Machine translation of the description: “This is a scale-up / down rotation demonstration of the Mega Drive that was released at the Toy Show in 1990. It was realized by software because there is no hardware scaling function. It was later used for a TeraDrive store demonstration, which was taken of it. Since the CRT monitor was photographed with a digital camera, special noise is included. At that time, in addition to the rotating Alisa of "Phantasy Star" and Namco's "Metal Hawk" planes published in magazines, SEGA logo, Alex of "Alex Kid", Nay of "Phantasy Star 2", "Sonic" You can see the early version of "A human heroine called Madonna has appeared." The point is that there are two backgrounds (eg Arisa is rotating, but the SEGA logo on the background is not rotating). However, when scaling and rotation are performed at the same time (eg Alex Kid or Nai), it seems to be on the other side.”
Looks like they're getting some good, playable frame rates. Judging by the weird rotation, I assume they're using 256x224 mode? Makes sense, as there's less pixels to calculate, but I feel like the rotation should be tweaked for it.
This is really neat. I do wonder where that picture of Alissa from Phantasy Star is from though, it's not art from the original game or from PSII, interesting if it was just drawn for this particular demo.
Amazing work friend, were you at the 90's show? This is an intresting demo and its great to see other genesis games featured in this demo in rotation. If you werent at the show, where did you get this? I'm not gonna bother you to "dump", It be intresting to get a copy myself instead of begging for you to dump it. 素晴らしい仕事仲間、あなたは1990年代のショーにいましたか?これは興味深いデモであり、このデモで紹介されている他のジェネシスゲームを順番に見るのは素晴らしいことです。ショーに参加していなかった場合、これはどこで見つけましたか?わざわざ「ダンプ」するつもりはありません。ダンプを懇願するのではなく、自分でコピーを取得するのは興味深いことです。
Apparently portions of this demo were used on the factory testing/diagnosis software for the MEGA-CD as some of these images are into pictures at the service/repair documentation.
It seems software scaling on the Mega Drive got more and more polished over the years. As impressive as that last one was, games like Road Rash, Battletoads & Double Dragon, Red Zone, and F1 fared much better than this demo
Seems like it, another video shows a proto version of the special stage and Spring Yard music (differences I notice is that the special stage lacks one channel, and spring yard has different drumming (other than the fact it's using higher quality DAC))
SEGA MEGADRIVE... this demo was originally shown in Japan where Sega created the Sega MegaDrive... come on don't be lazy and use the correct term Genesis is just the U.S.A. name.
I wish SEGA Mega Drive/Genesis Had Better Screen, DAC Sound Quality and Better Mode 7 like this in the first place since 1988 more like the Arcade graphics.
Yeah, it's pretty cool for what it is. Still, it's kinda crazy how easy the SNES makes this look with its built in Mode 7 background rotation and scaling, and indeed skewing and twisting too. And I've never noticed the SNES slowing down or dropping frames when just scaling and/or rotating large background images like this either. Christ, it can hold a steady 60fps while doing all of this during gameplay in F-Zero, and even when drawing 4 fully Mode 7 screens plus lots more stuff in the multiplayer mode in Street Racer. So, yeah, for scaling very large images and even full backgrounds like this, the SNES was absolutely the king of the castle.
@@inceptional It's also worth noting that the Mega Drive came out as a competitor against the Famicom and PC Engine so, in that respect, it was the superior machine for those first couple years. There was no Sonic until '90/'91, they were selling the console on their first-party arcade conversions and sports titles which really were pretty close to the real thing at the time. On paper, it's one advantage over the SNES is CPU speed, 7.67 MHz versus 3.58 MHz. But Nintendo were a little more thoughtful in their design, they made a more well-rounded machine that was a clean cutaway from the Famicom with the deliberate intent of using custom chips inside of games to enhance the base unit. The Genesis is basically a costed down iteration of SEGA's System 16 arcade board without the bells & whistles on top of the Master System platform to maintain backwards compatibility. That 3 years made all the difference. :-)
@@robintst Yeah, and even despite coming out a couple years before the SNES, Genesis still has many strengths over the SNES in various areas. So kudos to Sega on that front. But overall I think Nintendo made the right decisions for the time, which is ultimatley why the SNES won imo. Well, that and Nintendo's first party titles, which were second to none.
