Watch my deconstruction of this debate and why it was a dishonest train wreck: I wasn't going to upload this to my channel, having been refused permission to upload the debate in full. However, I realised that Mohammed Hijab was controlling the comments on his upload of the video, and so decided to upload what I was given permission for in order to allow an open comments section on the debate. It's extremely frustrating that the original upload has around 1.25 million views, and yet only around 700 comments, since this gives a false impression of public perception and negates the whole purpose of having an open discussion. Therefore, if you have any comments on the debate, including the sections not included in this upload, I encourage you to leave them here, and would appreciate your support in sharing this video for that purpose.
From a scientific perspective, what exactly is "nothing?" Even in deep, empty space we have dark matter, light etc so the question of how something can come from nothing is based on a false premise.
@Drawfhe’s a clown, he purposely maliciously misquotes Alex in a desperate attempt to dismiss his valid criticism. He again ignored Alex’s point on Morality because he knows it’s indefensible
@@07GhostHD I was obviously poking a bit of fun with my comment, but let's not get nasty with each other. Dialogue and even a bit of banter can be good, but we should always remember that there is a human being on the other side of the screen.
I never would have thought that as a Christian I would be rooting for an atheist in a debate on the existence of God, but here we are. Mohamed Hijab makes such miracles possible.
@@ege8240 I don't think that's true at all. Shouldn't I think lesser of Stephen Law's "Evil God Hypothesis"? It's also an interpretation of a creator. As a matter of fact, the islamic god concept is much closer to the Stephen Law's concept than to the christian one. So it has nothing to do with being modern. The Christian concept of God is much older than the islamic version anyway. An evil god (islamic) is objectively inferior to an all loving god, purely based on philosophy, regardless of culture. But to give you another example: we both agree with chinese extremists that Mao Zedong existed, but they think he was a good guy. Should I respect their concept of Mao Zedung because we both believe he existed? I don't think so.
Good. Hijab deserves it not only because he is editing and deleting comments but because of his reprehensible views. Views that have been debunked over and over again all the while claiming them with a pedantic attitude and an air of extreme arrogance.
I love how Alex speaks calmy and rationally, addressing his arguments with logic, and Mohammed Hijab just shouts the same things over and over again, not listening to a thing he said. So sad to see people so ignorant.
@@sdhqiohfq3152 No, I just wanted to point that out. Alex repeteadly debunks his arguments during the talk, on several points, while Hijab just repeats one argument: "How can something come out of nothing?" Nobody knows. Neither does he.
I agree. I’m a Muslim but after watching this I can see why Islam loses so easily. It’s cause we have these uneducated people representing us. Rather than presenting his own arguments Islam, he constantly attacks atheism. Not with good arguments, just with repeated rubbish that has already been answered dozens of times beforehand. 😅
"They cannot both be right. They can, however, both be wrong. That is the problem when you start insisting that things written in ancient documents must be believed without any question." - Colin Brewer Honestly, I agree.
Yes you have to choose between several options Is this your only life or is there another life after this life. After answering this question if your answer was yes there’s another life, then the next question would be which life is more important? If you answer no then enjoy this life to the fullest without restrictions because it’s your only life. If you think the answer to the second question was one life was more important than the other then 100% there will be lots of sacrifices. If you’re answer was both lives are equal in vakue and importance that doesn’t make any sense you should take a nap and think it over
I believe he likes to say things three times or by groups of three. Every time he unattentively says something twice, which happens regularly to everyone, he forces himself to say it a third time. He mimiques Muhammad who was much into this kind of numerological applications, especially with the number 3 (prayers, swearing, divorce...)
Also when he argues/debates in person on the street and someone provides a sound logical argument to rebut his positions he says: “I see what you’re saying but...” then proceeds to say some random stuff to throw them off.
Speaker n.1: I present my theory and believes in a clear and non-aggressive manner. Speaker2: Here are my arguments presented in clear and non-aggressive manner. Speaker 3: WAHWAHWAHWAHWAH!!!!
I appreciate the first Muslim speaker’s eagerness to have an actual discussion about the ramifications surrounding topics such as religion and reality, rather than just intending to shut the opposing viewpoint down. I think an extended dialogue between him and Alex would’ve been very interesting.
Yet that means.. that incomplete scientific knowledge could mean that there's a god. We know absolutely nothing about the universe as of now. No matter how you claim it, we barely know .000001% about the universe. Partial knowledge is worse when compared to no knowledge. @@winstonhood6371
Duat Chol That's just your unknowledgeable point of view, truth is clear and anyone anywhere who would want to know it would be led to islam, that's why it is the fastest growing religion in a world that is heading towards atheism
I'm not particularly enjoying Mohammed Hijabs debate style or technique. Loud, overwhelmingly self-righteous and arrogant in my opinion. He seems far to 'emotionally' invested in the subject to be able to consider his arguments and present them rationally, subtlety, carefully or concisely and is incredibly ill informed regarding scientific methodology. Finally, most of his arguments in his introduction are focused on bashing on Alex. What did you do to offend him man!?
As he said already he took this aggressive stance purposely, he's not like this normally if you see his other public debates you can see the difference.
@Syed mehdi Kazim as far as I watched it, It was just "Your dude" misrepresenting "The Atheist" and repeating rehearsed arguments non related to The Atheist Arguments and Questions .... Obviously, indoctrinated parrots perceive the repetition of their doctrine as a corroboration of their doctrine Confirmation Bias been Confirmed, Again and "Again" & "Again and Again". I don't know if "Your dude" is intrinsically dishonest or just So Dumb to never get Critical Thinking skills. I hope the latter is better for him.
You know that feeling when you’ve liberated yourself from a stuffy environment and can now at last take a fresh breath? That’s what a free, democratised comment section feels like
@@advenco344 We could just say it's as open as Alex can get it, and that he doesn't intend any overzealous restriction of speech. Sometimes individuals have better principles than their environment. Being that TH-cam is the dominant outlet for these sorts of things, and they have power we don't have then we have to play by their rules to participate in the game. Of course we would choose that TH-cam would leave TH-cam more open if we could choose for this sort of content.
This world is so complicated .. I am an agnostic atheist from a strictly Muslim country, I've almost never discussed my beliefs with anyone because I fear for my safety and reputation. Also probably losing most of the people I know. It's so hard literally not having anyone to discuss God, religion, the purpose of life or really any philosophical question with. I just spend my time reading things and then arriving at conclusions and then debunking them and stating over ... I wish so much I was in a place where I could find someone to talk to other than myself.
@Safeel K But yet in Islam the punishment for apostasy is death. I was born Muslim, so according to your religion I'm supposed to die. Even though I never ever believed in a single bit of Quran or hadith, never even believed in God himself, but I was born Muslim so that settles it. Forgive me, but the problem is not the Islamic countries, it is Islam itself.
@Safeel K وفي صحيح البخاري عن ابن عباس رضي الله عنهما عن النبي ﷺ أنه قال: من بدل دينه فاقتلوه وفي الصحيحين عن معاذ أنه قال لمرتد رآه عند أبي موسى الأشعري في اليمن: لا أنزل - يعني من دابته - حتى يقتل قضاء الله ورسوله والأدلة في هذا كثيرة، وقد أوضحها أهل العلم في باب حكم المرتد في جميع المذاهب الأربعة وقول الرسول أيضاً: (لا يَحِلُّ دَمُ امْرِئٍ مُسْلِمٍ إِلاَّ بإِحْدَى ثَلاثٍ: الثَّيِّبُ الزَّانِي، والنَّفْسُ بالنَّفْسِ، والتَّارِكُ لدِينِهِ المُفَارِقُ للجَمَاعَةِ). These are two clear talks of the prophet stating that those who were muslims and then left Islam must be killed. And yes I know, there's a small portion of muslims that don't believe this hadith to have been really said by the prophet, but these muslims make a very small percentage of muslims. So please don't say I don't know islam, I probably know about it more than you do. P.S: I added a third talk of the prophet.
@Safeel K just a question out of curiosity, please don't feel like I'm pushing you or anything, if you think hadith was changed and corrupted, how do you know Quran itself wasn't? I mean aside from the verse in Quran stating that it wasn't (which is no proof to a none muslim because they don't believe in Quran) so how do you know Quran is 100% unchanged?
Yeah i sad it on hijabs chanell first and i ewasnt even sure if this malfunction was intentional or not. Then i found the same vid on another chanel and it has subtitles. This is how quality looks like and theists are afraid of it
if u ask me the alpha move would be to answer the debate hijab's main argument without needing to be all passive aggressive and petty about something as irrelevant as a comment section. pettiness is the beta move if anything.
@@SimpleReally i think main points were discussion here but if you watch Alex's video on dishonesty to hijab then you will get some ideas about the intentional works on hijab on this debate
@@SimpleReally The comment section is *not* "irrelevant." It is quite possible to edit and restrict comments to create the appearance that everyone agrees with one position or the other.
When you can’t debate an argument intellectually, start shouting, making random sarcasms and aggression towards them. Throughout the debate I could see in his eyes to not just silence the disbelievers and declare fatwa against them.
Mohamad Moustafa you Done know what you’re talking about, pls just google the definitions of the words. Agnosticism is only a claim about the KNOWLEDGE about a god and atheism if wether or not you believe in it. You can technically be a agnostic theist (even tough it’s prob quite rare). Atheism is not the disbelieve in a god it’s just not believing, very important distinction
@@matrat6648 Considering the topic, your comment is completely useless. I want to assume that you are being sarcastic but most theists would consider it true un-sarcastically.
Nope, the edits are there. The mysterious mic dying at the most opportune times is still there. Remember, Hijabs was in charge of the video edits and the master copy.
Hijab’s arguments really start to fall apart when he doesn’t have the chance to throw a tantrum and shout over the opposition. Funny how he didn’t address most of Alex’s claims - especially the one about Aisha.
@@aasikage5311 Not believing in a ‘universal, objective morality’ doesn’t equal ‘no morality’. It’s that simple-minded thinking that makes a lot of religious people look stupid. It’s strange people attempt to justify a 30+ year old man’s marriage to a 6 y/o because she was ‘smart’, had ‘a good memory’ and ‘was mature for her age’ as morally correct and in-line with this so called ‘objective, Devine morality’. It makes your morality seem immoral.
@@blackcatus4762 ignore him, he is heavily indoctrinated terrorist + a dishonest liar for his prophet These Muslims always lose debates everywhere These pdfile worshipper's have no shame lmfao
So if someone dosent believe in the same free speech as you they are shook? What kind of deluded logic is this. So when your parents told you not to curse in the house they were shook of you?
@@mahadism7455 "doesn't believe in the same free speech as you"??? Free means without constraints/restrictions. One cannot have a 'subjective' definition of free speech. Different definitions would mean 'regulating' speech according to the corresponding definition of free speech one believes in. Something that is being 'regulated' is not free. All the delusions here are in your court, not mine. It is your logic and reasoning that is fallacious; contradictory and nonsensical.
Jahnvi yes, speech is restricted all over the world. For example freedom of speech is something that’s protected in the west but we both know the speech isn’t completely unregulated, even in the TH-cam comment section if you threaten someone your comment will be removed. So no this isn’t “without constraints/restrictions” youtube has its set of rules, and if you’re comfortable referring TO THIS TH-cam comment section as “freedom of speech” then yes i feel comfortable saying you don’t believe in the same freedom of speech as me. Now if you said this TH-cam comment section isn’t free speech but in fact restricted speech and that THE TRUE freedom of speech lies only within a context WHERE NO RULES or restrictions apply then I wouldn’t even have argued against you. If you think a TH-cam comment section is completely unregulated all the delusions you have are in YOUR COURT. So now you have two choices either you admit this TH-cam comment section isn’t completely unregulated thus isn’t free speech or you admit that you have your own subjective definition of freedom speech that involves some regulations as we see with TH-cam. Whichever way you slice it its a checkmate against u.
@@mahadism7455 I'm completely fine with admitting that TH-cam sections are regulated, solely because that is a fact. However, the difference between Alex's comment section and Hijab's comment section is that one of them makes it their private business to regulate speech in accordance with 'their personal definition of free speech'. Having said that, it is 'fairer' for youtube to be the entity that regulates both the comment sections, as that allows for a standard that is indiscriminate, and by extension, gives equal treatment/consideration to all people who comment. Something that can't be disputed is that, in this situation, TH-cam is clearly the only entity which has no dog in the fight and therefore has the ability to be unbiased. Whereas, either of Alex or Hijab regulating their comment section proves bias on their part. Alex's comment section might not be free in the truest sense (as it is regulated by YT), but it is undisputably more free and unbiased than Hijab's comment section.
Jahnvi this is what we call moving the goalpost lmao. You went from claiming this comment section as a free speech outlet and chastising me saying theirs no such thing as a subjective definition to freedom of speech to moving your point away from freedom of speech and trying to point out the Alex’s comment section is more fair because it has youtube as a moderation tool and not whatever third party company Hijab employs. First of all i want to clearly state that this DOES NOT refute the point that this comment section is in fact NOT freedom of speech as pointed out by yourself. I dont believe youtube is to be considered unbiased in its moderation simply by the virtue of your word, if we asked well known youtuber’s whom have been completely banned from the platform for their views they’d disagree with your point about youtube being the only fair moderation tool with “no dog in the fight”. I also don’t accept THAT YOU get to decide what is “fairer” why cant i through my own subjective interpretation of whats going decide that having youtube as a moderation tool is NOT “fairer” do you have objective evidence that backs the claim that having youtube as a moderation tool is “fairer” than using another company? If you dont then i dont accept the claim. And lastly my final point is that you have absolutely no idea what has been removed from hijab’s youtube comment section you have no idea what type of moderation or algorithm is in place, so your ASSUMPTION is that his page is heavily modded but couldn’t it also be the case the he simply receives low comment engagement? Couldn’t it also be the case that alot of his comments breach youtube’s policies and are thus removed. You’re making a baseless assumption that hijab removes any comment that disagrees with him when its just as likely that he simply has low comment engagement on his posts.
The more Muslims learn about their religion, the more they are de-converting. The internet has played a large part in this. Knowledge is the remedy for ignorance. Kudos to all ex-Muslims.
AgénT believe is a matter of conviction . We may indoctrinated as kid but we have the ultimate freedom when grow to believe what we convince about. About number I don’t have any figures but I’m sure the one who converted to Islam are much better than those who leave Islam (example the first muslim speaker on the debate )
When you're indoctrinated during your childhood days with fears of eternal hell, you cant call 'the ultimate freedom to believe convincingly' as you grow up
AgénT first all we have been indoctrinated by society media and family but still we have the ability to distinguish between good and bad from early age
Umai Rafiro believe is in heart no one know what you believe in so you have to believe whatever you want even if you been forced to show something else
objective moral values do follow by default given there is a creator. as for alex, his positions should actually impede him from making any moral judgements whatsoever, i'm not surprised he opened his dialogue mentioning quite a bunch of them since he's an eager hitch-wannabe, his objective just like his idol is to impress the audience.
