  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ธ.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 913

  • @jeniferjoseph9200
    @jeniferjoseph9200 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2085

    I do, in fact, have skin.

  • @anitatapiocah
    @anitatapiocah 4 ปีที่แล้ว +908

    Wow, Cassandra’s two second skin chart of colors had more color range then tarte’s foundation line.

  • @EpicFailurex
    @EpicFailurex 5 ปีที่แล้ว +275

    I am a type 3 on the Fitzpatrick scale, have oily skin and am acne-prone! Ingredients that really work for me (and basically have done a 360 on my skin) are: hyaluronic acid, lactic acid (life changing), salicylic acid, glycolic acid and retinol. My skin seems to love AHAs/BHAs! I break out super infrequently now and am just dealing with very minimal scarring. Products I swear by are Sunday Riley Good Genes Lactic Acid, Peter Thomas Roth Retinol Fusion PM Serum (or Sunday Riley’s), TULA Kefir Prebiotic Mask, Biossance Squalane & Glycolic Renewal Facial and Peter Thomas Roth Peptide 21 Peel Pads. What are your thoughts? Have you tried any of the products mentioned? You’re the greatest Cassandra! I learned so much of my skincare knowledge from you and am always eager to watch your new videos! Xoxo

    • @skippy8696
      @skippy8696 4 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Sounds like our skin types and concerns are incredibly similar. Because I use tretanoin (about 5 months now) I am super cautious about over-exfoliating so I tend to use AHAs/BHA very sparingly but perhaps I should start using them a bit more...
      I have a bottle of 10% lactic acid from the Ordinary that I bought a while ago but rarely use. Perhaps I should start applying it a bit more frequently.
      The purging phase has stopped from the retin-a (thank God) and I can use it every night with no irritation but I'm still experiencing break outs. They're not THAT bad tbh but bad enough to still annoy me and I use things like spot treatments a lot. How long did it take for you to notice a significant benefit from AHAs?

    • @thenamesjesus6079
      @thenamesjesus6079 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Skippy im in your shoes 😢 i have a bad breakout on my right cheek and have hyperpigmentation

    • @MaryLopez-bv7ks
      @MaryLopez-bv7ks 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      If it is your photo, your skin type probably 2

    • @JamieNotLamie
      @JamieNotLamie 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      How about an update? I just started a real skin care routine so I'm learning as I go, mostly with TH-cam and of course reading through search results. I have combo/dry skin and have had such a hard time getting rid of several pimples.

    • @def8332
      @def8332 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Rosie Hazell You mean 180 ↩️, otherwise you’re still facing the same direction. 😀

  • @jasmineb3184
    @jasmineb3184 3 ปีที่แล้ว +192

    Life’s hard when you’re combination, sensitive and acne prone lmao

    • @aijacirule5592
      @aijacirule5592 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I can relate!!!!🙈

    • @MsPrucka
      @MsPrucka 3 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Really? try add rosacea to it :D

    • @mandysaied
      @mandysaied 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      I feel you. I also have Lymphomatoid Papulosis which essentially means I a little sun helps my condition (ahhhh) and I have to worry about scars. 🙃

    • @sharknado623
      @sharknado623 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      I'm combination, sensitive and dry but I had akne once...

    • @funsizedi88
      @funsizedi88 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Yup, same, all that pkus rosacea. Fml. Didnt have all this until almost 31, so ive been having a hell of a time the last 4.5 yrs. ​@@MsPrucka

  • @Katie_Jo_21
    @Katie_Jo_21 5 ปีที่แล้ว +154

    I had good skin as a teen and child. No pimples very lucky. Then in my twenties I moved to a much colder harsher climate. Got dry cracked skin, broke out bad. Doctors kept saying I had adult acne. Put me on Salacylic acid, benzil peroxide ... etc. Made it worse n worse n worse. I would stay up at night in pain, cry, and left scars between my eyes, forhead etc. Not to mention fevers periodically ... Turns out! Through throwing my acne products out. I did not have acne much in the 1st place. Had a totally different bacteria type making me sick for years off n on. I was infection prone due to extremely sensitive skin. Not overly sensitive to sun, just to many many chemicals and soaps ... I found a 3 step sensitive skin plan that changed my health thanks to you girl. The more you understand about what ones skin needs ... the more options we have to be happy in our skin. I wish you were around more often with todays knowledge 10 years ago lol. But blessed to have the knowledge now. Hugs

    • @ericagomez9023
      @ericagomez9023 5 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      Same. Once i started treating my skin (normal) and stopped acne treatments and popping. All my acne stopped. I realized i had sensitive acne prone skin.. If I would try to pop a clogged pore. I would get a huge infected pimple that lasted weeks. Now that I leave it alone I have nothing. 1 or 2 real pimples every few months. Other sore, inflamed or clogged pores. Go away in less then 2 days!

    • @Katie_Jo_21
      @Katie_Jo_21 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Erica Gomez I know right!? Knowing the core cause can change ones life I tell ya. If a person is sensitive or allergic to a chemical in a brand of product ... it just keep the cycle going and while popping helps the pain temporarily ... it causes whatever condition a person has to spread. It can be a mental challenge or hurdle to not pop, but finding the right doctor who gets it helps. My bacteria was strep on the skin probably acquired while working as a nurse assistant. The right oral anti biotics and soap cleared it up. And now I only get occasional hormone acne one or two every 3 months. I wish I had known about sensitivity years ago. But at least I know now! Keep doing you gorgeous.

    • @lazygirl8877
      @lazygirl8877 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Katie Johnson if you don’t mind me asking what was the 3 step system gentle system that you use ..

    • @Katie_Jo_21
      @Katie_Jo_21 5 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Mrs. Watson Sure! I use the Simple Moisturizing Facial Wash, then Micro Cellular Liquid Cleaner (but I use it as a toner), and the Light Moisturizer Cream usually on the same shelf. Without the sun screen. But one has sunscreen in it if you want that instead. Disclaimer: The U.S. has a vastly less selection of Simple than U.K. but you can find at Walgreen's, Target, WalMart etc. And .. no label that says cruelty free nor not tested on animals. But only thing I personally found that worked for my infection and allergies. So I hope they correct both issues cause it really saved me personally on dr. appt. and money ... I would endorse it myself but I am not a beauty blogger nor expert lol. I just like Cassandra's work haha. Not sponsored and not sure she ever endorsed it. I just learned to try it myself through watching her education videos on finding your own skin type and getting products that suite your own needs. Best wishes. 🤗

    • @lazygirl8877
      @lazygirl8877 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Katie Johnson awesome thank you 😊

  • @cuteangelkartika
    @cuteangelkartika 3 ปีที่แล้ว +31

    Normal skin type 🙋🏻‍♀️💁🏻‍♀️, with no skin condition or concern. Thank you for making me appreciate it Cassandra. I am 26 and want to understand skin care which you have been helping me with ever since I came across your page on facebook, thank you for helping me become Skintelligent 😄😉.
    You are amazing 🤩
    Kartika all the way from New Delhi, India.

  • @tyresseferguson2462
    @tyresseferguson2462 4 ปีที่แล้ว +45

    I'm a 6 on the Fitzpatrick scale and have dry skin from head to toe, but it has gotten better over the years. No dry patches on me anymore 😊.

  • @suupi22
    @suupi22 4 ปีที่แล้ว +418

    If you have normal skin : HOW DoES IT FEEL TO BE PERFECT

    • @magpiesneedle2575
      @magpiesneedle2575 4 ปีที่แล้ว +39

      Do you really want to know? It feels hella good, comfortable going outside ‘naked’, but there is a flip side. I never had acne, even a pimple on my face all through high school (annnnnd beyooond). I was very popular, confident & always had a sarcastic retort up my sleeve, but I felt a little bullied inside when my friends would say things like “it’s so unfair you never get zits”, “c’mon, you must be using something and just don’t want us to have great skin too”, “you see a dermatologist don’t you?”, “your mom and dad must be paying for you to get facials”. And conversely that made me feel a little guilty. I had a facial once when I was 39, for a special trip. One of the worst decisions of my life. I ended up with a 1/4 in h hole on my chin which was a centimetre deep. I was going back home to America to see my bro and his kids. I know it was the wrong thing to do but I covered it as best I could because I didn’t want to scare my nieces. Yeah, it was that bad. I have to hide from the sun (don’t like hot weather so that isn’t so bad), 15 minutes outside and I’m red, with blisters and peeling in the next days. I usually wear long sleeved shorts which isn’t great in heat but my arms will burn. Slathered spf on hands, face and a hat so I can look ridiculous. I pick the craziest ones and call myself eccentric. Dresses and Capri style (etc.) trousers are a no go, the parts uncovered get burn so I end up with two colored legs. Thankfully I live in Scotland now and it’s not known for the sun pounding down but spf is still needed. On really nice days I really can’t go with friends on picnics or to the beach etc. so it can be isolating sitting at home. In high school I was a ‘ghost’. Now my friends and family call me ‘the vampire’ (must say I do like that one but my dentist won’t file my canines into points). Finding makeup matches is a nightmare (just like the deeper end of the skin spectrum who struggle, even more so, I think). So that is what it feels to be perfect. I know your comment was lighthearted but I just thought if I replied like this people might realize no one is perfect and we all have our own struggles even if I might not look that way from the outside looking in. Sorry to get all deep on you 😞 😩 😳 😕 ☺️. Forgot to say I have a big ass scar on one of my cheekbones if that helps any 🤣

