If one prays the Rosary daily, but commits a mortal sin, should you still say it before getting to confession? Will your Rosary intentions still be heard?
Certainly it is more important than ever for us to pray when we have had the misfortune of falling into serious sin. As to the intentions, we do well to continue to pray for particular needs since it may be that by our acts of contrition we have recovered the state of grace before getting to make a sacramental Confession, in which case our intentions are an important element of our prayers. If however we remain in the state of mortal sin during that interim, we have no power to merit, and our prayers will serve exclusively toward our own immediate need of being restored to grace.
@@nephilimrephaim3949 I assume you're trolling here, but the point is that we aren't praying to get things. We're praying to worship Him, as an act of reparation, as a show of obedience and out of duty. God *also* listens to our supplications. But those are secondary. So yes, you need to keep praying whether you are meriting or not. Not to mention continuous prayer will assist you to getting back to confession quicker.
Consider whether you can tolerate being burned. If not for love of what is good or detestation of what is shameful, then at least for the sake of avoiding hell, leave such sins behind you. St. Augustine wrote about the moment of his long-delayed conversion: "Small trifles, the vanity of vanities, the things which I had formerly loved, were holding me back. They were stirring up my covering of flesh, and murmuring, Wilt thou send us away? And from this time forth shall we be with thee no more? Wilt thou be unable to do such and such a thing for evermore? And what were the suggestions they made in saying 'such and such a thing'? What indeed, my God? Let Thy mercy preserve the soul of Thy servant from them. What pollution and what shame! And I heard them with much less than half an ear, not contradicting me openly before my face, but, as it were, murmuring behind my back, and disappearing like a runaway thief to induce me to look round. Still they delayed me in my desire to tear myself away from them, and to go where I was called, because the strong force of habit said to me, 'Dost thou think to do without these things?' "But already the suggestion was faintly made. For, in the direction in which I had turned my face, and whither I was fearing to pass, the pure glory of Chastity, with her serene and holy mirth, was disclosed to me. With honest words of encouragement she bade me come and not doubt, and held out her fair hands, full to overflowing with the examples of the good, to receive and embrace me. In them were crowds of boys and girls, and young people, and people of all ages; there were sober widows and aged virgins; and in no one of them was that same Chastity sterile, but she was the fruitful mother of sons of joy by Thee, O Lord, her spouse. And Chastity smiled at me in admonishment, as if to say, 'Canst thou not do what these have done? or indeed can they do it of themselves, and not rather in the Lord their God? The Lord their God gave me to them; what art thou doing and not doing? Cast thyself upon Him: fear not; He will not leave thee to fall: cast thyself upon Him with confidence; He will receive and heal thee.' And I was filled with great confusion, because I still heard the murmurings of my vanities, and hesitated in suspense. And again it seemed to me that Chastity spoke: 'Turn a deaf ear on earth to those unclean members of thine, that they may be mortified. They speak to thee of delights, but they are not as the law of the Lord thy God.' This struggle in my heart concerned only myself against myself. Alypius, who clung to my side, awaited in silence the issue of my unusual emotion. "But when earnest contemplation abstracted from the secret depth of conscience and brought before the eyes of my heart all my wretchedness, then a tempest broke, bringing with it a great fountain of tears. In order that I might give them full play, I got up and left Alypius; solitude seemed to me more suited to the shedding of tears, and I went far enough from him, so as not to feel the restraint of even his presence. This is how I was, and he thought I know not what. I believe I had said something in which the tone of my voice, struggling with sobs, had betrayed itself, and thus I had got up. He therefore remained where we had been sitting in great astonishment. I threw myself down, I know not how, under a certain fig-tree, and put no check upon my tears. The flood-gates of my soul poured forth a sacrifice acceptable to Thee. Not indeed in these words, but in the spirit of them, I spoke repeatedly to Thee: And Thou, O Lord, how long? How long, O Lord, wilt Thou be angry unto the end? Be not mindful of our former iniquities. For I felt that they held me captive, and was crying out in my anguish. 