Douglas Murray on assisted dying & DeSantis's campaign crash - The Week in 60 Minutes | SpectatorTV

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 24 ก.ย. 2024

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  • @annfarmer7966
    @annfarmer7966 ปีที่แล้ว +33

    Douglas Murray's brilliant piece on the euthanasia slippery slope in Canada - and Belgium and the Netherlands - deserves the widest possible exposure. Logically speaking, death is the most effective 'cure all', and in a post-Christian society keeping people alive is regarded as cruel, and we start 'killing with kindness'. The 'strict safeguards' that enable the passage of such laws are swiftly discarded once the door to death is prised open, until all of us - and most especially the weakest - find ourselves literally at death's door.

    • @martinmitchell7280
      @martinmitchell7280 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I do find it odd and slightly amusing that at the end of this video I get an ad from the Canadian tourist board encouraging me to visit Canada!

    • @samfisher1964
      @samfisher1964 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@martinmitchell7280 don't do it man, it's a trap, they want to assist you!

  • @MacKenziePoet
    @MacKenziePoet ปีที่แล้ว +38

    Murray is captivating and moreover extremely useful in helping us to bring the humanistic framework into focus.

    • @daniellivingstone7759
      @daniellivingstone7759 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      He is not. He is using assisted suicide as a means of attacking those with whom he disagrees. A sure sign of this is his mentioning the holocaust, an classic bit of sophistry

    • @gerhard7323
      @gerhard7323 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Can't bear Trudeau and normally agree with Murray, but not here.
      Subject to proper and rigorous judicial and medical checks and balances anyone who wishes to end their life legally, peacefully and assisted by the state should be allowed to do so. .

    • @boudecia22
      @boudecia22 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Is it though? You do know they posited extermination of those with disabilities as an act of kindness? So let's imagine, as of now it's only with the "patient" consent, what happens when one with a degenerative condition appears in court with their doctor or family member claiming they DID WANT euthanasia but have now degenerated to the stage that they are no longer ABLE to make their wishes clear?
      How long before a signed consent form is used as informed consent? What's the expiry date on this?
      Ppl with such conditions WILLgo through periods of despair, bit may change their minds.
      Im.not talking about the holocaust, I'm talking about the many many thousands of others, after the nazis brought in medical testing of children to identify any hereditary diseases and conditions of ethnic German children, who were then "euthanised" for the sake of the reich. Many who WILLINGLY did so, having been brainwashed for their entire childhood into believing they were doing the noble thing. None of this takes into account medical evolution, meaning many degenerative diseases are now if not curable, certainly manageable.
      It starts with... "it's ONLY with the EXPRESS wish from the patient, until someone else comes along to change the narrative and gaslight the population into believing that what was once correct is now utterly wrong.
      For evidence - let's take a look at just 10 years ago, biology DICTATED your gender, not so now! And it's almost a CRIME to state what 10 years ago was UNIVERSALLY accepted as scientific FACT. You REALLYbelieve this can't and WONT happen? I can tell you if you told me 20 years ago that ppl would be identifying as a CAT AND ID BE KICKED OUT OF SCHOOL for stating the OBVIOUS....I'd have laughed at you and called you a tin hat wearing conspiracy theorist, YET, HERE WE ARE!

    • @daniellivingstone7759
      @daniellivingstone7759 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@boudecia22 you may be right. We do live in peculiarly unsettling times

    • @gerhard7323
      @gerhard7323 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@boudecia22 Those of us who are able and willing all make a living will defining in which circumstances we might wish to see our lives ended.
      If you don't, then you don't make one. It's that simple.
      Much like the organ donor scheme it's an opt in job not an opt out one.
      We would obviously be able to renounce that wish at anytime if deemed mentally capable of doing so and any decision to proceed would have to be assessed and agreed to by two doctors and ultimately signed off by a judge who would specialise in making these decisions.

  • @saltburner2
    @saltburner2 ปีที่แล้ว +28

    Douglas's forensic analysis is breath-taking in its acuity.

    • @garymitchell5899
      @garymitchell5899 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Yes, it is generally good practice to use clear and simple English. That is true sophistication, rather than over-elaborate verbiage.

  • @triciat2855
    @triciat2855 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Canada is already really bad at treating people suffering from chronic illness, PTSD, and other mental health issues. We can speculate on whether MAiD was introduced in respond to the medical system's inability to respond effectively and responsibly with these illnesses, or if the treatment has gotten worse because of the introduction of MAiD

  • @karenyoung8341
    @karenyoung8341 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I see your point Douglas.
    However I have looked after clients that had MS and Parkinson’s who have had enough of losing more of their motor and vocal skills - I have heard these people beg to die. I believe that they should get a choice. We put animals down to spare them pain. But degenerative illnesses and the people who suffer, still have to suffer
    Mental health, PTSD and anorexia are not reasons for euthanasia. It’s assisted suicide.
    Let’s remember this country’s doctors stating DNR on old peoples medical records

  • @Beckiner67
    @Beckiner67 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    ULEZ started with the congestion charge. It’s mission creep. It was always going to come to this.

  • @Bobmudu35UK
    @Bobmudu35UK ปีที่แล้ว +15

    Great piece again by Douglas Murray.
    Its a shame the Republicans aren't more favourable towards Desantis.
    I like the cut of his jib!

    • @margarita8416
      @margarita8416 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      unfortunately DeSantis isn't doing well - he's just not ready.

    • @saltburner2
      @saltburner2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@margarita8416 And things continue to get worse for him - partly his own fault.

    • @anonUK
      @anonUK ปีที่แล้ว

      I think De Santis is saying the quiet parts out loud- and that's never a good thing for the Republicans.

  • @advocate1563
    @advocate1563 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Spoke to an oven clean biz in greater London. He as 27 non compliant vans and is closing the business. Congratulations Labour.

    • @andersonomo597
      @andersonomo597 ปีที่แล้ว

      Meh, such a small price to pay for saving the planet. And yes, I'm highlighting the stupidity, the total insanity of all these evil leaders and their obscene policies. So much harm is being done around the world for the cult of climate change - and it IS a cult!! Doomsday predictions have been around for centuries but the shocking thing is how we haven't learned anything despite all our progress.