That’s Muslims for you anything that contradicts their beloved Allah and the profit from Arabia they got triggered about pathetic little babies, absolute losers. Wonder how such a violent people could create such originality in terms of religion to mention, they spread it by the sword.
@@wut_the_fug i'm pretty sure you don't understand what an ad hominem is, i can also see that you're one of those atheist parrots that can't go a day without saying "word salad" to everything that hurts their feelings, you have so much devotion following me through two different comments, pure loser material.
It is sad that pretty much all atheist videos have open comment sections and nearly all theist videos have closed comment sections... That really says a lot...
I dont think I’ve ever witnessed a more dishonest debater than Mohammed Hijab. It’s hard to even watch tbh. Cant imagine how frustrating it must be for you
MK Hmm, where to begin? He cut out Alex’s mic when Alex pointed out that the Quran says you can beat your (probably underage or even prepubescent) wives, he doesn’t allow comments he doesn’t approve of on the video of the debate, he edited in additional video and audio into the debate video he posted pretending as if he said it during the debate, he edited out a section of the video where he misquoted the Quran, he straw-manned his opponent, he took quotes out of context presenting them as Alex’s beliefs when in fact Alex was speaking hypothetically, he shouted over his opponents because he was unable to rebut the arguments. Come to think of it, I’m struggling to see how he could have been more dishonest if he tried his hardest and dishonesty was the goal.
@@MichaelBohnJr Then why muhammed hijab is nearly 2 hours While cosmic video is 46 munites Wich one is editing heh? As for beating in quran Yes beating a.k.a slight taping with a miswak (arabic toothbrush) But age isn't mentioned Tell me where marrying a prebuscent girl is mentioned in quran
@@hassanlabyad4082 Alex was only allowed to upload opening statements by Muhammad H, no the quran does not specify with what object to beat or strike your wife with, and underage girls were mentioned when it was brought up that Muhammad married a 6 year old girl and had sex with her when she was 9.
@@Ayd1th because Islam like other religions are backward dogmatic repulsive pieces of crap. Especially Christianity and Islam. I despise those 2 religions with a passion
I have some personal experiences that make a Muslim (if I were to try and explain them to anyone I don’t know in real life they’d think I’m a lunatic) but after watching this.. I’m still a Muslim but I see why Islam loses so easily in debates. These guys (Mohammed Hijab, Ali Dawah etc) are the pinnacle of blind faith, and most of the times I support the atheist side in these debates, not because I think Islam is false but rather because the people representing atheism (usually) have much more rational arguments that I enjoy dissecting, meanwhile the Muslim side embarrasses themselves by using repetitive arguments and by trying to somehow rationalize raping and killing (for context, these things are found in the Hadith and I’m a Quranist) and end up looking like big fool numbskulls. Good debate, I wish I had seen this sooner.
I'll admit that a lot of Muslims that live in the west have this same mentality, mostly because they are raised to believe not taught to believe, and the same goes for Muhammad Hijab here. However, when you look at Arabic Muslim sheikhs they are highly knowledgeable and can stand any argument and keep their composure in arguments. It sucks that Muslims in western countries give that kind of reputation for Muslims around the world
@@no-zo1oxThat and radical islamists in the gulf region just make Islam look stupid. True Islam has been lost in the media, most reverts believe blindly based on the logic of these dawah enthusiasts and end up leaving Islam very easily when faced with real and complex questions they weren’t exposed to when entering Islam, and rather than doing rigorous research for the answers, they just leave and doom themselves in this life and the hereafter. However, learning Islam from a sheikh whether directly or not, they find the answers to anything they question.
I was really convinced by the points from Hijab, especially when he threw his hands in the air. It was extremely impressive. And since this is how I juge people's debating skills, Alex clearly lost.
Upon checking the debate again, I forgot to add one more last "hold on" in my quotation of Hijab's word delivery. It is integral to the profundity of the argument.
The loud guy is genuinely so difficult to tolerate. He seems to just hope his loud, sarcastic and arrogant demeanor will fool people to believe a) that he knows what he's talking about and b) that he's right - both of which, I doubt are possible
It's so crazy how Hijab's upload still has 632 comments, despite increasing nearly two-fold in viewership since Alex's critique of this debate and the Muslims' actions, a whole year ago. Truly evidencing Alex's assumption of their censoring atheists, and proving the older gentleman in the debate's whole initial argument.
@@viridescent8941 True. I might be subconsciously biased, but I don't think my bias is affecting me in a significant way in my satisfaction from Alex's backing for his remarks. If you remain unsatisfied though, then by all means knock yourself out on each response to a response video.
@@viridescent8941 I'm sure he provides some sort of response that satisfies his base of Muslims' unease with the possibility their hero could be at fault. I do not doubt that watching Alex you did not feel content, but watching Hijab you did. However, it turns out that I simply feel content hearing Alex's points as I find them to be revealing of the objective truth that Hijab "debunks." You can say I'm being stubborn, and I can say you're being close-minded to Alex's clear portrayal of the facts. But clearly, this will go nowhere. Have a nice day.
@@viridescent8941 See, now that you've stopped insisting that I must watch Hijab's video, I'm thinking that I just might. Personally, Hijab's angle on things gives me a headache, but I'll bare it for this video, and I'll let you know what I think of it. No promises though as I have a very impulsive personality.
@@fudgecake8565 There are 9 raka'ah in instinjah. Just like the age of aisha when she was raped by muhammad and also like the average iq of muslims when they say shit like you said thinking it's an epic bait and switch own.
That's the real content for his audience: The unwarranted confidence. They get lost easily in trying to follow a logical argument, but if they see a guy smugly, loudly, aggressively declare victory? That they'll connect with on a low, primitive level no matter what is said. He truly might as well just be hooting and screaming and beating his chest, the element of human thought is entirely secondary.
Wrong Turn I‘m pretty sure “my Cosmic guy” did refute him. But of course @Irontiki is right. I don’t blame you for being the most drawn to “your guy Hijab”, because he is using demagoguery. Thats cheating! Haha I would say he could very well be categorised as one in someway.
@@JanLaalaa The fact that are saying this demonstrates you're in the "confused" category as referenced above, and thus any attempt to engage with you is likely to be doomed to end in frustrating circles of tail-chasing, frequent topic-changes, magically moving goalposts, and (if you're anything like MH from the video) blatant intellectual dishonesty. If you engage at all. So just so you're aware: You don't automatically *deserve* this. But I'm giving it to you anyways. MH starts out with and maintains an angle of somewhere between dishonesty/confusion regarding the "position of atheism". The prototypical atheist does not by definition bring active claims to the table, he/she simply doesn't buy THE OTHER GUY'S yet. Ergo the burden of proof is on the claimant: "There is a god -> it's also the Islamic flavor specifically". That MH or others get all clenched in the butt about what it "means" to not claim to KNOW that there's a god, and simply be open to the idea that there might not be one, is irrelevant. You have to bring GOOD reasons to believe before you get to complain about the fact that someone else doesn't believe. That being established, we move on to MH's weak attempts to claim a "necessary entity". The First Mover argument is weak, simply put, from the get-go. It fails to account for the possibility of an eternal universe, it fails to account for causality breaking down prior to the existence of time, and it fails in an epic degree of special pleading for claiming nothing can be un-caused or infinite, and pointing to an entity that is un-caused and infinite as the solution. Simply put, "God" is a non-explanation for a question that was posed before we knew enough about the universe to show that the question itself is absurd. Secondarily, after presuming his stupid answer to a stupid question is enough on its own, MH dares to take it a step even further and slap a mind onto his non-answer. There's no reason to do such a thing, let alone assume it's necessary, except that he already believes it to be the case. The tail of his religion is wagging him. Even if we granted the stupid answer to the stupid question, why can't it be a mindless force? Again, MH's low-level of understanding of the topic matters he touches on betrays itself and he feels comfortable just blundering smugly on ahead. Thirdly, he then takes his stupid addition to his stupid answer to his stupid question, and boldly lies in claiming this necessarily resembles what Islam's god is described as. Except the quran also tells us that Allah has feet and hands and eyes. And sends visions to prophets, supposedly. So the argument that a formless, timeless entity is a match doesn't work at all. What this means is that you need to do more work to attach a stupid book to your stupid addition of a mind to your stupid answer to a stupid question. Otherwise those of us who don't buy it thus far have ZERO reason to take time out of our lives to entertain the notion, and you have to acknowledge that simply not buying it is a valid position. At least until a better effort is made to produce acceptable epistemic paths to Islam specifically, rather than "our book says so".
I watched the full debate after watching Alex' deconstruction of it, and it left me (almost) as frustrated as Alex seemed in his video. Let me just say that I think you conducted yourself admirably in the face of blatant, first order scumbaggery. I'm not sure I would have stayed as calm, so, well done! Also, please don't debate Mr. Hijab again, it seems a waste of your time (although I am sure you know this).
Wow first profound comment that's not about how the comments' section is open. Don't get me wrong I loved those, but THIS is a comment that should go in the complete debate video! But of course, it would've been deleted...
You're right. An undergraduate like Alex should not debate others who are on another level. He couldn't address any of their arguments and he gave a half-assed response about cause and effect which wasn't even brought by any of them. He expected a typical Kalaam cosmological argument but they made a Contingency argument instead and let's be honest, it completely overwhelmed him. And I'm not gonna address his cliched and emotional moral arguments against Islam that had nothing to do with the debate.
@dimmy dunk i dont know if by "emotional arguments" it means those "allah helped me when I was depressed" "Allah is helping everyone" " I could feel allah" and all of this isn't acceptable in a debate because it's subjective, someone's personal feelings don't have any place in the debate room because it's not a fact nor an can't even know if the person is lying or not and you don't have any idea about the mental state of that person.. And also when a person says "I've experienced allah" for example, Christians did experience Jesus and jews experienced doesn't make much of a sense.. (I hope I explained it well 😊)
Not surprised a Cosmic Atheist fan would agree with him despite him not addressing the main argument but focussing on stuff so obvious in the very first video (the editing to fit in a Quran verse)!
Ah this was nothing. I much prefered his meltdown at muslims _"having doubts"_ about the Quran, and how _"they are were they are because they sit and watch Netflix instead of reading the books of Islam"._
its much more intresting this way. the topic is already so complicated that nobody would listen if it was talked without passion. also its not threatening.. i think everybody in the room knows nobody is going to start to hurt anyone nor attack them personally verbally. thats all that matters :)
@diana mehl Bruh I'm just saying that yelling/talking over others doesn't give them a chance to respond in decorum that is proper for philosophical, moderated debates. I'm glad everyone is passionate and vocal about topics! But, not when it discourages discussion. My family is also Italian, and I have gotten so heated I smashed a pizza in my brother's face. But that still wouldn't be okay for a moderated debate. For real, vocal expression is a great and wondrous thing. But not when it is used as a weapon to silence another when the point is discussion :)
@@makishimashogo2164 Oh, I agree to an extent. But when yelling is used to silence their opponent, not allowing a discussion to take place, it can become abuse of power. Passion is wonderful! But, it must be not used to destroy the purpose of a philosophical debate: not for a victor but for a gaining of knowledge/understanding. :)
@عبدالملك نواف The meaning behind interrupting is to silence an opponent actually and to provide a biased view of a discussion! To me, taking over a philosophical debate to gain victory, no matter the cost to knowledge, defeats the purpose of philosophical debates -- to gain more understanding of the world. Calling someone shallow has a rude meaning too, so maybe you should be more careful with your meanings. I'm sorry my comment offended you, and it should be noted that humans communicate as much through gestures, body language, and tone as they do through literal language!
First dude doesn’t seem weird or crazy and actually capable of a real discussion. However he seems to not grasp that atheists don’t need answers to some of these questions, we’re okay with having open-ended questions in which we will never have an answer to in our lifetimes. The universe is awesome and wonderous, I prefer to ask nonstop questions and have things be unanswerable (which they are) then follow a belief system which claims to have the answers
As an atheist I agree - that would have been so much better. It seems like he also came to have an honest debate, actually describing what he understands atheism to be and what he considers to be its flaws.
I can appreciate that - However the second Islamic defender is just short of being a middle of the road shoe salesman. He should've chosen a different path - He'd have excelled as an American lawyer or Realtor.
F Muslims why do you act so surprised when one acts appropriately ? That is wrong Muslims are wrong all religion is wrong f religion get with science or go pray to your god !!!
Wdym ? The people sitting there are serious about it that's why they are sitting right? Hixab is loud that's just not something what smart people do it's a very bad body language you understand? it doesn't prove anything other that it's personality@@mumbernume4948
@my name, so you’re whole justification of your prophet being a pedophiel is that, people aged faster back then? He was a 50 year old that had sex with a 9 year old, not even old enough to get pregnant... you’re calling me brainwashed but you’re the muslim here buddy, you’ve been brainwashed your whole life, you were brainwashed to believe that a warmonger, pedophile was a “prophet” lol, I’ll tell you what if hell is real muhhamad shit be upon us buring there
This entire debate just reminds me that not only is arabic just as gorgeous sounding as it is written, but also remided me that no matter how gorgeous, idiots can speak in every language
Not like any of you guys read it. Resorting to cheap insults instead of trying to counter what the proposition said shows that you're just ultracrepidarians.
*Ladies & gentlemen,* it is pathetic and speaks volumes about the sincerity of Mohammed Hijab when he restricts free and open debate on his own You Tube channel together with not giving permission to Alex to upload the entire debate on his channel, the only conclusion that I can draw from his wilful censorship is that he has something to hide. Yes I was banned from commenting on Mohammed Hijab's posting of this debate as have many others who rightly challenge Islam.
@S A I am an. Atheist I know I have studied mostly all top religions and I have found all religions to be a propaganda but to be precise if I had a choice to pick a religion that is most wrong. It is Islam
@@ghumakkadmedico don’t debate with everyday Muslims, go debate with scholars instead, people with the highest knowledge on Islam are likely to give you the best answers. Or watch the ones on speakers corner videos on youtube u might get your answers. Btw may I know some of your questions so I can see if I have any inputs.
Atheism only says: i'm not convinced there is a god or gods. Why are they arguing about cosmology and what explains the existence of the universe? Atheism does not make any claims about that.
That certainly is true, it's ridicolous how lacking just one valid proof for their case, they go on attacking a position, that essentially isn't even one.
Atheism says: I do not believe in a god's existence. The reason to argue against those that do is because we see harm in believing things that are not true and actions taken in the name of falsehood.
What I might add to this, is that in that sense, Atheism is the initial state of mind for all of us really. I don't see sufficient reason to believe in something, therefore I don't. This is the starting point. The reason why we're initiating in debate is because religious people are framing it as if it was already clear that there is sufficient evidence. We're trying to show that it is perfectly reasonable to dismiss so-called evidence for eg the existence of Allah, to all but most importantly to the people who we're indoctrinated into thinking the case was already clear.
