I remember years ago I had a VHS copy of this show and watched this wall trick over and over and then I caught on to the method which is really clever :)
I think... at 4:29, the shot of an empty back side of the wall is purposely included to tell us there is no one behind. In fact that shot reveals it all. There is someone hiding behind to pass him the written note. Watch him at 4:34 when he pretends to step up to get the pen knife, while his right hand with the envelope, holding onto the wall. That is the moment, the person behind the wall passes the note to him. The odd way he takes out the note is another reveal. Watch carefully at 4:42, his thumb is inside the opening of the envelope, while his fingers actually pulls the note out from BEHIND the envelope.
iyi de hacı aynısını gösteri esnasında hazırlayıp nasıl koyoyorlar iki dakkada? aynı kaplanı nasıl çiziyolar mesela kopya kağıdımı var? yoksa şeyi anladık tamam panonun arkasından katlanmış kağıdı alıp onu gösteriyo ama o kağıttakiler nasıl çizilmiş hemen?
@GencZonguldak 4:31'de yazıların olduğu paravandan zarfı açtığı çakıyı alıyor. Çakıyı almak için sol eliyle uzanırken sağ eliyle de paravanın arkasından şovun sonunda açacağı kağıdı alıyor. Zarfın arkasına gizleyerek dizine koyuyor. 4:44'te zarfı açıp içinden kağıt çıkarırmış gibi yapıyor, aslında çok hızlı bir şekilde zarfla dizi arasındaki kağıdı çekiyor. Zarfın içinden bir şey çıkarmıyor yani.
REACH HARD??? LEASHAAA???? Uh...ri- richard! My god my cheeks really hurt rite now. Seriously wen richard sed his name 3rd time. It sounded like he actually sed leasha. But hearing david say LEASHA??? THAT was hilarious
@alihsans tmm kağıdı paravanın ve zarfın arkasından alıyor fakat o kağıdı paravanın arkasına başkası mı getirmiş yani? tahtadakilerin aynısı kağıtta var çünkü, bunun için kopya kağıdı gibi bişey olması lazım ve o kağıdın da sonradan katlanıp paravanın arkasına koyulması lazım. yani açtığı kağıdı paravanın arkasından alıyor burası tamam fakat o kağıda onları yazıp ya da kopya kağıdını alıp katlayan kim?
Nothing's set up and there's no need to use actors. on 4:34 you can easily see him taking the picture with his right hand but it remains behind the envelope so we don't see it and on 4:43 he takes it like it was inside the envelope.
Well spotted! If you listen carefully you can clearly hear the sound of the paper being moved at that point. And yes, he does in fact remove the paper from behind the envelope. It's all about the performance really, David has charisma and charm.
@alihsans yok yaw öyle olur mu. gösteri esnasında sahneye kimse girmiyodur girse zaten seyirci anlar. başka bi numara var ama çözemedim. bunu bizim arefçilere çözdürmek lazım.
Someone behind the Wall is "painting" the exact same thing and when Copperfield gets the knife to open the envelope at 4:34, he gets the real drawing. When he opens the envelope you can see that he isn't taking it from inside the envelope but behind the envelope.
Watch TH-cam videos search engine TV show series episodes called just kidding and just for laughs they do similar stuff like a guy putting jig saw puzzle together and it ends up being his own picture
:) 4:34'te elinde zarf varken elini panonun arkasına götürüyor arada hazırlanan resmi alıyor ve zarfın arkasında tutuyor. Zarfı hiç çevirmiyor farkındaysan. 4:43'te de aslında arfın arkasında tuttığu, zarfın içinde olmayan resmi sanki zarfın içinden alır gibi çıkartıyor.
