Jinn vs Mankind: Kingdom of Prophet Suleiman | Yasir Qadhi

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 23 ส.ค. 2011
  • Jinn vs Mankind: Kingdom of Prophet Suleiman | Yasir Qadhi
    A short lecture on the reality of the jinn as compared to mankind in light of the verses regarding the kingdom of Prophet Suleiman (Solomon).
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ความคิดเห็น • 108

  • @milo0204
    @milo0204 10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    alhamdulliah ive learnt a lot from this video mashallah may allah swt reward you amen

  • @MsTakmeel
    @MsTakmeel 10 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    جزاك الله والخير

  • @yasinimbugi1721
    @yasinimbugi1721 9 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    knowledge outnumber physical strength

  • @yalis81
    @yalis81 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    This makes so much sense to me Thank you Yasir Qadhi..

  • @AmericanAudiocast
    @AmericanAudiocast 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Mashallah brother, you have analyzed this very well and explained it even better. I have jus learned so much jazakallah.

  • @koolkol009
    @koolkol009 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    aameen yes islam is the bestest!!

  • @abdua019
    @abdua019 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    One of the most interesting lectures

  • @zainshaikhzadeh
    @zainshaikhzadeh 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    Very informative video. Thank you brother.

  • @victorycomeswithpatience8975
    @victorycomeswithpatience8975 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    May Allah Ta'ala suffice Ameen. Alhamdulillah Rabbil Aalameen iyyaaka Nabudu wa iyyaaka Nastaeen

  • @carlitos05
    @carlitos05 12 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    That was entertaining :)

  • @rajaahlmohaamad4906
    @rajaahlmohaamad4906 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    masha allah ,now i am clear that jinns are a type of energy.

  • @hatemelmohandis856
    @hatemelmohandis856 10 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @napsxoxo
    @napsxoxo 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    what makes us different from animals is that we have a choice to any action. we can think and choose between two options. wisdom and knowledge....

  • @TheThankfulServant
    @TheThankfulServant 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Bismil'Allah Ar'Rahman Ar'Raheem,
    My Beloved Brother You Don't Want To Believe In Allah (God/Creator) Then My Brother It's Up To You,
    Allah Say's In The Glorious Qur'an:
    "Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects Taghut (evil) and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trust worthy hand-hold, that never breaks. And Allah heareth and knoweth all things. " (Qur'an 2:256)
    Was Nice Talking To You :)
    Peace Be Upon You And Your Family

  • @julio14335
    @julio14335 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Walah! I love American Muslims...

  • @Kad77777
    @Kad77777 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    @ella5024 Like the brother said: Jinns are energy that cannot be seen with our eyes but a digital camera has the ability to see different spectrums of light such infrared, that is why they may be picked up by digital camera's

  • @tigerclaw1000
    @tigerclaw1000 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    And tell me how would you demonstrate that animals do not make choices or think?

  • @pmmohamadali3740
    @pmmohamadali3740 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @robzrob
    @robzrob 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Can somebody tell me where the 'thinking' is here?

    • @mark1952able
      @mark1952able 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Perhaps that song by Neil Diamond......Suli Mon...sulla, sulla, sulai mon....

  • @arx117
    @arx117 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    because they made of from fire, not some normal fire but that can make shape themself, some said they made from type of gas that is cant seen by naked eye

  • @farista111
    @farista111 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    Yes we can see smoke on gas stove because its fire.
    but in electricity we cannot see.
    it is what i said smokelessfire = electricity

  • @gbaili
    @gbaili 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    Just take refuge in Allah and every type of evil will flee in terror and horror

  • @afzddon
    @afzddon 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    allah allows more to one then other? explain please.

  • @tigerclaw1000
    @tigerclaw1000 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    "Thing Is In Due Proportion Earth Is Rotating In An Exact Orbit AS IF SOMEONE DESIGNED IT"
    And what about all the other 10000000000000000000 planets who are not in an exact orbit and do not allow life?
    Isnt that what you would expect in a cold none guided universe, we are sopostu be here for a test and if it was designed, would we be the only planet? why make other planets?
    Why melt some and freez some?
    Why make black holes?
    It just dose not look like a designed universe.
    Conclusion: Physics.

