I never get tired of hearing your stories, Patrick!! I just pray the Holy Spirit gives me the words to say when I need them bc there’s so much about our beautiful Catholic faith I’ve yet to learn! I do tell friends about your show. God bless!!
Thanks brother Patrick for your speech it Great! God keep blessing you with: health, strength,love and knowledge to continue evangelizing,our blessed mother be always with you and family.Amen
00:37 Cradle catholic 01:52 Danger of being a cradle catholic 02:41 Background 06:17 Not everybody is catholic 10:06 Statues Worshipping 11:46 Highschool - "Golden Summer" 16:12 Comic Book - "Death Cookie" 18:42 Radio Program 19:26 Need to know why we believe 21:41 Arab on the flight 25:58 Gravitation to Catholic Church 27:19 Noah's Ark analogy
I too came from a Catholic family. (Cradle Catholic) and until the age of 10, I too thought that the whole world was Catholic. Our family immigrated to another country and one day I was walking down the road from our house with my mum and I saw a church and I said to my mum, "Look mum we can go to that church" and my mother said "No we can't, it's not a Catholic church " I became totally dumbfounded and very confused
you are right about the beauty of catholic teachings; when i investigate some point or other and find the catholic teaching, i feel such relief and joy and concord in my heart. my line of work took me into the homes of christians of all denominations. i knew a catholic home, because there would be at least one or two holy pictures, like the sacred heart, or stabat mater. i knew a protestant home by the absence of religious imagery. i used to think, "why is it okay to represent pretty well anything, but not anything holy?"
Images are triggers for the awakening of the Spirit...this is why religious people have always created various images. Even Protestants keep images in their home...
@@johnosumba1980 No, Jesus built the church upon HIMSELF; you have misinterpreted scripture. Jesus changed THREE of the apostles original names, not just Peter.
The great thing about truth is that it stands on its own. All you have to do is tell the truth and if that person you told has received the love of truth, they’ll eventually come around. Plant seeds.
Sabbatarian.. Don't go down that road: we Catholics KNOW THE DIFFERENCE, there are counterfeit Bibles and their is Sabath Worship and there is Sunday Worship.... I notIce you are NOT CATHOLIC .... WE CATHOLICS ACCEPT PEOPLES OF DIFFERENT RELIGIONS, THAT'S THEIR RIGHT: But, we pray for them to COME TO THE TRUTH ? God bless.
Why shouldn't I abide to teachings of Ron Rhodes; Reasoning the scriptures with Catholics. Larry Wessals in Christian answers; explains whats up/ what MIGHT be up with Catholics.
First off hes anti catholic if i was a anti protestent u wouldn rely on me but im not ask me what ever question u have but dont be anti catholic ask seeking the truth il do my best to answer im not saying i have the answers to ur questions but im a catholic not just a catholic a practiceing catholic theirs a diffrence some catholics baptised dont even belive in god . i do
Im a Catholic and I appreciate your effort in expressing your faith. But the title of the video was never answered. You kind of were all over the place. As a Catholic I get everything you said, but if an outsider watches this video, he will not know GOD. You’re a good man though. God bless.
@@TristenTheMD I do admit; I haven't "yet" listened to Patrick Madrid specifically. Why shouldn't I abide to the teachings of Ron Rhodes, Reasoning the scriptures with Catholics?
@@SabbatarianSundayer. Well it depends on those teachings. But basically the entire "why you should be catholic" argument is that it's the only church with infallible teaching, and so any teaching that directly contradicts catholic theology is not God Breathed, and therefore wrong.
@@TristenTheMD Of course, YOU are supposed to answer like that. I big help in my exclusive kjb church desicion, is that for some years now; I've seen the Bible code at work in the kjb. I guess you never knew about the book I mentioned; or maybe you did know and still the Catholic life for you? I can't membership at a church, where Mary has that much "Exhonaration". Much less; I think your praying to saints.
@@SabbatarianSundayer. I mean all our doctrinal differences stem from this one question: Is the catholic church the original church of the Bible that has the teaching authority given to the apostles that was infallible? Other questions to ask: Did Jesus establish an organization (church) or just a "body of believers" (how protestants mean when they say "church")?
I think i am an apologetic too. Thanks for all these Video clips. My way of answerin could become a bit easier. Ja by introducinig or saying that there is God in 3 persona could be at tines be enough sometimes with example based on Personal experience and the rest of cajouling and freiwillig stylen would be dealt by the Holy Spirit Himself.