your comments reek of fanboyism... This is a technical demonstration based on assembler programming, aka using the full capacity potential of the Sega MegaDrive hardware released in 1988 Japan and one year later in 1989 North America and ANOTHER year later in U.K. and European PAL regions in 1990. Custom coding to each hardware was more common depending on the dev teams and companies who preferred it over dull and slow "easier" coding languages. In fact a U.K. game programmer made some shocking early 90s racing games that were fully 3d graphics but were on PC-DOS platform and did not use any custom hardware other than the CPU but using his custom 100% assembler coding and the sad story is that the programmer I am referring to did not try to work for Sega, Sony or even Nintendo with their custom hardware. The Super FamiCom was launched in Japan in late 1990 and ONE year later in 1991 North America which is THREE WHOLE YEARS after the Japanese Sega MegaDrive launch. In 1988, Sega's hardware engineers faced design challenges to produce an affordable home consumer use videogame system to compete NOT just against the 1987 successful launch of the NEC PC-Engine but any potential and UNKNOWN threat by the "Super FamiCom" which Nintendo Japan started mentioning around either late 1987 as a "rumor" or by 1988 at a technical talk panel where they revealed they were gonna have this "Super FamiCom" ready to launch by late 1989... Whatever the case your point is moot when it comes to technology because the Super FamiCom aka Super Nintendo had the overwhelming advantage of being made with full knowledge of the rival competition's specs... a same move Nintendo used with the Nintendo 64 which yes was hands down technologically superior when it came to 3d graphics capabilities over the competition when released in 1996. Time is a factor here thus your whining that Super Nintendo is "better" just comes off as childish... technically speaking the S.N.K. NeoGeo AES launched in Japan 1990 is "better" than the Super Nintendo and Sega MegaDrive but were you alive and working at a job yourself and able to afford buying S.N.K. and the games? Your comment indicates you had no clue.
Machine translation of the description:
“This is a scale-up / down rotation demonstration of the Mega Drive that was released at the Toy Show in 1990. It was realized by software because there is no hardware scaling function.
It was later used for a TeraDrive store demonstration, which was taken of it. Since the CRT monitor was photographed with a digital camera, special noise is included.
At that time, in addition to the rotating Alisa of "Phantasy Star" and Namco's "Metal Hawk" planes published in magazines, SEGA logo, Alex of "Alex Kid", Nay of "Phantasy Star 2", "Sonic" You can see the early version of "A human heroine called Madonna has appeared."
The point is that there are two backgrounds (eg Arisa is rotating, but the SEGA logo on the background is not rotating). However, when scaling and rotation are performed at the same time (eg Alex Kid or Nai), it seems to be on the other side.”
Looks like they're getting some good, playable frame rates. Judging by the weird rotation, I assume they're using 256x224 mode? Makes sense, as there's less pixels to calculate, but I feel like the rotation should be tweaked for it.
Look for the Mega Drive game, "Red Zone" if you want to see some really impressive Zooming in and out for a game on the system!!!
в Ред-зоне нет масштабирования. А вращения там происходят по тайлам, а не по пикселям. Причём в режиме 32х28 тайла, часть из которых - UI.
Why am I not surprised to see you here? 😉
Good gravy, you are just everywhere these days.
But... hello, you!
Best Sega logo zoom goes to NBA HANGTIME. So smooth!
And each time you hit reset it scales in a new fun way! For about 5 times till it repeats.
@@Lightblue2222 а как же Gunstar Heroes, Zero tolerance, shinobi 3, etc.?
This is really neat. I do wonder where that picture of Alissa from Phantasy Star is from though, it's not art from the original game or from PSII, interesting if it was just drawn for this particular demo.
Oh, so that's where that pixelated drawing of Sonic and Madonna comes from. Huh, neat
Such a cute Alys and Nei! These guys knew what kind of images to use. :)
Sega needs to bring them back in their future games. or a proper PS5 game
Who is that in the demo? I see Alex Kidd, Nei, Sonic and Madonna, but I don't know her name.
