So stop eating animals and get naked that was also in the beginning. Yah (God) gave us righteous instruction on how to live with multiple women. I rather obey God than man.
(2 Samuel 12:8): "I gave your master’s house to you, and your master’s wives into your arms. I gave you all Israel and Judah. And if all this had been too little, I would have given you even more".
This video got WRECKED in the comments. Maybe you need to release a new one that explains what God's word in the Bible ACTUALLY teaches. Instead of your favorite false doctrine.
How do you explain 1 kings 15:5 for that says King David did not sin except for the case of Uriah and 2 Samuel 12:8 that says I gave the thy masters house and thy masters wives unto thy boosm... and if that had been too little i would moreover given thee such things.
Easy, a man having multiple marriages (wives/concubines) is perfectly appropriate and righteous behavior, so God giving David more wives is not a problem from a moral perspective in God's law.
@@justjamie6458 Indeed it’s not, but that’s because this video is chock full of false teachings, and Greco-Roman pagan tradition masquerading as biblical truths.
Instead of asking if Polygeny is a sin, I wish our people would start asking themselves why does God allow Polygeny. Why is it lawful? Do you not understand that the laws of God are the constitution and bill of rights for the Kingdom of Israel? This is what they govern themselves by. This is what God govern them by. He has never allowed them to sin! Neither has he had laws of sin written by his righteousness. No one is forced to marry or not marry. You have the free will to marry how you please. God will judge all things by his word/law. But please stop saying women who choose to marry one man are sinning. Or a man who has more than one wife is sinning. Stop trying to separate Christ from the father. They are 1. That is either ignorant or evil to think or say such a thing! You are calling God the minister of sin! Please Stop judging by your religion and see God's righteousness. God allows Polygeny because he is against sin. He gave Polygeny/marital law to put away all manner of fornication (1 Corinthians 6:18). To put away whoredom (using women as one does a whore) from among the children of God (Deuteronomy 23:17). To put away all manner of sexual immorality (Exodus 22, Leviticus 21, & Deuteronomy 22). To keep confusion from among his people by keeping a man's children and the women thereof under one headship (1 Timothy 5:8, Proverbs 22:6 Deuteronomy 11:16-19, & 1 Timothy 3:5). To keep a woman that desires to wear a man's masculinity, sexuality, and headship from among the children of God/vice versa (Proverbs31:3, Deuteronomy 22:5, Leviticus 18:22, Romans 1:24-32, 1 Corinthians 11:3), and the list goes on family. I ask you all, when did that change? The law is righteous and will always be righteous. Your unrighteousness doesn't change that. In fact, it's why you must die. God made marriage the rule of Law in all the earth (Genesis,1 , 2, 9, Psalm 24:1, etc). Polygeny is marriage, and marriage is honorable in all (Hebrews 13:4). Even if you were taken as a servant wife God still honors you (Exodus 20:10 & Exodus 21:7-10). A restriction given to a Bishop or Deacon is not an implication of sin. Just as there is law specific to women and some specific to men. Their is law specific to a King and some for a prophet. If you do not hold these positions/work in your lifetime, these laws do not apply to you. Concerning Deuteronomy 17:14-20 this is law pertaining to Kings, not to all men. We live in a nation where most men live by its culture, customs, and laws instead of the word/law of God (Matthew 4:4, Matthew 15:3, Acts 5:29, etc..). What they practice here is fornication and is ungodly (Revelation 21:18). Polygeny can never be a sin, because by God's decree: sin is the disobedience to the laws of God (1 John 3:4). They cannot grasp this because they do not understand the Kingdom (Matthew 13:11) because they have no respect/honor for the laws of God. For the constitution, the bills if rights, the civil and moral laws given to Israel. Even the penal codes thereof. They only know a democracy, a republic, communism, socialism, etc... What they can vote in and out. Some man-made stuff. They do not know or honor the Kingdom of God is the government setup over heaven and earth ( Isaiah 9:9, Matthew 3:2, Luke 10:9, Matthew 7:24-25). They lack knowledge that all the word/decrees of the King is law and is lawful (Deuteronomy 8:3, Psalm 119:89, Matthew 24:35). They lack this understanding to be able to apply or divide the word of God rightly. As for divorce, Christ in Matthew 19 said it best: In the beginning, it wasn't so. The beginning being "Genesis." No man in the bloodline of Christ in Genesis divorced his wife or wives. God didn't give Adam another wife. Jacob endured his son laying with one of his wives and kept them both among him. Abraham was told by God to move out the bond woman and his son by God. He didn't choose to. No one ever put away their wives lawfully until the law of Moses. This is what it means when said but Moses. Before the law of Moses, divorce was never lawful for the lineage nor the children of Israel. You never see it throughout time until God allows Moses to give it. That's when it becomes lawful. This is what Christ is saying. He's dealing with divorce. It's not Christians who are confused. It's all men who do not understand that which Christ has preached throughout his whole ministry was purely the word of God. The main thing and focus of his message, is "The Kingdom" Which he mentions over a 100 times throughout his gospels. These men and women are of this world and worldly minded. Ever learning but unable to come to the truth of God (2 Timothy 3:7). Still focused on the intent of God and never moving with God into the purpose of man (Ecclesiastes 12:13 & 1 John 5:3). Allowing sin to rule the day instead of his son. Christ gives God what he intended to get out of mankind. If God could get the perfection he desires out of the children of Adam, he would not have sent another. I say to all men as God does, You either marry every unmarried woman you have sex with, or you only have sex with the woman you marry. Likewise, you women, you either marry the 1st man you have sex with, or you only have sex with the man you marry. This is the command and law of God which puts away all fornication from among his people. Be wise family and let God be true & every man a liar.
@penpalpear you are perfectly within your right to choose a husband who, after being fully informed of ALL his options, still chooses to marry you. The problem is in men, and women, being lied to about their options, having the truth hidden from them. Then later, some regret the decision they made because had they known, it MAY have affected the decision making process. Would you rather be married to a man who knows ALL of his options, and still chooses to commit to only you for the rest of your life, or one who later feels manipulated into choosing you because a completely separate third party, or even you, withheld vital information?
@ Have your father or any male elder/head in your family/life bind your fiancé to an oath. Laban made Jacob swear that he would not take any other wives than the 4 women that he gave him. Jacob entered into the oath and upheld it. If he did not, it would have been grounds for divorce under our law. Likewise, you can have an elder put your intended under the same vow that he will take no other wife beside you. You should make this clear to him during dating/courtship and have an elder put him under a vow before marriage. All women should seek men who they can best help. Some women find polygyny advantageous just as some find monogamy advantageous. Just as some men do in both. There is someone for everyone. But marriage is for all who desire sex, etc… If the religious folk stop lying and saying it’s a sin, I think the church will be able to have honest conversations before marriage, teach Godliness, and put away fornication from among us.
(Isaiah 29:13): The Lord says: "These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship of me is based on merely human rules they have been taught".
Oof. Did you have chatGPT write this one for you? It's super convenient that you left out all the pro-polygyny commands and descriptions from the Bible. But then I guess that wouldn't fit your agenda. We need people to start being honest now. It's time to stop lying about polygyny.
