@kavorka8855 true virtuous religious behavior, sitting in a random video about some recently deceased man to undermine some positive last sentiments... you are a class act, your religion really showed you morality didnt it!
For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance, he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries. ― Robert Jastrow
I just learned that Dennett passed away today. He was a profound philosopher that I greatly enjoyed. I've been working the past six months on an animated video, and he is one of the 10 animated characters along with Sabine Hossenfelder, Neil Degrasse Tyson, Edward Witten, Richard Dawkins, Beyonce, Taylor Swift, J.K. Rowling, Marcelle Hanselaar, and the Pope. I'll include a dedication to Dennett at the beginning.
Dennett was an author of some of the best books I´ve read. Great humour, great person. Now, the reason för religious beliefs is simple, it is the fear of death. Religious persons do not admit that when you die, you do not longer exists. They find all kinds of elaborate explanations, there is a soul which continues to live in heaven - that is if you have behaved. An atheist i.e an honest person knows that you live for a while and then you go back to the status you had before you were born.
@@RandomStuff-i4i nonsense. We can’t know what happens after death, and neither can you. Just because some bronze age tribes made up stories about an afterlife doesn’t make it true.
No such thing as oblivion. I used to believe that was the case Until I had out of body experiences through meditation and now I realise I was incorrect about consciousness. It IS somewhat infinite.
@@Dion_MustardI had an out of body during Vipassana the first time I meditate, I’ve seen lights and came back with a message of profound gratitude towards existence. I think that God is the Existence itself.
In 1980 I knew an 80 year old man who went to the same church for 40 years. When I asked him about belief in God, he said, "I am an atheist. I like the teaching. I like the people." He passed on, but I still think of him as the finest Christian I have met.
One of the biggest influences in my life. Your work is amazing and we will make sure it keeps being alive. Thank you for your contribution to the world and, personally, to my life. Also, how amazing is Robert's reactions to Dan in this interview. So cute
I thoroughly enjoyed listening to Mr. Dennett over the years, and I'll miss his perspective on life's most profound mysteries. Goodbye sir and thank you.
Love u Dan dennett. Deeply saddened that u are no more. U are my top intellectual hero. A foremost philosopher and thinker of modern age. Ur name and work will live forever.
I loved Dr. Daniel Dennett, very sad to hear about his passing, I would have loved to meet him, he was my absolute favorite, an intellectual giant, a legend, true sage, heard he was also very kind gentle person, huge loss to civilization, I will watch tons of his lectures in the next few weeks in his memory, I made a playlist of his lectures and interviews for myself to work through, listening to Dr Dennett lectures would be my idea of Heaven 7:17
God is a symbolic character in the dramas we create about our own desires and fears. Religion is a language by which we communicate our values throughout society and between generations. Children understand personalities more readily than they grasp philosophical concepts, so we personify abstractions in the form of heroes and deities.
Rest in peace mr. Dennett! And I've thought about the usefulness of religion. There are many ways and levels to think about it but if you look at the individual level. Religion gives a structure, a set of rules to live by. Humans are a creature of habit and having to set up all of that structure yourself can be exhausting. Religion gives a sense of purpose, it gives you comfort thinking that a father like figure cares for you and gives you guidance and support, it gives you an explanation for what is dark and unknown. So you don't have to worry about it. And it gives a sense of community, a community of like minded individuals meeting each other once/twice times a week or more, giving you the feeling that you're not alone. In a way, I sometimes wish I could've been a believer given the reasons I've pointed out above. But I just can't believe in something without evidence. I will keep searching for my own meaning and purpose, my own sense of community. without having to turn to a supernatural being.
I like Dennett, but I just can’t understand why he doesn’t recognize that atheism can also be understood as a meme. And if we consider that far more people have been religious than atheist, then it suggests that atheism is the wild meme rather than the concept of religion as a whole.
There are atheistic arguments but they’re not a system of belief. Give evidence of a particular god. Go. No? Nothing? Hence atheism. It isn’t complicated.
I don't want to speak for Dennett here, but I can guess that he would agree with you about atheism as a meme. But you also have to count the fact that there have been lowercase a atheists as long as there has been religion. Skepticism is older than any one religious belief system.
@@BrunoCardoso-dp3bd Loved ones demonstrate love in actions, not only in words. Reliable relationships are built on expressions of love, which is why symbolic vows can’t sustain a relationship alone.
Given that even most religions define other religions that they don't agree with as existing without god(s) and/or the "right" god(s), it's pretty obvious that religion CAN be explained in the absence of god(s).
I agree. It is not about the veracity of your religious claim, it is about the behavior that those beliefs have engendered over the ages. Practical religious intuition is over 50,000 years in terms of first egalitarian societies and then eventually priest and shaman-led belief systems. Individual and to a lesser extent group behavior is based on agency assumptions and the dangers and benefits of those agencies. The agents need not exist in reality, Mr. Dennett was spot on. Billions of modern religious adherents are still supposing that the shadows on the cave walls are real. This reminds me of "The Blind Watchmaker" by Richard Dawkins.
The parallels between religion and instinctive needs or even pure mechanical side effects like 'it happened because it could' are missing something fundamental at the core of most religions : that of transcendance. From as far back as we can trace the origins of religion we can see the experience of transcendence being played out. Shamanism is about transcendence, mushrooms or crocodile ceremonies are about transcendence. A crucial aspect of our human nature is and has always been the search for transcendence (right back to cave paintings and prehistoric statuettes showing examples of Shamanism). What is transcendence? It is a search for another world, a different level of consciousness and in modern religions, a connection with the spiritual world or with God. The experience of transcendance is not about feeling good about yourself and the environment but to seek an understanding of it. It's not simplistic in a biological sense but complex in its attempt to find connections and understanding. It leads towards patterns and symbols and, like languages, it both creates and reveal reality.
I think you're right. Not just in shamanism, all religion was (before corrupted by power) about seeking an understanding of reality. Shamanism is about going all the way on that quest for understanding. That deep desire to understand is what drives us, whether we're scientists or shamans.
