covid. But i still think it's somewhat more fresh air. I feel better after i been in my car...
Carl Strandberg the difference from original to polyphenol one is very big but the main problem is the severe air obstruction. I will soon try the simple carbon one for my new car because i suspect there isn’t much difference comparing to poly ones but the air is not so obstructed on the simple carbon one
@@3mariusx So the cabin fan has to work more and you get less air into the car? I haven't noticed that to be honest. I been running my fan on all speeds, full speed for a long time etc. Also both my dad and my younger brother has borrowed my car plus a couple of friends. They all been super happy with the a/c (nothing to do with this) and the smell/wind speed from the vents. Now when i think about it. I haven't noticed smells from farmers lands at all. I seems to filter out those strong odors very well.
Awesome test Sergiu! Two years ago I went from a basic filter to the very same Mann premium one that you have tested and I noticed a reduction in odors, specially when driving behind a diesel car. However, if I’m driving behind an old truck or some vehicle that generates a lot of smoke I can still smell it moderately. Pollen filtration is very good as well but the basic filter was decent in that aspect too.
Great informative video mate, thank you. The rotten egg test had me laughing me ass off haha. Cheers for the video, I'm going to get a carbon activated one for the first time
Would love to see you do a K and N reusable filter thanks for the video. I know it was a long time ago, but it’s still informative, but there’s new filters out please do updated video. Thank you.
Foarte detaliat videoclipul. Nu ca nu ne-ai fi obisnuit deja cu produse video de maxima calitate si detaliu. Pe viitor, daca ai timp, poate incerci si o ,,batalie" intre uleiuri de motocicleta.succes in continuare
Hey man! Was waiting for your video and wasn't disappointed. I have the Frecious filter installed in a Passat B8 and I could see the difference in particle - smoke and odours - filtration from the basic filter from before. The difference really is noticeable, especially in traffic. What I don't like, and it might be the filter's fault, the windshield is very , very foggy in the morning with this filter. Didn't had any problems with the basic one from before...
Check the drains under your window behind the engine, might be clogged. Of so you will get severe water problems innside 😳 Also you can have one window down 3 cm and have a heater fan in the car over night to dry it out, since many times there is just a little moist in the fabric, roof and floor
Very nice comparison test but one important thing you forgot to emphasize is that the manufacturer suggests the premium filter's polyphenol coating will prevent bacterial and mold growth which leads to odors coming from the filter itself and not from the outside. Good luck!
Thanks! I was recently wondering if it's worth it to pay up for the FreciousPlus filters. Now looking at your test results and side-by-side comparisons, I don't think it makes sense to pay a much higher price for such a small filtration benefit. I'll stick with the charcoal filters.
you should make a clip and combine the results from all the oil tests you did! underrated channel with high quality testing procedures! -edit: nvr mind, found tha table in the "Shell vs Motul vs Bardahl vs Toyota OEM" clip
Damn. Nice video. Lucky that I choose to replace old filter with premium carbon activated bosch filter for my car recently. Your video give some good advice on cabin filter testing and performance. 5 🌟.
MANN is the oem manufacturer for VAG. K&N passes much more airflow but comes with a price of letting much more particles into the engine. There's a test on other yt channel I won't advertise here.
Now that you know how to test them, you should compare the premium Mann filter with the Bosch A8551, Borsehung B18016 and Purflux AHA378. You may also try the super expensive Cortego CB1129. Please Sergiu, if you don't do it no one will! Maybe not even "Project Farm" will! Keep up with the good work!
Agree, that caught my eye as well. But overall the video was very informative on a subject that is not widely discussed or tested in the internet (as far as I'm aware).
Excellent video, I have tried so called hepa filters, basic, carbon and like the hepa ones best. just order a FP to try out. Slightly disappointed that it doesn’t filter 90% as claimed
Great video test Sergiu! For my car not only MANN, but Purflux and Mahle do produce the 3 types as well and I haven't check for others. I was wondering if I should buy the most expensive one (new), where I have been always putting the carbon(advanced type) for smell control and smog, which have served me well as your test have shown in comparison to the Basic filter to my personal experience? The price for the most expensive one is x2 to the Advanced filter, so I am wondering if it's worth it to replace it as twice as often or just keep going the same way as I am pleased with the Advanced? A degradation test could be something you can do in another video, as some filters tend to get clogged way before usual replacement period that the manufacturer recommends. Thumbs up!