Spark There are many videos about it. It’s never called a sin. God orchestrated Jacob and his four wives. Jacob Abraham Solomon David all thoroughly blessed Solomons foreign wives that he was not supposed to take took him away from God. There’s a chapter about that The Bible never states lamech murdered or was a bad man. It sounds like self defense. In addition if it’s because if the equivalent is it’s a result of poliginy then you could also say that Adam and Eves monogamy brought all the sin in the world and the first ever true murder. Do you see how deceptive this video is In addition. Joash was given his wives by a priest of the almighty. Moses who wrote genisis had many wives. Abraham and Jacob are called righteous by God. And. David except for Uriah the Hittite was also called righteous I can go on. But hopefully you can see the deception and the cognitive dissonance
Polygamy is common practice amongst ALL Bible prophets, Jews, Semetic people at large. Its only when Christianity was made official religion of Romans when they banned it and only reason why its banned in the west
As it should be, at least socially. It's not a wise/ beneficial practice for who we are as a people today. It is not a sin, a person telling you this is ignorant or worships traditions of men. However, it is unwise. We don't have enough faithful people anyway, and those who do exist aren't behaving in a way that this could work without worse outcomes. Its a foolish practice for us today. But not a Sin by the Law.
@@jetrpg22 To claim it should be is to say God did not know what He was doing in giving us the laws that allow for it. It is also a sin to remove the laws that allow for it and add laws that forbid it (Deut 4:2)... There are 20+ million more women in the American churches than men, you think it's not something we need to ensure God's daughters are actually covered in marriages like they should be? To blanket state that it's unwise, indicates that there are no faithful men and women who would benefit from it, and that is simply untrue as I have witness those people personally.
@@BibleMarriages " To blanket state that it's unwise, indicates that there are no faithful men and women who would benefit from it, and that is simply untrue as I have witness those people personally." Insert low IQ meme of general vs specific examples. Come on, you are better than this and you know it. Why do you think there are more women in church? The fix for that is the fix for it. Don't conflate it. We know what weak churches that worship the fem are,. For one they are counted in your numbers. Are you saying those churches would be willing to embrace polygyny? This is just cope. It's foolish because single faithful men and women are exceedingly rare. I think it was Will Spencer (idk his name) on x the other day who made the argument of single childless women into their 30s are sinning. Not because it's a sin, but because they were in that situation as a consequence of their active sin. And that is right, a lot of them are in church, unrepentant being boss babes and Jesus' girlfriends (who they are the boss of). These women don't need husbands, they could have gotten those, they Need Jesus as their MASTER. I never removed a law, did I? Let me hit you with the Word. “All things are lawful,” but not all things are helpful. “All things are lawful,” but not all things build up. The New Testament clearly teaches us to be discerning about the Law. Not to remove it but that its not the food that enters the mouth, but that which comes out of it which defiles you. There is no CALL FOR POLYGYNY. You can advocate all you want against it and it's not a sin, there is NO TEACHING OR LAW AGAINST THAT. You can even make a law that bans, and that is not a sin. You cannot say it's a sin, but you could ban it. As THERE IS NO COMMAND TO ENGAGE IN IT. That is how the LAW works. There is a call/instruction for marriage, but none for polygyny. This looks like a man who has a wife, but goes out and sleeps with a virgin (or eligible women to marry) who then want to be this man's women, to marry her. There ya go the actual case, and he may have been fooling around (ie not looking for a 2nd wife), but this is the ACTUAL TEACHING. Another case would be your 1st wife has apostatized, no longer fulfills her duties and cares not about the church, but stays with you. In this case, a 2nd wife isn't an awful position (look at the destruction this wrought on Christendom via kings in history). It's a bit more wise in some cases. So I am not saying, in every case, but typically and for 99% of cases it's foolish. As, for most all, it only makes the problem of lack of faithful partners worse. Now most men today at their weddings SWEAR an oath of monogamy and if you have done that there is no release. You are bound by that and if you do break it you have sinned. For sure. Are they living in sin? Well, they would have to make amends and repent. What is an unrepentant sinner?
I think we have to be very careful when using practicality versus what the Bible condones Also when you look at marriages as an institution by the state versus biblical driven ones. How many folks follow the biblical advice for being a proper husband and wife ? Versus do it alone or by their own
2:12 "other arrangements are departures from God's design..." This is simply false, again -- Abraham, Jacob, David, etc weren't participating in "other arrangements" of marriage. Each woman they had belonged to them, in a separate marriage, a separate "one flesh" union, which really is to say, each woman joined to his body, became a part of his family. But it doesn't matter how many wives became a part of that body/family, because each marriage only consists of one wife, thus violating none of God's design. God said (and you quoted this) it's not good for a man to be alone... yet we see some men are called to have no wife at all, isn't that arrangement just as much a "departure" in your view from God's design? Did God ever say it's not good for a man to have more than one wife? He did not... why not? If it was bad, sinful, or evil, surely you should be able to find Him rebuking and correcting it at some point, rather than what we do see, which is actively participating it, and even describing Himself as a polygynous Husband multiple times (allegorically).
Read the New Testament. Further, do you think men who wrote the Old Testament would write that God forbade it if they were doing it? You have great mental gymnastics though trying to say each plural marriage is that one man to each wife. Good one! That must surely make each wife feel as loved and cherished by him as she is expected to be exclusively toward him, even though he does the most intimate things with multiple women while she is left alone. It’s total betrayal. Men would never allow women to be intimate with many husbands and feel it was a great way to have a relationship.
@@ggrace1133 "Read the New Testament." I have... Jesus says that not one jot or tittle shall pass from what you're claiming is an incomplete law, until all is accomplished and heaven and earth pass away. That anyone who teaches others to annul the commands in it would be known as least in the Kingdom of Heaven. So do you really want to go down the road of believing "men" , which really means Moses, didn't write the command that God told him that "forbid" it and instead wrote commands allowing it? And God just accepted that as He spoke to Him mouth to mouth the law? Then Jesus didn't correct it but told His followers to obey the law of Moses (God's Torah) ...? Doesn't check out.
@@ggrace1133 "You have great mental gymnastics though trying to say each plural marriage is that one man to each wife." Do you have an individual relationship with Christ? Paul compares that union (one spirit) to the one flesh union a husband has to his woman. Each wife has a unique relationship with her husband with different needs, the man is the singular head just as Christ is the singular Head to all of us. There's no gymnastics involved on my end, it's all very simple and mirrors our relationship with God. Women and men who can't see that are blinded by idol worship they are usually unaware of. The monogamy-only false doctrine puts women on the same level of men in the marriage structure, and that mirrors or images us being on the same level as God, which we are not. Everything about marriage has a kingdom function to it, it's not that a man must have more than one wife, but he can, as a function of being the head/master/lord of the woman. Just as no woman is limited to one child coming through her, a man is not limited to one woman under his covering, Christ is not limited to saving only one of us.
@@ggrace1133 "That must surely make each wife feel as loved and cherished by him as she is expected to be exclusively toward him," Are you less loved by Christ because He loves everyone else as well? Do you love only one of your children if you have them and the other's are missing out because they aren't an only child?
