The ONLY Sith The Dark Side of the Force HATED - Star Wars Explained

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ธ.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 295

  • @fernandobarbosa9727
    @fernandobarbosa9727 ปีที่แล้ว +202

    "Other Sith lords respected Life itself"
    Darth Nihilus proceeds to devour the Force out of entire planets and civilizations - Force be chill.
    Darth Vitiate proceeds to murder entire worlds and eventually plans to do the same with the whole galaxy to absorb the Force out of everything and everyone and be immortal as well - Force be cool and saying "yo homie~"
    Plagueis proceeds to think of midiclorians as having no will and control them to resurrect people - Force gasps at his horrifying morals and deeds.
    Lesson for all future Sith Lords here: it's okay to plan galactic scale genocide and take all that Force to yourself and even be truly immortal anyway. Just don't disrespect the midiclorians: most deplorable thing ever.

    • @liborohanka5010
      @liborohanka5010 ปีที่แล้ว +36

      Maybe, from point of (dark side of) force, it's just collecting life. Like life didn't disappear, but became concentrated in one person etc. So in 'eyes' of Force, it isn't so bad. On the other hand, when he took control over his own body on cell level, he was probably influenced his own philosophy and make midiclorians dumb and just part of gigant spiritual plant. He basically did lobotomy on force in his own body (and didn't even realized that). Of course, Force would take it as direct attack on it and wanted stop him, before he could teach other his thinking and ways of control. At least, I think so.

    • @fernandobarbosa9727
      @fernandobarbosa9727 ปีที่แล้ว +16

      It's an interesting perspective, though I feel it would apply more to Vitiate than to Nihilus.
      Given the later condition as a wound in the Force, and what possibly happened to the consumed Force as well, I feel like it was too lenient at him when compared to Plagueis.
      Though it's actually hard to tell whether the Force despised Nihilus as well or not, since all we got from him were creepy noises.

    • @alex52043
      @alex52043 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      @@fernandobarbosa9727 If he's a wound in the force then it probably hates that he's there but doesn't hate him specifically. Would you hate your leg if it was broken?

    • @oliveragag8576
      @oliveragag8576 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      The only reason they didn't do what Plagius did was because they didn't know how to.

    • @isaacvallenstein6717
      @isaacvallenstein6717 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      To learn who rules over you find out who you aren't allowed to criticize.

  • @goatkiller666
    @goatkiller666 ปีที่แล้ว +45

    I imagine the Sith spirits just deciding not to appear to him just as a prank. Sort of a “we taught him wrong, on purpose” kind of thing.

  • @ocadioan
    @ocadioan ปีที่แล้ว +195

    Plagius dominating the Force is probably _the_ most Sith thing to do. The fact that the Dark side didn't like this natural evolution of the Sith desire for power and freedom through power says a lot.

    • @blackc1479
      @blackc1479 ปีที่แล้ว +27

      Agreed about the domination part, but I think the crux is more that the dark side is all about that battle, and will reward those who beat it in "fair battle".
      His approach was more of a disrespect, and a perversion. He didn't seek power by strength, but by trying to neuter the forces overarching power.

    • @jurajchobot
      @jurajchobot ปีที่แล้ว +9

      The force cannot escape your body. If the force as you said hated you, you would just stop generating it. What I believe is true is that the dark side liked the things to remain spiritual and so decided to kill Plagius by first drilling a hole into part of his skull, where the force is concentrated, which caused him to literally bleed it out of his body. After he bled enough, he was finally weak enough to be killed and even then, they had to wait till he was drunk to finish him. What this means is, that Plagius was actually favored by the force and he knew a lot about it. The Sith on the other hand preferred to believe the dogma and all of them turned on him.

    • @Z1yx4
      @Z1yx4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      It’s because the dark side doesn’t serve it Manipulates corrupts the sith believe they can conquer it but that’s a foolish idea the force is not a slave or a companion its just is that’s why the dark side hated him think about it the dark side was for a brief moment forced to do something it never would do on its own disrupting the natural balance of things

    • @darthbane418
      @darthbane418 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      ​@@jurajchobotyes it can look at the Rakata or the yuzon vong lmfao

  • @michaelbarnes2126
    @michaelbarnes2126 ปีที่แล้ว +45

    Always wanted to know more about Plagius. It’s wild that even when the Force left his body his control of his midichlorians was so great that they kept his connection to the Force intact and in fact grew that’s an insane feat to actively deny the thing that granted you your power the ultimate rebellious move

  • @madlad1077
    @madlad1077 ปีที่แล้ว +50

    Luke : *researches Darth plagueis*
    The Force : All you need to know is that guy was a prick

  • @cajintexas7751
    @cajintexas7751 ปีที่แล้ว +35

    Maybe the force didn't so much hate Plagueis as it rejected him, like a body will reject a parasite.

  • @dreadrath
    @dreadrath ปีที่แล้ว +82

    Its pretty crazy that the force hated Plagueis, yet it didn't hate Darth Traya who essentially wanted to kill the force itself. Or maybe it did and manipulated the exile to kill Kreia/Traya the same way it sort of urged Palps to kill Plagueis. Although the fact that the force can hate anyone and want them dead certainly raises some rather disturbing questions about how much its willing to manipulate the galaxy's force sensitives for the sake of its own balance. There's just so many ways to look at the force, from it being a non-sentient entity, to it being a benevolent entity that loves all, including the dark side, to it being a ruthless entity sacrificing anything for its own balance, and even a few who think The Force as the secret main villain of all Star Wars.

