When Did A Guest In Your Home Break Your Stuff?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 22 ต.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 194

  • @Celestix666
    @Celestix666 4 ปีที่แล้ว +91

    as a cat owner the one with the missing kitten made me realy sad

    • @annana6098
      @annana6098 4 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      I'm devastated on their behalf. That is unforgivable.

    • @SpairM
      @SpairM 4 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      They derserve to rot in the deepest darkest most fiery part of hell

    • @jenniferp9136
      @jenniferp9136 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      same here

    • @WobblesandBean
      @WobblesandBean 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I deeply want to go John Wick on their ass for that.

    • @Pman8362
      @Pman8362 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yea that person deserves a complete and utter ass whooping.

  • @tsgumi
    @tsgumi 4 ปีที่แล้ว +34

    for my 7th birthday my parents got me this pretty little red bracelet, it wasn't something expensive or anything it was just big red plastic beads, but i absolutely loved it and I wore it to school that day. after school on the day of my birthday i invited a bunch of friends round to do some arts and crafts and stuff and i'd taken my red bracelet off so it didn't get mucky, one of the friends who i didn't know so well said she needed to use the upstairs bathroom (we were downstairs) i didn't think anything of it, but when i went to my room after all my friends were gone it was trashed and my little jewellery box was on the floor with the lid broken off, and my red bracelet was missing. the next day at school she was wearing my red bracelet to school and everyone thought i'd let her "borrow" the bracelet so when it came time for exercise and we all had to change into our p.e kits, i took my bracelet off her pile of clothes and hid it in my Hannah Montana water bottle just encase she kicked up a fuss. she never did kick up a fuss nor was she ever invited round my house again lol.

  • @Ilikepats
    @Ilikepats 4 ปีที่แล้ว +163

    Petition for op in the first story to get revenge

    • @annana6098
      @annana6098 4 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      Revenge for the lost kitten while we're at it.

    • @mhplayer1330
      @mhplayer1330 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      whats op?

  • @WobblesandBean
    @WobblesandBean 4 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    I once held a "Thanksgiving orphans" party for friends who didn't have any plans for the holiday, or couldn't get the time off to fly home to see family. I had planned a big dinner and worked hard to make everything, planned out a dozen dishes including vegan options, had two whole turkeys and also offered stuffed quail, made three kinds of pies, I really went all out. One of my friends asked me to invite a new co-worker of hers, she told me she was new to the area, was down on her luck, and all alone for the holidays. Having been in that situation and knowing how awful it feels to be alone and friendless during the holidays, I reached out and offered her a place at my table. She eagerly accepted. On my invite to everyone, I had explicitly stated it was a no kids event, as I don't particularly like them, and my home is NOT set up to entertain small children. Plus, my pet houseduck has ducky PTSD from being chased by a throng of children when she was little, and so is absolutely terrified of them.
    So Thanksgiving day is upon us, and my guests start to arrive. My friend who asked me to contact the new girl didn't come, cuz she had her own family to celebrate with, but I figured it was ok, I hadn't ever met this woman, but I trusted my friend. Everyone was having a great time, and two hours in the woman hadn't shown up, so I figured she wasn't coming. About 10 minutes before I was due to serve dinner, the doorbell rang. It was the woman, who shall henceforth be called "Cunt" for reasons that will shortly become obvious.
    Not only had Cunt brought her entire brood of two young children, but she also had brought her antisocial stoner boyfriend, AND a third person with her, a woman dressed in stained coveralls and combat boots. She didn't run any of this by me at all, she had simply RSVP'd to my invite saying that she'd be happy to come, and that she'd find someone to watch her kids.
    Unfortunately, stupidly, I let them in cuz I didn't want to make a scene in front of everybody. Worst. Mistake. Ever. These people were AWFUL. The "friend" of hers was crass beyond all comprehension; belching at the table, eating with her hands, making extremely inappropriate comments to everyone, chewing with her mouth open, and even grabbing food from other people's plates. The kids and boyfriend disappeared upstairs shortly after arriving and took over my game room, refusing to even say hello to anybody. I figured whatever, as long as the kids are occupied. They wouldn't like being down here with all the adults, anyway.
    Then I began to smell pot smoke wafting down the stairs. Fun fact: I am DEATHLY allergic to marijuana. As in, it makes me go into seizures and then I stop breathing. Even secondhand exposure can trigger the reaction. It absolutely fucking sucks and I wish to hell I could smoke, but hey, them's the breaks. He was keenly aware of this fact, because before taking the kids upstairs he had asked me if I was "420 friendly" and I said unfortunately not, making it _very_ clear why. And here the asshole was, puffing away in my bacondamn game room, knowingly and deliberately putting my life at risk.
    I threw a towel around my face and went in to ask Asshole to stop, only to see that HE WAS SMOKING RIGHT NEXT IN FRONT OF HIS KIDS. The whole room was thick with oily pot smoke. He was playing on my PS3, completely ignoring me, as well as his own brood. One of the kids had opened all of my game and dvd jewel cases and thrown the discs all over, dozens and dozens of them, and the other had wet herself while laying in my lovesac. Turns out Asshole couldn't be bothered to take her to the bathroom when she said she had to go potty, so she had simply chosen to wet herself instead (during the ensuing argument I overheard that, apparently, this was a common occurrence). She had been sitting there in her own filth for hours.
    I ran downstairs and took Cunt aside, mentioning what had happened, and that I'm very sorry, but I need to ask that she and her entire group please leave immediately. Crass Friend said she could stay if anyone was willing to give her a ride home, glancing around at everyone in the room hopefully. But, whaddya know, suddenly all of us didn't have any room in our cars, as much as we'd simply _love_ for her to stay. Such a pity.
    Cunt bolted up the stairs, and we all heard a loud "SMACK!" as she slapped Asshole. The two of them got into a screaming match, and both kids began to have a tantrum, creating a cacophony not dissimilar to a gang of wild hyenas fighting each other to the death. All of us downstairs was just sort of staring silently at each other, too awkward to say or do much of anything, all except for Crass Friend, who used the opportunity to gather up as much of the food as she could, then ran out to the car before anybody could notice.
    Asshole and Cunt both eventually stormed back down the stairs, each carrying a kid, who were still wailing and kicking, as they had not wanted to put an end to their fun of destroying my home. Cunt didn't even offer an apology or anything, she just said that she couldn't afford to pay to have my furniture cleaned, so don't even ask. She then stomped out the door, followed by Asshole, who I don't think said more than a single sentence to me the entire time they were there.
    I desperately tried to salvage the evening, and I even managed to get everyone's spirits back up a bit with my three pies I made for dessert, which survived Crass' raid as they were stashed in the oven for safekeeping. We enjoyed a few more glasses of wine while sharing stories of other disastrous holidays of yore, trying to have a good laugh about the utter farce we had just bore witness to. One by one, people began to head home, and after everyone was gone, I was relieved that, hey, at least my party hadn't been a _total_ disaster.
    .....That is, until the next day, when I realized that Cunt and her trashy entourage had robbed me, stealing several items including a priceless opal ring my late grandmother had bequeathed to me. I filed a police report, but there was nothing they could do, as I couldn't really prove it was her. I tried to contact her, but whaddya know, suddenly she was impossible to get a hold of, what a strange coincidence!
    So all in all, this bitch ignored my request to leave the kids at home, brought a bunch of other people without telling me, behaved atrociously at the dinner table, stole all my food, stole all my jewelry, made it so I couldn't go into my game room for several days cuz of the pot smoke, and ruined my $800 lovesac by letting her crotchgrub piss all over it.
    Needless to say, I don't host parties at my house anymore.

