Hart’s serious demeanor was an asset. His promos improved, after sharing the stick with Hart and Neidhart for several years. But he was terrific because he could work believably with any opponent, from Michaels to Undertaker. His heel turn, and the faction he had with Smith, Owen, Neidhart, and Pullman, was also well done.
It's funny how his mic skills weren't the best back in the day but his storytelling ability in clips like this shows that there is a charisma about him.
@Rico Youngblood Nobody compared his mic work to Hogan or Flair though, and whatever charisma he lacked in comparison with those 2, he made up for and then some with his actual wrestling abilities.
Jay Patterson Bret had no charisma. Someone like the Undertaker had charisma, when he first showed up, and he literally did not speak. Bret was over, because his wrestling did the talking, not his mouth.
Around 95, when he was headlining the In Your Houses, I knew I was going to get a 30 min whirlwind of a match. Like a complex movie. Slow but darn satisfying.
Yeah due respect for the hitman. But he also knows Bret is a hard guy to get stuff out of, like he could end the interview at any moment if Bret felt disrespected
@@dane21dc I think it's just to let those guys' guards down. Sean also stated he doesn't want uncharismatic interviews so he tries to get more than boring responses. Which is hilarious since he's basically asking the guys to treat their shoots kind of like a work
I still cherish the day he gave me his shades on his ring walk. It made a 10yo me happy beyond words. Obviously for the following week at school i was top dog hehe. He was always so cool topped off with his kick ass entrance music.
I got a pair in Baltimore in 93, or 94.....still have them....as a hard rock/metal head, his music and Ultimate Warriors were one of the main reasons I started following those guys...except Brett was world class in the ring....Warrior not so much....still legendary though
I think Brets reaction at Wembley stadium was the deciding factor. He got a great reaction even in England against Davey. Also the match was fantastic. He came off as " the guy" despite Warrior, Taker, Savage and flair.
By that time warrior had burned bridges and besides that, there was the steroid scandal, so, vince wouldn't put the belt on warrior. Savage was the champion, and was divorcing with liz, he didn't have his head in wrestling at the moment. Taker has never been a good champion. Taker has always been a special atraction and that's it. At the time, he didn't even had mic skills, and had not demonstrated that he could have good fights. He just had squashed matches at the time. Flair in the WWE failed to gather any meaningful attention as a champion. In fact, at that moment, he was only a champion just to pass the belt to Bret Hart, because Vince didn't wanted a face to face championship match with savage and Bret Hart. There was only a couple of wrestlers left that could make the jump to championship status besides bret hart, those probably were Ted Dibiase, Tito Santana, and maybe tatanka. Not sure Vince would have put the belt on davey boy smith during the steroid scandal era.
Bret was absolutely huge in Canada but he also was in Europe, more so than the US. I don't think WWE were fully maximising their global potential at that point. It was still very US-centric. I think Brett's reception in Europe was an eye opener to the WWE higher uppers tho.
I'd agree with that. The WWF's domestic business post-WrestleMania VIII nosedived so it leaned heavily on its European tours to remain profitable. Having someone like Bret, who was popular there, for main events was critical to keep that international momentum going.
“I was up to no good back then. I changed my plane ticket.” Woah slow down there Bret. The dudes taking drugs in the locker room got nothing on this wildman.
@@southbeachtalent LOL cheating on your wife has nothing to do with drugs alcohol or getting in trouble with the law. Cheating on your wife could end up in a divorce but it's not going to kill your body down the road. The two aren't even related. I'd rather be a cheater on my wife then a druggie or an alcoholic
*Too bad nobody saw it* . It should have been on PPV. You had Ric Flair (huge established star) and Bret Hart (rapidly rising star) for the title. If it was on PPV, it would have put Bret over as champion. Anything that happens on a house show doesn't count for anything.
Good match, awkward finish. Perfect gets on the apron when Bret has Flair in the Sharpshooter but the referee just tells him to shove off. That match needed Bret knocking Flair off the apron, Flair cheapshotting Bret and then going into the Figure 4 which Bret reverses into the Sharpshooter for the finish.
@@taekwondotime Bret keeps saying Flair had no problem with it, but maybe that's only because Vince agreed to his request ( a guess of mine, no proof) to not have the match on TV? Of course he'd have no problem with that. He might have been trying to save his character for his return to WCW.
@@kwrbt2979 that’s what I was thinking. Flair was trying to not lose the title on TV or PPV to keep bargaining power for returning to WCW. I remember Honky Tonk Man telling his story of refusing to lose the IC title to Savage and he said Jim Barnett told him if he loses his title on national TV then it would be hard to convince the WCW to hire him. So that’s likely why Flair avoided losing it on TV.
I don't think that Flair would've lost bargaining power....Flair's first title run ended at Wrestlemania 8 earlier that spring and as I recall.....he didn't win it back on tv either. And all during 1992.....when you watched WCW Saturday Night....fans would be chanting "WE WANT FLAIR!....WE WANT FLAIR!"....so WCW was desperate to get him back....and Vince really had no more plans for him anyway....so they negotiated....so maybe dropping the title to Bret at a house show in Canada was a good way for Ric to fade out gracefully, put their title on their chosen guy in his home country.....then Flair would drop the loser leaves the WWF match to Curt Hennig on Monday Night Raw.
