How about the tightness of the walls? As I see, the vertical seams do not have any glue. I guess the walls will be plastered, but is that enough to ensure the absence of a cold bridge?
good question, so on spots where I have some space between blocks I will apply foam + thermal mortar (just few spots). But other blocks has vertical tongue-and-groove joint and on a top will be applied thermal plaster (multiple layers). Whole concept is tested and it does not have cold bridges in joints.
I'm curious about what system you chose for heating. I'll be renovating an old house from the 60s in the near future and along other things, the old gas heater will have to get replaced by something new. I'm not convinced by heat pumps, especially the reliability which seems to be quite bad, but I also don't really see a cheap enough alternative ... What's your opinion on this ?
Really interesting topic, but "heating solution" for house is very complex question. It is not just about choosing heating source, it have to be in line with all building. For example really depends how many square meters you heva, if it is one or two storey building, how good thermal insulation/thermal feature of whole building is, how many how big windows you have etc. Here is my example (for house which you can see on youtube): - in big living room we will have fireplace (modern one) => main reason is design and esthetics but during winter/christmas weekends it will really kick temperature in house up (+bricks has big acumulation of heat so it will last for maybe whole next day) - primary heating source will be heating pump with underfloor heeting. BUT in normal case your heating pump also heats water for shower etc. I really do not want to use my heating pump all year long just because of water (if you will use it just few months in year you will prolong its life quite high). Because of that I will have big acumulation tank in which boiler will be integrated. This acumulation tank will have normal water heating coil with thermostat but this coil (and only this coil) will have 4 fotovoltaics panes outside. => I will use sun for heating my accumulation tank during summer and all sunny days which will cover doiler heating. During the winters heating pum kicks in and thas it. GOAL is => use heating pump 4 months a year (with fireplace if I will have mood for it) and 8 months use sun energy for heating my boiler.
Dobrý večer, To sa nebude zatepľovať ? Správne som to pochopil.Nie je nejako podchytené pri kolaudácii že novostavby musia byt zateplené min 20cm polyesternom ? Aké rozmery tehál používané vo videu ? Ďakujem.
Zdravím, stavebný zákon urcuje len teplotechnicku normu stavby ktorú musí rodinný dom splniť. Projekt sa rieši ako celok a tak isto sa počíta aj energetická náročnosť budúcej stavby. Zákon neurčuje ako tieto vlastnosti dosiahnuť. Teda v zákone nieje zmienené že musíte použiť polystyrénové zateplenie. Laicky povedane, nemusíš zatepľovať ak samotná stena už dosahuje vlastnosti ako keby už bola zateplená (to sa dá pozrieť skrz koeficient prestupu tepla). Tieto tehly sú 250x250x500 čiže obvodové steny budú mat hrúbku 50cm + omietky
Zdravím, je to silikátovo disperzné lepidlo (na minerálnej báze). Muroval som to v novembri, bolo chladno ale ešte nemrzlo. Po vytvrdnutí to fakt drží ako prizvárané. Ono to funguje práve len ak použijete brúsené tehly, vtedy sa to krásne prilepí po celom povrchu tehly a je zachovaná tenká špára (takmer žiadna špára nakoľko to funguje ako kontaktné lepidlo). Nanášanie valčekom skoro ako keď malujete, keď som skončil tak som len zavrel kýbel so zvyšnou maltou a valček umyl vo vode.
Áno, primárne ich výrobca vyrobil tak aby aj spodok rámu okna bol odizolovaný polystyrénom ktorý by sa mal vložiť do toho “vyrezu”. Teoreticky dobrý napad avšak prakticky to pôsobí problémy. Ram okna (jeho boky) je do steny nasrobovany kotviacimi srobami a spodok rámu je podložený podlozkami na ktorých spočíva velka časť váhy okna. Ak by na spodnej strane bol zachovaný zliabok s vloženým polystyrénom, tieto podložky by sa časom pod váhou okna zaborila do daného polystyrenu. Čo ma za následok potenciálne problémy ako krútenie rámov okna alebo netesnosti.
Hello, I have a question, the first stones you processed were filled with insulating material, but the stones in this video were not. Is there a special reason for this or is it just the price of the stones? Greetings from Berlin
So the answear is combination of different readons way I chose this way: - first row is 12 cm thicker (just 38cm) than other bricks (50cm) and there is direct contact with concrete, this is why I chose brick filled with polystyrene (but just for firs row) - in normal cases this 12 cm difference is used also for connection of vertical and horizontal waterproofing ( I have just horizontal which will be bend over firt row of brick and ensure also waterproofig of first row from outside) other space is than covered by polystyrene. - price vs. thermal behaviour of bricks. Brick 50cm thick (as in my case) has by itself thermal behaviour good enough to achieve best energetic class of house in EU. Price of brick of this thickness filled with polystyrene is almost double of non filled. I did not see reason for that. PS: if you will any other question let me know 😉
Dobry wieczór!
Świetna robota! Pozdrawiam z Katowic :)
Thank you my friend ! 👍😎
good job, well done
Thanks 👍😎
How about the tightness of the walls? As I see, the vertical seams do not have any glue. I guess the walls will be plastered, but is that enough to ensure the absence of a cold bridge?
good question, so on spots where I have some space between blocks I will apply foam + thermal mortar (just few spots). But other blocks has vertical tongue-and-groove joint and on a top will be applied thermal plaster (multiple layers). Whole concept is tested and it does not have cold bridges in joints.