    • @tidepodpadthai2633
      @tidepodpadthai2633 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      That was a ride, I can't help but feel bad for the kids though. Also, pet houseduck, love that

  • @Hipp1062
    @Hipp1062 4 ปีที่แล้ว +32

    28:00 family or not, I would've had her arrested. That's messed up.

  • @davthemillionth
    @davthemillionth 4 ปีที่แล้ว +50

    My nephew always breaks stuff like lamps etc. He is a month older than me so I simply asked my older sister (his mum) to ground him LOL.

    • @sabrinahalsa2166
      @sabrinahalsa2166 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      wait hes your nephew yet hes older than you? what. are u an accident

    • @sailormxn9855
      @sailormxn9855 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@davthemillionth lmaooo I’m sorry but I laughed at this too much😭, I’m twelve too and I have uncles that’s are like 2

  • @soupe_yt
    @soupe_yt 4 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    when I was a young kid (4-5), my sister's friend came over and ruined our acoustic piano. Like. She came over and decided to play on the keys with little plastic mallets, which chipped almost every key, which made it dangerous to play. We had to get a new piano.

  • @caseyrouse9116
    @caseyrouse9116 4 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    I can’t believe these people act like that , when people tell me to make myself at home I get so uncomfortable.

    • @tsuki1211
      @tsuki1211 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Casey Rouse Same! I just stand around awkwardly until someone tells me what to do

    • @sleepysnjomen1707
      @sleepysnjomen1707 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@tsuki1211 same ;-;

  • @larocheraimi285
    @larocheraimi285 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Nobody gonna talk about the violin??!? Instruments are SO so expensive. I’ve had people drop my new trumpet and bend the bell and had to just let it happen because I was in a leadership position for marching band

    • @marijkecuffe5488
      @marijkecuffe5488 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Thank you! I was looking for this one. I seriously would have sued over a destroyed instrument like that if the parents refused to do anything about it.