  • @DiamondLil
    @DiamondLil ปีที่แล้ว +8

    MAID has also been offered to (urged on?) Canadians whose only plea is for more funds with which to pay their rent or obtain necessary health care or assistance.

  • @TheSpoovy
    @TheSpoovy ปีที่แล้ว +2

    You have to love how Douglas opens his piece here -- "it's an enormously complex subject with good arguments on both sides". How often do you hear that fundamental truth from commentators, on any subject?

  • @ayethegreat4997
    @ayethegreat4997 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    Has anyone looked at how many cases are wrongly diagnosed as “terminally” ill in the Netherlands ? It’s horrifying. All about ensuring they reduce the load on social security. Why doesn’t anyone check for that. Having a law like this in any country allows doctors to play with the illnesses.

    • @John-uh8kl
      @John-uh8kl ปีที่แล้ว

      Arm the old, and guess what, they don't become unwell.
      W h y is that!?!?

    • @ayethegreat4997
      @ayethegreat4997 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@John-uh8kl what do you mean by “arm” the old?

  • @iamanomas
    @iamanomas ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I want MAIDS to be an available option for me should I wish it in the case of terrible illness including mental illness. I would like to be able, while still cognizant and mentally competent, to apply for advanced consent in case I should I become mentally incompetent. I have discussed this with my kids and I consider my decision to be totally my business and not Douglas Murray’s with whom I agree about lots of other things. This is a matter I deem to be between me and my family and my doctor and whatever governing rules and regulations that apply. Murray makes it sound as if this is to easy a decision to make. He is talking out of his arse about the Netherlands and Belgium. I personally do not want to suffer, I do not want my family members to suffer emotionally or financially in the case of long term illness, I do not want to burden our healthcare system. Those are my reasons and in case you think that those are not enough….tough.

    • @doggieclaude
      @doggieclaude ปีที่แล้ว

      I adore Douglas Murray and I see his point on this being a slippery slope BUT I agree with you that I too would like the option if I was terminally ill including dementia/Alzheimers.
      I lost both my parents quite young to cancer, and my local NHS hospital was not great in terms of staffing or quality of care. I have seen a lot of end of life suffering and I would not want that for myself or my loved ones.
      Out of genuine interest, when you say "mental illness" do you mean something like depression or something more like dementia?

    • @margarita8416
      @margarita8416 ปีที่แล้ว

      don't forget that your wishes can be carried out by taking larger amounts of drugs. you don't need government, if you genuinely want it.

  • @StewartLawson
    @StewartLawson ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I wonder when these episodes are filmed and edited. A total absence of a certain N Farage Esq and his skewering the CEO of NatWest and the BBC?

  • @bdnl6268
    @bdnl6268 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    An excellent analysis by Douglas Murray...the slippery slope has arrived. I fervently hope the UK holds the line. As a young medical student I was taught be the wise old doctors, "Thou shalt not ill, but needst not strive officiously to keep alive." Killing patients directly and deliberately is not medicine. Certainly to relieve suffering, treatments can be given which might shorten life.

    • @John-uh8kl
      @John-uh8kl ปีที่แล้ว

      Before this was all made public doctors and family could make reasonable caring choices.
      Surely for the larger part people only turn in jackals, after a person has died.
      We may trust.

    • @John-uh8kl
      @John-uh8kl ปีที่แล้ว

      Sid dick khan, has been given mayor, lord role, for how long, so anyone imagine, he won't enact his duty to promote virtue and discourage vice?

    • @garymitchell5899
      @garymitchell5899 ปีที่แล้ว

      I would be very surprised if any educated person used the words you ascribe to doctors.

  • @bonp3502
    @bonp3502 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Imagine if Stephen Hawkings had been nudged to feel he was too disbled to have a life. Now think about the loss of these people that are being encouraged to feel that because they are disabled they are 'less than'. As a disabled person I face that attitude on a daily basis. It makes you feel like you are pointless and you have to fight the depression that goes with that. Now add assisted suicide into the would be so easy to give up. Then what discoveries, artwork, writings, etc will be lost because someone was encouraged to pull the plug when they might have found the cure for cancer.

    • @robyn2628
      @robyn2628 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      im sorry that there are people who have that attitude and that you have to deal with that. anyone who thinks that a life involving struggle is somehow less worth living than a happy, easy life has such a poverty of spirit i just cant fathom it. in truth it's the opposite: a life that isnt easy and perfect might well be MORE worth living, and those people with the poverty of spirit are the ones that the world doesnt need.

    • @margarita8416
      @margarita8416 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      same goes for older people...... plus they want to get rid of cars, which adds to isolation. the cruelty is beyond any questions. but look like they wrap it up - dignity, quality, compassion.

    • @serene5986
      @serene5986 ปีที่แล้ว

      I personally would like to know that when I had enough, I can decide myself when to go, instead of suffering for years, forgotten in an impersonal care home.

  • @paulmorgancollings7833
    @paulmorgancollings7833 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I honestly don't think that Khan has underestimated the anger of motorists toward the ULEZ, he's well aware but doesn't seem to give a damn. It's just another tax on the people who pay the most, as they have to. Catch 22.

  • @iwasglad122
    @iwasglad122 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    I adore Douglas Murray and 99% of the time agree whole-heartedly with him and his views.....but I'm not with him on this one. I have suffered with severe mental issues for over 30 years. I have, regrettably, survived 3 suicide attempts. I need a guaranteed way out of this hellish existence and officially assisted-dying would bring an end to my torture. Unless you've been there, you have absolutely NO idea what living with this condition is really like. I hope Canada moves forward swiftly and successfully with this enlightened legislation.

    • @sue.F
      @sue.F ปีที่แล้ว +5

      I appreciate your point and I am sorry you are suffering. However, I think what he’s talking about here is the slippery slope whereby those with a treatable mental health condition, such as PTSD or anorexia, may be encouraged to take this option before all treatments are explored.

    • @jenn9027
      @jenn9027 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I'm sorry you suffered, but stop whining and do the work to heal yourself, stop giving that power to entities (the government) that want to control and kill you. Wouldn't you rather say to them f off, so much more satisfying to annoy them by breathing? YOU (soul level) decided to come here in the first place for a reason, I'd rather not have to come back and repeat my lessons. You need a shift in perspective and a kick in the a$$.

