I'm a software engineer, I've been at computer desks for 37 odd years, and doing hobby electronics for even longer; you probably dont need those wanky desks. They are designed for offices to keep you "working at all costs". Instead, get up, walk around, prevent the blood pooling in your feet, let your eye muscles focus on things that further than 3-500mm away. Then get back to it. Every 30 - 45 mins take 5. This is how long a 60 or 90 min cassette would last before flipping in my tape deck when i was a kid, it seems to be the perfect time. :-). My "office" desk is a _heavy laminated_ piece of wood 3.1M long, suspended between a filing cabnient and cupboard; just enough for numerous of monitors, computers, keyboards, laptops, flatbed scanner, and other junk. And yes, I totally agree pen/pencil and paper is king! I prefer coffee outside in the shaded sun than a wierd headache inducing light on my desk, but maybe that's just me ;-). I like my office _dark_. You don't need "good shit" to do "good shit" :-). As for the calibrated monitor, meh, I'm not a professional and nor are most of the people looking at shots, so, I don't get it; personally I am color blind, so it's useless; besides, perfect hue people are rare, I only know _one_. And then there's the lens on the camera, sensor, CRI lighting, it's a minefield. I've just started as a hack photographer, shooting b&w film to help me "slow down and think". It's ace, I'm loving it :-). Especially playing mad scientist in the kitchen with weird chemicals (don't do this) then seeing what I shot. It's gold! Interesting video, I didn't know photographers sat in front of a pc/photoshop all day, it kinda takes the "magic" out of it. :-/.
14:39 Yes, I have a rolling one, so even easier to use just pull a striing and rise or lower it, depending on my needs, but always fully down for editing.
PC setup: 13:26 having the pc on the floor is bad for several reasons: More dust prone One can kick the desk. Where you have it near a closet means you might hit the pc if you use that. Benefits: it can't fall off a desk. ; but my pc is super heavy anyway, so not as easy to make it tip over, unless someone shoves me onto it. 13:47 Water Cooling: I'm not gonna deal with the potential leaking and issues with water cooling. instead I opted for a big air cooler. But yes proper cooling is important, and quiet fans and insulated case too, I got that too, I got Fractal Define R6.
It's a 'Wobble Stool' all the way for me. Chronic back problems, including a floppy foot from using a bad chair are now (touch wood) a thing of the past. It was under £100, I've had it 5 years and it's just great.
Missing from your list, 3M Post-it pads, next to the pen & paper, and a writable/erase board next to the desk to put the Post-It notes on. I slap ideas on the notes and line them up on the board, adding written notes on the board as needed.
I'm a software engineer, I've been at computer desks for 37 odd years, and doing hobby electronics for even longer; you probably dont need those wanky desks. They are designed for offices to keep you "working at all costs". Instead, get up, walk around, prevent the blood pooling in your feet, let your eye muscles focus on things that further than 3-500mm away. Then get back to it. Every 30 - 45 mins take 5. This is how long a 60 or 90 min cassette would last before flipping in my tape deck when i was a kid, it seems to be the perfect time. :-). My "office" desk is a _heavy laminated_ piece of wood 3.1M long, suspended between a filing cabnient and cupboard; just enough for numerous of monitors, computers, keyboards, laptops, flatbed scanner, and other junk. And yes, I totally agree pen/pencil and paper is king! I prefer coffee outside in the shaded sun than a wierd headache inducing light on my desk, but maybe that's just me ;-). I like my office _dark_. You don't need "good shit" to do "good shit" :-). As for the calibrated monitor, meh, I'm not a professional and nor are most of the people looking at shots, so, I don't get it; personally I am color blind, so it's useless; besides, perfect hue people are rare, I only know _one_. And then there's the lens on the camera, sensor, CRI lighting, it's a minefield. I've just started as a hack photographer, shooting b&w film to help me "slow down and think". It's ace, I'm loving it :-). Especially playing mad scientist in the kitchen with weird chemicals (don't do this) then seeing what I shot. It's gold! Interesting video, I didn't know photographers sat in front of a pc/photoshop all day, it kinda takes the "magic" out of it. :-/.
Yes, photographers love to show off their desks and editing system as much as their kit
You have quite a nice set up
Yep, it's funny how much photographers love their toys :D.
14:39 Yes, I have a rolling one, so even easier to use just pull a striing and rise or lower it, depending on my needs, but always fully down for editing.
PC setup:
13:26 having the pc on the floor is bad for several reasons:
More dust prone
One can kick the desk.
Where you have it near a closet means you might hit the pc if you use that.
it can't fall off a desk. ; but my pc is super heavy anyway, so not as easy to make it tip over, unless someone shoves me onto it.
13:47 Water Cooling:
I'm not gonna deal with the potential leaking and issues with water cooling. instead I opted for a big air cooler.
But yes proper cooling is important, and quiet fans and insulated case too, I got that too, I got Fractal Define R6.
It's a 'Wobble Stool' all the way for me. Chronic back problems, including a floppy foot from using a bad chair are now (touch wood) a thing of the past. It was under £100, I've had it 5 years and it's just great.
Missing from your list, 3M Post-it pads, next to the pen & paper, and a writable/erase board next to the desk to put the Post-It notes on. I slap ideas on the notes and line them up on the board, adding written notes on the board as needed.
Nice video. I’d recommend you raise your monitor to save yourself from neck pain.
Good tips! What monitor lamp model do you use?
Great video. Thanks. What is the name of the light bar you described?
Great video!!!
Glad you enjoyed the video mate.
1:55 It's pronounced A-doe-bee!
Haha yeah. I'm not the best at reading from the teleprompter.
You never actually said what your desktop PC was, care to share?