'How long? how long is it to be to-morrow and to-morrow? Why not now? Why may not this very hour put an end to my shame?' "I was saying these things and weeping in the bitterest sorrow of heart; and all at once I heard a voice, like the voice of a boy or a girl, I know not which, coming from the next house, repeating over and over again in a musical tone, 'Take up and read; take up and read.' Composing myself instantly, I began most earnestly to ponder whether there was any game whatever in which children were wont to sing similar words, nor could I remember ever to have heard them before. The violence of my tears being checked, I rose, interpreting them in no other way than to mean that this was a Divine intimation to me to open the Scriptures and to read what first came in my way. For I had heard that Anthony was admonished by a chance reading of the Gospel, as if the words, Go, sell all that thou hast and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me, had been said to him, and that by this sign he had been at once converted to Thee. Thus minded, I returned to the place where Alypius was sitting, for I had put down the book of Epistles in coming away. I took it up, opened it, and read in silence the first chapter which met my eyes: Not in rioting and drunkenness, not in concupiscence and impurity, not in contention and anger: but put you on the Lord Jesus Christ, and provide not for the flesh in impure lusts. I would not read on, nor was there any need that I should. For I had no sooner read to the end of the sentence than a light as if of security being infused into my heart, all the darkness of doubt was dissipated. "Then, having put my finger or some other mark in the place, I closed the book and passed it to Alypius with a countenance already composed. As to him, this was how he showed me what was going on in himself, which I did not know. He asked to see what I had been reading. I pointed it out to him, and he went on further than I, and I was not familiar with what followed, which was, but receive the weak man in faith. This he took for himself, and disclosed it to me. But he was strengthened by this advice, and without any painful hesitation he followed that which was in keeping with his life, by which he had far outdistanced me for a long time past. Then we went in to my mother with our story, which rejoiced her. We told her how it had happened, and her joy was triumphant. She praised Thee, Who art powerful to do more than we ask or can understand, because she saw Thou hadst given her more in my regard than she had been wont to ask Thee for by her sighs and tears. For Thou hadst so converted me to Thee that I sought neither for a wife nor for anything else in this world, holding that rule of faith which Thou hadst revealed to her so many years before that I should hold. And Thou didst turn her weeping into joy much more abundantly than she had desired, and concerning the relations due to my sin much more tenderly and chastely than she had demanded. "
@@TheFatimaCenter thanks.. st augustine is my own personal saint i pray too. Pray for me that even after years of confession and struggle. I will now truly be in freedom. And convert truly like augustine.. god bless take care..
@@joeharvey5556 Yes, we will. Purity begins with the eyes, shunning immodest displays. Time can then begin to cleanse the imagination, making it a simple and satisfying habit to control thoughts and actions. God bless you.
@@TheFatimaCenter my battle wasnt porno or lust.. but there was an area that i had addiction for decades and could not break.. plz pray 4 me and thanks for ur great quote from augustine.. if u habe any other good books on rooting out habits let me know.. thanks.. mau st michael protect you from evil and may you continue in humulity this race set before us..
Have you performed the Consecration to the Immaculate Heart? I too was trapped in the sin of impurity, for many years, but no sooner did I complete the Consecration than Our Lady miraculously cured me of it!
I have OCD and suffer terribly from scrupulosity. However, I know I have a mix of scruples and mortal sin. I have a horrible time with confession, it’s a complete nightmare for me, but I try my best to amend after I sin. I know I need confession, but actually going is literally one of the most painful, soul wrenching things for me. I have two questions -1. Should I continue praying the Rosary even though I am in a state of sin from difficulty with confession? 2. Am I able to pray for my loved ones ?
Oh same, i also struggle with it, i recomend to pray to Little saint therese of lisuex and to read some of her story like the story of the soul, cause she struggled with scruplucity and overxame it in a year!
If I am not yet converted should I strictly be praying that i be converted and survive until i can get to confession? In a state of mortal sin since I've never been confirmed catholic.