The Canadian. " I was up to no good". " I changed my ticket". Scott hall. "I was up to no good". "I was smoking crack and drinking forty beers a night before going on".
He was talking about going to fuck another girl while married tho you forgot that part. While drug use is worse but you have to remember where Bret came from a very loving family that had high morals. So what's not a big deal to some is taboo to him if you get what I mean.
How can anybody hate this honest Legend?? He is one of the only straight up dudes ever in the industry, and still even with some fuck ups, he still made his dates and carried the company through their darkest times. With a slew of other other greats who got WWF out of the gutter. Be grateful!
Bret has a unique and memorable way of saying words. I have the way he says the word "toppings" stuck in my head from the 2006 Hall of Fame ceremony, when he told an anecdote involving Owen and pizza.
6:24 - To answer the question of why the match was only home video, Ric Flair has stated on his podcasts that he got an inner ear injury and that's why the belt switch happened so quickly instead of being on a PPV let's say.
I was at this taping in Saskatoon. We thought ‘As if the title will change hands at this random house event in Saskatchewan’. When he won the look on our faces was priceless. Lol
I like Bret, hes an honest and down to earth to dude. Hes been through some shit so im not surprised hes the way he is. I get the feeling hes always been a bit introverted anyway. He's a chill dude.
Bret Hart was the last great technical wrestler, and I would argue that he was the best in history. At no other time in history did someone maintain main event status for so long simply on his ring work. Bret was an average-at-best promo maker, was plain, no star power, no great wrestling look. When you look at ring work versus entertainer, the entertainer wins 99% of the time and is always in a main event. Bret Hart was the last exception to this rule. That is why he will always be my favorite of all time. He understands what fundamentally makes wrestling great, and when you hear him talk, he prides his work on the right things.
***** It says he is a good actual wrestler. Lots of people have amateur backgrounds but don't have great technical ability. Scott Steiner, Brock Lesnar, etc...
Scott Steiner didn't have technical ability??? You need to brush up on his work from 89-96. One of the greatest innovators and technical workers of ALL time. Sad that people like you don't understand as a heel he worked heel. He is a true professional wrestler
Ro Sm - good point, I would have seen Owen as well he was very close to Bret in ability and probably would have been champion later on if not for the politics with Shawn Micheals and the kliq
Dynamite Kid was the best even Bret say's so himself look it up and Dynamite was the one who taught Benoit in the Hart Dungeon thus why Chris had all his moves flying head butt crippler crossface
Growing up Bret was always my hero. There was something about him, the not quoting attitude, he could wrestle the biggest guy in the dressing room & you knew somehow Bret could pull of a victory.
My brother watches Pro Wrestling for over 30 years now and till this very day, he says this was the most surprising world title change he has ever witnessed. When Savage lost the Belt to Flair, he thought that Warrior would get the Title at the Survivor Series and Hart would Wrestle Bulldog again at Survivor Series. But also, like Bret said, he can't explain why this was never shown fully on TV.
Up to that point I always saw The Hitman as a Tag-team and Intercontinental champion level guy. He was always one of my favorite wrestlers. After he became the World Champion it just fit for me as a fan. Cliche as it may be now, Bret "The Hitman" Hart is the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be. They don't make them like him anymore.
He worked his way to the top of a world of cartoon giants and made it believable. The steroid scandal helped but he was just the better wrestler and when he got to the top it felt right.
Bret was my favorite wrestler of all time, all around good person, the best there is the best there was, and the best there ever will be. Pink and Black.
What made Bret Hart’s World championship victory especially memorable is that it took place in Saskatoon, the birthplace of Stu Hart, 385 miles east of Calgary.
I remember watching Superstars on Sunday and hearing mean Gene say "The NEW WORLD WRESTLING FEDERATION ( It was still WWF then ) and I thought Ultimate Warrior had beaten Flair as I know he had been eying the title, so I yelled "Alright Ultimate Warrior"! Then was surprised to hear the Hitman's theme playing...not that I was upset, I was a Hitman fan as well, so I was happy, but didn't even know that match had happened until that Sunday morning. Heanan and Perfect of course were up in arms, but what could they do?
lol same here. I remember turning on the TV and seeing him with the belt with Mean Gene on that old platform they used to use. Before that last I knew of was him losing the IC belt at SS. It was really crazy and out of nowhere.
Bret's title run, and how Vince booked him, makes a lot more sense after listening to this interview. Bret just didn't get it. It sounds like Vince gave Bret a legitimate shot, but Bret didn't realize Vince didn't just want a great match, he wanted a father/son relationship - at least, that's what it feels like to me. Shawn Michaels figured it out.
One of my all time favorites. I only wish he and Rick Steamboat had been given the chance to work a long series of matches in the early 90's when they both were amazing at their job. Could have been the best series ever given the talent and story telling ability of those two.
I wouldn't say he didn't have great character. I feel like the wrestlers that get over choose the best character for their personality and overall mentality. I loved how Bret was always serious and you can tell he meant business while loving what he did. Until towards the end of his career when wrestling started using over the top angles to get over(kissing Vinces pass literally). Anyways, his character was perfect for him and I think his look made him stand out. Also, he had more of a classic gimmick in the cartoony era, which made him stand out.
