@mossybishhh no the baby is the same size hes just holding it differently so the perspective relative to himself and the camera makes the bab look bigger.
Not necessarily the baby is in a white onsie and black pants. Most parents I know have like 10 white onsies. He could have been changed multiple times but the only things that are clean are white onsies lol.
Between the various extrusions of our daughter, it took me until NOON once to get out of the nursery for multiple clothing changes for the both of us 😂. It was 0600, when I went in. I changed her, fed her, burped her, cleaned up the barf, redressed us, fed her again, changed her, cleaned pee off myself and got redressed, and changed her bedding. It was time to feed her again, and she pooped all over the both of us... another round of clothes for her and I. 😂
My husband was the same way and it was easier than changing your shirt 10 times a day. You didn't need to make more work for yourself by making more laundry to do.
sounds like a mistake. you know how they say if work feels like forever, then it wasnt the right fit? well. the mayority of people having kids, just had to pull through it... what other choice do you have, after making such a big mistake.
I agree with your comment. The days can be long, but if doesn't mean that you love your child any less! ❤️ Then when they've grown up and moved out, you wonder how time went by so fast 💔
Shout out to all the stay at home parents 🎉 I'm a single mother so it's really uplifting to see dads that are actively putting in an effort to be a part of their childs life ❤ keep up the good work dad!!
My first was the calmest, most affectionate baby and I thought 'oh, this is so easy!' enter my son who screamed any time he wasn't being held by me specifically. We were advised to let him cry without me picking him up and he caused permanent damage to his vocal chords. I felt like the worst mother in the world I let my baby hurt himself instead of just holding him but I had to go to work. Those days were tough even though I wouldn't trade them for my sweet boy. His little brother was a combination of my first two, clingy and miserable when not being held but quieter about it and willing to be held by his dad and my mother (but absolutely NO ONE else which made doctor appts hell) @@opeitsme2727
It only gets worse man. Being a stay at home parent is the hardest easiest thing you'll ever do and you will get no respect from anyone for it. Stay strong.
Plus (for the moms) having that small, loud, smelly thing constantly biting and sucking the life out of you, while you're still trying to recover from the whole process of carrying and pushing it out in the first place. Now that my boy is taller than me, I actually miss those days... And people always say "must be nice getting to do whatever you want all day" 🫤😒
A lot of pople think it gets easier as they age when, in reality, it just gets harder but more rewarding. I love seeing my son grow and learn. It's amazing to watch a little one's learn and grow.
Kids are always hard, but after certain you have more time to cook and clean, because they are either off playing, or helping. The first year was rough. I would start dinner at 4 pm and finish at 8 😅 But in some ways those were simpler days. I didn't have to try to teach emotional regulation and stuff like that
Yeah I'm at 6.5 months now and I love seeing the new stuff my son does but my lord he still doesn't sleep through the night. 2 nights ago he woke up from a nap at 6pm which he normally does and then goes back to bed for a bit around 8-9pm but he decided he was going to stay up until 1am.. showing us his "new skill" clicking his tongue. From 8:30 to 1am, doing just that. I feel like I will never sleep again if I'm being honest. None of my step kids did this. After 4 months they started sleeping through the night. Not this boy.
It's not easier, just challenging in different ways! Sure certain things that were challenging about caring for young babies get easier or aren't an issue at all once they grow up, but they're replaced by new challenges you didn't face before when they were younger!! For example: you don't have to change diapers and deal with constant poop and puke and pee anymore, and they can communicate their needs with words rather than crying -BUT now they can run and open doors/cupboards, can be sneaky, are smart, curious and physically skilled enough to get into far more trouble!
I stayed home from work for one year during the covid bs. But I homeschooled my 4 daughters and kept the house and yard immaculate. I earned many grey hairs a day..
Covid BS??? 2020 was hands down the best year of my life. As an extreme introvert, I had the time of my life. I felt sad and bamboozled when it ended and everyone insisted on returning to "normalcy." I was hoping staying home and avoiding ppl would become the new normalcy. Ive been thinking about trying to create another deadly virus just so I can stay home again.
It's hard work. I home schooled without any public school help for 2 years but followed ccss. And kept up with all house work duties. I'm 41 and look 65 now. 😂😂😂 Whew am I glad public schools are back open and life's returned to me keeping up with preschool standards and house work. Older schooling is much more challenging than teaching a 3 year old abcs and counting!
@@charmedlilsis1Are you freaking kidding?! Millions of people around the globe have died due to COVID. If you want another mass pandemic just make sure you're the first affected.
Thats right its on call 24/7/365 Real fing Work. Surprise surprise men. Its work. So glad your showing it. Wish there were more men like you. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
This is why my dad is my hero, raised me and my little sibling as babies, fresh out of the military, and working as much as he could to make sure we were taken care of without any heio from anyone. Biking us all the way to daycare before biking to work, even trying his best to put our hair in ponytails haha then he met my mom when I was 5 and she helped him figure the rest of our life out
I know it's humour & supposed to be funny, but as a father of 4 who spent 3 yrs as a SAHDad, I can't help feeling this is a typical shot at *"useless men."* There's been so much over the last 30 yrs all disparaging men's ability to deal with kids or anything domestic. Even a place in Society now. I know how hard domestic work is, with a 6br house on a 3ac hobby farm, with 4 kids is. It's hard, but easier & with Moe free time, than 8 hours in a vineyard doing manual labour. As a Cop I was at a car accident many years years ago, Mom & Dad were unconcious in an ambulance enroute to hospital. The 18 month toddler was crying, scared & confused & alone. They tried to hand the kid off to a young female officer to care for. She nearly dropped him & looked like a deer in the headlights. Darp. Hand the kid to some thirty something Cop & he's got it. He'll be a Dad & it's just another day at the office. 3 Dad (incl me) cops took turns over the next 4+ hours till extended family arrived for the kid. Looking after, changing, feeding, entertaining till he slept. Y'all enjoy disparaging men, just don't be too upset when we stop engaging with you. These joke's aren't really funny or jokes anymore. No when women publically state loudly & often. "We don't need men any more, they're not good for anything, can't Trust them, all men are useless, we choose the bear, men are replaceable, don't need no man YADA YADA" A large Part of braiñw@shing a Racist, sexist, discriminatory etc stereotype & negative attitude into the simple minded is *_'Constant Repetition"_* Y'all have a happy day Now.