Thank you for this important question. Like everyone, your first concern should be your eternal salvation. To this end, you should make no delay in arranging with a priest to be instructed and received into the Catholic Church. In the meantime, you should pray assiduously for the gift of sanctifying grace, which can be received before your formal reception into the Church. Your true faith (belief in all that the Catholic Church teaches), your contrition for past sins motivated especially by love for God, and your resolve to enter the true Church as soon as possible will bring God's grace and life into your soul. This is called the Baptism of Desire, which explains the Church's practice to insist on the speedy Baptism of infants but to delay the reception of adults (typically) until Holy Saturday. God bless you.
If you have the misfortune of committing a mortal sin, you should certainly make an act of contrition immediately and repeatedly until you are able to go to Confession. And you must not receive Holy Communion until making that Confession. God bless you.
Consider please what part you would have in Our Lady's biblical prophecy of all true Christians if you were to refuse the honor rightly due to Her Whom God so exalted, making Her His Own Mother: "Behold henceforth all generations shall call me blessed."
The Fatima Center I do honor her - but we venerate her to the point that she is being worshipped and prayed to more than Christ - Christ is the mediator and yet the church tells us that we should go to Christ through Mary - this is contradictory - our focus is drawn more and more to Mary and not Jesus
@@kevindory8869 Thank you for your reply. Of course every prayer seeking Our Lady's intercession redounds to the honor of Her Son, and in no way constitutes adoration directed to Her as if She were God. Nor is there any opposition between the fact that "No one comes to the Father except by Me [Jesus Christ]," and that the Blessed Virgin Mary also plays a necessary role in everyone's salvation. In fact it is precisely because there is no possibility of salvation except through Jesus Christ that our salvation has from the very beginning depended on the Blessed Virgin, for in the disposition of God’s Providence, the eternal Son of God became man, our Redeemer Jesus Christ, only through the consent and cooperation of the Virgin Mary. Moreover, as St. Alphonsus Liguori teaches, we all have a continuing need of Our Lady’s intercession for our salvation, and a corresponding obligation to seek God's graces through Her. Our Lady's intercession is necessary, he explains, "not with an absolute necessity; for the mediation of Jesus Christ alone is absolutely necessary; but with a moral necessity; for the Church believes with St. Bernard that God has determined that no grace shall be granted otherwise than by the hands of Mary." God bless you.
The Fatima Center can I be saved and go to heaven if I NEVER pray to Mary or ask her to intercede for me ? Are you saying I can’t receive the same grace or intercession if I just pray and stay in devotion to Jesus ?
@@kevindory8869 This question, "CAN a person...," is addressed by St. Alphonsus above when he distinguishes between absolute necessity and moral necessity. Since there is no absolute necessity in this regard, we have no apprehension about baptized children who die before being able to render such honor and imprecation to Our Lady. The more important and apropos question for adult faithful such as ourselves -- particularly who have heard Our Lady of Fatima's repeated and insistent admonitions for the faithful to pray the Rosary every day, and Her explanation of Her being sent by God to Fatima to prevent the loss of souls by establishing in the world the devotion to Her Immaculate Heart -- is whether a person WILL be saved who despises these and other clear manifestations of Our Lord's desire of His followers. Those taking such a rash and impious course have reason only to expect to be lost. God bless you.
Just because someone commits a mortal sin does not necessarily mean that he/she is “breaking their friendship with God”. That is like “comparing apple and oranges”. Yes, such sins put a person's salvation at risk, but I believe God always loves us and hears our prayers. He won't "cut someone off".... unless they "directly" reject Him.
By definition, mortal sin is a "direct rejection" of God, destroying the life of grace in the soul, which is the basis of one's friendship with God. Were a person to die in mortal sin, he or she would thus certainly be damned. But while such a person lives, he remains an "object of charity" -- loved by God -- not on the basis of any supernatural goodness in the soul, but as a potential vessel of charity -- that is, because of the possibility that he will someday repent and recover the state of grace. We see a marvelous example of God's love for sinners -- His enemies -- in Our Lord's sufferings to redeem us: "For why did Christ, when as yet we were weak, according to the time, die for the ungodly? For scarce for a just man will one die; yet perhaps for a good man some one would dare to die. But God commendeth his charity towards us; because when as yet we were sinners, according to the time, Christ died for us; much more therefore, being now justified by His blood, shall we be saved from wrath through Him. For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of His Son; much more, being reconciled, shall we be saved by His life." (Rom. 5: 6-10)
@@TheFatimaCenter Thanks for your reply. As far as a sin to be mortal, I heard there was 3 conditions: 1) Grave Matter, 2) Full Knowledge, 3) Full Consent. Here's a hypothetical situation: Say a person, who is pious and devout (attends mass/participates in sacraments, charitable toward others), chooses to participate in premarital sex with his fiancee, who he later marries. He might have known the act was wrong, but he “did NOT know” that what he was doing was actually "breaking the relationship with God". He did not know the full seriousness of the sin, to that extent. He was repentful but never went to confession. Later that person dies unexpectedly in a fatal car accident. So in this case, the 2nd condition would not met (full knowledge), correct? Will that person have a chance for salvation?