I remember when this happen I was just 12 years old and very confused because even then I could see that they liked big guys to be the wwf/e champions. But I was a Bret fan so I was happy with the move.
Bret gave the wwf title prestige thats part of why hes great! Hulk n warrior was more about their persona or aura n title was secondary. Macho was on thin line but Bret was the one became a champion and made the title worthy to have to strive for imo.
I don't think it's lovely but also I prefer someone to be honest about it. not every day you see someone doing something wrong and being honest like bret here.
kryceksangel It's called honesty, it was 20+ years ago and his family know all about so what's your problem? I guess you're perfect in every way right??
I hate when people compare Michaels and Hart. Michaels is the greatest performer of all time, but Hart is the greatest ring psychologist I've ever seen.
Secular Scot I always thought their contrasts could have made them one of the greatest feuds of all time. Too bad most of the action happened out of the ring between these two
Most of the folks who down Bret's work miss the in ring psychology and artistry that Bret brought to the table. Those would be the same fans that love a 6 minute entrance I suppose.
Bret is the GOAT when it comes to the technical part of wrestling and storytelling. People say he takes the business too seriously but look at where he came from. I guarantee Stu took the business seriously. And Bret taking things seriously was part of why he was so over. He wasn't flashy or cartoony, he didn't over act or take crazy bumps, but he was believable. He was always calm and cool he had that badass leather jacket and those sweet wrap around shades, he looked like a hitman. He didn't need to shout promos like Flair, Dusty or Hogan, he didn't need to bump all over the ring like Shawn and Perfect, he just had to be this methodical, technical guy who could kick some ass. And people loved him cuz he was believable.
Lol the fact that Bret considers the day he won a fake wrestling belt to be the greatest day of his life over any of his marriges or the birth of any of his children should tell you all you need to know about what a mark for himself he is.
People talk about his mic skills, wordplay, and/or charismatic creativity being lacking, but what's most important when coming from anybody cutting a promo or doing an interview is believability. When Bret Hart spoke, it was in such a way that even if he fumbled his statement, you could tell by listening that he himself put meaning behind those words. He said what he meant and thus we knew we could believe him. Bret Hart was genuine and that is severely hindered in modern-day scripted quasi-realilty sports-entertainment/professional wrestling. Because he cared, we cared. That on top of his incredible in-ring work and psychology is what makes him one of the greatest of all-time.
I just arrived here after watching his match with Flair in 92, the best night in the history of the WWF/WWE and the best business decision Vince ever made was making The Hitman the WWF Champion, unfortunately that sense disappeared with Shawn Michaels and HHH whispering sweet nothings in his ear for the 97 SurvivorSeries. Not sure when this interview was taken but the match is available on TH-cam now.
man I really use to be critical of Brett Hart's Character. . . I guess after Warrior and Hulk Hogan I didnt want to root for anymore good guys I Always went for the villains ir the heel or who appealed to me... I grew up Watching these guys like they were all more important than the president of the United States. they were heroes to me as a kid(especially the villains) I got to Meet My All time Favorite Shawn Michael's at a grocery store in Tx.. and now I enjoy watching 5these guys tell there stories Like Rocktars and Am just as entertained by this as I was watching them perform.... and I've got to Say ... Bret Hart as the Man behind the Curtain is Honestly My Favorite. and the way they describe Owen as the Family Man and Prankster ... sounds just like Me ... Same age 35. My Hart goes out to The Hart family for Losing such a Great Man and Performer . especially like that. Bret Kinda reminds me Of My Dad in alot of Ways just no bullshit . cut n dry . tells you straight up a Man's Man ... and Has All the Respect in the world From this 35 year old Dad from Houston Texas Who Grew up Booing Bret. Bret If you ever see this Sir. Cheers to Yoh and All of My Respect goes with that. you're The Best there is the Best there Was and the Best there ever will be as a Professional and as an entertainer and a Person. I go back and watch your old matches... you and Shawn both had some killer moves and made them look perfect . God Bless You Bret And the Whole Hart Family as well RIP OWEN
The Hitman I used to love - man of few words - do the action in the ring. The match with Flair wasn't the greatest, but it was a good, solid match. Bret and Ric had a potential chemistry that was never really tapped.
I was lucky to see that match happen. A buddy and I bought tickets a couple weeks before the show and I remember on the match listing was Ric Flair vs Ultimate Warrior, couldn't remember who Bret was to facing. The crowd went nuts when Bret was pushed into the main event.
why bret is and was closer than hogan cause he was one of us. a nice family man, that was bret hart and also his character most of the times. he was like it should be. #90
Ric is on record with the following. 1. Warrior dropped him on his head. When he rolled out of the ring, he had a hard time standing up. 2. Injury was workable, but he had a problem with his balance center that caused a real problem and took six months to clear up. 3. Ric needed to drop the title to Bret. He was in a horrible way but worked through the match and such is life. 4. Injury cleared up just as he was going to be paid out by Lloyd's. His dad advised against taking the payout. Interviewer suggested it would have been taken by his ex-wife anyway.