The actual scientific answers to the questions of the origins of the universe, the evolution of man, and the fundamental nature of the cosmos involve things like wave equations and quantum electrodynamics and molecular biology that very few non-scientists can ever hope to understand and that if we are honest with ourselves, we must admit that we accept the incredibly complex scientific phenomena in physics, astronomy, and biology through the process of belief, not through reason. When Richard Fenyman wrote, 'I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics,' he was including himself which is disconcerting given how many books he wrote on that very subject. The fact is that it takes years of dedicated study before scientific truth in its truest, mathematical and symbolic forms can be understood. The rest of us rely on experts to explain it, someone who has seen and understood the truth and can dumb it down for us in a language we can understand. And therein lies the big problem for science and scientists. For most people, science is really a matter of trusting the expert who tells it to us and believing what they tell us. Trust and belief. Faith. Not understanding. How can we understand science, if we can't understand the language of science? 'We don't learn science by doing science, we learn science by reading and memorizing. The same way we learn history. Do you really know what an atom is, or that a Higgs boson is a rather important thing, or did you simply accept they were what someone told you they were?' . Just look at Nutritional Science as an Example. 1. Eat breakfast vs skip breakfast 2. eggs are healthy vs eggs are not healthy 3. Cow's Milk is healthy, rich in calcium vs Cow's Milk is unhealthy , can't absorb calcium 4. Avoid eating Fats , Eat less Fats vs Eat more Fats (Ketogenic Diet) 5. Take multivitamin supplements vs Multivitamin supplements are useless
Well finally a segment i have no issues with. Religions as simply a creation of our many human cultures. That just happens to provide validation for the existence of their ruling classes.
He knows the secret now, that consciousness is eternal. I used to be a skeptic UNTIL I started having what is called Out of Body Experiences and through these experiences it confirmed to me that awareness is "non-local" and now this great man knows this, finally.
Religions make a lot more rational sense when you realise 'God' can be equated to 'idealised collective belief'. The concept was just personified to make it easier to communicate to the masses.
Except that in Buddhism, many of the followers do worship the Buddha as a living Bodhisattva. We can argue that it goes against the Buddha's teachings, but there has always been a Buddhist pantheon of Bodhisattvas and heavenly (and not so heavenly) realms. Jains worship Devas, and Sikhs believe in one, eternal God and in rebirth and karma. So, while it's not necessary to believe in any kind of god or deity in those and other religions, many of the adherents of those religions do believe in a supernatural force of some sort.
He was very incisive on “consciousness”. Getting rid of God is easy. You should do it before you start to shave. Getting rid of consciousness, the fall-back defence of the supernaturalist, is more painstaking. He was very patient and affable. Hard to imagine the world without him.
Hi Closer To Truth, I do think this definition of religion is adequate, there is always a great difficulty in defining anything that has no material form or existence, it makes it something beyond precise definition. Very much the same applies to the god delusion as well, that too is something that lacks any empirical evidence upon which to s=-establish identity and definition. What remains is to try to establish a reasonable systematic framework for intelligent discussion, in terms that do not insist on the formal identification of realites, just the relationships between the basic ideas that are involved, ideas that do not themselves demand any real 'proof' or evidence. On that basis I am happy to talk about the cultural and intellectual aspects of religion and it seems to me that since there is no reliable evidence that any gods actually exist but very clearly religion play a major part in many people's lives the identifiable nature of the basic concepts are valid. This then speaks to the ways and means and manners of 'thinking', here it seems we are on very loose ground, it would appear that several slightly differing neurological processes are in play, that emotions imagination and 'reason' play into human consciousness in ways that we are not likely to ever come to terms with!. That alone does not close all the doors on debate, I think that the ri=ole that desire and imagination play in our lives is what promotes the adoption of faith and belief systems that actually lack any rational foundation, they can then be applied as an uncritical basis for all sorts of ritual and doctrine that bypass the need for any critical rational thinking which is slow and difficult and cannot produce the comfort of certainty. All of us have this capacity for cognitive delusion, where we insist that what we choose to believe is 'true', none of us are very good at separating fantasy from reality, in part at least because our powers of observation and perception are distorted by our emotions and imagination. Our dreams are usually more vivid and exciting than the realities of daily life. It has occurred to me that this peculiarity could be an inherited genetic attribute because rational thinking is so slow and difficult but also in the benign environment that produced us is rarely if ever required. Cheers, Richard.
“Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.” -Matthew 15:14 KJV Most people forget the first part of this verse when remembering it but I find it to be the most haunting part of it having once been an atheist.
another sad loss of a distinguished thinker... Dennet's wisdom has always been a beacon of light for many of us... may the other doors of existence open up to welcome such a graceful mind...
In response to the question, can contemporary religions be explained without God? From my point of view, the answer is yes, and the reason for the positive answer to the question of the form of performance and its effect on the behavior of the world of humanity is only for the direction of the movement of living, and perhaps, God can be explained without religions, because the role of God who rules the planet is in addition to helping humanity. It is in the direction of the movement of living, but it is the movement of all beings, including human beings, and it is nothing but the unique and eternal living air that surrounds the earth, which itself is immersed in the unique and eternal life of another.
Religion is to keep the minority of naturally intelligent from overthrowing the caste/gold/hierarchy. Period. The ruler is divine, and half diety, so in direct lineage/connection to the all powerful that can punish past human experience. It's called Banc Law. God is the billboard, or curtain the Wizard of Oz hides behind.
Well, maybe YOU define religion as belief in a supernatural agent... but when things get messy, I like to return to first principles and ask "what did this word mean before it degenerated in the hands of the ignorant?" That's always a good start. re = again often used in our language family as a reinforcement. You can double your effort, or make it stronger by REdoubling it. "re" is often used this way in the Indo-European family. lig = attach think of "ligament", a tissue that attaches bones to each other. Or "ligature", a device to attach a reed to a mouthpiece. Or "legato", wherein musical pitches are connected. So, you see, the term "religion" came about to denote a fierce dedication to something. One's religion could be an art or science, if that's their life's major dedication. People have ancient texts that prescribe how people can best protect person and property, how they can best interact with one another etc. Buddhism does that, but it texts don't involve the supernatural. It's still a firm dedication. People whose venerated texts are derived from Abraham's vision of God have a supernatural religion, but that doesn't mean that religion per se involves the supernatural. LISTEN. PARSE. THINK. DO SOME HOMEWORK. BE HONEST. Poor use of language is like a lie -- when you utter it often enough, it starts to appear to be true. This is the technique of scoundrels -- notably preachers and politicians . Fie on such a practice. Sorry I didn't watch beyond 0:36, but any person who's so loose with language doesn't merit my attention. His effort and intent might even be in [what he thinks is[ service to humanity, but I'm old, and haven't enough time left to spend listening to foolish things.