    • @keabmcdreamy6347
      @keabmcdreamy6347 4 ปีที่แล้ว +68

      MagpiesNeedle The fact that you proceeded to tell your entire life story. I didn’t even bother to read that entire thing

    • @Rosary716
      @Rosary716 4 ปีที่แล้ว +13

      My skin has been mostly normal. I get asked if I’ve had “work done” and I feel I’m treated differently medically from most women my age. Doctors think I’m younger. Believe me, my body is 73 and I have medical problems in and out. My daughter and granddaughter have the same type of skin. Neither had any acne, ever. I think it’s genes and most women from the Mediterranean have good skin. Olive oil?

    • @elenadiazdavila1999
      @elenadiazdavila1999 4 ปีที่แล้ว +27

      Having normal skin must be like being that girl at school that always ate junk food and still had a muscular, lean body

    • @Pocketrose3
      @Pocketrose3 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I am the missing jams of Jimin being held Hostage lmao😂😂😂 I definitely bothered to read the whole thing. I thought it was going to be like my life story with clear skin, but I haven’t lived nearly as long as this person...

  • @jfortierC
    @jfortierC 5 ปีที่แล้ว +62

    Your videos are SO underated 😭 your great, love your videos xx

  • @Mm.kay.
    @Mm.kay. 4 ปีที่แล้ว +28

    Type 5 and have normal skin, although my skin condition changes based on what I’m eating/drinking but tends to be normal 95% of the time

    • @Idkjustyet
      @Idkjustyet 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      I’m type 5 too. Type 5 means you’re lighter skin but can also be brownskin when u go in the sun? It’s like you’re light & brown? Because at first I thought I was level 4 & u look like a level 4 so I’m confused 😭

  • @emmalou5718
    @emmalou5718 5 ปีที่แล้ว +73

    Type 2, combination skin, somewhat sensitive and very acne-prone!

    • @dessenlover
      @dessenlover 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Emma Lou same!!

    • @medofawzy4433
      @medofawzy4433 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Omg same

    • @wildheart6074
      @wildheart6074 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Thinia S mine is the same lol (minus the wrinkles) but the rest is exactly same.

    • @sharroon7574
      @sharroon7574 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Same except for type 1

    • @GH_97
      @GH_97 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Same except I don’t know if I’m type 2 or 3 since I do have brown eyes but have dark blond hair... 🧐

  • @desiraeguenard4732
    @desiraeguenard4732 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Surprisingly, I was correct about my skin type but I did think sensitivity was a type instead of condition. This changes everything!

  • @ashlaraye4682
    @ashlaraye4682 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Fitzpatrick Scale: II Skin Type: Combination Skin Conditions: Sensitive, Acne-Prone (hormonal)... Love this channel!!

  • @AsKatherina
    @AsKatherina 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Hi Cassandra! I used to follow your channel way back when your first acne coverage makeup routine became viral. And I must say you have grown so much !! I know it has been years and it’s sort of obvious but I feel like not every TH-camr can say the same about themselves. I love your channel now more than ever and I am so proud of you for using your experience with acne to get education and to help some of us out here who wish to have the same amount of knowledge as you❤️

  • @Pinkjuiceem
    @Pinkjuiceem 5 ปีที่แล้ว +29

    im 1 on the scale and my skin is very dry! I always thought that my skin was sensitive because it was dry and all product labels say 'for dry and sensitive skin' so i just presumed that was me for years, until I realised that I had never ever reacted bad to a product and I didn't have sensitive skin at all. Took me years to realise because all the labels kept grouping sensitive and dry together haha! The good thing about having my skin is i can count on one hand the amount of spots Ive had in my whole lifetime, but the downside is is that I haven't been able to wear foundation for years because even the best ones i've tried make my skin look so dry that i'm better off without it! wish I could find a channel like yours which specialises in dry skin! I still love watching your videos because I enjoy learning about skincare in general and I love you, but I understand most of your videos are focused on acne/oily skin because thats what you're most familiar with. Always think about how lucky people with oily/acne prone skin are to have such an informative channel available to them, and I just wish I could find one for me!

    • @catchapaperboy9463
      @catchapaperboy9463 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Type 1 + very dry. Can't wear foundation either. Looks so much worse with foundation than without it. It's now for years only me, my skincare and my sunscreen. People always think that I'm the more natural type but that's only out of necessity. I just try to make the best out of what I have but every now and then I just would love to put on a little bit of foundation for that flawless, perfect look. Or have a nice tan. But there is only white or red. Nothing inbetween.

    • @mymmeli2012
      @mymmeli2012 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      I am also type 1 + dry but also a little sensitive and acne prone which is a pain 😭 what I have learned though is that keeping my skin well moisturised actually helps keep most of the acne off as well!

    • @martinam7806
      @martinam7806 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Same… I have dry skin and to find information or the whole routine is almost impossible. Everything is usually about oily or acne or sensitive skin…

  • @fk1386
    @fk1386 4 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    Good video. Just FYI the hair/eye colour assumptions are largely irrelevant. You can have dark brown, even black, eyes/hair and very light skin, making you a II to III on the Fitzpatrick scale. This is common in Middle Eastern countries like Iran and even some Eastern European countries like Bulgaria. According to this video, I’m IV on the Fitzpatrick scale but aestheticians have confirmed I’m III.

    • @MrsJolene-
      @MrsJolene- 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Definitely true! As a very fair skinned person, with red hair and green eyes, I'm supposed to be type three?? Because my eyes aren't allowed to be green as a type 1?
      I'm certainly type 1. I burn in like 5 minutes and am full of freckles 😝

    • @Самир-е1ъ
      @Самир-е1ъ 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      You are right, for example, among the peoples of the North Caucasus and Georgia, fairly fair skin of the third phototype predominates, but at the same time the hair is black or dark brown, and the eyes are brown or brown-green; There is also a combination of very white skin with dark hair and eyes. I have skin phototype 3, but my hair is black and my eyes are brown, and my mother has phototype 2, but she has almost black hair and brown-green eyes. that is, there are ethnic characteristics; among the peoples of the Middle East, Southern Europe and the Mongoloid race, the third phototype is usually combined with dark hair and brown eyes, but sometimes the second phototype with dark hair and eyes is also found.

    • @blacklyfe5543
      @blacklyfe5543 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      No one has black skin only light brown, chocolate brown and dark brown.

  • @emikaz9635
    @emikaz9635 5 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    I have combination skin with acne and sensitivity problems. My skin can react badly to the sun, temperature sometimes. But after i learnt how to formulate my own skin care, i found using products that help in protecting skin barrier function do help a lot in making my looking healthy and at the same time less acne prone.

    • @MinPinSteve
      @MinPinSteve 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Emi Kaz do u use krave’s great barrier relief?

    • @emikaz9635
      @emikaz9635 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@MinPinSteve no i never. But i do use moisturizer that contain 15% of tamanu oil along with panthenol and licorice extract, i seldom had reaction or acne since i use it.

  • @larsland
    @larsland 5 ปีที่แล้ว +45

    I wrote an article on sunscreen last summer and that’s when I learned about the Fitzpatrick scale. What’s up #1s! Red hair and blue eyes. And most of the lightest shades of foundations are about nine shades too dark for me 😂. wear sunscreen every day, around 50+ SPF on my body and usually 100 ish on my face. My goal this year is to keep my arms from getting much sun. I’m a breaking news journalist and I’m usually outdoors covering accidents in the summer and I’m also a sweaty person so I try to wear as little clothes as possible. This year I’m going to embrace the sweatiness with sun protective clothing. Sun damage scares me!
    Edit: I have very dry skin and hormonal acne which has been easily managed with dr bronners soap and jojoba oil. I also some mature skin concerns which I need to try to treat.