The polygyny in the bible *is between one man and one woman* ... Jacob had 4 marriages, not 1 marriage with 4 people in it. Each marriage a man takes on is separate. It is always a 1 man, 1 woman, one flesh union. She joins to his body, much like we join to the body of Christ, all with one singular head, as we all have individual "one spirit" unions with Him. You are simply wrong in your objections to biblical marriage(s). Which is the problem with Christians having to defend biblical marriage against the secular "poly" movements in relationships. You can't distinguish between the difference because in order to do so you would have to admit that what Jacob and David did was perfectly appropriate, and that flies in the face of the monogamy-only false doctrine the churches teach. However when you call it sin, you accuse the Father of sin, as He describes Himself as a Husband to multiple (Israel and Judah) many times in scripture, allegorically at least. You also participate in sin, because you are adding to the commands and taking away from the commands (Deut 4:2) when you forbid a man from marrying multiple women where God never forbid it. This entire video is filled with false teaching unfortunately.
Facts! Well said. Couldn't have said it better. Videos like these just confuse men and get them to abide by WOMEN'S mating strategy. Just another form of control over men. Completely unbiblical.
The false teaching here is yours. God always describes Himself as husband of a single bride; and stretching the use of allegory to cover points it was not intended to is a classic interpretive error. The Bible is quite specific that when someone who divorces and marries another (except in the case of infidelity) is committing adultery. Thus, the notion of 'separate one man one woman relationships' being equally valid is Biblically discounted. This is not a biblically valid counter.
@@andrewgilbertson5672 Can you divorce half of a woman? You cannot... So how can you possibly claim that God always describes Himself as a husband of a singular bride and call me the false teacher? Ezekiel 23 describes the "two women" God took to be His (brides) who bore Him sons and daughters, ultimately each of them committed adultery on Him, and one of them was given a writ of divorce and sent away (House of Israel). In Jeremiah 31 He literally says "I was a Husband to THEM" plural. He had two figurative "brides" in Israel and Judah. To claim otherwise, is simply ignoring the plain text. Is it allegorical? Absolutely, but so is "Christ and His bride" ... so is "the Bride of the Lamb" in Rev 21, which, is not the church. So immediately there's a problem with the idea that Christ has "only one bride", a phrase you'll never find in scripture. Sorry but you've flat out told falsehoods, perhaps that works for some that won't go verify it themselves, but the scriptures do not match what you claim.
@@andrewgilbertson5672 Go back to your Bible and read. The only way a man commits adultery is if he marries a previously divorced woman, not if the woman has always been single. Even if it's true (which is not) that God has "only one bride" that doesn't necessarily mean it applies to us. Nowhere in the Bible does God prohibit polygyny or even call it a sin. But you ARE sinning by adding to HIS Word. That is called eisegesis. Christians will encourage tithing because they like to point out it was BEFORE the law, you know what else was before the law? Taking your sister-in-law as wife to raise up a child for you brother. In fact Onan son of Judah was killed by God because he didn't do that for his brother. There is no stipulation though that the next brother in line must be single to take his dead brother's wife. You'd have to read that in. Eisegesis.
@@BibleMarriages I concede, I had forgotten about the figurative story in Ezekiel 23. Jeremiah 31, it appears that there is some ambiguity in the translation; could also just as easily be 'was their master,' so I would have to research the original language more fully before coming to the conclusion. To stretch the notion of the metaphor for New Jerusalem in Revelation 21 to indicate polygamy with the Bride of Christ is, I think, pushing things a bit far in an effort to make a rhetorical point. Regardless, while I admit that I made an error in leaving out the Ezekiel allegory, the initial point still stands. Jesus is quite specific in his standards for marriage, and the notion of separate one man one woman relationships being a valid Biblical model remains untrue. The existence of an allegorical model (stemming from the split of the singular people He initially declared to be His, necessitating a divergent metaphor) does not change the practical nature of actual marriage that Christ commands.
(2 Corinthians 4:2): Rather, we have renounced secret and shameful ways; we do not use deception, nor do we distort the word of God. On the contrary, by setting forth the truth plainly we commend ourselves to everyone’s conscience in the sight of God.
I mean, it's not like I'd be able to engage in polyamory anyway. I'm single and it's been near impossible for me to find one woman, let alone two or more 🤣
Calling polygyny sinful is dangerous. In doing so you speak poorly of men faithful to God who will sit at the wedding feast in heaven. You are straight up wrong. This entire video has so much false teaching and misinterpreted Scriptures in it.
I agree with you. 😊 However, Polygyny/ Polygamy can greatly benefit modern women, when done Biblically. For my list of benefits, take a look at my two part episode called "How Polygyny Suits Female Hypergamy better than Monogamy" , where I list ten of my reasons from a woman's perspective 🙂
What Solomon did was not condemned because it was polygamy, it was condemned because he married pagans and began to worship their gods. Not for polygamy but don’t try to twist it to fit your narrative.
“Drink water from your own cistern, and running water from your own well. Should your springs be dispersed, your streams of water in the wide plazas? Let them be for yourself alone, and not for strangers with you. May your fountain be blessed, and may you rejoice in the wife you married in your youth-a loving doe, a graceful deer; may her breasts satisfy you at all times, may you be captivated by her love always.” (Proverbs 5:15-19) Solomon, the wisest king to ever live, who had hundreds of wives and concubines-even he knew that this is how marriage should be. And one American study backs this view. It states that the ones who are most satisfied by sex are *married* couples. And, practically speaking, how can you full commit yourself if you belong to so many people?
You last sentence nails your error. Husbands do not belong to their wives. The husband is the master. His wife or wives belong to him. By inverting this and placing man in subjection to woman we twist and destroy God's pattern.
@@MichaelEllisYT True. The husband is the one in authority and the wife belongs to him. However, that doesn’t mean that multiple wives are God’s design for marriage. The original design is, and always will be, one man and one woman in a covenant. Haven’t you noticed that a covenant is always between two partners? God and Noah, God and Abraham, God and Israel? Marriage is also a covenant, made between husband and wife, who both commit themselves to each other. Naturally, this means that the husband belongs to his wife and the wife to her husband. Of course, the husband hasn’t lost his authority, but now all his affections are for his wife alone-he is to be loyal to no one but her. The same is true of the wife-she is to be loyal to her husband only. And to go to someone else is to be disloyal (unfaithful). That is why adultery is also called infidelity, and it is also why God became furious when Israel, his chosen people, repeatedly worshipped the gods of the people they were commanded to annihilate. He even dared to say that Israel has prostituted himself to other gods. Understandable, since prostitutes have no loyalty; they give themselves to anyone. And God desires *absolute* loyalty. Why else would Moses say, “Love the LORD your God with *all* your heart, soul, and strength”? And since marriage is a reflection of this relationship, shouldn’t this standard be upheld by both husband and wife? *ABSOLUTE LOYALTY IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH MULTIPLE PARTNERS. YOU CANNOT GIVE ALL OF YOURSELF TO ALL THESE PEOPLE.* With this in mind, let’s go back to the passage above. Notice that the words cistern, well, and fountain, and wife are all singular. One well is enough to supply all the water that you need, so why go elsewhere to get water? Likewise, one wife is enough, so why go elsewhere to satisfy your needs? Plus, all that water in that one well is yours anyway, so you can get your own water at any time. In essence, Solomon is saying, “Be intimate with only your own wife.” I don’t know about you, but I wanna be someone’s one and only wife.