The nice thing about Hijab is he is honest and straight forward in your face kind of guy. Whether he shouts (not saying that he does) or not, guy cuts to the point like a hot knife cuts through butter and on the seldom occasions where he is wrong, he will just say he is wrong and continue with the debate.
@@Kobi_89 TBH I didnt watch this 46mins but isnt it the same debate that Hijab posted from 1 year ago which is about 2hrs long? I am assuming it is, and if it were then I stand by my opinion. But Cosmic was not that bad, I think he did a good job compared to the old man although he lost the debate eventually.
@dimmy dunk I ll be honest with you xD I didnt watch this video but I am assuming its a snippet from the big debate from 1 year ago which is a 2hr video? You can correct me if I am wrong
@my name I don't think so. Arguments can be evaluated for soundness and validity even if you disagree with the conclusion. Hijab's arguments were ridiculously poor. If I were a muslim, I'd feel rather embarrassed at this guy.
@@rocksteady2198 I can help here. First, the word is "atheist", not Athiest". Carefuly check the order of the "i" and the "e" before commenting on issues concening atheists. Also, don't capitalise the word: we are happy to be called "atheists", just as bikers are happy to be called bikers. Got it? In fact, most atheists don't particularly like being called "atheists". For my part, I don¡t like being called anything at all: just as don't believe in Jehovah, I also don't believe in Allah, Poseidon, Zeus, or any other deity people have come up with over the course of the evolutin of the human species. Therefore, my dear Rocksteady, it seems to me that you have quite a long way to go before you can start calling atheists names. I'd put the timeframe at... well, if you worked really hard, I'd say about 20 years. See you then!
As the saying goes "Arguing with an idiot is like playing chess with a pidgeon. It'll just knock over all the pieces, shit on the board, and strut about like it's won anyway."
@@mugen8455I know this is from 2 years ago but did you miss the point on purpose or something? It's very obvious he's not insulting the beard he's using it as a descriptor of who he is talking about
MOhammed Jihab thinks he is smart, but he has logic is of a 5 year utter embarassment.. Notice how the islamists talk fallacy by introducing a false premise.. The universe is never ending and therefore need a creator (there is no proof that the universe is infinite). Its simply painful to listen to them. They introduce ideas without evidence and basing on those idea start their circle of logic..
as an ex-muslim i assure you the horror of this cult is beyond your imagination. god bless men like cosmic skeptic who are on the front rows against it.
@@MrTrialandError the fact that acourding to islam i should get killed because i left a religion i was born into and left it when i had reasons to. Its not like i choose to be a muslim . But still a just god wouls never condemn apostasy and mohamed used this methode to keep his new territories under his control by threatening to kill anyone who questions islam.
Mohammed is a brash and frankly annoying speaker who didn’t respond to Alex’s opening statement but to previous videos which were not the subject of the debate - he had to resort to things previously said by Alex, rather than what Alex had just said. The Atheists wiped the floor with their opposition not only in the opening statements but also the full debate.
That shows he can only debate if he has prepared something in advance. He doesn’t have the knowledge and confidence to respond spontaneously, obviously, but he hides this with fancy words (he doesn’t know the meaning to) and a confident air.
I think they did cover morality, with all religions come a set of morals with atheism, nothing can be derived, there's no basis for morals and this can be very very dangerous
@poxy poo Aayisha believed him as prophet and given her whole for him,she preached his religion. She narrated so many hadeeths. She was teacher. Aayisha was the legend of Islam. If i take your argument that,Aayisha was the biggest victim of prophet,then how greatest prophet Mohammad was that his greatest victim given her whole life for him. Can u tell me about any man on earth whose biggest victim sacrifice his/her for him/her. U can not find. So,u prooved that,prophet was the greatest man.
@Cedar tree one is not eniugh,he must always atracted to child ,he must not atracted to old women and middle age women. And ,when child become at middle age then he must go for another child ,ok. What a fucking people u r.
30:13 - Hijab: "already when we just look at the concept of God so many of the world religions are ruled out." In other words: If I am assuming my concept of God, all other religions must necessarily be wrong. What a brilliant logic. I am immediately convinced.
@Tom Harry I think you should clean your ears and listen carefully. Hijab's response was in regards of TAHWEED, the concept in Islam that Allah is the ONE and ONLY god. He just referred to his personal version of monotheism to rule out all other religions.
Sooo, if god is pretty much perfect in any way according to these Muslims then what motivation could god have to create anything outside him self when nothing per definition could add to his perfection? A perfect god that creates non-perfect beings to worship god for no particular reason because nothing can add to his perfection is a pretty crap explanation for human existence.
I was thinking the same thing. If he's so self sufficient, he wouldn't need to be worshipped and wouldn't be so angry about some mere humans not worshipping him.
The whole point of Islam is to worship Allah wth you talking about, not worshipping him doesn't necessarily means worshiping some other God, atheist don't have anyone to worship
The Ghost What poor thinking you have to be able to misinterpret me like that. I didn’t say when you do any action, you always need to do it as it is (being forced to type 1 instead of 2). I was saying if a being does an action, he does it because he needs something (solving a problem, relieving a psychological tension...).. You can’t do an action without needing a thing out of it (if you didn’t need anything, you wouldn’t be doing it.) And if a god needs something in whatever form, that means he is in a state that’s less better than where he will be. That’s why he’d have to become imperfect.
The Ghost You quickly forced in “thinking” and “intention” to escape this but it’s pathetic. 😆... In all of those examples (looking down, looking up, turning your head) are all actions done out of a need or to overcome an obstacle or limitation. So you look down because you instinctively needed to see what was below, or to release tension in your neck, or to contemplate ideas, which all are needs. You don’t necessarily need thinking or planning in every action. (And you can apply this to animals). But all of them are done because of a need. And this isn’t about projecting anything human. Either Allah does an action or he does not. And either that action has a reason or it has not. And allah does actions and they have to have reasons (he has a plan or a goal)... And then you asked “Why do you think God does an action out of a need?”... Well then, “WHY” does he do any action? What’s the reason behind it? (If it’s to solve or improve things, it implies necessarily that he has a need.) that’s all there is to it.
@@Mojo_Radio niqqas are so biased lmao nobody won. nobody's mind was changed, nobody did anything. how dumb do you have to be to moan and whine without even knowing what happened in the debate
Love how the distinction was made that the comments section is left open... because some people actually feel the need to mod their channel so hard that they have less than 100 comments under a video with thousands of views as they didn’t want their god and prophet to be ‘disrespected’. The fact that Alex felt the need to make this distinction at all just demonstrates how asinine Hijab’s behaviour and conduct is. Embarrassing.
I think it just betrays how insecure they must be with their position. If Allah is backing them up, why can they not handle a bit of criticism? It’s similar to the violent demands not to insult their prophet. Are the prophet Mohammed and Allah so feeble that they can’t withstand criticism and ridicule? That’s some powerful god they have there...
@@MichaelBohnJr You're missing the point. Muslims love the Prophet pbuh and Allah more so than their parents. If somebody insulted or ridiculed a family member of yours, you wouldn't be okay with it, regardless of if they could handle it or not. The truth is that Muslims can't, or don't want to, withstand it. It has nothing to do with whether God can withstand it or not.
Is this even a debate? Alex is just putting out information but keeps getting interrupted by the other side trying to prove their simplistic worldview wtf I feel you alex, i'm sorry you had to go through this.
@my name Chill whats with all the caps? anyways no alex is stating actual facts (im not biased i watched the actual video) Anyways even if alex is stating wrong stuff the hijab dude doesnt have the right to just interrupt alex it just makes hijab dude look arrogant
@@spiralsausage that’s because that last part was filmed later and edited in at the end by that clown hijab and his team. That part wasn’t even part of the debate. 😂
i think it should be the amount of deleted comments not deleted comments because maybe the deleted comments were deleted because they said something weird or advertised things
ARTSY OTAKU Yeah I know. It’s just people were complaining Muhammad Hijab didn’t have an open comments section for open discussion but now that people have it, they are doing nothing productive with it. Nobody is discussing, just insulting and making jokes.
"Sweep aside those parasites of subsidized classrooms, who live on the profits of the mind of others and proclaim that man needs no morality, no values, no code of behavior. They, who pose as scientists and claim that man is only an animal, do not grant him inclusion in the law of existence they have granted to the lowest of insects."
Well, since evolution is in the top 5 of most well proven scientific theories ever, that immediately destroys his credibility. It's like saying you don't believe in the theory of Gravity and that has less proof xD
earth to moon distance is 384,400 km , can you please prove how could you fly over this distance . false claims can't help , to be honest science is letting you down , yo mama science work with empirical evidence , your science cannot even prove gravity , it is an assumption , letalone all lies of discovering other plants and so on
Aside from the horrific dishonesty and censorship involved in the debate, their points still don’t stand. Even if you could prove the universe has/had a necessary component which you can’t, you still have to prove its conscious, you still have to prove it still exists, you still have to prove it actively interacts with the universe, you still have to prove it did so historically, you still have to prove why we should listen to Islam’s idea of one god and not Judaism’s one god or Sikhism’s one god. The fact people think this debate can get you to anymore than agnostic deism at the absolute best seems absurd to me. Claiming this proves Islam is just factually wrong.
@[R] these people confuse me. apparently the person who posted the original comment didn't listen to the debate and the debate wasn't about specific religions but just the existence of a necessary being. But, then they say that hijab did give a case for Islam. Sooooo....
Logan Chiminera Thank you very much. If it was just establishing a necessary component to the universe I would have no problem, apart from the horrible debate ethics. However the debate was specifically Islam vs Atheism, not Deism vs Atheism. The burden of proof is on the Muslims. Also to argue that Hijab proved Islam by citing vague miracles in the Quran that have been disproved time and time again or the unfalsifiable challenge to produce something ‘like it’ falls mightily short. Extraordinarily claims require extraordinary evidence.
I don't understand how this is an issue I'll use an example of a car A car entails a maker If the maker is necessary then the car is necessary? Like Mohammed hijab said not necessarily unless I am missing something? You can't just assume determinism as that is an untestable and unfalsifiable idea. So you have to prove this logic without determinism (though I do agree in the general idea that everything is determined).
@@Lutestick Except Car is the P and maker is the Q. Alex asked "if P" not "if Q". Syllogicaly it should be "If there is a car then there is a maker". Not the other way like your comment puts it to be. You can indeed assume determinism if its a fundamental axiom. Also you can test and falsify these axioms. That is why you take these things as axioms.
@@vimalkumar6837 that's not what is said in the video. I'll rewatch it and you watch it as well. Of that's the case then yes he is right and Mohammed hijab is wrong.
@@vimalkumar6837 I re-watched the video and yes you are right but I think the way Alex said it was confusing a bit and maybe that is what Mohammed hijab heard (or not who knows). Regardless, I admit this correct logic and I'm not sure where Mohammed hijab would go with this if he didn't agree.
Alex is so incredibly smart. There's no way I would've been able to keep up with this in real time. I understood his 'something vs nothing' argument at the beginning, but it took a couple re-watches for me to understand what he was saying in his breaking down of why this is circular reasoning. All that fast talking universe stuff just went right over my head the first time. Lol
@@Gorilla_brown786 Atheists don’t believe that. The majority of atheists are agnostic atheists meaning we lack knowledge about the universe and its origins therefore we don’t believe. Hijab was misquoting him in his opening statement. You can actually see Alex smirking and rolling his eyes in the bg.
@@Gorilla_brown786 Lmao that proves you haven't watched shit, comprehend a thing, or have ever looked up philosophy or debates about this. Holy shit, you people never learn.
@@saivardhanannam1086 I you could under stand what was being said you'd see he was clearly losing and hijab was pointing out all his flaws in detail. Wish he could get to his last point tho. About the profits wife and all that.
@The-Black-Serpent-Syndicate - Universe exists - I currently have no way of testing/confirming how it came into existence, therefore I can't make a claim as to how it came into existence. OR - Medieval warlord wrote/spoke what he believed happened and I'll believe that. This is the whole debate. That's it. Nothing else. It's two completely separate epistemological paradigms debating from their own framework: One, scientific, enlightenment principles. The other spiritual. Learn what you believe to be an unquestionable doctrine and never honestly scrutinise.
@@shayatbenskeep2465 Correct, he was negligent in negotiating the use of the Footage of the Event which HE spoke at. So now, he must pay the penalty for behaving well and expecting others to behave well, and play fair.
@Subarashii Ningen oh fuck off with that last part bullshit. Hijacking the debate and ranting isn’t part of the debate. He can keep his fuckall backward ass views to himself.
He is a very good debater and while I think he’s wrong and don’t agree with his opinion and don’t find his arguments convincing, he is very civil and actually nice to listen to.
he was very agreeable but i think when alex said athiests shouldn't have the burden of proof and that belief shouldn't be default (v badly paraphrased but anyways) his speech was already overturned
The Big Bang Theory doesn't assert that everything came from nothing; it just asserts that everything was once extremely close together. This is even more easily justifiable.
@@sad-pt7xd Firstly, just to check that you're not bald and thus using this discussion forum as an opportunity for ridicule! That said, you could try a) using a gentle shampoo, such as Johnson's Baby Shampoo (other baby shampoos are available), b) squint when the hair is washed and open after rinsed in clear water, c) wash with water only or d) simply do not wash the hair (given there are no laws in advanced civilised countries requiring you to do so). Hope it clears that up (soap and all) and, remember, there is usually a choice.
This is my first CosmicSkeptic video, and I'm blown away with how articulate and well-argued Alex is. Incredible debate performance, especially for someone so young. I'm instantly a fan.
Jesus, now I just watched the following segment on Hijab's channel. What a shitshow that was. Alex, incredible job standing up to the bullying and smugness of Hijab.
@@Kryptic1234 We are not here to make friend we are here to win and he done so unanimously. He was pointing out flaw after flaw in Alex's statements and Alex just couldn't come up with the reason why but instead would just waffled using big words for no reason. kinda like Jorden Peterson. Your boy was going in circle LOL. Haji had it on lock.
@@Kryptic1234 Alex would make statements but wouldn't back them up leaving his statements open to criticism and hijab would take full advantage of the opening. Too easy.
i watched this video 3 years ago i was Muslim at that time, idk how i was not able to be logical and understand the serious danger of the thought's that Islam has. BUT i started reading more and realizing it is calling for violence not peace as it claims. this year i decided to be neutral and listen to both sides again. i realized that most Muslim debaters seem to win not by a good strong evidences and arguments but by using a lot of fallacies which is misleading to a normal human. i left islam 2 years ago and since then i can not simply be myself and i can not share my ideas anymore and i am sentenced to death for no guilt
So tell who created all this magnificent universe, from all these galaxies, to the finest small details like atoms all these things. Surely they would come from nothing or they just exist by themselves somehow?