  • @IWasaTeenageTeenWolf
    @IWasaTeenageTeenWolf 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Videos like this are why I'm definitely going to invest in some good old fashioned locks for doors in the future. There is no way in Hell I'm letting a guest have free reign of my home for any reason whatsoever.

  • @teriyaki_wings
    @teriyaki_wings 4 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    3:11 I don’t get why people think this is okay?? Like, if I tell you “don’t feed my animal” then *don’t* . I know my pet better than you do. If you do anyways and it gets sick, a) I’m kicking you out b) I’m not inviting you over again and c) if I have to take it to the vet, I’m sticking *you* with the bill(s).

    • @xeno77777
      @xeno77777 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      She should've made the dog sit on the grandmother's lap so when the diarrhea starts she would learn her lesson

  • @AshesAshes44
    @AshesAshes44 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    It happened at my friend's party-- an acquaintance got smashed. He started reading his love poems about her, in front of everyone, even her husband. Then the guy challenged everyone to a drinking contest, finally getting belligerent and demanding my friend's husband compete.
    When he couldn't manage to even drink the second shot, he demanded a fight for his lady's hand. Jim actually put his hand on the guy's forehead, holding him at arms length (like a freaking cartoon!) while he flailed a bit and then passed out.
    After he promptly peed himself, they rolled him into the dog's blanket and carried him out to somebody's truck. Nobody knew where he lived, but they did their best and left him on the lawn of what they thought was his mom's house. Turns out it wasn't, but it's the effort that counts imho.
    Never saw Romeo again, not even at work.

  • @that1sefguy
    @that1sefguy 4 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    The kitten one made me SO MAD.

    • @wolfspirit5361
      @wolfspirit5361 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      I’d call that friend and tell them never to come back if they can’t follow simple instructions. I don’t think I could even continue being friends with someone after that. I hope OP got another kitten and that the other one is safe somewhere.

  • @icefisher9072
    @icefisher9072 4 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Similar to the Faris wheel, except it was expensive, carefully painted, glued, and displayed gundam and zoids models (average prices where 50-100$+). I did not build them all but most where given to me by my older brother who helped me display them to look like they where fighting. My cousin and his wife with their son (about 5) came over while I was at school and they just put him in my room and let him do whatever he wanted... including completely destroying almost every. single. model.... my cousin's wife told me about it and gave a half assed apology. Nothing came from it other than just losing about 1,000$ and 3+ years worth of models. Just like with the the Faris wheel I didn't blame the 5 y/o, he didnt know any better.

    • @rhaeasoul8531
      @rhaeasoul8531 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      I’m just happy that I don’t know anyone with kids especially since my stuff is expensive to replace or custom. I don’t care how awesome something like SOC dragon zord and megazord looks; touch anything and I can’t guarantee you or your brat are leaving unharmed either physically or financially. If something were to break in a case like that just replacing it isn’t enough; I demand double what it’s worth to get another one even if just one tripled or quadrupled in price.

  • @SaikiKFann
    @SaikiKFann 4 ปีที่แล้ว +58

    The first one must have been really CRAPPY
    No one ;W; okay

    • @yooperlooper2271
      @yooperlooper2271 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      At first i thought it was this story about a dude whos 6 yo daughter got raped by her friends dad and he killed her

    • @aaronm4858
      @aaronm4858 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      That joke was pretty shitty

    • @SaikiKFann
      @SaikiKFann 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@aaronm4858 this needs more likes

  • @garnetjohnson4902
    @garnetjohnson4902 4 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    That one about the old lady neighbor who asked to use the bathroom had me laughing SO hard for about five whole seconds I couldn't draw a breath 😂😆😆

  • @Drivewaygarage999
    @Drivewaygarage999 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    You can destroy a mans room.
    You can destroy a mans phone.
    But never , never destroy a mans legos.

  • @PeachPawz
    @PeachPawz 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    when me & my abuser were still together they helped their self to my cosplays, pastel clothes, makeup, makeup brushes. it’s been months since i’ve seen them and i’m still mad abt it 😑

  • @nightthorn1233
    @nightthorn1233 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Some of these are worthy of needing payback, suing, or calling the police

  • @jakeshaw1661
    @jakeshaw1661 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    That violin one got me mad. Considering how much they cost.

  • @happysaluja7079
    @happysaluja7079 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I have also a story regarding this, once my cousin brothers came at my house in summer vacations and one of them while fighting push another one on the wall and they were so furious while fighting that they break a small part of the wall and we had to repair it after they left and most important was that my parents can't say anything to them because my cousins parents always took their side no matter whatever they had done.

  • @Legacy-sw7bv
    @Legacy-sw7bv 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Moral of the story: Be careful who you invite over
    And if you bring your kids to a house, and they're half or less of the age of the kids who live there, don't expect or force the occupants to share their toys. I was always a kid who was very careful with my stuff, and abhorred the event of another kid messing with my toys without my permission, especially younger kids (I couldn't stand being forced to spend time with kids several years younger than me anyway). If a child wants to keep their toys safe, let them. There's a line between sharing and being able to protect personal property that everyone needs to be aware of.