@@shieldwolf65 I bet you were a good dad. So, thank you for not being a bad dad. I think? I don’t know what to actually say, I just felt like you needed positive feedback. Have a good day!
@@holaitserinchill. I don't think he has abandoned the child. He probably took time off work to stay home and he got back to work after the leave. You'd rather your baby daddy stay home when he could be working and gaining extra for y'all to live comfortably?
Laughed so hard tears came out 😂😂😂😂😂. I was like day 1 looking good, a week later started to set in, lol when the rumbling happened and its still day One 😂😂😂 So real!
Ya they do.. I am one and it's the best easiest job I ever had😂 one of my girls just started school and it got even easier.. if it's hard.for someone it's because they suck at parenting
@NoYesJess if your kids don't know how to behave it's because u are failing as a parent... yes they all have bad days but anyone who thinks it's hard is either lazy or clueless period
@@AaronEvans-xm2wb Did you read my comment at all or maybe you're just close minded?🤔 Again, kids are not created equally. Not sure why you are only focusing on behavior brought on by parents. That's okay though, maybe with time you will open your mind and see that your experience isn't everyone else's experience. Many people/parents have struggles that you couldn't even fathom, sometimes ignorance truly is bliss.🌟
Nah, a few hours and one projectile vomit or projectile pooping episode later. When my youngest sister was about that age her mom set her on the ottoman to change her and as soon as the diaper came off she shot liquid poop everywhere. My stepmom had large poop splatters head to toe. The ottoman, couch, and carpet had to be covered in upholstery shampoo and cleaned. My middle sister and I were laughing our butts off, we didn’t know babies had butt cannons.
lol a lot can happen in an hour… I’m sure he went to feed her all smiles and excited… only to realize babies are biological canisters of poop, puke, and gas… naked and afraid a few hours later.. he’s learned a robe is easier to replace and wash.. haha
@just_joe_is_fine haha well good for you for sticking with it. It's a wonderful but challenging experience. I've been home for 10 years. 3 kids. It's hard to not be out making money but, i know it's what's best for my kids. :)
Good for you! This is the best thing for your baby. It’s hard. Make sure you spend time with adults. You will have the best relationship with your child. And if you have a partner, they will have the peace of mind that your baby is being cared for by someone who loves him more than life itself.
@user-op6uo8ly8e I second this. I went with a big cup of coffee and wouldn't eat til 3pm and gained so much weight. After 3years of that life, I'm finding myself.
@whiteflowerbodywork good way to word it. Mine* are 29 and 23, and it still feels like about a year ago, I was going to their rec league games when they were playing bunch ball 😂😂
@jojackson20 nope, especially not for thousands of years. Men were needed much more historically than they are even now. but keep telling yourself a bigoted, sexist re-write of history. Dont think a 9-5am existed in neolithic or dark ages
@@notsonerdgaming3406 the video is about child rearing???? Please name a point in history where men were caretakers more than women??? You “me too’d” a post and then told THEM it’s not all about THEM 💀
As a mother, I love this. I needed to see this. All I hear about is people saying it’s hard and it sucks etc. it will no doubt be the most joyous time of my life, unless I am blessed enough to have grand children 💕 I too like to focus on the joy and love.
It is the best job to have. I don’t remember ever wishing I could be somewhere else, but my oldest is 36 so I might have selective memory. I don’t think so though. God bless the stay at home parents.
@@aprilvannewkirk8761 indeed. Sometimes it is a little tough with tantrums and whatnot but a little thing I do in good or tough times is to imagine im from the future, and someone has a time machine and they let me go back to this day and be with them while they’re small again….i guess thats a little dramatic but it really helps put everything into perspective and helps me be more present when they are having a hard time instead of…both of us having a hard time lol. It helps me really enjoy it and try to burn every moment into my brain so I can remember it and know I fully lived it and enjoyed it.
I love when they are babies up until like 3 or 4....then you see youe personality reflected back at you onto of mommy why and mommy no and etc.....that's for the birds lol
Good luck! She appreciates you. My earliest memories of my dad are from these days, walking around after feeding. He died when I was 18, and I cherish the memory
Having a stay at home parent is so tough in this time where two sources of income are usually needed, to keep the house running. But that little girl is going to feel so loved and attended to as she grows up
Sorry, I'm gonna have to go with anecdotal and your personal opinion on that. Of all the friends I have with kids, who are stay at home parents, both male and female....the only ones who say it is hard and a miserable thankless thing are the ones who raised their badass kids poorly so they spend all die fighting to keep them wrangled. Those that have their kids under control like adults don't find it difficult. Also my two buddies who are stay at home dads say it's honestly the easiest thing they've ever done. I've gone to hang on days off and seen first hand, they get the house clean errands ran and pretty much everything else done by mid day, kids kept under control because they raised them to listen as soon as they were able to process anything more than crapping themselves. Hell, my boy Ryan typically finishes up anything but keeping an eye on the kids and making dinner when dinner time rolls around by early afternoon and spends the rest of the afternoon chilling out and will gladly admit his days are pretty easy. Now I'll grant this is anecdote vs anecdote, but it's silly to call it the hardest in the world. Go work 16hr shifts on an oil crew, or pull doubles every day for a week plus as a doctor or nurse or any other host of jobs. It may be harder than some jobs, but I refuse to accept a job you can keep your pajamas on and still do well with yo gaba gaba playing on repeat is the "hardest job in the world"
"Hardest job in the world." - Yeah, that's a mother's duty, because the father's duty is earning for the family. But I can understand the feminist euphemism.
