I've updated the description notes with a full breakdown of all recommended settings (including using the start button for quick-cycling of res modes).
In the Width & Height screen you can hit start to cycle between the presets rather than needing to slowly move the slider. Very nice for quick setting flips.
Weird in that I tried that before and I couldn't get it to work, but when I try it now, it does work. Good tip! I think my start button must be wearing out on this old controller I'd been using.
Hey FBX. Do you ever mess with scanlines on this much? I find myself wanting to have the Super Nt and Mega Sg to resemble my Wega CRT display as closely as possible, but I can't seem to dial in anything that I am happy with on here. I tend to leave it on Hybrid Scanlines [x] (sl depth +10 / sl width +30 / sl sub-brightness +120), but when I look at something like Neo•Geo Station by M² on the PS3, it just looks so much nicer. I believe that also outputs at native 1080p. Maybe Kevin's scanlines just use a different technique than I'm used to.
I've owned many crt TVs throughout my life, and not a single one of them ever had square pixels for SNES games. Most tube TVs are 4:3. It wasn't until I got a Sony PVM that I was able to get square pixels on native hardware, and that was with an 8:7 aspect ratio. Square pixels weren't a concern back when these consoles were played on the televisions of the time. The intended look was the wide pixels on a 4:3 display. Several games, including Metroid (not Super Metroid), Mortal Kombat (the Logo), and Chrono Trigger, had several noticeable sprites that were oval to compensate for the stretch on 4:3 displays. I've noticed some games on the SNES and NES Mini look squashed in pixel perfect mode, whereas others look wide in 4:3 mode, hence some games accounted for the aspect change and others didn't. I assume this is why the option was added to the SNES and NES Mini. The Gameboy had square pixels, so I can understand correcting for the Super Gameboy.
I don't disagree with you in the slightest! I in fact use the Chrono Trigger example as a counter about intended aspect ratio, which by the way, is not simply stretching the active graphics to a 4:3 image. It's actually slightly less than a 4:3 image due to pixel clock and overscan allotment. The formula for getting correct NES or SNES aspect correction is 256 multiplied by 8/7. This gives at 4x scale a width of 1170 for example, which is exactly why Kevtris has 1170 labeled as proper AR for 4x scale. On the flipside, you WILL encounter fans of the SMW series that DEMAND square pixels are correct for those games. They will show screenshot examples of bubbles only being perfectly round at square pixel AR, or pipes not being at a perfect 45-degree angle when non-square pixel AR is applied. I try to explain to them that this is only the case because those games are tile-based for storage efficiency, and as such, graphics are designed in 8x8 or 16x16 tiles. But it doesn't sink in most of the time. People are going to like what they like no matter what was actually shown back in the day. Hence the many options available on the Super Nt.
I'm definitely glad this unit has the level of customization that it does. I have one on order that I'm waiting for, and these videos definitely help me prepare my thoughts on how I'm going to set it up when it's in-hand. The one downside for me with this unit would probably be having to go into the menu to turn on cart audio every time I use my Super Gameboy. I'm hoping a future firmware update could include a setting to automatically turn it on when a cart requiring it is detected and off otherwise.
I'll be hooking it up to my capture card here tonight and review the change in scaling to update the cheat sheet. Give me a couple days to have it worked out.
If I understand correctly, vertical interpolation needs to be disabled (checked in the box) for all settings listed in the video description (for SNES games), except for the "1080p displays with 224 mode" setting where both horizontal and vertical must be checked?
I'm using the full screen in 1080 mode but I didn't catch if the interpolation settings were mentioned. Do I still just check the vertical and keep the horizontal enabled?
With the interpolation being so good at 1080p why not just scale vertically until there is no cropping of the pixels? That way you don't have any vertical black bars above and below the image while also not cropping any important information like the weapon box in Super Castlevania? Even MLIG showd the difference in sharpness with V interpolation turned on is basically negligble especially at normal viewing distances.
You mentioned that the simplified Screen Size menu doesn't give proper settings but the step by step tweaking settings in the video give me the exact same screen adjustment results as selecting '4:3 for 16:9' and '4x Height' from the simplified screen size screen. The only thing I have to do manually after that is the interpolation settings. Am I missing something or is this otherwise correct as well?
