I live in London and try to do gentlemanly things throughout the day. I don’t expect to get anything in return and often don’t get anything in return. That’s okay. But, a few weeks ago I held the door for the elderly lady behind me. It was busy and she was looking down, so at first she didn’t notice I was holding it for her. Perhaps she also wasn’t expecting it. After a few moments she looked up and saw I was holding it for her. I gave her a smile and her face lit up. She looked me in the eye and said “thank you, sir”. She called me “sir”, said “thank you” with a smile and meant it. It made my week. I was tempted to follow her around all day opening doors for her, carry her bags, get things off the top shelf for her and do anything else she needed. I would have laid in a puddle so she didn’t have to get her shoes wet. You shouldn’t expect something in return, but it sure feels good when someone is grateful. I hope we can all be a little more kind and polite to each other. Have a nice day, reader. :)
I remember once I was out for dinner with my ex gf and when I wanted to pay the bill, the waiter told us that someone already paid it for us. At first I thought it was a joke but he insisted and an older couple (in their 40ies) had in fact paid for us, because they found us cute and we reminded them of their younger selves. It was quite a simple gesture that didn't require much effort or money (they just paid like 30-40 bucks), but so incredibly kind and touching. I still often think about it and hope I will be able to do the same for another couple one day.
I realy love this Gent-z serie of videos. They are so down to earth, so comon sence, so important and so unsnobbish. They help making the world a better place.
Last year, just before Memorial Day I heard a man grunt behind me on the grocery checkout line. He wore a veterans cap and he just put down his basket and he was hunched over. I paid my order and waited for him to purchase his. At the time of payment I stepped in and paid his bill and thanked him for his service. We had a small discussion on the way out about his service and he was so grateful for the interaction and I got to thank a veteran. We both left with a very nice, unexpected experience.
A high vibration individual once paid for the entire line at a 711 when I was working tactical coffee logistics for a movie shoot. At 5AM near downtown LA, this made a memory I will carry with me for the rest of my days. Do not underestimate small gestures good will. Have a good one, boys. :)
This is nothing more than being a true gentleman, promoting chivalry, and taking care of the things that need to be taken care of and I’m so glad you’re bringing this out to this next generation as a common courtesy, and not an extravagance or extra effort.
CHIVALRY! I love it! As a woman, we just adore men who do things like the ones you mentioned in this video. And it’s so rare these days..I think that men are wary of being helpful to women (who they don’t know) because they think that they might offend them. Believe me guys, you won’t! 💕💕💕
I deliver liquor to bars and restaurants through two terminals at FLL. When I'm done with my rounds and my cart is empty, I offer to carry passenger luggage as I head back to the warehouse. I've done it several times, and I pick people who are struggling with wheelless duffles or heavy backpacks. It's been appreciated, and I like hearing the passengers' stories as we walk to their gate.
A very simple gesture of kindness and empathy with tremendous impact on people, especially when it comes to a big metropolis where humans seem not to care about others! They always look at me like I was some kind of an alien!
In order to shut down people's uncomfortable social barrier, rather than saying how are you, say How have you been (as if you've known the stranger all your life) or How have WE been? People love this and feel more connection. You really will see people go on smiling after.
Random act of kindness. Giving directions to strangers in the street. In downtown Toronto, which gets it share of tourists and convention attendees, I have stopped to help people who are looking at a map and trying to figure out how to get to their destination. On a few occasions I have walked them part or all of the way if I’m going that way. I was once a Boy Scout so I strive still, as a senior, to do a good turn to someone everyday.
Good on you sir! I can’t count the number of times I have been on the receiving end of this act of kindness when traveling, and it’s always appreciated.
This one is really a great one Gent Z! Makes me think back to when I was living in China, and I worked in Jin Mao Tower in Shanghai. I'd get coffee at a Starbucks there every morning, and often in the afternoon too. One morning a female barista was trying to move a few boxes of supplies from an adjacent stock room to the counter area and dropped them while I was in line. I picked them all up for her and took them in. You cannot imagine the palpable shock on her face, and those of her co-baristas! NO ONE does this there. About three years later when that Starbucks team knew I'd be returning to the US, I got a farewell card signed by the entire crew!