    • @Zidana123
      @Zidana123 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@jenn9027 Oh come on. You're not sorry for his suffering
      You just wanted a chance to virtue signal

    • @lucyh4355
      @lucyh4355 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I do, unfortunately know what you mean & hold similar views. I want the option available for myself. However, I annoyingly found Douglas' argument a strong one & with some understanding of history & human nature, I share his worries. Not for myself but for others who may just need better public health services & support available to them. I guess I want it both ways. 😏 I really didn't want to agree with anything he had to say on this topic.

    • @jenn9027
      @jenn9027 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@Zidana123 everyone has suffered, I don't believe in playing victim all the time. You don't need government intervention if you want to end your life. You really think that's virtue signaling? Geez, what are you people smoking, you don't even know your attempted insults.

  • @sisiphas
    @sisiphas ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Thank you again for a highlight of my week.

  • @chrislyne377
    @chrislyne377 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Regarding Mark Mason's comments about knowing the plot of a movie before watching it, studies have shown repeatedly that people actually enjoy films more when they know what's coming. This is why you can rewatch the same film over and over and still enjoy it tremendously.

  • @klausmuhlhoff1464
    @klausmuhlhoff1464 ปีที่แล้ว

    Douglas Murray please keep up the good fight

  • @rieslingplatz
    @rieslingplatz ปีที่แล้ว +5

    That Canada story of the soldier is truly disturbing. Honestly, come on.

  • @karenyoung8341
    @karenyoung8341 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    There should be no penalty charges for people who can’t afford new cars.
    How dare they think they can dictate what we drive, and impose fines on people that pay their damn wages.
    Start off with small fees……😡😡

  • @djmbst
    @djmbst ปีที่แล้ว +1

    What worries me the most about assisted suicide is that some people will do it just because, as one of the commenters here says, "I do not want my family members to suffer emotionally or financially in the case of long term illness, I do not want to burden our healthcare system". If such reasoning is accepted as valid, it will shift societal expectations and in 20-30 years anyone who is old and ill will feel pressure to end their life and not to be a jerk. Imagine all the coercion, psychological manipulation, outright violence that will occur in the homes of millions vulnerable people.

    • @jonasv.c.8924
      @jonasv.c.8924 ปีที่แล้ว

      I don't think we'll all have interiorised the Inuit mindset in 30 years' time.

    • @serene5986
      @serene5986 ปีที่แล้ว

      This is not a good reason to oppose reasonable cases. Managed successfully, it can be a good thing. It is about chosing your own end, not others forcing you to live in pain to make themselves feel good.

  • @internetfairy1
    @internetfairy1 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Why is Labour so anti working people? I cannot work out the point of Labour politics. Apart from grabbing money.

    • @Bobmudu35UK
      @Bobmudu35UK ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Well,they've detested the working class since we didn't revolt in the 70s,then voted for Thatcher in our droves.
      They're now a north London, university town elitist party.
      And voting for Boris cemented us as despicably deplorable.
      It seems they have widened the net to working people in general.

    • @shawnaweesner3759
      @shawnaweesner3759 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@Bobmudu35UK. Exactly! Excellent comment.

    • @andylewis7360
      @andylewis7360 ปีที่แล้ว

      they’re taking a leaf out of the US Democrat playbook and have forsaken the working class in favour of a faster growing demographic

    • @Bobmudu35UK
      @Bobmudu35UK ปีที่แล้ว

      @@andylewis7360 They've been doing it for 40 odd years.
      They've never got over working class people voting for Thatcher.

    • @andylewis7360
      @andylewis7360 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Bobmudu35UK You’d think that after the winter of discontent they’d have a good idea. But then, Labour seems to be devoid of self-reflection. As I see it, people in the UK tend to be pretty conservative in their thinking. Even if they don’t vote conservative. Labour’s never even had a female leader ffs! They’re hypocritical buffoons.

  • @brendancorrigan
    @brendancorrigan ปีที่แล้ว +7

    13:41 I'm in favour of *alternative* transport, too, something that would lead to less congestion and, potentially, benefit the environment. However, in many areas the car has to be king because the infrastructure for alternatives simply isn't there.

    • @margarita8416
      @margarita8416 ปีที่แล้ว

      how often do you use public transport? it's unreliable, often requires stepping up to get in and young people will not vacate seats for older people.
      sorry, but cars make HUGE positive difference on quality of life & there is a reason why with banning cars the need for murder of older/ disabled required.

    • @brendancorrigan
      @brendancorrigan ปีที่แล้ว

      @@margarita8416 I use public transport frequently. I don't own a car, just a bicycle. Certainly, cars can be a significant help for some people who may be considered vulnerable or who have limited mobility. But for the vast majority of healthy people, public transport should suffice. Alas, in many places it's wholly inadequate.

  • @piglex1
    @piglex1 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Very impressed with Freddy Gray.

  • @robyn2628
    @robyn2628 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    douglas murray is right on the money -- as always. thank god for dougie.

    • @serene5986
      @serene5986 ปีที่แล้ว

      Not on this occasion.

  • @williamvorkosigan5151
    @williamvorkosigan5151 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Wealthy people have had their Electric Car subsided. There is not enough rare earth metals to make replacement all vehicles. There is insufficient electricity supply supply for this and no plan to provide it. On the evidence, it doesn't seem unreasonable to suspect that they just want to price many, perhaps the majority off the roads. This would create clear cruising for the elites & reduced the majority to public transport. Environment? It takes more energy to move much heavier vehicles. Securing rare earth metals is both highly polluting & seems to involve a great deal of child labour. Disposal of electric vehicles is highly polluting. It doesn't seem very green to me.

  • @billandjanmaclean5060
    @billandjanmaclean5060 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I’ve always had a great respect for Douglas Murray, but I’m afraid he’s way off base with his attack on Canada, PM Trudeau, and MAID. There’s not enough space here for a long rebuttal, but I will make a few points:
    - very often mentally ill people will opt for suicide to end their suffering, despite efforts by others to help them. I guess Murray feels that’s fine. MAID may offer those at the end of their rope a more humane way of going…one that is not so traumatic for their loved ones.
    - many US states still prefer the execution of convicted murderers, which Murray seems to endorse. Yet the “slippery slope” he accuses Canada of often applies to the execution of the innocent, convicted for convenience.
    -keep in mind it is not the government deciding to “kill” people. Those wishing to take advantage of MAID must go through several legal and medical hoops before their “request” is granted.