@ConstantlyRepeatingMyself "when both parents work a full time job" - The mother shouldn't be chasing her career/job in the first place if she wants to be a dutiful wife and a mother. If she wants chase a career and a job, then she shouldn't get married. Because evolutionary biology trumps feminist indoctrination.
I tell my friends with small children “don’t blink”. One day my son was born the next I had a grandson and then my son was gone. 23 years went bumpy in a flash.
A dad going thru it is sexy af, my hubby was a natural, i still remember waking up for work, my coffee ready, breakfast made, lunch made, all the kids lunches made, kids off at school safely, baby strapped to daddy and watching mickey mouse club house...... it made it all worth it
@@awkwardautistic what a very judgmental comment! Maybe the baby is getting breastmilk that’s been pumped, or maybe the mom was unable to nurse due to a medical condition or perhaps the baby is on formula like millions of other healthy babies! You do not know the story so please don’t judge. It really is very rude!
@@awkwardautisticThe baby still could be getting breastmilk. Also, fed is best. Not everyone can even produce milk, or some babies have allergies. Jeeeze.
@@zubsies is not the same from a bottle..health benefits are not the same. It's extremely rare that a woman can't breastfeed. Our society isn't designed for mothers and babies though... just working so rich people can get richer.
It’s almost like it’s a full time job that literally never ends! Glad to see your kid has a loving parent that’s able to take on the full time love and responsibilities. But I also appreciate videos like this showing dads feeling worn out from it because the expectation has been on women for eons and they’re told they should be grateful that they “get to stay home” while their husbands “do all the work” when the only difference is that the one staying home doesn’t get to make money from aaaaalll the work they do, and they don’t get to clock out at the end of the day. And it is so rarely appreciated by their partner/society as a whole.
Love this! As a sahm for mine, I knew it was still day one! The rumbles! The “yes we are wearing an assortment of mostly clean clothes” and “yes it is only noon and yes we will both change again” attitude is perfect!😊
Painfully accurate 😂😂😂 Feel it, dude. Did it with my little preemie while in college online full-time. Do not miss the lack of sleep and adult conversation, but do miss the snuggles ❤
My husband and I decided that he would leave his job to stay home with our sons rather than have them in daycare. I make more money and can provide for my family no problem. This is the best decision we ever made and he is an amazing father. Our boys are such happy good babies. Raising children is not an easy task. What would we ever do without him!? So much love and support to this man ❤
You're in for a journey. Some days you may want to pull your hair out, some days you will have to do double-even triple takes from being so tired you think you're hallucinating, there will be days you will jump scare yourself mainly from making sure your baby is still breathing because you fell asleep for a second from exhaustion, at times you will catch pee to the face. I suggest the double diaper route always take gaurd with that second diaper. I could go on but the most important part : you get to watch a tiny human that you helped create grow and it is absolutely amazing. Good luck dad! You'll be okay. ❤
I know this is a funny little skit and hes poking fun, but also giving credit to all stay at home moms and dads out there. But something about an involved dad like this is always so wholesome. Parents are awesome. And thats a cute lil baby.
I like how he changed his clothes cause he absolutely got threw up on 😂
It's also been a couple months, the baby is way bigger.
It was SOME kind of bodily fluid/secretion, I can guarantee that much...
@@alexisgrunden1556 or what kind...
@mossybishhh no the baby is the same size hes just holding it differently so the perspective relative to himself and the camera makes the bab look bigger.
It looks like day 100😭😭
"It's growling at me" 😭
Lol from the other end...
Sounds more like pooping to Me! 🤔
@@dmhq-administrationthat was definitely some sort of infant percolating going on there…
The baby was still in the same clothes. A solid sign that it was a good day lol
Not after that rumble. That sounds like one of'em that leaks out the sides 😂
literally... i might have believed it if baby were in naught but a diaper
Not necessarily the baby is in a white onsie and black pants. Most parents I know have like 10 white onsies. He could have been changed multiple times but the only things that are clean are white onsies lol.
Damn daddy 😂😅😂 poor baby only day 1
You're so right!!!
“BABY RUMBLES” is something every parent here can relate to AND has a few stories about! 🤣🤣🤣
Dad to a two year old girl. Never had those rumbles.
Nearly choked laughing...it is still day 1😂😂😂
Never been a mother or in charge of kiddos that age, and it still had me hacking up a lung.
@@LunarisArts same😆
I watched him walk in the second time thinking 'four hours later huh?'