    • @Adriana8031
      @Adriana8031 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I never related so much to that foundation shade problem ahah! I wish i had spf 100 on my country tho...i use +50 but feel like it isnt enough

      @SSNUTHIN 5 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      It really bothers me how the fairest shades of foundations aren't available in store. I remember watching one of my favorite TH-cam makeup artists as a kid who lived in Switzerland and her foundation was always sooooo dark it would frustrate me, and then I've seen it over and over with my very fair toned friends, even here in LA where the amount of makeup options available are overwhelming.
      The flippantly exclusionist culture of the makeup industry enrages me. If you're not between "medium" and "tan", options are so limited, and god forbid you have dry skin, then the price jumps as well. >. >

    • @larsland
      @larsland 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      SSNUTHIN I’m not sure how I’m just now seeing this haha. I mean when I was growing up, I was stuck with the regular drug store stuff and it was before brands started working on under tones. And I remember all of the foundations being wayyyyy too yellow! And even foundations like Too Faced Born This Way - I tricked myself into thinking it worked for me until one day I was like, “Sis. This is not it.” And I sent it to my friend who loved it. It’s a whole thing.

    • @larsland
      @larsland 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      SSNUTHIN also! Milani’s 2-in-1 foundation... when they came out with their fairer shade, I was like give me a break. And physicians formula is the probably the worst for a shade range. Their “fair” is like a light tan white person, and their “dark” is like... a medium tan white person.

    • @larsland
      @larsland 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Rita Ribeiro I wish you 100+ in your county too!

  • @Paula-sw2tt
    @Paula-sw2tt 4 ปีที่แล้ว +28

    I am a three on that scale. I was super oily in my teens and twenties and my skin was acne prone. I broke out all the time. Now at 64, I am mostly normal, slightly oily with mature skin. I am often told that I look like I am at least a decade younger. No one guesses my age. Also my skin is not very sensative. Thank you oil and good genes.

    • @Saatkraehen
      @Saatkraehen 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      This is what I will tell myself every time I see my reflection and I feel like a disco ball. Thanks!

    • @zamauna3268
      @zamauna3268 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Yess! my whole family have super oily skin. But at his 50, my dad looks like 30 - 35. He doesn't even wash his face with proper cleanser. Just water or body soap. He struggled with bad acne when he was younger and did nothing.
      Our skin condition is look alike and it gives me hope. But i've been using skincare since 2 years ago (now i'm 21) because my acne prone, dull, and hyperpigmentation skin. Hopefully when i am getting older, my skin getting better. Just like dad (but better!!!)

  • @GloriaStanley95
    @GloriaStanley95 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I believe I’m between a 2 and 3 on the Fitzpatrick scale. I have lighter skin, but brown hair and green eyes. I tend to be prone to post inflammatory hyperpigmentation. I know I’m definitely combination because my forehead and nose are always super oily but the rest of my face feels pretty normal. And although my forehead is oily, it’s also sometimes flaky so it can be difficult to treat. Jojoba oil has helped my skin immensely as far as cutting down how often I break out

  • @amypatterson7395
    @amypatterson7395 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I’m a Type 1, classic ginger, with NORMAL skin (which I didn’t even know was a type honestly, I’ve never heard anything other than oily, dry, or combo!) The only major skin concerns I have is a few annoying blackheads that have popped up on my chin recently.
    And to answer your question, lol, as a skin normie I’m here because I’ve been watching a bunch of your videos since I was looking for reviews of The Ordinary products and have been so impressed by how informative and concise you are when talking about some really complicated chemistry! You’re incredibly helpful in my quest to treat my skin better and come up with a routine that maximizes my skin’s health! 😊

  • @kellycraig3256
    @kellycraig3256 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    So glad I found this video! Such a huge help as I figure out where to start in re-working my routine to repair my skin's barrier. I'm a type 1 on the Fitzpatrick scale, but I don't have very much tolerance for products or actives since I'm so sensitive. I'm prone to erythema and hormonal acne. I have had intermittent flexural eczema throughout my life & occasional flares in areas with thinner skin like my inner forearm, inner thighs, and right against my shin bone. I've always thought I had dry skin, because I do feel dry and tight after any contact with water (even just a few moments of lukewarm or cool water), but I produce a lot of sebum throughout the day and experience clogged pores, whiteheads, and sebaceous filaments when I use "dry skin" moisturizers, so I think I must actually have combination skin (for my face, at least).
    I can't tolerate comedogenic emollients or occlusives like silicones, shea butter, or cocoa butter, but my skin loves paraffin, petrolatum and oils high in linoleic acid. I can't tolerate BHAs, fragrance, hyaluronic acid, US organic sunscreen filters, or most AHAs, but 2.5% benzoyl peroxide is typically okay, oddly enough. My skin's favorite ingredients are honey, propolis, jojoba oil, rosehip seed oil, glycerin, petrolatum, niacinamide, and urea.
    Thanks for the science lesson! :D

    • @LorettaLJ
      @LorettaLJ 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Kelly Craig Im a type 1 too! I also have sensitive skin but not so sensitive as yours. I use an all mineral sunscreen SPF 50. I can’t wear any chemical sunscreens. I was wondering what sunscreen you have found that works for your skin? 😊

  • @lui1673
    @lui1673 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Thank you Cass for a very informative video. I'm a Filipino so i think i am No. IV in the F-scale. Unfortunately, i have very oily and very acne prone skin. I very much appreciate your effort to spread skin care education. I feel so much hopeful and in control knowing the science of my skin and hence the proper approach. Thanks.

  • @foreverwander0320
    @foreverwander0320 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Fascinating! I never would have thought I was a Fitzpatrick 3, bc I’m usually very pale. But I have very dark eyes and hair, and I usually don’t burn much-I tan in the summer. I don’t think I’m somewhere between oily and dry... maybe “normal” when everything is balanced. But one thing I know- I’m SUPER sensitive. Sunscreen, face powder, nail polish, even my own sweat-all burn and leave me with either dermatitis or eczema (or a combo of both.) Thanks for the education!

    • @fahadalotaibe6675
      @fahadalotaibe6675 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      I have dark brown hair and eyes and my skin is fair with beige/yellow undertone , i'm sensitive to the sun and i can tan but to light brown not really that dark so i think i'm Fitzpatrick type 2 like zac efron and margot robbie but my hair and eyes are darker and it could be actually no matter what your eyes or hair color Because a lot of Fitzpatrick 1 having really black hair or dark brown hair with really pale skin color it's possible .

    • @fheuexve
      @fheuexve 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      a lot of people confuse light-looking skin that tans with truly pale skin. you are pale olive/yellowish-skinned which is in type 3.5 or in-between type 3-4 since you don't burn much. skin types 1-2 skin are truly pale skin tones (pinkish toned, hardly tans)

  • @Rosary716
    @Rosary716 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    I’m between 2 & 3. Tzone oily as teen, but only occasional breakouts, blackheads. I’m half Italian, rest English, French,German, Dutch. Now, I am 73 and just starting to really take care of my skin the past two years. I’m told constantly I look no older than 60. I now have some dryness, little sensitivity. I use various product lines, but mostly The Ordinary, Elemis, Tarte, Glossier, & Thrive. I use an exfoliating acid once a week. I wash with a microfiber cloth and use a moisture rich face wash by Elemis am & pm. I use Buffet, Retinol, HA, Peptides. I put extra HA and a collagen cream at the corners of my eyes and around my mouth. I use 50-60 spf on face, never leave home without it (my most expensive products). I have minimal crows feet, surface lines at mouth. Makeup is primer, and tinted moisturizer in summer. In the other months, I use Thrive blurring makeup (layering), Laura Mercier , or Smashbox. I use primer on my eyelids, Thrive extensions mascara, and Glossier or Tarte eyebrow products. My chief concern lately is my disappearing eyebrows (using castor oil, which is slowly helping) and hair fallout. I now use Olaplex for my hair plus supplements for hair, skin, nails, like biotin and DHT blocker. I seldom blow dry or use heated appliances. My hair is fine, but very healthy according to salon. So, I wonder why there seems not to be a spokesperson on TH-cam for women over 70 ?? I love your videos.

  • @arifk1337
    @arifk1337 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    So much great information in this video! This deserves so many more views and likes!!

  • @ummekulthum-pm
    @ummekulthum-pm 5 ปีที่แล้ว +28

    I'm on scale 4 with combination skin which tends to break out alot in summer . Also very dark visible hyperpigmentation & fine lines under eyes😌 (I'm only 19)🙇‍♀️

    • @serene1724
      @serene1724 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      chocolate 023 I'm on scale 4 and have combo skin as well (and will be turning 19 this year)! I'm rly prone to PIH and boxcar scars :( I do breakout a lot, up to the point where there's a new pimple every day (mostly pustules and whiteheads)

    • @ummekulthum-pm
      @ummekulthum-pm 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@serene1724 omg same😌

    • @aunkitabiswas1196
      @aunkitabiswas1196 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Same..scale 4 with combination skin ( dry t-zone and somewhat normal c-zones). Considerably hyperpigmentation on skin and lips and fine lines under eyes, means mature skin.. ingredients that are holy grail to me are Vit C, Vit B12, Retinol, hyaluronic acid, rosehip oil and AHA. You too can give these a shot 😊 (I’m 23 😕)

    • @bipashapatra3521
      @bipashapatra3521 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Literally same skin as u described ..🙊 what products u r using?