This video was made over a year ago, so it may be the case that the firmware updates had since corrected the simplified screen menu having different screen size settings. I haven't taken a look at it in a long time as I've been very busy. I'll try to get to it next week and see if indeed the simplified screen now gives correct options.
@@RedArremer My simplified Screen Size settings menu looked just like yours in the video, so at least that much is the same. If I selected the presets I mentioned, and then turn on advanced options, the height/width settings are automatically set to the settings you mentioned I the video for 4x. My Super NT is brand new, so I'm not sure what firmware it comes with stock these days, but it could be that the they changed the width/height settings of the default presets in the Screen Size menu.
Thanks for the helpful video! Truly appreciate you taking the time to figure out all these settings. Are you still going to continue your video series on advanced timings for the OSCC? They are extremely helpful :)
Yeah sorry for the delay. My microphone had crapped out, so I bought a new one and this video was a bit of a test run for it. I will be doing more OSSC settings guides very soon now that my setup is optimized with the new mic.
My console does the start up with the audio then just cuts to black after and does nothing... yet if i put a game in, it boots up fine... so how the hell do i start it up without a game to access the menus???
You have a startup sequence in the settings, you probably have it set to Boot straight to Cart. Set it to boot to Menu. Start a game and press Select + Down and change the settings.
Great video! I get a problem though when I use the 4:3 with 5X scaling i get screentear on the top (tried with Donkey Kong Country 1 & 2). I also have interpolation on horizontal axis. Can you check if you also get screen tear? I dont get screen tear with 4:3 at 4X scaling using same scaler settings
Do you have recommended settings for a 720p tv? I bought a 720p tv so I would get 3x integer scaling from 240p, but I’m noticing some weird things. If the height is set to 720, I get a soft image and the scanlines are barely defined. The second I lower it to 719 pixels, it immediately sharpens the image and the scanlines are defined. The other strange thing I’m noticing is that even when setting the width to exactly 3x (256*3=768), the horizontal size of the pixels is not uniform when disabling interpolation. It’s as if there’s still some non-integer scaling going on regardless of what settings I use. Do you know what would cause this?
Its sounds like your TV may have some sort of overscan feature going on where it is stretching the native res out of whack. I'd investigate that first to see if your display has some sort of feature to enable native pixel mode ( 1:1) or to turn off any sort of overscan. On my end, I will take a look at the Super Nt mini in 720p mode and do some lossless image capture to check on the output and get back to you on that.
FirebrandX Thanks. I checked all aspect settings and get the same result in auto and 1:1. I couldn’t find any overscan or underscan settings on the tv. I may end up returning the tv and trying another since I’m still in the return period. For reference, it’s an LG 24LJ4840-WU (I purposely went with a smaller tv since it’s replacing my PVM of similar size). Also, I’m doing a few tests with the 240p test suite. I notice when running the 239p overscan test (I know ntsc games are 224p, but I wanted to check edges of the 240p screen at 3x) I don’t see the white line at the top until I pull it down 02 pixels. I can see the bottom one at 01 pixel. Passes the stripped pattern test. I notice the only way I get no shimmering on scroll test with horiz Interpol disables is with width set to 768 (3x)
After a bit of messing with settings, I found that my tv has a strange hidden setting called “super resolution” that was cranked up all the way and was messing with the picture. Seems to be applying some sort of antialiasing or something similar. After turning it off and turning sharpness all the way down, the picture seems to be behaving properly vertically. As far as horizontal, the only resolution that removes scrolling shimmer without using h Interpol is 768 pixel width. If I use any other setting (besides 1024 which is too wide or 512 which is too narrow) then I have to use h interpol to reduce shimmer and get even pixels across. I notice input lag seems lower with it off too. I was getting about 60ms input lag before, about 40 now.
Do you think the Super NT is accurate enough to be a replacement for original hardware or is the only true way to get the proper experience with original hardware? Many thanks.