Hello. Did you really build those walls in 48 hours?
Because if I were to build it, it would take 1-2 months to build😢😂.
Can i come see you sometime ?
I'm curious about what system you chose for heating.
I'll be renovating an old house from the 60s in the near future and along other things, the old gas heater will have to get replaced by something new.
I'm not convinced by heat pumps, especially the reliability which seems to be quite bad, but I also don't really see a cheap enough alternative ...
What's your opinion on this ?
Really interesting topic, but "heating solution" for house is very complex question. It is not just about choosing heating source, it have to be in line with all building. For example really depends how many square meters you heva, if it is one or two storey building, how good thermal insulation/thermal feature of whole building is, how many how big windows you have etc. Here is my example (for house which you can see on youtube):
- in big living room we will have fireplace (modern one) => main reason is design and esthetics but during winter/christmas weekends it will really kick temperature in house up (+bricks has big acumulation of heat so it will last for maybe whole next day)
- primary heating source will be heating pump with underfloor heeting. BUT in normal case your heating pump also heats water for shower etc. I really do not want to use my heating pump all year long just because of water (if you will use it just few months in year you will prolong its life quite high). Because of that I will have big acumulation tank in which boiler will be integrated. This acumulation tank will have normal water heating coil with thermostat but this coil (and only this coil) will have 4 fotovoltaics panes outside.
=> I will use sun for heating my accumulation tank during summer and all sunny days which will cover doiler heating. During the winters heating pum kicks in and thas it. GOAL is => use heating pump 4 months a year (with fireplace if I will have mood for it) and 8 months use sun energy for heating my boiler.
Dobrý večer,
To sa nebude zatepľovať ? Správne som to pochopil.Nie je nejako podchytené pri kolaudácii že novostavby musia byt zateplené min 20cm polyesternom ? Aké rozmery tehál používané vo videu ?
Zdravím, stavebný zákon urcuje len teplotechnicku normu stavby ktorú musí rodinný dom splniť. Projekt sa rieši ako celok a tak isto sa počíta aj energetická náročnosť budúcej stavby. Zákon neurčuje ako tieto vlastnosti dosiahnuť. Teda v zákone nieje zmienené že musíte použiť polystyrénové zateplenie. Laicky povedane, nemusíš zatepľovať ak samotná stena už dosahuje vlastnosti ako keby už bola zateplená (to sa dá pozrieť skrz koeficient prestupu tepla). Tieto tehly sú 250x250x500 čiže obvodové steny budú mat hrúbku 50cm + omietky
@ Ďakujem Vám za odpoveď.
PS: všetky stavebne kroky až do nastahovania budú na tomto TH-cam kanáli, treba dať odber a sledovať 😉 kedykoľvek veľmi rad odpoviem na otázky
To je zajímavý, že toho lepidla potřebujete jen tak málo. To se nějak napění při schnutí? Jakou tam teď máte teplotu?
Zdravím, je to silikátovo disperzné lepidlo (na minerálnej báze). Muroval som to v novembri, bolo chladno ale ešte nemrzlo. Po vytvrdnutí to fakt drží ako prizvárané. Ono to funguje práve len ak použijete brúsené tehly, vtedy sa to krásne prilepí po celom povrchu tehly a je zachovaná tenká špára (takmer žiadna špára nakoľko to funguje ako kontaktné lepidlo). Nanášanie valčekom skoro ako keď malujete, keď som skončil tak som len zavrel kýbel so zvyšnou maltou a valček umyl vo vode.
Nemali bi byť tie tehly pod parapety otočené opačne???
Áno, primárne ich výrobca vyrobil tak aby aj spodok rámu okna bol odizolovaný polystyrénom ktorý by sa mal vložiť do toho “vyrezu”. Teoreticky dobrý napad avšak prakticky to pôsobí problémy. Ram okna (jeho boky) je do steny nasrobovany kotviacimi srobami a spodok rámu je podložený podlozkami na ktorých spočíva velka časť váhy okna. Ak by na spodnej strane bol zachovaný zliabok s vloženým polystyrénom, tieto podložky by sa časom pod váhou okna zaborila do daného polystyrenu. Čo ma za následok potenciálne problémy ako krútenie rámov okna alebo netesnosti.
Hello, I have a question, the first stones you processed were filled with insulating material, but the stones in this video were not. Is there a special reason for this or is it just the price of the stones? Greetings from Berlin
So the answear is combination of different readons way I chose this way:
- first row is 12 cm thicker (just 38cm) than other bricks (50cm) and there is direct contact with concrete, this is why I chose brick filled with polystyrene (but just for firs row)
- in normal cases this 12 cm difference is used also for connection of vertical and horizontal waterproofing ( I have just horizontal which will be bend over firt row of brick and ensure also waterproofig of first row from outside) other space is than covered by polystyrene.
- price vs. thermal behaviour of bricks. Brick 50cm thick (as in my case) has by itself thermal behaviour good enough to achieve best energetic class of house in EU. Price of brick of this thickness filled with polystyrene is almost double of non filled. I did not see reason for that.
PS: if you will any other question let me know 😉
Thank you very much for the quick answer, now I understand how you work.
No problem 👍 Im curious about peoples reaction when the wooden ceiling with beams will be under construction 😁
Oh, a wooden ceiling sounds very interesting, I'm excited to see what it looks like.