Of course we cannot speak of an individual's guilt or innocence in real cases, but restricting our subject to matters of conscience and law in general, we can say that the Natural Law is communicated to all men without need of human instruction. We all know from our earliest childhood that lying, stealing, etc are seriously wrong. Sins against chastity are among these known offenses. Regarding the fate of those who are taken from this life unexpectedly, we can always pray and hope for their salvation. Grace can transform a soul in a mere moment of time. Our prayers and penances are never wasted.
Unfortunately, since the time of Father Gruner's passing in April 2015, we are no longer able to answer questions of conscience. We urge you to seek out the advice of a trustworthy priest. God bless you. sspx.org/en/mass-locator
You cannot serve two masters. Your gravely sinful act of soliciting demonic influences and communications would demonstrate the emptiness of such prayers.
Its not a good thing .. that board makes you try to contact other wordly spirits . Which can be demonic .. im usually open minded but stay away from this thing fast..
I'm going to miss you, Father Gruner. Intercede for me, amen.
Dear Father Gruner! Your steadfast pursuit of the truth helped so many.
If one prays the Rosary daily, but commits a mortal sin, should you still say it before getting to confession? Will your Rosary intentions still be heard?
Certainly it is more important than ever for us to pray when we have had the misfortune of falling into serious sin. As to the intentions, we do well to continue to pray for particular needs since it may be that by our acts of contrition we have recovered the state of grace before getting to make a sacramental Confession, in which case our intentions are an important element of our prayers. If however we remain in the state of mortal sin during that interim, we have no power to merit, and our prayers will serve exclusively toward our own immediate need of being restored to grace.
Then what's the point!
@@nephilimrephaim3949 I assume you're trolling here, but the point is that we aren't praying to get things. We're praying to worship Him, as an act of reparation, as a show of obedience and out of duty. God *also* listens to our supplications. But those are secondary. So yes, you need to keep praying whether you are meriting or not. Not to mention continuous prayer will assist you to getting back to confession quicker.
@nephilim rephaim the point is, your intention is to return to God. That is the most important thing.
Im in a habitual sin. Its a pleasure related sin. But its mortal ...how do i weed out this decades old habit..
Consider whether you can tolerate being burned. If not for love of what is good or detestation of what is shameful, then at least for the sake of avoiding hell, leave such sins behind you.
St. Augustine wrote about the moment of his long-delayed conversion:
"Small trifles, the vanity of vanities, the things which I had formerly loved, were holding me back. They were stirring up my covering of flesh, and murmuring, Wilt thou send us away? And from this time forth shall we be with thee no more? Wilt thou be unable to do such and such a thing for evermore? And what were the suggestions they made in saying 'such and such a thing'? What indeed, my God? Let Thy mercy preserve the soul of Thy servant from them. What pollution and what shame! And I heard them with much less than half an ear, not contradicting me openly before my face, but, as it were, murmuring behind my back, and disappearing like a runaway thief to induce me to look round. Still they delayed me in my desire to tear myself away from them, and to go where I was called, because the strong force of habit said to me, 'Dost thou think to do without these things?'