Relition should be judged on the universal rule that our beliefs and nature go hand in hand. If a belief has a bad effect on your nature then it's wrong. If it has a good effect on your character then the belief is right. It's also important to understand that the way a belief is worded doesn't constitute the beleif but the understanding of the belief is what affects your nature.
This narrative fits perfectly with the existence of God. If there is a God, you would expect him to design the evolutionary process and, thus, human nature in such a way that it would be evolutionarily or otherwise beneficial to humans, thus drawing us closer to him in this intrinsic way. What atheists who see the benefits of religion, such as Dr. Dennett and Richard Dawkins, who recently acknowledged his fondness of the Christian culture, miss, as far as I am concerned as an ex-atheist, is that it is very hard to have ideas spread without substance behind them. If someone said the tree was talking to them, people's natural behavior would be to deem that person crazy. However, if multiple people then hear the tree talk, then due to the impossibility of mass hallucinations, we'd expect them to start believing that the tree talks and, therefore, start communicating with the tree. As more and more people find out that they can talk to the tree, they start talking to the tree. The only difference is that a talking tree wouldn't have extremely consequential implications on the way people live their lives, unlike an omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent God, who is the alpha and the omega of existence - a maximally great being - would.
Things called gods are made up nonsense. The ‘narrative’ fits perfectly with the existence of a zebra skeleton on the surface of Pluto. Doesn’t mean a whole lot. I know no such thing exists.
DD: well I define religion as belief in a supernature agent or agents whose approval is to be sought now once I've defined religion then there are some things which look like they may be their religions that don't meet the definition 0:46 ... 18:00 ❤what kind of next steps do you think would be productive for Human Society to make to understand religions? ❤👉Well I think first of all we have to do what Socrates always told us to do real that's what we don't know the fact is we don't know a lot that we think we know about religion uh I'm saying I don't know it I'm saying nobody knows and we Jolly well should try to find out using good old scientific methods uh we can't just rely on our good intentions and good intentions aren't enough and we can't rely on tradition history tradition isn't good enough let's find out next makes religions tick how they attract people and then we'll have some idea of how to how to build on that there's a lot of people who've tried to reform their religions in the last say 100 years some of those reforms were disastrous why? their intentions were fine they didn't understand the nature of this sort of organism that they're trying to fix um so doesn't matter whether you think religions should go extinct or should become stronger you should try to understand how they work their their physiology if ou like their ecology now if you look at religion now you see hugely different from what it was 100 years ago which was hugely different from what it was a thousand years ago what's religion going to be in 10 years it probably will evolved as much in the next 10 or 20 years as it has in the last 100 I'd like to be part of a planned attempt to channel that evolution of religion down paths that are socially useful.
Before watching… Here’s my two cents… If you were to ask 100 unrelated people/theists on their “death bed” for a detailed description of God, I’ll wager you’d get 100 significantly different answers…. Yet most “denominations” insist that they have THE ONE AND ONLY answer for everyone… That being said, my relationship with a higher power is something I’ll willingly share with anyone who wants to discuss it in person, without expectations. Concurrently, I find it easier to envision a God without a religion, rather than a religious organization without a God…
@@singed8853 personally, when considering the creature most closely aligned with the Christian notion of God, and our propensity to “get things” backwards, in all likelihood we should have been modeling ourselves after dog this whole time… One of, if not the most noble, and faithful creatures on this pale blue dot…
"Religion is an extremely important part of the way people think about this world" -- Jeez, theists. As a lifelong atheist, I find that statement offensive and insulting.
(6:00) *DD: **_"Everybody in the village has a copy of the Talking Tree."_* ... I agree with Dennett on many things, but his take on religion is skewed by his religion-like allegiance to atheism. First off, you don't need a deity, magic elves, or talking trees to establish a religion. A *"religion"* is just a *_unified, scripted way_* that people agree to orchestrate their lives. ... Atheism, Taoism, Buddhism and the U.S. Marine Corps are perfect examples of non-deity-type religions. And the concept of God did not slither into the minds of ancient hominoids as Dennett suggests. Theism's "God" inevitably emerged because this construct represents the *highest possible point of conceivability.* Nothing can be conceived that is greater, more powerful, or more ubiquitous than theism's almighty God. *Rule:* If something is logically conceivable, then eventually it _will be_ conceived! Since this highest possible endpoint (God) can clearly be established within a "Spectrum of Conceivability," then sooner or later, it's going to be established. ... That's the power and beauty of conceivability! The antithesis of theism's God that represents the _opposite endpoint_ on the Spectrum of Conceivability is surprisingly NOT atheism, but rather Big Bang's "singularity." Nothing can be conceived that's smaller, lesser, or more compact than having everything that exists reduced to an immeasurable point of "somethingness." Oddly enough, *Science* and *Religion* produced the two endpoints that complete the _"Spectrum of Conceivability."_ Millennia of rivalry between these two ideologies, yet both end up as complimentary endpoints within the same spectrum.
I think Dennett’s definition is fine. A characteristic trait of a religion is that it is incompatible with belief in other religions. One cannot be both a Muslim and a Christian. However one can be a Soldier and a Hindu, or a scientist and a Christian. Many people are. This is why being a Marine and being a scientist are not religious affiliations.
*"I think Dennett’s definition is fine. A characteristic trait of a religion is that it is incompatible with belief in other religions.."* ... I believe that most deity-based religions are either conflations, variations, or spin-offs from previous religions. And deep inside the human psyche there is this drug-like desire to be "RIGHT!" So, for each new religion that branches off or mutates, there is a corresponding amount of inward desire to be "Right." It ends up as a _"My religion right; your religion wrong!"_ scenario, even though all of these religions evolved from the same root source of thinking. Compare that to how we "nonbelievers" deal with the many scientific theories we have today. All of the mainstream theories have evolved from the same root source (The Scientific Method). They all have a loyal, dedicate following who will battle all the time to establish scientific supremacy. Again, it ends up as a _"My theory right; your theory wrong!"_ scenario. So, I disagree with Dennett because I can apply his _"One cannot be both a Muslim and a Christian."_ to scientific theories, sports organizations, high-tech markets, stockbrokers, and many others and see the same human characteristics unfold. I've personally witnessed "String Theorists" and ""Standard Modelists" going at it like it's atheists vs theist! Look how you and I have gone at it so many times over what we think is "Right" ... Have we changed each other's mind? However, if we view religion and science as necessary conditions that form a spectrum based on logical conceivability and just chalk up that _"unbreakable, unwavering loyalty"_ part to that drug-like addiction we all have for wanting to be "Right," ... then we get release a whole new paradigm of what's really going on and why we believe (or don't believe) so hard in what we think is "Right" (or wrong). ... You know I'm right on this, ... right? .... Right??? 🙂
@@0-by-1_Publishing_LLC That’s a radical reductionist dissolution of all sociological phenomena down to opinions. Sure, religion, science, sports fandom, etc are all composed of opinions and in that compositional sense are all “the same”. We can still distinguish between kinds of opinions held for different kinds of reasons, or note which kinds of opinions are compatible and which are mutually exclusive. It seems like religious opinions are a category that exist.