The Body of Saint Peter is in a crypt in a Church under the Vatican: The crypt is open for visiting !! The Body of Saint Peter belongs to the Roman Catholic Church:
At the end of our days, when we stand before the judgment throne of God. It's not going to be about denomination. Let everyone be assured in his heart by the Holy Spirit that if we are walking with him, he will receive us at the end of our days. We all would answer to God individually not by denomination,Nationality,tribe or whatever we choose to call ourselves. The question is, Will Jesus know us? Goat & Sheep parable is the reference. Then we will be identified by Christ who sees our hearts [Not Denomination/Nationality/Tribe/Stature], if we truly were his or not May God be with us all. And remember, a House divided against itself will not stand. If we are followers of Christ,we won't tear at each other in the comments to cause further rupture. If our faith is in Christ, whose body was broken for us all to be reconciled to God our Father. We all who truly profess Faith [ Words & Lifestyle] in Jesus Christ belong to his body. I believe it's more important to 1st be identified as Christian by Jesus through his Holy Spirit. 2 cents ✌️
I'm afraid there's just a lot of "I am of Paul, I of Apollos" in standing on apostolic succession and not accepting those who are of the Kingdom, the spiritual Kingdom of Jesus, by way of his salvation and not that only of the church, as if the church can save apart from Him. There are "miracles that are inexplicable" among Christians outside Catholicism as well, as though signs were even good to look for as validation (Matt. 16:4). I am on board with so much more in Catholicism than the average Protestant. But the pride of the church is incompatible with Jesus' calling. The Judaizers had quite a few "we do it RIGHT, and everyone else is failing to live the FULL version of God's way" in them, and it was decried by the apostles as very bad (Paul referred to them as mutilators of the flesh over their requirement that Jesus himself didn't demand). There's so much apologetic effort about the church done in a way that marginalizes instead of reconciling (which is the calling the Holy Spirit leads his people to) with Protestant brethren.
I'm registered democrate. Thought about voting for Trump kept hoping he would change his disrespectful talk. But he will not and why should he if he is so affirmed by so many. Why is it ok to disrespect especially during a presidential campaign and as followers think its ok to follow his example of disrespect. A president can try to do his best for our country...But will never be a savior.
I used to attend rc Church. But didn't truly know christ until I was born again. Now I know him..i don't need communion or other rituals or water baptism or sprinkling. (carnal things) christ is my all in all... Jesus doesn't have a representative on the earth the holy spirit will guid you in to all truth if you allow him to do it.
Anthony I guess you are not in the church that Jesus started. Google “who started the Catholic church?” Jesus Google “which church did Jesus start?” Catholic
Were you listening in Mass? They have 3 bible readings. Jesus appointed Peter as his representative. Matthew 16:13-19 You are Peter and upon this rock I will build my church..... Real obvious!
Holy spirit is in Catholic church. You might be listening to human spirit because why would holy spirit lead you from Catholic church that Jesus started? Protestant churches started by men. Who told you what the bible is? Catholic church did in 4th century!
What is the difference between catholics, mormons, and jehovah's witnesses? The catholicss have been around much longer. They all cling to no biblical additions to the what Jesus taught.
@@johnyang1420 YOU: Jesus started Catholic church! ME: If you mean the universal apostolic church, yes. The RCC, however, is a heretical manmade invention. YOU: You should! Take RCIA ME: 1) Why would I want to spend my precious time exposed to demonic doctrines when I have inspired scripture? 2) I already know RCC better than you do; perhaps you should crack open a Bible and actually LEARN God's word. YOU: and ignore night! ME: I am worshipping the true Lord tonight (not the one invented by the RCC.)
At around 7:30, Mr. Madrid attempts to deny that Catholics are idolaters. Actually, they are. The distinctions Catholics try to make between dulia and latria are not biblical. Both are considered worship when performed in a religious context.
I thoroughly disagree. I'm Catholic and I absolutely don't worship anyone or anything other than God. And I've never been taught to do so by anyone (or any document) in the Church. Also, the issue of dulia and latria is a definitional matter. The definition of the word dulia is: the reverence accorded to saints and angels. It's "reverence" ... not worship. You can't really disagree with a definition; it's what the word means. And that's thoroughly reasonable. I reverence (show deep respect for) my parents, my wife, etc. Why can't this be extended to the angels and saints? I fear you're trying to make something out of nothing.
I honestly hear what you're saying. The problem I have with it is that in scripture, whenever "reverence" is given to either saints or angels, they are quick to reject it and rebuke the one giving reverence. Acts 10:25,26: "25 and as Peter reached the house Cornelius went out to meet him, fell at his feet and did him reverence. 26 But Peter helped him up. 'Stand up,' he said, ' after all, I am only a man!'" (NJB) Revelation 22:8,9: "8 I, John, am the one who heard and saw these things. When I had heard and seen them all, I knelt at the feet of the angel who had shown them to me, to worship him; 9 but he said, 'Do no such thing: I am your fellow-servant and the fellow-servant of your brothers the prophets and those who keep the message of this book. God alone you must worship.'" (NJB) The word translated "worship" in Rev. 22:9 (proskuneo), is the same word translated "reverence" in Acts 10:25. Neither Cornelius nor John thought they were worshiping anyone and the word doesn't necessarily mean "worship." Yet they were both rebuked by Peter and the angel respectively.