    • @bipashapatra3521
      @bipashapatra3521 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@aunkitabiswas1196 do u use salicylic acid face wash? What cleanser do u suggest?

  • @lubnan08
    @lubnan08 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I'm 4 on the scale and have combination skin. Acne prone!!! I am learning how to manage it during quarantine.

    • @christinasmellman5078
      @christinasmellman5078 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Same plus cystic acne and I scar easily. Also have some lighter blotches on my face that I have deduced are from over exfoliation. I just learned that my skin is oily bc I don’t give it enough oils haha

    • @lubnan08
      @lubnan08 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@christinasmellman5078 Let's hope we can clear up our skin in 2020!! Wishing you success.

    @SSNUTHIN 5 ปีที่แล้ว +151

    I'm curious if the Fitzpatrick scale is related to why many tattoo artists are intimidated by deeper skin tones? I've heard comments about deeper tones rejecting certain inks and the risk of keloids, but I've never met anyone that knew the science behind it.
    Do you have any alternatives for people that are interested in things like laser hair removal that would be at risk for getting those little dark marks? Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge, Cassandra!

    • @guesswho5790
      @guesswho5790 4 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      Darker skin tones tend to form keloids. Dr. Sandra Lee (Pimple popper) said so in one of the episodes of her show.

    • @elizabethreu6888
      @elizabethreu6888 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      The other thing I have heard that darker skin tones if you want to have any kind of color in you tattoo you will either have to have alot of color injected and it pigment of that color might not look how it should in the darker skin color. If you have dark skin and want a tattoo I would highly advise researching tattoo artists that specialize in dark skin. I actually recommend anyone getting a tattoo to research the artist and see their work before going to them. I only have a few small tattoo but I still researched my artist's because the tattoo is on there for ever and its alot harder to remove then it is to get it I have a friend that proved that when they had a tattoo taken off their hand.

    • @archiezarc8376
      @archiezarc8376 4 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      About Lazer... I'm a brown skin girl went for Lazer for my stretch marks... instead of helping, it only made it worse and more prominent by burning my skin around.. to this day I'm trying to heal my skin from hyperpigmentation and scarring from Lazer..😬

    • @happypanda882
      @happypanda882 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@archiezarc8376 do you know what laser you used? I heard YAG laser works really well for people with brown skin

    • @7655kitten
      @7655kitten 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      I'm not sure about the science behind this, but I'm pretty pale skined, Irish descent, and my skin rejects all colored tattoo ink, it pushes it out and causes weird bubble like swelling under my skin. Eventually they heal but scar sometimes. I'm off colored ink and only use black now 💜😊

  • @jnewmark41
    @jnewmark41 5 ปีที่แล้ว +78

    Hi Cassandrita: Would you consider doing a video on the 7-layer method of skin hydration? It has really changed my skin. I had terrible cystic acne in my teens and now I have more dry, mature skin. Even the scarring left over from my acne days have lightened due to this Korean process. Thanks! 💜

    • @joann.5041
      @joann.5041 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Why didn't your parents get you onto an Accutane script?

  • @tomislavlukic8132
    @tomislavlukic8132 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I have oily skin, but I'm not really acne-prone. I mean, I do get an occasional pimple here and there, but nothing terrible. I've never really had a huge breakout. My skin is not sensitive at all. And I'm a 4 on the Fitzpatrick scale, a dermatologist told me that. And skincare-wise, I use niacinamide, peptides, granactive retinoid, vitamin c, squalane, and aha/bha peel (all by the ordinary). And of course cleansers, moisturizers and sunscreen. My skin reacts pretty great to all of those.

  • @andylise08
    @andylise08 5 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I'm level 3, combination, mature, sensitive, hyper-pigmentation skin. I get mild sun burn and eventually tan in the summer, but will shed off and lighten in winter. I hate that I get dark spots easily from bug bites, post acne, sun exposure.

  • @rig.1
    @rig.1 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Wow you've changed and grown so much. Discovered your chanel from Facebook and I'm a new crazy fan 😍 following your journey sis. Keep changing lives. I love you!!

  • @loveleenkaur7385
    @loveleenkaur7385 5 ปีที่แล้ว +43

    Just finished studying for exam tmrw. 2:30am and now watching my fav skin science video 😂

  • @Lilikinhasantanaa
    @Lilikinhasantanaa 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    I am the curious one. I luck enough to just fins out i have normal skin. I thought my skin was dry, but after your explanation i realized that i dobt. I do feel my skin dry sometimes, but i never ever moisturize (im starting now at 33). I also feel that sensitive products works better for me, even though I necer had sensitive issues, they just seems gentle since i dont have big issues.
    Honestly, i never ever thought skin could be such a serious issue and I share love and compasion for those who suffers from it.

  • @lara_xy
    @lara_xy 4 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    I think I am type 2-3 on the Fitzpatrick scale, I have combination skin that feels more on the dry side and I am incredibly acne-prone and also sensitive. I have found your channel yesterday while trying to educate myself on the ordinary and which acids to use.

    • @sophieminter0
      @sophieminter0 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      I also have combination skin that tends to get dry more and acne.

  • @stephanieamanze6763
    @stephanieamanze6763 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I am a number 6 on the Fitzpatrick scale. I have normal skin. I'm so blessed because the only thing I struggle with is hyperpigmentation. I still have hyperpigmentation from pimples that I got 3 years ago, although you can't really see them right away because my skin is so dark.

    • @Idkjustyet
      @Idkjustyet 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      I tried to get rid of my dark spots when I moved to Nevada & that was my only problem but now I have fungal acne 😭

  • @izzavalosomerjoki
    @izzavalosomerjoki 4 ปีที่แล้ว +78

    Don’t need to walk around for an hour, 10 min after the shower are enough for me to want to tear my face off, the pulling and the dry skin are insane, a whole hour would be like torture to me

    • @darlenecreswell8073
      @darlenecreswell8073 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Me too! Have you found any products that help?

    • @lottiej742
      @lottiej742 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1


    • @lottiej742
      @lottiej742 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@darlenecreswell8073 just use a 24 hour hydrating moisturiser and make sure you put a lot on😊

    • @amandaavia
      @amandaavia 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Have you tried facial oils? And serums? Use those before the moisturizer. Those are the products that really seep into your skin first. I’ve found that using a jade roller helps the product seep in more too, but you can’t do it right away. I put product on my face, tap it on, kinda hit my face all over lol, and wait a minute or two and then use the jade roller in an upwards motion. It also feels so good! My friend who has dry skin swears by Weleda Skin Food cream. Hope this helps!

    • @lismarydejesus31
      @lismarydejesus31 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Me too, Clinique’s moisture surge has helped.

  • @amenaalhashimiadams1867
    @amenaalhashimiadams1867 ปีที่แล้ว

    Heading into a derm rotation for NP school and this was SO informative, clear to understand and professional. Thanks!

  • @sarahaws1030
    @sarahaws1030 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    my scale is between 5 and 6, I have Sensitive combination SUPER acne prone skin and just thinking about the sun makes me tan😂. I was about to try everything I shouldn't and you just saved my life. Thank you.

    • @jenzzz28
      @jenzzz28 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Sara Haws I’m 5 in this scale too. Have u ever introduced acids in ur face? If yes how’s ur experience? Recently I introduced i think it’s not working on me.

  • @mariateresavillaflor8264
    @mariateresavillaflor8264 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I always learn so much from this channel. 😍

  • @pennyyonts350
    @pennyyonts350 5 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    A lot of good info! I'm a 2 on the Fitzpatrick scale. I'd say my skin in balanced...maybe a tad bit oily on my nose sometimes. I'm 47, so I'm dealing with some fine lines and a few wrinkles. I do a 2-part cleanse to get off sunscreen and make-up. Currently, I'm using and loving the Clinique Take the Day off balm and then cleansing with CeraVe Hydrating Face Wash. While my face is still wet, I add hylauronic acid and then lock in the moisture with an occlusive moisturizer, like the CeraVe Moisturizing Cream. For my under eyes I use CeraVe Skin Renewing Gel Oil, and lastly when my face is dry I add Retin-a. Without sunscreen no amount of anti-aging is going to help. So, I lather on sunscreen before I apply my makeup in the morning. Like you, I also don't wash my face in the morning. I'm always trying to learn what products are best, so I'm loving this series.