@@hassantalib14 first of all i did not claim that there is a god or creator so i am not obligated to prove anything, the one who makes a claim should provide the evidence otherwise the claim is false and baseless. so if you claim there is a creator just simply give the absolute evidence and i will gladly agree with you because it will become a fact not just an assumption. do not just make assumptions and ask me to blindly believe you or give you prove for your own assumptions. for the universe it is magnificent there might be a god or might not be i simply do not know and i do not claim that i know but if you claim otherwise be my guest and prove it with real evidence not just by a script written in any claimed religion years ago and this religion is filled with hatred and segregation
Ah, the infamous one with microphone cutouts and edits in post? I'm sure Hijab's followers will still find _you_ the dishonest one, and will, to full extent, abuse the luxury of uncensored comment section they gladly refuse to give us.
@Trinmigular shrobatorli just because u can’t understand our passion for the subject doesn’t make us nasty. Shows how wide and open minded your worldview is.
@Trinmigular shrobatorli depends how u define criticism, because your definition of criticism might go towards the line of something like hate speech rather than criticism. We can take criticism but not insults and hate speech, and no we won’t let our faith be weakened and corrupted like Christianity , by bending over back for what you think is right and what you think we should do.
@Trinmigular shrobatorli what infidel you talking about. The only verses about infidels are the ones when infidels broke a peace treaty to attack the prophet, and so Allah commanded the prophet to “slay the infidels”. I don’t see anything wrong with killing to defend yourself.
@Trinmigular shrobatorli you're the one being dumb not even playing. Quran is the foundation of Islam, what the heck are you talking about. Just because you dont like something doesn't make it false. Learn about what Islam is and what Muslim is before being dumb on the internet.
7:39 - Abdullah: "now this is known as the infinite regress fallacy" Abdullah al Andalusi is referring to mathematical paradoxes which arise in infinite set theory (e.g. Hilbert's paradox of the Grand Hotel). This is well understood and solved. Rephrased, for any countably infinite set, there exists a bijective function which maps the countably infinite set to the set of natural numbers, even if the countably infinite set contains the natural numbers. Your reference to math doesn't help you.
@@jubayerrahman35 Can you explain where you think the problem is? I couldn't find "probable Infinity". Instead I found "Potential Infinite vs. Actual Infinite" but this does not apply here.
Why did the mic cut out as soon as Alex started talking about the ownership of women in the quran? As soon as Alex was done with the quote it came back up? Was that really the mic or just a mixing error? Came off as pretty suspicious to me.
So let me get this straight, you guys actually think MH is working with the Oxford Union to silence Alex and this is more plausible then the sound just cutting out? You guys are deluded.
@@serkankoldere Well.. MH also filmed and edited in some parts that were not in the debate (he tried to fake the background and didn't do it that well). And the editors could have fixed the sound using the sound picked from one of the other microphones, as they did in other cases where MH mic was cut...
@@RoiTrigerman MH edited in a 30 second clip of him reading the Qur'an. This doesn't bolster MH's arguments nor does it take away from Alex's arguments. I don't see the problem here. Also, how do you know the editors could've fixed the problem? Maybe the sounds picked up from the other mic were also unclear. I don't see why MH would try to silence a point that he has already talked about on his channel multiple times. The whole point about the Qur'an supposedly advocating for beating your wife has been answered by so many scholars. You can type it on TH-cam and you'll see hundreds of videos talking about that topic. It was a weak point by Alex to begin with.
31:10 Chapter 4 verse 92 - this surah does not say what Mohammed Hijab said at all, it's about a muslim killing a muslim Chapter 2 verse 106 - but the idea that may contradict it is this surah.
Watch my deconstruction of this debate and why it was a dishonest train wreck:
I wasn't going to upload this to my channel, having been refused permission to upload the debate in full. However, I realised that Mohammed Hijab was controlling the comments on his upload of the video, and so decided to upload what I was given permission for in order to allow an open comments section on the debate.
It's extremely frustrating that the original upload has around 1.25 million views, and yet only around 700 comments, since this gives a false impression of public perception and negates the whole purpose of having an open discussion.
Therefore, if you have any comments on the debate, including the sections not included in this upload, I encourage you to leave them here, and would appreciate your support in sharing this video for that purpose.
@@Mahmood.23 Great argument right there, well done buddy
jesus is our savior and the one and only truth
@@zizekinburnu7713 ideology*
From a scientific perspective, what exactly is "nothing?" Even in deep, empty space we have dark matter, light etc so the question of how something can come from nothing is based on a false premise.
@@Mahmood.23 And it was a pointless one. You even liked your own comment after posting it. Seems to me that you're insecure, no?
Mohammed Hijab changed my life. He convinced me to become an atheist
Ye he’s an absolute tosspot
Yes im sure you were seriously considering it 😉
He is scary 😂 Feels violent
@Drawfhe’s a clown, he purposely maliciously misquotes Alex in a desperate attempt to dismiss his valid criticism. He again ignored Alex’s point on Morality because he knows it’s indefensible
Welcome to all of the Mohammed Hijab fans. This is what an open comments section looks like.
Meshari yea, you just don’t use it.
@Meshari you believe torturing animals before killing them is good? Lmfao that goes to show how delusional you and your nasty cult of hate are.
@Meshari that clearly is torture. This is why no one takes you clowns seriously. You constantly lie about your nasty cult.
@@07GhostHD I was obviously poking a bit of fun with my comment, but let's not get nasty with each other. Dialogue and even a bit of banter can be good, but we should always remember that there is a human being on the other side of the screen.
@@dawsongooch4194 I suppose you are right. We should not really be acting like Hijab and his followers.
Mohammed Hijab sounds like a name South Park would’ve made up lmao
Durka Durka Mohammed Jihad
Hi my name is Jesus CrossNecklace
Finally found someone else who's been thinking this 😂😂😂 I can't unhear it's actually wild
Whats next...and now speaking ladies and gents
Jihad infidelos hiyjackaplane
Mohammed hijab just has a superpower of instantly ruining my mood
Too much energy, so much falsifiable arguments. Totally energy draining :(
Cry lol
@@ademjrad9994low iq copetard
I never would have thought that as a Christian I would be rooting for an atheist in a debate on the existence of God, but here we are. Mohamed Hijab makes such miracles possible.
I agree its easier to be an atheist than follow an obvious false prophet
You God was brutislised on cross and died for adultry and sins what bullshit paganism
i mean... if you belive in God, you shouldnt think lesser of other (even if they seem less developed or modern to you.) interpretations of a creator.
@@ege8240 im not into new age and you shouldnt be either
@@ege8240 I don't think that's true at all. Shouldn't I think lesser of Stephen Law's "Evil God Hypothesis"? It's also an interpretation of a creator.
As a matter of fact, the islamic god concept is much closer to the Stephen Law's concept than to the christian one.
So it has nothing to do with being modern. The Christian concept of God is much older than the islamic version anyway.
An evil god (islamic) is objectively inferior to an all loving god, purely based on philosophy, regardless of culture.
But to give you another example: we both agree with chinese extremists that Mao Zedong existed, but they think he was a good guy.
Should I respect their concept of Mao Zedung because we both believe he existed? I don't think so.
Open comments section good god you’re brave
Good who?
@@richardk5246 Allah
@@ranbirvaid449 They can stay, as long as they are respectful
It's as if proponents of dillusion don't want people saying whatever they want
@@ranbirvaid449 What's an abdool? Lmao
*"Open comments section"*
Cheeky Alex, throwing shade
This username and profile picture are an 11/10
Good. Hijab deserves it not only because he is editing and deleting comments but because of his reprehensible views. Views that have been debunked over and over again all the while claiming them with a pedantic attitude and an air of extreme arrogance.
I kind of feel like this should be a thing... "doing a cheeky Alex".
Naah he is just being a cry baby
@@TS-uj4qf lol
Mohammed Hijab has 3.3 mil views and 588 comments on a debate video while Alex has 562k views and 12k comments on the same debate
And that's why facts hurt my friend.
@@n.k.w. its called a doctored comment section bro not facts
@@leokruse38 Did you read my comment? I'm not siding with Hijab 😂
@@n.k.w.oh lol i thought you were trying to say hijab was speaking facts so no one had a reason to comment and question him. my bad man
@@leokruse38 Don't worry bro, no hard feelings, I despise the bloody bastard as much as you bro
Today I learned yelling makes your arguments coherent and true
Sophistry and rhetoric
Just mocking the man's rhetorical style. He acts like a frightened child.
At the centre of Hijab's head is a tiny mouse homunculus controlling a bloated body. (Hijab always has to speak big - a little man in a big body).
Especially before you blow up.
I think it actually has the opposite effect id more likely take in what the calm person was saying
I love how Alex speaks calmy and rationally, addressing his arguments with logic, and Mohammed Hijab just shouts the same things over and over again, not listening to a thing he said. So sad to see people so ignorant.
So u don't have any argument against hIjab the only thing u noticed is his way of talking ?
@@sdhqiohfq3152 No, I just wanted to point that out. Alex repeteadly debunks his arguments during the talk, on several points, while Hijab just repeats one argument: "How can something come out of nothing?" Nobody knows. Neither does he.
@@sasos13 You just summed up the Quran "How can something come out of nothing"
And Hijab talks like a magician without any magic.
Man! atheists, Christians and Muslims are all agreeing that Hijab is annoying.
Hijab is actually creating unity
I agree. I’m a Muslim but after watching this I can see why Islam loses so easily. It’s cause we have these uneducated people representing us. Rather than presenting his own arguments Islam, he constantly attacks atheism. Not with good arguments, just with repeated rubbish that has already been answered dozens of times beforehand. 😅
Studying every believe claim and arriving at Islam is pretty fucking wild
Right like out of all the options you choose the most barbaric, nonsensical, misogynistic, aggressive “religion” of a cult. Hilarious
@MrCat-fd4pb sure what are those brutal things 😂May allah guide u
@@OsamaJabr-o4ynot real
Islam is the most idiotic religion. @@OsamaJabr-o4y
"They cannot both be right. They can, however, both be wrong. That is the problem when you start insisting that things written in ancient documents must be believed without any question."
- Colin Brewer
Honestly, I agree.
Ever Greatest Wtf dude
Ever Greatest You’ve been spamming that message throughout the comment section although it isn’t related to what’s being talked about.
Yes you have to choose between several options
Is this your only life or is there another life after this life.
After answering this question if your answer was yes there’s another life, then the next question would be which life is more important?
If you answer no then enjoy this life to the fullest without restrictions because it’s your only life.
If you think the answer to the second question was one life was more important than the other then 100% there will be lots of sacrifices.
If you’re answer was both lives are equal in vakue and importance that doesn’t make any sense you should take a nap and think it over
I agree with your quote and "liked" it.
Also, I love your hijab in your profile pic. ♥
Are Muslim woman modern day ninjas.....? ♥
@@noneya8100 they're ninja assassin wannabees 🤣🤣🤣
Mohammed Hijab:
Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on. Hooold on, hold on, hold on.
I thought my telephone crashed
I believe he likes to say things three times or by groups of three. Every time he unattentively says something twice, which happens regularly to everyone, he forces himself to say it a third time. He mimiques Muhammad who was much into this kind of numerological applications, especially with the number 3 (prayers, swearing, divorce...)
"Sorry I know this is quite a you know... performance"
Also when he argues/debates in person on the street and someone provides a sound logical argument to rebut his positions he says: “I see what you’re saying but...” then proceeds to say some random stuff to throw them off.
Speaker n.1: I present my theory and believes in a clear and non-aggressive manner.
Speaker2: Here are my arguments presented in clear and non-aggressive manner.
Honestly, as a Muslim, Hijab's behaviour is embarassing. He's muslim David wood 😂😂😂
😂David woods sarcasm is funny Mojab is just outright rude
Sharwama funny doesn’t mean it’s not rude😅
@@AzamatBagatov413 Well finally I saw someone like you!
@@AzamatBagatov413Hijab is ironically one of the biggest advocates for muslims leaving their faith
I appreciate the first Muslim speaker’s eagerness to have an actual discussion about the ramifications surrounding topics such as religion and reality, rather than just intending to shut the opposing viewpoint down. I think an extended dialogue between him and Alex would’ve been very interesting.
i think he tried to slide in some misconceptions but alex defended very well
He basically only brought the infinite regress fallacy in different sauces. The incompleteness of scientific knowledge doesn't make God real...
It was a really interesting thing to hear these intellectuals speaking, and Hijab.
Yet that means.. that incomplete scientific knowledge could mean that there's a god. We know absolutely nothing about the universe as of now. No matter how you claim it, we barely know .000001% about the universe. Partial knowledge is worse when compared to no knowledge. @@winstonhood6371
can you list some of these misconceptions?@@liamzhao4613
2:21 "Would I have been something different if I was born and raised elsewhere?"
Yes, yes you would have.
You just made his point. His answer to this question is yes, his free will led him to rethink his faith and choose Islam, so what’s the problem?
@@laythqadi7081 subtle assertion, it was his circumstance that led him to believe, not his free will
@@laythqadi7081 lol maybe he would be hardcore christian is he born somewhereelse
Duat Chol
That's just your unknowledgeable point of view, truth is clear and anyone anywhere who would want to know it would be led to islam, that's why it is the fastest growing religion in a world that is heading towards atheism
I'm not particularly enjoying Mohammed Hijabs debate style or technique. Loud, overwhelmingly self-righteous and arrogant in my opinion. He seems far to 'emotionally' invested in the subject to be able to consider his arguments and present them rationally, subtlety, carefully or concisely and is incredibly ill informed regarding scientific methodology. Finally, most of his arguments in his introduction are focused on bashing on Alex. What did you do to offend him man!?
He challenged him with his wit, something what bullies do not like.
Then bully's inner squeaking girl wakes up. The result you can see in the video.
As he said already he took this aggressive stance purposely, he's not like this normally if you see his other public debates you can see the difference.
mehdie Hasan is good though
Shajalal Atik sufi lol he makes very good arguments actually unless ur just ignorant
Alex's video: 8000 views with 700 comments.
Hijab's video: 1.3 million views with 700 comments.
And let me guess, the ability to upvote and downvote was turned off? Usually people who want to censor criticism does that
Johannes Gerrild his comments are washed down and sanitised for the targeted audience.
... It seems better to be 'the rat's head' than 'the lion's ass hole' ...
M.Hijab : hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on xDDDDD
@Syed mehdi Kazim as far as I watched it, It was just "Your dude" misrepresenting "The Atheist" and repeating rehearsed arguments non related to The Atheist Arguments and Questions ....
Obviously, indoctrinated parrots perceive the repetition of their doctrine as a corroboration of their doctrine
Confirmation Bias been Confirmed, Again and "Again" & "Again and Again".
I don't know if "Your dude" is intrinsically dishonest or just So Dumb to never get Critical Thinking skills.