  • @napsxoxo
    @napsxoxo 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    salamu alaka ya akhi,,,
    I really have one question that might be out of this topic....
    WHy is israel digging under the aqsa?! is it because they believe that the book of SOLOMON is there? and through that book they can control the JIN?! i ask because u said that muhammad (SAW) could have had power over hthe jin, and solomon's wish was only he can control the jin. so if the book was found, can the jin be controled through it?
    I want to educate my slef..baraak allah lak wa feek, walsalam

  • @cokapepsi
    @cokapepsi 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    The brother is right using the energy example because it s true ! Ibliss sucked at physics , if he did nt he would have known that he s not better than humans , because even tho adam seemed made of matter ..., Einstein's equation, Energy = Mass x the square of the velocity of light, tells you that it takes a huge amount of energy to create matter in this way. Lots of miracles of the quran videos of other scholars do say same thing and have no problem using scientific reasons ,its ok to do so !

  • @precint911
    @precint911 11 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    what is this guy talking about when he says "jinns are like an energy"? how can jinns be energy when the prophet Muhamad PBUH was surrounded by jinns as they were in their true forms.The jinns are different creatures with arms and legs.

    • @babuchowdhury4198
      @babuchowdhury4198 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      tiger mir
      you are not considering the evidence indepth.

    • @sunset2.00
      @sunset2.00 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      This is like a cow can't imagine a human intelligence like how we don't know what we don't have but only opinion and Allah knows best.

  • @BelligerentPacifist
    @BelligerentPacifist 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Smokeless fire = fission and fusion reactions, as in the Sun, wAllaahu a3lam.

  • @TheThankfulServant
    @TheThankfulServant 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Bismil'Allah Ar'Rahman Ar'Raheem,
    My Bro As I Quoted Earlier From The Qur'an That "Truth Stands out Clear From Error"
    There Is No Christianity Isa(Jesus) Was A Muslim Who Believed In 1 God And Never Claimed Divinity The Word Christianity Is Not In The Bible, They Have Changed The Bible Completely.
    Musa (Moses) Was A Muslim Too All Prophet's (Peace Be Upon Them Where Muslim's) Muslim Mean's The One Who Submit's his Will To God.
    Islam is Not A New Religion But Yeh The Last Revelation.

  • @azadam1000
    @azadam1000 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    we think about what we think . Indeed the animal only acts on its instinct . One signs is for example the cells build by the bee . They have a special shape (hexagon) many cells side by side . Are those bee;s mathematicians and architects? Or inspired? \the Creator gave them that instinct otherwise they would have a problem we human beings have a free will to choose and are definetly smarter then the bee , BUT we learn when we think about creation.

  • @muhiburrahman9313
    @muhiburrahman9313 10 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Dear sheikh!
    Didn't you just contradict yourself?
    You mentioned that Jinn does not have physical apearence, however from Prophet Muhammad Sallalahu Alaihi wa sallam hadith that you narrated that the Prophet would tie him up and the children would play with the Shaytan. So if they dont have physical appearance how would they play??
    Also, Jinns may not be controlled by human but they work with Sihr.
    Humans are possessed by Jinn also.
    You mentioned Muslim Jinn dont harm Muslim- but they do!

    • @AbuFarouq
      @AbuFarouq 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Muhibur Rahman the jinn can only appear as humans or whatever they please. they cannot appear to us in their real form because we cannot perceive them.

    • @adnanahmed9044
      @adnanahmed9044 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      He answered this question in his jinn lecture

  • @TheThankfulServant
    @TheThankfulServant 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    My Brother You Have Asked A Very Good Question,
    The Reason Why Woman Cant Marry More Then One Is...
    Suppose A Woman Has Multiple Husband's How Would She Be Able To Tell Which Child Belong's To Which Father?
    My Brother In Islam Men & Woman Have Different But Equal Right Islam Doesn't Discriminate Woman But Elevates Woman,
    My Dear Brother And Friend Don't Listen To Media They Say In Islam Woman Are Oppressed etc By Covering Yet When Nun's Cover Themselves They Say Modesty.

