I've bought stuff of Ebay, Amazon, Etc which turned out to be counterfeit. In each case: I documented the counterfeit, Contacted the company which makes the genuine item, with an offer to send it to them. Destroyed or permanently marked the item as counterfeit, but did NOT return it to seller. Filed a complaint to the platform where it was purchased, Demanded the seller provide a full refund, including shipping. In every case, I was given a full refund.
Difficult to ascertain following the conversation on which is which on the video (fake vs. authentic). Good info, just difficult to understand the differences. More captions on video would be great. Thx.
"bullshit is a strong word but you're absolutely right"... AMEN to that gentlemen, thank you.
Causey is dreamy. Great video y'all!
(swoons to himself)
good stuff. Thanks Big Tex for hosting Caleb and his excellent classes. highly recommended that everyone gets training
Sage advice
I've bought stuff of Ebay, Amazon, Etc which turned out to be counterfeit.
In each case:
I documented the counterfeit,
Contacted the company which makes the genuine item, with an offer to send it to them.
Destroyed or permanently marked the item as counterfeit, but did NOT return it to seller.
Filed a complaint to the platform where it was purchased,
Demanded the seller provide a full refund, including shipping.
In every case, I was given a full refund.
Difficult to ascertain following the conversation on which is which on the video (fake vs. authentic). Good info, just difficult to understand the differences. More captions on video would be great. Thx.
So are you saying that the knockoff tourniquet is not going to work to stop blood flow ?
It was way cool working with y’all on this. Leave it to BTO to advocate for proper lifesaving gear that works! 👍👍
First !