Well it's on TH-cam...it's a pretty good match, solid, but a little understated, but there are tons of little things that Flair and Bret do that comes off really good...check it out
Bret was/is a realist and sees it for what it was/is......He knew it was a cut throat business and people were typically only looking out for themselves......So that's why he always had his guard up and always proved it in the ring
we saw him at calgary stampede when i flew my mom out for a vacation. it was her fav wrestler growing up and we bonded at a young age over wwf. anyways.., I know Brett loves his fans and I’m sure would’ve taken a photo with my mom, but he was there with his family and just wasn’t the right time. I kind of regret it.
kinda sad to see these wrestlers looking so old. In my mind they still look like they did in the ring and im still a teenager. The years they pass so fast.
I Kinda Wished that on the Weekend Programs When They Announced Bret as World Heavyweight Champion, They Showed Either the Match in-Full or Highlights of It, as Well as Put It on Videotape/DVD
Bret Hart was my favourite of all time. I loved how he had really long, stamina endurance bouts. I also just loved his vibe and attitude.
the story is much better in an interview with Bret and Rick..Rick is such a chill professional..loved Bret to bits!
Hes the best there is, the best there was, and the best that ever will be
And his entrance music was the best!
🌈🌈I see it too
Hart’s serious demeanor was an asset. His promos improved, after sharing the stick with Hart and Neidhart for several years. But he was terrific because he could work believably with any opponent, from Michaels to Undertaker. His heel turn, and the faction he had with Smith, Owen, Neidhart, and Pullman, was also well done.
It's funny how his mic skills weren't the best back in the day but his storytelling ability in clips like this shows that there is a charisma about him.
No there’s NO CHARISMA. Just because you can tell a story doesn’t mean you have “IT”
There’s no emotion in him, he’s lame, there’s no fire in him
His mic work dramatically improved later in his career. His heel mic work in 97-99 was top notch.
Joeys Bestfriend Thats your opinion
@Rico Youngblood Nobody compared his mic work to Hogan or Flair though, and whatever charisma he lacked in comparison with those 2, he made up for and then some with his actual wrestling abilities.
Jay Patterson Bret had no charisma. Someone like the Undertaker had charisma, when he first showed up, and he literally did not speak. Bret was over, because his wrestling did the talking, not his mouth.
Hart needs to do books on tape. His voice is super relaxing.
Kyle Park Points I agree !!
Is that code for boring?
He'll just end up talking about how great he is for hours...
Kylan Hurt He is great
Donnell Adams he’s about 20% as good as he thinks he is.
He actually thinks he won the title.
Bret's story telling are just like his wrestling matches, long and drawn out..but so satisfying 🐐🐐
Around 95, when he was headlining the In Your Houses, I knew I was going to get a 30 min whirlwind of a match. Like a complex movie. Slow but darn satisfying.
"He'd fly my dad out and fire me in the same day?"
"...Yeah, he would do that." LOL
He's not wrong.
Had me on the floor. :D
This was the guy that officially fired CM Punk on his wedding day.
I've been listening to Hart clips most of tonight and he's right, Vince being a ruthless bastard gives no fucks.
Vince would do that absolutely just for the fun of it.
Sean Oliver respect level is noticeable when he speaks to Bret versus anyone else. Respect to Sean.
I caught that too
Yeah due respect for the hitman. But he also knows Bret is a hard guy to get stuff out of, like he could end the interview at any moment if Bret felt disrespected
Brian Thomas I don’t like him. He comes across as too buddy buddy with whoever he’s interviewing. Just rubs me the wrong way.
Me too, was thinking is this the same interviewer , but Bret is a very serious guy especially when it comes to wrestling
@@dane21dc I think it's just to let those guys' guards down.
Sean also stated he doesn't want uncharismatic interviews so he tries to get more than boring responses. Which is hilarious since he's basically asking the guys to treat their shoots kind of like a work
I still cherish the day he gave me his shades on his ring walk. It made a 10yo me happy beyond words. Obviously for the following week at school i was top dog hehe. He was always so cool topped off with his kick ass entrance music.
I got a pair in Baltimore in 93, or 94.....still have them....as a hard rock/metal head, his music and Ultimate Warriors were one of the main reasons I started following those guys...except Brett was world class in the ring....Warrior not so much....still legendary though
Super lucky, so cool!
I think Brets reaction at Wembley stadium was the deciding factor. He got a great reaction even in England against Davey. Also the match was fantastic. He came off as " the guy" despite Warrior, Taker, Savage and flair.
By that time warrior had burned bridges and besides that, there was the steroid scandal, so, vince wouldn't put the belt on warrior. Savage was the champion, and was divorcing with liz, he didn't have his head in wrestling at the moment. Taker has never been a good champion. Taker has always been a special atraction and that's it. At the time, he didn't even had mic skills, and had not demonstrated that he could have good fights. He just had squashed matches at the time. Flair in the WWE failed to gather any meaningful attention as a champion. In fact, at that moment, he was only a champion just to pass the belt to Bret Hart, because Vince didn't wanted a face to face championship match with savage and Bret Hart. There was only a couple of wrestlers left that could make the jump to championship status besides bret hart, those probably were Ted Dibiase, Tito Santana, and maybe tatanka. Not sure Vince would have put the belt on davey boy smith during the steroid scandal era.