  • @rayshelld791
    @rayshelld791 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    After a few messes and broken things in my home, I no longer entertain guests overnight here. If they want to come visit for a few days, i suggest the better of the two hotels that are in town. And inform them of the restaurants available. I am too old to put up with the past messes I have had to clean up, not to mention a few precious momentos they managed to destroy. NOT going to happen ever again.

  • @hardcash2192
    @hardcash2192 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I remember accidentally breaking my friends phone, he said it isn't a big deal, but i'm still not over it...It really feels shitty to break something that doesn't belong to you

    • @hardcash2192
      @hardcash2192 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @Diana Guest i wanted to, but he refused

  • @Ambipie
    @Ambipie 4 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    That frickin thumbnail.
    The Regular Show pilot!!!

  • @josi4251
    @josi4251 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Leave a jug of dish soap beside your toilet and squirt some in after monster poops. Kindly advise guests to do the same, especially if you have a low-flow toilet. A young friend of mine (wonderful girl) came over, and I have NO clue what she put in the toilet other than half a roll of TP. It took half a bottle of dish soap, several containers of boiling water, and a vigorous plunging with one of those really good plungers.

  • @ITicklefish08
    @ITicklefish08 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I hope that guy finds his kitten

  • @dramadog1599
    @dramadog1599 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    2:22 Not gonna lie, thought the voice said “The Destructive Fart” Had to go back and read it.

  • @kolonarulez5222
    @kolonarulez5222 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    15:00 This was me too only in later years they'd canoodle in my basement when I was asleep or making food. People don't come over anymore.

  • @BankruptMonkey
    @BankruptMonkey 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I hate when guest adults just give the host kid's toys away. My cousin's aunt with no relation to me opened up my locked bedroom and gave my preteen belongings to my toddler cousin to play with and destroy, and I was already the youngest kid with few treasured belongings that were mostly old hand me downs but the few good things I had got broken while I was at school. She never replaced what was broken or apologized, but she's also never been a guest at our home again.

  • @herionetbrine8826
    @herionetbrine8826 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Before we moved, I used to have this 'friend' who would cry until she was given whatever she wanted. This behaviour was passed down to the eldest of her three younger siblings.
    Anyways, everytime she brought said sibling (sister) at our house, she would refuse to leave and start crying until she was given something of mine. The worst thing is that not only did my mother pressure me into giving her the stuff, that piece of shit never gave my shit back. So she essentially got to steal my favourite jacket and toys without any backlash from anyone but me.
    Tldr: My 'friend''s little sister refused to leave our house without getting something of mine for years. No one cared that a child was stealing my stuff, and I was even pressured into letting her have them.

  • @brynnee
    @brynnee 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    my brother used to have a collection of "special" lego bricks and accessories. one of his friends stole it during his 6th birthday party and no one would admit it

  • @anarchy6304
    @anarchy6304 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    20:20 if anyone ever so much as threatened to kick my cats i would cut off ties with them immediately, my cats are my children and if anyone even thinks about hurting them they’re out, they’ve literally saved my life before and are the reason i get up in the morning, my drive to keep going, my everything, i have a very deep bond with them and they follow me around everywhere, even when i’m not petting them or giving them treats they’re somewhere around me because they simply like to be around me, when i come back home from being gone they’re either on my bed or in the dirty laundry pile (never the clean laundry pile) because they like to smell my scent when i’m not there, they’re my everything and threatening them is even worse than threatening me, like i could care less if you kicked me but don’t touch my children

  • @sere7000
    @sere7000 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    2:54 my mom does this so bad. she feeds our dog a bichon frise who should weigh 15 pounds but he weighs 21 pounds . she literally buys him a breakfast sandwich in the morning to eat . when her and I go out she insists that I stop at a drive thru to get him a burger . he's the best dog , he will sit quietly in the car , he lets you know when he needs to go pee , he knows that after dinner he goes for a walk, bichons are very smart dogs (the only con is he has separation anxiety. but its not bad , he's not chewing stuff up or peeing on the floor, we recorded it one time and its just a lot of pacing around the house , looking in the bedrooms and just being overall anxious) . but when we eat at the table he knows to sit next to my mom and he'll cry and beg until she feeds him . it's just really annoying. im all for giving the dogs a bite of your leftover steak or chicken, but to do it at the table ? he is my first dog , he's old AF now he's 13 , he's starting to get lumps on his back that resemble tumors, we have a vet appt this week to check, and I know my mom loves him like he's another child to her, and that's why she spoils him so much , but I wish we took a class or something on how to raise a dog because that would have helped a lot in the long run and maybe he could have been a show dog .

  • @maggiee639
    @maggiee639 4 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    Who feeds someone’s dog without asking??