😂😂😂😂😂 same😊
And you know he’s shirtless because he got some sort of baby bodily fluids on him 🤣
😂 truth
Between the various extrusions of our daughter, it took me until NOON once to get out of the nursery for multiple clothing changes for the both of us 😂. It was 0600, when I went in. I changed her, fed her, burped her, cleaned up the barf, redressed us, fed her again, changed her, cleaned pee off myself and got redressed, and changed her bedding. It was time to feed her again, and she pooped all over the both of us... another round of clothes for her and I. 😂
@@dgeneeknapp3168oh dang 😂 some days do just go like that 😅 love when they're so tiny though 🥰
My husband was the same way and it was easier than changing your shirt 10 times a day. You didn't need to make more work for yourself by making more laundry to do.
He got up and got ready for work 😂 only to realize he over dressed 🤣
This the comment right here 😂
He dressed way too nice.😂😂😂
and the kid threw up, twice, first on the jacket, then the shirt. :D
or 3 times if the gray and denim jacket are separate pieces @@MagdaRantanplan
It’s the hardest and most rewarding job you’ll ever have 👍♥️
That Stomach rumble means Dad is fixing to have to put in some work!!🤣🤣
Yes it does. 😂😂😂
That's a dookie rumble. His arm is holding back the mudgates. 😂
Baby rumbles,so doodles on their way out 😅😅😅
The gut gurgles meaning a soon eruption for me 😂😂😂. We called my daughter "shartz McCracken" 😂
Ok that's a great name though for this😂😂😂😂😂😂
I thought he was going to say it was 30 days later or something. When he said still day one, I lmao😂
Welcome to parenthood😂❤
Babies are just the best at making you filthy 😂
Hahaha! Same XDDDD
The days are long…very..very..very long 😂
I didn't put it so far. I thought Day 2 😂😂😂😂😂
I was gonna give the week not the same day!!
Sounds like baby has a surprise for dad. 😂😂😂
The days are long but the years are short. Best way of describing what parenting feels like
sounds like a mistake. you know how they say if work feels like forever, then it wasnt the right fit? well. the mayority of people having kids, just had to pull through it... what other choice do you have, after making such a big mistake.
@@BrimstoneMoth Just because you are miserable doesn't mean the rest of us are
My toddler turns 13 in two months and I'm conflicted 😅😢
@@kalebgross1310😂, right
I agree with your comment. The days can be long, but if doesn't mean that you love your child any less! ❤️
Then when they've grown up and moved out, you wonder how time went by so fast 💔
Hooo-boy! That sounds like the beginnings of a blow out.
Good luck, and keep up with the laundry.
I’m guessing not the 1st of day 1. lol 😂
And lunch and dinner and dishes
You are 💯👍🏻
Never ever let that washer stop washing, or you'll regret it.
@@effiemaccheyne9101😂😂😂😂 so true!!
I like how he shows a confident and joyful smile on his lips at the beginning. Then replaced by a tone of “ I was being naive”😂😂
Oh you got the whole point of the video too? That's crazy. I thought I was the only one.
@@ASMRoadtripthen you must think you're special, you must think you're one in a 1,000, but even then there are 6-8,000 of you
@@lunar_moth777I think he's special
Shout out to all the stay at home parents 🎉 I'm a single mother so it's really uplifting to see dads that are actively putting in an effort to be a part of their childs life ❤ keep up the good work dad!!
Yall calm down. as a stay at home mom, I feel rather validated! Hard, ain’t it?!
Personally, being a stay at home mom was the easiest job for me. But all babies are different.
Sameeee ! I’m currently lying down breastfeeding cause I’m too tired to sit up atm 😂
My first was the calmest, most affectionate baby and I thought 'oh, this is so easy!' enter my son who screamed any time he wasn't being held by me specifically. We were advised to let him cry without me picking him up and he caused permanent damage to his vocal chords. I felt like the worst mother in the world I let my baby hurt himself instead of just holding him but I had to go to work. Those days were tough even though I wouldn't trade them for my sweet boy. His little brother was a combination of my first two, clingy and miserable when not being held but quieter about it and willing to be held by his dad and my mother (but absolutely NO ONE else which made doctor appts hell) @@opeitsme2727
Depends on the baby honestly
My first baby was a joy, the second a trial, the third and fourth healthy mixes of the two.
He's been pooped on REPEATEDLY for 2 hours...stay strong dad!!❤
Two hours? Wait until it’s 23 hours later, and he’s still trying to figure out exactly bodily fluids are on his clothes.😂
It only gets worse man. Being a stay at home parent is the hardest easiest thing you'll ever do and you will get no respect from anyone for it. Stay strong.
No respect, no privacy, no outside life for the first couple of years.
@@SammieMousie and no sleep or breaks
Plus (for the moms) having that small, loud, smelly thing constantly biting and sucking the life out of you, while you're still trying to recover from the whole process of carrying and pushing it out in the first place. Now that my boy is taller than me, I actually miss those days...
And people always say "must be nice getting to do whatever you want all day" 🫤😒
2yrs in with a 2 yr old smh why wasn't I thinking 🤔
yeah beacuse having a kid isnt something someone has to respect nor congratulate you for, it is no one's fault, but your own fault if you have kids.
The obvious bodily fluids that erupted and got rid of his shirt was pointed when baby's stomach rumbled and man felt fear like no other 😅😂❤
“Why is the baby in a cage?” “…because it growled at me.”
I don't care what anyone says this is what peak humor looks like 😂
With that look I thought day 2 for sure 😅
For a mom 😅😅
Nah, I pegged hour 3 on day 1.
I thought it was at least day 3-5...😮😮😮😂😂😂
Nah, they are 5 mins apart lol
I thought day 2 as well with a rough night 😂
Your baby is so cute!! The little eye lashes peaking out from the side is making my heart melt!!
He looked like he aged a decade in that same day! LOL!