"Nothing can be conceived that is greater, more powerful, or more ubiquitous than theism's almighty God." I see your God and I'll raise you a Tao. Also, in Roger Penrose's Conformal Cyclic Cosmology, that infinitesimally small singularity of Big Bang is actually the infinitely vast previous cycle of the universe. Closing the loop, so to speak.
@@ximono *"I see your God and I'll raise you a Tao."* ... Based on definitions, theism's God would be the Omniscient Creator of your Tao. God creates Tao and not the other way around. *"Also, in Roger Penrose's Conformal Cyclic Cosmology, that infinitesimally small singularity of Big Bang is actually the infinitely vast previous cycle of the universe. Closing the loop, so to speak."* ... Even with Penrose's definition, it doesn't change the position of Big Bang's singularity within a "Spectrum of Conceivability" especially if he attributes any measurable size whatsoever to that singularity. Any definition of Big Bang's original singularity that results in an acorn size, baseball size, or soccer ball size singularity (to allow Big Bounce to work) wouldn't supplant the standard definition of what Big Bang's singularity represents. BTW: I have forgotten how many times I have posted this same argument, yet nobody has ever come up with something logically conceived that can supplant the level of theism's God nor anything lower than what science's singularity represents. ... It is what it is!
Didn't know about him until I read about his passing. Based on all of the kudos in these comments, I'm sure that he was a delightful and engaging fellow. However, this interview did not impress me at all. Just two old atheists whose views about religious belief was predictably shallow and misdirected. Sorry to speak unkindly of the dead.
"Sorry to speak unkindly of the dead." As there's nothing for an atheist, you can say anything about a dead atheist, he doesn't care, he didn't exist anymore according to his beliefs.
I’m far more interested in God without religion than in religion without God. The former is spirituality, the latter is something like communism or fascism.
As long as birth and death is relevant God is relevant. God is relevant as long as you need to eat, poop, sleep, reproduce become immune to illness and defy death and become self reliant self existing and eternal. To deny God you will have to become god which is out of question.😊
@@singed8853 I am talking about the Lord of all the Prophets. From Prophet Adam to Prophet Muhammad all the Prophets brought the same message, worshipped the One and Only God and preached and practiced the same faith.😊
Is there a God? God is both One and Self-Existent (A God = One God) Why does God veil himself as manifoldnes: So not to be alone (Genesis 2:18) What is the purpose of God for this veiling business: Love. (John 13:34-35)
RIP. May you and your invaluable contributions to modern philosophy be long remembered.
Such a loss.
It will only be remembered by minds who recognise patterns like RICHARD E BELLMAN
@kavorka8855 true virtuous religious behavior, sitting in a random video about some recently deceased man to undermine some positive last sentiments... you are a class act, your religion really showed you morality didnt it!
@@satireofcircumstance6458 It's a figure of speech and a mark of respect.
RIP. Fortunate to attend his lecture in Boston...🙏🏼... grateful for your intellectual courage...
For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance, he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries. ― Robert Jastrow
@@chamicels That is true for whatever is still one.
I just learned that Dennett passed away today. He was a profound philosopher that I greatly enjoyed. I've been working the past six months on an animated video, and he is one of the 10 animated characters along with Sabine Hossenfelder, Neil Degrasse Tyson, Edward Witten, Richard Dawkins, Beyonce, Taylor Swift, J.K. Rowling, Marcelle Hanselaar, and the Pope.
I'll include a dedication to Dennett at the beginning.
Can't wait to see it
Dang! Thanks for sharing, this is a sad day.
RIP, Dr. Dennett.
Oh, no.
Respect to the departed soul....
Dennett was an author of some of the best books I´ve read. Great humour, great person.
Now, the reason för religious beliefs is simple, it is the fear of death. Religious persons do not admit that when you die, you do not longer exists. They find all kinds of elaborate explanations, there is a soul which continues to live in heaven - that is if you have behaved.
An atheist i.e an honest person knows that you live for a while and then you go back to the status you had before you were born.
Honest? Thats a farfetch for someone who is so full of themselves thay theyre sure about what happens after death LMAO
Rest in peace Dan. The world is poorer without you❤
@@RandomStuff-i4i nonsense. We can’t know what happens after death, and neither can you. Just because some bronze age tribes made up stories about an afterlife doesn’t make it true.
@@RandomStuff-i4i how can you know?
@@RandomStuff-i4i how would you know?
@@RandomStuff-i4i I would love to hear some evidence for this.
@@RandomStuff-i4i You have no evidence, hence you haven't given me any.
Rest in oblivion Mr Denett thanks for breaking down religion for the rest of us
Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe will build it back up when you're ready.
@@justinotherpatriot1744 Chris Langan's?
@@ФилософияотБэнни that's the one
No such thing as oblivion. I used to believe that was the case Until I had out of body experiences through meditation and now I realise I was incorrect about consciousness. It IS somewhat infinite.
@@Dion_MustardI had an out of body during Vipassana the first time I meditate, I’ve seen lights and came back with a message of profound gratitude towards existence. I think that God is the Existence itself.
In 1980 I knew an 80 year old man who went to the same church for 40 years. When I asked him about belief in God, he said, "I am an atheist. I like the teaching. I like the people." He passed on, but I still think of him as the finest Christian I have met.
A Christian is a person who follows & obeys ... God (Father, Son & Spirit) ... of the Bible, Israel & Jerusalem.
@@abelincoln.2064 Where do atheists go after death?
Perhaps the Man just felt comfortable within the environment, Is there anything wrong with that? No of course not…
@@abelincoln.2064 Where do atheists go after death?
He might have been a Christian by deeds, if not by creed. It's possible to be Christian by culture but not by religion, even for an atheist.