    • @jonasv.c.8924
      @jonasv.c.8924 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Hear, hear! Well said!

    • @EyeByBrian
      @EyeByBrian ปีที่แล้ว

      Thank you for this wise and pointed rejoinder to what is much too often an instance of Murray going hard at an issue without going deep.

    • @chrisruss9861
      @chrisruss9861 ปีที่แล้ว

      There would be some people who wanted to die but later changed their minds.
      I heard of a case where a person jumped from a bridge and was grateful to have survived.

    • @garymitchell5899
      @garymitchell5899 ปีที่แล้ว

      ​@@EyeByBrianHe was interviewed for literally a few minutes. BTW we don't use words like rejoinder - you mean reply or response. Are you American?

    • @gerhard7323
      @gerhard7323 ปีที่แล้ว

      Agree with almost all of that.
      Trudeau is still a dangerous tool though.

  • @tssmith1701
    @tssmith1701 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I’m a resident of FL. Your piece on DeSantis was pretty sound until you said that his popularity was mostly based on Trump. What poll or substantiation do you have for that? His popularity came predominantly from his handling of the pandemic and his anti lockdown policies. Only Trump himself and the American media thinks his popularity was largely derived from Trump support.

  • @zenden6564
    @zenden6564 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Really like Ms.Ball's presentation style: 😊

  • @JonathanRossRogers
    @JonathanRossRogers ปีที่แล้ว

    20:11 I love how Lionel says "Issue."

  • @karenyoung8341
    @karenyoung8341 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Alternative transport…..
    Would that be the extortionate buses and trains? The alternative transport whereby the people who work on them are often to be found striking or off sick.

  • @lostcause6100
    @lostcause6100 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    The majority of people who want to die are elderly and truly suffering. Cases of younger people wanting to die are very rare and they should be given as much help as possible and only be offered assisted dying as a last resort.
    Canada - as usual - has gone too far.
    With much older people who have incurable conditions and whose quality of life is miserable, I think there is a case for assisted dying and I would want to have that option if my life became unbearable down the line.

    • @boudecia22
      @boudecia22 ปีที่แล้ว

      Do you not think it rather selfish to demand that someone else help you? I agree suicide shouldn't be a crime, but I do not agree you should be able to insist a doctor or anyone else help you. You then saddle THEM with the responsibility for your death.your loved ones then have someone to blame. They will be distraught enough wondering if they could have done something to help, then they look at the person who helped you and scream murderer at them. I can see the lawsuits now. Suppose you get to a very dark place, state your wishes to end it all, then change your mind, by which time you are no longer able to articulate this. Then what? What if you ate wealthy and someone decides this is best for you? Gets your signed consent without your knowledge?
      You genuinely can't see this happening?

  • @karenyoung8341
    @karenyoung8341 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This woman seems to be under the impression that Labour have a manifesto that we want.

  • @markstrevett1284
    @markstrevett1284 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I normally agree with much of what Douglas Murray says. However, voluntary euthanasia, like all things, will sometimes be misused by people who shouldn't use it. Just like some people misuse alcohol and drugs, or overeat, or continue smoking, leading to shortened lives. I am not overweight, not an alcoholic, keep fit, and if I am diagnosed with a terminal and painful condition, I feel I have the intelligence to make an informed decision about ending my life on my terms. My freedom to drink alcohol and eat cream cakes is not taken away because some people can't handle that freedom. The freedom to end my life with medical assistance should not be blocked for the same reason.

    • @helenestiernstrand6575
      @helenestiernstrand6575 ปีที่แล้ว

      Youre conflating the banning of suicide with making killing people a part of our health services.

  • @richardlefaive1944
    @richardlefaive1944 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    What attracts Trump's base to Trump is not Trump. It's the anti establishment, populist air of him (even though that is largely smoke and mirrors ).
    What one has to do to win many of those ppl over, along with more "middle of the road" ppl, is make it clear that you are anti establishmen TOO.
    In fact, more actionably anti establishment and populist. While being more level headed, discerning, and effective regards the people you hire and battles you choose to fight.

  • @serene5986
    @serene5986 ปีที่แล้ว

    I personally would want to know that, when I had enough, I can chose to go, when I want, without suffering for years in an impersonal care home. Forced to stay alive when you don't want is not a virtue. It might make others feel good (even if they don't want to care for you), but hellish for the sufferer. People put their dogs when the time comes, but we watch our loved ones suffer due to this 'slippery slope' argument.

  • @chrisohanlon69
    @chrisohanlon69 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Why the hell would you live in southwark, if you could afford to buy a house there?

  • @rolandrothwell4840
    @rolandrothwell4840 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Douglas Murray says he's a libertarian but your free only on his terms.

    • @thegoodpimps
      @thegoodpimps ปีที่แล้ว

      Libertarian is code for enslaving others to free oneself.

  • @wojciechgrodnicki6302
    @wojciechgrodnicki6302 ปีที่แล้ว

    Toll is is toll and roll is a roll. If we don’t get no tolls then we don’t eat no rolls.

  • @personalcheeses8073
    @personalcheeses8073 ปีที่แล้ว

    There is no extra ‘s’ it’s just DeSantis’. Imagine a journalist not knowing that

  • @bjkarana
    @bjkarana ปีที่แล้ว +3

    And oddly enough, Canada (de jure) ended capital punishment in 1999.

    • @gelbsucht947
      @gelbsucht947 ปีที่แล้ว

      As late as That?

    • @bjkarana
      @bjkarana ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@gelbsucht947 I think it was ended for civilian criminal acts in the 1970s, but there were exceptions for military courts until 1999.

    • @gelbsucht947
      @gelbsucht947 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@bjkarana ok. But Justin just reintroduced it for poor people? Like being poor is an offence? 🤦🏼‍♀️

    • @bjkarana
      @bjkarana ปีที่แล้ว

      @@gelbsucht947 Not sure what your point is? I'm pointing out the irony of Canada abolishing the death penalty but then promoting very broad doctor-assisted suicide legislation. Are you in favor of the MAiDs bill? Genuinely asking.