    • @thisyellowflower7131
      @thisyellowflower7131 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hi Penny, this is crazy! I'm the same Fpstrick scale as you and I also find cerave helps me too, I do a lot of the same things as you when it comes to skincare! And I use the cream like you do, Great to hear about your routine :)
      I'm 28 and going to use some of your tips to prevent premature ageing. I use differin gel at the moment for acne and wrinkles. I will start using RetinA eventually though :)

  • @amberhess6717
    @amberhess6717 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Green (blue/grey) eyes, medium brown hair, type 3 probably, hardly ever burn, more tan. Normal-oily, a little sensitive, and starting to get lines on my forehead(I'm 31😭). Routine as follows:
    Gentle cleanser, morning and night, followed by pure rose water- both day and night, then niacinimide/tretinoin/tranexamic acid- at night only. Lastly, a medium-rich moisturizer and spray zinc spf in the day. I'll use a super rich moisturizer at night to combat my fine lines and the dryness of my medication.

    • @amberhess6717
      @amberhess6717 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      I tried gel moisturizers and it just didnt do enough for me. My medication(tretinoin/niacinamide/tranexamic acid) takes my pores to ZERO and leaves me glowing. I am lucky to really only get clogged pores and occasional pimples. Even as a teenager I didnt break out. Sorry friends 😵

  • @jhanvi3019
    @jhanvi3019 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I had no acne until 17 but took 2 years to get rid of it!
    I wish I had more knowledge when I had acne. It would’ve helped clear it faster and not end up with lots of post hyperpigmentation. But everything happens for a reason. Having skin issues at 17 makes me want to specialize in dermatology 🤗

  • @amorinooo
    @amorinooo 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I’m in my late 30s and for the first time feel like I truly understand my skin more because of this video, so thank you!
    I believe I’m a 3 on the Fitzpatrick scale-my skin color is a mix of 2, 3, and 4. I burn when not wearing sunscreen and tan within 24-48 hours. After that initial beginning-of-summer base burn 😅 I mostly tan, though my tan has a richer warm/terra-cotta type hue.
    I’ve got brown (chestnut) hair and dark brown eyes. My father has black hair and brown eyes but is paler and burns-I’ve never seen him tan (northwest European/British isles heritage). My mother has green/gray eyes and chestnut hair, and I’ve never seen her sunburn, only tan. She’s Sicilian/Italian and Polish heritage. This mix of them leaves me still wondering if I have warm, cool, or neutral undertones after having watched endless videos and read loads!
    Grew up in a cool and humid climate, had oily/acne prone skin.
    Have lived in a cool desert for about 15 years now, in the Rocky Mountains with scorching hot summers and dry year round, and now my skin is more dry/combination. Dry out of shower and for hours after if I don’t moisturize (hard city water, but grew up on well water), but kind of oily in the T and C zones later in the day.
    Concerns-maturing skin (sun damage) though I have no wrinkles much at all. I notice my skin is more mature on my décolletage-most people actually think I’m about 10 years younger than I am!
    Biggest concern is SENSITIVE skin. My face always has a reddish pink undertone, which is why I have a hard time telling my undertones since the rest of my body doesn’t have that.
    I’m kind of product stupid, but I’ve been using Caudalie for a year now and keep trying different products, though have a decent routine with a few main products. They do give me really moisturized, dewy skin. Now that I’ve learned about ingredients binging on your videos today (and James Welsh), I’m going back to relook at the ingredients...

  • @anitacocktailextrasmooth4946
    @anitacocktailextrasmooth4946 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I'm type 3 with combination skin although I was oily skinned prone to acne when I was younger. Now that I am mature I have combination skin. I tan easily and rarely burn. My skin sometimes is slightly sensitive but not enough to use sensitive products

  • @artintheblood
    @artintheblood 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Type 4, tan skin with yellowish undertone, black hair and deep brown eyes. Oh, and I'm also oily combination with acne prone skin. I have noticed that both AHA and BHA work very well on my skin.

  • @xx-dz3iy
    @xx-dz3iy 5 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    i’m type 2/3 - I have fair skin but I tan pretty easily. Dairy causes cystic breakouts on face/back/chest and most moisturizers and all types of cleansers cause irritation, dryness and breakouts. I quit dairy and quit washing my face with anything but water, started taking a D3 supplement. I use a spf 30 on my face in am and use a bha toner and bit of aquaphor in pm and my skin balanced out. I also quit using soap of any kind on my body (just water and a bamboo baby washcloth) and my skin no longer has any issues(dry, ashy, clogged, irritated/oily). I only wash my hands and shampoo my hair now. Took 7 years and a lot of products to figure that out😅

  • @rhythmandblues_alibi
    @rhythmandblues_alibi 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Can't believe I've never heard of the Fitzpatrick scale before?! WHYYYYYY! It is SO useful!
    I am a type 1, oily, acne prone and sensitive. I am 33 and have learnt to love my freckles - they camouflage my acne scars and PIH! and I appreciate that my oily skin is making me naturally less wrinkled than if I had clear, dry skin. At least this is what I tell myself haha.

  • @Cammille16
    @Cammille16 4 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    I am a type 5 on the scale (around Rihanna's tone with dark hair and eyes), I have presumably normal skin (if I shower and do nothing, it does not become oily or dry by the end of the day but may be more dull), but I am acne prone.
    Since most people who are concerned with acne usually tend to be oilier, I have a hard time finding recommendations that won't be too drying on my skin while still combating the acne. I think my acne is hormonal (I'm 24) because my skin varies from almost completely clear to minor breakouts during the course of every month or two. I will have to research to see what kind of breakouts I'm having.
    Anyone in a similar boat, or who has skincare recs? :)

    • @BaoleeBao
      @BaoleeBao 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Girl, that's my problem. Except I'm more a Kelly Rowland than a Riri. I'm experimenting with Fresh and The ordinary products. What have you tried?

  • @VanshikaSaxena
    @VanshikaSaxena 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I love her for her work. Thankyou. Love from India 🇮🇳

  • @williamsaavedra764
    @williamsaavedra764 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Just watching this the day of the economy opening bc I’m still not going out. I am aware I’m a year late, I’ve just been enjoying watching your older videos. I believe on the FP scale I’m a 3, I am a light skin Latino so I do lightly tan easily but I also burn. I know for a fact that I am dry. I believe my skin’s sensitivity is due to its dehydration and lack of oil as I notice a lot of people with dry skin also have sensitive skin. I feel like women are more likely to have more oily skin and the opposite goes for men, just based on my observation of others.

  • @amyvanrooyen2616
    @amyvanrooyen2616 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Loved this video. I'm a type 1 on the Fitzpatrick scale, with super oil, sensitive and hormonal skin.

  • @RoastedSaltedPeanut
    @RoastedSaltedPeanut 5 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    I seem to be a 3-4. I have dark brown eyes and very dark brown hair but my skin seems to be a tad bit lighter than the pictures.

    • @r.i.t.i.k.a
      @r.i.t.i.k.a 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Me too.. I'm lighter than Freida pinto. Like Jessica alba.. kinda like Sandra bullock

    • @jennybe4766
      @jennybe4766 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      yep same here, i'm mixed, i rarely burn, tan easily but have lighter skin 🤔

    • @preztink12
      @preztink12 4 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @r.i.t.i.k.a
      @r.i.t.i.k.a 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      I'm prone to getting tan like I'm almost a chameleon. That was from a time when I didn't like using sunscreen.

    • @r.i.t.i.k.a
      @r.i.t.i.k.a 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      I kinda like my skin tone.

  • @TaraLyz
    @TaraLyz 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Acne proned, oily skin & I think I’m either a II or III on the Fitzpatrick Scale. I’m able to tan, I’ve just chosen not to for the last couple of years since I actually don’t enjoy laying out tanning. I prefer to be active while I’m in the sun.

  • @mittuppeilivet7741
    @mittuppeilivet7741 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I am nr I with combination skin drawing towards the dry side. I have always thought I have dry skin until recently when I did a chemical peel. The dermatologist told me I have combination skin, due to the amount and size of my pores, mind blown!

  • @Nnyv
    @Nnyv 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I only recently discovered your channel, but I'm so glad I did. I think I'm either a type I or II (I seem to be on the cusp between the two, from what I can tell) with dry combination skin that's acne prone, aging (due to horrible/no sun protection habits from childhood through my 20s and into my early 30s), and sensitive. Having dry skin is tough because finding good moisturizers is really difficult when you loathe heavy textures (I'm a huge fan of gel moisturizers and have thankfully found one from CosRX that I really love so far) like thick and buttery creams (great for food, not so much love for my face). I definitely got more of my dad's skin genes (Danish descent) than my mom's (Italian). I'm still trying to figure out what really makes my skin tick (and which products are best for me), but at least I'm using sunscreen now (SPF50, PA++++)!