I hope the latter is better for him.
Hijab acts like a 15 year old school bully
True 😂, but inside he is a 15 year old p****y_
You know that feeling when you’ve liberated yourself from a stuffy environment and can now at last take a fresh breath? That’s what a free, democratised comment section feels like
You know that no comment sections are truly fully open? TH-cam deletes comments all the time.
@@advenco344 yes
@@advenco344 We could just say it's as open as Alex can get it, and that he doesn't intend any overzealous restriction of speech. Sometimes individuals have better principles than their environment. Being that TH-cam is the dominant outlet for these sorts of things, and they have power we don't have then we have to play by their rules to participate in the game. Of course we would choose that TH-cam would leave TH-cam more open if we could choose for this sort of content.
spacedoohicky of course, I don’t disagree with you, I was just explaining why the OP was incorrect with his last sentence.
Except for that part where that fresh air becomes toxic air due to the unintellectual, hateful, and unnecessary comments of many people.
This world is so complicated .. I am an agnostic atheist from a strictly Muslim country, I've almost never discussed my beliefs with anyone because I fear for my safety and reputation. Also probably losing most of the people I know. It's so hard literally not having anyone to discuss God, religion, the purpose of life or really any philosophical question with. I just spend my time reading things and then arriving at conclusions and then debunking them and stating over ... I wish so much I was in a place where I could find someone to talk to other than myself.
Damn, spiritualism is a very interesting thing, I'm glad you have at least a comments section to say shit like this in :D. Stay cool dude.
@Safeel K hot take
@Safeel K But yet in Islam the punishment for apostasy is death. I was born Muslim, so according to your religion I'm supposed to die. Even though I never ever believed in a single bit of Quran or hadith, never even believed in God himself, but I was born Muslim so that settles it. Forgive me, but the problem is not the Islamic countries, it is Islam itself.
@Safeel K وفي صحيح البخاري عن ابن عباس رضي الله عنهما عن النبي ﷺ أنه قال: من بدل دينه فاقتلوه وفي الصحيحين عن معاذ أنه قال لمرتد رآه عند أبي موسى الأشعري في اليمن: لا أنزل - يعني من دابته - حتى يقتل قضاء الله ورسوله والأدلة في هذا كثيرة، وقد أوضحها أهل العلم في باب حكم المرتد في جميع المذاهب الأربعة
وقول الرسول أيضاً: (لا يَحِلُّ دَمُ امْرِئٍ مُسْلِمٍ إِلاَّ بإِحْدَى ثَلاثٍ: الثَّيِّبُ الزَّانِي، والنَّفْسُ بالنَّفْسِ، والتَّارِكُ لدِينِهِ المُفَارِقُ للجَمَاعَةِ).
These are two clear talks of the prophet stating that those who were muslims and then left Islam must be killed. And yes I know, there's a small portion of muslims that don't believe this hadith to have been really said by the prophet, but these muslims make a very small percentage of muslims. So please don't say I don't know islam, I probably know about it more than you do.
P.S: I added a third talk of the prophet.
@Safeel K just a question out of curiosity, please don't feel like I'm pushing you or anything, if you think hadith was changed and corrupted, how do you know Quran itself wasn't? I mean aside from the verse in Quran stating that it wasn't (which is no proof to a none muslim because they don't believe in Quran) so how do you know Quran is 100% unchanged?
You adding the "Open comments section" and the subtitles in the stopped mic part, are some real alpha moves xD
Yeah i sad it on hijabs chanell first and i ewasnt even sure if this malfunction was intentional or not. Then i found the same vid on another chanel and it has subtitles.
This is how quality looks like and theists are afraid of it
if u ask me the alpha move would be to answer the debate hijab's main argument without needing to be all passive aggressive and petty about something as irrelevant as a comment section. pettiness is the beta move if anything.
@@SimpleReally if you call this beta what you gonna call that guy who litrally cencored his coments because people called him out for bigotry
@@SimpleReally i think main points were discussion here but if you watch Alex's video on dishonesty to hijab then you will get some ideas about the intentional works on hijab on this debate
@@SimpleReally The comment section is *not* "irrelevant." It is quite possible to edit and restrict comments to create the appearance that everyone agrees with one position or the other.
When you can’t debate an argument intellectually, start shouting, making random sarcasms and aggression towards them. Throughout the debate I could see in his eyes to not just silence the disbelievers and declare fatwa against them.
"I don't know and neither do you" atheism perfectly summed up in one sentence
I think that's agnosticism
Quoth the raven agnosticism would be more like “I don’t know if we could ever know”
@@antonk23148 No, it is we dont know. Athiesm is disbelieve in God. Agnostics neither believe nor disbelieve.
Mohamad Moustafa you Done know what you’re talking about, pls just google the definitions of the words. Agnosticism is only a claim about the KNOWLEDGE about a god and atheism if wether or not you believe in it. You can technically be a agnostic theist (even tough it’s prob quite rare). Atheism is not the disbelieve in a god it’s just not believing, very important distinction
@@antonk23148 Ah, it is not disbelief it is not believing. Silly me, I thought that those meant the exact same thing. /s
Alex: "I have no reason to believe in a god's existence."
Flawless logic
@@matrat6648 Considering the topic, your comment is completely useless. I want to assume that you are being sarcastic but most theists would consider it true un-sarcastically.
Michael Hutchison yes I am being sarcastic lol
Logic 100
@@matrat6648 I am glad.
Is this without Hijabs ridiculous edits as well?
Nope, the edits are there. The mysterious mic dying at the most opportune times is still there. Remember, Hijabs was in charge of the video edits and the master copy.
@@celiamoreno7745 Who's brilliant idea was that?
Lol, roasted
Cosmic says he doesn’t have access to the full video.
Celia Moreno hijab was not in control of the mics as he was the one debating he can’t control everything going on in making this debate happen
Hijab’s arguments really start to fall apart when he doesn’t have the chance to throw a tantrum and shout over the opposition. Funny how he didn’t address most of Alex’s claims - especially the one about Aisha.
Y’all have no objective morality so how can u cry and complain on aiysha lol
@@aasikage5311 Not believing in a ‘universal, objective morality’ doesn’t equal ‘no morality’. It’s that simple-minded thinking that makes a lot of religious people look stupid.
It’s strange people attempt to justify a 30+ year old man’s marriage to a 6 y/o because she was ‘smart’, had ‘a good memory’ and ‘was mature for her age’ as morally correct and in-line with this so called ‘objective, Devine morality’. It makes your morality seem immoral.
@@blackcatus4762 ignore him, he is heavily indoctrinated terrorist + a dishonest liar for his prophet
These Muslims always lose debates everywhere
These pdfile worshipper's have no shame lmfao
Fun fact: only 120 years ago people knew about Aysha but never asked about Aysha
Why ????
@@aasikage5311 idk why most abdools get triggered when they hear about "Aisha" lmao
Great rhetorical strategy of speaking Arabic in front of an English speaking audience. That'll convince them.
i see it tickled your ignorance
@@slickthot9868 "You should believe me because (says something in another language), which proves my point entirely if you knew what i said"
They literally translate the meaning directly afterwards?
@@legacyxmania9460 frothing with ignorance, couldn't wait a second afterwards for the translation
@@slickthot9868he’s referring to the live audience you dolt, not the video’s audience.
This comment section enables free speech, Mohammed Hijab is shook.
So if someone dosent believe in the same free speech as you they are shook? What kind of deluded logic is this. So when your parents told you not to curse in the house they were shook of you?
@@mahadism7455 "doesn't believe in the same free speech as you"???
Free means without constraints/restrictions. One cannot have a 'subjective' definition of free speech. Different definitions would mean 'regulating' speech according to the corresponding definition of free speech one believes in. Something that is being 'regulated' is not free.
All the delusions here are in your court, not mine. It is your logic and reasoning that is fallacious; contradictory and nonsensical.
Jahnvi yes, speech is restricted all over the world. For example freedom of speech is something that’s protected in the west but we both know the speech isn’t completely unregulated, even in the TH-cam comment section if you threaten someone your comment will be removed. So no this isn’t “without constraints/restrictions” youtube has its set of rules, and if you’re comfortable referring TO THIS TH-cam comment section as “freedom of speech” then yes i feel comfortable saying you don’t believe in the same freedom of speech as me. Now if you said this TH-cam comment section isn’t free speech but in fact restricted speech and that THE TRUE freedom of speech lies only within a context WHERE NO RULES or restrictions apply then I wouldn’t even have argued against you.
If you think a TH-cam comment section is completely unregulated all the delusions you have are in YOUR COURT.
So now you have two choices either you admit this TH-cam comment section isn’t completely unregulated thus isn’t free speech or you admit that you have your own subjective definition of freedom speech that involves some regulations as we see with TH-cam.
Whichever way you slice it its a checkmate against u.
@@mahadism7455 I'm completely fine with admitting that TH-cam sections are regulated, solely because that is a fact. However, the difference between Alex's comment section and Hijab's comment section is that one of them makes it their private business to regulate speech in accordance with 'their personal definition of free speech'.
Having said that, it is 'fairer' for youtube to be the entity that regulates both the comment sections, as that allows for a standard that is indiscriminate, and by extension, gives equal treatment/consideration to all people who comment.
Something that can't be disputed is that, in this situation, TH-cam is clearly the only entity which has no dog in the fight and therefore has the ability to be unbiased. Whereas, either of Alex or Hijab regulating their comment section proves bias on their part.
Alex's comment section might not be free in the truest sense (as it is regulated by YT), but it is undisputably more free and unbiased than Hijab's comment section.
Jahnvi this is what we call moving the goalpost lmao. You went from claiming this comment section as a free speech outlet and chastising me saying theirs no such thing as a subjective definition to freedom of speech to moving your point away from freedom of speech and trying to point out the Alex’s comment section is more fair because it has youtube as a moderation tool and not whatever third party company Hijab employs. First of all i want to clearly state that this DOES NOT refute the point that this comment section is in fact NOT freedom of speech as pointed out by yourself. I dont believe youtube is to be considered unbiased in its moderation simply by the virtue of your word, if we asked well known youtuber’s whom have been completely banned from the platform for their views they’d disagree with your point about youtube being the only fair moderation tool with “no dog in the fight”. I also don’t accept THAT YOU get to decide what is “fairer” why cant i through my own subjective interpretation of whats going decide that having youtube as a moderation tool is NOT “fairer” do you have objective evidence that backs the claim that having youtube as a moderation tool is “fairer” than using another company? If you dont then i dont accept the claim.
And lastly my final point is that you have absolutely no idea what has been removed from hijab’s youtube comment section you have no idea what type of moderation or algorithm is in place, so your ASSUMPTION is that his page is heavily modded but couldn’t it also be the case the he simply receives low comment engagement? Couldn’t it also be the case that alot of his comments breach youtube’s policies and are thus removed. You’re making a baseless assumption that hijab removes any comment that disagrees with him when its just as likely that he simply has low comment engagement on his posts.
The more Muslims learn about their religion, the more they are de-converting. The internet has played a large part in this. Knowledge is the remedy for ignorance. Kudos to all ex-Muslims.
Your statement is valid for both side. Still some converter to islam come to know islam by internet with open heart
AgénT believe is a matter of conviction . We may indoctrinated as kid but we have the ultimate freedom when grow to believe what we convince about.
About number I don’t have any figures but I’m sure the one who converted to Islam are much better than those who leave Islam (example the first muslim speaker on the debate )
When you're indoctrinated during your childhood days with fears of eternal hell, you cant call 'the ultimate freedom to believe convincingly' as you grow up
AgénT first all we have been indoctrinated by society media and family but still we have the ability to distinguish between good and bad from early age
Umai Rafiro believe is in heart no one know what you believe in so you have to believe whatever you want even if you been forced to show something else
Hijab: you have to prove your active claims.
Also hijab: doesn’t prove any of his Active claims by saying his claims are true by default
objective moral values do follow by default given there is a creator.
as for alex, his positions should actually impede him from making any moral judgements whatsoever, i'm not surprised he opened his dialogue mentioning quite a bunch of them since he's an eager hitch-wannabe, his objective just like his idol is to impress the audience.
@@slickthot9868Lots of word salads and ad hominems to convey that you have no counter-argument.
That’s Muslims for you anything that contradicts their beloved Allah and the profit from Arabia they got triggered about pathetic little babies, absolute losers. Wonder how such a violent people could create such originality in terms of religion to mention, they spread it by the sword.
@@wut_the_fug i'm pretty sure you don't understand what an ad hominem is, i can also see that you're one of those atheist parrots that can't go a day without saying "word salad" to everything that hurts their feelings, you have so much devotion following me through two different comments, pure loser material.
@@slickthot9868cry harder
How sad it is that you need to write "(*OPEN COMMENTS SECTION*)." That should be a given on all debate videos.
It's like the word "atheism". Everyone it applies to wishes that it wasn't necessary at all, because for some reason it's not the default position.
He's just making a distinction with the video offered on his opponent's channel.
coffeefrog yes
It is sad that pretty much all atheist videos have open comment sections and nearly all theist videos have closed comment sections...
That really says a lot...
Hijab's channel is censored by the way.
I dont think I’ve ever witnessed a more dishonest debater than Mohammed Hijab. It’s hard to even watch tbh.
Cant imagine how frustrating it must be for you
This is how the debate is won - Alex made them scream and shout. No reason for him to be frustrated.
Hijab is out of context most of the time
MK Hmm, where to begin? He cut out Alex’s mic when Alex pointed out that the Quran says you can beat your (probably underage or even prepubescent) wives, he doesn’t allow comments he doesn’t approve of on the video of the debate, he edited in additional video and audio into the debate video he posted pretending as if he said it during the debate, he edited out a section of the video where he misquoted the Quran, he straw-manned his opponent, he took quotes out of context presenting them as Alex’s beliefs when in fact Alex was speaking hypothetically, he shouted over his opponents because he was unable to rebut the arguments.
Come to think of it, I’m struggling to see how he could have been more dishonest if he tried his hardest and dishonesty was the goal.
Then why muhammed hijab is nearly 2 hours
While cosmic video is 46 munites
Wich one is editing heh?
As for beating in quran
Yes beating a.k.a slight taping with a miswak (arabic toothbrush)
But age isn't mentioned
Tell me where marrying a prebuscent girl is mentioned in quran
@@hassanlabyad4082 Alex was only allowed to upload opening statements by Muhammad H, no the quran does not specify with what object to beat or strike your wife with, and underage girls were mentioned when it was brought up that Muhammad married a 6 year old girl and had sex with her when she was 9.
Mohammed Hijab seems to be a very angry person. Lots of invalid arguments stated in increasing volumes does not improve the validity of the arguments.
point out just one of his invalid argument
@I'm Jamie lmao read carefully. 'invalid argument'. not interested in supposed threats.
@@Ayd1th promoting Islam in itself is wrong lmao all religions are stupid
@@andrewherrera6744 why is promoting Islam wrong and why are all religions stupid?