I have a 4K TV and let me tell you, these settings for 4:3 look squished. I am using 1372/38/1200/47 Disable Vertical Interpolation because 1200 is 5x integer scale for Height. In Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles I do have to adjust the last setting *47 to make the screen look perfect. Again, to Disable interpolation you have to check the box under SCALERS
Just curious, why would anyone use 4x for Gameboy? Even with 5x it doesn't fill the screen vertically, so it just seems like you'd be wasting time using 4x scale when running GB games when you might as well fill as the much of the vertical res as you can.
Entirely depends on if the person wants the original experience of seeing the original SGB boarders intact. If they set the boarders to black, then yes of course you'd want to use 5x vertical.
You might want to check to make to make sure your TV and Super Nt are set to the same color space (limited or Full). In the case of both being aligned to proper color space, you then want to set the TV's brightness to the exact middle balance. On my Sony, perfect brightness on a full color space ends up being 50/100. Anything higher clips the brightest colors, and anything lower clips the darkest colors. This again is just my TV and yours may have a different means of center brightness. You also might want to check and see if your TV has a "PC" mode as that may be more correctly calibrated for the Super Nt's color output. Lastly, 'Game Mode' typically only means the TV turns off various processing features that add lag. It doesn't really mean the TV calibrates itself color and brightness wise. You have to set those features manually.
@@RedArremer thanks for the info. So within the advanced settings of game mode on my sony TV it's fine to adjust the brightness and colour sections? However the clarity and motion sections shouldn't be touched because these are the post processing features game mode switches off in the first place. I hope that's right.
@@Bilalnwo Yes, turn OFF and motion blur, clarity or anything the TV does for post processing. Also the setting that auto adjust contrast, turn that off as well.
Can you explain why 8:7 is the default, but 4:3 would be the preferred AR? I’ve noticed 8:7 giving me rounder circles in most games, while 4:3 tends to stretch. Is 4:3 w/square pixels different?
Okay so of course I have to point out that Kevtris's 8:7 in the Super Nt is wrong and doesn't give square pixels (at least when I tried it for 4x scale). At any rate, some tile-based games like SMW and SMW2 weren't able to account for aspect correction due to having every 'piece' of the game in 16x16 or 8x8 blocks of graphics. As such, on a CRT screen, these games would appear to have 'fat' circles. Nevertheless, that's how they always looked back in the day. It was only with the advent of emulators and the ability to set square pixels that these tiled circles became perfectly round. However, there are several examples where 8:7 (square pixels) is just wrong. One example is the triforce intro to the Link to the Past at the beginning. They are too skinny at 8:7. When corrected to 256 * 8/7 (1170x896 at 4x). the triforce become perfectly shaped. This is because the artists took into account CRT aspect ratio. Another example that I love to use as a visual guide is the moon above Magus's castle in Chrono Trigger: i.imgur.com/bLSZUjb.png
I'm not a fan of scanlines myself. However, you just simply turn on that feature, and then boost the gamma for RGB to compensate for the darkening of the image. Nothing to it really.
It depends on how they are implemented. I know they work more effectively on the Framemeister for example, and it may be the same case with the Super Nt. However, make sure 720p is the right choice for your display. It might be better on 4K TVs, but 1080p sets do better with true 1080p output sources.
FirebrandX - awesome, thank you. I'm on a 4k OLED with the NT, so know that it's a 3x multiple from 720p. Will check it out both ways. In 720p, any issues with scaling the horizontal axis as needed? Would you leave the interpolation as is per your settings here? Thanks again!
If you want CRT aspect correction, you need to have interpolation enabled on the horizontal axis of course. Keep vertical disabled though, and always make sure it's in perfect integers. Obviously for 720p, you'd set the vertical at 3x scale. Hope that helps! Cheers!
Hence why I use aspect correction as the recommended settings for SNES. You can use square pixels for SGB if you want the pixels to have the same aspect ratio as the handheld Game Boy.
I want no pixels, smoothest, best graphics, settings, basically make it look like a modern game, remastered if you will. How do you do that? Also want to fit as much as the screen as possible without stretching the picture
So in other words you want to make it look like shit. I'm not entertaining that. Not to worry though, you can play around with the settings and easily find that on your own.
@@RedArremer so for smooth pixels you do scale 3x instead of hq4x right? And interpolation v checked? Also for width 1462, height 1200. 64 Sprite checked, pseudo hire blending checked?
