Good job compiling this. Back in the day I used to take my NES to different homes, so eventually the RF switch broke. Instead of getting a new one I bought an RG59 cable with RCA plugs, replaced one end with a 75 ohm terminal and added an A/B switch. From the A/B switch I would then use a VCR cable. Easier to plug and unplug and the picture quality was better.
It would be interesting to do this with some games that use artifacts to create additional colours and strange effects. For example the leaves in woodman's stage on rockman 2, the water in zelda, the lava in metroid etc Or even just games that use a lot of blending like へべれけ . At least comparing composite to RF :)
Good job compiling this. Back in the day I used to take my NES to different homes, so eventually the RF switch broke. Instead of getting a new one I bought an RG59 cable with RCA plugs, replaced one end with a 75 ohm terminal and added an A/B switch. From the A/B switch I would then use a VCR cable. Easier to plug and unplug and the picture quality was better.
It would be interesting to do this with some games that use artifacts to create additional colours and strange effects. For example the leaves in woodman's stage on rockman 2, the water in zelda, the lava in metroid etc Or even just games that use a lot of blending like へべれけ . At least comparing composite to RF :)