Oh ! Dan dennet gone 😢.
Am so sad to hear this.
Such a legend
One of the biggest influences in my life. Your work is amazing and we will make sure it keeps being alive. Thank you for your contribution to the world and, personally, to my life.
Also, how amazing is Robert's reactions to Dan in this interview. So cute
I'm a huge fan of Daniel Dennet. For me he advanced the topic of atheism and the analysis of religion.
Yes. A in the word A-theism means ONE as in Alpha & Omega. So ATHEISM means ONE GOD/ONE SELF/ONE YUNIVERSE/ONE COSMOS. Love ya brother.
@@Ekam-Sat Atypical definition.
@@redwatch. Brilliant!!! And yes!!! Love you brother. Have a good week.
I thoroughly enjoyed listening to Mr. Dennett over the years, and I'll miss his perspective on life's most profound mysteries. Goodbye sir and thank you.
Love u Dan dennett.
Deeply saddened that u are no more. U are my top intellectual hero. A foremost philosopher and thinker of modern age. Ur name and work will live forever.
I loved Dr. Daniel Dennett, very sad to hear about his passing, I would have loved to meet him, he was my absolute favorite, an intellectual giant, a legend, true sage, heard he was also very kind gentle person, huge loss to civilization, I will watch tons of his lectures in the next few weeks in his memory, I made a playlist of his lectures and interviews for myself to work through, listening to Dr Dennett lectures would be my idea of Heaven 7:17
R.I.P, Daniel Dennett ❤
Dan Dennett will surely be missed farewell Sir…
Beautiful man, Dan Dennett! Great philosopher, great human being! 👍🏼RIP Dan!
Great person and thinker. This is splendid interview. He passed away just under watching this.
I haven't watched Closer to Truth recently, I should watch it more often. It is an incredibly interesting channel.
Thank you for everything, Dan.
I'm thankful we were on earth school together. I survived Catholic school in part because our paths crossed.
God is a symbolic character in the dramas we create about our own desires and fears. Religion is a language by which we communicate our values throughout society and between generations. Children understand personalities more readily than they grasp philosophical concepts, so we personify abstractions in the form of heroes and deities.
Lol ok
RIP sir
Goodbye Daniel! 😢 What a great guy!!
Rest in peace mr. Dennett!
And I've thought about the usefulness of religion. There are many ways and levels to think about it but if you look at the individual level.
Religion gives a structure, a set of rules to live by. Humans are a creature of habit and having to set up all of that structure yourself can be exhausting. Religion gives a sense of purpose, it gives you comfort thinking that a father like figure cares for you and gives you guidance and support, it gives you an explanation for what is dark and unknown. So you don't have to worry about it. And it gives a sense of community, a community of like minded individuals meeting each other once/twice times a week or more, giving you the feeling that you're not alone.
In a way, I sometimes wish I could've been a believer given the reasons I've pointed out above. But I just can't believe in something without evidence. I will keep searching for my own meaning and purpose, my own sense of community. without having to turn to a supernatural being.
I have to be hated by others, but good to myself. I am happy with that result.
Why do you have to be hated? That seems unnecessary. Peace!
RIP Dr. Dennett
We are TEO as in T-he E-ternal O-one. No worries. Just keep on loving!
I like Dennett, but I just can’t understand why he doesn’t recognize that atheism can also be understood as a meme. And if we consider that far more people have been religious than atheist, then it suggests that atheism is the wild meme rather than the concept of religion as a whole.
There are atheistic arguments but they’re not a system of belief. Give evidence of a particular god. Go. No? Nothing? Hence atheism. It isn’t complicated.
I don't want to speak for Dennett here, but I can guess that he would agree with you about atheism as a meme. But you also have to count the fact that there have been lowercase a atheists as long as there has been religion. Skepticism is older than any one religious belief system.
@Paine137 atheists waiting for a peer reviewd scientific study after their partner say "i love you"😂
@@BrunoCardoso-dp3bd Loved ones demonstrate love in actions, not only in words. Reliable relationships are built on expressions of love, which is why symbolic vows can’t sustain a relationship alone.
Atheism is not the end of human spirituality, it is the beginning.
RIP Dan Dennet
Given that even most religions define other religions that they don't agree with as existing without god(s) and/or the "right" god(s), it's pretty obvious that religion CAN be explained in the absence of god(s).
As I dips me lid to a giant, that walked amongst us mere mortals... RIP Professor Dennett. 😔
I agree. It is not about the veracity of your religious claim, it is about the behavior that those beliefs have engendered over the ages. Practical religious intuition is over 50,000 years in terms of first egalitarian societies and then eventually priest and shaman-led belief systems. Individual and to a lesser extent group behavior is based on agency assumptions and the dangers and benefits of those agencies. The agents need not exist in reality, Mr. Dennett was spot on. Billions of modern religious adherents are still supposing that the shadows on the cave walls are real. This reminds me of "The Blind Watchmaker" by Richard Dawkins.
R.I.P He was a brave philosopher!!!
So sad to hear he passed. RIP
The parallels between religion and instinctive needs or even pure mechanical side effects like 'it happened because it could' are missing something fundamental at the core of most religions : that of transcendance. From as far back as we can trace the origins of religion we can see the experience of transcendence being played out. Shamanism is about transcendence, mushrooms or crocodile ceremonies are about transcendence. A crucial aspect of our human nature is and has always been the search for transcendence (right back to cave paintings and prehistoric statuettes showing examples of Shamanism). What is transcendence? It is a search for another world, a different level of consciousness and in modern religions, a connection with the spiritual world or with God. The experience of transcendance is not about feeling good about yourself and the environment but to seek an understanding of it. It's not simplistic in a biological sense but complex in its attempt to find connections and understanding. It leads towards patterns and symbols and, like languages, it both creates and reveal reality.
I think you're right. Not just in shamanism, all religion was (before corrupted by power) about seeking an understanding of reality. Shamanism is about going all the way on that quest for understanding. That deep desire to understand is what drives us, whether we're scientists or shamans.
This fellow spoke in parables all the way about biology, sheep, and Shepherd.
God bless you Dennett
RIP Daniel Dennett. All time favorite author - Darwin's Dangerous Idea 💡
It is a means of control.
Brilliant 👏 Bravo
Thank you
RIP. A big loss. Today, more than ever, we need more people like Dan Dennett to counter the anti-science religious bollocks.