    • @feranard
      @feranard ปีที่แล้ว

      It’s one thing to have a dude after your life, it’s another thing for that same dude to want to make you his bitch.

    • @kaaskop01
      @kaaskop01 ปีที่แล้ว +19

      If it is a ruthless entity sacrificing anything for it's own balance, that implies plagueis is the only person to ever come close to breaking that balance outside of the force's control o.o

    • @aaronbaker2186
      @aaronbaker2186 ปีที่แล้ว

      If you look at Earth most of our science and progress comes from war and strife. The galaxy may have been stagnating under the Jedi dominated Galactic Republic.
      There is some evidence that the force only exists in the one Galaxy, the fact that there are races immune to the force for instance. The force may be trying to make sure that force favorable races survive by creating a balance between peace for growth and conflict for ingenuity.

  • @jedi_minion_bartender1434
    @jedi_minion_bartender1434 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    The force: "And I took that personally "

  • @Phoenixoflife56
    @Phoenixoflife56 ปีที่แล้ว +57

    The thing is that the force was already fed up with the Jedi however the experiment of Pelagius was the last straw for the force in which it pretty much responded with nearly wiping out both orders within decades of each other

    • @Tellos
      @Tellos ปีที่แล้ว +9

      And to this oh I can only imagine how Treya herself would feel. as she says. "I hate the force, i hate that it seems to have a will and a fate for us all!"

    @OMEGATHENIETZCHIAN ปีที่แล้ว +179

    Plagius was like the Jal Shay in his scientific approach to the force but the Jal Shay help others, focus on life and diplomacy. Plagius focused only on manipulating life, enforcing his will on the galaxy. The force would not speak to him as he would not listen. He wanted to manipulate and control, not commune. In that sense he was more like the Rakata who the force eventually abandoned as a species but because he was too powerful, too knowledgeable the force could not do this with him. It was like an animal trapped in a cage, doing what it could to frustrate or sabotage its captor's experiments. Hence the chosen entity created from the force as Plagius wanted but not WHERE he wanted it. The most defiance the force could muster.

    • @shivaramoutar5333
      @shivaramoutar5333 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      Well he wanted a dark side chosen one but Anakin was pretty far from that. I think that’s pretty significant

    • @vxxen6020
      @vxxen6020 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      plagius is a plant

    • @CT--on2zj
      @CT--on2zj ปีที่แล้ว +2

      The scope of star wars and how it all is interlinked is amazing

      @OMEGATHENIETZCHIAN ปีที่แล้ว +9

      @@shivaramoutar5333 Anakin could have been if raised and indoctrinated from the start. Even Lucas has said that if not for Obi Wan vivisecting him Anakin would have surpassed Sidious. I think the force's final revenge was giving Obi that flash of insight as to when to strike.

    • @vexi_7
      @vexi_7 ปีที่แล้ว

      i love having the intro spoiled immediately 😂

  • @daniels7907
    @daniels7907 ปีที่แล้ว +72

    Interesting how the Force could go silent for Plagueis, but could not outright sever his connection to it. This raises some interesting questions. Did Palpatine fail to foresee the destruction of the Death Stars, and his own death, because he was also meddling in similar studies? Was sequel!Luke able to cut himself off from the Force on Ahch-To because he rejected his duty to the Light until the very end? If so, was this also the reason that the Jedi Order was gaining less insight from the Force in the prequels because they had become more concerned with politics than with protecting life?

    • @trollsparda
      @trollsparda ปีที่แล้ว +6


    • @thalmoragent9344
      @thalmoragent9344 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      True, very interesting

    • @gmailquinn
      @gmailquinn ปีที่แล้ว +2

      If I remember, sidious foresaw the end but was too arrogant to believe it

    • @iamnotgroot3693
      @iamnotgroot3693 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      He absolutely saw the end. That's why he had clones of himself and knowledge of essence transfer. He had back up plans to his contingencies that he had for his plan C after A and B failed.

    • @daniels7907
      @daniels7907 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      @@iamnotgroot3693 - That's a retcon though. While George did like, and gave input to, the Dark Empire comics (which is where this idea was lifted from), he was adamant that in *his* canon (i.e. the movies), Palpatine's death in RotJ was permanent. J.J. brought Palpy back purely because Rian took the sequels off the rails by killing the BBEG in the second movie, while also failing to make Kylo a convincing Supreme Leader/Emperor. So RoS was basically just a bunch of recycled ideas meant to cover for the fact that there was no story outline.

  • @taavidude
    @taavidude ปีที่แล้ว +15

    I also think that the Force itself hated The Sith Emperor (not Sidious). When he was attempting to take over Satele Shan's body, many spirits would show up. The spirits of those he betrayed as Valkorion, the spirits of those he manipulated as Darth Vitiate and the spirits of those that he murdered as Tenebrae. Revan also says that the Force always seeks balance. He was a threat to the whole universe so the Force itself most likely helped with his downfall.