"But already the suggestion was faintly made. For, in the direction in which I had turned my face, and whither I was fearing to pass, the pure glory of Chastity, with her serene and holy mirth, was disclosed to me. With honest words of encouragement she bade me come and not doubt, and held out her fair hands, full to overflowing with the examples of the good, to receive and embrace me. In them were crowds of boys and girls, and young people, and people of all ages; there were sober widows and aged virgins; and in no one of them was that same Chastity sterile, but she was the fruitful mother of sons of joy by Thee, O Lord, her spouse. And Chastity smiled at me in admonishment, as if to say, 'Canst thou not do what these have done? or indeed can they do it of themselves, and not rather in the Lord their God? The Lord their God gave me to them; what art thou doing and not doing? Cast thyself upon Him: fear not; He will not leave thee to fall: cast thyself upon Him with confidence; He will receive and heal thee.' And I was filled with great confusion, because I still heard the murmurings of my vanities, and hesitated in suspense. And again it seemed to me that Chastity spoke: 'Turn a deaf ear on earth to those unclean members of thine, that they may be mortified. They speak to thee of delights, but they are not as the law of the Lord thy God.' This struggle in my heart concerned only myself against myself. Alypius, who clung to my side, awaited in silence the issue of my unusual emotion.
"But when earnest contemplation abstracted from the secret depth of conscience and brought before the eyes of my heart all my wretchedness, then a tempest broke, bringing with it a great fountain of tears. In order that I might give them full play, I got up and left Alypius; solitude seemed to me more suited to the shedding of tears, and I went far enough from him, so as not to feel the restraint of even his presence. This is how I was, and he thought I know not what. I believe I had said something in which the tone of my voice, struggling with sobs, had betrayed itself, and thus I had got up. He therefore remained where we had been sitting in great astonishment. I threw myself down, I know not how, under a certain fig-tree, and put no check upon my tears. The flood-gates of my soul poured forth a sacrifice acceptable to Thee. Not indeed in these words, but in the spirit of them, I spoke repeatedly to Thee: And Thou, O Lord, how long? How long, O Lord, wilt Thou be angry unto the end? Be not mindful of our former iniquities. For I felt that they held me captive, and was crying out in my anguish. 'How long? how long is it to be to-morrow and to-morrow? Why not now? Why may not this very hour put an end to my shame?'
"I was saying these things and weeping in the bitterest sorrow of heart; and all at once I heard a voice, like the voice of a boy or a girl, I know not which, coming from the next house, repeating over and over again in a musical tone, 'Take up and read; take up and read.' Composing myself instantly, I began most earnestly to ponder whether there was any game whatever in which children were wont to sing similar words, nor could I remember ever to have heard them before. The violence of my tears being checked, I rose, interpreting them in no other way than to mean that this was a Divine intimation to me to open the Scriptures and to read what first came in my way. For I had heard that Anthony was admonished by a chance reading of the Gospel, as if the words, Go, sell all that thou hast and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me, had been said to him, and that by this sign he had been at once converted to Thee. Thus minded, I returned to the place where Alypius was sitting, for I had put down the book of Epistles in coming away. I took it up, opened it, and read in silence the first chapter which met my eyes: Not in rioting and drunkenness, not in concupiscence and impurity, not in contention and anger: but put you on the Lord Jesus Christ, and provide not for the flesh in impure lusts. I would not read on, nor was there any need that I should. For I had no sooner read to the end of the sentence than a light as if of security being infused into my heart, all the darkness of doubt was dissipated.
"Then, having put my finger or some other mark in the place, I closed the book and passed it to Alypius with a countenance already composed. As to him, this was how he showed me what was going on in himself, which I did not know. He asked to see what I had been reading. I pointed it out to him, and he went on further than I, and I was not familiar with what followed, which was, but receive the weak man in faith. This he took for himself, and disclosed it to me. But he was strengthened by this advice, and without any painful hesitation he followed that which was in keeping with his life, by which he had far outdistanced me for a long time past. Then we went in to my mother with our story, which rejoiced her. We told her how it had happened, and her joy was triumphant. She praised Thee, Who art powerful to do more than we ask or can understand, because she saw Thou hadst given her more in my regard than she had been wont to ask Thee for by her sighs and tears. For Thou hadst so converted me to Thee that I sought neither for a wife nor for anything else in this world, holding that rule of faith which Thou hadst revealed to her so many years before that I should hold. And Thou didst turn her weeping into joy much more abundantly than she had desired, and concerning the relations due to my sin much more tenderly and chastely than she had demanded.