Bret was absolutely huge in Canada but he also was in Europe, more so than the US. I don't think WWE were fully maximising their global potential at that point. It was still very US-centric. I think Brett's reception in Europe was an eye opener to the WWE higher uppers tho.
I'd agree with that. The WWF's domestic business post-WrestleMania VIII nosedived so it leaned heavily on its European tours to remain profitable. Having someone like Bret, who was popular there, for main events was critical to keep that international momentum going.
A Randy Savage vs Bret Hart title match where Randy would have passed the torch to Bret would have been memorable.
Definitely would have gone down as an all-timer.
They didn't want to force the fans to choose. They were still gun shy from Mania 6.
What a shame. Two of my favourites.
Bet Hart is my favorite wrestler. He had great technical moves. I believe he was always honest.
“I was up to no good back then. I changed my plane ticket.”
Woah slow down there Bret. The dudes taking drugs in the locker room got nothing on this wildman.
Cheating on his wife with a girl from Italy. Sex/ infidelity is up there on the addiction list
@@southbeachtalent LOL cheating on your wife has nothing to do with drugs alcohol or getting in trouble with the law. Cheating on your wife could end up in a divorce but it's not going to kill your body down the road. The two aren't even related. I'd rather be a cheater on my wife then a druggie or an alcoholic
@@rosm5114 ......
You got a point bro!
@@rosm5114 lol U piece of shit.
The match where Hart defeated Flair to become champion is a classic.
*Too bad nobody saw it* . It should have been on PPV. You had Ric Flair (huge established star) and Bret Hart (rapidly rising star) for the title. If it was on PPV, it would have put Bret over as champion. Anything that happens on a house show doesn't count for anything.
Good match, awkward finish. Perfect gets on the apron when Bret has Flair in the Sharpshooter but the referee just tells him to shove off. That match needed Bret knocking Flair off the apron, Flair cheapshotting Bret and then going into the Figure 4 which Bret reverses into the Sharpshooter for the finish.
@@taekwondotime Bret keeps saying Flair had no problem with it, but maybe that's only because Vince agreed to his request ( a guess of mine, no proof) to not have the match on TV? Of course he'd have no problem with that. He might have been trying to save his character for his return to WCW.
@@kwrbt2979 that’s what I was thinking. Flair was trying to not lose the title on TV or PPV to keep bargaining power for returning to WCW.
I remember Honky Tonk Man telling his story of refusing to lose the IC title to Savage and he said Jim Barnett told him if he loses his title on national TV then it would be hard to convince the WCW to hire him. So that’s likely why Flair avoided losing it on TV.
I don't think that Flair would've lost bargaining power....Flair's first title run ended at Wrestlemania 8 earlier that spring and as I recall.....he didn't win it back on tv either. And all during 1992.....when you watched WCW Saturday Night....fans would be chanting "WE WANT FLAIR!....WE WANT FLAIR!"....so WCW was desperate to get him back....and Vince really had no more plans for him anyway....so they negotiated....so maybe dropping the title to Bret at a house show in Canada was a good way for Ric to fade out gracefully, put their title on their chosen guy in his home country.....then Flair would drop the loser leaves the WWF match to Curt Hennig on Monday Night Raw.
Bret had a way of making me believe his matches were real competition , for that and for many more reasons, he will always be my favorite
The Canadian. " I was up to no good". " I changed my ticket".
Scott hall.
"I was up to no good". "I was smoking crack and drinking forty beers a night before going on".
He was talking about going to fuck another girl while married tho you forgot that part. While drug use is worse but you have to remember where Bret came from a very loving family that had high morals. So what's not a big deal to some is taboo to him if you get what I mean.
@@aaronscott4984 He wasn't married at the time.
So fuking true.
@Pitt Burgh You know he lived in Canada right? And I took from it he meant he would sneak back to Canada (to where he lives) from the wwe.
always comes across so honest in his interviews. the best there was, the best there is and the best there ever will be.
How can anybody hate this honest Legend?? He is one of the only straight up dudes ever in the industry, and still even with some fuck ups, he still made his dates and carried the company through their darkest times. With a slew of other other greats who got WWF out of the gutter. Be grateful!
that's such a Bret Hart reaction. Prob the same reaction to his first born. "ok"
True! Bret's kinda funny and strange but we all are in certain ways!
I can remember Vince at that time commentating and always saying that Bret was the defendingist wwf champion of all time.
He may speak bluntly but he speaks truthfully and you usually gain a respect for him because of this demeanor.
I remember watching WWF Superstars and it started with him walking out with the belt over his shoulder for an interview. Great surprise!
Bret Hart was one of the funnest wrestlers to watch. His technical ability was amazing. As was Scott Levy.
bret is slowly turning into stu.. in another 10 years his voice is going to be the same haha its going to be great
+akuma4u If Owen was still alive he would probably sound like Stu.
Him saying the word "ticket" is stuck in my head for some reason.
Bret has a unique and memorable way of saying words. I have the way he says the word "toppings" stuck in my head from the 2006 Hall of Fame ceremony, when he told an anecdote involving Owen and pizza.
@@CM-wb2gj its Canadian lol... Not that unique.