😂I wondering how his facial hair grew so fast
Lost most of his instantly gray hair too! 😂
A lot of pople think it gets easier as they age when, in reality, it just gets harder but more rewarding.
I love seeing my son grow and learn. It's amazing to watch a little one's learn and grow.
Kids are always hard, but after certain you have more time to cook and clean, because they are either off playing, or helping. The first year was rough. I would start dinner at 4 pm and finish at 8 😅
But in some ways those were simpler days. I didn't have to try to teach emotional regulation and stuff like that
Yeah I'm at 6.5 months now and I love seeing the new stuff my son does but my lord he still doesn't sleep through the night. 2 nights ago he woke up from a nap at 6pm which he normally does and then goes back to bed for a bit around 8-9pm but he decided he was going to stay up until 1am.. showing us his "new skill" clicking his tongue. From 8:30 to 1am, doing just that. I feel like I will never sleep again if I'm being honest. None of my step kids did this. After 4 months they started sleeping through the night. Not this boy.
It's not easier, just challenging in different ways! Sure certain things that were challenging about caring for young babies get easier or aren't an issue at all once they grow up, but they're replaced by new challenges you didn't face before when they were younger!!
For example: you don't have to change diapers and deal with constant poop and puke and pee anymore, and they can communicate their needs with words rather than crying -BUT now they can run and open doors/cupboards, can be sneaky, are smart, curious and physically skilled enough to get into far more trouble!
@@beththegreen lol yes this 💯
Every stage has been so exciting and has it's own challenges
I argue it does get easier for the simple fact that you will gain back hours of sleep once they become a toddler. Sleep is so important.
That ain’t no baby, that sounds like a velociraptor xD
Clever girl…
Babies that sound like velociraptors have acid reflux. They throw up a lot. Hence the shirtless second clip.
Lol!!!!! That took me out. I laughed so hard on this one. Hang in there youve got this dad. 😅😅😅😂😂😂
The more I watch, the funnier this is.
So many layers of humour here 🤣🤣
I can't stop watching. I'm laughing so hard with tears
seriously, i can’t stop watching this 😩🤣
MOM OF 5 with 4 week old baby… THIS IS HILARIOUS!!! I can’t stop watching!!!
I stayed home from work for one year during the covid bs. But I homeschooled my 4 daughters and kept the house and yard immaculate. I earned many grey hairs a day..
LOL this comment made me laugh
Covid BS??? 2020 was hands down the best year of my life. As an extreme introvert, I had the time of my life. I felt sad and bamboozled when it ended and everyone insisted on returning to "normalcy." I was hoping staying home and avoiding ppl would become the new normalcy. Ive been thinking about trying to create another deadly virus just so I can stay home again.
It's hard work. I home schooled without any public school help for 2 years but followed ccss. And kept up with all house work duties. I'm 41 and look 65 now. 😂😂😂 Whew am I glad public schools are back open and life's returned to me keeping up with preschool standards and house work. Older schooling is much more challenging than teaching a 3 year old abcs and counting!
@@charmedlilsis1Are you freaking kidding?! Millions of people around the globe have died due to COVID. If you want another mass pandemic just make sure you're the first affected.
@@charmedlilsis1you don't have to create a virus, just create a big panic.
Same clothes on baby?!?! Oh you been having an eassssyyyyy day! 😂🫶 love to see a SAH daddy!
Oh after that rumble he’ll be changing that outfit soon
@@UnDeadartist34was just about to say that 😂
She might be wearing the same clothes but he isn't. And based on that little tummy rumble, I think we can all guess why.
That's about to change 😂
Maybe baby has duplicate outfits...
Thats right its on call 24/7/365
Real fing Work. Surprise surprise men. Its work. So glad your showing it. Wish there were more men like you. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
This is why my dad is my hero, raised me and my little sibling as babies, fresh out of the military, and working as much as he could to make sure we were taken care of without any heio from anyone. Biking us all the way to daycare before biking to work, even trying his best to put our hair in ponytails haha then he met my mom when I was 5 and she helped him figure the rest of our life out
How precious! This warmed my heart. ❤ Thank you for sharing.
Love your story. You truly do have a great dad, beautiful that you can understand his sacrifices. ❤
Such a sweet story. Bless him.
This was so sweet to read. ❤️
May God bless your family. Gratitude for his sacrifices, wish you all the best ❤
it's been 20 years... He's still in day one being a stay at home dad...
I know it's humour & supposed to be funny, but as a father of 4 who spent 3 yrs as a SAHDad, I can't help feeling this is a typical shot at *"useless men."* There's been so much over the last 30 yrs all disparaging men's ability to deal with kids or anything domestic. Even a place in Society now.
I know how hard domestic work is, with a 6br house on a 3ac hobby farm, with 4 kids is. It's hard, but easier & with Moe free time, than 8 hours in a vineyard doing manual labour.
As a Cop I was at a car accident many years years ago, Mom & Dad were unconcious in an ambulance enroute to hospital. The 18 month toddler was crying, scared & confused & alone. They tried to hand the kid off to a young female officer to care for. She nearly dropped him & looked like a deer in the headlights. Darp. Hand the kid to some thirty something Cop & he's got it. He'll be a Dad & it's just another day at the office. 3 Dad (incl me) cops took turns over the next 4+ hours till extended family arrived for the kid. Looking after, changing, feeding, entertaining till he slept. Y'all enjoy disparaging men, just don't be too upset when we stop engaging with you.
These joke's aren't really funny or jokes anymore. No when women publically state loudly & often.