“And We have guarded it (the heavens) from every accursed devil, except one who is able to snatch a hearing and he is pursued by a brightly burning flame.” (Quran 15:17-18) The Prophet also said: “They (the Jinn) would pass the information back down until it reaches the lips of a magician or forrtune-teller Sometimes a meteor would overtake them before they could pass it on. If they passed it on before being struck, they would add to it a hundred lies” (Saheeh Al-Bukhari). Thus, it is clear from this as to how fortune-tellers get predictions of the future sometimes right. It is also evident as to why they get so many wrong. Men like Nostradamus are an example, as some of his predictions of the future were correct whilst many were completely wrong. Unfortunately, the amount of fortune telling which occurs amongst the Muslims is also increasing. By visiting Muslim lands such as Morocco, one is able to see as to how much inter Jinn-fortune-teller activity there really is. If you look up at the sky on a clear night in Morocco, you will see the heavens ablaze with shooting stars! A clear display of the devils being chased away from the heavens. Fortune-tellers also operate through the Qareen. The Qareen is the Jinn companion which is assigned to every human being. It is this Jinn which whispers to our base desires and constantly tries to divert us from righteousness. The Prophet said: “Every one of you has been assigned a companion from the Jinn. The companions asked: Even you O’ Messenger of God? And the Prophet replied: Even me, except that God has helped me against him and he has become a Muslim. Now he only tells me to do good” (Saheeh Muslim). Because the Qareen is with a person all his life, it knows all that has happened to the person from the cradle to the grave. By making contact with the Qareen, the fortune-teller is thus able to make out that it is he who knows about the person. He looks in his crystal ball or the palm of a person and proceeds to amaze him with knowledge which no one else knows. The severity of going to a fortune-teller is such that the Prophet said: “The prayer of one who approaches a fortune-teller and asks him about anything, will not be accepted for forty days or nights” (Saheeh Muslim) and: “Whosoever approaches a fortune-teller and believes in what he says, has disbelieved in what was revealed to Muhammed.” The effects of the Jinn are not just limited to fortune-tellers. Other activities such as oujia boards and seances, which are used to contact the dead, are manipulated by the Jinn. ‘Are you there Charlie? Speak to us Charlie!!’ are the sort of words spoken by anxious relatives (names are obviously different!) seeking to make contact with their loved ones. And it is when the Jinn starts to talk and communicate as ‘Charlie’, that the people are truly fooled. One of the biggest manipulations of the Jinn is through visions. Through these visions the Jinns are more likely to lead people away from the worship of God then any other way. When a person sees a vision in front of his eyes it is something which is very hard to explain away. Only by having knowledge of the world of the Jinn and conviction in God, can a person fight such a trial. The countless numbers of visions of Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary over the centuries has been a popular choice for the devils. It almost seems as if leading Christians astray is the most easiest trick for the Jinns! Not only are Christians fooled by these visions, but often the Jinns possess and begin to talk from their voices. To the Christians this is known as the tongues of the Angels and thus a proof for their faith. However, the amount of unintelligible nonsense and rubbish which is heard is a clear proof that this is in fact the tongues of the devils! For other people, visions of their parents or relatives are commonplace. By taking on the form of peoples parents, the Jinns can convince people that the souls of dead people still mix with the people of the earth. This is why so many people believe in ghosts. The onslaught of satanic visions has also hit the Muslims. Many Muslims claim to have seen visions of the Prophet Muhammed and even God! By doing this, Satan is able to lead astray the weak Muslims. Through such visions, Muslims are often told that the commands of Islam are not applicable to them. The Jinns tell them that Prayer, Fasting, Hajj etc. are not obligatory for them. It is a great deception and unfortunately one which has been very effective. The extent of satanic visions still continues to this day. The recent death of Diana Princess of Wales sparked off great love and adoration for this woman. In fact the grief of the British people was such, that it was as if Diana was something divine. No sooner had the mourning of Diana reached its peak, that visions of her were already being seen at Hampton Court Palace! If these visions did occur, the desire of Satan and his army of Jinn to capitalise on this event, was evident. Such visions are clear attempts by Satan to lead mankind away from the path of God. Through their powers of flying and invisibility, the Jinn are the chief component in occult activities. Voodoo, Black magic, Poltergeists, Witchcraft and Mediums can all be explained through the world of the Jinn. Likewise, so can the illusions and feats of magicians. Because the Jinn can traverse huge distances over a matter of seconds, their value to magicians is great. In return for helping them in their magic, the Jinns often ask the magicians to worship them and Satan. Thus the magicians take the Jinn and Satan as lords besides God. In our day, some of the feats performed by magicians and entertainers are without doubt from the assistance of the Jinn. Making the Statue of Liberty disappear, flying across the Grand Canyon and retrieving a ship from the Bermuda Triangle, have all been done by the Jewish magician David Copperfield. There is NO way that a man could do such things without the assistance of the Jinn. It would not be surprising therefore, if David Copperfield had sold his soul to Satan himself. One of the most frequent activities associated with the Jinn, is fortune telling. Before the advent of the Prophet Muhammad, fortune-tellers and soothsayers were wide spread. These people would use their associates from the Jinn to find out about the future. The Jinns would go to the lowest heaven and listen to the Angels conversing amongst themselves about events of the Future which they heard from God. The Jinns would then inform the fortune-tellers. This is why before the time of the Prophet many fortune-tellers were very accurate in their predictions. However, upon the Prophet’s arrival the heavens were guarded intensely by the Angels, and any Jinn who tried to listen was attacked by meteors (shooting stars): www.islamreligion.com/articles/669/viewall/world-of-jinn/
@iraklikorkia Everything's set up. That's by far the simplest and most likely explanation. The blue tiger isn't exactly the most intricate illustration, so the girl could easily be a hired actor who rehearsed those strokes a bunch of times. The audience is probably sectioned off in such a way that the brick will land on someone who was again prepped to give those exact rehearsed responses. Quite entertaining, but I refuse to believe unless I'm actually there.