@@TheFatimaCenter thanks.. st augustine is my own personal saint i pray too. Pray for me that even after years of confession and struggle. I will now truly be in freedom. And convert truly like augustine.. god bless take care..
@@joeharvey5556 Yes, we will. Purity begins with the eyes, shunning immodest displays. Time can then begin to cleanse the imagination, making it a simple and satisfying habit to control thoughts and actions. God bless you.
@@TheFatimaCenter my battle wasnt porno or lust.. but there was an area that i had addiction for decades and could not break.. plz pray 4 me and thanks for ur great quote from augustine.. if u habe any other good books on rooting out habits let me know.. thanks.. mau st michael protect you from evil and may you continue in humulity this race set before us..
Have you performed the Consecration to the Immaculate Heart? I too was trapped in the sin of impurity, for many years, but no sooner did I complete the Consecration than Our Lady miraculously cured me of it!
I have OCD and suffer terribly from scrupulosity. However, I know I have a mix of scruples and mortal sin. I have a horrible time with confession, it’s a complete nightmare for me, but I try my best to amend after I sin. I know I need confession, but actually going is literally one of the most painful, soul wrenching things for me. I have two questions -1. Should I continue praying the Rosary even though I am in a state of sin from difficulty with confession?
2. Am I able to pray for my loved ones ?
By all means, maintaining the habit of prayer -- especially the Rosary -- is the most important thing to do.
Oh same, i also struggle with it, i recomend to pray to Little saint therese of lisuex and to read some of her story like the story of the soul, cause she struggled with scruplucity and overxame it in a year!
If I am not yet converted should I strictly be praying that i be converted and survive until i can get to confession? In a state of mortal sin since I've never been confirmed catholic.
Thank you for this important question. Like everyone, your first concern should be your eternal salvation. To this end, you should make no delay in arranging with a priest to be instructed and received into the Catholic Church. In the meantime, you should pray assiduously for the gift of sanctifying grace, which can be received before your formal reception into the Church. Your true faith (belief in all that the Catholic Church teaches), your contrition for past sins motivated especially by love for God, and your resolve to enter the true Church as soon as possible will bring God's grace and life into your soul. This is called the Baptism of Desire, which explains the Church's practice to insist on the speedy Baptism of infants but to delay the reception of adults (typically) until Holy Saturday. God bless you.
@@TheFatimaCenter thank you. Please pray for my true conversion
Well can you just pray and ask god to forgive u if you have mortal sin
If you have the misfortune of committing a mortal sin, you should certainly make an act of contrition immediately and repeatedly until you are able to go to Confession. And you must not receive Holy Communion until making that Confession. God bless you.
If we don’t worship Mary why am I in mortal sin if I don’t go to her feast day ?
Consider please what part you would have in Our Lady's biblical prophecy of all true Christians if you were to refuse the honor rightly due to Her Whom God so exalted, making Her His Own Mother: "Behold henceforth all generations shall call me blessed."
The Fatima Center I do honor her - but we venerate her to the point that she is being worshipped and prayed to more than Christ - Christ is the mediator and yet the church tells us that we should go to Christ through Mary - this is contradictory - our focus is drawn more and more to Mary and not Jesus
@@kevindory8869 Thank you for your reply. Of course every prayer seeking Our Lady's intercession redounds to the honor of Her Son, and in no way constitutes adoration directed to Her as if She were God. Nor is there any opposition between the fact that "No one comes to the Father except by Me [Jesus Christ]," and that the Blessed Virgin Mary also plays a necessary role in everyone's salvation. In fact it is precisely because there is no possibility of salvation except through Jesus Christ that our salvation has from the very beginning depended on the Blessed Virgin, for in the disposition of God’s Providence, the eternal Son of God became man, our Redeemer Jesus Christ, only through the consent and cooperation of the Virgin Mary.