"We don't need men any more, they're not good for anything, can't Trust them, all men are useless, we choose the bear, men are replaceable, don't need no man YADA YADA"
A large Part of braiñw@shing a Racist, sexist, discriminatory etc stereotype & negative attitude into the simple minded is *_'Constant Repetition"_*
Y'all have a happy day Now.
@@shieldwolf65 I bet you were a good dad. So, thank you for not being a bad dad. I think? I don’t know what to actually say, I just felt like you needed positive feedback. Have a good day!
@@Bunnybeans-qk7fk Ta, I tried. Also raised 2 Step kids who liked me & still do, so I reckon I passed the test sort of. 😎🇦🇺
Good luck my husband quit after day 14 😂❤ he said I will never underestimate another stay at home mom ever again!
Quit? It’s his kid too and he’s just as responsible for doing everything you do. Don’t put up with that queen!
@@holaitserinchill. I don't think he has abandoned the child. He probably took time off work to stay home and he got back to work after the leave. You'd rather your baby daddy stay home when he could be working and gaining extra for y'all to live comfortably?
what would happen if all the moms just 'quit' when it got hard? smh men
@@Kibaheartyou say that as if there aren't deadbeat moms. Women aren't infallible. I'm not defending OP's husband, but your comment is unjustifiable
Laughed so hard tears came out 😂😂😂😂😂. I was like day 1 looking good, a week later started to set in, lol when the rumbling happened and its still day One 😂😂😂
So real!
Stay ay home Mom's and Dads you DO NOT have it easy lots of respect and admiration.
Ya they do.. I am one and it's the best easiest job I ever had😂 one of my girls just started school and it got even easier.. if it's hard.for someone it's because they suck at parenting
@@AaronEvans-xm2wb haha. Not true whatsoever. Not all kids are made equally and not everyone has the same amount either.
@NoYesJess if your kids don't know how to behave it's because u are failing as a parent... yes they all have bad days but anyone who thinks it's hard is either lazy or clueless period
@@AaronEvans-xm2wb Did you read my comment at all or maybe you're just close minded?🤔 Again, kids are not created equally. Not sure why you are only focusing on behavior brought on by parents. That's okay though, maybe with time you will open your mind and see that your experience isn't everyone else's experience. Many people/parents have struggles that you couldn't even fathom, sometimes ignorance truly is bliss.🌟
@@AaronEvans-xm2wbspeak for yourself. Try having kids that require ongoing care for 24/7. It’s exhausting with no days off.
First time: morning
Second time: end of the day
💥 wow 🌈
With a baby? Three hours later for sure!
Nah, a few hours and one projectile vomit or projectile pooping episode later. When my youngest sister was about that age her mom set her on the ottoman to change her and as soon as the diaper came off she shot liquid poop everywhere. My stepmom had large poop splatters head to toe. The ottoman, couch, and carpet had to be covered in upholstery shampoo and cleaned. My middle sister and I were laughing our butts off, we didn’t know babies had butt cannons.
lol a lot can happen in an hour… I’m sure he went to feed her all smiles and excited… only to realize babies are biological canisters of poop, puke, and gas… naked and afraid a few hours later.. he’s learned a robe is easier to replace and wash.. haha
My man ain't playing! He recognized what it was and adjusted quick fast and in a hurry!
Hello fellow stay at home parent! I love seeing men staying home with their babies ❤
@@CoolCatCaramel It’s a blast. This was an old repost. I’m on day…uh, 251.
@just_joe_is_fine haha well good for you for sticking with it. It's a wonderful but challenging experience. I've been home for 10 years. 3 kids. It's hard to not be out making money but, i know it's what's best for my kids. :)
😂😂😂😂😂 I 💜 THIS!…this is a dedication to all the stay at home moms and dads.
Good for you! This is the best thing for your baby. It’s hard. Make sure you spend time with adults. You will have the best relationship with your child. And if you have a partner, they will have the peace of mind that your baby is being cared for by someone who loves him more than life itself.
This is why i respect all the great mothers out there. Shit ain’t easy man
It's not hard either
@@LyricalIAm just because it ain’t hard doesn’t mean it’s easy.
It's the best job one never gets paid for...in coin. The absolute joy of raising awesome children is priceless.
I have stayed home with my kids while I was in between jobs only reason I was tried is because I spent most of the day on the couch doing f all
@@LyricalIAm ok..... 🙄🙄
I Love the chill vibe of a SAHD you’re bringing. 😎 Need more acknowledgement in the world!!! ♥️
Haha... days are long when you're a stay at home parent. Lol it will get busier. Don't forget to eat. Lol
Second this 😅
Dont forget to eat AND SHOWER. I am a SAHM and often times forget to take care of myself by simply showering.
Or for me, don't eat all day like I did and got fat😅
@user-op6uo8ly8e I second this. I went with a big cup of coffee and wouldn't eat til 3pm and gained so much weight. After 3years of that life, I'm finding myself.
And don't forget to nap when they nap 😂😂😂😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
This is the best thing I've seen this year😂😂😂😂.
I had my first baby 2 months ago and I'm a SAHM. I can totally feel his pain
The days are longer years short. It seriously was only a few yrs ago i was this sahm, now hes turning 18. Dont know how it happened
@whiteflowerbodywork good way to word it. Mine* are 29 and 23, and it still feels like about a year ago, I was going to their rec league games when they were playing bunch ball 😂😂
God bless you for choosing to raise and nurture your precious little one. Even on the most trying day, you are doing the very best for your family.
You see, I thought the gag was going to be "this is day 2" ... but no, it's still day 1... perfect.