@@dama2545 You are spot on that a covenant is between TWO people. In the case of Genesis 2:24, the covenant is between one man and one woman. However, the man is not limited to only one covenant. Take a look at the examples you gave. God had a covenant with Noah, Abraham, Israel, etc. He didn't only have one covenant with Adam and then couldn't have any more. But even more specifically, God Himself tells us that He had a covenant with BOTH the nations of Judah and Israel at the same time. They are described as sisters, daughters of one mother. This same principle applies to human marriage. A man can have multiple covenants; each is 1 man and 1 woman. When talking about belonging to each other, women are specifically referred to as belonging to their husband (Exodus 20:17): [...] "thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, [...] nor any thing that is thy neighbour's." However, women do have a right to certain things from the husband, for example, food, clothing, and sexual access (Exodus 21:10; 1 Corinthians 7:4). You are also spot on about adultery. But notice that adultery is ALWAYS contingent upon the wife (or the one in the wife role, as in Israel). That's why it is adultery if God's people turn away and go after other gods, but it is NOT adultery if God has more than one people (the nations of Judah and Israel). The same thing applies to marriage. It IS adultery if a woman has sex with another man other than her husband (Lev 20:10), but it is NOT adultery if a husband has more than one wife. When you claim that absolute loyalty is impossible with multiple partners, it is an attack on two things. First, it is an attack on the marriage structure. A husband's loyalty to his wife looks different than a woman's loyalty to her husband. Remember, the man's head is GOD, not the wife. So the man's loyalty is first to GOD, his head. The man plays the wife role in the relationship between him and God. Second, it is an attack on God Himself. Since God said He is married to both the nations of Israel and Judah, you are claiming that God cannot be loyal to both. He absolutely can. So with all that in mind, I don't think we can conclude Solomon is saying, "only have sex with your one wife." BUT even if he was, that's no more a requirement than Paul suggesting people remain single. Furthermore, the fact that Solomon specifies "wife of thy youth" implies that there are other wives who were taken later than a man's youth. Basically, a man would have the wife he married when they were both young, but now both he and she are old, and he has younger wives. He's saying, "don't forget your commitment to your first wife." There's absolutely nothing wrong with wanting monogamy, just like there's nothing wrong with wanting celibacy. But the issue is people continually teach the false doctrine that polygyny is wrong, bad, or lesser than monogamy. That is the false teaching that must be stopped. But there's nothing wrong with saying, "I only want monogamy."
@@raphaelfeneje486 "God's design at creation is monogamy." While it's true that God created Adam and Eve in a monogamous pairing. There is ZERO indication in the text that God's intention was to limit human men to only one wife. "Jesus endorsed God's design at creation as monogamy." Jesus never spoke about monogamy. In Jesus'teaching about divorce and putting away he only talks about how marriage can or be separated. He NEVER mentions about how a man cannot have more than one marriage. "Polygyny is mentioned but always has negative consequences." True that polygyny is mentioned, but just like monogamous marriages mentioned, it has a mixture of positive and negative consequence. "The Bible describes many practices but that doesn't mean they are approved" Yes, the Bible describes these practices. But it also has laws about which ones are good and which are bad. We don't have to guess about it. "Lamech a descent of murderous Cain and himself a proud murderer." True that he descended from Cain. No proof he was a proud murderer. The text is unclear if he was acting in self defense or not. "Jacobs favoritism in polygyny caused problems." God also used Jacobs polygynous family to bring about His purposes. Why are we blaming Jacobs sons actions on polygyny rather than blaming the sons themselves? "Laws protected women" True, but what was left out is that God's Laws approve polygyny. It is never condemned. God teaches how to practice polygyny righteously. "King shall not acquire many wives" The word here is "multiply". The king is also forbidden from multiplying gold, silver, and horses. This doesn't say he cannot have more than one, just not extreme numbers. Unless you believe a king can only have one horse, and one piece of gold and one piece of silver. "Marriage reflects the relation between Christ and the church." This as a monogamous example only happens once in the book of Revelation. Jesus also said he was like a bridegroom who when with five out of ten virgins into the marriage chamber. He was also portrayed as a kings son who was given many wives. Also in Jeremiah Chapters 3, 31, & 33; Isaiah Chapter 54; Ezekiel Chapter 23; and The Book of Hosea God refers to Himself as the husband of BOTH nations of Israel and Judah. The entire premise of the New Covenant and the restoration of Israel is based on this polygynous love story. "When someone says the Bible doesn't condemn polygyny remember these three things" The Bible doesn't condemn polygyny, and it also has laws that promote it. In Genesis 16:9 God commands Hagar to return to her polygamous familial arrangement. In Exodus 21:10 God tells men what to do if they have choose to take another wife. In Leviticus 18 and 20 God lists sexual relationships that are forbidden. He never mentions condemns a man and more than one woman. But he does tell a man to not take a woman and her mother or daughter, or sisters as rivals. Deuteronomy 25:5-10 if a man's brother is married and dies without a child, the man is required to marry the widow and raise a child unto his brother. There is no exemption if the man is already married. "And I gave thee thy master's house, and thy master's wives into thy bosom, and gave thee the house of Israel and of Judah; and if that had been too little, I would moreover have given unto thee such and such things." God takes credit giving David his wives 2 Samuel 12:8 2 Chronicles 24 it says King Joash did what was right in the sight of God all the days of Jehoida the priest. It also says Jehoida did what was right in the sight of God. Verse 3 tells us that Jehoida took two wives for Joash. In 1 Corinthians 7:10-11 men and women are given different commandments for when a wife departs from her husband. The wife is commanded to remain unmarried or reconcile with her husband. The husband is not commanded to remain unmarried, instead he is only commanded not to put away his wife that has departed. This means that a man is could take another wife and if his first wife returned as she is commanded, then he would have two wives. The sin of Adultery is only ever occurs when a man (married or unmarried) has sex with another man's wife(Leviticus 20:10). It is not adultery if a man (married or unmarried) has sex with an unmarried woman. That is never condemned. Instead we see God has regulated this situation. In Exodus 22:16-17 if a man has sex it's an unbetrothed woman the repentance process is that he has to marry her. There is no exception if the man is already married. This means that if a married man has sex with an unmarried woman, he is required to make her his wife, thus resulting in multiple wives.
(Exodus 21:10) if he marries another woman, he must not deprive the first one of her food clothing and martial rights.
The two shall become one flesh. The video is right polygamy is not in God's will
So stop eating animals and get naked that was also in the beginning. Yah (God) gave us righteous instruction on how to live with multiple women. I rather obey God than man.
(2 Samuel 12:8): "I gave your master’s house to you, and your master’s wives into your arms. I gave you all Israel and Judah. And if all this had been too little, I would have given you even more".
(Matthew 15:3): Jesus replied, “And why do you break the command of God for the sake of your tradition"?
This video got WRECKED in the comments. Maybe you need to release a new one that explains what God's word in the Bible ACTUALLY teaches. Instead of your favorite false doctrine.
How do you explain 1 kings 15:5 for that says King David did not sin except for the case of Uriah and 2 Samuel 12:8 that says I gave the thy masters house and thy masters wives unto thy boosm... and if that had been too little i would moreover given thee such things.
They don't. They worship traditions of men.
Easy, a man having multiple marriages (wives/concubines) is perfectly appropriate and righteous behavior, so God giving David more wives is not a problem from a moral perspective in God's law.
@@BibleMarriages that's not what is said in this video.