Moreover, as St. Alphonsus Liguori teaches, we all have a continuing need of Our Lady’s intercession for our salvation, and a corresponding obligation to seek God's graces through Her. Our Lady's intercession is necessary, he explains, "not with an absolute necessity; for the mediation of Jesus Christ alone is absolutely necessary; but with a moral necessity; for the Church believes with St. Bernard that God has determined that no grace shall be granted otherwise than by the hands of Mary." God bless you.
The Fatima Center can I be saved and go to heaven if I NEVER pray to Mary or ask her to intercede for me ? Are you saying I can’t receive the same grace or intercession if I just pray and stay in devotion to Jesus ?
@@kevindory8869 This question, "CAN a person...," is addressed by St. Alphonsus above when he distinguishes between absolute necessity and moral necessity. Since there is no absolute necessity in this regard, we have no apprehension about baptized children who die before being able to render such honor and imprecation to Our Lady. The more important and apropos question for adult faithful such as ourselves -- particularly who have heard Our Lady of Fatima's repeated and insistent admonitions for the faithful to pray the Rosary every day, and Her explanation of Her being sent by God to Fatima to prevent the loss of souls by establishing in the world the devotion to Her Immaculate Heart -- is whether a person WILL be saved who despises these and other clear manifestations of Our Lord's desire of His followers. Those taking such a rash and impious course have reason only to expect to be lost. God bless you.
Just because someone commits a mortal sin does not necessarily mean that he/she is “breaking their friendship with God”. That is like “comparing apple and oranges”. Yes, such sins put a person's salvation at risk, but I believe God always loves us and hears our prayers. He won't "cut someone off".... unless they "directly" reject Him.
By definition, mortal sin is a "direct rejection" of God, destroying the life of grace in the soul, which is the basis of one's friendship with God. Were a person to die in mortal sin, he or she would thus certainly be damned. But while such a person lives, he remains an "object of charity" -- loved by God -- not on the basis of any supernatural goodness in the soul, but as a potential vessel of charity -- that is, because of the possibility that he will someday repent and recover the state of grace.
We see a marvelous example of God's love for sinners -- His enemies -- in Our Lord's sufferings to redeem us: "For why did Christ, when as yet we were weak, according to the time, die for the ungodly? For scarce for a just man will one die; yet perhaps for a good man some one would dare to die. But God commendeth his charity towards us; because when as yet we were sinners, according to the time, Christ died for us; much more therefore, being now justified by His blood, shall we be saved from wrath through Him. For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of His Son; much more, being reconciled, shall we be saved by His life." (Rom. 5: 6-10)
@@TheFatimaCenter Thanks for your reply. As far as a sin to be mortal, I heard there was 3 conditions: 1) Grave Matter, 2) Full Knowledge, 3) Full Consent. Here's a hypothetical situation: Say a person, who is pious and devout (attends mass/participates in sacraments, charitable toward others), chooses to participate in premarital sex with his fiancee, who he later marries. He might have known the act was wrong, but he “did NOT know” that what he was doing was actually "breaking the relationship with God". He did not know the full seriousness of the sin, to that extent. He was repentful but never went to confession. Later that person dies unexpectedly in a fatal car accident. So in this case, the 2nd condition would not met (full knowledge), correct? Will that person have a chance for salvation?
Of course we cannot speak of an individual's guilt or innocence in real cases, but restricting our subject to matters of conscience and law in general, we can say that the Natural Law is communicated to all men without need of human instruction. We all know from our earliest childhood that lying, stealing, etc are seriously wrong. Sins against chastity are among these known offenses. Regarding the fate of those who are taken from this life unexpectedly, we can always pray and hope for their salvation. Grace can transform a soul in a mere moment of time. Our prayers and penances are never wasted.
Father somethimes I get angry and saying bad things to god What should I do?
Unfortunately, since the time of Father Gruner's passing in April 2015, we are no longer able to answer questions of conscience. We urge you to seek out the advice of a trustworthy priest. God bless you. sspx.org/en/mass-locator
what if you pray while u are playing the ouija board
You cannot serve two masters. Your gravely sinful act of soliciting demonic influences and communications would demonstrate the emptiness of such prayers.
Its not a good thing .. that board makes you try to contact other wordly spirits . Which can be demonic .. im usually open minded but stay away from this thing fast..