  • @nabilrehi2143
    @nabilrehi2143 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    fire or soil is meant for symbolism and energy and how they expressing their energy in a form of characteristics and personality ,smokeless fire is still fire that u can see simply without smoke ,if the nation of ad were also types of jinns why were those species not invisible and why do we see their temples,skeletons remaining and buildings today ,the sunni scholars are giving and sharing the greatest contradictions lies

    • @nabilrehi2143
      @nabilrehi2143 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      do sunni muslims get ever dna tested ????

    • @hayahani926
      @hayahani926 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      in africa where i come from, magicians build homes for jinns,normally they are huts in other words jinns leave in physical residences, they even seek shelter

  • @basileusb8045
    @basileusb8045 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    08:00 actually it's Marib not Sanaa

  • @Kad77777
    @Kad77777 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    @ella5024 Listen Carefully and you will hear that he said it is a mutual agreement between the jinn and the man. Maybe the masons offer sacrifices like the mayans and egyptions. It makes sense does it not ?

  • @tigerclaw1000
    @tigerclaw1000 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Ofscource if you threaten people with death and eternal violence for cheating and tell them they are sopostu be happy and obedient to there partners under these threats, much more people will tell you they are happy and don't cheat.
    And no people cheat for much more reasons: sexual desire, romantic desire, more appreciation, new exiting experience or even revenge.< And that just of the top of my head.
    So the same problem: Allah allows more to one then the other = unfair.

  • @tigerclaw1000
    @tigerclaw1000 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    We act of instinct a lot to..
    And self sacrifice is not the domain of humans, manly because it is an instinct actually, for species survival and on occasions between species, haven't you heard of animals adopting/taking care of other animals?
    And again you guys have to substantiate your assertions: "[animals act on] instinct alone "
    Yes we are capable of much greater reason and thinking, but based on what we know about brains("grey brain matter" etc..) animals do posses similar skills.

  • @SarawithnH
    @SarawithnH 11 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @tigerclaw1000
    @tigerclaw1000 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Women are as much as attracted to men as we are to them, they have the same urges as we do. Here in the west at least, when there are no rules on premarital sex, girls flock around handsome men just as men around hot girls.
    In other worlds there is no or little difference when it comes to sexual needs of men vs women
    So for Allah to allow one to have multiple partners and not the other, is wrong and this just a man made chauvinistic practice that was common in that region at the time.

  • @tigerclaw1000
    @tigerclaw1000 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Even if it is less economically beneficial or undesirable for most people it dose not make it right to give more rights to some but not the others, it is still discrimination.
    "One is more than enough to keep us occupied"
    They(wee) should not occupy women(i am guessing you), but make them happier.
    we should enrich your lives, make you feel wanted, i cant see how you can feel wanted by your husband who just married another woman.

  • @YurrahAlHadi
    @YurrahAlHadi 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    lool i was just watching a video about a guy trying to discredit Islam, in the video there was an exorcism taking place. It's 8:49 in the morning, but I am the only one woke. I am sitting in my dining room and I was getting soo scared! You should have seen her eyes. . . .

  • @zakariyehassan7706
    @zakariyehassan7706 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    Not electricity. Fussion. Something in the universe.