    • @SueRosalie
      @SueRosalie 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      you are likely type 2

  • @lexiklinger7225
    @lexiklinger7225 4 ปีที่แล้ว +53

    She commends me for my dedication to education because i have normal skin 😭 made me laugh !! Lol

    • @joann.5041
      @joann.5041 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      You're lucky, girl!

  • @cafeconcuban
    @cafeconcuban 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    I used to think I had oily skin when I was a teen because I thought that because my face was “shiny” when I got out so oily, actually I have really dry skin. The thought of walking around for an hour without putting moisturizer on IMMEDIATELY, ugh I can feel the itchy cracking skin now. Also I was always told by mom mom who is a white woman that I had fair sensitive skin, in reality when I became an adult and grew into my body, it was easy to understand I’m actually bordering between a type 2-3, I have pretty pale of skin naturally but I have barely any freckles and I barely burn when in the sun, my hair is also dark brown and very coarse, yet my eyes are a light grey. It all comes from my fathers Cuban side. When it comes to my skin I’m so glad I was able to go to a dermatologist to help me figure it all out cause Lordy I was lost. Your videos are so informative and I love watching your content, much love from the Oregon coast!

  • @missmisery260
    @missmisery260 5 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    i have combination sensitive acne prone skin and my scale is between 1 and 2.

    • @thisyellowflower7131
      @thisyellowflower7131 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      I'm type two as well and have the exact same issues! This is freaky. lololol

    • @mikaylakarlie1027
      @mikaylakarlie1027 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Same here! I’m a 2, living in the desert 🌵

    • @sharroon7574
      @sharroon7574 4 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @selmore94
      @selmore94 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Same here, with hormonal cystic acne to top it off. Found any products that work for you?

    • @missmisery260
      @missmisery260 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@selmore94 i'm still trying to figure out what works best for my skin. i started using serums with niacinamide and witamin c (vitamin c in the morning and niacinamide in the evening but I think it's just the preference), after washing my face, I spray my face with toner and then serum, light moisturizing cream and that's it (in the morning the same thing but different serum + filter). I try to do masks twice a week and the same with peelings. it kind of like worked, but I see that diet has enormous impact on my skin, so I need to work on that more. currently I'm using niacinamide 10% and zinc 1% but I still don't see any difference. I think supplements are also very important and physical activity. i drink a lot of herbal tea as well, actually every day couples times or I'm trying to drink the proper amount of water. that's all I do and my skin is much better than it was a year ago. idk if it might help you but I'm just sharing what I do. there are ofc many factors to look at like hormonal imbalance etc ;)

  • @stellariley9876
    @stellariley9876 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Type 1, normal skin, slightly sensitive, and barely acne-prone I use Cetaphil gentle cleanser and moisturizing lotion and sometimes rose water spray!

  • @melissastapleton1403
    @melissastapleton1403 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Cassandra, I am a new subscriber and I just want to tell you that I really appreciate you sharing your expertise on skin! I have a better understanding thanks to you!!! Thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @MsAaannaaa
    @MsAaannaaa 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    interesting. I'm most definitely a 1 and always wondered why my skin is not fazed at all by retinol although it's very reactive in general and as soon as I step into the sun, I turn red even if it's just the sweat and not the burn, because I wear spf all the time. now it kinda makes sense.
    finally an advantage of being the palest person around.

    • @roy4567
      @roy4567 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      I get red as soon as I go in the sun. Glad I'm not the only one

  • @sehrishali6177
    @sehrishali6177 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I lie between number 3 and 4 on the scale. I have combo skin leaning for towards oily and I have acne prone and sesitive skin.

    • @zoechapman2023
      @zoechapman2023 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Exactly the same as me! I also have dark pigmentation scars which take ages to heal. By ages I mean years!

    • @Elisaatje601
      @Elisaatje601 4 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @lizcademy4809
    @lizcademy4809 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    I don't fit on the Fitzpatrick scale. I have every marker for Type 1: cool fair skin, light eyes, don't tan ... but I also don't burn unless I have a lot of sun exposure.
    For many years my skin was absolutely normal ... then I went through menopause and am noticing a little dryness. ANd a little wrinkling, which is why I'm watching skin science videos!

  • @flicksoflight
    @flicksoflight 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Cassandra your amazing and beautiful! Thank you for all your knowledge. Your videos are so helpful and inspirational. I've been getting more into selfcare internally and externally and I believe I'm a 4 in the Fitzpatrick scale only because you mentioned 4 over 5 are more likely to get sunburned which, surprisingly I did not know I could get. Omg how painful! I am curious if you could speak more on eczema? I have a feeling I have dry, sensitive skin. Especially moving from 100% humid climate to 2% humidity at best. Much love and I look forward to our metamorphosis'!

  • @marilynmartin430
    @marilynmartin430 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I would love you you to do a video for oily skin with aging problem. I find it challenging to control both at the ''same time''. Thank you for this video :) !! Love you explication always xx

  • @emily-hg3sx
    @emily-hg3sx 4 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    It’s a bit difficult when you have hetrochromia and your eyes are blue, green and brown and your hair was platinum blonde and went brown

  • @rozjourdan2403
    @rozjourdan2403 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    I have dry skin with A LOT of sensitivity. I can pretty much only use straight ingredients on my face, absolutely no bull. For example, my every night routine is CeraVe hydrating cleanser, inkey list polyglutamic acid, ptr water drench moisturizer, and vitamin e oil. I throw in a low concentration retinol on Tuesdays and use a very gentle AHA on Thursdays and Sundays. Every morning I rinse my face with water, use a hyaluronic acid serum, the same ptr moisturizer and vitamin e oil and a hydrating sunscreen 15 minutes after the oil has time to absorb a bit. The ingredients list on every product is fragrance free and super moisturizing and very no bull. I have random masks and such I throw in as needed but even products I've used multiple times can cause me sensitivity if I leave them on even a minute long

    • @rozjourdan2403
      @rozjourdan2403 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      And, my sensitivity is like, hives bad not just redness and discomfort

  • @lolpoplol549
    @lolpoplol549 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I’m not sure what level I am on the Fitzpatrick scale. I have light skin, freckles and I get sunburned very easily but my eyes are very dark brown and my hair is lightish brown.

  • @MelTheMuppetslayer
    @MelTheMuppetslayer 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This is such a classic to me. When I first saw this, I was like….. my skintellectual soulmate

  • @sarahstroud6021
    @sarahstroud6021 5 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I think I’m a 3 on the scale, I have blonde hair and brown eyes. I tan in the summer but I’m pale in the winter but not i incredibly pale😀

  • @eddieandalyssa
    @eddieandalyssa 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I'm a 1 on the Fitzpatrick scale. I have red hair, green eyes.
    I have combo skin (sensitive and a few fine lines).

  • @nedawarren1
    @nedawarren1 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I think I’m 3 or 4 🤷🏻‍♀️
    I’m tanned/olive all year round
    dark brown hair n eyes, but I can n have burned if I don’t have sunscreen on...and I have freckles that intensify in summer (so I don’t know where I’d fall)🤦🏻‍♀️lol

    • @fatoumfatoumeh
      @fatoumfatoumeh 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      You’re a type 3...type 4 rarely burn, even without sunscreen, and freckling is rarer in type 4 than type 3.

  • @marysomeone
    @marysomeone 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    I thought I had figure my skin out.. Then I turned 35 and my skin decided it would be fun to change it all.
    Thank you for helping me figure it out all over again!

    • @benjaminross9373
      @benjaminross9373 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      ok, we both know what we are talking about. The paradox thing is, that exactly because of melanin, i have now already smoked enough that i would statistically now have lung cancer. and all the scars i got were not by accident, but because of my autoaggression against the doctors. and my teeth are damaged exactly because of the bracelets and not because of smoking. and i even intentionally took an overdose of their medication and afterwards sabotaged their lumbal punction. Here you got your successful liberal prevention. i am not allowed to prove that the scars will shrink from tanning, because the skin cancer risk i would be exposed would be a suicidal risk and then i'd be institutionalized. No, this is not as bad as rape or mistreating children. It's just about the state caring for people and their health and human rights. Afterwards, they'd probably say it all came from smoking. And Bin Laden should cream himself and not smoke american blend tobacco. The ICD-10 now has been upgraded with a turbo SJ-F-scale-boost and now even includes oppositional-defiant-disorder, as if would militar ritalin treatment and lobotomies wouldn't already have been enough. Tugend, Disziplin und Gottesfurcht. Figure that chaos out.