    • @gelbsucht947
      @gelbsucht947 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@bjkarana I’m totally with you in respect of the irony of abolishing the death penalty for violent criminals but making it compulsory for poor and disabled people. MAID is presented as being an opportunity for Canadians! It’s an opportunity for Justin to save money!

  • @fraseredk7433
    @fraseredk7433 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Our pecadilloes and eccentricities will probably fall within the Act's definition of mental illness 😮

  • @serene5986
    @serene5986 ปีที่แล้ว

    Why is Murray picking the worst examples. There must be many cases where the assisted dying is a blessing for the sufferer.

  • @viklondon3466
    @viklondon3466 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Can Vivek Ramaswamy be covered please ❤

  • @johnmoorefilm
    @johnmoorefilm ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Starmer clearly does not want a large majority : he knows it can turn on him ; better to have a slim majority of loyalists and let the Tories be the bad guys…

    • @John-uh8kl
      @John-uh8kl ปีที่แล้ว

      Starmer, Stormzee, that's so novel, and perhaps good, attributing intelligence to a political leader, and of a Labour leaders, recent decade, more so.!
      Time to think, edit, ANY 'leader', recent,....

    • @John-uh8kl
      @John-uh8kl ปีที่แล้ว

      At least a very bright torch, oh a light sabre, is the ideal protection.

  • @nickwalsworth7650
    @nickwalsworth7650 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Biden is a testament to American DEM taxadermic ingenuity, the animatronics almost life-like!

  • @anibrown5374
    @anibrown5374 ปีที่แล้ว

    Mental, like physical, conditions can usually be treated though not necessarily cured. Enduring one's condition, however, is purely subjective.

  • @michaeltorrisi7289
    @michaeltorrisi7289 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Love Douglas, but I can't agree with him on this one. If maximal personal freedom is your first principle for governance (and it should be in any Liberal society), then the ultimate test is whether people have the freedom to choose to end their own existence. I see nothing wrong with walling that option behind a waiting period or an evaluation, but the general point still stands. It's a very Marxist, critique-of-Liberalism view that your life is not your own, but a tool that can be used by society for the betterment of people around you. You must live, so that you do not create emotional harm to friends and family. That's the same kind of logic behind deplatforming, that the potential emotional damage of your actions is worth restricting your freedoms for. If we decide that your life is your choice, then what is the logic behind preventing people from doing so in the most comfortable way possible? Why is the suffering necessary?

    • @jenn9027
      @jenn9027 ปีที่แล้ว

      If someone wants to end their life, the only one that can stop them is themselves. I think there's a reason why there are people that botched it, I think the message is that they have something to do or they don'treally want to go through with it. But the government should never be involved in an individual decision, that should scare the eff out of everyone, how they'll not put forth the effort, yet keep criminals alive. Says a lot about government, they don't care about their own constituents, they need us, we don't need them.

    • @angelozachos8777
      @angelozachos8777 ปีที่แล้ว

      Did you support individuals rights to SAY NO to the JABBY JABBY 💉?

    • @Zidana123
      @Zidana123 ปีที่แล้ว

      I don't think Douglas' position here originates from within the framework of maximal-personal-freedom-as-first-principle
      Nor do I think it originates from Marxist-critique-of-Liberalism
      I think it's most likely to originate from a post-Christian-cultural-artifact-framework, as Murray himself is a post-Christian
      Within historical Christianity is the cultural standard which is that the suicide is an unforgiveable mortal sin against god
      The internal formal logic being that the life of the man is not a thing he chose but was given to him by god
      The god has decided he should have it, therefore the man ending it is against the will of god
      Though the formal logic has been pared away, the cultural standard still remains

    • @margarita8416
      @margarita8416 ปีที่แล้ว

      choice of refusing treatment, overdose on medication, etc is available.

  • @daraghcrowley8435
    @daraghcrowley8435 ปีที่แล้ว

    It's fascinating that the state in Canada permits people who are physically ill and now potentially mentally ill and yet adults don't have the rights to consume narcotics. It's really interesting mental gymnastics

  • @misswinnie4.8
    @misswinnie4.8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Launching a campaign at the Four Seasons Hotel tells you everything. DeSantis is a donor class candidate not a people's class president.

  • @shawnaweesner3759
    @shawnaweesner3759 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    A British movie called “Me Before You” depicts a young man who has been in a motorcycle accident and, paralyzed from the neck down, decides that his life is no longer worth living, even though he is very wealthy, has excellent care, and a beautiful girl falls in love with him, and he with her. Euthanasia is how he decided to end his life before he fell in love, and he won’t change his mind, not even for the woman who loves him. A movie that could have shown the transformative power of love, is being used to show euthanasia as just another health care option.

    • @gelbsucht947
      @gelbsucht947 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yes, but it’s only a movie. In real life, beautiful women don’t fall in love with paraplegics and love isn’t transformative. It’s a transaction.

    • @garymitchell5899
      @garymitchell5899 ปีที่แล้ว

      ​@@gelbsucht947wrong, wrong and wrong. You clearly have a very disappointing life.

    • @garymitchell5899
      @garymitchell5899 ปีที่แล้ว

      Art often stimulates questions, and not necessarily the obvious ones.

  • @sisiphas
    @sisiphas ปีที่แล้ว +6

    ‘Assisted dying’ laws broadly styled being extended to people who need help is morally reprehensible.

    • @jonasv.c.8924
      @jonasv.c.8924 ปีที่แล้ว

      Why? Would you rather have suicidal people jump under a train?

    • @angelozachos8777
      @angelozachos8777 ปีที่แล้ว

      Do ALL suicidal people go through with jumping under a train ?

    • @sisiphas
      @sisiphas ปีที่แล้ว

      @@jonasv.c.8924 I’d rather they bad better support. But the State encouraging them (in effect) is iniquitous so if its a choice…

    • @sisiphas
      @sisiphas ปีที่แล้ว

      @@jonasv.c.8924 They need funded services from the state NOT encouragement to die

    • @jonasv.c.8924
      @jonasv.c.8924 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@sisiphas Thank you very much for your unsolicited opinion, but the Belgian legislator, in all its wisdom and fully supported buy the Belgian people, decided otherwise. You can do whatever you want in your country, but in my country Belgium we do whether we want in accordance with OUR Constitution and OUR laws, and we need neither you nor Douglas Murray to lecture us. Bye bye!