He did this at Chrysler Hall in Norfolk Virginia long time ago and none of it payed audience or confederate stooge part of the act a plant ps the guy said in genie magazine that he was hoping to catch the rubber brick so he can have fun with David Copperfield and he did catch the brick and had fun with David Copperfield
David Copperfield's style and wit is genius. I love his illusions big or small. The art of magic will live forever.
I remember years ago I had a VHS copy of this show and watched this wall trick over and over and then I caught on to the method which is really clever :)
I like the funky music that always plays when he's walking thru the audience
I love this illusion!!!
I think... at 4:29, the shot of an empty back side of the wall is purposely included to tell us there is no one behind. In fact that shot reveals it all. There is someone hiding behind to pass him the written note. Watch him at 4:34 when he pretends to step up to get the pen knife, while his right hand with the envelope, holding onto the wall. That is the moment, the person behind the wall passes the note to him. The odd way he takes out the note is another reveal. Watch carefully at 4:42, his thumb is inside the opening of the envelope, while his fingers actually pulls the note out from BEHIND the envelope.
hes is the best illusionist and a fucking hilarious comedian!
David's off the top jokes were excellent. Harvay!
80s were great
No this was 1992
Hey did this at Chrysler Hall in Norfolk Virginia long time ago
He did this at Chrysler Hall in Norfolk Virginia long time ago
iyi de hacı aynısını gösteri esnasında hazırlayıp nasıl koyoyorlar iki dakkada? aynı kaplanı nasıl çiziyolar mesela kopya kağıdımı var? yoksa şeyi anladık tamam panonun arkasından katlanmış kağıdı alıp onu gösteriyo ama o kağıttakiler nasıl çizilmiş hemen?
The best possible explanation is, it was written during the show. The trick is switching the sheet. When? How? Check @pebumbrajud's comment.
벽뒤에서 스텝에게 종이를 넘겨 받아서 봉투 뒷면에 숨겨 뒀다가 밑장 빼듯이 빼서 보여주는 트릭이야. 알고나면 별거 없는데 참 연기, 연출이 기막히네. 마술이라기 보다는 하나의 작품이야.
@GencZonguldak 4:31'de yazıların olduğu paravandan zarfı açtığı çakıyı alıyor. Çakıyı almak için sol eliyle uzanırken sağ eliyle de paravanın arkasından şovun sonunda açacağı kağıdı alıyor. Zarfın arkasına gizleyerek dizine koyuyor. 4:44'te zarfı açıp içinden kağıt çıkarırmış gibi yapıyor, aslında çok hızlı bir şekilde zarfla dizi arasındaki kağıdı çekiyor. Zarfın içinden bir şey çıkarmıyor yani.
Guest it correctly and people back stage are spraying exactly same color as what is written on graffiti wall
REACH HARD??? LEASHAAA???? Uh...ri- richard! My god my cheeks really hurt rite now. Seriously wen richard sed his name 3rd time. It sounded like he actually sed leasha. But hearing david say LEASHA??? THAT was hilarious
@alihsans tmm kağıdı paravanın ve zarfın arkasından alıyor fakat o kağıdı paravanın arkasına başkası mı getirmiş yani? tahtadakilerin aynısı kağıtta var çünkü, bunun için kopya kağıdı gibi bişey olması lazım ve o kağıdın da sonradan katlanıp paravanın arkasına koyulması lazım.
yani açtığı kağıdı paravanın arkasından alıyor burası tamam fakat o kağıda onları yazıp ya da kopya kağıdını alıp katlayan kim?