    • @benjaminross9373
      @benjaminross9373 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      the stewardess had to be taller than 162cm. and this perhaps what these feminist bitches were angry about. In a real iq test, black males perhaps would even have a benefint against white males. They have some non-verbal ability that i don't have at all. i listened to my black neighbours. we're verbally better, but they are more windy. don't think there is no corellation between looks and character. there is. it is just a bit more complicated. Character is inhereited on the same chromosomes along with skin color, but actually it is not that simple. DURA-CURA-JURA URA-WTC (two letters up the alphabet), no dentin- Nintendo, URA Bioladen-Arnaud Eboli. that's maybe Lyodura.

    • @benjaminross9373
      @benjaminross9373 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      sorry, i have to annoy You once again. you should not put people at risk and risk their health and humilate them just to achieve your propaganda-induced dreams. there is nothing 'higher' to achieve. Flying aeroplanes always risks lives, not considering the humilating 'qualification process', but it is not even necessary. ILM cura. Get it.

    • @marysomeone
      @marysomeone 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@benjaminross9373 Im sorry, I don't know what you are on about. I just expressed how much this video helped me and you are talking about stewardesses and that im putting People at risk!? What risk am I putting people in?

    • @benjaminross9373
      @benjaminross9373 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@marysomeone read "the Luzifer Effect" by Philip Zimbardo. there was a complete pdf out. then transfer the "experiments" described to what we have here. then press on the skin and you see that almost all the "tan" can be pressed back. i know by accident that blood also looks black and yellow. RGB model. There once was the "Karzer". This might not only be about cancer. Being dazzled for decades and scars are also a risk. It was part of some sort of Milgram experiment i guess. And feminism might be part of it. The risk is: it would be irresponsible to have an equal ratio of men and women in certain professions because under really unlucky circumstances it would lead to more actual deaths. Also circumstances like in the Milgram experiment. You might be not that way. and i'm not saying i am better. it are just the average statistics that should not be adjusted because of propaganda. some idiot once wrote the line "call my name through the cream" while everyone still had "american blend" filter cigarettes lying around. These little letter puns and misheard words kind of predicted the future significantly in mysterious ways. And Arnaud Eboli died in early 2001. Press hoax. And vCJD still exists in our "real" medicine? Names and places. Google for instance the birthplace of Izzy Stradlin and look who also died in Salpetriere. We might have no clue what is really going on.
      btw, to me you sing really good but just strumming chords is boring most often.

  • @suhanisharma4094
    @suhanisharma4094 5 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    My skin type is kind of combination of oily and dry. It's a kind of mixture. Sometimes I experience oil and sometimes really dryness. I have two kinds of moisturizers one for dry and one for oily one. Any other product for such type of skin?

    • @rhasxsroge
      @rhasxsroge 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Suhani Sharma that’s really weird. You mean all of your face suddenly stops producing oil? Or just parts of it? Or you mean that you have flaky skin that still roduces oil?

    • @suhanisharma4094
      @suhanisharma4094 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@rhasxsroge I have flaky irritated skin which sometimes produces oil. Specially in summer. I have consulted many doctors too. They suggest to use some oils like jojoba or coconut which works better for all kinds of skin. As where I live the temperature is high. So these oils absorb in the skin faster.

    • @rhasxsroge
      @rhasxsroge 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Suhani Sharma I really suggest you watch dr dray on youtube, she has a very simple approach to skincare and her tips have worked really well for me (we have different skintypes and concerns though). For starters I think you should get rid of any product with fragrance, find a gentle cleanser and an occlusive enough moisturizer (cerave is great) and a moisturizing sunscreen aswell and I wouldn’t bother with any kind of oil, just an occlusive moisturizer to wet skin right after cleansing. Dr dray explains everything in more detail, you should really watch her, she has videos for every skin concern you can imagine.

    • @suhanisharma4094
      @suhanisharma4094 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@rhasxsroge thank you so much. I am going to check her channel out.I have been searching for many products. Cassandra has also helped me out. Thank you for helping me out. I just checked your channel. Can I be a subscriber there? Thank you once again for your efforts.

  • @MissDarknSpooky
    @MissDarknSpooky 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I am a 1 on the Fitzpatrick scale, have combination skin with a dry T zone and oily C and Scalp. I'm mostly concerned with aging/texture but I do get some acne. I have just gotten into skincare after a long bout of post partum depression surrounding my changing appearance and aging. I never wore sunscreen as a child, constantly burned and refused to ever go outside or use tanning booths due to the fear of burning (thank god). I always thought sunscreen smelt horrible and made my combination skin even more oily than it already was and as a bonus it pilled up my dry flakey skin around my eyebrows, and nose. Face dandruff, yay... After receiving a free sample of some sunscreen through targets app I have renewed hope for my skin. Thanks to channels like this I started looking into skincare and realized that salicylic acid, lactic acid, retinol, a good moisturizer, and for gods sakes a decent sunscreen would (and have) saved my skin. I'm so thankful to have earned my skintellectual title. ❤

  • @Matiiiimatilda
    @Matiiiimatilda 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I feel like I'm the only one with my skin type: my skin type is veeeeery oily, my scalp and hair are always oily (a nightmare), however I'm not prone to acne at all. I barely get pimples, usually only on my period but max 1 or 2 and very tiny. And i'm not sensitive, nor dry-skin or anything. My only problem is extremely oily skin, it looks as if it was wet, its insane. Therefore I gave up on make up because it doesn't last on my skin more than an hour :(

    • @francollet
      @francollet 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      My hubby is just the saaame. My mother in law too. What I can say that it's good: you'll probably not going to have mature skin easily! Oily skin that isn't prone to inflammation is amazing to keep the wrinkles away. His whole family on the mother side who have this kind of skin look amazingly young even when quite old!

    • @christinasmellman5078
      @christinasmellman5078 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      I’ve been blaming my oily skin on genetics but now I’m realizing the more I hydrate it, the less oil it will produce.

  • @TrinaGallo
    @TrinaGallo ปีที่แล้ว

    This was a great vid! I had no clue about the Fitzpatrick scale! I’m a 2, with green eyes.
    I love that “if you have normal skin, what are you doing here?” 😂
    I’ve got concerns of sensitive skin and now also have “mature”. But I still don’t know my actual skin type! I always “labeled” myself as “sensitive”.

  • @MicahRion
    @MicahRion 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I've never thought about how my skin reacts to sun exposure before as a characteristic of my skin... so interesting! My guess is that I would be a 3 on the Fitzpatrick scale!
    Also it's so true how your skin conditions change over time! I've noticed my skin has moved from an oil slick all over in my teenage years, to having a super oily forehead now in my 20s but dry cheeks. I also in this time moved to a colder and wetter climate so the weather has a lot to do with it!

  • @jenwilliams9015
    @jenwilliams9015 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I’m type 2, combination skin (although I tend to be more dry except for my nose), and am acne-prone!

  • @emmascherz7878
    @emmascherz7878 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I have very pale skin yet I have dark hair and eyes. What level would I be?

    • @teenshii
      @teenshii 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      You are level 1 if you have very pale skin. My best friend is level 1 even though she has dark hair.
      I call her Snow White. :D

    • @emmascherz7878
      @emmascherz7878 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Thank you

    • @teenshii
      @teenshii 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @Profitt Ah right! I forgot the name so I just wrote Cinderella.

    • @katitadeb
      @katitadeb 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      And what when someone is very very pale but can get a dark tan? Not burn

  • @jenswillis
    @jenswillis 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I'm brown hair and brown eyes, but I'd definitely be level 1 on that scale. Super pale, freckles and burn so bad. My type is dry, I'm sure. Tea tree oil works wonders for me

  • @notinusediana4991
    @notinusediana4991 4 ปีที่แล้ว +24

    "Get out of the shower and walk around for an hour and if it's flaky.. " I don't even get the luxury, all happens when I pat it dry.

  • @vero2078
    @vero2078 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Hello Cassandra, thank you for this lesson, I think I am Fitzpatrick 2 or 3, cannot really see it as I can get burned and most areas of my bodies does not get tanned even after 1 -2 weeks sometimes, but hey I also have darker hair and eyes :). and for my skin type I am the happy owner of a dry and sensitive skin...yay!

  • @veenaviswanathan7240
    @veenaviswanathan7240 5 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I have an acne prone oily skin which is manageable in winters but breaks out terribly in summers even though I barely expose myself to direct sunlight. How do I fight acne flare ups in summer.

    • @poweredman
      @poweredman 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Veena Viswanathan Hide in a cave.

