Well well well, Looks like another day and a defiant Yamma-Hammer! Looks like blow-bye to Me Jack I would spray some fogging oil in it and then check compression and if it is still low Your headed for new rings or Piston and ring's. Have a good day Jack take care!
Thanks for sharing. Looking forward to you pulling and checking the cylinder
My pleasure Brent. Thanks for commenting.
hi, Jack from toasty Las Vegas.
Well well well, Looks like another day and a defiant Yamma-Hammer! Looks like blow-bye to Me Jack I would spray some fogging oil in it and then check compression and if it is still low Your headed for new rings or Piston and ring's. Have a good day Jack take care!
Used 2 stroke oil instead of fogging oil, but the result was no change. I'm still concerned that the piston is not correct.
Hey Jack that was very kind of you, thank you for the shout out!!!
No problem Don. Now you need to get that new shop up and running.
That is crazy.
Yes it is. Unless there is something I'm missing.
agree, one of life's little pleasures, Rain on a tin roof!