That ASMR gotcha
Love the way he says "Ticket"
6:24 - To answer the question of why the match was only home video, Ric Flair has stated on his podcasts that he got an inner ear injury and that's why the belt switch happened so quickly instead of being on a PPV let's say.
I was at this taping in Saskatoon. We thought ‘As if the title will change hands at this random house event in Saskatchewan’. When he won the look on our faces was priceless. Lol
I like Bret, hes an honest and down to earth to dude. Hes been through some shit so im not surprised hes the way he is. I get the feeling hes always been a bit introverted anyway. He's a chill dude.
Bret Hart was the last great technical wrestler, and I would argue that he was the best in history. At no other time in history did someone maintain main event status for so long simply on his ring work. Bret was an average-at-best promo maker, was plain, no star power, no great wrestling look.
When you look at ring work versus entertainer, the entertainer wins 99% of the time and is always in a main event. Bret Hart was the last exception to this rule.
That is why he will always be my favorite of all time. He understands what fundamentally makes wrestling great, and when you hear him talk, he prides his work on the right things.
***** Kurt Angle was a bit overrated as a technician. He was good, but he wasn't in Hart's league.
***** It says he is a good actual wrestler. Lots of people have amateur backgrounds but don't have great technical ability. Scott Steiner, Brock Lesnar, etc...
***** Daniel bryan can't cut a promo t save his lie, and he certainly had no star presence. But he was a tremendous technician. Same as benoit.
Scott Steiner didn't have technical ability??? You need to brush up on his work from 89-96. One of the greatest innovators and technical workers of ALL time. Sad that people like you don't understand as a heel he worked heel. He is a true professional wrestler
Dave B I am talking about Big Poppa Pump, not Scott from the Steiner Brothers. They are two different people essentially.
Made me believe wrestling was real!....was my favorite wrestler of all time.
Bret Hart man his technical prowess is unmatched even today. Only Angle and Benoit were close
What about his brother Owen? They kind of mirror each other but Owen was the better high flyer
Ro Sm - good point, I would have seen Owen as well he was very close to Bret in ability and probably would have been champion later on if not for the politics with Shawn Micheals and the kliq
Dynamite Kid was the best even Bret say's so himself look it up and Dynamite was the one who taught Benoit in the Hart Dungeon thus why Chris had all his moves flying head butt crippler crossface
Aaron Scott - yeah dynamite was legendary, if only he didn’t get into steroids he would have been definitely at the top of the mountain
Unfortanately no more leg drops for the 123 kid....
hands down the most technical wrestler in the history of the business . he was flawless and the safest guy to work with .
Growing up Bret was always my hero. There was something about him, the not quoting attitude, he could wrestle the biggest guy in the dressing room & you knew somehow Bret could pull of a victory.
Bret will always be the best technical wrestler of all time he will always be my favorite wrestler
He was one of my favorites too. However, Kurt Angle was the best technical wrestle of all time by far.
Seen the Home Video match on VHS, great win for Bret Hart.
My brother watches Pro Wrestling for over 30 years now and till this very day, he says this was the most surprising world title change he has ever witnessed. When Savage lost the Belt to Flair, he thought that Warrior would get the Title at the Survivor Series and Hart would Wrestle Bulldog again at Survivor Series.
But also, like Bret said, he can't explain why this was never shown fully on TV.
Up to that point I always saw The Hitman as a Tag-team and Intercontinental champion level guy. He was always one of my favorite wrestlers. After he became the World Champion it just fit for me as a fan. Cliche as it may be now, Bret "The Hitman" Hart is the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be. They don't make them like him anymore.
He worked his way to the top of a world of cartoon giants and made it believable. The steroid scandal helped but he was just the better wrestler and when he got to the top it felt right.
Bret was my favorite wrestler of all time, all around good person, the best there is the best there was, and the best there ever will be. Pink and Black.
What made Bret Hart’s World championship victory especially memorable is that it took place in Saskatoon, the birthplace of Stu Hart, 385 miles east of Calgary.
Thank u 4 the entertaining in the 80s..90s! U should of sued 4 all the loss they put u threw! U were definitely a real champion!
I remember watching Superstars on Sunday and hearing mean Gene say "The NEW WORLD WRESTLING FEDERATION ( It was still WWF then ) and I thought Ultimate Warrior had beaten Flair as I know he had been eying the title, so I yelled "Alright Ultimate Warrior"! Then was surprised to hear the Hitman's theme playing...not that I was upset, I was a Hitman fan as well, so I was happy, but didn't even know that match had happened until that Sunday morning. Heanan and Perfect of course were up in arms, but what could they do?
lol same here. I remember turning on the TV and seeing him with the belt with Mean Gene on that old platform they used to use. Before that last I knew of was him losing the IC belt at SS. It was really crazy and out of nowhere.
YeAA,. was the weirdest experience and way to change the title. But the WWF was in a major transition period.
Bret was my favorite WWF champion of all time as well my favorite wrestler of all time.
Bret's title run, and how Vince booked him, makes a lot more sense after listening to this interview. Bret just didn't get it. It sounds like Vince gave Bret a legitimate shot, but Bret didn't realize Vince didn't just want a great match, he wanted a father/son relationship - at least, that's what it feels like to me. Shawn Michaels figured it out.