@@justjamie6458 Indeed it’s not, but that’s because this video is chock full of false teachings, and Greco-Roman pagan tradition masquerading as biblical truths.
The video said polygamy is wrong in God's eyes. These passages about king David contradict that.
Instead of asking if Polygeny is a sin, I wish our people would start asking themselves why does God allow Polygeny. Why is it lawful? Do you not understand that the laws of God are the constitution and bill of rights for the Kingdom of Israel? This is what they govern themselves by. This is what God govern them by. He has never allowed them to sin! Neither has he had laws of sin written by his righteousness.
No one is forced to marry or not marry. You have the free will to marry how you please. God will judge all things by his word/law. But please stop saying women who choose to marry one man are sinning. Or a man who has more than one wife is sinning. Stop trying to separate Christ from the father. They are 1. That is either ignorant or evil to think or say such a thing! You are calling God the minister of sin! Please Stop judging by your religion and see God's righteousness.
God allows Polygeny because he is against sin. He gave Polygeny/marital law to put away all manner of fornication (1 Corinthians 6:18). To put away whoredom (using women as one does a whore) from among the children of God (Deuteronomy 23:17). To put away all manner of sexual immorality (Exodus 22, Leviticus 21, & Deuteronomy 22).
To keep confusion from among his people by keeping a man's children and the women thereof under one headship (1 Timothy 5:8, Proverbs 22:6 Deuteronomy 11:16-19, & 1 Timothy 3:5). To keep a woman that desires to wear a man's masculinity, sexuality, and headship from among the children of God/vice versa (Proverbs31:3, Deuteronomy 22:5, Leviticus 18:22, Romans 1:24-32, 1 Corinthians 11:3), and the list goes on family. I ask you all, when did that change? The law is righteous and will always be righteous. Your unrighteousness doesn't change that. In fact, it's why you must die.
God made marriage the rule of Law in all the earth (Genesis,1 , 2, 9, Psalm 24:1, etc). Polygeny is marriage, and marriage is honorable in all (Hebrews 13:4). Even if you were taken as a servant wife God still honors you (Exodus 20:10 & Exodus 21:7-10). A restriction given to a Bishop or Deacon is not an implication of sin. Just as there is law specific to women and some specific to men. Their is law specific to a King and some for a prophet. If you do not hold these positions/work in your lifetime, these laws do not apply to you. Concerning Deuteronomy 17:14-20 this is law pertaining to Kings, not to all men.
We live in a nation where most men live by its culture, customs, and laws instead of the word/law of God (Matthew 4:4, Matthew 15:3, Acts 5:29, etc..). What they practice here is fornication and is ungodly (Revelation 21:18). Polygeny can never be a sin, because by God's decree: sin is the disobedience to the laws of God (1 John 3:4). They cannot grasp this because they do not understand the Kingdom (Matthew 13:11) because they have no respect/honor for the laws of God. For the constitution, the bills if rights, the civil and moral laws given to Israel. Even the penal codes thereof. They only know a democracy, a republic, communism, socialism, etc... What they can vote in and out. Some man-made stuff. They do not know or honor the Kingdom of God is the government setup over heaven and earth ( Isaiah 9:9, Matthew 3:2, Luke 10:9, Matthew 7:24-25). They lack knowledge that all the word/decrees of the King is law and is lawful (Deuteronomy 8:3, Psalm 119:89, Matthew 24:35). They lack this understanding to be able to apply or divide the word of God rightly.
As for divorce, Christ in Matthew 19 said it best: In the beginning, it wasn't so. The beginning being "Genesis." No man in the bloodline of Christ in Genesis divorced his wife or wives. God didn't give Adam another wife. Jacob endured his son laying with one of his wives and kept them both among him. Abraham was told by God to move out the bond woman and his son by God. He didn't choose to. No one ever put away their wives lawfully until the law of Moses. This is what it means when said but Moses. Before the law of Moses, divorce was never lawful for the lineage nor the children of Israel. You never see it throughout time until God allows Moses to give it. That's when it becomes lawful. This is what Christ is saying. He's dealing with divorce.
It's not Christians who are confused. It's all men who do not understand that which Christ has preached throughout his whole ministry was purely the word of God. The main thing and focus of his message, is "The Kingdom" Which he mentions over a 100 times throughout his gospels. These men and women are of this world and worldly minded. Ever learning but unable to come to the truth of God (2 Timothy 3:7). Still focused on the intent of God and never moving with God into the purpose of man (Ecclesiastes 12:13 & 1 John 5:3). Allowing sin to rule the day instead of his son. Christ gives God what he intended to get out of mankind. If God could get the perfection he desires out of the children of Adam, he would not have sent another.
I say to all men as God does, You either marry every unmarried woman you have sex with, or you only have sex with the woman you marry.
Likewise, you women, you either marry the 1st man you have sex with, or you only have sex with the man you marry.
This is the command and law of God which puts away all fornication from among his people.
Be wise family and let God be true & every man a liar.
Thank you for speaking the truth. Well done.
im a loyal person and i want a monogamous marriage but what if my future husband wants to marry another women even though i don't want that?
@penpalpear you are perfectly within your right to choose a husband who, after being fully informed of ALL his options, still chooses to marry you.
The problem is in men, and women, being lied to about their options, having the truth hidden from them. Then later, some regret the decision they made because had they known, it MAY have affected the decision making process.
Would you rather be married to a man who knows ALL of his options, and still chooses to commit to only you for the rest of your life, or one who later feels manipulated into choosing you because a completely separate third party, or even you, withheld vital information?
@ Have your father or any male elder/head in your family/life bind your fiancé to an oath. Laban made Jacob swear that he would not take any other wives than the 4 women that he gave him. Jacob entered into the oath and upheld it. If he did not, it would have been grounds for divorce under our law. Likewise, you can have an elder put your intended under the same vow that he will take no other wife beside you. You should make this clear to him during dating/courtship and have an elder put him under a vow before marriage. All women should seek men who they can best help. Some women find polygyny advantageous just as some find monogamy advantageous. Just as some men do in both. There is someone for everyone. But marriage is for all who desire sex, etc… If the religious folk stop lying and saying it’s a sin, I think the church will be able to have honest conversations before marriage, teach Godliness, and put away fornication from among us.
@@penpalpeardivorce him and take half his shit. And encourage the other wives to do the same.
(Isaiah 29:13): The Lord says: "These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship of me is based on merely human rules they have been taught".
Oof. Did you have chatGPT write this one for you? It's super convenient that you left out all the pro-polygyny commands and descriptions from the Bible. But then I guess that wouldn't fit your agenda. We need people to start being honest now. It's time to stop lying about polygyny.
Can you give them to me ? You should make a video about it
Yes this video is pure deception
If you’re right about something there is no need to twist scripture and create false equivalency
There are many videos about it.