Both in Acts and Revelations, there is a bit of ambiguity, given that the word could be taken as "reverence" or "worship". Clearly Peter and the Angel either thought it was worship or were concerned that others (seeing this) might take it as worship, even if it wasn't meant to be. Either way, Peter and the Angel are doing the right thing ... because they're either stopping a sin (worshiping something other than God) or making sure others don't get confused into thinking that such a sin (idolatry) is ok. So lets get back to the "reverence" issue in the bible. Should reverencing (honoring, showing deep respect or esteem for) something be inappropriate? Should reverencing be reserved for God alone? And is there biblical support? I believe that the answer is: "no, it need not be reserved for God alone." My evidence: Ex. 20:12. (repeated in Ep 6:2) - "Honor your father and mother" Romans 12: 10 - "Love one another with mutual affection; anticipate one another in showing honor." Ep 5: 33 - "Each one of you should love his wife as himself, and the wife should respect her husband." 1 Peter 2:17 - "Give honor to all, love the community, fear God, honor the king." In fact, British citizens do this to this day. They bow (or curtsy) when in the presence of the queen. They is reverencing her ... and these are good strong Anglicans. Again, on the worship thing, we are in complete agreement! This must be reserved for God alone As for reverencing (dulia) something other than God, there isn't a problem ... in fact, we're told to do it! The individual citations you made, in my opinion, do not mean we can't show reverence; they are two instances where (i) the meaning of the verb is unclear and/or (ii) the situation is prone to misinterpretation, so the person/angel told them to stop ... presuming there was (or could have been) an intent to worship.
While it’s true that the verb can mean either worship or reverence, I don’t see any ambiguity. Peter didn’t say, “Get up! Someone may think you are worshiping me.” This is speculative. What is clear is that he judged the act of bowing down before someone in a religious context to be inappropriate. Why was it deemed inappropriate if it wasn’t considered worship? Same with the angel. In none of those scripture passages you cited is the word proskuneo used. It is proskuneo before men an angles that is prohibited when performed in a religious context. When a Brit bows before the queen, it is not done in a religious context. Rather, it is purely civil.
As stated, Peter could have taken the act as worship - or as reverence (but not wanting to cause scandal); I agree that the former is more likely. But either way, worship or the appearance of worship is problematic. But lets not get hung up on one way of translating a Greek word, which is where you seem to be stuck. It's clear from the quotes I provided that we are to treat our parents, our wives/husbands, and others (more generally) with honor and reverence. And, not for nothing, but my relationship with my wife is thoroughly religious; our marriage is a covenant relationship between me, her, and God. We pray together, we go do Mass together, we've had children together, we love each other (and where there is love, there is God, because God is love). My relationship with my parents and with others is always centered around Christ (or at least it should be). And the bible doesn't simply condone me honoring/reverencing my wife, parents, and neighbors ... it requires it. So why is it a problem that we honor the saints? Or the angels? If you don't like the word "reverencing" (dulia) ... replace it with honoring. It's a synonym; that's what we're doing. We look up to the angles and saints because of the example they provide and the sacrificial way they lived their lives on behalf of Christ. Their examples are calls for us to do the same.
He's not defending any of his claims, he's story telling. Instead of citing Bible verses, he is promoting his products- CD's, radio show, etc. The microphone started dying for good reason- he is droning on and on. I don't want your human DEMONinations, all I need is the Bible. 1 Corinthians 1:10 - Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and [that] there be no divisions among you; but [that] ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.
There is not one man that can save you but Jesus Christ alone. Everyone has done bad things before. There is none righteous but God. Have you ever lied? Stolen anything? (even if it was once and it was small) Looked with lust? (which is adultery in the heart) Hated? (Which is murder in God’s eyes) Blasphemed? (OMG) Everyone has sinned. “Indeed, there is not a righteous man on earth who continually does good and who NEVER sins.” - Ecclesiastes 7: 20
I have sinned. But I am going to heaven. Not because I did anything. 2 types of people get to heaven: Perfect people and forgiven people. And no one is perfect. No, I am going to heaven because 2000 years ago God came down into sinful flesh as a man; Jesus. Jesus taught many things, healed the sick, and countless miracles. And the world, well, they nailed him to a cross of wood between two criminals and he was innocent. But all this physical pain wasn’t the worst. It was spiritual. Between the 6th and the 9th hour God poured all his anger onto this innocent man, perfect man. And he died but on the 3rd day of being buried in a tomb he triumphantly rose from the grave! He defeated death. And now we didn’t have to make any sacrifices anymore. Jesus was the sacrifice! Our debt was paid. The debt of every single bad thing we did that not a million good works could pay. Only Jesus could pay it. It was nothing that we ever did. “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not of your own doing, it is the gift of God!” - Ephesians 2: 8-9 It was nothing I ever did. But here is why I’m saved: I cried out to God: “God, my Lord, my Saviour, forgive me! I am a sinner at your mercy but I know that you sent your son to die and suffer for me that I may have eternal life. Please forgive me, a wretched sinner. Forgive me! I was blind but now I see! Help me to trust in you alone. Not the Pope. Not Mary. Not the Saints. But Jesus who is God! Help me to trust in you to lead me and help me to become a new person. I’m sorry!” “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes shall not die but have eternal life.” God Bless!
Patrick i tend to disagree with your take about this whole Thing with Biden and refusing Holy communion. It is not our human right to judge and we should be unbiased. I love your show but this judge and Jury kind of thing is not christian
How can it be unchristian if Church clearly states you can't take eucharist in a state of mortal sin? Biden supports abortion, which is supporting murder. Catholic Church always was and IS AGAINST abortions and always was pro life. Unless Biden repents publically (because his beliefs aren't private about abortion, he's a public person) he can not take Holy Eucharist. Bible says - So then, whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of sinning against the body and blood of the Lord. So actually they are doing a favor for Biden by preventing him from sinning by not taking the eucharist!