Same 😂
Something came out of the tiny human and he had to change his clothes...👶🍼😅
But didn't have to change hers, baby witchcraft😂
Let the fun begin!
No one tells you how dirty you will get from having babies!
She’s still in the same clothes, couldn’t of been that bad 😂
@@Joygreenr We don't know for sure those are the same clothes on the baby--could be a duplicate outfit.... 😉
Your little one is in good hands. It’s will be the hardest job you have ever had. Stay strong. Women have been doing it for thousands of years.
Women and men*
@@notsonerdgaming3406mostly women.
@jojackson20 nope, especially not for thousands of years.
Men were needed much more historically than they are even now. but keep telling yourself a bigoted, sexist re-write of history.
Dont think a 9-5am existed in neolithic or dark ages
@jojackson20 men were more historically needed than they are even today, so yes; men and women.
Not everythings about you honey💖
@@notsonerdgaming3406 the video is about child rearing???? Please name a point in history where men were caretakers more than women??? You “me too’d” a post and then told THEM it’s not all about THEM 💀
Deal with it you made the gift it's 50/50 😂😂😂😂
“This is still day 1” had me rolling 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Did that till my son was two. We got nothing done but he turned out great. Now he is 29.
nice man!!
This is day 10,585 of me being a staying home dad. Congratulations!😂❤ Can you recreate it?
It’s great you had that opportunity.
Congrats! My son is 3 months old and I’ve been struggling a little bit but I hope it gets easier one day
The excitement in his voice to the "I have seen, heard and smelt things" tone of voice lol 😂😂😂😂
Congrats on becomming a dad!! The best thing that's ever going to happen in Your life!
Oh, I wish I could go back in time and have my baby again. I loved all those days. He’s 32 now. We had a great time and many adventures.❤❤
As a mother, I love this. I needed to see this. All I hear about is people saying it’s hard and it sucks etc. it will no doubt be the most joyous time of my life, unless I am blessed enough to have grand children 💕 I too like to focus on the joy and love.
It is the best job to have. I don’t remember ever wishing I could be somewhere else, but my oldest is 36 so I might have selective memory. I don’t think so though. God bless the stay at home parents.
@@aprilvannewkirk8761 indeed. Sometimes it is a little tough with tantrums and whatnot but a little thing I do in good or tough times is to imagine im from the future, and someone has a time machine and they let me go back to this day and be with them while they’re small again….i guess thats a little dramatic but it really helps put everything into perspective and helps me be more present when they are having a hard time instead of…both of us having a hard time lol. It helps me really enjoy it and try to burn every moment into my brain so I can remember it and know I fully lived it and enjoyed it.
I love when they are babies up until like 3 or 4....then you see youe personality reflected back at you onto of mommy why and mommy no and etc.....that's for the birds lol
Good luck! She appreciates you. My earliest memories of my dad are from these days, walking around after feeding. He died when I was 18, and I cherish the memory
I nearly choked on my breakfast when you returned. 😂 You got this!
The blowout: hold my beer 😅 His little smile before he ends the first one is so sweet he was really looking forward to the day😂
Having a stay at home parent is so tough in this time where two sources of income are usually needed, to keep the house running. But that little girl is going to feel so loved and attended to as she grows up
Good luck sir, no pay, no praise, no peace. Hardest job in the world. PS and the most rewarding.
I would say the most thankless yet rewarding bcuz no one ever says thank you when you do the dishes lol I tell myself thank you all the time tho
Sorry, I'm gonna have to go with anecdotal and your personal opinion on that. Of all the friends I have with kids, who are stay at home parents, both male and female....the only ones who say it is hard and a miserable thankless thing are the ones who raised their badass kids poorly so they spend all die fighting to keep them wrangled. Those that have their kids under control like adults don't find it difficult. Also my two buddies who are stay at home dads say it's honestly the easiest thing they've ever done. I've gone to hang on days off and seen first hand, they get the house clean errands ran and pretty much everything else done by mid day, kids kept under control because they raised them to listen as soon as they were able to process anything more than crapping themselves. Hell, my boy Ryan typically finishes up anything but keeping an eye on the kids and making dinner when dinner time rolls around by early afternoon and spends the rest of the afternoon chilling out and will gladly admit his days are pretty easy. Now I'll grant this is anecdote vs anecdote, but it's silly to call it the hardest in the world. Go work 16hr shifts on an oil crew, or pull doubles every day for a week plus as a doctor or nurse or any other host of jobs. It may be harder than some jobs, but I refuse to accept a job you can keep your pajamas on and still do well with yo gaba gaba playing on repeat is the "hardest job in the world"
"Hardest job in the world." - Yeah, that's a mother's duty, because the father's duty is earning for the family.
But I can understand the feminist euphemism.
@@Marcus_MG42 Do you still think it's the mother's job to raise the kids when both parents work a full time job?
@ConstantlyRepeatingMyself "when both parents work a full time job" - The mother shouldn't be chasing her career/job in the first place if she wants to be a dutiful wife and a mother. If she wants chase a career and a job, then she shouldn't get married. Because evolutionary biology trumps feminist indoctrination.
Hahahahahahahaha thank you sir, for the genuine comedic relief this video gave me. It's nice to just exist and laugh sometimes
Hahaha!! Breaking him right babygirl! Tge fact that you KNOW that baby is about to "explode" any minute makes this even more hilarious 😂😂😂
Whoo hooo!! 💪🏾🎉🙃 The days are endless and the years fly by so quickly!! The memories are priceless!!😊😊
That is literally the truest description ever.