Acum ca m-am uitat la clip am sa impartasesc si experienta mea. Am luat un filtru mann cu carbon si polifenol pentru vw t-cross. Made in germany! O porcarie de filtru a tinut 2000 km timp in care am avut aerul obstructionat in masina si credeam ca este o problema la turbina masinii plus geam aburit mai mereu 😒 dupa 2000 km l-am gasit plin de “lana”. Sincer cred ca este original dupa ambalaj. La vechiul vw polo foloseam doar cu carbon mann mereu au fost ok. Cele de top cu polifenoli sunt mai mult doar o strategie de marketing pt a lua bani mai multi. Se vede si in testele tale ca diferenta la filtrare este foarte mica. Ar fi interesant sa testezi si cat de mult obstructioneaza- garantat pot soune ca intre cel medium carbon si polifenoli este uriasa! Si cred ca se datoreaza primului strat care seamana a tesatura plus stratului de polifenolie care nu prea face mai nimic
I wonder if Tesla's marketing for there Bio Defence filtration is hype or hyper good ?. My car has no filtration, tried a DIY approach with a HEPA vacuum bag cut up, but it reduces the air flow so much it was removed 😊. Amazing work you've been sharing with us, thank you.
Do an Air Filter test next please. K&N vs other brands also you could test a Universal Pod Filter like the ones most people use to make a "cold air intake" for their car.
Multumim pentru video. Poti sa ne recomanzi si alte marci de filtre de interior ? Multe marci au doar un tip de filtru (regular sau advanced sau premium) nici o alta marca nu e ca MANN sa produca cele trei calitati. În America de nord, aceasta marca este disponibila doar pentru utilajele agricole sau camioane grele.
Sergiu,i’ve been using polifenol mann biofunctional filter on all my cars and one of those has a “functionality”issue with the ac compressor valve on my skoda octavia 2 and that has an causes an intermittent working type situation.That means that the ac is on at high revs like motorways and stops working at stop lights and city driving…you know…when tmyou need the most. That issue with the ac was the perfect test example for me to know what cabin filter works best for me.The on off situation means that the filter gets moist and dry more often and i got like 50% of its life time and the hobo 🧦 socks smell came earlier during its life time because of the accelerated bacteria growing inside the filter. And that situation went on and on for me until i got my hands on the polifenol mann filter. Same moisture smell,but no hobo socks smell in the car and that was due to the polifenol treatment on the filter.It actually does someting good like not permitting bacteria 🦠 to grow and develop on the paper layers. Beside this situation i have also encountered another issues,but this time with me,getting a sudden health allergy from the plant ambrosia. On my normal daily driving car that has also a factory aqs (air quality sistem)embedded and Mann Fervious plus polifenol cabin filter,driving with my windows up and ac on on recirculation mode,the allergy,itching eyes sneezing and running nose reduced in frequency and even more there were no longer present.And that until i go out of the car 😂 I also have a friend that owns a 2013 Audi A8 and has the same allergy issues as i do and thaked me with its life after i have put him up to date on the market existence of the Mann frecious plus filter. So my recommendations for the cabin filters are like this: If you don’t have any health allergy or respiratory issues and you respect the manufacturer’s cabin filter change interval’s you can go for the Mann carbon filter.It does the same thing.Also the difference in costs between carbon and polifenol is not so big so you can choose the polifenol. Also with the covid 19…polifenol mann version is a must.
Very nice video, thank you! Kneht Mahle also makes BIO filters, quolity is similar with Mann and price is quite similar as well. It would be great if you Will test both Just to know which one is better.
Thanks for this. I'm going to need maintenance on my car in a few months, and I was wondering if those more expensive cabin filters made a difference. They do. I will buy one of those, instead of the simpler cheaper ones. I don't wish to impose, but any chance of testing an original Toyota oil filter, and comparing it with an aftermarket equivalent?
How long do you think it takes to saturate the activated carbon? I live in a stinky area, mostly wood and pulp mills, I need to replace my filter every four months.
I'd recommend a Bio filter on cars that filter the air before the evaporator because the air that goes through it won't have the humidity removed from it and will grow mold on it.
The question is how quickly the carbon filter gets saturated, especially in certain conditions. Ive also heard, but dont know if it is correct that carbon filters re-releases the trapped gasses at certain temperatures not far above room temperature (so a car in the sun?)...