@@xaviermccloud4586 Okay let me explain how this works: Using ANY non-square pixel mode without interpolation is going to cause shimmering artifacts. The ONLY way your TV wouldn't is if you output at a very low resolution from the Super Nt and your TV's upscaler uses bilinear filtering when upscaling the image. Even IF that were the case, your original post is NOT how it works for people using 1080p output from the Super Nt, so you'd be giving completely wrong advice. Besides, why the hell wouldn't you used 1080p from the Super Nt to begin with?
I've updated the description notes with a full breakdown of all recommended settings (including using the start button for quick-cycling of res modes).
please can you give me the setting for 720p? thank you
for some reason I have issues with my system at 1080p, how do I get square pixels for 720p?
Great stuff FBX. I've been just blindly using the 1200x1536 mentioned in the MLiG review.
Thanks a lot for your marvelous advices !
Is there a way to change my snes controller inputs for all games
In the Width & Height screen you can hit start to cycle between the presets rather than needing to slowly move the slider. Very nice for quick setting flips.
Weird in that I tried that before and I couldn't get it to work, but when I try it now, it does work. Good tip! I think my start button must be wearing out on this old controller I'd been using.
Might be time for a cleaning. My start and select in particular were real bad until I cracked it open and cleaned the contacts.
Yeah I switched to my asciipad and it's working perfectly now. Definitely need clean the contacts on that old original I was using.
Great video and easy to follow. thanks
I am eager to see what you do in the settings with the MegaSG
they still need to fix the 1080p scanlines,, they seem to be missing on red text on mine..
Hey FBX. Do you ever mess with scanlines on this much? I find myself wanting to have the Super Nt and Mega Sg to resemble my Wega CRT display as closely as possible, but I can't seem to dial in anything that I am happy with on here. I tend to leave it on Hybrid Scanlines [x] (sl depth +10 / sl width +30 / sl sub-brightness +120), but when I look at something like Neo•Geo Station by M² on the PS3, it just looks so much nicer. I believe that also outputs at native 1080p. Maybe Kevin's scanlines just use a different technique than I'm used to.
can anyone tell me the best setting for scanlines? thank you!
I've owned many crt TVs throughout my life, and not a single one of them ever had square pixels for SNES games. Most tube TVs are 4:3. It wasn't until I got a Sony PVM that I was able to get square pixels on native hardware, and that was with an 8:7 aspect ratio. Square pixels weren't a concern back when these consoles were played on the televisions of the time. The intended look was the wide pixels on a 4:3 display. Several games, including Metroid (not Super Metroid), Mortal Kombat (the Logo), and Chrono Trigger, had several noticeable sprites that were oval to compensate for the stretch on 4:3 displays. I've noticed some games on the SNES and NES Mini look squashed in pixel perfect mode, whereas others look wide in 4:3 mode, hence some games accounted for the aspect change and others didn't. I assume this is why the option was added to the SNES and NES Mini. The Gameboy had square pixels, so I can understand correcting for the Super Gameboy.
I don't disagree with you in the slightest! I in fact use the Chrono Trigger example as a counter about intended aspect ratio, which by the way, is not simply stretching the active graphics to a 4:3 image. It's actually slightly less than a 4:3 image due to pixel clock and overscan allotment. The formula for getting correct NES or SNES aspect correction is 256 multiplied by 8/7. This gives at 4x scale a width of 1170 for example, which is exactly why Kevtris has 1170 labeled as proper AR for 4x scale. On the flipside, you WILL encounter fans of the SMW series that DEMAND square pixels are correct for those games. They will show screenshot examples of bubbles only being perfectly round at square pixel AR, or pipes not being at a perfect 45-degree angle when non-square pixel AR is applied. I try to explain to them that this is only the case because those games are tile-based for storage efficiency, and as such, graphics are designed in 8x8 or 16x16 tiles. But it doesn't sink in most of the time. People are going to like what they like no matter what was actually shown back in the day. Hence the many options available on the Super Nt.