@@Ayd1th because Islam like other religions are backward dogmatic repulsive pieces of crap. Especially Christianity and Islam. I despise those 2 religions with a passion
I have some personal experiences that make a Muslim (if I were to try and explain them to anyone I don’t know in real life they’d think I’m a lunatic) but after watching this.. I’m still a Muslim but I see why Islam loses so easily in debates. These guys (Mohammed Hijab, Ali Dawah etc) are the pinnacle of blind faith, and most of the times I support the atheist side in these debates, not because I think Islam is false but rather because the people representing atheism (usually) have much more rational arguments that I enjoy dissecting, meanwhile the Muslim side embarrasses themselves by using repetitive arguments and by trying to somehow rationalize raping and killing (for context, these things are found in the Hadith and I’m a Quranist) and end up looking like big fool numbskulls. Good debate, I wish I had seen this sooner.
I'll admit that a lot of Muslims that live in the west have this same mentality, mostly because they are raised to believe not taught to believe, and the same goes for Muhammad Hijab here. However, when you look at Arabic Muslim sheikhs they are highly knowledgeable and can stand any argument and keep their composure in arguments. It sucks that Muslims in western countries give that kind of reputation for Muslims around the world
@@no-zo1oxThat and radical islamists in the gulf region just make Islam look stupid. True Islam has been lost in the media, most reverts believe blindly based on the logic of these dawah enthusiasts and end up leaving Islam very easily when faced with real and complex questions they weren’t exposed to when entering Islam, and rather than doing rigorous research for the answers, they just leave and doom themselves in this life and the hereafter. However, learning Islam from a sheikh whether directly or not, they find the answers to anything they question.
I was really convinced by the points from Hijab, especially when he threw his hands in the air. It was extremely impressive. And since this is how I juge people's debating skills, Alex clearly lost.
I also liked the killer blow Hijab delivered to the atheist side with his powerful "hold on hold on, hold on hold on, hold on".
Upon checking the debate again, I forgot to add one more last "hold on" in my quotation of Hijab's word delivery. It is integral to the profundity of the argument.
@@useienglish he had to be sure that they didn't let go.
@@useienglish Ah yes the "hold on"s really convinced me as well. I mean, what could Alex even do to compete?
I was really convinced with Alex's argument where he offered basically nothing
The loud guy is genuinely so difficult to tolerate. He seems to just hope his loud, sarcastic and arrogant demeanor will fool people to believe a) that he knows what he's talking about and b) that he's right - both of which, I doubt are possible
Kya islam me female ko lessmind bataya gya ? Two female ki gawahi ek male ke barabar hai ? Is it true or false mam .. Plz guide me
@@hemantsahuraj yeah that's true
@@cokguzeladam thanks 👍🙏
Those who are willing to learn ,listen to words and sentences not pitch and amplitude
@@moi2961 read my comment again and tell me how what you said is relevant.
It's so crazy how Hijab's upload still has 632 comments, despite increasing nearly two-fold in viewership since Alex's critique of this debate and the Muslims' actions, a whole year ago.
Truly evidencing Alex's assumption of their censoring atheists, and proving the older gentleman in the debate's whole initial argument.
The self-evident nature of Alex's comments and evidence is revealing enough in and of itself.
@@viridescent8941 And I responded to your question the first time.
@@viridescent8941 True. I might be subconsciously biased, but I don't think my bias is affecting me in a significant way in my satisfaction from Alex's backing for his remarks. If you remain unsatisfied though, then by all means knock yourself out on each response to a response video.
I'm sure he provides some sort of response that satisfies his base of Muslims' unease with the possibility their hero could be at fault. I do not doubt that watching Alex you did not feel content, but watching Hijab you did. However, it turns out that I simply feel content hearing Alex's points as I find them to be revealing of the objective truth that Hijab "debunks." You can say I'm being stubborn, and I can say you're being close-minded to Alex's clear portrayal of the facts. But clearly, this will go nowhere.
Have a nice day.
@@viridescent8941 See, now that you've stopped insisting that I must watch Hijab's video, I'm thinking that I just might. Personally, Hijab's angle on things gives me a headache, but I'll bare it for this video, and I'll let you know what I think of it. No promises though as I have a very impulsive personality.
Ex-Muslim here, now an atheist. I left Islam in 2016 and finally freed myself from this death cult
How many raka'ah in instinjah
@@fudgecake8565 How many female sex slaves Mohammad had? lemme test your knowledge first
@@fudgecake8565 There are 9 raka'ah in instinjah. Just like the age of aisha when she was raped by muhammad and also like the average iq of muslims when they say shit like you said thinking it's an epic bait and switch own.
Former Christian here. Accepting atheism liberates and be just a good person for all.
I’m actually scared by the lack of insight Mohammed Hijab has. Thinking he actually has a groundbreaking point in every sentence he is screaming.
That's the real content for his audience: The unwarranted confidence. They get lost easily in trying to follow a logical argument, but if they see a guy smugly, loudly, aggressively declare victory? That they'll connect with on a low, primitive level no matter what is said. He truly might as well just be hooting and screaming and beating his chest, the element of human thought is entirely secondary.
Lol. Your cosmic guy couldn't refute him. Go on give it a try tell me where did he not make any sense
Wrong Turn I‘m pretty sure “my Cosmic guy” did refute him. But of course @Irontiki is right.
I don’t blame you for being the most drawn to “your guy Hijab”, because he is using demagoguery. Thats cheating! Haha
I would say he could very well be categorised as one in someway.
@@JanLaalaa The fact that are saying this demonstrates you're in the "confused" category as referenced above, and thus any attempt to engage with you is likely to be doomed to end in frustrating circles of tail-chasing, frequent topic-changes, magically moving goalposts, and (if you're anything like MH from the video) blatant intellectual dishonesty. If you engage at all. So just so you're aware: You don't automatically *deserve* this. But I'm giving it to you anyways.
MH starts out with and maintains an angle of somewhere between dishonesty/confusion regarding the "position of atheism". The prototypical atheist does not by definition bring active claims to the table, he/she simply doesn't buy THE OTHER GUY'S yet. Ergo the burden of proof is on the claimant: "There is a god -> it's also the Islamic flavor specifically". That MH or others get all clenched in the butt about what it "means" to not claim to KNOW that there's a god, and simply be open to the idea that there might not be one, is irrelevant. You have to bring GOOD reasons to believe before you get to complain about the fact that someone else doesn't believe.
That being established, we move on to MH's weak attempts to claim a "necessary entity". The First Mover argument is weak, simply put, from the get-go. It fails to account for the possibility of an eternal universe, it fails to account for causality breaking down prior to the existence of time, and it fails in an epic degree of special pleading for claiming nothing can be un-caused or infinite, and pointing to an entity that is un-caused and infinite as the solution. Simply put, "God" is a non-explanation for a question that was posed before we knew enough about the universe to show that the question itself is absurd.
Secondarily, after presuming his stupid answer to a stupid question is enough on its own, MH dares to take it a step even further and slap a mind onto his non-answer. There's no reason to do such a thing, let alone assume it's necessary, except that he already believes it to be the case. The tail of his religion is wagging him. Even if we granted the stupid answer to the stupid question, why can't it be a mindless force? Again, MH's low-level of understanding of the topic matters he touches on betrays itself and he feels comfortable just blundering smugly on ahead.
Thirdly, he then takes his stupid addition to his stupid answer to his stupid question, and boldly lies in claiming this necessarily resembles what Islam's god is described as. Except the quran also tells us that Allah has feet and hands and eyes. And sends visions to prophets, supposedly. So the argument that a formless, timeless entity is a match doesn't work at all.
What this means is that you need to do more work to attach a stupid book to your stupid addition of a mind to your stupid answer to a stupid question. Otherwise those of us who don't buy it thus far have ZERO reason to take time out of our lives to entertain the notion, and you have to acknowledge that simply not buying it is a valid position. At least until a better effort is made to produce acceptable epistemic paths to Islam specifically, rather than "our book says so".
@@JanLaalaa every point
Take a drink every time Mohammed Hijab says "Hold on!"
Please don’t do that. No one can survive that amount of alcohol. Not even Russians. 🤣
I have cirrhosis because of you !
Yes you
I'M cLoseR tO g0D n0w
Mohammad hijab beat david wood
XSplasherGame What males you say that? Is it your belief by any chance?
I watched the full debate after watching Alex' deconstruction of it, and it left me (almost) as frustrated as Alex seemed in his video. Let me just say that I think you conducted yourself admirably in the face of blatant, first order scumbaggery. I'm not sure I would have stayed as calm, so, well done! Also, please don't debate Mr. Hijab again, it seems a waste of your time (although I am sure you know this).
Wow first profound comment that's not about how the comments' section is open.
Don't get me wrong I loved those, but THIS is a comment that should go in the complete debate video!
But of course, it would've been deleted...
I don't get why Alex and other intellectuals would waste their time on such absolute morons to be fair.
You're right. An undergraduate like Alex should not debate others who are on another level.
He couldn't address any of their arguments and he gave a half-assed response about cause and effect which wasn't even brought by any of them. He expected a typical Kalaam cosmological argument but they made a Contingency argument instead and let's be honest, it completely overwhelmed him.
And I'm not gonna address his cliched and emotional moral arguments against Islam that had nothing to do with the debate.
I 100% would have lost it and probably walked off, I couldn't handle being treated like shit for so long by that guy.
@dimmy dunk i dont know if by "emotional arguments" it means those "allah helped me when I was depressed" "Allah is helping everyone" " I could feel allah" and all of this isn't acceptable in a debate because it's subjective, someone's personal feelings don't have any place in the debate room because it's not a fact nor an can't even know if the person is lying or not and you don't have any idea about the mental state of that person..
And also when a person says "I've experienced allah" for example, Christians did experience Jesus and jews experienced doesn't make much of a sense..
(I hope I explained it well 😊)
“When you look at the concept of god, Christianity is ruled out, Hinduism is ruled out”
What are you talking about lol
Mohammed hijab was absolutely disgraced in this debate. I don’t know how he shows his face in public anymore
He was perfectly valid, what are you talking about?
Not surprised a Cosmic Atheist fan would agree with him despite him not addressing the main argument but focussing on stuff so obvious in the very first video (the editing to fit in a Quran verse)!
@Sam Taylor he does. You should watch the video and listen more
Ah this was nothing.
I much prefered his meltdown at muslims _"having doubts"_ about the Quran, and how _"they are were they are because they sit and watch Netflix instead of reading the books of Islam"._
@@MrTrialandError shut up golden Shower boy
When people start yelling, you know they aren't there for a civil debate. Saying things forcefully does not make you right, sis 🙃
its much more intresting this way. the topic is already so complicated that nobody would listen if it was talked without passion. also its not threatening.. i think everybody in the room knows nobody is going to start to hurt anyone nor attack them personally verbally. thats all that matters :)
@diana mehl Bruh I'm just saying that yelling/talking over others doesn't give them a chance to respond in decorum that is proper for philosophical, moderated debates. I'm glad everyone is passionate and vocal about topics! But, not when it discourages discussion. My family is also Italian, and I have gotten so heated I smashed a pizza in my brother's face. But that still wouldn't be okay for a moderated debate. For real, vocal expression is a great and wondrous thing. But not when it is used as a weapon to silence another when the point is discussion :)
@@makishimashogo2164 Oh, I agree to an extent. But when yelling is used to silence their opponent, not allowing a discussion to take place, it can become abuse of power. Passion is wonderful! But, it must be not used to destroy the purpose of a philosophical debate: not for a victor but for a gaining of knowledge/understanding. :)
@عبدالملك نواف The meaning behind interrupting is to silence an opponent actually and to provide a biased view of a discussion! To me, taking over a philosophical debate to gain victory, no matter the cost to knowledge, defeats the purpose of philosophical debates -- to gain more understanding of the world. Calling someone shallow has a rude meaning too, so maybe you should be more careful with your meanings. I'm sorry my comment offended you, and it should be noted that humans communicate as much through gestures, body language, and tone as they do through literal language!
@diana mehl True, Egyptians are very loud people.
"Alex, your opinion is stupid."
I appreciate the fact that this comment won't be deleted.
@@lucas9030 I think you missed the point of the comment. I don't actually belive that. That's why is enclosed in quotation marks.
@@lucas9030 lmaooo right
RAYfighter or Lucas did cus he accidentally attacked a comment (your comment might be sarcasm but no one uses emojis in the comment section so idk)
@@sujin9185 I both love and hate sarcasm.
@RAYfighter Nice.
First dude doesn’t seem weird or crazy and actually capable of a real discussion. However he seems to not grasp that atheists don’t need answers to some of these questions, we’re okay with having open-ended questions in which we will never have an answer to in our lifetimes. The universe is awesome and wonderous, I prefer to ask nonstop questions and have things be unanswerable (which they are) then follow a belief system which claims to have the answers
Can we just appreciate how good the first Muslim speaker was. I would have loved a debate between just him and Alex.
As an atheist I agree - that would have been so much better. It seems like he also came to have an honest debate, actually describing what he understands atheism to be and what he considers to be its flaws.
The second guy pretty much just deflected instead of answering Alex's points
@@mykaelajones7780 that’s why not a lot of Muslims follow the 2nd guy he’s abit odd
I can appreciate that - However the second Islamic defender is just short of being a middle of the road shoe salesman. He should've chosen a different path - He'd have excelled as an American lawyer or Realtor.
F Muslims why do you act so surprised when one acts appropriately ? That is wrong Muslims are wrong all religion is wrong f religion get with science or go pray to your god !!!
“Hold on hold on… Hold on hold on… hold on hold on! Lemme just prove that I didn’t listen to a word of what Alex said, ok?! This is important!”
he wanted time to think so he said 3 hold ons in a row instead of pausing lol
Wdym ? The people sitting there are serious about it that's why they are sitting right?
Hixab is loud that's just not something what smart people do it's a very bad body language you understand?
it doesn't prove anything other that it's personality@@mumbernume4948
Alex: *asks valid questions*
Muhammad: im gonna ignore that
@my name alex is crying like a baby lol
Seriously dude the least you can do is put a time stamp for where he ignored the question
@my name the one about Aisha being 6
@Ninja FEESE, Aisha, muhammad was a pedophile
@my name, so you’re whole justification of your prophet being a pedophiel is that, people aged faster back then? He was a 50 year old that had sex with a 9 year old, not even old enough to get pregnant... you’re calling me brainwashed but you’re the muslim here buddy, you’ve been brainwashed your whole life, you were brainwashed to believe that a warmonger, pedophile was a “prophet” lol, I’ll tell you what if hell is real muhhamad shit be upon us buring there
This entire debate just reminds me that not only is arabic just as gorgeous sounding as it is written, but also remided me that no matter how gorgeous, idiots can speak in every language
Love how cultists say secularism contradicts itself. Its almost as if they havent read their book.