@GencZonguldak Copperfield'ın ekibinden birisi kağıdı gösteri esnasında hazırlayıp paravanın arkasına koyuyor. :)
Nothing's set up and there's no need to use actors. on 4:34 you can easily see him taking the picture with his right hand but it remains behind the envelope so we don't see it and on 4:43 he takes it like it was inside the envelope.
Well then sir, why cant we see anything behind the wall @4:29
@@chriscullmann1103 It's not behind the wall at that point, because the picture hasn't been painted offstage yet!!
Well spotted! If you listen carefully you can clearly hear the sound of the paper being moved at that point. And yes, he does in fact remove the paper from behind the envelope. It's all about the performance really, David has charisma and charm.
What song is in the background?
It's been 7 years, did you find it? I want to know
Search it in GTA SA ost
that girl is very beautiful , but i guess she is twice my age by now
Yeah, I thought so at the time too, but yeah she's probably in her late 50s now.
In what year this video was shot??..
Long live Richard.
David Copperfield got more swag than David Blaine...
Copperfield its unique, style and jokes and big smile
I would pay to see the shows in their original form no rap
change the envelop ad 4.34
@alihsans yok yaw öyle olur mu. gösteri esnasında sahneye kimse girmiyodur girse zaten seyirci anlar. başka bi numara var ama çözemedim. bunu bizim arefçilere çözdürmek lazım.
doest anybody know how the trick is done? please answere = ))
Someone behind the Wall is "painting" the exact same thing and when Copperfield gets the knife to open the envelope at 4:34, he gets the real drawing. When he opens the envelope you can see that he isn't taking it from inside the envelope but behind the envelope.
Watch TH-cam videos search engine TV show series episodes called just kidding and just for laughs they do similar stuff like a guy putting jig saw puzzle together and it ends up being his own picture
:) 4:34'te elinde zarf varken elini panonun arkasına götürüyor arada hazırlanan resmi alıyor ve zarfın arkasında tutuyor. Zarfı hiç çevirmiyor farkındaysan. 4:43'te de aslında arfın arkasında tuttığu, zarfın içinde olmayan resmi sanki zarfın içinden alır gibi çıkartıyor.
That was not the same painting.
@RowlexEnterprise of course xD
Also notice how Tiffany wasn't chosen at random. Something fishy there.
so how was the trick done? Also keep in mind, just becsuase she wasn't chosen randomly, doesn't mean they had ever met before.
“And We have guarded it (the heavens) from every accursed devil, except one who is able to snatch a hearing and he is pursued by a brightly burning flame.” (Quran 15:17-18)
The Prophet also said: “They (the Jinn) would pass the information back down until it reaches the lips of a magician or forrtune-teller Sometimes a meteor would overtake them before they could pass it on. If they passed it on before being struck, they would add to it a hundred lies” (Saheeh Al-Bukhari). Thus, it is clear from this as to how fortune-tellers get predictions of the future sometimes right. It is also evident as to why they get so many wrong. Men like Nostradamus are an example, as some of his predictions of the future were correct whilst many were completely wrong. Unfortunately, the amount of fortune telling which occurs amongst the Muslims is also increasing. By visiting Muslim lands such as Morocco, one is able to see as to how much inter Jinn-fortune-teller activity there really is. If you look up at the sky on a clear night in Morocco, you will see the heavens ablaze with shooting stars! A clear display of the devils being chased away from the heavens.
Fortune-tellers also operate through the Qareen. The Qareen is the Jinn companion which is assigned to every human being. It is this Jinn which whispers to our base desires and constantly tries to divert us from righteousness. The Prophet said: “Every one of you has been assigned a companion from the Jinn. The companions asked: Even you O’ Messenger of God? And the Prophet replied: Even me, except that God has helped me against him and he has become a Muslim. Now he only tells me to do good” (Saheeh Muslim). Because the Qareen is with a person all his life, it knows all that has happened to the person from the cradle to the grave. By making contact with the Qareen, the fortune-teller is thus able to make out that it is he who knows about the person. He looks in his crystal ball or the palm of a person and proceeds to amaze him with knowledge which no one else knows. The severity of going to a fortune-teller is such that the Prophet said: “The prayer of one who approaches a fortune-teller and asks him about anything, will not be accepted for forty days or nights” (Saheeh Muslim) and: “Whosoever approaches a fortune-teller and believes in what he says, has disbelieved in what was revealed to Muhammed.”