One of my favourite act I have done that I have enjoyed leaving grocery store when rain started and lady & her daughter were waiting bit till rain slowed I gave them my umbrella to keep. She was genuinely surprised
One I really like is sending someone a letter (not email, but real letter). It gives the gentlemanly vibes and almost nobody does that so they will remember it for a long long time. For example: if you get hired for a job, just write a Handwritten letter to the boss on how much you are grateful for it.
I am a lady and I live in a large Mexican city and take a lot of cabs and Ubers. I ALWAYS say a polite "Good afternoon" to the person driving. And give them a "Thank you very much!" (in Spanish) at the end. They are usually polite in giving me a response. I think it establishes some kind of connection between two people in an intimate space like a car. I also like to tip them more than they expect. When I have repeat cab drivers, they treat me like their favorite granny and help me in and out of the car (I walk with a stick.) Same thing goes for servers in restaurants. A polite "Hello! Nice to see you again" (in Spanish) and a generous tip makes them feel good and makes me feel like I am visible. -- Thanks for your wonderful videos, James! I love listening to them even though I'm a 78 year old lady! And... you are adorable!!!!!
As an inspiration, open the car door for your female …. companion when you get in. Or taking the jacket when your coming in somewhere, even at home. There are many simple things that can make anyone’s life better, that’s for when you feel better because you will be ‘liked’ for real and not on a screen. Great video channel, you are working on a better world your way, and it is appreciated! (man 50j old)
Everything in this video is spot on. I recently had a somewhat frustrating interaction at my doctor's office while trying to renew a prescription. It was a two 2 day ordeal, the details of which I will eschew here. The doctor's office receptionist, 20 years younger than I, was extraordinarily helpful in resolving the situation. After the matter was settled, I thanked the receptionist for her help and told her she was a very patient individual, with a good heart. She actually teared up and I handed her my handkerchief, something I have learned to carry now after watching a previous video on this channel. I have also found it much more well received when complimenting a women, to make a comment about a trait not related to her appearance. It seems much less threatening and much more well taken.
Honestly, some of these are things I would never have thought of doing, so thanks! Heartwarming, useful little video. And of course, I love that dressing well came up in a video with a topic that seemingly has nothing to do with clothing.
What a coincidence! Just yesterday I was standing at the line in the grocery store waiting to pay for my stuff. I noticed the guy in the front of me. He had a small complexion, and weared visibly cheap second-hand pants and jacket. Judging by his face, his life was not easy. When it was his turn to pay, his debit card was rejected, and he began trying to remove some stuff from the grocery bag to be able to pay for the rest. I asked the girl at the cash register how much it was, and she said $11.40. Something clicked in me, and I offered to pay his bill. I will never forget how he looked at me, and I still feel good. Indeed, it takes next to nothing to carry out the random acts of kindness...
The older generations will be more inclined to appreciate the acts of kindness. The new generation seems to get offended if you look their way. Whether helping a male or female, so many egos seem to get bruised.
As someone from France living in the US, I am always surprised how grateful people are when you pack your own groceries and don’t look at them in the eyes expecting them to do it for you. So I don’t know if it is cultural or not, but I always go ahead and do it myself, they usually are under a lot of pressure so I think it is only right
I think it’s offensive to pack one’s own groceries, when there’s someone employed to do it. It just shows them that you don’t appreciate them and their work.
I can understand that; again I think it is just cultural, but whenever I talked about it with the concerned persons they just said that they don’t appreciate when people expect them to do it, it is also faster to pack it yourself that wait for the person to scan everything and then do it for you. This may be cultural, I still have to experience that and try and have more feedbacks from people about it I guess !
@@dileniaa.8580 so do I - but I wouldn’t, if I didn’t have to where I live. I used to live in Asia, where employees of the store would regularly carry my stuff back to my apartment, too.
Fantastic video. Small things that cost little to nothing yet can make a big impact on a person's day. I would add that in certain situations, a manager or supervisor who undertakes an unpleasant task that could easily be delegated to a subordinate. When the toilet in the staff restroom got backed up and overflowed, this manager took off his suit jacket, put on a pair of gloves, grabbed a plunger, then grabbed a mop and cleaned up the mess. What a mess it was. Literal sewage. Made sure we had a safe and clean place. Acknowledging that is not sycophancy or ass-kissing, just gratitude.
8 หลายเดือนก่อน +26
Hold or open the door for someone. It helps in diffusing any potential Canadian Standoff situation.