    • @Ambipie
      @Ambipie 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Freaking weirdos

    • @rhaeasoul8531
      @rhaeasoul8531 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I mean maybe once fine but when the owner tells you to knock it the f off then you do it.

    • @tidepodpadthai2633
      @tidepodpadthai2633 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      They probably think they're doing something nice somehow

  • @kansailai5462
    @kansailai5462 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    My sisters had parties with the worst guests. Older sister during high school had friends who stole random trinkets from the bathroom (like a glass cube that my mom never got back). Little sister in middle school had friends who ate fruit snacks from the pantry despite having chips and other party snacks on display (those fruit snacks were for our school lunches and were expensive for us at the time), then when a kid accidentally broke a window with their elbow the entire party bailed. All the kids ran off so as not to get in trouble, even though our dad would have been upset, but understanding it was an accident.

  • @user-kk3nk5zf9s
    @user-kk3nk5zf9s 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    10:19 Him: "My mom cut up some vegetables and laid them in a nice platter, wich is such a mom thing to do..." Me: *Seriously?*

  • @Phoebe5448
    @Phoebe5448 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    >Stole my pokemon cards
    >Kill him
    I concur with this statement as I had a friend once when I was six who asked to "borrow" my shiny Electrabuzz and Mewtwo. Then she got her entire card collection (like at least 500 cards) stolen by someone else at a day club we went to. I'm still peed about that first one.

  • @DarianWade
    @DarianWade 4 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    I still feel the deepest shame for swiping my friend's Tom and Jerry silly band during a sleepover

  • @SteadyEddie1983
    @SteadyEddie1983 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    When I got my first apartment, my friend stopped by my work and asked for the key to my place. He had his gf with him, so in true bro fashion, I gave him the key. After I got off work, I walked to my place. When I got there, my place was full of people. It turns out a small party erupted when I wasn't there. Someone filled my sink with shaving creme, people were doing the dance with no pants in my bed, people smoking pot...it was bad all around. Worst part is, I was only about a month into my lease.

  • @blackstone1a
    @blackstone1a 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Bit of a copy from another post but a bunch of my relatives took screwdrivers to the rails of my train set, making pretty sparks but **shorting out the goddamn rails!**
    It’s a miracle none of my engines were toasted by their headassery.

  • @atricewarner5705
    @atricewarner5705 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Someone give the person who lost a kitten a new one. 🐱

  • @Questor-ky2fv
    @Questor-ky2fv 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    The story about the uncle who had his own home, but kept mooching at the home OP shared with the grandma.
    First, change the locks, and don't give him a key. Second, change the password for your internet service. Third, next time he blocks you in have his car towed. That should put a stop to most, if not all of his crap.
    If he breaks in after the locks are changed you should call the police and charge him with breaking and entering, or at least with property damage.

  • @wafflenixon1767
    @wafflenixon1767 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    When watching this, I got an ad of someone kicking a guest out of their house, lol

  • @kimlarsen6779
    @kimlarsen6779 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    This entire video has me with clenched teeth and a tight fist omg

  • @m.nic.5080
    @m.nic.5080 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Oh my god. I have a vivid memory of obsessing over/eventually breaking someone’s LEGO motorized Ferris wheel. If that’s me in the post I’m sorry lol

  • @joeytheecho9123
    @joeytheecho9123 4 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    A guy was raised by wolves and is still somehow married?

    • @montieluckett7036
      @montieluckett7036 4 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Love is blind, and apparently deaf and dumb. Sometimes it's really, really stupid, too.

    • @Phoebe5448
      @Phoebe5448 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@montieluckett7036 my parents happened so I agree with that statement.

  • @derpidot
    @derpidot 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Glad to see other people have met these types of people. The opposite of the title happened to me. When i was younger i made friends with sisters down the street and a month later was banned cus they blamed me for breaking the swing set. I hadnt even been there for 2 days.

  • @genevievehoskins6829
    @genevievehoskins6829 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    "Period fricking on the couch. A white couch."
    God I nearly had a stroke reading this.

  • @felicitybywater8012
    @felicitybywater8012 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I once reluctantly let a friend's mother stay overnight at my place because she had to get to the railway station not far from me in the morning for a long trip.
    I left for work in the morning w her still there. When I got home that night, she'd pulled the kitchen blind off its mounting, used my toothbrush, which I promptly threw out, and gone through all of my drawers. I called her out on it and she just kept saying the blind was broken and she hadn't touched it. She pretended not to hear me repeatedly asking her about going through my drawers.
    I told the friend and she just said "yeah, mum dies stuff like that". Thanks for the warning ex-friend.

  • @CatherineMcClain
    @CatherineMcClain 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    As a violinist myself, I am heartbroken about the violin one. Quality instruments are expensive, and musicians have emotional attachments to their instruments.