  • @ZaneK21
    @ZaneK21 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    The Force literally said “I’m bout to end this man’s whole career.”

  • @TheAncientSith
    @TheAncientSith ปีที่แล้ว +118

    Even though Plagueis hardly shows up in any sources besides his own novel, my personal opinion he’s very underrated. His studying of the force and what he’s achieved proves if he remained alive, he would’ve been a massive threat to the Galaxy.

    • @lucabestea6844
      @lucabestea6844 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      And *that's* why he should've been Snoke

    • @TheAncientSith
      @TheAncientSith ปีที่แล้ว +8

      @@lucabestea6844 NO! Snoke is just Snoke. If Snoke was Plagueis Disney would’ve wasted him as much as they did with Luke. Kylo Ren one of the weakest dark siders killing Darth Plagueis would have infuriated all the fans. Just keep Darth Plagueis in Legends unless they make him good in Acolyte. P.S Plagueis and Snoke look nothing alike.

    • @lucabestea6844
      @lucabestea6844 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I never said he is Snoke. I said that if he had been made Snoke as his poorly regenerated body after his death/or a controlled vessel like Vitiate did, with many additional plot changes that would have made him the main antagonist. This way they never had to bring Palpatine back and waste him as they did and the sequels would have been better. Sorry, I never explained my reasoning in my upper comment.

    • @TheAncientSith
      @TheAncientSith ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@lucabestea6844 If this happened there was still the chance he would’ve been wasted by characters like Rey Or Ben killing him. I’m just glad it didn’t happen, that’s all. The sequels dominated all legendary characters which is why the same could’ve been done to Plagueis.

    • @lucabestea6844
      @lucabestea6844 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      @@TheAncientSithif the sequels were made by someone like Dave Filoni, Jon Favreau or if they *at least* listened to George Lucas' ideas before he left, they could've found a way to make Plagueis actually discover a way to bring himself back before his death. Then, he would have been a well-written Snoke. But, alas, Disney ruined the sequels. I personally really wanted a Plagueis related story or a Yuuzhan Vong or Dark Empire trilogy. There, they did Palpatine right.

  • @bornwisedistruction
    @bornwisedistruction ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Plagueis Was on the road to becoming the force itself he understood it in a way no one else could even the force was shocked he came so close to bending it to his will.

  • @Sam-gc6uv
    @Sam-gc6uv ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Thanks, this gives me an insight as to perhaps ,how Sidious was so powerful. Even Yoda, with almost 1000 years of experience, learning and development was not able to destroy Darth Sidious ; who(Yoda) himself admitted that he'd failed ; so it's clear that, that was his goal . Obviously, some other forces ( no pun intended) were at play here. Sidious, himself being human, and I'm assuming with a human lifespan was untouchable . Even Vader/ Anakin was not able to destroy Sidious, until the end, which killed him, and he had the highest midichlorian count of all.
    So , I envisage perhaps this type of scenario. The Sith's goal is to ultimately increase exponentially in the Dark Side of the force, thus becoming the Pinnacle or focus point of power in the Universe.
    The obvious route is to work out a way to somehow increase one's midichlorian count. The Sith have developed themselves in this studying for 1000 years beginning with Bane , and Plagueus , the result of this lineage, does find a way to dominate the midichlorian's , but ignoring the fact that they are living beings and such, deeply offends them, even though he does increase his midichlorian count. So, Sidious hinted that Plagueus taught his apprentice EVERYTHING HE KNEW , which we take it as red that he's speaking of himself. Perhaps , maybe he adapts toward a less aggressive method of increasing his midichlorian count, or the midichlorian's ,themselves , gift Sidious with a higher count for killing Plagueus -- just to spite him. However it was done, it appears to me that something like a black hole was developing in Sidious, unlike anything that was done before. In retrospect I'm thinking he found a very special relationship with the midi-- chlorians as , already mentioned with Vader's failure high midi-- chlorian count alone won't do it. Sidious , hinted that he greatly valued wisdom saw Plagueus' failure and entered into a very special elite dark side bonding with the midi-- chlorians to elevate into the super massive black hole in the force that he was....Very interesting... Thanks
    BTW my favorite line in Revenge of the Sith movie , was when Sidious goes through ,well really years of manipulation and brain washing on poor Anakin to save Padme from certain death, and ( of course) only Sidious had the knowledge--- so, in fear and total desperation, Anakin cuts off Mace Windu's hand , betrays the Jedi and becomes a Sith apprentice.. all to save Padme, because " I can't live without her".. right? Then, what does Sidious say-- " To cheat death is a power only one has achieved-- BUT, IF WE WORK TOGETHER I KNOW WE'LL DISCOVER THE SECRET"
    At this point Anakin should have said.. " wait, WHAT???" You told me you can do it, and now you're telling me you can't???" What's all this-- we work together to discover the secret business???" I just think it's funny. At least Sidious was honest. You can maybe see it Anakins eyes. The ...OH S##T .. Is that why he fell on his knees? Well no turning back now -- I'm screwed!!!