And don't forget to print out your pictures and back them up.
I tell my friends with small children “don’t blink”. One day my son was born the next I had a grandson and then my son was gone. 23 years went bumpy in a flash.
The longest day of your life 😂
The change in attitude....... hysterical🤣🤣🤣
A dad going thru it is sexy af, my hubby was a natural, i still remember waking up for work, my coffee ready, breakfast made, lunch made, all the kids lunches made, kids off at school safely, baby strapped to daddy and watching mickey mouse club house...... it made it all worth it
Baby about to have loosey poo for the 3rd time and dad is now going to lose the robe too 😂
I love how you devolved from being all put together at the beginning to being in bathrobe and shorts. 😂 that's how it is sometimes 😊
Lucky baby to be cared for by a parent! Congratulations on being a stay at home parent!❤
Should be mom.. baby should be breastfeeding 😢
@@awkwardautistic what a very judgmental comment! Maybe the baby is getting breastmilk that’s been pumped, or maybe the mom was unable to nurse due to a medical condition or perhaps the baby is on formula like millions of other healthy babies! You do not know the story so please don’t judge. It really is very rude!
@@awkwardautisticThe baby still could be getting breastmilk. Also, fed is best. Not everyone can even produce milk, or some babies have allergies. Jeeeze.
@@zubsies is not the same from a bottle..health benefits are not the same. It's extremely rare that a woman can't breastfeed. Our society isn't designed for mothers and babies though... just working so rich people can get richer.
@@awkwardautistic Ah yes, a highly uneducated response. Could have figured that from your original comment.
Okay, but I Need that shower curtain!! 😂
*Diaper bomb primed*
Still day 1 😂😂😂😂 that took me by surprise 😂
The newborn days are the hardest. Keep it up pops!
It’s almost like it’s a full time job that literally never ends! Glad to see your kid has a loving parent that’s able to take on the full time love and responsibilities. But I also appreciate videos like this showing dads feeling worn out from it because the expectation has been on women for eons and they’re told they should be grateful that they “get to stay home” while their husbands “do all the work” when the only difference is that the one staying home doesn’t get to make money from aaaaalll the work they do, and they don’t get to clock out at the end of the day. And it is so rarely appreciated by their partner/society as a whole.
When the rumbling starts, the look on his face is sooooo “wait!?- is this NORMAL!? Is my baby supposed to make those noises!?”
🤣 FACTS 🤣 that rumbling and his face says it all. Even down to the shirtless with the robe 😂
It is still day one. I'm dead! 😂😂😂
Being a stay at home parent is really really hard, you have my sympathy and respect.
Confidence gone😂😂😂😂❤
Starting to look like a stay-at-home mum😂
😂😂😂 Enjoy EVERY minute of it. Everyone says to enjoy it because the time goes by fast. But it's true. You will miss them being babies😊❤
I didn't realize this until my kids were in their late teens. Nothing compares to being a parent.
Love this! As a sahm for mine, I knew it was still day one! The rumbles! The “yes we are wearing an assortment of mostly clean clothes” and “yes it is only noon and yes we will both change again” attitude is perfect!😊
Ohhhhh the tummy rumbles. Get the bath hose ready. Good luck 😂😂😂😂😂
Man is already defeated lol prayers to all the parents. Working AND the ones who stay at home.
The fact she still has the same outfit on is a win good luck dad!
😂 gotta respect stay at home parents. That in itself is a FULL time job. All day, everyday. Never ends.. ❤
Painfully accurate 😂😂😂 Feel it, dude. Did it with my little preemie while in college online full-time. Do not miss the lack of sleep and adult conversation, but do miss the snuggles ❤
superhero Gdam, good job caring for that cub
Thats the belly rumble before a poop 💩 😅
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 love ya good luck....
My husband was a stay at home Dad.❤ How could I ever repay him? ❤
My husband and I decided that he would leave his job to stay home with our sons rather than have them in daycare. I make more money and can provide for my family no problem. This is the best decision we ever made and he is an amazing father. Our boys are such happy good babies. Raising children is not an easy task. What would we ever do without him!? So much love and support to this man ❤
Sleep:"Whats that whos he?" 😂😂 If you know the struggle then you know what i mean 😂😂
This is cute and wholesome and funny.keep it up youve got this!
You're in for a journey. Some days you may want to pull your hair out, some days you will have to do double-even triple takes from being so tired you think you're hallucinating, there will be days you will jump scare yourself mainly from making sure your baby is still breathing because you fell asleep for a second from exhaustion, at times you will catch pee to the face. I suggest the double diaper route always take gaurd with that second diaper. I could go on but the most important part : you get to watch a tiny human that you helped create grow and it is absolutely amazing.
Good luck dad! You'll be okay. ❤
Great comment ❤
Lmao it is still day 1!!?
That's a new trend and hilarious 😂
And the poopy rumbles of his daughter and his face
Love it 😂❤
I know this is a funny little skit and hes poking fun, but also giving credit to all stay at home moms and dads out there.
But something about an involved dad like this is always so wholesome. Parents are awesome. And thats a cute lil baby.
😂😂😂😂 It's tough, butI'm sure the Kiddo will appreciate you in the future!
I love the look of new understanding in his eyes. Now he's ready for war. 😎 Hahaha :p
Yo this was hilarious lmfaoooooo 😂😂😂😂 it’s ok good job Dad
I hope you enjoy being a stay-at-home dad. I know a couple of them, and they _love_ it. 😊
@@samanthac.349 90% of the time it’s awesome. The other 10%…it’s beautiful