Thank anyone who does something for you. It doesn't matter where. I had a boss who thanked everyone for everything they did. The weekly report? Required and expected. "Thank you!" He made it a wonderful place to work.
Talk to the lonely. Comfort a widow. Treat others like you would like to be treated. When you see someone helping others, thank them. When you see someone down on themselves, encourage them. Look around you carefully, you will there are plenty of good people in this world.
I found this channel only recently and the content is very impressive and elegant. It appears like this man lives what he speaks about and that's a rare quality nowaday. It's educational in the most healthy way possible. Please keep up the quality work....❤❤❤
The one I do every single day, holding the door. No matter the place, I always hold the door for someone, even if they don’t need it. It is one of the easiest acts we can apply in our daily life
Thank You for your suggestions. I'll make sure to keep them in mind. Well, for me personally, I like to take the responsibility of a group project that is assigned among a team, by not only contributing my portion of work, but by also helping others with their tasks or even completely doing the task on their behalf.
During the winter I've taken to clearing the snow from the two closest fire hydrants to my house, neither of which is anywhere close to my property. I make sure the snow is cleared down to the grass about three feet all around the hydrant and there's a clear path from the plowed area of the street to the hydrant. If the worst should happen I know the firefighters will be able to save precious time in hooking up the the hydrant which not only helps protect my house, but the neighborhood.
Many so called strangers are people we've had deep connection to in previous lives on earth. It's good to be aware of this. We come back to a new life on earth with our contemporaries. These strangers were always our contemporaries, people we knew before, often even family members. For better or for worse those past relationships cross paths again whilst we are born in a new personality, culture, country, etc. So when you meet a so called stranger keep this in mind and be kind to one another. This way any accumulated karma will be paid off and both can have a fresh start, and any positive work done together before has now a chance to continue and develop.
In situations where many people have drinks in their hands like concerts or festivals, it's common that somebody spill a drink over another. In this case it's a nice gesture to give them a cloth.
Most of these are just things that are so easy to do that I find it weird that not everyone does it, I don’t have any money to spare even though I’d love to give a homeless person or a charity a few bucks I can’t, I do however help where I can help people and have already quite often let someone go first, picked up stuff that someone dropped, earlier today I was out on a walk and a kid I think about 14 years old could not get the trash container open (in Bulgarian villages you have big containers at the corner of the streets with a heavy metal lid that is often fairly rough to open because it’s outside in all wearing conditions) I helped him push it over and even though there is a language barrier he still thanked me and went on with his day. There is nothing hard about being kind, you just know people will appreciate it so what can go wrong.
I try to let others first all the time but I am in a wheelchair and everyone sees that and automatically makes me feel like they are obligated to let me first.. doesn’t matter man or women
Ever met someone in the supermarket that has popped to pick up one item, and you see them loaded down with several items. Just get them a shopping basket, or trolley. Stuck in a supermarket queue and see someone behind you with just one item , let them go in front of you. In my part of the world I see women dustbin sweepers in the streets, buy them a coffee to go, or if they look they are really having bad day ( raining) a cake to.
Great Idea! Being all with you on 3, 4, 5. I do it all the time. Bringing back the cart is a bit odd here in Germany because you want to re-collect the coin you inserted when you took it. Can be up to 2 €. What I plan to do always this year: when I see an elderly person collection empty bottles to get some extra money, I give them 5 - 10 €, depending on sympathy.
Hello. How are you? It's interesting to see the two pictures on the wall behind you. On the left side, the important architectural movement called Bauhaus (Germany). And, on the right, a photo of the cover of an album by the English gothic band of the same name, Bauhaus. Are these two pieces of artwork your personal choices?
I really like your videos! May an elder give you some advice? You are falling into the youtube creator trap. Too many videos, and quality is starting to slip. Break the cycle, slowdown, and create like a gentleman. 😊
I really enjoy giving money to the poor people who are sitting in front of a paper cup with couple of nickles inside. It's just a bit of money from me and it might mean a world to them.
A child once past me at the check-out while carrying a muffin in his hand and his mother was already after paying but was still packing her bags. The check-out lady saw it and the mother came back to pay, but I said to the check-out lady to just add the cost to my bill. The mother got offended and refused to accept my offer. Still, I love randon opportunities such as that to offer kindness.