Why i am a Catholic but i was a Roman Catholic😕. Catholic means belonging to CHRIST in His Universal church based on The Holy Bible but Roman Catholic means to belong to the church of Rome😲
Not to sound disrespectful but if the Catholic church is God's true church then why is it responsable for killing and torturing millions of people over such a long period of time
Yes why be Catholic? Amen n Amen! Catholic is The Universal Church of JESUS CHRIST based 100% on The Holy Bible WORD! Roman catholic is based in rome on man's non biblical sacraments, traditions n rituals😲
You are just wrong. The catholic church had & has always had its Apostolic see at Rome. & the Catholic church at Rome has always been the steering chair for the entire church. Rome is to the Christians as Jerusalem is to the Jews. read the Early Church 40 to 300AD, you find that the Bishop of Rome & the Church at Rome is the centre of the entire catholic church. Examples of evidence: Tertullian Prescription Against Heretics ch 32 (160- 240 ad) "Where was [the heretic] Marcion, that shipmaster of Pontus, the zealous student of Stoicism? Where was Valentinus, the disciple of Platonism? For it is evident that those men lived not so long ago,--in the reign of Antoninus for the most part,--and that they at first were believers in the doctrine of the Catholic Church, in the church of Rome under the episcopate of the blessed Eleutherus, until on account of their ever restless curiosity,with which they even infected the brethren, they were more than once expelled . The true Catholic church which happens to be at Rome believes the following: 1. Jesus is Son of God ,he is divine,God in flesh2.One God, Father ,Son & the Holy Spirit 3. Jesus born of the virgin Mary 4. Jesus died & rose again ,he is coming back 5. Jesus is present in the eucharist/Real presence 6. Believers must confess their sin & be absolved by an Apostolic Priest (James5:16, John 20:21 So Jesus said to them again, “Peace to you! As the Father has sent Me, I also send you.” 22 And when He had said this, He breathed on them, and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. 23 If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.”), these are a few things about the church ,if you do not believe in these you are not in the catholic church.
@@johnyang1420 Jesus never heard of church or cross or original sin or Pope or Paul. This whole plot is invented by Paul the crook. If there was no Paul we will never hear Christianity or Christian.
Hey no way! I was foolishly caught in this unbiblical 💒 of rome for 24 spiritually darkened yrs till 1996 n Thank GOD, i have been Worshipping GOD in Protestant Holy Bible Based ⛪⛪⛪. Praise JESUS, i have led many many many(lost count) deceived folks from this unholy 💒 n away into Holy Bible Based ⛪⛪⛪⛪. Praise JESUS CHRIST👏👏👏👏👏
Have you tried to consider examined your words, and what you feel towards us Catholics? do you still believe you are into God? I have no doubt and you knew it.
God bless you brother
Patrick Madrid
I never get tired of hearing your stories, Patrick!! I just pray the Holy Spirit gives me the words to say when I need them bc there’s so much about our beautiful Catholic faith I’ve yet to learn! I do tell friends about your show. God bless!!
Thanks brother Patrick for your speech it Great! God keep blessing you with: health, strength,love and knowledge to continue evangelizing,our blessed mother be always with you and family.Amen
God bless you brother Patrick. Praying for you!!!
Great insights, I hope many will be able to hear this talk. It inspired me to defend the Catholic church and to proclaim it when I have the chance.
Amen! Thank you for speaking God's truth into the world! We love listening to your show Patrick! God bless you and your ministry!
Thanks again th-cam.com/video/eL7BIGnj4SA/w-d-xo.html
00:37 Cradle catholic
01:52 Danger of being a cradle catholic
02:41 Background
06:17 Not everybody is catholic
10:06 Statues Worshipping
11:46 Highschool - "Golden Summer"
16:12 Comic Book - "Death Cookie"
18:42 Radio Program
19:26 Need to know why we believe
21:41 Arab on the flight
25:58 Gravitation to Catholic Church
27:19 Noah's Ark analogy
Thank you
Love Patrick Madrid,very good presention!!!
I too came from a Catholic family. (Cradle Catholic) and until the age of 10, I too thought that the whole world was Catholic. Our family immigrated to another country and one day I was walking down the road from our house with my mum and I saw a church
and I said to my mum, "Look mum we can go to that church" and my mother said "No we can't, it's not a Catholic church " I became totally dumbfounded and very confused
Jesus started the Catholic church.
@Curtis Jones If you stay away from THE CATHOLIC CHURCH, you are an APOSTATE.
Gosh !! I like listening to you Patrick ❤
great university. As a Deacon i attended two priests and deacons conferences a few years ago.
😊😊😊😊😊Thank you very much 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
Sound. And thank You for giving us the Thruth. Letting us know the. Why’s of our faith. God Blesses All
you are right about the beauty of catholic teachings; when i investigate some point or other and find the catholic teaching, i feel such relief and joy and concord in my heart.
my line of work took me into the homes of christians of all denominations. i knew a catholic home, because there would be at least one or two holy pictures, like the sacred heart, or stabat mater. i knew a protestant home by the absence of religious imagery. i used to think, "why is it okay to represent pretty well anything, but not anything holy?"