Alis from Phantasy Star
Simply amazing. Wish I had a copy, along with the Tokyo Toy Show Sonic 1 beta.
you and everyone else bud 💀
@@Karnage233 I've had more fun making my own Sonic levels recently lol
Amazing work friend, were you at the 90's show? This is an intresting demo and its great to see other genesis games featured in this demo in rotation. If you werent at the show, where did you get this? I'm not gonna bother you to "dump", It be intresting to get a copy myself instead of begging for you to dump it.
Apparently portions of this demo were used on the factory testing/diagnosis software for the MEGA-CD as some of these images are into pictures at the service/repair documentation.
It seems software scaling on the Mega Drive got more and more polished over the years. As impressive as that last one was, games like Road Rash, Battletoads & Double Dragon, Red Zone, and F1 fared much better than this demo
@@m.mishima9485 昔の拡大縮小回転可能なハードウェアはそういう仕様だったんだ。
@@とろろペ さん、コメントありがとうございます。容量の問題もあって、初代ソニックのボーナスステージくらいが精一杯だったのでしょうね。
No way Sonic pulled a baddie before most of us did
It's me, or that was done on a SGI Indy? The computer sounds are VERY familiar.
I noticed when slowing this video down to 83% its' regular speed, the music plays as normal.
Perhaps this was meant to be played on a PAL console?
what a very early demo, yet very interesting to see sega themselves trying mode 7 like effects on thier own hardware , choppy but impressive
mode 7 is not sprite scaling
Who is the blonde girl with Sonic?
@@RolandTemplar it was supposedly Sonic's girlfriend, it was something sega had in mind but they scraped the idea when the first game released
@@queercommunist thats why i said "mode 7 like"
@@kiwibro6454 a human one? WTF,
In which resolution mode does this work? Low-res mode (256x224) or normal mode (320x240)?
i think low-res
0:55 The Conept Title Screen for Sonic 1!
No it is not, it was litteraly made for this demonstration
@@ViewpointProd that right!
ファミコンではよくコナミがカートリッジに特殊なチップ積んでグラディウスシリーズとか移植してたけど、メガドラでも出来なかったのかなー この技術を使ったMD版フェリオスとか、夢に終わったパワードリフトを見てみたかったな
Where is the ROM!?
It's a EPROM
@@ricardopurnell3923 an EPROM is read only unless you shine ultraviolet light on it, and you know full well what was meant anyway
素晴らしい、それは素晴らしいファイルです、あなたはセガのオフィスで働いていましたか? アルゼンチンからの手紙
He just play the demo.
Does it actually have music?
Seems like it, another video shows a proto version of the special stage and Spring Yard music (differences I notice is that the special stage lacks one channel, and spring yard has different drumming (other than the fact it's using higher quality DAC))
@@MDTravisYT link
メガCD は 回転・拡大縮小処理のために専用のカスタムDSPを搭載していますよ。このDSPを検証するために1.5畳分のラッピングボードを作ったと石川氏が発現しています。ただ、メガCDはDSPの演算結果を直接出力できず、一度メモリへ戻す必要があるためSFCに比べて遅いとか言われていました(その分、さらに別処理をかけることができます)。CPUでやっていると言われるのは、初期タイトル等でROMタイトルからメガCDに変更になったため、メガCDの機能を使わずCPUで処理しているタイトルが多かったことから生まれた誤解でしょう
@@comimerrynotes4842 ありがとうございます。名乗るのが遅れてすみません、rsジュニアと申します。
おもちゃショーSEGA ブースでの事をよく覚えていらっしゃるようなので嬉しいです。
@@ミツルギレイジ rsジュニア様、Comiと申します。メッセージありがとうございます。
@@comimerrynotes4842 貴重なご意見ありがとうございます!記憶にございませんか...。もしかすると、私が貼ったURLの動画のソニックは、フェイクなのかも知れませんね。その事も含め、私はこれからも情報を探って行きます。
0:31 Came here for this one right here.
0:48 Neisecond!!!
1080p music green hills zone
Did he found the TTS 1990 build? Oh boy!
@@sneezeman497 no s@#$ shortlock
Oops sorry joshuas
i remember this
Okey than did you play the sonic tokyotoyshow demo or seen it
It's a EPROM sorry guys it and I got this form merrynotes
Madna is
Translate someone is next sonic
Uuhh idk 😐
Green hill zone?!
Why did you put Genesis even though you're in Mega Drive land...?