At work I've changed thousands of filters and the basic one many times you can almost drop a pen through and you certainly CAN read small letters and see straight through it 😂 and it barely have any surface area. On Toyota they are so cheap that they moves when the fan is on and big leafs even go past it.... For approximately 20% higher price for the carbon one you many times get 3 times the surface area and just the feel of it is many times better. And the premium that have surfaced after the pandemic at least the brand we use a lot (Corteco and Purflux use bosh also but less of them since they cost more for less) have a HEPA rated filter with really large surface area (it contains less activated charcoal to get more pleats in it gor better airflow and performance on pollen and dust) and it is from 10 to 40% increase in price from the basic useless one. We never go for the basic since it is many times totally garbage and doesn't actually fit tight or is floppy and falls apart. Only European Ford i demand that it does NOT contain charcoal as they have it mounted all the way into the AC coil and it soaks in water, every time after one year they have severe ammount of mould on the INNSIDE part of the filter!!!!! And it smells mouldy in the car. Owners should file a lawsuit against Ford for that design since it is a serious health issue and it's been like that from 2006 models and even brand new ones... Every time mouldy. So i disinfect the shit out of the coil every service
I think it's fair to note that there are no cabin air filters that claim they can take out the smell of rotten eggs. And this is a good thing. Because if you have a rotten anything under your hood, you should probably be able to smell it so you can remove it. Common sense. I think it's great to test out products in a way everyone can understand. Although in this particular video, some basic science was ignored. Like the weight of cement dust in comparison to the weight of pollen and other regular dust particles that you may find in a real-life scenario. Also, smoke rises. And we are generally talking about cigarette smoke and perhaps smoke from a nearby forest fire. But burning paper being pulled downwards is not the same thing. So, if you had used the correct materials and the correct way of collecting the info, it would have been more accurate. The think I learned is that for gases and exhaust, the premium filter didn't do as well as the advanced one. So wouldn't waste my money on premium.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Interesant, mă întreb cât de bun e Meyle-PD advance performance Filtru de interior. 25 de euro a costat unul și ar trebui să fie destul de performant la capitolul filtrare particule extrem de mici, mirosuri și noxe. Ar fi interesant un test. ✌️
i know some people say the mann frecious plus is so good they can't smell diesel exhaust in front, but i say their nose is not very good. i can smell it immediately, even with this filter and your data supports this. the filters only partially block the smell, which is expected.
Foarte tare video-ul Big big like din partea mea Ai putea sa faci o comparație și între niște etiloteste (sau cum s-or numii aparatele acelea ce măsoară valoarea alcoolului din aerul expirat) am văzut diverse astfel de aparate Foarte ieftine și sunt curios ce încredere se poate avea în ele. De asemenea nu știu cum ai putea testa astfel de aparate dar cine știe, poate găsești tu o soluție. Mult succes în continuare Faci o treaba super
Aparatele poliției sunt omologate dar te duce și la sânge . Ne-a dat la servici un aparat să ne testăm dacă a băut cineva să plece acasă . Într-o zi arăta că au băut toți care l-au incercat . Într-un weekend l-a luat șeful acasă și i-a arătat zero după ce băuse . Noi nu avem nevoie de astfel de aparate . Dacă bem nu mai conducem !
@@Legionar1938 Ma gândeam e ca nu sunt bune de nimic dar poate din câte sunt pe piață câteva or fi bune de ceva. Și în legătură cu urcatul la volan după ce bei. Normal ca nu te urci daca ai capul pe umeri dar eu cred ca ar fi util în unele cazuri de exemplu dacă bei seara și vrei sa mergi undeva dimineața și nu ești sigur sau sau ai băut ceva cu câteva ore înainte și a intervenit ceva și trebuie sa conduci. Dar dacă nu sunt bune de nimic și doar te induc în eroare mai bine stai pana ești sigur ca să dus alcoolul
It's a shame that in depth auto videos like these aren't more popular, as I think your video deserves more views.
Good job and thank you.
Great test! Now you should get the most out of this testing equipment and do a comparison test between premium filters from various manufacturers.
And throwing a bargain basement special
Ca de fiecare data, ai facut un video la inaltime, cu informatii foarte bune!
Faci o treaba foarte buna! Nu pot decat sa iti MULTUMESC pentru toate informatiile date!