RCC teaches a demonic doctrine
You are pretty right about representation. And what it means.
@@oreballin yeah right? how could one convince oneself that no sacred imagery is right? ... like praying to the sun then living in a dark hole lol
Wow, that story at the end! 😢😮
Somehow I like this guy
You need to work on your audio upload. Please do something about.
Images are triggers for the awakening of the Spirit...this is why religious people have always created various images. Even Protestants keep images in their home...
Holy Catholic Church is established / built by Juses Christ Himself on the Rock Peter
Curtis claim is bullshit.
Jesus the rock built his church on the rock of Peter.
No, Jesus built the church on Himself
@@nightshade99 Jesus built the Church on Peter and that is the reason Jesus changed his name to Peter, it is there in the Bible.
@@johnosumba1980 No, Jesus built the church upon HIMSELF; you have misinterpreted scripture.
Jesus changed THREE of the apostles original names, not just Peter.
The great thing about truth is that it stands on its own. All you have to do is tell the truth and if that person you told has received the love of truth, they’ll eventually come around. Plant seeds.
Can you recognize the truth?
Patrick Madrid i hear you on the radio every morning !
I dig Patrick Madrid. He's a solid preacher of the Lord and his apostolic church
Poor sound.
Can’t find the book?
I don't know why but everything is turned up, but I can't hear it.
Whats the Catholics view on genuine vrs counterfeit bibles; Sabbath vrs Sunday?
The lords day the seven day avangelist arguement
Not sure I get what you mean?
@@SabbatarianSundayer. Scott Hahn explained in this video Sabbath vs Sunday.
Sabbatarian.. Don't go down that road: we Catholics KNOW THE DIFFERENCE, there are counterfeit Bibles and their is Sabath Worship and there is Sunday Worship....
But, we pray for them to COME TO THE TRUTH ? God bless.
They actually had to dig up the first one. Incredible.
Why shouldn't I abide to teachings of Ron Rhodes; Reasoning the scriptures with Catholics. Larry Wessals in Christian answers; explains whats up/ what MIGHT be up with Catholics.
First off hes anti catholic if i was a anti protestent u wouldn rely on me but im not ask me what ever question u have but dont be anti catholic ask seeking the truth il do my best to answer im not saying i have the answers to ur questions but im a catholic not just a catholic a practiceing catholic theirs a diffrence some catholics baptised dont even belive in god . i do
Im a Catholic and I appreciate your effort in expressing your faith. But the title of the video was never answered. You kind of were all over the place. As a Catholic I get everything you said, but if an outsider watches this video, he will not know GOD. You’re a good man though. God bless.
Please sort out the problem of audio quality
What if I refuse to be Catholic; and remain at my exclusive kjb church?
Do you appreciate that the catholic church is the true church and you're deliberately going against that, or do you just not believe that?
I do admit; I haven't "yet" listened to Patrick Madrid specifically. Why shouldn't I abide to the teachings of Ron Rhodes, Reasoning the scriptures with Catholics?
@@SabbatarianSundayer. Well it depends on those teachings. But basically the entire "why you should be catholic" argument is that it's the only church with infallible teaching, and so any teaching that directly contradicts catholic theology is not God Breathed, and therefore wrong.
Of course, YOU are supposed to answer like that. I big help in my exclusive kjb church desicion, is that for some years now; I've seen the Bible code at work in the kjb.
I guess you never knew about the book I mentioned; or maybe you did know and still the Catholic life for you?
I can't membership at a church, where Mary has that much "Exhonaration".
Much less; I think your praying to saints.
@@SabbatarianSundayer. I mean all our doctrinal differences stem from this one question: Is the catholic church the original church of the Bible that has the teaching authority given to the apostles that was infallible? Other questions to ask: Did Jesus establish an organization (church) or just a "body of believers" (how protestants mean when they say "church")?
I think i am an apologetic too. Thanks for all these Video clips. My way of answerin could become a bit easier. Ja by introducinig or saying that there is God in 3 persona could be at tines be enough sometimes with example based on Personal experience and the rest of cajouling and freiwillig stylen would be dealt by the Holy Spirit Himself.
What is the theme at the opening of the video?
The Body of Saint Peter is in a crypt in a Church under the Vatican:
The crypt is open for visiting !!
The Body of Saint Peter belongs to the Roman Catholic Church:
At the end of our days, when we stand before the judgment throne of God. It's not going to be about denomination. Let everyone be assured in his heart by the Holy Spirit that if we are walking with him, he will receive us at the end of our days.
We all would answer to God individually not by denomination,Nationality,tribe or whatever we choose to call ourselves. The question is, Will Jesus know us? Goat & Sheep parable is the reference.
Then we will be identified by Christ who sees our hearts [Not Denomination/Nationality/Tribe/Stature], if we truly were his or not
May God be with us all. And remember, a House divided against itself will not stand. If we are followers of Christ,we won't tear at each other in the comments to cause further rupture. If our faith is in Christ, whose body was broken for us all to be reconciled to God our Father. We all who truly profess Faith [ Words & Lifestyle] in Jesus Christ belong to his body.
