I have read Gibson's Ecological Approach to Visual Perception. The confirmation of Gibson's work is the use of his descriptors, in our digital world. His approach has been adopted into the digital making of visual environments in our computers. The terms surface, texture, mapping, vectors(optic flow), are words he used to describe the visual environment. The same terms are used to create 2D and 3D environments in the computer. Personally I see no dispute between direct and indirect perception. Direct and indirect perceptions are essential for our survival and development. Thanks Professor Heft. Excellent talk!
The work on behaviour settings is very relevant to the work happening around ecological niches and active inference. An Amazing Lecture, thankyou for posting.
The whole point of teaching is take complex information and make it simple to understand for a student. So far i see the teacher trying to recite the information without making it SIMPLE and UNDERSTANDABLE for a student.
Nice job Harry. Great to see you in action.
I have read Gibson's Ecological Approach to Visual Perception. The confirmation of Gibson's work is the use of his descriptors, in our digital world. His approach has been adopted into the digital making of visual environments in our computers. The terms surface, texture, mapping, vectors(optic flow), are words he used to describe the visual environment. The same terms are used to create 2D and 3D environments in the computer. Personally I see no dispute between direct and indirect perception. Direct and indirect perceptions are essential for our survival and development. Thanks Professor Heft. Excellent talk!
The work on behaviour settings is very relevant to the work happening around ecological niches and active inference. An Amazing Lecture, thankyou for posting.
Can closed captioning be added to this video to make it accessible?
The whole point of teaching is take complex information and make it simple to understand for a student. So far i see the teacher trying to recite the information without making it SIMPLE and UNDERSTANDABLE for a student.
The teacher needs to communicate in student's language, not force a student to understand highly technical lingo. That's what textbooks for.
If you are attending this lecture then most likely you are quite far in your studies and I would hope that this “lingo” is quite easy to understand.
Moreover, there are certain concepts within this domain of thought which cannot be simplified without losing its meaning.