Very good guide! I've decided to change the filter myself since I have allergy and the mechanics probably just use the cheaper ones and charge more. This was very useful to understand and choose which one to buy
This was perfect timing, i just bought and replace my cabin filter to an mann filer FreciousPlus. Gonna be fresh af in my car 🙉
I have this same model in my car, already used the cuk2939 and the fp2939, tbh there is not a great difference between both, positive thing for the fp is the price, sometimes it's basically the same as the cuk.
bb the major difference for my car is the the poliphenol one is high air obtructing and it is not ok at all. I have fogged windshield in the sunmer and no heat in the winter
After 2 month of use i can say it's definitely a very marginal difference. Maybe be more prominent for other people that haven't lost their nose because of covid. But i still think it's somewhat more fresh air. I feel better after i been in my car...
Carl Strandberg the difference from original to polyphenol one is very big but the main problem is the severe air obstruction. I will soon try the simple carbon one for my new car because i suspect there isn’t much difference comparing to poly ones but the air is not so obstructed on the simple carbon one
@@3mariusx So the cabin fan has to work more and you get less air into the car? I haven't noticed that to be honest.
I been running my fan on all speeds, full speed for a long time etc. Also both my dad and my younger brother has borrowed my car plus a couple of friends. They all been super happy with the a/c (nothing to do with this) and the smell/wind speed from the vents.
Now when i think about it. I haven't noticed smells from farmers lands at all. I seems to filter out those strong odors very well.
Awesome test Sergiu! Two years ago I went from a basic filter to the very same Mann premium one that you have tested and I noticed a reduction in odors, specially when driving behind a diesel car. However, if I’m driving behind an old truck or some vehicle that generates a lot of smoke I can still smell it moderately. Pollen filtration is very good as well but the basic filter was decent in that aspect too.
Yes pollen is quite large and originally what they were sold as doing
Foarte interesant,chiar asteptam de mult un astfel de clip!
Multumim pentru efortul si timpul alocat.Acum stim ce sa cumparam:))))
Thank you Sergiu for doing these kinds of tests!
I felt like I was watching Project Farm.. great stuff!
In Australia the frecious filter is almost double so I'll stick with advanced for now...
Great informative video mate, thank you. The rotten egg test had me laughing me ass off haha. Cheers for the video, I'm going to get a carbon activated one for the first time
This was outstanding! Thank you for going through the process of measuring the particulates in such reliable ways.
Super! Ar fi interesant pe viitor un test cu ulei 2t cred că mulți scuteriști și motocicliști ar aprecia. Bafta in continuare
Si cei cu unele motoare diesel:))
Brilliant video. Just got a Mann FP filter for my car. Hoping it makes following dirty diesels more bearable.
Cel mai corect canal de youtube
Would love to see you do a K and N reusable filter thanks for the video. I know it was a long time ago, but it’s still informative, but there’s new filters out please do updated video. Thank you.
Thank you for the amazing reviews. It's highly appreciated.
Foarte detaliat videoclipul. Nu ca nu ne-ai fi obisnuit deja cu produse video de maxima calitate si detaliu. Pe viitor, daca ai timp, poate incerci si o ,,batalie" intre uleiuri de motocicleta.succes in continuare
Hats down for you Sergiu!
De cand caut asa ceva! Multumesc pt clip si mult succes in continuare!
After looking at your review, i got the Knecht activated charcoal filter, and it really makes a difference in terms of smells.
i love this channel its been more than a year i think and i still enjoying watching this guy performing tests
Foarte bun test, mai bun decat s-ar fi asteptat oricine sa faca intr-un garaj.
Zici ca m-am uitat la Project farm! Keep up the good work you'll get there!
Odlican video. Svaka cast 👍 🇷🇸
Been waiting for this one for such a long time! Thank you!
Great video, had always wondered what the difference was in real life between the filters.
Hey man! Was waiting for your video and wasn't disappointed. I have the Frecious filter installed in a Passat B8 and I could see the difference in particle - smoke and odours - filtration from the basic filter from before. The difference really is noticeable, especially in traffic. What I don't like, and it might be the filter's fault, the windshield is very , very foggy in the morning with this filter. Didn't had any problems with the basic one from before...
Yes the better filtration is less air flow...
Check the drains under your window behind the engine, might be clogged. Of so you will get severe water problems innside 😳
Also you can have one window down 3 cm and have a heater fan in the car over night to dry it out, since many times there is just a little moist in the fabric, roof and floor
Thank you for this test I always wondered if me buying a premium cabin filter was worth it!
very freshious review thank you
Very nice comparison test but one important thing you forgot to emphasize is that the manufacturer suggests the premium filter's polyphenol coating will prevent bacterial and mold growth which leads to odors coming from the filter itself and not from the outside. Good luck!