@@domb5513 depends on your device. If you are watching on TV, then maybe try chromecasting the Video, and then turn off subtitles on your smartphone If you have a PC/laptop, click c for subtitles
These are all good suggestions except for paying for another patron. Simply giving away money, especially to someone who does not need it, is lazy and embarrassing to the recipient. If you are at a coffee house and need to give away some money, just leave a generous tip.
Sounds like you just noticed some things that Americans do on a regular basis without even thinking about it, and you made a video that might as well be titled "how to be a decent human being". I live in Japan and nobody does any of these things, but these acts are commonplace in the US.
@vegnewb Hello. I've seen so many videos filmed in Japan and everyone seems to be in an endless rush. I thought the Japanese were very polite and did acts of kindness without stopping. Your story really surprised me.
@@MultiSUPERLATIVO They don't. Twice I have seen a lady pass out on the floor of the train and nobody helped. Also, I have gone to the train station to pass out umbrellas during a sudden rain, and they didn't even know how to act because they had never met a human being before.
Please don't pay for the person behind you. If you want to tip the staff extra go ahead. No one at the coffee shop is struggling to feed their family. If you want to help someone out with food help people who really need it.
I live in London and try to do gentlemanly things throughout the day. I don’t expect to get anything in return and often don’t get anything in return. That’s okay. But, a few weeks ago I held the door for the elderly lady behind me. It was busy and she was looking down, so at first she didn’t notice I was holding it for her. Perhaps she also wasn’t expecting it. After a few moments she looked up and saw I was holding it for her. I gave her a smile and her face lit up. She looked me in the eye and said “thank you, sir”. She called me “sir”, said “thank you” with a smile and meant it. It made my week. I was tempted to follow her around all day opening doors for her, carry her bags, get things off the top shelf for her and do anything else she needed. I would have laid in a puddle so she didn’t have to get her shoes wet.
You shouldn’t expect something in return, but it sure feels good when someone is grateful.
I hope we can all be a little more kind and polite to each other.
Have a nice day, reader. :)
I remember once I was out for dinner with my ex gf and when I wanted to pay the bill, the waiter told us that someone already paid it for us. At first I thought it was a joke but he insisted and an older couple (in their 40ies) had in fact paid for us, because they found us cute and we reminded them of their younger selves. It was quite a simple gesture that didn't require much effort or money (they just paid like 30-40 bucks), but so incredibly kind and touching. I still often think about it and hope I will be able to do the same for another couple one day.
I realy love this Gent-z serie of videos. They are so down to earth, so comon sence, so important and so unsnobbish. They help making the world a better place.
Thank you very much :)
Last year, just before Memorial Day I heard a man grunt behind me on the grocery checkout line. He wore a veterans cap and he just put down his basket and he was hunched over. I paid my order and waited for him to purchase his. At the time of payment I stepped in and paid his bill and thanked him for his service. We had a small discussion on the way out about his service and he was so grateful for the interaction and I got to thank a veteran. We both left with a very nice, unexpected experience.
A high vibration individual once paid for the entire line at a 711 when I was working tactical coffee logistics for a movie shoot. At 5AM near downtown LA, this made a memory I will carry with me for the rest of my days.
Do not underestimate small gestures good will. Have a good one, boys. :)
This is nothing more than being a true gentleman, promoting chivalry, and taking care of the things that need to be taken care of and I’m so glad you’re bringing this out to this next generation as a common courtesy, and not an extravagance or extra effort.
CHIVALRY! I love it! As a woman, we just adore men who do things like the ones you mentioned in this video. And it’s so rare these days..I think that men are wary of being helpful to women (who they don’t know) because they think that they might offend them. Believe me guys, you won’t! 💕💕💕
energy never dies its can only be transferred
I deliver liquor to bars and restaurants through two terminals at FLL. When I'm done with my rounds and my cart is empty, I offer to carry passenger luggage as I head back to the warehouse. I've done it several times, and I pick people who are struggling with wheelless duffles or heavy backpacks. It's been appreciated, and I like hearing the passengers' stories as we walk to their gate.
Stepping aside at the supermarket for someone with few groceries is easy - and I do it every week
A very simple gesture of kindness and empathy with tremendous impact on people, especially when it comes to a big metropolis where humans seem not to care about others! They always look at me like I was some kind of an alien!
In order to shut down people's uncomfortable social barrier, rather than saying how are you, say How have you been (as if you've known the stranger all your life) or How have WE been? People love this and feel more connection. You really will see people go on smiling after.