    • @veenaviswanathan7240
      @veenaviswanathan7240 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@poweredman So funny.

    • @poweredman
      @poweredman 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Sorry, that was rude. From what I’ve read, you have to tell us a bit more about your cleansing and exfoliating so we can help you... We also don’t know if you’re wearing make up or not. Or if you’re moisturizing and putting on sunscreen.

  • @loveleenkaur7385
    @loveleenkaur7385 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I believe I am combination skin with acne and sensitivity issues. I fall in between 3-4 scale. Benzoyl peroxide doesn’t work for me. I also noticed any active ingredients products are harsh for me. I also tend to avoid alcohol containing products as I have read alcohol on skin can age you. Most of my products have these key requirements: Contain Aloe Vera, anti aging benefits, vegan if possible, cruelty free, paraben free, alcohol free, fragrance free and sulfate free. Ofc I’m still hunting for products that fit these categories and experimenting with my skin. Also, I am currently using prescribed retinol for acne. This is big reason why I avoid any products that have active ingredients. I highly urge folks who are on medications or treatments of any sort to pay attention to any kind of mixing of active ingredients. I believe this is one huge reason people don’t see the positive result they want to and end up having opposite effect: over dry red acne skin. 😘love you Cassandra and love skin science 🤗

    • @jeniferjoseph9200
      @jeniferjoseph9200 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      You might want to rethink using Aloe Vera so much. Although it has calming properties, it can also enhance whatever treatment you’re on, like an accelerated steroid. That may be why active ingredients are especially harsh on you. Try some stuff from the Ordinary, like Buffet, Niacinemide, and Rosehip oil.

  • @foxadams8813
    @foxadams8813 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    you have a telescope in your office? im coming over!

  • @Veronica-dj6qo
    @Veronica-dj6qo 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    My skin type is dry and I´m probably between 1 or 2 on the scale, green eyes and red-ish blonde hair. I burned easy when I was younger but I love the sun and have become more tolerant to it. My face and body acne goes away in summertime when i try to tan (If I´m lucky I get maybe two shades darker, haha) and I am thinking about starting LED therapy. Winter is really dry in Sweden and all hell breaks loose. Since I got into skin care my winter acne is better because of low pH-products, gentle chemical exfoliation and a lot of hydration, and I also at age 31 have startet to wear SPF whenever I go outside. Better late than never! :D

  • @mauriceestelle4619
    @mauriceestelle4619 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I have normal skin and I feel attacked 😭 love you still, cass

  • @baileydubs
    @baileydubs 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Fitzpatrick scale #3, dry acne prone skin
    Paulas choice bha works really well for me as it is not drying, but also treats my acne really well

  • @zeonhydro7722
    @zeonhydro7722 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I’m mixed so it’s difficult for me to figure out my skin type. My skin is darker then type 3 but lighter then type 4. My eyes are dark brown almost black, my hair is black and my skin always tans within an hour of being in the sun. I burn but not often and the burn doesn’t really hurt, and redness is gone within a few hours. I think I’m type 4 but when untanned, my skins looks more like type 3

    • @laylar6551
      @laylar6551 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      I think you're a type 3! I believe you're supposed to match to with your skin tone without your tan.

  • @LorettaLJ
    @LorettaLJ 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    I have Fitzpatrick scale 1. I have combination skin that leans more toward oily. My skin is sensitive and mature. I had acne as a teen but it went away. I have some wrinkles at age 64🙂. I have skin damage because I got sunburned a lot as a kid. I still have freckles! I still wish they would go away! My favorite sunscreen is Australian Gold SPF 50. I tried many sun screens before I found a good one. I cannot wear chemical sunscreens because they make my eyes burn and my skin itch. That’s the sensitive part of me! I use Tretenoin from Curology every night and Cerave nighttime moisturizer. During the day, I use sunscreen and lipstick mostly. In the winter, I usually add a moisturizer for daytime too.

  • @iceinthecube
    @iceinthecube 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I’m type 4 on the Fitzpatrick scale my skin is normal and I rarely get pimples my oily family is jealous af 😂

  • @leticiazimmermann3817
    @leticiazimmermann3817 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    I am number 1 at Fitzpatrick scale with dry skin type and VERY sensitive concern. But i'm having hormonal acne during my pregnancy (i'm 24 weeks pregnant). I use a very gentle and nutritious cleanser + moisturizing tonic with rose water + facial serum with rosehip seed oil + 50fps sunscreeen (obvious). 1-2 times per week I use a physical scrub with grapeseed oil and rosehip (love it!) and every 3 weeks I shaved my face. Also, everynight I do some facial mask for dry or sensitive skin after the cleanser. By morning I dont wash my face with the cleanser, just water 'cause jesus I become a red tomate with WATER on my face

  • @Madrid1234apa
    @Madrid1234apa 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I’m definitely combo leaning more oily. I’m somewhere between a 3 and four on the Fitzpatrick scale

    @SSNUTHIN 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I'm black but pretty sure I am a IV with dry skin. It takes about 15 minutes of direct sun exposure for my nose to burn and start to peel, and I tan pretty dark on my arms and legs. The first time I burned when I was 12 during summer camp was the last time I went out side without spf or fully covered.
    I have really sensitive skin and find myself having to stick to sensitive skin friendly brands like Aveeno and Clinique because everything makes my face feel like it is burning. As a kid my mom basically had me always covered in some sort of oil be it coconut or cocoa butter but I stray from those now. Things like Aloe and oatmeal make my skin very happy and things like fragranced detergent leave my skin tight and angry.

  • @nonimissoni
    @nonimissoni 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Type 3 or 4 on the Fitzpatrick scale and combination skin - dehydrated and dry. Never had acne, even as a teen, and now (28yo) have hormonal cystic acne around my mouth, chin and jawline

    • @annieivanovic7656
      @annieivanovic7656 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      I'm a type 2 I guess even though I have brown hair and light brown eyes but I'm really pale! I also have combination skin, normal/dry on the cheeks and moderately oily in my T-zone. I never had problems with acne in my teen years, but my twenties have been awful. I used all the wrong products before obviously and got a lot of clogged pores, especially around my chin area. I used to have A LOT of whiteheads that turned into huge and painful bumps on my chin (that I would also pick and get scars from!) and I used 10% benzoyl peroxide to treat them when I was in my early twenties and it worked. However, I didn't use anything else that really helped hydrate my skin and a few years later when I was on a longer trip with very different climate than my country I had severe breakout. Like literally all types of acne everywhere, but especially around my chin and jawline. Benzoyl peroxide didn't help the second time around, I tried using all sorts of skin stripping products, without knowing my skin type and not reading any ingredients whatsoever and really nothing helped. Eventually I figured out that my high stress levels and hormones (PMS) make me break out, so I gave my skin a break from acne-treating products but also I didn't have a proper skincare routine. I used exfoliating soap and a hydrating (not moisturizing) cream every day! It was bad.
      A while ago (I'm also 28) I discovered Cassandra, James Welsh and Hyram and I've been watching ALL OF THEIR videos to learn about my skin and what to do about it. First, I made a proper evening skincare routine - I like wearing makeup so I always remove my makeup first with alcohol-free micellar water for sensitive skin (but I wanna try balm/cleansing oil from iUNIK next), then I do a double cleanse and I use an AHA/BHA cleanser every other day as my second cleanse. I plan on using a gentle low PH cleanser for second cleanse next. Then I use a toner from Natura Siberica with white birch extract, niacinamide, ceramides and a bit of lactic acid. I put vitamin C serum next (it also has MSM & ferulic and hyaluronic acid) and I lock in the moisture with a moisturizer for combination skin (with lemongrass, aloe vera, sunflower seed oil, arginine and a bit of salicylic acid). In the morning I splash my face with lukewarm water, put on Purito's unscented centella asiatica toner, serum, recovery cream with 2% niacinamide & SPF. I also started using the pimple patches from COSRX (they're amazing) and I do chemical exfoliation with the COSRX AHA 7% Whitehead power liquid twice a week at night instead of AHA/BHA cleanse (I've just started using it but my skin feels good after using it). This routine helped my skin A LOT.
      Watch their videos to learn more about your skin and definitely read the ingredients on your products, create a skincare routine and wait at least a month to see if it works for you. Start with the basic cleanser, toner & moisturizer and add more products to build a routine that will treat your conditions and give your skin everything it needs. I hope this helps!

  • @flygirl2436
    @flygirl2436 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    I am a type 4. I have sensitive, combination skin. I have drier skin during our lovely Canadian
    Winters. 🇨🇦

  • @pchypie8801
    @pchypie8801 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    "I can bet that you've got skin" is the most unexpected and hilarious thing I've heard all day