Very nice presentation and respect for your dedication for the sniff check.
Thanks! I was recently wondering if it's worth it to pay up for the FreciousPlus filters. Now looking at your test results and side-by-side comparisons, I don't think it makes sense to pay a much higher price for such a small filtration benefit. I'll stick with the charcoal filters.
You cracked me up dude, keep up the good work
With cabin & engine filters. Isn't it a great idea to put some silicon grease around the edge, so air doesn't go past the filter?
you should make a clip and combine the results from all the oil tests you did! underrated channel with high quality testing procedures!
-edit: nvr mind, found tha table in the "Shell vs Motul vs Bardahl vs Toyota OEM" clip
Felicitari pt munca depusa ! Cu siguranta ai avut destule provocari .
La cat mai multe proiecte !
EXCELLENT testing thanks!
Glad I bought the frecious plus
Great video!!
bravo man! treaba ii clara pentru toata lumea.
Damn. Nice video. Lucky that I choose to replace old filter with premium carbon activated bosch filter for my car recently. Your video give some good advice on cabin filter testing and performance. 5 🌟.
Great work brother, does the premium one affect the airflow from the vent ? Thanks
Great test review with actual test results.
Great video as usual! Can you please do air filters? OEM vs K&N vs foam for example? Loving the beard btw!
MANN is the oem manufacturer for VAG. K&N passes much more airflow but comes with a price of letting much more particles into the engine. There's a test on other yt channel I won't advertise here.
You mean Project Farm. 😉
Before even watching the video, I’m hoping Frecious plus is a winner as I’ve used them since launch and think they’re great.
Thanks, clear so many questions I have.
Very very god and informative.regards from Denmark.
Now that you know how to test them, you should compare the premium Mann filter with the Bosch A8551, Borsehung B18016 and Purflux AHA378. You may also try the super expensive Cortego CB1129. Please Sergiu, if you don't do it no one will! Maybe not even "Project Farm" will! Keep up with the good work!
Yeah, that's what I have planned. Thanks for your product suggestion.
really good video mate!
Felicitări pentru munca depusa!
i love your videos! The always cover interesting topics i'm interested in at cars. keep going!:)
Thank you for this thorough review
Very interesting. Thanks
as from engineer, I expect correct axis markings, as for example 17:32 Y-axis particle number, X-axis particle size in [μm?]
Agree, that caught my eye as well. But overall the video was very informative on a subject that is not widely discussed or tested in the internet (as far as I'm aware).
You're right! Now that you mentioned it, it makes sense. I'll keep this in mind for the next video. Thanks 👍
I take a bow! Perfect video!
Excellent video, I have tried so called hepa filters, basic, carbon and like the hepa ones best. just order a FP to try out. Slightly disappointed that it doesn’t filter 90% as claimed
Great video test Sergiu! For my car not only MANN, but Purflux and Mahle do produce the 3 types as well and I haven't check for others. I was wondering if I should buy the most expensive one (new), where I have been always putting the carbon(advanced type) for smell control and smog, which have served me well as your test have shown in comparison to the Basic filter to my personal experience?
The price for the most expensive one is x2 to the Advanced filter, so I am wondering if it's worth it to replace it as twice as often or just keep going the same way as I am pleased with the Advanced? A degradation test could be something you can do in another video, as some filters tend to get clogged way before usual replacement period that the manufacturer recommends.
Thumbs up!
Bine ai revenit barosane :)
It would be helpful if all three filters were measured for restricting air flow.
very great, i will buy this FreciousPlus for my Jag
Thank you for this!
great timing! nice work!
Acum ca m-am uitat la clip am sa impartasesc si experienta mea. Am luat un filtru mann cu carbon si polifenol pentru vw t-cross. Made in germany! O porcarie de filtru a tinut 2000 km timp in care am avut aerul obstructionat in masina si credeam ca este o problema la turbina masinii plus geam aburit mai mereu 😒 dupa 2000 km l-am gasit plin de “lana”. Sincer cred ca este original dupa ambalaj. La vechiul vw polo foloseam doar cu carbon mann mereu au fost ok. Cele de top cu polifenoli sunt mai mult doar o strategie de marketing pt a lua bani mai multi. Se vede si in testele tale ca diferenta la filtrare este foarte mica. Ar fi interesant sa testezi si cat de mult obstructioneaza- garantat pot soune ca intre cel medium carbon si polifenoli este uriasa! Si cred ca se datoreaza primului strat care seamana a tesatura plus stratului de polifenolie care nu prea face mai nimic
Am luat un mahle varianta medie doar carbon acum sa vedem cum o sa fie
great test!!!