  • @derpman116
    @derpman116 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Quite the opposite for me:
    I was a guest at my uncles and aunts house for my cousins 16th birthday. It was only meant to be one house but me and sisters got tossed around to 2 other houses, one of which was my grandmother's house which had a massive ant problem, leave our food for a few mins? Ants will be in it. Microwave? Ants. Hell it was very unkempt that my sister's got lice while staying there and I got sick and was coughing. Then my aunts started being rude unnecessarily to my mom on how we acted, all me and my sisters did was just trying to interact with my cousins but usually got ignored so we just sat there and did really nothing as we couldn't do much nor we couldn't interact and ask for anything because we be usually ignored. While that my cousins scream, yell and have fun, they were 14, 15 and 16, just so you know I'm the oldest out of those 3 since I have 16 and a half during the time of the visit. My aunts would also yell at my mom on how bad her parenting is and was saying that we shouldn't act this way, which we had no choice as we couldn't do shit or talk to anyone but ourselves in the first place while my cousins acted like kids while laughing and being loud. The entire time we weren't really treated as guests or really anything but people who were just there and it irritated them a lot. Just recently my grandmother called my mom to ask her specifically and to leave us behind to come to a funeral as our grand uncle passed away from COVID-19 and this was in the ear shot of my sisters and brother who got extremely pissed off and hurt that our grandmother didn't even want or consider us at all.

  • @mamasaurus4856
    @mamasaurus4856 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The twerp didn't *break* the chair, but he did pee right through it. My (now ex) BIL brought his current girlfriend and her kids over and were too drunk to drive, so they used the living room to sleep. I sat down the next day where the oldest son (seven-ish) had slept and it soaked my pants immediately. I jumped up and turned to check, as it was a dark brown fabric recliner I hadn't seen the piss on, but it was definitely there. I asked BIL about it and they laughed about it, literally, "LOL oh yeah he still pees at night! Oops!" They'd eaten breakfast and left without even mentioning it.

  • @sauce4279
    @sauce4279 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I visited a friends house and accidentally broke his sister's splatoon disk.
    I feel pretty bad for that.

  • @gubbtratt1
    @gubbtratt1 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    11:59 If you had a pickup/small truck, why not only drive over your uncle's car?

  • @isiaadiel3468
    @isiaadiel3468 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Wallpaper girl sounds like a sociopath. No joking. That kid got away easy.

  • @delaneyreyes8995
    @delaneyreyes8995 ปีที่แล้ว

    Ugh nooooo to all of this. I feel like my home is my safe and private space so I dont ever have people over. I’m also very particular about my things and I can’t handle people touching things especially CHILDREN. Some parents see their kids acting like animals and they do nothing to stop them.

  • @underhill918gaming5
    @underhill918gaming5 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    I used to flush the toilet 1 second after I poop, so the bowl is full of massive crap streaks. I used to be the self proclaimed pinstripe bandit. This was of course light-hearted and I'd always fix it after the prank was discovered with hilarity. Targets were picked carefully.

  • @samanderson7995
    @samanderson7995 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    My nephew is (6) he is extremely destructive because he has 0 discipline to the point not even family will babysit him. So i do trying to help. Hes my sons age afterall. Welp. He intentionally snapped my poles when fishing and decided to smack my infant. Southern Dad instinct took over and im not gonna lie i busted his butt and made him go sit while we finished fishing. Later he apologized and we had a decent day. He isnt a bad kid he just needs boundaries. Simple rules and consequences. Im not proud i lost my temper but im glad i was able to get thru to him.

  • @MrKjaiie
    @MrKjaiie 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Lol anything dealing with Peoria has to include Caterpillar

  • @Ambipie
    @Ambipie 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    No, she stole her kitten and opened the window as a red herring.

  • @Griffin050A1t
    @Griffin050A1t 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The kitten one though

  • @happybacon386
    @happybacon386 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Not me but cousins, so my cousins and deep cleaned their room and I mean really cleaned like, drawers completely neat, floor clean as can be, and bed made. They were going on a trip somewhere and wouldn’t be back for a week or so. They called their aunt who has kids (keep this in mind). (My cousins had dogs) When they got back from their trip their rooms were super fricking messy. Like drawers messed up, floor with clothes on it, and bed sheets messed up bad. This story has always got me. Like this is hella rude. If you are taking can if someone’s dogs (who only need to be let out, and giving food and water) don’t go anywhere else in their house!
    Edit: spelling

  • @weloveyoupayno
    @weloveyoupayno 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I had some friends over when I was twelve and my brother had this spike ball thing, and one of my friends thought it was a trampoline so she jumped on it and it broke. And she kept jumping. When she was done, you couldn’t even tell what it was.

  • @tinglytsasmr
    @tinglytsasmr 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Question: What did they break?
    80% of answers: poop everywhere.