To quoque fallacy... not the best but I'll assume you're just pointing out the hypocrisy for the sake of it.
If they read Quran and stay honest, they would not remain muslim for a day.
@@matthieub3973 That its a fallacy is beside the point. The point was the lack of self-awareness of those making that claim
@@amirsarwari3289 not necessarily true. When you're so brainwashed, it all starts to make perfect sense in the head. I should know, I've been there.
Not like any of you guys read it. Resorting to cheap insults instead of trying to counter what the proposition said shows that you're just ultracrepidarians.
Second islamic speaker is like a merchant trying to gather people and trying to sell merchandise.
After 10 secs of intense cringe i gave up...
"Why buy tomorrow, when you can buy today?" - Merchant in Oxenfert (Witcher 3)
Ah, I'm not alone. I feel a bit less guilty. 😌
same here, I couldn't fucking take the cringe, it really was too much for me
I wouldn't buy a carpet from that guy.
@@bloccoaspirale1867 made me laugh :))))
*Ladies & gentlemen,* it is pathetic and speaks volumes about the sincerity of Mohammed Hijab when he restricts free and open debate on his own You Tube channel together with not giving permission to Alex to upload the entire debate on his channel, the only conclusion that I can draw from his wilful censorship is that he has something to hide. Yes I was banned from commenting on Mohammed Hijab's posting of this debate as have many others who rightly challenge Islam.
Islam is a fake religion
@S A I am an. Atheist I know I have studied mostly all top religions and I have found all religions to be a propaganda but to be precise if I had a choice to pick a religion that is most wrong. It is Islam
@S A no religion is right but the religion that is most wrong is Islam
@S A I live in india I have debated with 1000s of muslim on Islam they weren't able to answer any single ques that was asked by me
@@ghumakkadmedico don’t debate with everyday Muslims, go debate with scholars instead, people with the highest knowledge on Islam are likely to give you the best answers. Or watch the ones on speakers corner videos on youtube u might get your answers. Btw may I know some of your questions so I can see if I have any inputs.
Why do the religious feel that they have to shout? Do they think the louder they are the more it's true?
Nope, it's just a problem with Mohamed hijab. I don't listen to him even as a Muslim because he has a pretty bad way to deliver his messages
Atheism only says: i'm not convinced there is a god or gods.
Why are they arguing about cosmology and what explains the existence of the universe? Atheism does not make any claims about that.
@Adolf Hitler
Oh no, I though you blew your own brains out, how are you alive?
That certainly is true, it's ridicolous how lacking just one valid proof for their case, they go on attacking a position, that essentially isn't even one.
Atheism says: I do not believe in a god's existence. The reason to argue against those that do is because we see harm in believing things that are not true and actions taken in the name of falsehood.
What I might add to this, is that in that sense, Atheism is the initial state of mind for all of us really.
I don't see sufficient reason to believe in something, therefore I don't.
This is the starting point. The reason why we're initiating in debate is because religious people are framing it as if it was already clear that there is sufficient evidence. We're trying to show that it is perfectly reasonable to dismiss so-called evidence for eg the existence of Allah, to all but most importantly to the people who we're indoctrinated into thinking the case was already clear.
To be clear, atheists don't necessarily make any claims. The atheist simply REJECTs claims of the theists due to lack of any and all good evidence.
Lol that hijab guy thought shouting at everyone would somehow make his points valid 🤣🤣
Yeah.. smh😒 thats not the way to have a debate.
The nice thing about Hijab is he is honest and straight forward in your face kind of guy. Whether he shouts (not saying that he does) or not, guy cuts to the point like a hot knife cuts through butter and on the seldom occasions where he is wrong, he will just say he is wrong and continue with the debate.
@@redart3005 I think you watched a different debate...
@@Kobi_89 TBH I didnt watch this 46mins but isnt it the same debate that Hijab posted from 1 year ago which is about 2hrs long?
I am assuming it is, and if it were then I stand by my opinion. But Cosmic was not that bad, I think he did a good job compared to the old man although he lost the debate eventually.
@dimmy dunk I ll be honest with you xD I didnt watch this video but I am assuming its a snippet from the big debate from 1 year ago which is a 2hr video? You can correct me if I am wrong
Why do I have a feeling that the loud guy is not very intelligent?
@@antonchigure3710 Nah, it has to do with his IQ. About the same as the average temperature in Greenland.
@@antonchigure3710 Yep. About sub-moron.
@my name I don't think so. Arguments can be evaluated for soundness and validity even if you disagree with the conclusion. Hijab's arguments were ridiculously poor. If I were a muslim, I'd feel rather embarrassed at this guy.
Why do I have a feeling that Athiests who believe their ancestors were apes have no intelligence and have got the same wisdom as a chicken.
@@rocksteady2198 I can help here.
First, the word is "atheist", not Athiest". Carefuly check the order of the "i" and the "e" before commenting on issues concening atheists. Also, don't capitalise the word: we are happy to be called "atheists", just as bikers are happy to be called bikers. Got it?
In fact, most atheists don't particularly like being called "atheists". For my part, I don¡t like being called anything at all: just as don't believe in Jehovah, I also don't believe in Allah, Poseidon, Zeus, or any other deity people have come up with over the course of the evolutin of the human species.
Therefore, my dear Rocksteady, it seems to me that you have quite a long way to go before you can start calling atheists names. I'd put the timeframe at... well, if you worked really hard, I'd say about 20 years. See you then!
ok im just gonna copy and paste my comment in the same video:
a philosopher once said: hold on hold on, hold on hold on, hold on hold on.
@Abdulrahman Braim 🤦🏼♂️🤦🏼♂️🤦🏼♂️
Олэн хэткисэн аяста ирраллаан. Кун тууликэлло сои, сииррүн сэн аикаан.
Hijab is arrogant and isn’t interested in seeking the truth. He just reinforces his dogma and creates an echo chamber when he limits comments
Zorodzai MMK Everyone? Like who? I’ll be shocked if I recognize a single name.
People discuss ideas not people.
You hate him that's all just say it
@@Medmed-pg4iv There would be a reason for that hate which he just basically told you those reasons. Dishonest, arrogant and ignorant.
@@Medmed-pg4iv i hate both his ideas and himself.
@Zorodzai MMK who's everyone?
As the saying goes "Arguing with an idiot is like playing chess with a pidgeon. It'll just knock over all the pieces, shit on the board, and strut about like it's won anyway."
that is what we are seeing here haha
Most pigeons are smarter and more pleasant to look at than that bearded guy.
@@oliveryt7168 imagine being so cringe and salty that you care about someones beard
@@mugen8455I know this is from 2 years ago but did you miss the point on purpose or something? It's very obvious he's not insulting the beard he's using it as a descriptor of who he is talking about
All I heard was “Islam is right because it is” what a clown 🤡
MOhammed Jihab thinks he is smart, but he has logic is of a 5 year utter embarassment..
Notice how the islamists talk fallacy by introducing a false premise..
The universe is never ending and therefore need a creator (there is no proof that the universe is infinite). Its simply painful to listen to them.
They introduce ideas without evidence and basing on those idea start their circle of logic..
I’m no Muslim, but previous consensus was that universe was infinite. Scientists thought that it had a beginning.
He is an Abdul 🥔..
they are just very persuasive in their speaking.
Wait wait sorry. Scientists thought university had no beginning.
What's more painfull is how many times alex changed his postion about the universe coming out of nothing
as an ex-muslim i assure you the horror of this cult is beyond your imagination.
god bless men like cosmic skeptic who are on the front rows against it.
give me your best argument against islam - im interested ya sheikh al-islam
@@MrTrialandError Burden of proof.
@@MrTrialandError why do you guys hate GAYS?
@@MrTrialandError the fact that acourding to islam i should get killed because i left a religion i was born into and left it when i had reasons to. Its not like i choose to be a muslim . But still a just god wouls never condemn apostasy and mohamed used this methode to keep his new territories under his control by threatening to kill anyone who questions islam.
Nobody cares that you're ex Muslim. Stop defining yourself by your ex identity. It's honestly pathetic.
Mohammed is a brash and frankly annoying speaker who didn’t respond to Alex’s opening statement but to previous videos which were not the subject of the debate - he had to resort to things previously said by Alex, rather than what Alex had just said. The Atheists wiped the floor with their opposition not only in the opening statements but also the full debate.
That shows he can only debate if he has prepared something in advance. He doesn’t have the knowledge and confidence to respond spontaneously, obviously, but he hides this with fancy words (he doesn’t know the meaning to) and a confident air.
Also, his arguments can also be proposed by other religions
Why is he screaming
One side seems very combative. They also didn’t answer the question about the immorality in the Quran, just engaging in ad hominem fallacies
How dare you doubt Allah?
@@deivytrajan i’m not doubting Allah, i’m doubting the sincerity and honesty of the people arguing for him
I think they did cover morality, with all religions come a set of morals with atheism, nothing can be derived, there's no basis for morals and this can be very very dangerous
@ that’s because atheism has nothing to do with a worldview or system of belief. You have to look elsewhere for a moral compass.
@sixfootoneistall2002 without religion where would you derive moral values from?
OK, we have 3 people trying to have a civilized debate.... And a broken record
Lol alxe is the broken record right?
Thats not nice
@poxy poo Aayisha believed him as prophet and given her whole for him,she preached his religion.
She narrated so many hadeeths.
She was teacher.
Aayisha was the legend of Islam.
If i take your argument that,Aayisha was the biggest victim of prophet,then how greatest prophet Mohammad was that his greatest victim given her whole life for him.
Can u tell me about any man on earth whose biggest victim sacrifice his/her for him/her.
U can not find.
So,u prooved that,prophet was the greatest man.
@@rabbaniansari4224 A strange way to justify pedophilia. Really weird.
@Cedar tree one is not eniugh,he must always atracted to child ,he must not atracted to old women and middle age women.
And ,when child become at middle age then he must go for another child ,ok.
What a fucking people u r.
30:13 - Hijab: "already when we just look at the concept of God so many of the world religions are ruled out." In other words: If I am assuming my concept of God, all other religions must necessarily be wrong. What a brilliant logic. I am immediately convinced.
@Tom Harry yes it indeed is a god sitting upon a throne which is on the shoulder of 8 angels
soreuh haggha ayat 16 to 17
@Tom Harry I think you should clean your ears and listen carefully. Hijab's response was in regards of TAHWEED, the concept in Islam that Allah is the ONE and ONLY god. He just referred to his personal version of monotheism to rule out all other religions.
Hljab is just a woodenhead.
@Tom Harry They just want to hate lol
Sooo, if god is pretty much perfect in any way according to these Muslims then what motivation could god have to create anything outside him self when nothing per definition could add to his perfection?
A perfect god that creates non-perfect beings to worship god for no particular reason because nothing can add to his perfection is a pretty crap explanation for human existence.
I was thinking the same thing. If he's so self sufficient, he wouldn't need to be worshipped and wouldn't be so angry about some mere humans not worshipping him.
Exactly. It’s absurd for a perfect god to do anything because every act necessitates a need, and a need necessarily belongs to an imperfect being.
The whole point of Islam is to worship Allah wth you talking about, not worshipping him doesn't necessarily means worshiping some other God, atheist don't have anyone to worship
The Ghost What poor thinking you have to be able to misinterpret me like that. I didn’t say when you do any action, you always need to do it as it is (being forced to type 1 instead of 2). I was saying if a being does an action, he does it because he needs something (solving a problem, relieving a psychological tension...).. You can’t do an action without needing a thing out of it (if you didn’t need anything, you wouldn’t be doing it.) And if a god needs something in whatever form, that means he is in a state that’s less better than where he will be. That’s why he’d have to become imperfect.
The Ghost You quickly forced in “thinking” and “intention” to escape this but it’s pathetic. 😆... In all of those examples (looking down, looking up, turning your head) are all actions done out of a need or to overcome an obstacle or limitation. So you look down because you instinctively needed to see what was below, or to release tension in your neck, or to contemplate ideas, which all are needs. You don’t necessarily need thinking or planning in every action. (And you can apply this to animals). But all of them are done because of a need. And this isn’t about projecting anything human. Either Allah does an action or he does not. And either that action has a reason or it has not. And allah does actions and they have to have reasons (he has a plan or a goal)... And then you asked “Why do you think God does an action out of a need?”... Well then, “WHY” does he do any action? What’s the reason behind it? (If it’s to solve or improve things, it implies necessarily that he has a need.) that’s all there is to it.
These Muslim men up here playing word games for 20 minutes. Feels like neither one of them took Philosophy 101...
Mohamed Hijab won that debate fair and square
@@veins2820 You'd have to be dense to think so. :P
@@Mojo_Radio niqqas are so biased lmao nobody won. nobody's mind was changed, nobody did anything. how dumb do you have to be to moan and whine without even knowing what happened in the debate
Love how the distinction was made that the comments section is left open... because some people actually feel the need to mod their channel so hard that they have less than 100 comments under a video with thousands of views as they didn’t want their god and prophet to be ‘disrespected’.
The fact that Alex felt the need to make this distinction at all just demonstrates how asinine Hijab’s behaviour and conduct is. Embarrassing.
I think it just betrays how insecure they must be with their position. If Allah is backing them up, why can they not handle a bit of criticism? It’s similar to the violent demands not to insult their prophet. Are the prophet Mohammed and Allah so feeble that they can’t withstand criticism and ridicule? That’s some powerful god they have there...
@@MichaelBohnJr You're missing the point. Muslims love the Prophet pbuh and Allah more so than their parents. If somebody insulted or ridiculed a family member of yours, you wouldn't be okay with it, regardless of if they could handle it or not. The truth is that Muslims can't, or don't want to, withstand it. It has nothing to do with whether God can withstand it or not.
@@TailsWarrior38 if you can't question what was taught to you from childhood then you are in a cult. nothing is infallible.
@@TailsWarrior38 lol
@@TailsWarrior38 So muslims are just a cult of personality? Who would have thought
Is this even a debate? Alex is just putting out information but keeps getting interrupted by the other side trying to prove their simplistic worldview wtf
I feel you alex, i'm sorry you had to go through this.
Why are you sorry? He knew what he walked into. I don't think he feels like he wasted his time.
@my name Chill whats with all the caps? anyways no alex is stating actual facts (im not biased i watched the actual video) Anyways even if alex is stating wrong stuff the hijab dude doesnt have the right to just interrupt alex it just makes hijab dude look arrogant
What else you would expect anywyas?
@Subarashii Ningen even the last closing statement in that is cut off and it kind of hilariously feels like a shitpost
@@spiralsausage that’s because that last part was filmed later and edited in at the end by that clown hijab and his team. That part wasn’t even part of the debate. 😂
Mohammad Hijab talks like a seller in souk trying to convince you that his carpets aren't falling apart by being as loud as possible
where did he go wrong? tell us rather then appealing to emotion.
it is called the Contingency argument.