The effects of the Jinn are not just limited to fortune-tellers. Other activities such as oujia boards and seances, which are used to contact the dead, are manipulated by the Jinn. ‘Are you there Charlie? Speak to us Charlie!!’ are the sort of words spoken by anxious relatives (names are obviously different!) seeking to make contact with their loved ones. And it is when the Jinn starts to talk and communicate as ‘Charlie’, that the people are truly fooled.
One of the biggest manipulations of the Jinn is through visions. Through these visions the Jinns are more likely to lead people away from the worship of God then any other way. When a person sees a vision in front of his eyes it is something which is very hard to explain away. Only by having knowledge of the world of the Jinn and conviction in God, can a person fight such a trial. The countless numbers of visions of Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary over the centuries has been a popular choice for the devils. It almost seems as if leading Christians astray is the most easiest trick for the Jinns! Not only are Christians fooled by these visions, but often the Jinns possess and begin to talk from their voices. To the Christians this is known as the tongues of the Angels and thus a proof for their faith. However, the amount of unintelligible nonsense and rubbish which is heard is a clear proof that this is in fact the tongues of the devils! For other people, visions of their parents or relatives are commonplace. By taking on the form of peoples parents, the Jinns can convince people that the souls of dead people still mix with the people of the earth. This is why so many people believe in ghosts.
The onslaught of satanic visions has also hit the Muslims. Many Muslims claim to have seen visions of the Prophet Muhammed and even God! By doing this, Satan is able to lead astray the weak Muslims. Through such visions, Muslims are often told that the commands of Islam are not applicable to them. The Jinns tell them that Prayer, Fasting, Hajj etc. are not obligatory for them. It is a great deception and unfortunately one which has been very effective. The extent of satanic visions still continues to this day. The recent death of Diana Princess of Wales sparked off great love and adoration for this woman. In fact the grief of the British people was such, that it was as if Diana was something divine. No sooner had the mourning of Diana reached its peak, that visions of her were already being seen at Hampton Court Palace! If these visions did occur, the desire of Satan and his army of Jinn to capitalise on this event, was evident. Such visions are clear attempts by Satan to lead mankind away from the path of God.
Through their powers of flying and invisibility, the Jinn are the chief component in occult activities. Voodoo, Black magic, Poltergeists, Witchcraft and Mediums can all be explained through the world of the Jinn. Likewise, so can the illusions and feats of magicians. Because the Jinn can traverse huge distances over a matter of seconds, their value to magicians is great. In return for helping them in their magic, the Jinns often ask the magicians to worship them and Satan. Thus the magicians take the Jinn and Satan as lords besides God. In our day, some of the feats performed by magicians and entertainers are without doubt from the assistance of the Jinn. Making the Statue of Liberty disappear, flying across the Grand Canyon and retrieving a ship from the Bermuda Triangle, have all been done by the Jewish magician David Copperfield. There is NO way that a man could do such things without the assistance of the Jinn. It would not be surprising therefore, if David Copperfield had sold his soul to Satan himself.
One of the most frequent activities associated with the Jinn, is fortune telling. Before the advent of the Prophet Muhammad, fortune-tellers and soothsayers were wide spread. These people would use their associates from the Jinn to find out about the future. The Jinns would go to the lowest heaven and listen to the Angels conversing amongst themselves about events of the Future which they heard from God. The Jinns would then inform the fortune-tellers. This is why before the time of the Prophet many fortune-tellers were very accurate in their predictions. However, upon the Prophet’s arrival the heavens were guarded intensely by the Angels, and any Jinn who tried to listen was attacked by meteors (shooting stars):
"Charles Darwin would be proud" LOL
@iraklikorkia Everything's set up. That's by far the simplest and most likely explanation. The blue tiger isn't exactly the most intricate illustration, so the girl could easily be a hired actor who rehearsed those strokes a bunch of times. The audience is probably sectioned off in such a way that the brick will land on someone who was again prepped to give those exact rehearsed responses. Quite entertaining, but I refuse to believe unless I'm actually there.
He did this at Chrysler Hall in Norfolk Virginia long time ago and none of it payed audience or confederate stooge part of the act a plant ps the guy said in genie magazine that he was hoping to catch the rubber brick so he can have fun with David Copperfield and he did catch the brick and had fun with David Copperfield
@iraklikorkia yazma la.
@penumbrajud habu herif ne demek istemiş? intermediate seviyemle anlamadım. bi türk uğrarsa açıklasın yea.. 4:34 'te görüpte 4:43 'te görmediğimiz nedir?