    • @PopeFireTheStarfireGod
      @PopeFireTheStarfireGod 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I liked this comment so much I subbed to you

    • @tinglytsasmr
      @tinglytsasmr 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@PopeFireTheStarfireGod LMAO thank you!

  • @armandconiglio9620
    @armandconiglio9620 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I had a friend over for Easter 2008. She ripped off one of our Sony speaker covers, thinking there was an easter egg hidden behind it.

  • @prozzak1
    @prozzak1 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Anyone who came to my house and threatens my cat would find themselves with their head in the wall next to the one he made and he’d be banned from my apartment

  • @LegendStormcrow
    @LegendStormcrow 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    We found out their kids had lice when we called to tell them we found lice on our kids.

  • @cherrydaze3525
    @cherrydaze3525 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Okay why is it a clear trend for someone to crap all over someone else’s bathroom. I mean. That’s not something I’ve ever known to be a “normal” accident. How? Is there a secret problem with a bunch of people who just get extremely explosive diarrhea when visiting someone else’s house? Nervous? I have no idea.

  • @FormerlyJack
    @FormerlyJack 4 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @anakinandy
    @anakinandy 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    I subconsciously wiped my dirty fingers on my friends dining room chair while eating.

  • @aquicha8168
    @aquicha8168 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    My ex stepbrother broke my bed, which sounds far more sexual than it was.

    • @mcstriker
      @mcstriker 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • @thegirl196
    @thegirl196 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    My sisters ex husband(at the time newlyweds) had "lost his job due to layoffs" (later to be found out he was crap employee and wanted to cover it up to make him appear to be the victim) and due to school and cost of living both my sister and him came to live with us for roughly a year. Lots of things missing(he was into dr**s and also was just a clepto. We didn't know at the time), lots of rules broken, and lots of "I'm the victim" fights. He once smoked in our living room(in a house full of anti-smokers, cancer is a very sensitive subject) and put his cigarette out on the couch cushion. A very clear cigarette burn, on a new couch, when he was the only smoker, and he still tried to push the blame onto my best friend... Who is not a smoker.... And also hadn't been over to our house in a month.... Because she was in Mexico on a missions trip.... How my sister didn't see the red flags until he was in jail for dr**s, illegal H**kers, Tax fraud, and about 10 other various criminal charges is beyond me.

    • @dergluckliche4973
      @dergluckliche4973 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      The burn on the couch is grounds for justifiable homicide. I would have been LIVID.

  • @arolurker3511
    @arolurker3511 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    My brother’s best friend’s little sister carved her name into a dresser that belonged to my grandparents. Her defense: “I didn’t know I could actually do it.”

    • @sailormxn9855
      @sailormxn9855 3 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @xXSarahStrangeXx
    @xXSarahStrangeXx 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    this makes me trust NOONE

    • @josesosa3337
      @josesosa3337 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Stuff like this and other videos is why i fear people coming to my house or having a party at my house.

  • @Bea..l0v3
    @Bea..l0v3 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I was at someone's house with my cousin and the kids there put me in the wardrobe and I accidentally broke the door trying to get out I felt super guilty

  • @GR1MMR3AP3R51
    @GR1MMR3AP3R51 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    I had a few cousins at my grandparents house, 4 and 6. The 4 year old pulled down his pants and pissed on my ottoman, and the 6 year old pushed the 4 year old into the 35 year old tear drop glass table and broke it. The kids were fine but the aunt was called and was there in the hour to come get them

  • @ayoooitzkassy
    @ayoooitzkassy 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I have a story!
    So aparently my mon found out yesterday that when my dad was here, he broke one of the guest room drawers, it's not bad, it just doesnt close correctly.
    (Btw my dad visited in August 2019, this post was from May 12, 2020)

  • @crinklyonion1410
    @crinklyonion1410 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I clogged a friends toilet one time and it remained clogged for the following years I kept coming to his house.

  • @66DoodleGal
    @66DoodleGal 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    This is why my mom never had people over

  • @evanlacroix93
    @evanlacroix93 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    One time I went to my friends house for a sleep over and my bag hit a mirror and broke it then I went back another time and broke a new mirror I still feel so bad

  • @Sierra-208
    @Sierra-208 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    *picks up flamethrower*

  • @momouwu1937
    @momouwu1937 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Seeing the title, I already knew there were gonna be toilet accidents.

  • @Selimo-hw3ms
    @Selimo-hw3ms 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The one starting at 4:07 just made me SO angry. Like seriously wtf.

  • @CathrynJane
    @CathrynJane 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Love is magic

  • @mace3775
    @mace3775 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Just me who thinks that broken bench looks so cool ...ok...

  • @kimhohlmayer7018
    @kimhohlmayer7018 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Love is magic!