I believe it's more important to 1st be identified as Christian by Jesus through his Holy Spirit. 2 cents ✌️
Atheism.... A blessing in disguise. U so right.
I'm afraid there's just a lot of "I am of Paul, I of Apollos" in standing on apostolic succession and not accepting those who are of the Kingdom, the spiritual Kingdom of Jesus, by way of his salvation and not that only of the church, as if the church can save apart from Him. There are "miracles that are inexplicable" among Christians outside Catholicism as well, as though signs were even good to look for as validation (Matt. 16:4). I am on board with so much more in Catholicism than the average Protestant. But the pride of the church is incompatible with Jesus' calling. The Judaizers had quite a few "we do it RIGHT, and everyone else is failing to live the FULL version of God's way" in them, and it was decried by the apostles as very bad (Paul referred to them as mutilators of the flesh over their requirement that Jesus himself didn't demand). There's so much apologetic effort about the church done in a way that marginalizes instead of reconciling (which is the calling the Holy Spirit leads his people to) with Protestant brethren.
33:59 wasn't that transFORMation rather than transubstantiation? "... the water now become wine..." John 2:9 RSVCE. Maybe it's clearer in the Greek?
I'm registered democrate. Thought about voting for Trump kept hoping he would change his disrespectful talk. But he will not and why should he if he is so affirmed by so many. Why is it ok to disrespect especially during a presidential campaign and as followers think its ok to follow his example of disrespect. A president can try to do his best for our country...But will never be a savior.
you are too sensitive
Trump is pro life. Enough said
Why support abortion? Vote Trump 2020
Yet Joe called him a clown and baboon live during the debates...how about Joe's lies about the hunter stuff
I love when u said, what is an idolatar?" U would DEFINITELY be very aware if u an idolatar.
People are crazy. 😁
I used to attend rc Church. But didn't truly know christ until I was born again. Now I know him..i don't need communion or other rituals or water baptism or sprinkling. (carnal things) christ is my all in all... Jesus doesn't have a representative on the earth the holy spirit will guid you in to all truth if you allow him to do it.
I guess you are not in the church that Jesus started.
Google “who started the Catholic church?” Jesus
Google “which church did Jesus start?” Catholic
Were you listening in Mass? They have 3 bible readings. Jesus appointed Peter as his representative. Matthew 16:13-19 You are Peter and upon this rock I will build my church..... Real obvious!
Matthew 16:13-19
Amen Anthony! The Holy Spirit is with you.
Holy spirit is in Catholic church. You might be listening to human spirit because why would holy spirit lead you from Catholic church that Jesus started? Protestant churches started by men. Who told you what the bible is? Catholic church did in 4th century!
Become a Christian ? Jesus Christ is the only way. Nothing has changed.
There was no answer?! Did I miss it?
What is the difference between catholics, mormons, and jehovah's witnesses? The catholicss have been around much longer. They all cling to no biblical additions to the what Jesus taught.
You shouldn't
Jesus started Catholic church! You should! Take RCIA and ignore night!
@@johnyang1420 YOU: Jesus started Catholic church!
ME: If you mean the universal apostolic church, yes. The RCC, however, is a heretical manmade invention.
YOU: You should! Take RCIA
ME: 1) Why would I want to spend my precious time exposed to demonic doctrines when I have inspired scripture?
2) I already know RCC better than you do; perhaps you should crack open a Bible and actually LEARN God's word.
YOU: and ignore night!
ME: I am worshipping the true Lord tonight (not the one invented by the RCC.)
At around 7:30, Mr. Madrid attempts to deny that Catholics are idolaters. Actually, they are. The distinctions Catholics try to make between dulia and latria are not biblical. Both are considered worship when performed in a religious context.
I thoroughly disagree. I'm Catholic and I absolutely don't worship anyone or anything other than God. And I've never been taught to do so by anyone (or any document) in the Church.
Also, the issue of dulia and latria is a definitional matter. The definition of the word dulia is: the reverence accorded to saints and angels. It's "reverence" ... not worship. You can't really disagree with a definition; it's what the word means. And that's thoroughly reasonable. I reverence (show deep respect for) my parents, my wife, etc. Why can't this be extended to the angels and saints? I fear you're trying to make something out of nothing.
I honestly hear what you're saying. The problem I have with it is that in scripture, whenever "reverence" is given to either saints or angels, they are quick to reject it and rebuke the one giving reverence.
Acts 10:25,26:
"25 and as Peter reached the house Cornelius went out to meet him, fell at his feet and did him reverence.
26 But Peter helped him up. 'Stand up,' he said, ' after all, I am only a man!'" (NJB)
Revelation 22:8,9:
"8 I, John, am the one who heard and saw these things. When I had heard and seen them all, I knelt at the feet of the angel who had shown them to me, to worship him;
9 but he said, 'Do no such thing: I am your fellow-servant and the fellow-servant of your brothers the prophets and those who keep the message of this book. God alone you must worship.'" (NJB)
The word translated "worship" in Rev. 22:9 (proskuneo), is the same word translated "reverence" in Acts 10:25. Neither Cornelius nor John thought they were worshiping anyone and the word doesn't necessarily mean "worship." Yet they were both rebuked by Peter and the angel respectively.