  • @boussIRL
    @boussIRL ปีที่แล้ว +69

    Sidious: *about to leave the penthouse*
    The Force: ayy, kill your master.
    Sidious: say no more, fam
    Also, I love the visual that both Sidious and Luke are sitting together, making notes in the novel about Plagueis, like, "The Force said f*ck this Sith Lord in particular." and both of them were like, yeah, he ain't right for that one 😂

  • @Juuggy
    @Juuggy ปีที่แล้ว +15

    So basically the Force had its feelings hurt

  • @PhantomRedKnight
    @PhantomRedKnight ปีที่แล้ว +29

    The Force may have hated Plagueis, but he had lost his connection long before that. The reason why he lost his Force Sight and several other powers is because his master Darth Tenebrous had infected his cells with Maxi-Chlorians, thereby limiting his connection to the Force.

    • @olimar7647
      @olimar7647 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Please tell me that's not actually a thing in the lore 😂

    • @tedwojtasik8781
      @tedwojtasik8781 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      So Plagius got him a dose of Dark Side Aids???

  • @liborohanka5010
    @liborohanka5010 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I think, it wasn't only because he go agains circle of life(while it was important), but I think his denial of will and mind of force was big factor too. His way of thinking probably affect how he control his cells etc. and their connection with force. When he achieved that immortality body control, he probably did something like lobotomy on force in his body. Force was there, working normally, but didn't communicate with other parts of force. At least, I think so. I like to think about light and dark side of force, like Freud's psychologic. ID, Ego and SuperEgo. While not sure, if force has Ego/personality, ID that's animalistic part of human nature=selfish devil that chose easy path And SuperEgo that's represent learned morals and conscience=angel that tells what you should do. It doesn't represent dark and light side perfectly, but close enough and its explain dualistic but united nature of force. Dark side, animalistic part, that do anything for survival and domination, controlled by instinct and emotions, highly individualistic and like evolution. Light side, that is calculating, what is best for survival of community, but holds ideals, culture and everything that different us from animals. Empathetic, but not emotionally driven (animals has emotions, not saying that they don't have empathy, but it is higher function). Both parts of greater mind.

  • @felipeduartedepaula1116
    @felipeduartedepaula1116 ปีที่แล้ว +26

    It's not surprising that the Force hates Darth Plagueis! He tried to pervert it several times to make its will succumb to his own, thus breaking the natural course of things! It's like someone doing something you want but the person doesn't want to!

    • @PrimeofPerfection
      @PrimeofPerfection ปีที่แล้ว

      Isn't that what all Sith do to The Force and why The Force wants Jedi to destroy them? Jedi are servants to The Force, Sith see it as a tool they try to master.

  • @Anamnesis010
    @Anamnesis010 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    The Force: You can be evil
    Darth Plaegis: *tries to dominate life itself*
    The Force: Wait, not like that

    • @richardarriaga6271
      @richardarriaga6271 ปีที่แล้ว

      The Force sounds like it's the puppet master. Sounds like Darth Kreia was right.

    • @zawwin1846
      @zawwin1846 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@richardarriaga6271 Less puppet master and more like collective consciousness of the universe.

    • @nathanpfirman625
      @nathanpfirman625 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@zawwin1846I’d say just a couple galaxies since know of other entities like it such as the “Anti-Force” which is known to exist in a different galaxy.

  • @dominickgaramella6431
    @dominickgaramella6431 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    That makes a lot of sense. The book tells us that the Force called him to kill his master

  • @robertagu5533
    @robertagu5533 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    That's a bit surprising a name drop.. especially since as we know it it's a relatively VERY well known period in the Lore. This suggests he's a hell of a lot more a scientist an neutral character then a Darkside aligned one. So HOW he's allegedly so powerful becomes a question mark.. as if it hated him THAT much couldn't it just cut him off like it did the Rakkata?? The Force seems to be almost a SUPREMELY sentient invisible deity of sorts with a VERY hands on tangible hand in specific followers in the universe it inhabits. Ironic science as we know it is basically same as in Star Wars an runs counter in practice to religions an such beleifs... Most of them anyways, too. Perhaps Plaguis wasn't much a Sith an this incurred such hate an disrespect in addition to all the narrated. An further in turn is the MOST hated ever...

  • @andreconner2973
    @andreconner2973 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    I love Sith lore

    • @aster4jaden
      @aster4jaden ปีที่แล้ว +3

      It's so fascinating.

    • @captaincooool
      @captaincooool ปีที่แล้ว +5

      same, I'm all about sith anything.

    • @Nord_Meadly
      @Nord_Meadly 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      It’s hard not to even the way they abuse and twist the force is very interesting

  • @t.j.armendariz354
    @t.j.armendariz354 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    My only question is why didn’t something similar happen with Vitiate as he sought immortality by stealing life and to destroy all life which would rip the force from the galaxy

    • @taavidude
      @taavidude ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Well, in Echoes of Oblivion, tons of spirits that hated Tenebrae/Vitiate/Valkorion would show up. Revan even says that the Force always seeks balance. I think the Force did send all those spirits to help defeat him once and for all.

    • @feranard
      @feranard ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Because Vitiate would have stolen that life force fair and square as is the wont of the Dark Side.
      He didn’t want to screw with the midichlorans. You don’t screw with midichlorans. That’s the big no-no.