So that's make him wrong !!
So do we laugh 😐
Damlad Channel
It is up to the claimant (theist) to meet the burden of proof for the theist claims.
Hahahaha amazing
Hijab is much more interested in how he looks than any of the debated material.
He looks like a clown with his tie lol 😂
Along with Views, Likes and Dislikes, there should be a published "Deleted Comments" symbol to represent the Poster's level of internal censorship.
Youre so right
i think it should be the amount of deleted comments not deleted comments because maybe the deleted comments were deleted because they said something weird or advertised things
Muhammad Hijab: *wrong*
Alex: *right*
Muhammad Hijab: "I will edit the video to show everyone that I'm right"
Alex: *smirks and shakes his head*
Like when
ARTSY OTAKU Well what was the point of an open comment’s section if people were just going to make jokes and insult Muhammad Hijab
@@thelegend27yes15 when did I insult your prophet?
Your Honor Lmao what... I said Muhammad Hijab; not Prophet Muhammad. I’m not Muslim btw
ARTSY OTAKU Yeah I know. It’s just people were complaining Muhammad Hijab didn’t have an open comments section for open discussion but now that people have it, they are doing nothing productive with it. Nobody is discussing, just insulting and making jokes.
It's delightful to be allowed to leave a comment. Thank you, Alex, and admirable conduct from you during & after this debate. Er, that's all .
I do not see how the existence of an infinite number of turtles is less believable than the existence of a magical Omni-turtle.
bbbb but he said it in such a loud voice! He must be correct!
@@occultsupport Damnit, you’re right. How could I have been so blind?!
"Lack of knowledge is not a license to invent fantasies" - Ayn Rand
rand is pretty cool. I’m iffy on objectivism tho
"Sweep aside those parasites of subsidized classrooms, who live on the profits of the mind of others and proclaim that man needs no morality, no values, no code of behavior. They, who pose as scientists and claim that man is only an animal, do not grant him inclusion in the law of existence they have granted to the lowest of insects."
Is that why atheists invent fantasies like more than two genders and women can have dicks and men can give birth?
@@chomo54andbabyaisha97 The New Testament was written in 3 genders, dolt
@@chomo54andbabyaisha97 Oh, those guys aren't atheists, they're idiots man, be them atheists or Hindus
ALEX, you granted him the benefit of the doubt and made the false assumption that he believes in evolution, he in fact does not believe in evolution.
Well, since evolution is in the top 5 of most well proven scientific theories ever, that immediately destroys his credibility. It's like saying you don't believe in the theory of Gravity and that has less proof xD
You mean accept Evolution.
Belief implies faith.
Science lets fly you to the moon
Religion lets fly you into buildings
earth to moon distance is 384,400 km , can you please prove how could you fly over this distance . false claims can't help , to be honest science is letting you down , yo mama science work with empirical evidence , your science cannot even prove gravity , it is an assumption , letalone all lies of discovering other plants and so on
Aside from the horrific dishonesty and censorship involved in the debate, their points still don’t stand. Even if you could prove the universe has/had a necessary component which you can’t, you still have to prove its conscious, you still have to prove it still exists, you still have to prove it actively interacts with the universe, you still have to prove it did so historically, you still have to prove why we should listen to Islam’s idea of one god and not Judaism’s one god or Sikhism’s one god. The fact people think this debate can get you to anymore than agnostic deism at the absolute best seems absurd to me. Claiming this proves Islam is just factually wrong.
Shows you haven't bothered listening to their arguments.
Calm down buthurt. This debate was about the existence of God. Once we establish that the rest of it is another debate
@@JanLaalaa Finally a rational person. And not just that, Mohammed Hijab gave the case for Islam in the latter half of his opening statements.
@[R] these people confuse me. apparently the person who posted the original comment didn't listen to the debate and the debate wasn't about specific religions but just the existence of a necessary being. But, then they say that hijab did give a case for Islam. Sooooo....
Logan Chiminera Thank you very much. If it was just establishing a necessary component to the universe I would have no problem, apart from the horrible debate ethics. However the debate was specifically Islam vs Atheism, not Deism vs Atheism. The burden of proof is on the Muslims. Also to argue that Hijab proved Islam by citing vague miracles in the Quran that have been disproved time and time again or the unfalsifiable challenge to produce something ‘like it’ falls mightily short. Extraordinarily claims require extraordinary evidence.
Alex: Let's say P entails Q.
Mohammed: Okay
Alex: Given P then Q?
Mohammed: Not necessarily
*Long Pause*
That was the best exchange.
I don't understand how this is an issue
I'll use an example of a car
A car entails a maker
If the maker is necessary then the car is necessary?
Like Mohammed hijab said not necessarily unless I am missing something?
You can't just assume determinism as that is an untestable and unfalsifiable idea. So you have to prove this logic without determinism (though I do agree in the general idea that everything is determined).
@@Lutestick Except Car is the P and maker is the Q.
Alex asked "if P" not "if Q".
Syllogicaly it should be "If there is a car then there is a maker". Not the other way like your comment puts it to be.
You can indeed assume determinism if its a fundamental axiom. Also you can test and falsify these axioms. That is why you take these things as axioms.
@@vimalkumar6837 that's not what is said in the video. I'll rewatch it and you watch it as well. Of that's the case then yes he is right and Mohammed hijab is wrong.
@@vimalkumar6837 I re-watched the video and yes you are right but I think the way Alex said it was confusing a bit and maybe that is what Mohammed hijab heard (or not who knows). Regardless, I admit this correct logic and I'm not sure where Mohammed hijab would go with this if he didn't agree.
@@vimalkumar6837 how can you test determinism? Please give an example
Alex is so incredibly smart. There's no way I would've been able to keep up with this in real time. I understood his 'something vs nothing' argument at the beginning, but it took a couple re-watches for me to understand what he was saying in his breaking down of why this is circular reasoning. All that fast talking universe stuff just went right over my head the first time. Lol
@@Gorilla_brown786 Atheists don’t believe that. The majority of atheists are agnostic atheists meaning we lack knowledge about the universe and its origins therefore we don’t believe. Hijab was misquoting him in his opening statement. You can actually see Alex smirking and rolling his eyes in the bg.
@@Gorilla_brown786 Lmao that proves you haven't watched shit, comprehend a thing, or have ever looked up philosophy or debates about this. Holy shit, you people never learn.
Yes, alex did a great job here. I loved his every word even though I did not understand it completely
@@saivardhanannam1086 I you could under stand what was being said you'd see he was clearly losing and hijab was pointing out all his flaws in detail. Wish he could get to his last point tho. About the profits wife and all that.
- Universe exists
- I currently have no way of testing/confirming how it came into existence, therefore I can't make a claim as to how it came into existence.
- Medieval warlord wrote/spoke what he believed happened and I'll believe that.
This is the whole debate. That's it. Nothing else. It's two completely separate epistemological paradigms debating from their own framework:
One, scientific, enlightenment principles.
The other spiritual. Learn what you believe to be an unquestionable doctrine and never honestly scrutinise.
How is quoting the Quran in Arabic going to convince anyone who is not Islam already? It may as well be Chinese.
Alex's new argument: "I am not deleting comments"
Along with Views, Likes and Dislikes, there should be a published "Deleted Comments" symbol to represent the Poster's level of censorship.
Well.... You are here so He Dont.
@@shayatbenskeep2465 Correct, he was negligent in negotiating the use of the Footage of the Event which HE spoke at. So now, he must pay the penalty for behaving well and expecting others to behave well, and play fair.
@Subarashii Ningen oh fuck off with that last part bullshit. Hijacking the debate and ranting isn’t part of the debate. He can keep his fuckall backward ass views to himself.
When any argument starts as ‘’the quran says’’ you know its a good one 😂
That's neither a useful or witty contribution.
Yes. One filled with lies and evil. It's a satanic religion.
Yes. It means the BS starts.
@@believejesuschristislord1100 lol a Christian talking about satanic religion. Somebody teach this fool his own history 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Dahir Hussein Should he ? I think not .
everyone is talking about mohammad hijab but abdullah al andalusi explained it very well and i feel like his speech is being overlooked tbh
He is a very good debater and while I think he’s wrong and don’t agree with his opinion and don’t find his arguments convincing, he is very civil and actually nice to listen to.
he was very agreeable but i think when alex said athiests shouldn't have the burden of proof and that belief shouldn't be default (v badly paraphrased but anyways) his speech was already overturned
The Big Bang Theory doesn't assert that everything came from nothing; it just asserts that everything was once extremely close together. This is even more easily justifiable.
it does
@@ZihadJoy google before you respond? A singularity is not nothing.
Judging by his attitude, it seems that Hijab thinks he came to a rap battle rather than a debate
You can’t win on arguments so you go after the guy 😂
The fact that you can get shampoo on your eyes, disproves a benevolent being exists.
Or that, for some reason, you have choice. Not a defence of Islam, by the way.
Pizza Boy What? How can I prevent getting shampoo in my eyes? Please it hurts every time
@@sad-pt7xd Firstly, just to check that you're not bald and thus using this discussion forum as an opportunity for ridicule! That said, you could try a) using a gentle shampoo, such as Johnson's Baby Shampoo (other baby shampoos are available), b) squint when the hair is washed and open after rinsed in clear water, c) wash with water only or d) simply do not wash the hair (given there are no laws in advanced civilised countries requiring you to do so). Hope it clears that up (soap and all) and, remember, there is usually a choice.
At least a benevloent being with the power to stop you from getting soap in your eyes.
This is my first CosmicSkeptic video, and I'm blown away with how articulate and well-argued Alex is. Incredible debate performance, especially for someone so young. I'm instantly a fan.
Jesus, now I just watched the following segment on Hijab's channel. What a shitshow that was. Alex, incredible job standing up to the bullying and smugness of Hijab.
@@Kryptic1234 We are not here to make friend we are here to win and he done so unanimously. He was pointing out flaw after flaw in Alex's statements and Alex just couldn't come up with the reason why but instead would just waffled using big words for no reason. kinda like Jorden Peterson. Your boy was going in circle LOL. Haji had it on lock.
@@Kryptic1234 Alex would make statements but wouldn't back them up leaving his statements open to criticism and hijab would take full advantage of the opening. Too easy.
@@The-Black-Serpent-SyndicateBru you care a little too much
LMAO could cope harder. I literally just evaluated on the video. @@kevcopo
i watched this video 3 years ago i was Muslim at that time, idk how i was not able to be logical and understand the serious danger of the thought's that Islam has. BUT i started reading more and realizing it is calling for violence not peace as it claims. this year i decided to be neutral and listen to both sides again. i realized that most Muslim debaters seem to win not by a good strong evidences and arguments but by using a lot of fallacies which is misleading to a normal human. i left islam 2 years ago and since then i can not simply be myself and i can not share my ideas anymore and i am sentenced to death for no guilt
So tell who created all this magnificent universe, from all these galaxies, to the finest small details like atoms all these things. Surely they would come from nothing or they just exist by themselves somehow?
@@hassantalib14 first of all i did not claim that there is a god or creator so i am not obligated to prove anything, the one who makes a claim should provide the evidence otherwise the claim is false and baseless. so if you claim there is a creator just simply give the absolute evidence and i will gladly agree with you because it will become a fact not just an assumption. do not just make assumptions and ask me to blindly believe you or give you prove for your own assumptions. for the universe it is magnificent there might be a god or might not be i simply do not know and i do not claim that i know but if you claim otherwise be my guest and prove it with real evidence not just by a script written in any claimed religion years ago and this religion is filled with hatred and segregation
Ah, the infamous one with microphone cutouts and edits in post? I'm sure Hijab's followers will still find _you_ the dishonest one, and will, to full extent, abuse the luxury of uncensored comment section they gladly refuse to give us.
@Trinmigular shrobatorli just because u can’t understand our passion for the subject doesn’t make us nasty. Shows how wide and open minded your worldview is.
@Trinmigular shrobatorli depends how u define criticism, because your definition of criticism might go towards the line of something like hate speech rather than criticism. We can take criticism but not insults and hate speech, and no we won’t let our faith be weakened and corrupted like Christianity , by bending over back for what you think is right and what you think we should do.
@Trinmigular shrobatorli what infidel you talking about. The only verses about infidels are the ones when infidels broke a peace treaty to attack the prophet, and so Allah commanded the prophet to “slay the infidels”. I don’t see anything wrong with killing to defend yourself.
@Trinmigular shrobatorli you're the one being dumb not even playing. Quran is the foundation of Islam, what the heck are you talking about. Just because you dont like something doesn't make it false. Learn about what Islam is and what Muslim is before being dumb on the internet.
@@bengal-desi6526 Do you support death the death penalty for apostasy?
7:39 - Abdullah: "now this is known as the infinite regress fallacy" Abdullah al Andalusi is referring to mathematical paradoxes which arise in infinite set theory (e.g. Hilbert's paradox of the Grand Hotel). This is well understood and solved. Rephrased, for any countably infinite set, there exists a bijective function which maps the countably infinite set to the set of natural numbers, even if the countably infinite set contains the natural numbers. Your reference to math doesn't help you.
You have mixed up with actual Infinity and probable Infinity.
@@jubayerrahman35 Can you explain where you think the problem is? I couldn't find "probable Infinity". Instead I found "Potential Infinite vs. Actual Infinite" but this does not apply here.
Why did the mic cut out as soon as Alex started talking about the ownership of women in the quran? As soon as Alex was done with the quote it came back up? Was that really the mic or just a mixing error? Came off as pretty suspicious to me.
Nah, the Quran explicitly endorses deceit if it leads to more minions.
It would be really nice if it was just a coincidence but its too suspitious to not ignore
So let me get this straight, you guys actually think MH is working with the Oxford Union to silence Alex and this is more plausible then the sound just cutting out? You guys are deluded.
@@serkankoldere Well.. MH also filmed and edited in some parts that were not in the debate (he tried to fake the background and didn't do it that well). And the editors could have fixed the sound using the sound picked from one of the other microphones, as they did in other cases where MH mic was cut...
@@RoiTrigerman MH edited in a 30 second clip of him reading the Qur'an. This doesn't bolster MH's arguments nor does it take away from Alex's arguments. I don't see the problem here.
Also, how do you know the editors could've fixed the problem? Maybe the sounds picked up from the other mic were also unclear. I don't see why MH would try to silence a point that he has already talked about on his channel multiple times.
The whole point about the Qur'an supposedly advocating for beating your wife has been answered by so many scholars. You can type it on TH-cam and you'll see hundreds of videos talking about that topic. It was a weak point by Alex to begin with.
Chapter 4 verse 92 - this surah does not say what Mohammed Hijab said at all, it's about a muslim killing a muslim
Chapter 2 verse 106 - but the idea that may contradict it is this surah.
It's adorable that Alex smiles when hijab says "wait a minute, what is going on here?" Lmao
hijab got hit by a meteor of a fakt XD