Random act of kindness. Giving directions to strangers in the street. In downtown Toronto, which gets it share of tourists and convention attendees, I have stopped to help people who are looking at a map and trying to figure out how to get to their destination. On a few occasions I have walked them part or all of the way if I’m going that way. I was once a Boy Scout so I strive still, as a senior, to do a good turn to someone everyday.
Vey good idea. Even with Google Maps, people still get lost and need help!
Good on you sir! I can’t count the number of times I have been on the receiving end of this act of kindness when traveling, and it’s always appreciated.
This one is really a great one Gent Z! Makes me think back to when I was living in China, and I worked in Jin Mao Tower in Shanghai. I'd get coffee at a Starbucks there every morning, and often in the afternoon too. One morning a female barista was trying to move a few boxes of supplies from an adjacent stock room to the counter area and dropped them while I was in line. I picked them all up for her and took them in. You cannot imagine the palpable shock on her face, and those of her co-baristas! NO ONE does this there. About three years later when that Starbucks team knew I'd be returning to the US, I got a farewell card signed by the entire crew!
One of my favourite act I have done that I have enjoyed leaving grocery store when rain started and lady & her daughter were waiting bit till rain slowed
I gave them my umbrella to keep. She was genuinely surprised
Amazing. Beautiful act.
One I really like is sending someone a letter (not email, but real letter). It gives the gentlemanly vibes and almost nobody does that so they will remember it for a long long time. For example: if you get hired for a job, just write a Handwritten letter to the boss on how much you are grateful for it.
I am a lady and I live in a large Mexican city and take a lot of cabs and Ubers. I ALWAYS say a polite "Good afternoon" to the person driving. And give them a "Thank you very much!" (in Spanish) at the end. They are usually polite in giving me a response. I think it establishes some kind of connection between two people in an intimate space like a car. I also like to tip them more than they expect. When I have repeat cab drivers, they treat me like their favorite granny and help me in and out of the car (I walk with a stick.) Same thing goes for servers in restaurants. A polite "Hello! Nice to see you again" (in Spanish) and a generous tip makes them feel good and makes me feel like I am visible. -- Thanks for your wonderful videos, James! I love listening to them even though I'm a 78 year old lady! And... you are adorable!!!!!
As an inspiration, open the car door for your female …. companion when you get in. Or taking the jacket when your coming in somewhere, even at home. There are many simple things that can make anyone’s life better, that’s for when you feel better because you will be ‘liked’ for real and not on a screen.
Great video channel, you are working on a better world your way, and it is appreciated! (man 50j old)
You can do to others not only women.
Everything in this video is spot on. I recently had a somewhat frustrating interaction at my doctor's office while trying to renew a prescription. It was a two 2 day ordeal, the details of which I will eschew here. The doctor's office receptionist, 20 years younger than I, was extraordinarily helpful in resolving the situation. After the matter was settled, I thanked the receptionist for her help and told her she was a very patient individual, with a good heart. She actually teared up and I handed her my handkerchief, something I have learned to carry now after watching a previous video on this channel. I have also found it much more well received when complimenting a women, to make a comment about a trait not related to her appearance. It seems much less threatening and much more well taken.
Offer kindness to men as well, they'll often appreciate it more because its offered so infrequently.
Honestly, some of these are things I would never have thought of doing, so thanks! Heartwarming, useful little video. And of course, I love that dressing well came up in a video with a topic that seemingly has nothing to do with clothing.
What a coincidence! Just yesterday I was standing at the line in the grocery store waiting to pay for my stuff. I noticed the guy in the front of me. He had a small complexion, and weared visibly cheap second-hand pants and jacket. Judging by his face, his life was not easy. When it was his turn to pay, his debit card was rejected, and he began trying to remove some stuff from the grocery bag to be able to pay for the rest. I asked the girl at the cash register how much it was, and she said $11.40. Something clicked in me, and I offered to pay his bill. I will never forget how he looked at me, and I still feel good. Indeed, it takes next to nothing to carry out the random acts of kindness...
The older generations will be more inclined to appreciate the acts of kindness. The new generation seems to get offended if you look their way. Whether helping a male or female, so many egos seem to get bruised.
Poor generation!