  • @lucabestea6844
    @lucabestea6844 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    Wow, just wow! I originally thought that the dark side was a wound opened in the cosmic spirit of the Force, that sometimes corrupts its thoughts. The explanation given by Luke is waaaaaaay better. Also, this just brings more meaning to the name Plagueis. He plagued the Force into fleeing. That's why he's one of my favourite Sith Lords. Honestly now, the only other times, I know of the Force intervening was: 1.when the light side gave Meetra Surik her special power that prevailed aginst Nihilus; 2.when the entire Force as a whole gave the Sith and Jedi their yellowish aura against the Echo of Tenebrae that affected Jedi Master Satele Shan. Really now, the Force appealing *TO Sidious* out of everybody to kill him. I bet this is the dark side's Yin and the light side's making of Anakin's Yang. Also, I wonder if, in a way, Plagueis did live, kinda like his master but not in an eternal state of pain, more like in a scattered midichlorian zone, as he did unleash an aura of energy upon death.
    My reasoning: you said that he even got more midichlorians than before. So, in a way, the Force respected him, without wanting to, and he was, in a way, like a magnet to it. The Force tried to flee from its own torment, something so insidious, that even the dark side cowered away. And if these midichlorians were kind of abandoned by the Force in the hands of Plagueis, didn't that mean that Plagueis's power now belonged to a new source/name of the Force, and lived through him and would slowly empower him again? A good way of bringing him back imo....

    • @shivaramoutar5333
      @shivaramoutar5333 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      No according to Lucas the dark side is evil and is pretty much a breach in the force. That’s the reason that malachor is a dark side nexus. A force wound is something of the dark side

    • @j.d.clayborne5556
      @j.d.clayborne5556 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@shivaramoutar5333 eh i liked the other version better

  • @WenceslasHolec
    @WenceslasHolec หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I am sorry about plants as Plagueis about Alchemy.

  • @diqweed69
    @diqweed69 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Plagueis: Force ghosts aren't real
    The Force: Oh, really?? **deletes cell number**

  • @Matt-pn1ce
    @Matt-pn1ce ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Please could you do a video on Porter Engle the Blade of bardotta, he was a legendary jedi during the high republic era who was said to be just as good a duelist as master yoda himself and had a legendary reputation within the jedi .

  • @thetruemonarch9354
    @thetruemonarch9354 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    So basically, the only example I can think of of the force truly communicating with Plagueis was when he met Palpatine, which of course ended poorly for him but wonderfully for the darkside overall. Oh the force.... you little scamp you.

  • @ChrisWizzerd
    @ChrisWizzerd ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Idk bro... That last pic of Sidius killing Plagius at 7:34 seemed a little sus 😳😂

  • @iamnotgroot3693
    @iamnotgroot3693 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Umm actually the force also fled from Bane for a time during his training at the sith academy in the first bane novel.

  • @ericvulgate
    @ericvulgate ปีที่แล้ว +13

    'disrespecting the midochloians'
    I do that too.

    • @daniels7907
      @daniels7907 ปีที่แล้ว

      Ever since opening night for TPM.

  • @majinsole8554
    @majinsole8554 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The Force squaded up to take out Plagius…that’s wild.

  • @LucifersAngel-mu4mw
    @LucifersAngel-mu4mw ปีที่แล้ว +2

    "Dark Side users HATE her. Find out what her one simple trick is."

  • @LordWyatt
    @LordWyatt ปีที่แล้ว

    Plagueis: Why isn’t it possible?
    The Force: It’s just not.
    Plagueis: Why not? You stupid bastard!

  • @nicholasmaude6906
    @nicholasmaude6906 ปีที่แล้ว

    Plagueis was very rational in his scientific process of analysing the Force in understanding it.

  • @EdwardVelez
    @EdwardVelez ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I have never seen anyone talk about this. Can you do more videos on this?

  • @Gor85
    @Gor85 ปีที่แล้ว

    This is prefect :D I'm so glad the Force hated Plagius. He tried something terrible. No one messed with the Force. Force was right. May the Force be with you ;)

  • @ciceromoraes1128
    @ciceromoraes1128 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    All that analysis is simply wrong according to the legends lore, but the problem is if that still applies. The conclusion that the force hated Plaguius comes from Luke, but he didn't have all the information. It was Darth Tenebrous, Plaguius master that unintentionally blinded and deafned him to the force by the user of another type of midi chlorian. The ultimate goal of Tenebrous was to take over his disciple body and live forever, but it ended caging Tenebrous himself in his own corpse and cutting parts of Plaguius sensitiveness to the force

  • @YuckaMountain
    @YuckaMountain ปีที่แล้ว

    ”Have you ever heard the tragedy of Darth Baras the Wide?”

  • @lorddarkrai7712
    @lorddarkrai7712 ปีที่แล้ว

    Anyone else feel like if Stupendous Wave existed in the Star Wars galaxy he would host a sermon where acolytes of the force light side and dark side alike would come together and learn about this stuff?

  • @zephaniah_1-18
    @zephaniah_1-18 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Plagius ! Look's Like a Glukkon, From Odd World !

  • @corneilusofearl7574
    @corneilusofearl7574 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Another well-done presentation. Would you say that Darth plagueis was a walking wound?