I love him so much...I have shook his head three times....it really a amazing to me.
One of my all time favorites. I only wish he and Rick Steamboat had been given the chance to work a long series of matches in the early 90's when they both were amazing at their job. Could have been the best series ever given the talent and story telling ability of those two.
My favorite technician! There will never be any better than the hitman.
0:21 --- Did he Just admit to an affair ? He was married to Julie Hart (8 July 1982 - 24 June 2002)
yes. he had many affairs and one night stands. he admits it in his book.
We all loved Shawn and were happy that he was WWF champion but we can all agree that Bret was the better champion
Neither of them ever drew World Champion level money though.
I bet HHH and Cena called/call Vince everyday and stooged everyone off.
@@PorkchopPete hahah prob more real than you think
I can't stand to even look at Cena. Haven't watched in a decade.
@@dougiewugs You & me both!
@@dougiewugs Kinda funny yall talking about cena but bret couldnt do the best for the bussiness. Didnt want to drop the title.
@@dougiewugs cena’s gimmick was SO ANNOYING
The best and legit wrestler that I’ve been watching since I was young
I’m from Saskatoon, I remember that match!
I wouldn't say he didn't have great character. I feel like the wrestlers that get over choose the best character for their personality and overall mentality. I loved how Bret was always serious and you can tell he meant business while loving what he did. Until towards the end of his career when wrestling started using over the top angles to get over(kissing Vinces pass literally). Anyways, his character was perfect for him and I think his look made him stand out. Also, he had more of a classic gimmick in the cartoony era, which made him stand out.
I love how Bret looks happy here. I love this man
Great interview.
I remember when this happen I was just 12 years old and very confused because even then I could see that they liked big guys to be the wwf/e champions. But I was a Bret fan so I was happy with the move.
I like how he says "ticket" xD!
+siren7193 Canada is awesome.
Bret was early? That's a first
I fell asleep around 4.52 .. awesome
Bret gave the wwf title prestige thats part of why hes great! Hulk n warrior was more about their persona or aura n title was secondary. Macho was on thin line but Bret was the one became a champion and made the title worthy to have to strive for imo.
You're absolutely right ✅️
Bret admitting he was cheating on his wife. Lovely
kryceksangel well its not like it matters the anit together anyway
kryceksangel He admitted to cheating on his wife in his book. It was pretty common for wrestlers in those days to cheat.
I don't think it's lovely but also I prefer someone to be honest about it. not every day you see someone doing something wrong and being honest like bret here.
kryceksangel It's called honesty, it was 20+ years ago and his family know all about so what's your problem? I guess you're perfect in every way right??
To be fair his wife was pretty ugly so he needed other outlets.
You got to love Bret The Shitman sHart and his finishing move The sHartshooter.
I remember watching him win the championship belt in Saskatoon..even got hitman sunglasses too..
I hate when people compare Michaels and Hart. Michaels is the greatest performer of all time, but Hart is the greatest ring psychologist I've ever seen.
Secular Scot lol did you get that from the Jim Cornette experience podcast 😂😂😂
I hate the school of thought you like one or the other. Both were great performers with one of the best feuds in wwe. I totally agree with u.
Secular Scot I always thought their contrasts could have made them one of the greatest feuds of all time. Too bad most of the action happened out of the ring between these two
Most of the folks who down Bret's work miss the in ring psychology and artistry that Bret brought to the table. Those would be the same fans that love a 6 minute entrance I suppose.
And flair was the best champion of all-time
I love Bret so much. Class act.
Bret had mic skills . He just wrestled in the cartoon era.
Interesting that Sean knew the woman's name even though Bret never mentions it.
Bret is the GOAT when it comes to the technical part of wrestling and storytelling. People say he takes the business too seriously but look at where he came from. I guarantee Stu took the business seriously. And Bret taking things seriously was part of why he was so over. He wasn't flashy or cartoony, he didn't over act or take crazy bumps, but he was believable. He was always calm and cool he had that badass leather jacket and those sweet wrap around shades, he looked like a hitman. He didn't need to shout promos like Flair, Dusty or Hogan, he didn't need to bump all over the ring like Shawn and Perfect, he just had to be this methodical, technical guy who could kick some ass. And people loved him cuz he was believable.
The shades were the greatest thing that has ever existed in professional wrestling!
Lol the fact that Bret considers the day he won a fake wrestling belt to be the greatest day of his life over any of his marriges or the birth of any of his children should tell you all you need to know about what a mark for himself he is.
I find it interesting how Bret talks about Vince being a fan of wrestling and enjoying to watch it. I've never heard anyone else talk like that.
Makes u respect Vince a lot more. These guys will always be connected.
People talk about his mic skills, wordplay, and/or charismatic creativity being lacking, but what's most important when coming from anybody cutting a promo or doing an interview is believability. When Bret Hart spoke, it was in such a way that even if he fumbled his statement, you could tell by listening that he himself put meaning behind those words. He said what he meant and thus we knew we could believe him. Bret Hart was genuine and that is severely hindered in modern-day scripted quasi-realilty sports-entertainment/professional wrestling. Because he cared, we cared. That on top of his incredible in-ring work and psychology is what makes him one of the greatest of all-time.