As someone from France living in the US, I am always surprised how grateful people are when you pack your own groceries and don’t look at them in the eyes expecting them to do it for you. So I don’t know if it is cultural or not, but I always go ahead and do it myself, they usually are under a lot of pressure so I think it is only right
I think it’s offensive to pack one’s own groceries, when there’s someone employed to do it. It just shows them that you don’t appreciate them and their work.
I can understand that; again I think it is just cultural, but whenever I talked about it with the concerned persons they just said that they don’t appreciate when people expect them to do it, it is also faster to pack it yourself that wait for the person to scan everything and then do it for you. This may be cultural, I still have to experience that and try and have more feedbacks from people about it I guess !
@@herbtube7824 it seems to be a cultural issue. I always pack myself.
@@dileniaa.8580 so do I - but I wouldn’t, if I didn’t have to where I live. I used to live in Asia, where employees of the store would regularly carry my stuff back to my apartment, too.
Fantastic video. Small things that cost little to nothing yet can make a big impact on a person's day. I would add that in certain situations, a manager or supervisor who undertakes an unpleasant task that could easily be delegated to a subordinate. When the toilet in the staff restroom got backed up and overflowed, this manager took off his suit jacket, put on a pair of gloves, grabbed a plunger, then grabbed a mop and cleaned up the mess. What a mess it was. Literal sewage. Made sure we had a safe and clean place. Acknowledging that is not sycophancy or ass-kissing, just gratitude.
Hold or open the door for someone. It helps in diffusing any potential Canadian Standoff situation.
Thank anyone who does something for you. It doesn't matter where. I had a boss who thanked everyone for everything they did. The weekly report? Required and expected. "Thank you!" He made it a wonderful place to work.
Talk to the lonely. Comfort a widow. Treat others like you would like to be treated. When you see someone helping others, thank them. When you see someone down on themselves, encourage them. Look around you carefully, you will there are plenty of good people in this world.
I found this channel only recently and the content is very impressive and elegant. It appears like this man lives what he speaks about and that's a rare quality nowaday. It's educational in the most healthy way possible.
Please keep up the quality work....❤❤❤
Thank you very much. I’m glad you found the channel and you’re enjoying it
Thank You for the Video 😀
The one I do every single day, holding the door. No matter the place, I always hold the door for someone, even if they don’t need it. It is one of the easiest acts we can apply in our daily life
Spreading a chain reaction of enthusiasm & empathy was taught by my aikidō masters in the late 1980’s.
Thank You for your suggestions.
I'll make sure to keep them in mind.
Well, for me personally, I like to take the responsibility of a group project that is assigned among a team, by not only contributing my portion of work, but by also helping others with their tasks or even completely doing the task on their behalf.
During the winter I've taken to clearing the snow from the two closest fire hydrants to my house, neither of which is anywhere close to my property. I make sure the snow is cleared down to the grass about three feet all around the hydrant and there's a clear path from the plowed area of the street to the hydrant. If the worst should happen I know the firefighters will be able to save precious time in hooking up the the hydrant which not only helps protect my house, but the neighborhood.
love your channel brother keep spreading positivity
Taking a lost person to the place that other's directions were unhelpful.
Many so called strangers are people we've had deep connection to in previous lives on earth. It's good to be aware of this. We come back to a new life on earth with our contemporaries. These strangers were always our contemporaries, people we knew before, often even family members. For better or for worse those past relationships cross paths again whilst we are born in a new personality, culture, country, etc. So when you meet a so called stranger keep this in mind and be kind to one another. This way any accumulated karma will be paid off and both can have a fresh start, and any positive work done together before has now a chance to continue and develop.
In situations where many people have drinks in their hands like concerts or festivals, it's common that somebody spill a drink over another. In this case it's a nice gesture to give them a cloth.
Most of these are just things that are so easy to do that I find it weird that not everyone does it, I don’t have any money to spare even though I’d love to give a homeless person or a charity a few bucks I can’t, I do however help where I can help people and have already quite often let someone go first, picked up stuff that someone dropped, earlier today I was out on a walk and a kid I think about 14 years old could not get the trash container open (in Bulgarian villages you have big containers at the corner of the streets with a heavy metal lid that is often fairly rough to open because it’s outside in all wearing conditions) I helped him push it over and even though there is a language barrier he still thanked me and went on with his day.
There is nothing hard about being kind, you just know people will appreciate it so what can go wrong.
Very well of your part .
Excellent advice!