I wonder if Tesla's marketing for there Bio Defence filtration is hype or hyper good ?. My car has no filtration, tried a DIY approach with a HEPA vacuum bag cut up, but it reduces the air flow so much it was removed 😊. Amazing work you've been sharing with us, thank you.
Good work bro impressed
Gr8 job, well done
Great test.
Do an Air Filter test next please. K&N vs other brands also you could test a Universal Pod Filter like the ones most people use to make a "cold air intake" for their car.
Great test. Thanks 👍👍👍👍👍
salut!! inca un canal super interesant! posteaza mai des!
Multumim pentru video. Poti sa ne recomanzi si alte marci de filtre de interior ? Multe marci au doar un tip de filtru (regular sau advanced sau premium) nici o alta marca nu e ca MANN sa produca cele trei calitati. În America de nord, aceasta marca este disponibila doar pentru utilajele agricole sau camioane grele.
Sergiu,i’ve been using polifenol mann biofunctional filter on all my cars and one of those has a “functionality”issue with the ac compressor valve on my skoda octavia 2 and that has an causes an intermittent working type situation.That means that the ac is on at high revs like motorways and stops working at stop lights and city driving…you know…when tmyou need the most.
That issue with the ac was the perfect test example for me to know what cabin filter works best for me.The on off situation means that the filter gets moist and dry more often and i got like 50% of its life time and the hobo 🧦 socks smell came earlier during its life time because of the accelerated bacteria growing inside the filter.
And that situation went on and on for me until i got my hands on the polifenol mann filter.
Same moisture smell,but no hobo socks smell in the car and that was due to the polifenol treatment on the filter.It actually does someting good like not permitting bacteria 🦠 to grow and develop on the paper layers.
Beside this situation i have also encountered another issues,but this time with me,getting a sudden health allergy from the plant ambrosia.
On my normal daily driving car that has also a factory aqs (air quality sistem)embedded and Mann Fervious plus polifenol cabin filter,driving with my windows up and ac on on recirculation mode,the allergy,itching eyes sneezing and running nose reduced in frequency and even more there were no longer present.And that until i go out of the car 😂
I also have a friend that owns a 2013 Audi A8 and has the same allergy issues as i do and thaked me with its life after i have put him up to date on the market existence of the Mann frecious plus filter.
So my recommendations for the cabin filters are like this:
If you don’t have any health allergy or respiratory issues and you respect the manufacturer’s cabin filter change interval’s you can go for the Mann carbon filter.It does the same thing.Also the difference in costs between carbon and polifenol is not so big so you can choose the polifenol.
Also with the covid 19…polifenol mann version is a must.
Thank you for this, subscribed!!
you are hilarious, really liked your video!!
good info! THX :)
"Those shoes look very Frecious"🤣
Thank you man!
Very nice video, thank you! Kneht Mahle also makes BIO filters, quolity is similar with Mann and price is quite similar as well. It would be great if you Will test both Just to know which one is better.
great effort, rlly appreciated
Thanks for this. I'm going to need maintenance on my car in a few months, and I was wondering if those more expensive cabin filters made a difference. They do. I will buy one of those, instead of the simpler cheaper ones. I don't wish to impose, but any chance of testing an original Toyota oil filter, and comparing it with an aftermarket equivalent?
How long do you think it takes to saturate the activated carbon? I live in a stinky area, mostly wood and pulp mills, I need to replace my filter every four months.
Can you do a video testing oil treatments/cleaners? Do they work in cleaning sludge or do they hurt the engine?
Salut! M-am abonat!
Toate cele bune!
I'd recommend a Bio filter on cars that filter the air before the evaporator because the air that goes through it won't have the humidity removed from it and will grow mold on it.
The egg test!!😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣 I died
The question is how quickly the carbon filter gets saturated, especially in certain conditions. Ive also heard, but dont know if it is correct that carbon filters re-releases the trapped gasses at certain temperatures not far above room temperature (so a car in the sun?)...
well done and enjoyable.
