I changed my igniter and now getting unreliable sparking from the electrodes. I can't figure out what the correct position/orientation is for the electrodes. They seem to use the body of the bbq to create the spark but the spark would be too far away from the gas outlets. So I'm stumped.
Don't start your grill with the lid closed. You'll make a small bomb and the lid will violently open. Better to fix it properly so you can spark while it's open.
Why the burners ? Originals are of Much Better quality than aftermarket ones . And burners rarely 'wear out. ' Ignitors are useless in My experiences. They universally fail early and often A simple BBQ lighter is a better solution.
Though I always agree that simpler is better, this grill comes with igniters and I thought it would be a good idea to show how to replace them. Also, with 3 igniters, this model rarely fails to ignite due to redundancy. And yes, the original burners are of higher quality. Sometimes it’s necessary though.
Great information. I am in the process of replacing igniter on my Vermont. Thank's
Yeah , the club of getting kinda to fits parts is a joy to belong to. By the way I liked the video
Nice job, and I like your shirt.
Great job.... Thank you I learned something today
Love the vid! Thanks
Great video
I changed my igniter and now getting unreliable sparking from the electrodes. I can't figure out what the correct position/orientation is for the electrodes. They seem to use the body of the bbq to create the spark but the spark would be too far away from the gas outlets. So I'm stumped.
There are different types but mine sparks at the venturi tube (the gas tube).
I like you T-shirt with presidente brand
Just did similar replacement
Same problem, sparks but does not ignite gas on its own, need to close cover.
Any ideas how to fix that?
Ignitor is faulty or too far away from other piece of metal. It means the spark is weak and need to let gas build up before it will go.
Don't start your grill with the lid closed. You'll make a small bomb and the lid will violently open. Better to fix it properly so you can spark while it's open.
So, what this person is saying is make sure your grill is working properly then you can start it any way you want.
Superior handyman skills, but the camera work will give you vertigo
Well that was easy.
Why the burners ? Originals are of Much Better quality than aftermarket ones .
And burners rarely 'wear out.
' Ignitors are useless in My experiences.
They universally fail early and often A simple BBQ lighter is a better solution.
Though I always agree that simpler is better, this grill comes with igniters and I thought it would be a good idea to show how to replace them. Also, with 3 igniters, this model rarely fails to ignite due to redundancy. And yes, the original burners are of higher quality. Sometimes it’s necessary though.