  • @alecstronach
    @alecstronach ปีที่แล้ว

    The only being to master The Force so well that The Force got scared, this is why Plagueis is my favorite star wars novel.

  • @D_To_The_J
    @D_To_The_J ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Also I have a theory. I think the reason the Jedi seem to die off in large numbers is because they Force is supposed to be balanced. There are only 2 Sith master and apprentice. In order to balance that out either the Jedi would have to be really weak or time to trim those numbers. So by the Sith limiting their numbers they are kind of putting a cap on the Jedi as well.

    • @blackc1479
      @blackc1479 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      They've only had one purge that big, where they almost went out completely.
      I get where you're coming from, but it seems to me it's fundamentally about how the two sides use the force.
      To me at least, the jedi are equivalent to sail boats, moving in harmony w the wind. Thus they're not hampered by larger numbers.
      The sith are more like jet skis, sucking in the water to use it to propel them wherever they want.
      The more of them, the less available water, and the greater likelihood of running into each other, the shore, etc.
      Not a great analogy, but I think it kinda works.

    • @anastasiab9506
      @anastasiab9506 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@blackc1479 two purges. One done by Sidious, one done by the Sith Triumvirate. And the latter happened while there was a whole ass Sith empire in the Unknown regions.

    • @blackc1479
      @blackc1479 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@anastasiab9506 ah, cool. I'm rusty, but it seemed like there were 2 or3 others, but I couldn't recall particulars and was too lazy to look it up.

  • @nodatastored684
    @nodatastored684 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    #DarthPlagueisLives there is only one force and Plagueis subjugated it in total domination

  • @kamerondonaldson5976
    @kamerondonaldson5976 ปีที่แล้ว

    plants do not speak, plagueis. they dont run away either, but they certainly don't speak.

  • @capt_what
    @capt_what ปีที่แล้ว

    that thumbnail for this video is dope as hell. got a link to the piece/artist?

  • @SergioAzamuth
    @SergioAzamuth ปีที่แล้ว

    Given one of the disciplines of the Force is clairvoyance, one must wonder what terrible future did the Force foresee if Plagueis was allowed to continue.

  • @NotRyanReynolds.
    @NotRyanReynolds. ปีที่แล้ว

    Plagueis the Wise trying to jailbreak the Force. He's lucky he didn't brick himself.

  • @blackc1479
    @blackc1479 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Just to point out, this would also indicate that the force already knew this was going to happen. Otherwise there would never have been a chosen one prophecy.
    Or maybe it ties back to the living force/potentium. The unified force is the whole record for it to draw from.

  • @herobrine3678
    @herobrine3678 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Nice video very well made

  • @BigDexMedia
    @BigDexMedia ปีที่แล้ว

    For The Force to hate a particular person, that must mean that character is beyond the forces of evil

  • @jeremiahkivi4256
    @jeremiahkivi4256 ปีที่แล้ว

    Plagueis probably knew about the Force than anyone. Though the cost of the knowledge was his lessening in the Force itself.

  • @loneoutsider8004
    @loneoutsider8004 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    What was that creepy music you were playing during the video.

  • @Lordmewtwo151
    @Lordmewtwo151 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    "[Plagius] is one of the only beings that the force...attempted to flee from entirely." Glad that you didn't say *only* because there is at least one other, specifically, an entire species.
    I'm not an expert on the Yuuzhan Vong, but I have heard of them even before they were mentioned in YT comments via Wookipedia on the Nogri. From what I've read, the Yuuzhan Vong's planet was one with the force, and they were once a completely pacifist species. However, when the Yuuzhan Vong entered a war for survival, it awakened the more savage instincts. After that, the planet (or what was left of it) cut them off from the force entirely.
    Edit: There's also the Rakata.

  • @DarkInstinct05
    @DarkInstinct05 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Notifications are working for you, just so you know

  • @brittneyroberts1424
    @brittneyroberts1424 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I do have a question for you. Then how can some force sensitives have the gift of Dark Transfer, with this as I understand it can bring someone back from the dead but I could be wrong. Can you please explain or can you look into for me?

  • @WickedMadRabbit
    @WickedMadRabbit ปีที่แล้ว

    I wonder is there was a force user that the force cared for, "Loved", willingly gave to more then any other.

  • @WaggaDaBagga
    @WaggaDaBagga ปีที่แล้ว

    "Sith" lord "Darth" Plagueis, (The Wise One) was killed in his sleep by his apprentice (aka Sheev Palpatine). Who became the Jedi Chancellor of the Senate of the Republic. (Which at a slightly later time turned out to be: the Emperor of the Empire as the powerful "Sith" lord "Darth" Sidious). By that time, he had taken on Anakin Skywalker as his new young apprentice. Who became the "Sith" lord "Darth" Vader. (50% human and 50% Machine). As popularly called: Cyborg.

  • @witteju
    @witteju ปีที่แล้ว

    great video once again!!!

  • @exasperatus2002
    @exasperatus2002 ปีที่แล้ว

    I really enjoyed this episode. Thank you

  • @anthonylandren5598
    @anthonylandren5598 ปีที่แล้ว

    Can we PLEASE see Plagius on screen???? Sheeeesh!!!

  • @allanstpaul279
    @allanstpaul279 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    They should make these movies.