The actual scientific answers to the questions of the origins of the universe, the evolution of man, and the fundamental nature of the cosmos involve things like wave equations and quantum electrodynamics and molecular biology that very few non-scientists can ever hope to understand and that if we are honest with ourselves, we must admit that we accept the incredibly complex scientific phenomena in physics, astronomy, and biology through the process of belief, not through reason. When Richard Fenyman wrote, 'I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics,' he was including himself which is disconcerting given how many books he wrote on that very subject. The fact is that it takes years of dedicated study before scientific truth in its truest, mathematical and symbolic forms can be understood. The rest of us rely on experts to explain it, someone who has seen and understood the truth and can dumb it down for us in a language we can understand. And therein lies the big problem for science and scientists. For most people, science is really a matter of trusting the expert who tells it to us and believing what they tell us. Trust and belief. Faith. Not understanding. How can we understand science, if we can't understand the language of science? 'We don't learn science by doing science, we learn science by reading and memorizing. The same way we learn history. Do you really know what an atom is, or that a Higgs boson is a rather important thing, or did you simply accept they were what someone told you they were?'
Just look at Nutritional Science as an Example.
1. Eat breakfast vs skip breakfast
2. eggs are healthy vs eggs are not healthy
3. Cow's Milk is healthy, rich in calcium vs Cow's Milk is unhealthy , can't absorb calcium
4. Avoid eating Fats , Eat less Fats vs Eat more Fats (Ketogenic Diet)
5. Take multivitamin supplements vs Multivitamin supplements are useless
Well finally a segment i have no issues with. Religions as simply a creation of our many human cultures. That just happens to provide validation for the existence of their ruling classes.
To the great lights of reason. May they shine on in the memories of we who carry the torch further 🤍
It is amazing what lengths a great mind will go to try to convince itself that it is not wrong.
Nice vague statement
@@singed8853 I find it fascinating
@@toadster_strudel I find mass delusions and indoctrination to be fascinating.
@singed8853 indeed.
He knows the secret now, that consciousness is eternal.
I used to be a skeptic UNTIL I started having what is called Out of Body Experiences and through these experiences it confirmed to me that awareness is "non-local" and now this great man knows this, finally.
Complete logical fallacy you just stated.
RIP. Dennett has died and with it ended whole epoch in philosophy.
Short answer: Easily.
Religions make a lot more rational sense when you realise 'God' can be equated to 'idealised collective belief'. The concept was just personified to make it easier to communicate to the masses.
RIP. Had a way of always forcing people to think :)
I hope the scholars and the researchers take up the project Dennett suggests here
Correct me if I'm wrong: many religions without a god, right? Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism are some.
All of them view human beings as fallen and flawed
@@longcastle4863 They are.
Except that in Buddhism, many of the followers do worship the Buddha as a living Bodhisattva. We can argue that it goes against the Buddha's teachings, but there has always been a Buddhist pantheon of Bodhisattvas and heavenly (and not so heavenly) realms. Jains worship Devas, and Sikhs believe in one, eternal God and in rebirth and karma. So, while it's not necessary to believe in any kind of god or deity in those and other religions, many of the adherents of those religions do believe in a supernatural force of some sort.
A brave and beautiful mind. You certainly made this monkey a little bit smarter. Thank you and Farewell Dan Dennett 🧠
Where is the video of Daniel Dennett Quine, Consciousness and the Middle East?
He was very incisive on “consciousness”. Getting rid of God is easy. You should do it before you start to shave. Getting rid of consciousness, the fall-back defence of the supernaturalist, is more painstaking. He was very patient and affable. Hard to imagine the world without him.
Great 😃
Hi Closer To Truth, I do think this definition of religion is adequate, there is always a great difficulty in defining anything that has no material form or existence, it makes it something beyond precise definition. Very much the same applies to the god delusion as well, that too is something that lacks any empirical evidence upon which to s=-establish identity and definition.
What remains is to try to establish a reasonable systematic framework for intelligent discussion, in terms that do not insist on the formal identification of realites, just the relationships between the basic ideas that are involved, ideas that do not themselves demand any real 'proof' or evidence.
On that basis I am happy to talk about the cultural and intellectual aspects of religion and it seems to me that since there is no reliable evidence that any gods actually exist but very clearly religion play a major part in many people's lives the identifiable nature of the basic concepts are valid. This then speaks to the ways and means and manners of 'thinking', here it seems we are on very loose ground, it would appear that several slightly differing neurological processes are in play, that emotions imagination and 'reason' play into human consciousness in ways that we are not likely to ever come to terms with!. That alone does not close all the doors on debate, I think that the ri=ole that desire and imagination play in our lives is what promotes the adoption of faith and belief systems that actually lack any rational foundation, they can then be applied as an uncritical basis for all sorts of ritual and doctrine that bypass the need for any critical rational thinking which is slow and difficult and cannot produce the comfort of certainty. All of us have this capacity for cognitive delusion, where we insist that what we choose to believe is 'true', none of us are very good at separating fantasy from reality, in part at least because our powers of observation and perception are distorted by our emotions and imagination. Our dreams are usually more vivid and exciting than the realities of daily life.
It has occurred to me that this peculiarity could be an inherited genetic attribute because rational thinking is so slow and difficult but also in the benign environment that produced us is rarely if ever required.
Cheers, Richard.
Rest in Peace sir
"Religion is an excuse to stop thinking."
Any ideology is.
The current days show us that it's people without religious views who stop thinking, thinking for instance that a man can have a baby, such things.
Islamic golden age:
“Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.”
-Matthew 15:14 KJV
Most people forget the first part of this verse when remembering it but I find it to be the most haunting part of it having once been an atheist.
What age did you last believe no such thing as things called gods exist?
@@singed8853 you wanna try phrasing that one again?
@@jonmerrick9654what age were you when you last believed things called gods don’t exist?
Rest in peace❤
religion for community to focus on and experience God?
Rest in Peace Daniel Dennett
another sad loss of a distinguished thinker... Dennet's wisdom has always been a beacon of light for many of us... may the other doors of existence open up to welcome such a graceful mind...
In response to the question, can contemporary religions be explained without God? From my point of view, the answer is yes, and the reason for the positive answer to the question of the form of performance and its effect on the behavior of the world of humanity is only for the direction of the movement of living, and perhaps, God can be explained without religions, because the role of God who rules the planet is in addition to helping humanity. It is in the direction of the movement of living, but it is the movement of all beings, including human beings, and it is nothing but the unique and eternal living air that surrounds the earth, which itself is immersed in the unique and eternal life of another.