  • @raymondbedborough8522
    @raymondbedborough8522 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Doug, i am riddled with diseases Come and walk in my shoes your living in a fairytail unfortunately

  • @trumphy911
    @trumphy911 ปีที่แล้ว

    Katie, balls, says it all.

  • @johnmoorefilm
    @johnmoorefilm ปีที่แล้ว +1

    ULEZ is a Polo Tax!😅

  • @karenyoung8341
    @karenyoung8341 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Mark. I’m a football fan and when you have seen your team lose on penalties or one of them tackles in the box for which a penalty is given as many times as I have, it’s totally nerve wracking. I’ve cried before when we’ve lost a final.
    But Mark, I can watch any other sport and not turn away once.
    Your team is your life. Football is way more edge of your seat.
    Of course we’re real fans Mark, but even you know how this country balls up finals, how they give you hope, and then lose. It’s heartbreaking
    There is no cowardice or virtue-signalling in from football fans.
    When you’ve supported your team for 43 years as I have and spent money seeing them, and they get to a final and lose yet again. Well if you’ve never held your breath, peeked from between your fingers, cross your legs instead of going to the toilet, then I’m sorry to say, you’re not a true fan Mark.
    It matters

  • @johnmoorefilm
    @johnmoorefilm ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Re: fans looking away? Blindfold for the firing squad ( which was for the benefit of the shooter, not the target😮)

  • @karenyoung8341
    @karenyoung8341 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I like de Santis.
    I think he needs another four years to mature though.
    You should be talking about RFK too. He’s a viable candidate. If I were American I’d vote republican, but I really like RFK he’s very like trump and he’s pro choice re vaccines 👏👏

  • @gerhard7323
    @gerhard7323 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Can't bear Trudeau and normally agree with Murray, but not here.
    Subject to proper and rigorous judicial and medical checks and balances anyone who wishes to end their life legally, peacefully and assisted by the state should be allowed to do so.

    • @margarita8416
      @margarita8416 ปีที่แล้ว

      nobody was stopping people from refusing medical treatment. furthermore, there are a lot of suicides. don't be naive

    • @gerhard7323
      @gerhard7323 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@margarita8416 Not sure I can make sense of that.
      Fancy clarifying.

  • @859902
    @859902 ปีที่แล้ว

    Perhaps the ultimate example of misguided compassion of which there have been so many in 21st Century

    • @margarita8416
      @margarita8416 ปีที่แล้ว

      not sure it's misguided. population reduction is the target of many politicians

  • @nickwalsworth7650
    @nickwalsworth7650 ปีที่แล้ว

    Sin taxes always backfire - compliance meaning diminishing returns - in this case doubly destructive by both segregating society and undermining central place theory.

  • @salwaneleyland5874
    @salwaneleyland5874 ปีที่แล้ว

    How is all this equifax

  • @adidule7360
    @adidule7360 ปีที่แล้ว

    When reading Oswald Spengler 'The decline of the west' there is a passage when he mentions that Buddhism is an end of civilisation religion. I did not understand it fully why at that time. It was 15 years ago, but now with what is happening in the West recently it appears clearer.

  • @RobertThomson-y4m
    @RobertThomson-y4m ปีที่แล้ว

    I lost my father in 2021. He'd been ill with Parkinson's for years but he and I never considered assisted dying as an option. Why do the powers that be seem keen to reduce our numbers?

    • @serene5986
      @serene5986 ปีที่แล้ว

      Nobody is forcing you mate, it's all about choice. You can put yr dog down, but see yr loved ones suffer because of people like you.

  • @matthewsmith908
    @matthewsmith908 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Be interesting to see how MAiD is discussed, I live in Canada and it generally has wide support, I don't think it'll be too long until it's implemented in the UK. Same with the pot laws.

    • @gelbsucht947
      @gelbsucht947 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I hope so. I‘m in my sixties and certainly don’t want to see my late seventies, let alone my eighties.

    • @matthewsmith908
      @matthewsmith908 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      ​@@gelbsucht947you can't just choose to die btw, you need to have a compelling reason

    • @gelbsucht947
      @gelbsucht947 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@matthewsmith908 I’m sure one could invent one.

    • @AM2K2
      @AM2K2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@gelbsucht947 Any particular reason?

    • @gelbsucht947
      @gelbsucht947 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@AM2K2 I’d just like to avoid the ravages of extreme old age. No wish to get dementia and end up incontinent in a care home. 😊

  • @georginaharvey736
    @georginaharvey736 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thanks for bringing attention to MAID, Douglas: the Canadian developments are so disturbing.

    • @georginaharvey736
      @georginaharvey736 ปีที่แล้ว

      Perhaps you do not recognise an atrocity, even when it is very eloquently explained.

    • @angelozachos8777
      @angelozachos8777 ปีที่แล้ว

      “Who controls your body? You or the state?”
      Can I ask your views on ‘government-enforced house arrest’ and ‘government-coerced Medicine uptake’ during the “pandemic” ?

    • @angelozachos8777
      @angelozachos8777 ปีที่แล้ว

      Thank you 🙏
      Suspicions confirmed .

    • @garymitchell5899
      @garymitchell5899 ปีที่แล้ว

      ​@@lukecroft5676His point was on government enforcement. And your question on who controls your body is central - the exact concern here is that it would be the state deciding.

    • @garymitchell5899
      @garymitchell5899 ปีที่แล้ว

      ​@@lukecroft5676No, if there's a genuine and informed wish from the individual then it could be possible. But the concern is the state would pressure people for trivial reasons. That's the whole point - state control for malign reasons, which you've spectacularly missed.

  • @johnwebster6360
    @johnwebster6360 ปีที่แล้ว

    "Get rid of the green crap" sounds like a plan to me.