  • @cookingonthego9422
    @cookingonthego9422 ปีที่แล้ว

    When you tinker with a computer too much sooner or later you will blow things up. Happened to me more than once even though I thought I knew PC very well. Plagues blew up something that was not fixable from that point onwards. Sucks to be him.

  • @albertnonymous1886
    @albertnonymous1886 ปีที่แล้ว

    I think a more effective word choice would be to say "the Force shunned him".

  • @cfG21
    @cfG21 ปีที่แล้ว

    The dark side of the force always betrays itself

  • @Crochet_bro
    @Crochet_bro ปีที่แล้ว

    I wonder if that's what happened to the Rakata. Maybe the illness that left them unable to use the force was the actual force fleeing from them.

  • @MoxxoM
    @MoxxoM ปีที่แล้ว

    That's why Plagius was a giga chad.

  • @chriseaton1525
    @chriseaton1525 ปีที่แล้ว

    The spirits stayed hidden for their saftey, rather than be a research subject.

  • @Blessed_V0id
    @Blessed_V0id ปีที่แล้ว

    Does anyone know what the music at the start of this videos called? I checked out eternity, but cannot find it anywhere

  • @360milliondollars
    @360milliondollars ปีที่แล้ว

    So the force is like "I am equilibrium" ... "some got to be this and some got to be that".... The Force saw Plagius and said ... "WTF" ...."NOPE" ... if I flee from it... it doesn't exist..... Plagius WHO...LOL

  • @alsimmonshellspawn6021
    @alsimmonshellspawn6021 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Manipulating the midchronian isn't something that only plagueis could only do, the ancient sith lords could to that via sith magic and archemy, some of the greatest sorcerer like naga sadow freedon nadd tulak hord vitiate and exar kun could do that exar kun was the greatest sorcerer of the ancient sith lords

  • @A_J502
    @A_J502 ปีที่แล้ว

    Sounds like Plaguis viewed the Force as just another scientific force to use as a tool. Likely the Will of the Force and Plaguis mutually ignored each other

  • @nodatastored684
    @nodatastored684 ปีที่แล้ว

    Anakin became everything that Plagueis intended as did Jaybo Hood

  • @DraconiusDragora
    @DraconiusDragora ปีที่แล้ว

    The force is living entities, and we know there is one specific horrifyingly powerful entity, which pretty much is the force in physical form for the galaxy to see, feel and touch.
    The Force didn't hate Plagious, the force didn't hate the one who shed their mortal coil to become one with the force to stop a wound in the force.
    Fear, the Force Feared what Plagious could do, and what he could become, it feared what could be done to it as a whole, with a perversion from its own set balance of itself.
    The Force rarely takes direct actions, as it sees all life as a cycle, a circle of life, death, and birth, where others seeked to get eternity through the means of what the force has given permission with. Plagious went against this, and seeked for find answers, holes, self fulfilling cycles and either embrace them, or end them.
    This made him a very big threat to the force itself, he was a walking Wound of the Force, but instead of Devouring the Essence, which is giving back to the Force itself, Plagious went to twist and change the course of the flow, he actively seeked to harm the very foundation the force had set rules for.

  • @Marco-ub1nh
    @Marco-ub1nh ปีที่แล้ว

    And he says darth a lot and Plagus but I love your vids bro

  • @austincornett5140
    @austincornett5140 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Plagueis found a way to treat the force like it treats everyone else. The force didn't like the fact it was being manipulated against itself. It didn't like the game when the roles were reversed.

  • @elijahbanks1947
    @elijahbanks1947 ปีที่แล้ว

    Who is the artist you used for the thumbnail?

  • @PhantomRedKnight
    @PhantomRedKnight ปีที่แล้ว

    As terrible as Darth Plagueis' actions were, I'm surprised the Force didn't hate Emperor Vitiate. He sucked a planet dry, devoid of life, sound and any connection to the Force.

  • @whorror_punx
    @whorror_punx ปีที่แล้ว

    As a sub who's joined the temple for some time now, and loves your holocrons, I would DIE if you released your own holocrons as merch. Be even cooler if you could upload your video files or something to them to play the audios, like an mp3 player.
    js 🤷

  • @johanappelgren3843
    @johanappelgren3843 ปีที่แล้ว

    what is the soundtrack in the video

  • @isayahbanks1111
    @isayahbanks1111 ปีที่แล้ว

    Sounds about right the universe doesn't like ugly and if you're ugly long enough the universe will get fed up with you and have you excommunicated from it

  • @stinkymccheese8010
    @stinkymccheese8010 ปีที่แล้ว

    I expect that it would have had mor to do with Plagus’ dismissal of the force mor than anything else.

  • @ejrodriguez2656
    @ejrodriguez2656 ปีที่แล้ว

    Using the Force to manipulate the midichlorians is what Plaguies was known for but went to far. The novel about his life and experiments with the Force, the birth of Anakin Skywalker, and his pathetic death at the hands of Sidious. Yes, I believe wholeheartedly, that the Force hates Darth Plaguies.

  • @nicholascollins7219
    @nicholascollins7219 ปีที่แล้ว

    Dose Darth plagius reminds u of a jedi master in clone wars in jedi high council, maybe not him but similar species and other topic of darkside of the force how did came about exist first place.