  • @mattwolf7698
    @mattwolf7698 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    This is why I hate inviting anybody over unless I know them very well, know they aren't bringing any other guests or kids and don't have alcohol out (seriously, what is the appeal to that stuff? It tastes nasty and makes people act annoying at absolute best). I always hated it when my parents would invite people over I didn't know as a kid. I haven't had anything awful happen but one time my 8 year old cousin started opening my video game cases and dropping the discs out, these were GameCube games that could scratch easily and some were pricey, I thankfully caught him fast though before any got damaged.

  • @maclikescartoons
    @maclikescartoons 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    my cousin has clogged the same toilet in our house twice he told us though so we could fix it but w always make fun of him for his big poops

  • @WilbertLek
    @WilbertLek 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    No, sir, the SUMMER is magic and love is but a secondhand emotion...

  • @tek9764
    @tek9764 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    love is magic

  • @connorofbells
    @connorofbells 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    My piece of shit cousin threw one of my favorite Nerf Guns down the stairs and it broke. I was pissed and my parents and my aunt did nothing about it. That Nerf Gun cost me $100 and I had saved birthday money for it for 3 years.

  • @diefenbaker7853
    @diefenbaker7853 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    People who clog toilets IF you flush as you go that crap will go down in small clumps of crap instead of clogging the toilet. I would rather my guest flush 5 - 6 times while crapping than one big one that is going to clog the toilet.
    Flush as you go people, FLUSH AS YOU GO!!!

  • @anarchy6304
    @anarchy6304 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    i dunno why it’s so hard to just not give dogs food from the table, now cats on the other hand...

  • @lilyoesch5066
    @lilyoesch5066 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    My mom had a party then someone through up in the sink I had to clean it up I was 11

  • @angra7
    @angra7 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    What is with English speaking nations and carpets? I swear I don't understand why you carpet your floors

    • @MrsGump
      @MrsGump 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      In New Zealand we do, i think its coz it can get so cold here in the winter. But we lived in Perth Australia years ago n because it's so hot all their houses are tiled or have lino :)

    • @racheljohnstone9574
      @racheljohnstone9574 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I would agree with the cold bit, but point out that alot of Icelandic homes have wood floors....
      Also, at least until my family got new carpet when I was an adult, I truelly believed that carpet was easier to clean than rugs and things.

    • @niccalee
      @niccalee 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Carpet is nice and soft for good flopping down on. It also absorbs sound and makes sounds softer as a result. Idk, it's just to lay on. Like grass but inside.
      Rugs like to slide and move around, but carpet, carpet stays.

  • @puppetseducer
    @puppetseducer 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    My great uncle came to the house we were moving out of, stole my fireworks and kept switching our basement power fuses on and off and on and off and broke the family computer down there

    • @desiraeharris8116
      @desiraeharris8116 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Holy crap that's a lot of damage but can I ask what happened next

    • @puppetseducer
      @puppetseducer 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@desiraeharris8116 We were moving, so some of the money we made off the garage sale, we bought a new laptop. Never saw those fireworks again 🥺

  • @Owlsshadow_95
    @Owlsshadow_95 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I think there was once where I was a bad guest but I have to explain first.
    My boyfriends childhood friend lived with his wife/his parents across from boyfriends parents and one day they invited us over to visit him/wife/baby and the house was DISGUSTING. Dog piss and shit all over the floor. Toys that had seen better days all over. Couches that looked/smelled like they had been in a trap house for decades.
    Well I wanted to get away from the living room so I asked wife about her makeup because she liked expensive makeup and I was a makeup artist for a time. Well she kept the makeup in the bathroom and I think that was worse than the living room. It smelled like a dirty diaper because there were piles of dirty diapers and stained adult underwear. And the worse thing was the trashcan that had actual SHIT that had bugs and whatever crawling all over it. I wanted to die.
    I’m generally clean under normal circumstances but I wanted to peel my skin off. I would NEVER invite people over to a dirty home and I told my boyfriend I wasn’t feeling good so I went back to boyfriends parents to “lay down” and we left shortly after.
    Well this is where I might be the bad guest. My boyfriend text me to tell me he was at childhood friends house again some weeks later and wanted to know if I wanted to go hang out. I just told him off and that I wasn’t going back over the last time. Well his friend saw the text and they were understandably unhappy that I was disgusted by their home and my choice words at describing their environment.
    Also my boyfriend knew how I felt after the first visit.

  • @melody3741
    @melody3741 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO INCLUDE “ELABORATE PLEASE” AND THEN CUT IT OFF. God these are funny but sometimes it is painfully obvious that this is either a robot doing this automatically or a human who has lost all life and soul and/or traded it for money

  • @chiffonlime643
    @chiffonlime643 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    “Girlfriend of a friend cut her wrist with my steak knife in my bathroom because her boy wasn’t giving her enough attention.”
    ᗷᕼᑌᗴᔕᒍYᗴᔕ 🤷sometimes✨i🙁don't😢wanna😱be😼happy🧚don't✋hold😇it🤪against😈me🙆