For an atheist, it would be more logical to say "lies forever nowhere and for no reason".
It’s the same non-existence as before.
Religion is to keep the minority of naturally intelligent from overthrowing the caste/gold/hierarchy. Period. The ruler is divine, and half diety, so in direct lineage/connection to the all powerful that can punish past human experience.
It's called Banc Law. God is the billboard, or curtain the Wizard of Oz hides behind.
Clearly, you tried to sum up your personal view. Thanks for sharing.
Well, maybe YOU define religion as belief in a supernatural agent... but when things get messy, I like to return to first principles and ask "what did this word mean before it degenerated in the hands of the ignorant?" That's always a good start.
re = again often used in our language family as a reinforcement. You can double your effort, or make it stronger by REdoubling it. "re" is often used this way in the Indo-European family.
lig = attach think of "ligament", a tissue that attaches bones to each other. Or "ligature", a device to attach a reed to a mouthpiece. Or "legato", wherein musical pitches are connected.
So, you see, the term "religion" came about to denote a fierce dedication to something. One's religion could be an art or science, if that's their life's major dedication. People have ancient texts that prescribe how people can best protect person and property, how they can best interact with one another etc. Buddhism does that, but it texts don't involve the supernatural. It's still a firm dedication. People whose venerated texts are derived from Abraham's vision of God have a supernatural religion, but that doesn't mean that religion per se involves the supernatural. LISTEN. PARSE. THINK. DO SOME HOMEWORK. BE HONEST.
Poor use of language is like a lie -- when you utter it often enough, it starts to appear to be true. This is the technique of scoundrels -- notably preachers and politicians . Fie on such a practice.
Sorry I didn't watch beyond 0:36, but any person who's so loose with language doesn't merit my attention. His effort and intent might even be in [what he thinks is[ service to humanity, but I'm old, and haven't enough time left to spend listening to foolish things.
Relition should be judged on the universal rule that our beliefs and nature go hand in hand. If a belief has a bad effect on your nature then it's wrong. If it has a good effect on your character then the belief is right. It's also important to understand that the way a belief is worded doesn't constitute the beleif but the understanding of the belief is what affects your nature.
RIP Dr. Dennett.
Rest in peace Mr Dennet
This narrative fits perfectly with the existence of God. If there is a God, you would expect him to design the evolutionary process and, thus, human nature in such a way that it would be evolutionarily or otherwise beneficial to humans, thus drawing us closer to him in this intrinsic way. What atheists who see the benefits of religion, such as Dr. Dennett and Richard Dawkins, who recently acknowledged his fondness of the Christian culture, miss, as far as I am concerned as an ex-atheist, is that it is very hard to have ideas spread without substance behind them. If someone said the tree was talking to them, people's natural behavior would be to deem that person crazy. However, if multiple people then hear the tree talk, then due to the impossibility of mass hallucinations, we'd expect them to start believing that the tree talks and, therefore, start communicating with the tree. As more and more people find out that they can talk to the tree, they start talking to the tree. The only difference is that a talking tree wouldn't have extremely consequential implications on the way people live their lives, unlike an omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent God, who is the alpha and the omega of existence - a maximally great being - would.
Things called gods are made up nonsense. The ‘narrative’ fits perfectly with the existence of a zebra skeleton on the surface of Pluto. Doesn’t mean a whole lot. I know no such thing exists.
Oof. This is not the first time I've heard on TH-cam of the death of somebody I greatly respected.
He had the voice of a young man.
It is definitely enhanced
Definitely! Look at indian religions and traditions. Buddhism ,jainism, mimamsasa, samkhya, yoga...
Rest in peace sir.
DD: well I define religion as belief in a supernature agent or agents whose approval is to be sought now once I've defined religion then there are some things which look like they may be their religions that don't meet the definition 0:46 ... 18:00 ❤what kind of next steps do you think would be productive for Human Society to make to understand religions? ❤👉Well I think first of all we have to do what Socrates always told us to do real that's what we don't know the fact is we don't know a lot that we think we know about religion uh I'm saying I don't know it I'm saying nobody knows and we Jolly well should try to find out using good old scientific methods uh we can't just rely on our good intentions and good intentions aren't enough and we can't rely on tradition history tradition isn't good enough let's find out next makes religions tick how they attract people and then we'll have some idea of how to how to build on that there's a lot of people who've tried to reform their religions in the last say 100 years some of those reforms were disastrous why? their intentions were fine they didn't understand the nature of this sort of organism that they're trying to fix um so doesn't matter whether you think religions should go extinct or should become stronger you should try to understand how they work their their physiology if ou like their ecology now if you look at religion now you see hugely different from what it was 100 years ago which was hugely different from what it was a thousand years ago what's religion going to be in 10 years it probably will evolved as much in the next 10 or 20 years as it has in the last 100 I'd like to be part of a planned attempt to channel that evolution of religion down paths that are socially useful.
No approval is necessary. Problem solved. Moving on.
I don't like to go to churches .....
Before watching… Here’s my two cents…
If you were to ask 100 unrelated people/theists on their “death bed” for a detailed description of God, I’ll wager you’d get 100 significantly different answers…. Yet most “denominations” insist that they have THE ONE AND ONLY answer for everyone…
That being said, my relationship with a higher power is something I’ll willingly share with anyone who wants to discuss it in person, without expectations. Concurrently, I find it easier to envision a God without a religion, rather than a religious organization without a God…
I don’t see any good reason to think things called gods exist.
@@singed8853 personally, when considering the creature most closely aligned with the Christian notion of God, and our propensity to “get things” backwards, in all likelihood we should have been modeling ourselves after dog this whole time…
One of, if not the most noble, and faithful creatures on this pale blue dot…
I assume Daniel has now revised his thinking.
I know you’re ignorant.
Well, technically he isn't doing any thinking now.
He died. He was never going to revise his thinking unless some new fact came to light. And no new fact was going to come.
"Religion is an extremely important part of the way people think about this world" -- Jeez, theists. As a lifelong atheist, I find that statement offensive and insulting.
(6:00) *DD: **_"Everybody in the village has a copy of the Talking Tree."_* ... I agree with Dennett on many things, but his take on religion is skewed by his religion-like allegiance to atheism. First off, you don't need a deity, magic elves, or talking trees to establish a religion. A *"religion"* is just a *_unified, scripted way_* that people agree to orchestrate their lives.