  • @IrvinReedTemplarUp
    @IrvinReedTemplarUp ปีที่แล้ว

    I think it's not that Plagius was hated but loved by the dark side. The view taken here, even Sidios, is a Jedi point of view...
    I'm reminded of the original comic version of Thanos in Infinity Gauntlet: Death rejects Thanos which fuels his quest for more power. A dark romance.
    Plagius point of view is more like Valkorean, the final outcome of the Sith Code being personafide.
    The Living Force and the Cosmic Force share their own light/dark sides. Holes, tears and rebounds in and of the Force are probably way more common but aren't VIEWED as such.

  • @thalmoragent9344
    @thalmoragent9344 ปีที่แล้ว

    Well, interestinf that the Force didn't disconnect his abilities to use it all together, though it just never came to his aid again in any form. Wonder why this exact scenario was the method chosen by the Force.

  • @TheLasher79
    @TheLasher79 ปีที่แล้ว

    What show are these clips taken from?

  • @bassboi02
    @bassboi02 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    If you think about it, this is probably why Palpatine made clones of himself and tried to pass his legacy onto Rey. He didn't want to disrespect the flow of life and have the Force taken away from him, so he decided to try to make a legacy instead

  • @Tom-re6zo
    @Tom-re6zo ปีที่แล้ว

    So basically the force hated Plagius for being a nerd.

  • @fundamentalconvolution1749
    @fundamentalconvolution1749 ปีที่แล้ว

    It could be because Plagueis sought to control the Force where others only really used it. So the Force rebelled against him because he threatened it's own control instead of just taking advantage of it.

    • @fundamentalconvolution1749
      @fundamentalconvolution1749 ปีที่แล้ว

      Wrote this before watching the video, seems like y'all basically came to a similar conclusion lol. Though I don't think that it hated him so much as just went against him. The Force is... well... a force of nature itself. It has a pattern and role that it works within. Other Force users influence that role, sometimes manipulating it, but Plagueis flat out went against it... I think this was more of a nature thing than an emotional response. I would say y'all stated your case well and I agree with your assessment in the everything but the "hate" factor. Well done.

  • @willhenderson2455
    @willhenderson2455 ปีที่แล้ว

    It's all for fun, but I enjoyed this very much

  • @bonnieminter8897
    @bonnieminter8897 ปีที่แล้ว

    So only when Plagius tried to create life did the Force truly turn against him. If he had merely stuck to prolonging his own life instead of trying to create it; there's a good chance the Force wouldn't have acted against him.

  • @D_To_The_J
    @D_To_The_J ปีที่แล้ว

    Jokes on the force, That Jedi chosen one fkd up

  • @werner124589
    @werner124589 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I'm a bit confused. If the Force left a void in Plagueis, or was not there at all, what about Darth Nihilus? He was a wound the Force, same with the Jedi Exile. What about the void they were in the Force? Did the Force also hated them?
    Being a Wound in the Force, and disupting Life through the midichlorians is not the same? I'm confused here lel. Sorry if I caused mroe confusion with my question

    • @abdurrazzaqmumin1574
      @abdurrazzaqmumin1574 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I think a wound is not just about how the force hates it, but more about a sudden and terrible imbalance that causes it to feel pain. For example, Alderaan was destroyed not by a powerful Sith lord but by Grand Moff Tarkin, but his action of killing an entire planet flourishing with life literally leaving a section of the force silent and void was such a wound.

    • @werner124589
      @werner124589 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@abdurrazzaqmumin1574 so, in Plagueis' case, it disrupts life and the natural course of the Force, while a Wound makes the Force the feel pain.
      Did I get it right?

    • @abdurrazzaqmumin1574
      @abdurrazzaqmumin1574 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@werner124589 I believe so, it sounds sound to me. But of course, we could both be wrong. Plagueis spent his whole life committing crimes against nature, science, and of course the force. If I remember correctly Sidious was moved by the dark side to kill his master and take his place as the sole master of the Sith, the motive for the force going out of its way to harm Plagueis could be just vengeance or some other reason. Also as we all know Plagueis never had the chance to benefit from his work.

    • @Bitterman5868
      @Bitterman5868 ปีที่แล้ว

      Lets just say Plagueis made God and Satan angry at him for breaking the single rule that ties everything, which is the will of life, something both will never break.
      Plagueis wanted to control and even have the decision to kill it for his own selfish desires, which even made Palpatine ditch all he worked for and become spiritual with the force after his death and perfected the plan, because the force willed that.
      Ando of course of you look at the Jedi, they were no better than plagueis or the sith too as they also strained from their original philosophy to become the Republic's Sicarius.
      The last Creature that made the force this angry, was the Rakata, and everyone knows what happened next.

  • @brother_bear_one7340
    @brother_bear_one7340 ปีที่แล้ว

    This begs the question: if the Dark Side hated Plagueis so, then why didn't it just destroy him, or at least reject him outright and sever his connection?

    • @MrLaz0rz
      @MrLaz0rz ปีที่แล้ว

      he served its purposes in bringing about the circumstances that allowed for balance in the future.

  • @cudabackag
    @cudabackag ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Who is the sith in the thumbnail?