Why Did Jesus Die? Sermon Audio on Colossians

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 19 ก.ย. 2024
  • Three times, Jesus told his disciples that he had to go to Jerusalem and face the religious leaders, be beaten, mocked, crucified and raised on the third day. They didn't get it. it was until after Jesus' Resurrection that they began to see that Jesus had to die. But why did he die? What was important about his death?
    In Colossians, Paul talks about Jesus' death and what it accomplished. Jesus died to reconcile us to God the Father and present us to him transformed.
    1. Jesus' death brings reconciliation (the breaking down of barriers preventing peace between warring parties) and a peaceful relationship with God.
    2. We were God's enemies, separated from him because of our sins.
    3. Jesus reconciled us through his physical death. He is our mediator, our priest, and the once-for-all sacrifice that paid for our sins.
    4. This reconciliation leads to transformation, an already-not-yet transformation that is reckoned to us now but will be fulfilled in the new heavens and new earth.
    This sermon was preached on Sunday evening, March 24, 2024, at Zion Hill Baptist Church, Farmerville, La.

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