First story ,poor sweetheart I feel so bad for you n it's almost Christmas .karma is a b word n I'm glad ex is in jail stay strong sweetie your awesome
OP: Says husband is pretty emotional and influenciable. OP and Husband: Invite the friend who was cheated to stay with them while he recovers. OP: Leaves husband alone with said friend. Also OP: wHy iS tHe trUst suDdeNly bRokeN? sHouLd I diVorcE my vEry iNfluEnCiaBle hUsbAnd beCaUse I wAs tOo sTupId to kNoW thIs wOulD hApPen?
How is this her fault at all? This is a 36 y/o man who shouldn't have been so easily influenced. If anything, they should have just agreed to the DNA test to ease his mind, then fight about it later.
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First story ,poor sweetheart I feel so bad for you n it's almost Christmas .karma is a b word n I'm glad ex is in jail stay strong sweetie your awesome
OP: Says husband is pretty emotional and influenciable.
OP and Husband: Invite the friend who was cheated to stay with them while he recovers.
OP: Leaves husband alone with said friend.
Also OP: wHy iS tHe trUst suDdeNly bRokeN? sHouLd I diVorcE my vEry iNfluEnCiaBle hUsbAnd beCaUse I wAs tOo sTupId to kNoW thIs wOulD hApPen?
How is this her fault at all? This is a 36 y/o man who shouldn't have been so easily influenced. If anything, they should have just agreed to the DNA test to ease his mind, then fight about it later.