It’s never called a sin. God orchestrated Jacob and his four wives. Jacob Abraham Solomon David all thoroughly blessed
Solomons foreign wives that he was not supposed to take took him away from God. There’s a chapter about that
The Bible never states lamech murdered or was a bad man. It sounds like self defense. In addition if it’s because if the equivalent is it’s a result of poliginy then you could also say that Adam and Eves monogamy brought all the sin in the world and the first ever true murder. Do you see how deceptive this video is
In addition. Joash was given his wives by a priest of the almighty. Moses who wrote genisis had many wives. Abraham and Jacob are called righteous by God. And. David except for Uriah the Hittite was also called righteous
I can go on. But hopefully you can see the deception and the cognitive dissonance
This is so wrong, go look up Pete Rambo he explains all this
Polygamy is common practice amongst ALL Bible prophets, Jews, Semetic people at large. Its only when Christianity was made official religion of Romans when they banned it and only reason why its banned in the west
As it should be, at least socially. It's not a wise/ beneficial practice for who we are as a people today. It is not a sin, a person telling you this is ignorant or worships traditions of men. However, it is unwise. We don't have enough faithful people anyway, and those who do exist aren't behaving in a way that this could work without worse outcomes. Its a foolish practice for us today. But not a Sin by the Law.
@@jetrpg22 To claim it should be is to say God did not know what He was doing in giving us the laws that allow for it. It is also a sin to remove the laws that allow for it and add laws that forbid it (Deut 4:2)... There are 20+ million more women in the American churches than men, you think it's not something we need to ensure God's daughters are actually covered in marriages like they should be? To blanket state that it's unwise, indicates that there are no faithful men and women who would benefit from it, and that is simply untrue as I have witness those people personally.
@@BibleMarriages " To blanket state that it's unwise, indicates that there are no faithful men and women who would benefit from it, and that is simply untrue as I have witness those people personally."
Insert low IQ meme of general vs specific examples. Come on, you are better than this and you know it.
Why do you think there are more women in church? The fix for that is the fix for it. Don't conflate it. We know what weak churches that worship the fem are,. For one they are counted in your numbers. Are you saying those churches would be willing to embrace polygyny? This is just cope.
It's foolish because single faithful men and women are exceedingly rare. I think it was Will Spencer (idk his name) on x the other day who made the argument of single childless women into their 30s are sinning. Not because it's a sin, but because they were in that situation as a consequence of their active sin. And that is right, a lot of them are in church, unrepentant being boss babes and Jesus' girlfriends (who they are the boss of). These women don't need husbands, they could have gotten those, they Need Jesus as their MASTER.
I never removed a law, did I? Let me hit you with the Word. “All things are lawful,” but not all things are helpful. “All things are lawful,” but not all things build up. The New Testament clearly teaches us to be discerning about the Law. Not to remove it but that its not the food that enters the mouth, but that which comes out of it which defiles you.
There is no CALL FOR POLYGYNY. You can advocate all you want against it and it's not a sin, there is NO TEACHING OR LAW AGAINST THAT. You can even make a law that bans, and that is not a sin. You cannot say it's a sin, but you could ban it. As THERE IS NO COMMAND TO ENGAGE IN IT. That is how the LAW works.
There is a call/instruction for marriage, but none for polygyny. This looks like a man who has a wife, but goes out and sleeps with a virgin (or eligible women to marry) who then want to be this man's women, to marry her. There ya go the actual case, and he may have been fooling around (ie not looking for a 2nd wife), but this is the ACTUAL TEACHING. Another case would be your 1st wife has apostatized, no longer fulfills her duties and cares not about the church, but stays with you. In this case, a 2nd wife isn't an awful position (look at the destruction this wrought on Christendom via kings in history). It's a bit more wise in some cases. So I am not saying, in every case, but typically and for 99% of cases it's foolish. As, for most all, it only makes the problem of lack of faithful partners worse.
Now most men today at their weddings SWEAR an oath of monogamy and if you have done that there is no release. You are bound by that and if you do break it you have sinned. For sure. Are they living in sin? Well, they would have to make amends and repent. What is an unrepentant sinner?
Well said
And the divorce rate is not a negative consequence of monogamous relationship? 😂
I think we have to be very careful when using practicality versus what the Bible condones
Also when you look at marriages as an institution by the state versus biblical driven ones. How many folks follow the biblical advice for being a proper husband and wife ? Versus do it alone or by their own
Poligany may not be sin but Yaweh gives man free will . If it doesn’t glorify Yah it’s not acceptable to Yah
2:12 "other arrangements are departures from God's design..."
This is simply false, again -- Abraham, Jacob, David, etc weren't participating in "other arrangements" of marriage. Each woman they had belonged to them, in a separate marriage, a separate "one flesh" union, which really is to say, each woman joined to his body, became a part of his family. But it doesn't matter how many wives became a part of that body/family, because each marriage only consists of one wife, thus violating none of God's design.
God said (and you quoted this) it's not good for a man to be alone... yet we see some men are called to have no wife at all, isn't that arrangement just as much a "departure" in your view from God's design?
Did God ever say it's not good for a man to have more than one wife? He did not... why not? If it was bad, sinful, or evil, surely you should be able to find Him rebuking and correcting it at some point, rather than what we do see, which is actively participating it, and even describing Himself as a polygynous Husband multiple times (allegorically).
You shall not commit adultery. Seems pretty plain and simple.
Read the New Testament. Further, do you think men who wrote the Old Testament would write that God forbade it if they were doing it? You have great mental gymnastics though trying to say each plural marriage is that one man to each wife. Good one! That must surely make each wife feel as loved and cherished by him as she is expected to be exclusively toward him, even though he does the most intimate things with multiple women while she is left alone. It’s total betrayal. Men would never allow women to be intimate with many husbands and feel it was a great way to have a relationship.
@@ggrace1133 "Read the New Testament." I have... Jesus says that not one jot or tittle shall pass from what you're claiming is an incomplete law, until all is accomplished and heaven and earth pass away. That anyone who teaches others to annul the commands in it would be known as least in the Kingdom of Heaven.
So do you really want to go down the road of believing "men" , which really means Moses, didn't write the command that God told him that "forbid" it and instead wrote commands allowing it? And God just accepted that as He spoke to Him mouth to mouth the law?
Then Jesus didn't correct it but told His followers to obey the law of Moses (God's Torah) ...?
Doesn't check out.
@@ggrace1133 "You have great mental gymnastics though trying to say each plural marriage is that one man to each wife."
Do you have an individual relationship with Christ? Paul compares that union (one spirit) to the one flesh union a husband has to his woman.
Each wife has a unique relationship with her husband with different needs, the man is the singular head just as Christ is the singular Head to all of us. There's no gymnastics involved on my end, it's all very simple and mirrors our relationship with God.
Women and men who can't see that are blinded by idol worship they are usually unaware of. The monogamy-only false doctrine puts women on the same level of men in the marriage structure, and that mirrors or images us being on the same level as God, which we are not.
Everything about marriage has a kingdom function to it, it's not that a man must have more than one wife, but he can, as a function of being the head/master/lord of the woman. Just as no woman is limited to one child coming through her, a man is not limited to one woman under his covering, Christ is not limited to saving only one of us.
@@ggrace1133 "That must surely make each wife feel as loved and cherished by him as she is expected to be exclusively toward him,"
Are you less loved by Christ because He loves everyone else as well?
Do you love only one of your children if you have them and the other's are missing out because they aren't an only child?
People need to look up. Pete rambo.
The polygyny in the bible *is between one man and one woman* ... Jacob had 4 marriages, not 1 marriage with 4 people in it. Each marriage a man takes on is separate. It is always a 1 man, 1 woman, one flesh union. She joins to his body, much like we join to the body of Christ, all with one singular head, as we all have individual "one spirit" unions with Him. You are simply wrong in your objections to biblical marriage(s).