  • @johnwaugh6518
    @johnwaugh6518 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    As an ex London resident from 20 years ago, I recently visited the city and was amazed at how much cleaner the air in London is now. The car density did not seem any worse than 20 years ago. Where I live, it increases at a rate of 20% per annum resulting in terrible congestion and enormous roading costs. More strength to the arm of the clean air protagonists. Your commentators do not have a long view and are ignoring the enormous health and environmental benefits. London is now a nicer place than it was and will get better as cars become more marginalised.

    • @spennie3607
      @spennie3607 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      A catalytic converter is an exhaust emission control device that converts toxic gases and pollutants in exhaust gas from an internal combustion engine into less-toxic pollutants by catalyzing a redox reaction. also there are no coal fires spewing out chimneys anymore. It's not rocket science.

    • @jamebrow
      @jamebrow ปีที่แล้ว

      A long view might be electric or hydrogen powered cars though, and infrastructure to go with it (road tunnels, charging points, underground car parks etc).

    • @plumbr13
      @plumbr13 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Isn't the improvement due to better engines? If the number of cars is unchanged but the air is cleaner, why does that argue for marginalising cars?

    • @Madoldcatlady
      @Madoldcatlady ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Well.., the research does not back up either your or Khans claim.

    • @johnwaugh6518
      @johnwaugh6518 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Madoldcatlady Can't mention research without a proper citation

  • @serene5986
    @serene5986 ปีที่แล้ว

    Why the attack on motorists? It saves time and did Khan try going to supermarket with two kids on a bike? If electric cars are coming, air will soon be cleaner anyway, so what's the rush?

  • @brianholmes3547
    @brianholmes3547 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    It’s depressing listening to media moving towards Labour because they can smell the coffee and the only reason to vote Labour is because they are not Tory. Their policy programme is vacuous, Starmer is disingenuous, hypocritical, incoherent and why does he always look constipated?

    • @brianholmes3547
      @brianholmes3547 ปีที่แล้ว

      Answer, because he’s full of crap.

    • @margarita8416
      @margarita8416 ปีที่แล้ว

      it's a huge problem around the world - voting against someone, rather than policy.
      it's so common, yet we can't get our politicians to produce fully transparent policies prior to elections. furthermore, nobody holds them accountable for failure.
      sometimes it's practically impossible to tell the difference between political parties.

  • @gerhard7323
    @gerhard7323 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    You can't conflate capital punishment with assisted dying FFS as Murray disingenuously attempts to do here.
    Bit early for the silly season, so maybe it's just a case of writer's block but asking the state to assist with your voluntary demise is not the same thing as the state insisting on your demise.

  • @williebobs3830
    @williebobs3830 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @TheSpoovy
    @TheSpoovy ปีที่แล้ว

    People who "can't watch" sport in my experience are generally fans of the team rather than of the sport.

  • @williamgault2165
    @williamgault2165 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    was it not David Camerons policy for cleaner air that has meant that Khan has had to introduce the new ULEZ

    • @neilrmartin1984
      @neilrmartin1984 ปีที่แล้ว

      Wasn't it a Tory mayor who introduced the ULEZ?

    • @dianastevenson131
      @dianastevenson131 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Grant Shapps instructed the Mayor to expand ULEZ - it was a central government directive.

  • @margarita8416
    @margarita8416 ปีที่แล้ว

    reading comments makes me understand the need for history without whitewashing. all this "compassion" extention towards mentally ill people was done before.
    gas chambers didn't appear in vacuum. labour camps didn't appear in vacuum.

  • @ichrismoku
    @ichrismoku ปีที่แล้ว

    "Doctor, doctor! I'm traumatised, suffering nightmares every night, I fought for my country and it's haunting me!"
    Canadian Dr (Pawn Stars meme): "Sorry bud, have you considered killing yourself?"

  • @TheMarcosutra
    @TheMarcosutra ปีที่แล้ว

    your audio people need to learn how to declick audio.

  • @irenelancaster3242
    @irenelancaster3242 ปีที่แล้ว

    Douglas brilliant on how Shoah started. Like eviscerating pregnant Jews in Middle Ages in order to baptise Jewish fetuses. That was the Catholic Church, by the way, being kind and saving souls.

  • @Joe-og6br
    @Joe-og6br ปีที่แล้ว

    Medically assisted dying should be legal but it must be end of life care only. But it seems that as ever people are taking it too far.

    • @margarita8416
      @margarita8416 ปีที่แล้ว

      they started with "end of life", where they refused treatments for poor or old. was it okay to refuse treatment? was it okay to refuse cpr? have you seen people passing away, when they refused simple drip?

  • @ihwalton
    @ihwalton ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Good to see the Spectator putting climate disaster in its rightful place....a key factor in who represents Uxbridge....stop it you dolts. !!!

  • @johnwatts8346
    @johnwatts8346 ปีที่แล้ว

    desantis never had any kind of window, trump is the guy and thats that.

  • @johnnyboy1014
    @johnnyboy1014 ปีที่แล้ว

    How many you tube adds?? Come on guys ...

  • @RobertThomson-y4m
    @RobertThomson-y4m ปีที่แล้ว

    Why the hell isn't hydrogen being pushed more? Batteries will lead to our dependence on the CCP and electric cars aren't that eco friendly or ethical, are they?

  • @niknikmoore
    @niknikmoore ปีที่แล้ว

    Don't forget to LIKE the video

  • @douglasmilton2805
    @douglasmilton2805 ปีที่แล้ว

    Has John Connolly’s voice been speeded up? I’m not being snide, it really sounds like the video is playing at the wrong speed (and it’s not, I’ve checked). Is The Spectator a nest of helium fiends? I think we should be told.

  • @samuelmac-burns9422
    @samuelmac-burns9422 ปีที่แล้ว

    Well as usual the constipated delivery of your channel’s production team has left you open for criticism - “Ron DeSantis Car-Crash election campaign” could be seen in very poor taste indeed given his actual car-crash - who knows, perhaps he was watching ‘The Spectator’ whilst driving the freeway as the timing was pretty close! No doubt by the time the Spectator team deem it politically correct to comment on this weeks major story on Coots/Natwest & Farage, the story will be well over cooked as well. If i want a perspective that is tolerable with my Grandmother I know to come to ‘The Spectator!’