I'm definitely glad this unit has the level of customization that it does. I have one on order that I'm waiting for, and these videos definitely help me prepare my thoughts on how I'm going to set it up when it's in-hand. The one downside for me with this unit would probably be having to go into the menu to turn on cart audio every time I use my Super Gameboy. I'm hoping a future firmware update could include a setting to automatically turn it on when a cart requiring it is detected and off otherwise.
@FirebrandX What would be your recommended settings for the new update Analogue just released? I must say I'm intrigued ;-). Cheers!
I'll be hooking it up to my capture card here tonight and review the change in scaling to update the cheat sheet. Give me a couple days to have it worked out.
If I understand correctly, vertical interpolation needs to be disabled (checked in the box) for all settings listed in the video description (for SNES games), except for the "1080p displays with 224 mode" setting where both horizontal and vertical must be checked?
The easiest way to remember is "do I have an integer scale set on this axis?", if "yes", then check the box to disable interpolation on that axis.
Whats the best way to set the scanlines at 720p
I'm using the full screen in 1080 mode but I didn't catch if the interpolation settings were mentioned. Do I still just check the vertical and keep the horizontal enabled?
If you're using a non-integer scale like full screen for 1080p, then yes, you need to make sure interpolation is enabled for both H and V.
With the interpolation being so good at 1080p why not just scale vertically until there is no cropping of the pixels?
That way you don't have any vertical black bars above and below the image while also not cropping any important information like the weapon box in Super Castlevania? Even MLIG showd the difference in sharpness with V interpolation turned on is basically negligble especially at normal viewing distances.
You mentioned that the simplified Screen Size menu doesn't give proper settings but the step by step tweaking settings in the video give me the exact same screen adjustment results as selecting '4:3 for 16:9' and '4x Height' from the simplified screen size screen. The only thing I have to do manually after that is the interpolation settings.
Am I missing something or is this otherwise correct as well?
This video was made over a year ago, so it may be the case that the firmware updates had since corrected the simplified screen menu having different screen size settings. I haven't taken a look at it in a long time as I've been very busy. I'll try to get to it next week and see if indeed the simplified screen now gives correct options.
@@RedArremer My simplified Screen Size settings menu looked just like yours in the video, so at least that much is the same. If I selected the presets I mentioned, and then turn on advanced options, the height/width settings are automatically set to the settings you mentioned I the video for 4x.
My Super NT is brand new, so I'm not sure what firmware it comes with stock these days, but it could be that the they changed the width/height settings of the default presets in the Screen Size menu.
I like the 720p settings because I like and miss scanlines when playing on an HDTV.
While using interpolation, what other settings do you recommend?
I hate how the 720p setting is so small tho
Thanks for the helpful video! Truly appreciate you taking the time to figure out all these settings. Are you still going to continue your video series on advanced timings for the OSCC? They are extremely helpful :)
Yeah sorry for the delay. My microphone had crapped out, so I bought a new one and this video was a bit of a test run for it. I will be doing more OSSC settings guides very soon now that my setup is optimized with the new mic.
Wonderful - Thank you for the reply and no need to apologize, glad you could get a new mic!!
My console does the start up with the audio then just cuts to black after and does nothing... yet if i put a game in, it boots up fine... so how the hell do i start it up without a game to access the menus???
You have a startup sequence in the settings, you probably have it set to Boot straight to Cart. Set it to boot to Menu. Start a game and press Select + Down and change the settings.
how did you change the intro video? she and terrible your intro, if you can tell me where to find her and how to do thanks
Great video! I get a problem though when I use the 4:3 with 5X scaling i get screentear on the top (tried with Donkey Kong Country 1 & 2). I also have interpolation on horizontal axis. Can you check if you also get screen tear? I dont get screen tear with 4:3 at 4X scaling using same scaler settings
Do you have recommended settings for a 720p tv? I bought a 720p tv so I would get 3x integer scaling from 240p, but I’m noticing some weird things. If the height is set to 720, I get a soft image and the scanlines are barely defined. The second I lower it to 719 pixels, it immediately sharpens the image and the scanlines are defined. The other strange thing I’m noticing is that even when setting the width to exactly 3x (256*3=768), the horizontal size of the pixels is not uniform when disabling interpolation. It’s as if there’s still some non-integer scaling going on regardless of what settings I use. Do you know what would cause this?