Which is the problem with Christians having to defend biblical marriage against the secular "poly" movements in relationships. You can't distinguish between the difference because in order to do so you would have to admit that what Jacob and David did was perfectly appropriate, and that flies in the face of the monogamy-only false doctrine the churches teach.
However when you call it sin, you accuse the Father of sin, as He describes Himself as a Husband to multiple (Israel and Judah) many times in scripture, allegorically at least. You also participate in sin, because you are adding to the commands and taking away from the commands (Deut 4:2) when you forbid a man from marrying multiple women where God never forbid it.
This entire video is filled with false teaching unfortunately.
Facts! Well said. Couldn't have said it better. Videos like these just confuse men and get them to abide by WOMEN'S mating strategy. Just another form of control over men. Completely unbiblical.
The false teaching here is yours. God always describes Himself as husband of a single bride; and stretching the use of allegory to cover points it was not intended to is a classic interpretive error. The Bible is quite specific that when someone who divorces and marries another (except in the case of infidelity) is committing adultery. Thus, the notion of 'separate one man one woman relationships' being equally valid is Biblically discounted. This is not a biblically valid counter.
@@andrewgilbertson5672 Can you divorce half of a woman? You cannot... So how can you possibly claim that God always describes Himself as a husband of a singular bride and call me the false teacher?
Ezekiel 23 describes the "two women" God took to be His (brides) who bore Him sons and daughters, ultimately each of them committed adultery on Him, and one of them was given a writ of divorce and sent away (House of Israel).
In Jeremiah 31 He literally says "I was a Husband to THEM" plural.
He had two figurative "brides" in Israel and Judah. To claim otherwise, is simply ignoring the plain text. Is it allegorical? Absolutely, but so is "Christ and His bride" ... so is "the Bride of the Lamb" in Rev 21, which, is not the church. So immediately there's a problem with the idea that Christ has "only one bride", a phrase you'll never find in scripture.
Sorry but you've flat out told falsehoods, perhaps that works for some that won't go verify it themselves, but the scriptures do not match what you claim.
@@andrewgilbertson5672 Go back to your Bible and read. The only way a man commits adultery is if he marries a previously divorced woman, not if the woman has always been single. Even if it's true (which is not) that God has "only one bride" that doesn't necessarily mean it applies to us. Nowhere in the Bible does God prohibit polygyny or even call it a sin. But you ARE sinning by adding to HIS Word. That is called eisegesis. Christians will encourage tithing because they like to point out it was BEFORE the law, you know what else was before the law? Taking your sister-in-law as wife to raise up a child for you brother. In fact Onan son of Judah was killed by God because he didn't do that for his brother. There is no stipulation though that the next brother in line must be single to take his dead brother's wife. You'd have to read that in. Eisegesis.
@@BibleMarriages I concede, I had forgotten about the figurative story in Ezekiel 23. Jeremiah 31, it appears that there is some ambiguity in the translation; could also just as easily be 'was their master,' so I would have to research the original language more fully before coming to the conclusion.
To stretch the notion of the metaphor for New Jerusalem in Revelation 21 to indicate polygamy with the Bride of Christ is, I think, pushing things a bit far in an effort to make a rhetorical point.
Regardless, while I admit that I made an error in leaving out the Ezekiel allegory, the initial point still stands. Jesus is quite specific in his standards for marriage, and the notion of separate one man one woman relationships being a valid Biblical model remains untrue. The existence of an allegorical model (stemming from the split of the singular people He initially declared to be His, necessitating a divergent metaphor) does not change the practical nature of actual marriage that Christ commands.
(2 Corinthians 4:2): Rather, we have renounced secret and shameful ways; we do not use deception, nor do we distort the word of God. On the contrary, by setting forth the truth plainly we commend ourselves to everyone’s conscience in the sight of God.
Wait wait... didn't Cain and Able have the same parents... why cant they just point out the sin in the scriptures.
I mean, it's not like I'd be able to engage in polyamory anyway. I'm single and it's been near impossible for me to find one woman, let alone two or more 🤣
Polygyny isn't polyamory.
Calling polygyny sinful is dangerous. In doing so you speak poorly of men faithful to God who will sit at the wedding feast in heaven.
You are straight up wrong. This entire video has so much false teaching and misinterpreted Scriptures in it.
I agree with you. 😊 However, Polygyny/ Polygamy can greatly benefit modern women, when done Biblically. For my list of benefits, take a look at my two part episode called "How Polygyny Suits Female Hypergamy better than Monogamy" , where I list ten of my reasons from a woman's perspective 🙂
What Solomon did was not condemned because it was polygamy, it was condemned because he married pagans and began to worship their gods. Not for polygamy but don’t try to twist it to fit your narrative.
So what do you think? Is polygamy a sin?
Absolutely not.
God never calls it sin
I wonder for all those who are pro poly. Do you guys think the Bible describes this as unwise or just neutral?
I’ve heard Frank Turek and other apologists describe question 2: remember, described vs prescribed.
True, but we have literal laws regulating the practice, thus it's permitted and nothing they say can erase them. So they are being dishonest.
Except for the commandments where God tells us how to do polygyny the right way.
Thank you for speaking the truth. Polygamy is not actually supported by God
“Drink water from your own cistern, and running water from your own well. Should your springs be dispersed, your streams of water in the wide plazas? Let them be for yourself alone, and not for strangers with you. May your fountain be blessed, and may you rejoice in the wife you married in your youth-a loving doe, a graceful deer; may her breasts satisfy you at all times, may you be captivated by her love always.” (Proverbs 5:15-19)
Solomon, the wisest king to ever live, who had hundreds of wives and concubines-even he knew that this is how marriage should be. And one American study backs this view. It states that the ones who are most satisfied by sex are *married* couples.
And, practically speaking, how can you full commit yourself if you belong to so many people?
You last sentence nails your error. Husbands do not belong to their wives. The husband is the master. His wife or wives belong to him. By inverting this and placing man in subjection to woman we twist and destroy God's pattern.
@@MichaelEllisYT True. The husband is the one in authority and the wife belongs to him. However, that doesn’t mean that multiple wives are God’s design for marriage. The original design is, and always will be, one man and one woman in a covenant. Haven’t you noticed that a covenant is always between two partners? God and Noah, God and Abraham, God and Israel? Marriage is also a covenant, made between husband and wife, who both commit themselves to each other. Naturally, this means that the husband belongs to his wife and the wife to her husband. Of course, the husband hasn’t lost his authority, but now all his affections are for his wife alone-he is to be loyal to no one but her. The same is true of the wife-she is to be loyal to her husband only. And to go to someone else is to be disloyal (unfaithful). That is why adultery is also called infidelity, and it is also why God became furious when Israel, his chosen people, repeatedly worshipped the gods of the people they were commanded to annihilate. He even dared to say that Israel has prostituted himself to other gods. Understandable, since prostitutes have no loyalty; they give themselves to anyone. And God desires *absolute* loyalty. Why else would Moses say, “Love the LORD your God with *all* your heart, soul, and strength”? And since marriage is a reflection of this relationship, shouldn’t this standard be upheld by both husband and wife?
With this in mind, let’s go back to the passage above. Notice that the words cistern, well, and fountain, and wife are all singular. One well is enough to supply all the water that you need, so why go elsewhere to get water? Likewise, one wife is enough, so why go elsewhere to satisfy your needs? Plus, all that water in that one well is yours anyway, so you can get your own water at any time. In essence, Solomon is saying, “Be intimate with only your own wife.”