Both in Acts and Revelations, there is a bit of ambiguity, given that the word could be taken as "reverence" or "worship". Clearly Peter and the Angel either thought it was worship or were concerned that others (seeing this) might take it as worship, even if it wasn't meant to be. Either way, Peter and the Angel are doing the right thing ... because they're either stopping a sin (worshiping something other than God) or making sure others don't get confused into thinking that such a sin (idolatry) is ok.
So lets get back to the "reverence" issue in the bible. Should reverencing (honoring, showing deep respect or esteem for) something be inappropriate? Should reverencing be reserved for God alone? And is there biblical support? I believe that the answer is: "no, it need not be reserved for God alone." My evidence:
Ex. 20:12. (repeated in Ep 6:2) - "Honor your father and mother"
Romans 12: 10 - "Love one another with mutual affection; anticipate one another in showing honor."
Ep 5: 33 - "Each one of you should love his wife as himself, and the wife should respect her husband."
1 Peter 2:17 - "Give honor to all, love the community, fear God, honor the king."
In fact, British citizens do this to this day. They bow (or curtsy) when in the presence of the queen. They is reverencing her ... and these are good strong Anglicans.
Again, on the worship thing, we are in complete agreement! This must be reserved for God alone As for reverencing (dulia) something other than God, there isn't a problem ... in fact, we're told to do it! The individual citations you made, in my opinion, do not mean we can't show reverence; they are two instances where (i) the meaning of the verb is unclear and/or (ii) the situation is prone to misinterpretation, so the person/angel told them to stop ... presuming there was (or could have been) an intent to worship.
While it’s true that the verb can mean either worship or reverence, I don’t see any ambiguity. Peter didn’t say, “Get up! Someone may think you are worshiping me.” This is speculative. What is clear is that he judged the act of bowing down before someone in a religious context to be inappropriate. Why was it deemed inappropriate if it wasn’t considered worship?
Same with the angel.
In none of those scripture passages you cited is the word proskuneo used. It is proskuneo before men an angles that is prohibited when performed in a religious context.
When a Brit bows before the queen, it is not done in a religious context. Rather, it is purely civil.
As stated, Peter could have taken the act as worship - or as reverence (but not wanting to cause scandal); I agree that the former is more likely. But either way, worship or the appearance of worship is problematic. But lets not get hung up on one way of translating a Greek word, which is where you seem to be stuck. It's clear from the quotes I provided that we are to treat our parents, our wives/husbands, and others (more generally) with honor and reverence. And, not for nothing, but my relationship with my wife is thoroughly religious; our marriage is a covenant relationship between me, her, and God. We pray together, we go do Mass together, we've had children together, we love each other (and where there is love, there is God, because God is love). My relationship with my parents and with others is always centered around Christ (or at least it should be). And the bible doesn't simply condone me honoring/reverencing my wife, parents, and neighbors ... it requires it. So why is it a problem that we honor the saints? Or the angels? If you don't like the word "reverencing" (dulia) ... replace it with honoring. It's a synonym; that's what we're doing. We look up to the angles and saints because of the example they provide and the sacrificial way they lived their lives on behalf of Christ. Their examples are calls for us to do the same.
you're so wrong
St Peter was a first Pope appointed by God Juses Christ Messiah son of God
@Curtis Jones please explain completely why it's false.
Armina is right! Curtis is wrong!
Matthew 16:13-19
He's not defending any of his claims, he's story telling. Instead of citing Bible verses, he is promoting his products- CD's, radio show, etc. The microphone started dying for good reason- he is droning on and on. I don't want your human DEMONinations, all I need is the Bible.
1 Corinthians 1:10 - Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and [that] there be no divisions among you; but [that] ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.
Good. Everything is said. Bravo!
Jesus started Catholic church!
There is not one man that can save you but Jesus Christ alone. Everyone has done bad things before. There is none righteous but God. Have you ever lied? Stolen anything? (even if it was once and it was small) Looked with lust? (which is adultery in the heart) Hated? (Which is murder in God’s eyes) Blasphemed? (OMG) Everyone has sinned.
“Indeed, there is not a righteous man on earth who continually does good and who NEVER sins.” - Ecclesiastes 7: 20
I have sinned. But I am going to heaven. Not because I did anything. 2 types of people get to heaven: Perfect people and forgiven people. And no one is perfect.
No, I am going to heaven because 2000 years ago God came down into sinful flesh as a man; Jesus. Jesus taught many things, healed the sick, and countless miracles. And the world, well, they nailed him to a cross of wood between two criminals and he was innocent. But all this physical pain wasn’t the worst. It was spiritual. Between the 6th and the 9th hour God poured all his anger onto this innocent man, perfect man. And he died but on the 3rd day of being buried in a tomb he triumphantly rose from the grave! He defeated death. And now we didn’t have to make any sacrifices anymore. Jesus was the sacrifice! Our debt was paid. The debt of every single bad thing we did that not a million good works could pay. Only Jesus could pay it. It was nothing that we ever did.