Its sounds like your TV may have some sort of overscan feature going on where it is stretching the native res out of whack. I'd investigate that first to see if your display has some sort of feature to enable native pixel mode ( 1:1) or to turn off any sort of overscan. On my end, I will take a look at the Super Nt mini in 720p mode and do some lossless image capture to check on the output and get back to you on that.
FirebrandX Thanks. I checked all aspect settings and get the same result in auto and 1:1. I couldn’t find any overscan or underscan settings on the tv. I may end up returning the tv and trying another since I’m still in the return period. For reference, it’s an LG 24LJ4840-WU (I purposely went with a smaller tv since it’s replacing my PVM of similar size). Also, I’m doing a few tests with the 240p test suite. I notice when running the 239p overscan test (I know ntsc games are 224p, but I wanted to check edges of the 240p screen at 3x) I don’t see the white line at the top until I pull it down 02 pixels. I can see the bottom one at 01 pixel. Passes the stripped pattern test. I notice the only way I get no shimmering on scroll test with horiz Interpol disables is with width set to 768 (3x)
After a bit of messing with settings, I found that my tv has a strange hidden setting called “super resolution” that was cranked up all the way and was messing with the picture. Seems to be applying some sort of antialiasing or something similar. After turning it off and turning sharpness all the way down, the picture seems to be behaving properly vertically. As far as horizontal, the only resolution that removes scrolling shimmer without using h Interpol is 768 pixel width. If I use any other setting (besides 1024 which is too wide or 512 which is too narrow) then I have to use h interpol to reduce shimmer and get even pixels across. I notice input lag seems lower with it off too. I was getting about 60ms input lag before, about 40 now.
Do you think the Super NT is accurate enough to be a replacement for original hardware or is the only true way to get the proper experience with original hardware? Many thanks.
It's accurate enough. What small number of glitches remain would require an obsession to find and document.
@@RedArremer Awesome. Thank you very much for your reply. It seemed that way to me but I'm far from experienced.
What are the recommended settings for a 4k tv? finding a 1080p tv is literally harder than finding a 4k nowdays.
I have a 4K TV and let me tell you, these settings for 4:3 look squished.
I am using
Disable Vertical Interpolation because 1200 is 5x integer scale for Height. In Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles I do have to adjust the last setting *47 to make the screen look perfect. Again, to Disable interpolation you have to check the box under SCALERS
Just wanted to add, 8:7 looks way better than 4:3
Just curious, why would anyone use 4x for Gameboy? Even with 5x it doesn't fill the screen vertically, so it just seems like you'd be wasting time using 4x scale when running GB games when you might as well fill as the much of the vertical res as you can.
Entirely depends on if the person wants the original experience of seeing the original SGB boarders intact. If they set the boarders to black, then yes of course you'd want to use 5x vertical.
@@RedArremer Thanks, by the way will be looking forward to future Analogue settings. Hopefully we will get some Sega love soon.
Any words on TV settings? I know I'm supposed to be on the TV game mode but everything looks so dim with it.
You might want to check to make to make sure your TV and Super Nt are set to the same color space (limited or Full). In the case of both being aligned to proper color space, you then want to set the TV's brightness to the exact middle balance. On my Sony, perfect brightness on a full color space ends up being 50/100. Anything higher clips the brightest colors, and anything lower clips the darkest colors. This again is just my TV and yours may have a different means of center brightness. You also might want to check and see if your TV has a "PC" mode as that may be more correctly calibrated for the Super Nt's color output. Lastly, 'Game Mode' typically only means the TV turns off various processing features that add lag. It doesn't really mean the TV calibrates itself color and brightness wise. You have to set those features manually.
@@RedArremer thanks for the info. So within the advanced settings of game mode on my sony TV it's fine to adjust the brightness and colour sections? However the clarity and motion sections shouldn't be touched because these are the post processing features game mode switches off in the first place. I hope that's right.
@@Bilalnwo Yes, turn OFF and motion blur, clarity or anything the TV does for post processing. Also the setting that auto adjust contrast, turn that off as well.
Can you explain why 8:7 is the default, but 4:3 would be the preferred AR? I’ve noticed 8:7 giving me rounder circles in most games, while 4:3 tends to stretch.