  • @noimnotarobotcanubeleiveit7024
    @noimnotarobotcanubeleiveit7024 ปีที่แล้ว +3


    • @margarita8416
      @margarita8416 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      they really should be first as they're all into reduction of population and pollution (while flying on private jets after declaring that we all should use zoom meetings).

  • @SuperOnion88
    @SuperOnion88 ปีที่แล้ว

    For the algo

  • @salwaneleyland5874
    @salwaneleyland5874 ปีที่แล้ว

    The computer says no you cannot aford it have this bag of mealworms. Im sure the nice for chickens cockohvans? Pumps plimsouls. See bumper boots canvasings fassions. Fish onn.

  • @joebriggs5781
    @joebriggs5781 ปีที่แล้ว

    DeSantis is just so scripted and boring. He’s an establishment Republican at heart.
    I’d rather bring back Trump.

  • @daniellivingstone7759
    @daniellivingstone7759 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Assisted suicide is an expansion of choice. Pro life moralisers need to keep their noses out of other peoples’ business

    • @vthompson947
      @vthompson947 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      So much cheaper than investing in palliative care, or supporting the ill, old, poor or unhappy.

    • @jayjaydubful
      @jayjaydubful ปีที่แล้ว

      I have always supported assisted dying (even being a member of Dignity in Dying) for end of life & fatal conditions but seeing what's happening in Canada has changed my position. Similarly to my feelings on capital punishment, I support it in principle but in practice its too much power to give to the state. What's happening in Canada is horrific

  • @jonasv.c.8924
    @jonasv.c.8924 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    As a Belgian citizen, I'd like to tell Douglas Murray that he's talking out of his arse when it comes to the Belgian assisted dying laws. It's not "the state" that decides whether a person is eligible for assisted dying. The decision is made by an independent committee of three psychiatrists, after careful consideration of the patient's repeated, informed and voluntary request to die. Every decision is reviewed by an independent ethics commission. To be eligible, psychiatric patients must experience constant and unbearable suffering that cannot be alleviated and that is caused by a serious and incurable medical condition. That poor girl, whose tragic life Murray is shamelessly exploiting to push his own ideological agenda, wasn't "put down" by the Belgian state. She was murdered by those evil terrorists who blew up her classmates in front of her on that horrific 22 March 2016. The doctors could do nothing but conclude that the constant panic attacks she’d been experiencing for over 6 (!) years had cost her the will to live with no perspective to ever get better. In other words, she was going to commit suicide sooner or later. But I suppose Murray would rather this poor girl jump under a train than die in dignity surrounded by her family.

    • @angelozachos8777
      @angelozachos8777 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Does everyone with suicidal ideation go through with the act of successfully “jumping under a train” ?

    • @jenn9027
      @jenn9027 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      The medical industry isn't great with mental issues, psychiatrists don't address trauma, they automatically give you pills for everything that don't actually help one. I was on antidepressants and they made me feel significantly worse. I'm not saying I experienced her trauma, but we all have trauma that affect us, we have to find better ways to help people that don't involve pills, but if she had the right help, she could've found a way to live, she had her whole life in front of her.

    • @DisposableSupervillainHenchman
      @DisposableSupervillainHenchman ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Is it ever dignified to pull the plug on your own life?

    • @jonasv.c.8924
      @jonasv.c.8924 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@DisposableSupervillainHenchman Maybe you should be witness to an assisted dying process in Belgium and then spend the day looking for the scattered body parts of someone who actually jumped under a train? This would allow you to compare which way to go is the more dignified...

    • @DisposableSupervillainHenchman
      @DisposableSupervillainHenchman ปีที่แล้ว

      @@jonasv.c.8924 Thanks for completely missing the point of my question, genius.

  • @umbertotoni3021
    @umbertotoni3021 ปีที่แล้ว

    Unlike the Duke of York Mr Gray sweats his antitrumpism.

  • @dicem8977
    @dicem8977 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The ULEZ (Ultra low emissions zone) segment was absolute nonsense, who could possibly be agin moves to improve the awful air quality in London that's at dangerous levels much of the time. And, the scheme is ONLY getting rid of the oldest most polluting cars. I heard someone on Radio 4's 'Today' show saying she looked online for the cheapest ULEZ compliant car available second hand and it cost only £600.
    I live in a ULEZ area in Stratford, East London, and together with another scheme LTN's (local traffic neighbourhoods) which allow vehicle traffic only one route into and out of backstreet neighbourhoods, and ULEZ and LTN's together mean that the backstreets have much less vehicle traffic because it stops cars trying to use them as short cuts, often at speed, and there's so little vehicle pollution. Imaging how better that is for kids and for all of us.
    ULEZ is like the smoking ban in public places, a lot of controversy at the time but a couple of years down the road and everyone will be in favour of it.
    What nonsense about it being the new poll tax, that was a tax that affected every household whereas this is a tax that affects a small number of people with very old, very pollution motor vehicles.
    I love ULEZ and LTN's and it's the reason I switched my vote to Sadiq Khan in the last mayoral election, and he'll get my vote again next time.

    • @serene5986
      @serene5986 ปีที่แล้ว

      £600 for a replacement car? You might be living in clean air, but you must be smoking something!

  • @ianfinnity2732
    @ianfinnity2732 ปีที่แล้ว

    Canada’s assisted dying laws…so can we assist Miss Trudeau into early grave? She’s certainly mental enough to qualify, isn’t she?

  • @anothersucker-Youcantfixstupid
    @anothersucker-Youcantfixstupid ปีที่แล้ว +1

    If you use your car everyday in this zone it will cost you £4550. (Christmas Day is free of charged).

    • @deanunio
      @deanunio ปีที่แล้ว

      So sell the old car and replace the car for one that meets standard.

    • @garymitchell5899
      @garymitchell5899 ปีที่แล้ว

      ​@@deanunioYeah just like that. How much are compatible cars, Dean?

    • @deanunio
      @deanunio ปีที่แล้ว

      @@garymitchell5899 welll with the scrap page scheme, or selling the old one to someone elsewhere in the country, cheaper than the 4550 quoted to pay the charge per year. You have to replace your car at some point they don’t last forever

  • @DisposableSupervillainHenchman
    @DisposableSupervillainHenchman ปีที่แล้ว

    Su*ć!de Booth Incorporated stock price just keeps going ⬆️