I try to let others first all the time but I am in a wheelchair and everyone sees that and automatically makes me feel like they are obligated to let me first.. doesn’t matter man or women
Ever met someone in the supermarket that has popped to pick up one item, and you see them loaded down with several items.
Just get them a shopping basket, or trolley.
Stuck in a supermarket queue and see someone behind you with just one item , let them go in front of you.
In my part of the world I see women dustbin sweepers in the streets, buy them a coffee to go, or if they look they are really having bad day ( raining) a cake to.
Great Idea! Being all with you on 3, 4, 5. I do it all the time. Bringing back the cart is a bit odd here in Germany because you want to re-collect the coin you inserted when you took it. Can be up to 2 €.
What I plan to do always this year: when I see an elderly person collection empty bottles to get some extra money, I give them 5 - 10 €, depending on sympathy.
Love this channel!!💐☺️💗
Your program is excellent !
I shovel my neighbour's path and staircase along with mine. I figure, "while I'm here!" 😺
Love this video
Offer gum or snacks at work is polite.
Nice video. I smile that an eight minute video had multiple likes before it had been up for five minutes.
Haha, it makes me smile too
Great video! I wanted to ask- how do you hug like a gentleman?
Hello. How are you?
It's interesting to see the two pictures on the wall behind you. On the left side, the important architectural movement called Bauhaus (Germany). And, on the right, a photo of the cover of an album by the English gothic band of the same name, Bauhaus. Are these two pieces of artwork your personal choices?
Can you recommend a good online shop in Europe?
Lending yoúr umbrella to someone going to their car.they can return it to you at the store entrance
Helping a person cross the street in a city
I would like you to do a video on facial hair. And how to dress as an older person
Calling a Didi (cab) for tourists in Chinese cities. Bonus if you pay for the ride👍
I really like your videos! May an elder give you some advice? You are falling into the youtube creator trap. Too many videos, and quality is starting to slip. Break the cycle, slowdown, and create like a gentleman. 😊
I really enjoy giving money to the poor people who are sitting in front of a paper cup with couple of nickles inside. It's just a bit of money from me and it might mean a world to them.
A child once past me at the check-out while carrying a muffin in his hand and his mother was already after paying but was still packing her bags. The check-out lady saw it and the mother came back to pay, but I said to the check-out lady to just add the cost to my bill. The mother got offended and refused to accept my offer. Still, I love randon opportunities such as that to offer kindness.
Next Time ask the mother if it's ok for her.
Another good video. Where is the fountain pen one promised last week. The winner is Conway Stewart of course
I love the Scientologist's techniques for these things too. 😂🎉😢😮😅😊🎉
Why are the subtitles burned in?!
They aren't
@@jukismityev1833 how does one turn them off?
@@domb5513 depends on your device. If you are watching on TV, then maybe try chromecasting the Video, and then turn off subtitles on your smartphone
If you have a PC/laptop, click c for subtitles
These are all good suggestions except for paying for another patron. Simply giving away money, especially to someone who does not need it, is lazy and embarrassing to the recipient. If you are at a coffee house and need to give away some money, just leave a generous tip.
Sounds like you just noticed some things that Americans do on a regular basis without even thinking about it, and you made a video that might as well be titled "how to be a decent human being". I live in Japan and nobody does any of these things, but these acts are commonplace in the US.
I hope they're common here because I don't notice it that often...
@@themysteriousnavi6850 Where are you located? Where I am from,if you don’t hold the door open for an old lady you are a non man.
@vegnewb Hello. I've seen so many videos filmed in Japan and everyone seems to be in an endless rush. I thought the Japanese were very polite and did acts of kindness without stopping. Your story really surprised me.
@@MultiSUPERLATIVO They don't. Twice I have seen a lady pass out on the floor of the train and nobody helped. Also, I have gone to the train station to pass out umbrellas during a sudden rain, and they didn't even know how to act because they had never met a human being before.
Please don't pay for the person behind you. If you want to tip the staff extra go ahead. No one at the coffee shop is struggling to feed their family. If you want to help someone out with food help people who really need it.
Random acts of kindness don’t involve judging who is in need of kindness, but handing it out indiscriminately
First, pin sir?
I unfortunately don't know your name, but I just wanted to let you know I appreciate your help, to grow more gentlemen in my generation 🤍
@@sammajor2075 Thanks mate