I don’t know about you, but I wanna be someone’s one and only wife.
@@dama2545 You are spot on that a covenant is between TWO people. In the case of Genesis 2:24, the covenant is between one man and one woman. However, the man is not limited to only one covenant. Take a look at the examples you gave. God had a covenant with Noah, Abraham, Israel, etc. He didn't only have one covenant with Adam and then couldn't have any more. But even more specifically, God Himself tells us that He had a covenant with BOTH the nations of Judah and Israel at the same time. They are described as sisters, daughters of one mother. This same principle applies to human marriage. A man can have multiple covenants; each is 1 man and 1 woman.
When talking about belonging to each other, women are specifically referred to as belonging to their husband (Exodus 20:17): [...] "thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, [...] nor any thing that is thy neighbour's." However, women do have a right to certain things from the husband, for example, food, clothing, and sexual access (Exodus 21:10; 1 Corinthians 7:4).
You are also spot on about adultery. But notice that adultery is ALWAYS contingent upon the wife (or the one in the wife role, as in Israel). That's why it is adultery if God's people turn away and go after other gods, but it is NOT adultery if God has more than one people (the nations of Judah and Israel). The same thing applies to marriage. It IS adultery if a woman has sex with another man other than her husband (Lev 20:10), but it is NOT adultery if a husband has more than one wife.
When you claim that absolute loyalty is impossible with multiple partners, it is an attack on two things. First, it is an attack on the marriage structure. A husband's loyalty to his wife looks different than a woman's loyalty to her husband. Remember, the man's head is GOD, not the wife. So the man's loyalty is first to GOD, his head. The man plays the wife role in the relationship between him and God. Second, it is an attack on God Himself. Since God said He is married to both the nations of Israel and Judah, you are claiming that God cannot be loyal to both. He absolutely can.
So with all that in mind, I don't think we can conclude Solomon is saying, "only have sex with your one wife." BUT even if he was, that's no more a requirement than Paul suggesting people remain single. Furthermore, the fact that Solomon specifies "wife of thy youth" implies that there are other wives who were taken later than a man's youth. Basically, a man would have the wife he married when they were both young, but now both he and she are old, and he has younger wives. He's saying, "don't forget your commitment to your first wife."
There's absolutely nothing wrong with wanting monogamy, just like there's nothing wrong with wanting celibacy. But the issue is people continually teach the false doctrine that polygyny is wrong, bad, or lesser than monogamy. That is the false teaching that must be stopped. But there's nothing wrong with saying, "I only want monogamy."
@@MichaelEllisYTexcellent explanation!
this is the same old monogamy only doctrine
The punishment for polygamy is clear... two wives...
At least that's what they told me. Great video btw!
Why would a wife be a punishment?
Whoever made this video should just pack up and go home.
The comments just blow it apart
Good thing this Video is pure deception
My house no peace because of polygamy
Tell us more about
Sending this to me wife
I love this. God bless you ❤️✝️🙏
Clearly haven't read the scriptures then, have you?
@@MichaelEllisYT I have. And your point is??
@@raphaelfeneje486 If you had then you would have been able to point out all the errors in this video and you wouldn't have loved it.
@@MichaelEllisYT How about you start pointing out the errors?? Please point them out. Let's see if you know what you're talking about
@@raphaelfeneje486 "God's design at creation is monogamy."
While it's true that God created Adam and Eve in a monogamous pairing. There is ZERO indication in the text that God's intention was to limit human men to only one wife.
"Jesus endorsed God's design at creation as monogamy."
Jesus never spoke about monogamy. In Jesus'teaching about divorce and putting away he only talks about how marriage can or be separated. He NEVER mentions about how a man cannot have more than one marriage.
"Polygyny is mentioned but always has negative consequences."
True that polygyny is mentioned, but just like monogamous marriages mentioned, it has a mixture of positive and negative consequence.
"The Bible describes many practices but that doesn't mean they are approved"
Yes, the Bible describes these practices. But it also has laws about which ones are good and which are bad. We don't have to guess about it.
"Lamech a descent of murderous Cain and himself a proud murderer."
True that he descended from Cain. No proof he was a proud murderer. The text is unclear if he was acting in self defense or not.
"Jacobs favoritism in polygyny caused problems."
God also used Jacobs polygynous family to bring about His purposes. Why are we blaming Jacobs sons actions on polygyny rather than blaming the sons themselves?
"Laws protected women"
True, but what was left out is that God's Laws approve polygyny. It is never condemned. God teaches how to practice polygyny righteously.
"King shall not acquire many wives"
The word here is "multiply". The king is also forbidden from multiplying gold, silver, and horses. This doesn't say he cannot have more than one, just not extreme numbers. Unless you believe a king can only have one horse, and one piece of gold and one piece of silver.
"Marriage reflects the relation between Christ and the church."
This as a monogamous example only happens once in the book of Revelation. Jesus also said he was like a bridegroom who when with five out of ten virgins into the marriage chamber. He was also portrayed as a kings son who was given many wives.
Also in Jeremiah Chapters 3, 31, & 33; Isaiah Chapter 54; Ezekiel Chapter 23; and The Book of Hosea God refers to Himself as the husband of BOTH nations of Israel and Judah. The entire premise of the New Covenant and the restoration of Israel is based on this polygynous love story.
"When someone says the Bible doesn't condemn polygyny remember these three things"
The Bible doesn't condemn polygyny, and it also has laws that promote it. In Genesis 16:9 God commands Hagar to return to her polygamous familial arrangement.
In Exodus 21:10 God tells men what to do if they have choose to take another wife.
In Leviticus 18 and 20 God lists sexual relationships that are forbidden. He never mentions condemns a man and more than one woman. But he does tell a man to not take a woman and her mother or daughter, or sisters as rivals.
Deuteronomy 25:5-10 if a man's brother is married and dies without a child, the man is required to marry the widow and raise a child unto his brother. There is no exemption if the man is already married.
"And I gave thee thy master's house, and thy master's wives into thy bosom, and gave thee the house of Israel and of Judah; and if that had been too little, I would moreover have given unto thee such and such things." God takes credit giving David his wives 2 Samuel 12:8
2 Chronicles 24 it says King Joash did what was right in the sight of God all the days of Jehoida the priest. It also says Jehoida did what was right in the sight of God. Verse 3 tells us that Jehoida took two wives for Joash.
In 1 Corinthians 7:10-11 men and women are given different commandments for when a wife departs from her husband. The wife is commanded to remain unmarried or reconcile with her husband. The husband is not commanded to remain unmarried, instead he is only commanded not to put away his wife that has departed. This means that a man is could take another wife and if his first wife returned as she is commanded, then he would have two wives.
The sin of Adultery is only ever occurs when a man (married or unmarried) has sex with another man's wife(Leviticus 20:10). It is not adultery if a man (married or unmarried) has sex with an unmarried woman. That is never condemned. Instead we see God has regulated this situation. In Exodus 22:16-17 if a man has sex it's an unbetrothed woman the repentance process is that he has to marry her. There is no exception if the man is already married. This means that if a married man has sex with an unmarried woman, he is required to make her his wife, thus resulting in multiple wives.