... Atheism, Taoism, Buddhism and the U.S. Marine Corps are perfect examples of non-deity-type religions.
And the concept of God did not slither into the minds of ancient hominoids as Dennett suggests. Theism's "God" inevitably emerged because this construct represents the *highest possible point of conceivability.* Nothing can be conceived that is greater, more powerful, or more ubiquitous than theism's almighty God.
*Rule:* If something is logically conceivable, then eventually it _will be_ conceived! Since this highest possible endpoint (God) can clearly be established within a "Spectrum of Conceivability," then sooner or later, it's going to be established.
... That's the power and beauty of conceivability!
The antithesis of theism's God that represents the _opposite endpoint_ on the Spectrum of Conceivability is surprisingly NOT atheism, but rather Big Bang's "singularity." Nothing can be conceived that's smaller, lesser, or more compact than having everything that exists reduced to an immeasurable point of "somethingness."
Oddly enough, *Science* and *Religion* produced the two endpoints that complete the _"Spectrum of Conceivability."_ Millennia of rivalry between these two ideologies, yet both end up as complimentary endpoints within the same spectrum.
I think Dennett’s definition is fine. A characteristic trait of a religion is that it is incompatible with belief in other religions. One cannot be both a Muslim and a Christian. However one can be a Soldier and a Hindu, or a scientist and a Christian. Many people are. This is why being a Marine and being a scientist are not religious affiliations.
*"I think Dennett’s definition is fine. A characteristic trait of a religion is that it is incompatible with belief in other religions.."*
... I believe that most deity-based religions are either conflations, variations, or spin-offs from previous religions. And deep inside the human psyche there is this drug-like desire to be "RIGHT!" So, for each new religion that branches off or mutates, there is a corresponding amount of inward desire to be "Right."
It ends up as a _"My religion right; your religion wrong!"_ scenario, even though all of these religions evolved from the same root source of thinking.
Compare that to how we "nonbelievers" deal with the many scientific theories we have today. All of the mainstream theories have evolved from the same root source (The Scientific Method). They all have a loyal, dedicate following who will battle all the time to establish scientific supremacy. Again, it ends up as a _"My theory right; your theory wrong!"_ scenario.
So, I disagree with Dennett because I can apply his _"One cannot be both a Muslim and a Christian."_ to scientific theories, sports organizations, high-tech markets, stockbrokers, and many others and see the same human characteristics unfold.
I've personally witnessed "String Theorists" and ""Standard Modelists" going at it like it's atheists vs theist! Look how you and I have gone at it so many times over what we think is "Right" ... Have we changed each other's mind?
However, if we view religion and science as necessary conditions that form a spectrum based on logical conceivability and just chalk up that _"unbreakable, unwavering loyalty"_ part to that drug-like addiction we all have for wanting to be "Right," ... then we get release a whole new paradigm of what's really going on and why we believe (or don't believe) so hard in what we think is "Right" (or wrong).
... You know I'm right on this, ... right? .... Right??? 🙂
@@0-by-1_Publishing_LLC That’s a radical reductionist dissolution of all sociological phenomena down to opinions. Sure, religion, science, sports fandom, etc are all composed of opinions and in that compositional sense are all “the same”. We can still distinguish between kinds of opinions held for different kinds of reasons, or note which kinds of opinions are compatible and which are mutually exclusive. It seems like religious opinions are a category that exist.
"Nothing can be conceived that is greater, more powerful, or more ubiquitous than theism's almighty God."
I see your God and I'll raise you a Tao.
Also, in Roger Penrose's Conformal Cyclic Cosmology, that infinitesimally small singularity of Big Bang is actually the infinitely vast previous cycle of the universe. Closing the loop, so to speak.
@@ximono *"I see your God and I'll raise you a Tao."*
... Based on definitions, theism's God would be the Omniscient Creator of your Tao. God creates Tao and not the other way around.
*"Also, in Roger Penrose's Conformal Cyclic Cosmology, that infinitesimally small singularity of Big Bang is actually the infinitely vast previous cycle of the universe. Closing the loop, so to speak."*
... Even with Penrose's definition, it doesn't change the position of Big Bang's singularity within a "Spectrum of Conceivability" especially if he attributes any measurable size whatsoever to that singularity. Any definition of Big Bang's original singularity that results in an acorn size, baseball size, or soccer ball size singularity (to allow Big Bounce to work) wouldn't supplant the standard definition of what Big Bang's singularity represents.
BTW: I have forgotten how many times I have posted this same argument, yet nobody has ever come up with something logically conceived that can supplant the level of theism's God nor anything lower than what science's singularity represents. ... It is what it is!
Yeah those Churches are Real Fan Clubs 😂 , they are not even esoteric. 🧛🎖️💯
I don’t think he moved his arm during this entire thing
Soon as you say “mysterious “ or “ not explained “ here comes sir god of the gaps ….
Didn't know about him until I read about his passing. Based on all of the kudos in these comments, I'm sure that he was a delightful and engaging fellow. However, this interview did not impress me at all. Just two old atheists whose views about religious belief was predictably shallow and misdirected. Sorry to speak unkindly of the dead.
"Sorry to speak unkindly of the dead." As there's nothing for an atheist, you can say anything about a dead atheist, he doesn't care, he didn't exist anymore according to his beliefs.
I’m far more interested in God without religion than in religion without God. The former is spirituality, the latter is something like communism or fascism.
I suppose he either knows the truth now or he no longer is. Either way, he will be missed.
His mind lives on for sure.
As long as birth and death is relevant God is relevant.
God is relevant as long as you need to eat, poop, sleep, reproduce become immune to illness and defy death and become self reliant self existing and eternal.
To deny God you will have to become god which is out of question.😊
Things called gods are made up nonsense. Don’t deny Zeus.
@@singed8853 I am talking about the Lord of all the Prophets.
From Prophet Adam to Prophet Muhammad all the Prophets brought the same message, worshipped the One and Only God and preached and practiced the same faith.😊
@@i4niablethat’s fine but don’t deny Zeus or Krishna and Radha.
Is there a God? God is both One and Self-Existent (A God = One God)
Why does God veil himself as manifoldnes: So not to be alone (Genesis 2:18)
What is the purpose of God for this veiling business: Love. (John 13:34-35)
Things called gods are made up nonsense.
Someone said that there's no room in the theory of evolution for the spirit world.
I follow the Hindu religion and of course we don 't believe in God.