SEGA MEGADRIVE... this demo was originally shown in Japan where Sega created the Sega MegaDrive... come on don't be lazy and use the correct term Genesis is just the U.S.A. name.
yes, it is.
@@olds86307 Huh?
@@ミツルギレイジ the music in the video is an early version of green hill zone from sonic 1.
now im confused how we know this is from the demo
I wish SEGA Mega Drive/Genesis Had Better Screen, DAC Sound Quality and Better Mode 7 like this in the first place since 1988 more like the Arcade graphics.
Damn Demo....*
Até no zoom mostra a terra plana
Yeah, it's pretty cool for what it is. Still, it's kinda crazy how easy the SNES makes this look with its built in Mode 7 background rotation and scaling, and indeed skewing and twisting too. And I've never noticed the SNES slowing down or dropping frames when just scaling and/or rotating large background images like this either. Christ, it can hold a steady 60fps while doing all of this during gameplay in F-Zero, and even when drawing 4 fully Mode 7 screens plus lots more stuff in the multiplayer mode in Street Racer. So, yeah, for scaling very large images and even full backgrounds like this, the SNES was absolutely the king of the castle.
the megadrive did come out about 3 years before the snes though
@@charlie891 You're not wrong.
@@inceptional It's also worth noting that the Mega Drive came out as a competitor against the Famicom and PC Engine so, in that respect, it was the superior machine for those first couple years. There was no Sonic until '90/'91, they were selling the console on their first-party arcade conversions and sports titles which really were pretty close to the real thing at the time. On paper, it's one advantage over the SNES is CPU speed, 7.67 MHz versus 3.58 MHz. But Nintendo were a little more thoughtful in their design, they made a more well-rounded machine that was a clean cutaway from the Famicom with the deliberate intent of using custom chips inside of games to enhance the base unit. The Genesis is basically a costed down iteration of SEGA's System 16 arcade board without the bells & whistles on top of the Master System platform to maintain backwards compatibility. That 3 years made all the difference. :-)
@@robintst Yeah, and even despite coming out a couple years before the SNES, Genesis still has many strengths over the SNES in various areas. So kudos to Sega on that front. But overall I think Nintendo made the right decisions for the time, which is ultimatley why the SNES won imo. Well, that and Nintendo's first party titles, which were second to none.
your comments reek of fanboyism... This is a technical demonstration based on assembler programming, aka using the full capacity potential of the Sega MegaDrive hardware released in 1988 Japan and one year later in 1989 North America and ANOTHER year later in U.K. and European PAL regions in 1990. Custom coding to each hardware was more common depending on the dev teams and companies who preferred it over dull and slow "easier" coding languages. In fact a U.K. game programmer made some shocking early 90s racing games that were fully 3d graphics but were on PC-DOS platform and did not use any custom hardware other than the CPU but using his custom 100% assembler coding and the sad story is that the programmer I am referring to did not try to work for Sega, Sony or even Nintendo with their custom hardware.
The Super FamiCom was launched in Japan in late 1990 and ONE year later in 1991 North America which is THREE WHOLE YEARS after the Japanese Sega MegaDrive launch.
In 1988, Sega's hardware engineers faced design challenges to produce an affordable home consumer use videogame system to compete NOT just against the 1987 successful launch of the NEC PC-Engine but any potential and UNKNOWN threat by the "Super FamiCom" which Nintendo Japan started mentioning around either late 1987 as a "rumor" or by 1988 at a technical talk panel where they revealed they were gonna have this "Super FamiCom" ready to launch by late 1989...
Whatever the case your point is moot when it comes to technology because the Super FamiCom aka Super Nintendo had the overwhelming advantage of being made with full knowledge of the rival competition's specs... a same move Nintendo used with the Nintendo 64 which yes was hands down technologically superior when it came to 3d graphics capabilities over the competition when released in 1996.
Time is a factor here thus your whining that Super Nintendo is "better" just comes off as childish... technically speaking the S.N.K. NeoGeo AES launched in Japan 1990 is "better" than the Super Nintendo and Sega MegaDrive but were you alive and working at a job yourself and able to afford buying S.N.K. and the games?
Your comment indicates you had no clue.
Those anime chicks are so hawt~
Japan kid game...''
Snes forever the best.