“For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not of your own doing, it is the gift of God!” - Ephesians 2: 8-9
It was nothing I ever did. But here is why I’m saved: I cried out to God:
“God, my Lord, my Saviour, forgive me! I am a sinner at your mercy but I know that you sent your son to die and suffer for me that I may have eternal life. Please forgive me, a wretched sinner. Forgive me! I was blind but now I see! Help me to trust in you alone. Not the Pope. Not Mary. Not the Saints. But Jesus who is God! Help me to trust in you to lead me and help me to become a new person. I’m sorry!”
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes shall not die but have eternal life.”
God Bless!
How do you bring yourself to believe that God punished Jesus for you? Are you serious with yourself.
Kalay.... are you Protestant:
Patrick i tend to disagree with your take about this whole Thing with Biden and refusing Holy communion. It is not our human right to judge and we should be unbiased.
I love your show but this judge and Jury kind of thing is not christian
How can it be unchristian if Church clearly states you can't take eucharist in a state of mortal sin? Biden supports abortion, which is supporting murder. Catholic Church always was and IS AGAINST abortions and always was pro life. Unless Biden repents publically (because his beliefs aren't private about abortion, he's a public person) he can not take Holy Eucharist. Bible says - So then, whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of sinning against the body and blood of the Lord. So actually they are doing a favor for Biden by preventing him from sinning by not taking the eucharist!
@@curiousatheist agreed🙏🙏🙏
LLP 0000p0000000000000000000
Biden committing a mortal sin….what do you want Madrid to say?
Been rejecting Vatican II since 1964
Why i am a Catholic but i was a Roman Catholic😕. Catholic means belonging to CHRIST in His Universal church based on The Holy Bible but Roman Catholic means to belong to the church of Rome😲
You better lead the Catholic church based on the bible. Im sure you be the first pope LOL
melo....what? Jesus made Peter the first Pope!
Universal does not include Protestants.
Not to sound disrespectful but if the Catholic church is God's true church then why is it responsable for killing and torturing millions of people over such a long period of time
What are you talking about?
Google “which church did Jesus start?” Catholic
Google “who started the Catholic church?” Jesus
Yes why be Catholic? Amen n Amen! Catholic is The Universal Church of JESUS CHRIST based 100% on The Holy Bible WORD! Roman catholic is based in rome on man's non biblical sacraments, traditions n rituals😲
Wil liam, originality is not your strongest point. Stop being angry
You are just wrong. The catholic church had & has always had its Apostolic see at Rome. & the Catholic church at Rome has always been the steering chair for the entire church. Rome is to the Christians as Jerusalem is to the Jews. read the Early Church 40 to 300AD, you find that the Bishop of Rome & the Church at Rome is the centre of the entire catholic church.
Examples of evidence:
Tertullian Prescription Against Heretics ch 32 (160- 240 ad)
"Where was [the heretic] Marcion, that shipmaster of Pontus, the zealous student of Stoicism? Where was Valentinus, the disciple of Platonism? For it is evident that those men lived not so long ago,--in the reign of Antoninus for the most part,--and that they at first were believers in the doctrine of the Catholic Church, in the church of Rome under the episcopate of the blessed Eleutherus, until on account of their ever restless curiosity,with which they even infected the brethren, they were more than once expelled
The true Catholic church which happens to be at Rome believes the following: 1. Jesus is Son of God ,he is divine,God in flesh2.One God, Father ,Son & the Holy Spirit 3. Jesus born of the virgin Mary 4. Jesus died & rose again ,he is coming back 5. Jesus is present in the eucharist/Real presence 6. Believers must confess their sin & be absolved by an Apostolic Priest (James5:16, John 20:21 So Jesus said to them again, “Peace to you! As the Father has sent Me, I also send you.” 22 And when He had said this, He breathed on them, and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. 23 If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.”), these are a few things about the church ,if you do not believe in these you are not in the catholic church.
Google “which church did Jesus start?” Catholic....mike drop
2 Thes 2:15…..mike drop
No difference since they are all in misguidance!
Wrong, only Catholic church was started by Jesus. Fact.
@@johnyang1420 th-cam.com/video/sfeUmoujeyo/w-d-xo.html&ab_channel=AnAussieConvert
Google “which church did Jesus start?” Catholic
@@johnyang1420 Jesus never heard of church or cross or original sin or Pope or Paul. This whole plot is invented by Paul the crook. If there was no Paul we will never hear Christianity or Christian.
Jesus started the Catholic church. There is no salvation outside the Catholic church. The soul you save could be your own.
Nope….Madrid is right
Hey no way! I was foolishly caught in this unbiblical 💒 of rome for 24 spiritually darkened yrs till 1996 n Thank GOD, i have been Worshipping GOD in Protestant Holy Bible Based ⛪⛪⛪. Praise JESUS, i have led many many many(lost count) deceived folks from this unholy 💒 n away into Holy Bible Based ⛪⛪⛪⛪. Praise JESUS CHRIST👏👏👏👏👏
hey, continue worshipping your Bible religion, or your Bible Church
Have you tried to consider examined your words, and what you feel towards us Catholics? do you still believe you are into God? I have no doubt and you knew it.
Sorry, complete gibberish.
Nope….Jesus started Catholic church. Google it!!!