Can you compare fuel filters for gasoline engines next?
Thank you!😀
Merci !
At work I've changed thousands of filters and the basic one many times you can almost drop a pen through and you certainly CAN read small letters and see straight through it 😂 and it barely have any surface area. On Toyota they are so cheap that they moves when the fan is on and big leafs even go past it....
For approximately 20% higher price for the carbon one you many times get 3 times the surface area and just the feel of it is many times better.
And the premium that have surfaced after the pandemic at least the brand we use a lot (Corteco and Purflux use bosh also but less of them since they cost more for less) have a HEPA rated filter with really large surface area (it contains less activated charcoal to get more pleats in it gor better airflow and performance on pollen and dust) and it is from 10 to 40% increase in price from the basic useless one.
We never go for the basic since it is many times totally garbage and doesn't actually fit tight or is floppy and falls apart.
Only European Ford i demand that it does NOT contain charcoal as they have it mounted all the way into the AC coil and it soaks in water, every time after one year they have severe ammount of mould on the INNSIDE part of the filter!!!!! And it smells mouldy in the car.
Owners should file a lawsuit against Ford for that design since it is a serious health issue and it's been like that from 2006 models and even brand new ones... Every time mouldy. So i disinfect the shit out of the coil every service
Thank you!
I think it's fair to note that there are no cabin air filters that claim they can take out the smell of rotten eggs. And this is a good thing. Because if you have a rotten anything under your hood, you should probably be able to smell it so you can remove it. Common sense. I think it's great to test out products in a way everyone can understand. Although in this particular video, some basic science was ignored. Like the weight of cement dust in comparison to the weight of pollen and other regular dust particles that you may find in a real-life scenario. Also, smoke rises. And we are generally talking about cigarette smoke and perhaps smoke from a nearby forest fire. But burning paper being pulled downwards is not the same thing. So, if you had used the correct materials and the correct way of collecting the info, it would have been more accurate. The think I learned is that for gases and exhaust, the premium filter didn't do as well as the advanced one. So wouldn't waste my money on premium.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Interesant, mă întreb cât de bun e Meyle-PD advance performance Filtru de interior. 25 de euro a costat unul și ar trebui să fie destul de performant la capitolul filtrare particule extrem de mici, mirosuri și noxe. Ar fi interesant un test. ✌️
great job thanks a lot
Would be interesting how long they keep filtering?
Thx Buddy.
Hi Sergiu
Attending the oil engine lubricants, ¿Which brand/manufacturer do you preffer, or which is "the best" for you?
i know some people say the mann frecious plus is so good they can't smell diesel exhaust in front, but i say their nose is not very good. i can smell it immediately, even with this filter and your data supports this. the filters only partially block the smell, which is expected.
Foarte tare video-ul
Big big like din partea mea
Ai putea sa faci o comparație și între niște etiloteste (sau cum s-or numii aparatele acelea ce măsoară valoarea alcoolului din aerul expirat) am văzut diverse astfel de aparate Foarte ieftine și sunt curios ce încredere se poate avea în ele.
De asemenea nu știu cum ai putea testa astfel de aparate dar cine știe, poate găsești tu o soluție.
Mult succes în continuare
Faci o treaba super
Aparatele poliției sunt omologate dar te duce și la sânge . Ne-a dat la servici un aparat să ne testăm dacă a băut cineva să plece acasă . Într-o zi arăta că au băut toți care l-au incercat . Într-un weekend l-a luat șeful acasă și i-a arătat zero după ce băuse . Noi nu avem nevoie de astfel de aparate . Dacă bem nu mai conducem !
@@Legionar1938 Ma gândeam e ca nu sunt bune de nimic dar poate din câte sunt pe piață câteva or fi bune de ceva.
Și în legătură cu urcatul la volan după ce bei. Normal ca nu te urci daca ai capul pe umeri dar eu cred ca ar fi util în unele cazuri de exemplu dacă bei seara și vrei sa mergi undeva dimineața și nu ești sigur sau sau ai băut ceva cu câteva ore înainte și a intervenit ceva și trebuie sa conduci. Dar dacă nu sunt bune de nimic și doar te induc în eroare mai bine stai pana ești sigur ca să dus alcoolul
Filtrul advanced Mann din acest test are 3 straturi . (așa am observat când am căutat pt mine) . Am luat Mahle antibacterial cu 5 straturi .