I fucking love Bret Hart. There's nobody better to me. He is just the best. I hope he lives to 130.
I just arrived here after watching his match with Flair in 92, the best night in the history of the WWF/WWE and the best business decision Vince ever made was making The Hitman the WWF Champion, unfortunately that sense disappeared with Shawn Michaels and HHH whispering sweet nothings in his ear for the 97 SurvivorSeries. Not sure when this interview was taken but the match is available on TH-cam now.
My favorite wrestlers of all time untertaker, warrior,Hitman and Sid vicious
man I really use to be critical of Brett Hart's Character. . . I guess after Warrior and Hulk Hogan I didnt want to root for anymore good guys I Always went for the villains ir the heel or who appealed to me... I grew up Watching these guys like they were all more important than the president of the United States. they were heroes to me as a kid(especially the villains) I got to Meet My All time Favorite Shawn Michael's at a grocery store in Tx.. and now I enjoy watching 5these guys tell there stories Like Rocktars and Am just as entertained by this as I was watching them perform.... and I've got to Say ... Bret Hart as the Man behind the Curtain is Honestly My Favorite. and the way they describe Owen as the Family Man and Prankster ... sounds just like Me ... Same age 35. My Hart goes out to The Hart family for Losing such a Great Man and Performer . especially like that. Bret Kinda reminds me Of My Dad in alot of Ways just no bullshit . cut n dry . tells you straight up a Man's Man ... and Has All the Respect in the world From this 35 year old Dad from Houston Texas Who Grew up Booing Bret. Bret If you ever see this Sir. Cheers to Yoh and All of My Respect goes with that. you're The Best there is the Best there Was and the Best there ever will be as a Professional and as an entertainer and a Person. I go back and watch your old matches... you and Shawn both had some killer moves and made them look perfect . God Bless You Bret And the Whole Hart Family as well
I honestly believe it was Bret carrying Davey at SummerSlam that showed Vince McMahon he was the guy
Tuesday night in Texas
I still remember 🤼♂️
The John Cena bit always makes me cackle.
The Hitman I used to love - man of few words - do the action in the ring. The match with Flair wasn't the greatest, but it was a good, solid match. Bret and Ric had a potential chemistry that was never really tapped.
In Brett's mind ..up to no good is switching your ticket.....gotta love em
Ha ! Bedding loads of ladies he means :-D
lol i think he was referring to the fact that he flew to italy just to nob some broad.
@@leeherring8880 Hahaha. Funny, right? Cheating on his wife with kids at home. So funny!
I used to love when Bret would give a kid in the crowd his sunglasses, such a cool gimmick from The Hitman! Legend!! 💪🇨🇦
I was lucky to see that match happen. A buddy and I bought tickets a couple weeks before the show and I remember on the match listing was Ric Flair vs Ultimate Warrior, couldn't remember who Bret was to facing.
The crowd went nuts when Bret was pushed into the main event.
It went straight to video...it was a marketing tactic to sale vhs tapes
Is it just me or is Brets voice kinda relaxing even when he’s swearing
Bret is a legend in his own mind. He was a boring wrestler that never drew money outside of Canada.
Bret verry good excellent of everything the best
My favorite wrestler!
why bret is and was closer than hogan cause he was one of us. a nice family man, that was bret hart and also his character most of the times. he was like it should be. #90
Bret Hart vs Mr Perfect are my favorite matches of all-time!
Ric is on record with the following.
1. Warrior dropped him on his head. When he rolled out of the ring, he had a hard time standing up.
2. Injury was workable, but he had a problem with his balance center that caused a real problem and took six months to clear up.
3. Ric needed to drop the title to Bret. He was in a horrible way but worked through the match and such is life.
4. Injury cleared up just as he was going to be paid out by Lloyd's. His dad advised against taking the payout. Interviewer suggested it would have been taken by his ex-wife anyway.
he seems so canadian to me. Totally calm, confident, idk what to make of him.
To this day I've never seen the match of him beating Flair for the title.
Well it's on TH-cam...it's a pretty good match, solid, but a little understated, but there are tons of little things that Flair and Bret do that comes off really good...check it out
Bret was/is a realist and sees it for what it was/is......He knew it was a cut throat business and people were typically only looking out for themselves......So that's why he always had his guard up and always proved it in the ring
I think We All Love and Respect Hogan he was Larger than Life, but Bret in ring abilities are 2nd to None!
I don't love or respect racist scumbags.
@@stevemccullagh36 oh fuck off
Bret should of talked to Paul heyman about plane tickets 😆.
we saw him at calgary stampede when i flew my mom out for a vacation. it was her fav wrestler growing up and we bonded at a young age over wwf. anyways.., I know Brett loves his fans and I’m sure would’ve taken a photo with my mom, but he was there with his family and just wasn’t the right time. I kind of regret it.
Brett Hart bears a strange resemblance to Benjamin Franklin.
kinda sad to see these wrestlers looking so old. In my mind they still look like they did in the ring and im still a teenager. The years they pass so fast.
Bret is super cool 👌
I Kinda Wished that on the Weekend Programs When They Announced Bret as World Heavyweight Champion, They Showed Either the Match in-Full or Highlights of It, as Well as Put It on Videotape/DVD