Is 4:3 w/square pixels different?
Okay so of course I have to point out that Kevtris's 8:7 in the Super Nt is wrong and doesn't give square pixels (at least when I tried it for 4x scale). At any rate, some tile-based games like SMW and SMW2 weren't able to account for aspect correction due to having every 'piece' of the game in 16x16 or 8x8 blocks of graphics. As such, on a CRT screen, these games would appear to have 'fat' circles. Nevertheless, that's how they always looked back in the day. It was only with the advent of emulators and the ability to set square pixels that these tiled circles became perfectly round. However, there are several examples where 8:7 (square pixels) is just wrong. One example is the triforce intro to the Link to the Past at the beginning. They are too skinny at 8:7. When corrected to 256 * 8/7 (1170x896 at 4x). the triforce become perfectly shaped. This is because the artists took into account CRT aspect ratio. Another example that I love to use as a visual guide is the moon above Magus's castle in Chrono Trigger:
FirebrandX Thank you
Thanks for this. Would this be the same for a 4K set? I’m assuming? I go back and forth between 720p and 1080p on my 4K.
It's all the same when you aren't playing on the full screens resolution.
Uh I have OCD why is that a problem
Who said it was? I have OCD too.
Scan line options?
I'm not a fan of scanlines myself. However, you just simply turn on that feature, and then boost the gamma for RGB to compensate for the darkening of the image. Nothing to it really.
FirebrandX - Thanks so much for the work and video. Is 720p a better option for scanlines?
It depends on how they are implemented. I know they work more effectively on the Framemeister for example, and it may be the same case with the Super Nt. However, make sure 720p is the right choice for your display. It might be better on 4K TVs, but 1080p sets do better with true 1080p output sources.
FirebrandX - awesome, thank you. I'm on a 4k OLED with the NT, so know that it's a 3x multiple from 720p. Will check it out both ways.
In 720p, any issues with scaling the horizontal axis as needed? Would you leave the interpolation as is per your settings here? Thanks again!
If you want CRT aspect correction, you need to have interpolation enabled on the horizontal axis of course. Keep vertical disabled though, and always make sure it's in perfect integers. Obviously for 720p, you'd set the vertical at 3x scale. Hope that helps! Cheers!
Does interpolation add lag?
I don't believe so from the console.
Cool.followedyour settings looks great!
Can you plz write down the Numbers and what is for what?
Added the quick recap in the video description.
On the CRT monitor "pixels" wasn't square, they was horizontal rect... a bit. But anyway.
Hence why I use aspect correction as the recommended settings for SNES. You can use square pixels for SGB if you want the pixels to have the same aspect ratio as the handheld Game Boy.
I want no pixels, smoothest, best graphics, settings, basically make it look like a modern game, remastered if you will. How do you do that? Also want to fit as much as the screen as possible without stretching the picture
So in other words you want to make it look like shit. I'm not entertaining that. Not to worry though, you can play around with the settings and easily find that on your own.
@@RedArremer so by having the characters look like minecraft is good quality to you?
@@HeNnEsSy_HiCcUpS Sorry about my crabby response last night. Was having a terrible day.
@@RedArremer I hate you
@@RedArremer so for smooth pixels you do scale 3x instead of hq4x right? And interpolation v checked? Also for width 1462, height 1200. 64 Sprite checked, pseudo hire blending checked?
Turn interpolation off. Interpolations causes line artifact in almost all games.
No, interpolation masks them on non-integer scaling. If you turn it off, aspect correction causes shimmering pixels during scrolling.
@@RedArremer nope it does not. I play on THICC mode. 1920x1080p stretched. If I don't want weird line artifacts I have to turn it off.
@@xaviermccloud4586 Okay let me explain how this works: Using ANY non-square pixel mode without interpolation is going to cause shimmering artifacts. The ONLY way your TV wouldn't is if you output at a very low resolution from the Super Nt and your TV's upscaler uses bilinear filtering when upscaling the image. Even IF that were the case, your original post is NOT how it works for people using 1080p output from the Super Nt, so you'd be giving completely wrong advice. Besides, why the hell wouldn't you used 1080p from the Super Nt to begin with?