  • @tigerclaw1000
    @tigerclaw1000 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    "Forget The Other Million's Of Planet's" LOL then you are cherry picking,
    ofcource if you forget the other planets and focus on the one which is just right and has life it seems to you the universe is perfect, but if you look at the whole picture you will see that we are not special, there are planets which are in the same life zone from there sun as we are from ours(BTW its a zone not a spot, it counts in millions of Km) and this fits an undersigned model of the universe: "some good, many bad"

  • @farista111
    @farista111 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    smokeless fire = Electricity
    SIMPLE. why is he so confusing. people

  • @TangySweet14
    @TangySweet14 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    I don't agree with the reasoning that "normal" women wouldn't want more than one. Y wouldn't u want two guys ;)? Anyway that's a personal thing. When trying to explain to nonmuslims (and even muslims) about multiple wives, we need to make them understand that it's only ok in cases where the woman would be unsafe or helpless. It's not ok for a guy to marry another woman if his 1st wife disagrees, if it's just to have kids, if it's just because of sexual desires, and/or if u can't treat them equal

  • @precint911
    @precint911 11 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    one of the followers of prophet Muhamad PBUH said in his own words in a Hadith " the prophet was a couple of yards ahead of me then I saw these different creatures that were not humans surrounded the prophet. I decided to go see what was going on but the prophet put out his hand and told me to stay where I was" . So, its obvious that jinns appeared to the prophet in their true body form. What is this fool talking about " jinns have no body, bones and flesh" this guy has more believe in science.

    • @mariamzidan7969
      @mariamzidan7969 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      What did they look like in their true form?

  • @naeemparuk502
    @naeemparuk502 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    LOL, I know this might be a suspicion, but my leg can stop shaking after i watched this video hahhahahhahhah its probably noting tho............. profound

  • @tigerclaw1000
    @tigerclaw1000 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    well no i wasn't making an argument, but now i will :D
    "But Almighty Creator Want's Us To Be Pure So He Allowed Men To Marry Instead Of Them Committing Adultery (He Knows us)"
    What about women? why don't they get to have four husbands? :D.
    See that's discrimination of women.

  • @azadam1000
    @azadam1000 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    it is the djinn controlling the sorceirer not the other way around ! the djinn (in this case the shaytaan) makes sure that the kaafir would do shirk or some bad things (that is the payment ) the djinns does not do something for free . solayman(puh) had control over them (special case) and was no sorceirer actually punished sometimes the djinn . Only solomon had the prommison to control gthem as jesus (puh) had promission to wake up the dead .

  • @napsxoxo
    @napsxoxo 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    chemisrty.... in your house turn on the gas stove and u will see fire (blue color) but will u see smoke?!!!!

  • @DameStacks
    @DameStacks 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    they act off instinct. and instinct alone. if a car was about to hit a dog no other dog would jump in the way to save them. they wouldnt choose to kill themselves so another dog can live. but a human can see a boy hes never met about to get killed by a car. and he will choose mentally to give his own life so the young boy can live. thats not instinct. thats the choice to do what you feel is morally right. animals dont do that.

  • @MohammadX101
    @MohammadX101 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    if you don't know something, stay away from it. talking fast about it wont help. also give credit to people that you have heard some of your materials from. "there's was nothing magic about carpet, it was the wind lifting it and moving it" is not yours.
    also the Jinn does not travel through our body. learn about it first before preaching about it in one breath.

  • @tigerclaw1000
    @tigerclaw1000 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Allah allows men four wives and concubines, but not for women.
    Men are protected from from women's charms, thus do not have to struggle with there sexual and romantic desires since women are covered in public, but he dosent give women such benefits?
    Q 4:34 "Men are in charge of women, because Allah has made the one of them to excel the other..."

  • @tigerclaw1000
    @tigerclaw1000 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    "My Beloved Brother You Don't Want To Believe In Allah (God/Creator) Then My Brother It's Up To You,"
    Hehe lol no Brother you do not have the truth, if you did no matter what anyone wanted they had to believe it, like: 2+2=4 you may not like it but you cant say its not true, or a dept minus your income 10 000 - 5000 = 5000 again you might not like it but its 100% TRUE.
    Islam, Xtianians, Jews do not have it because unlike math, Logic, Science there so called truth dose not transcend cultures!

  • @tigerclaw1000
    @tigerclaw1000 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    "What Do You Say Now? Myth Again? " No mistakes and misinterpretations, all of thous claims are made by Muslim apologist who have no understating of the native language. words for horse in Hindu for example to mean camel, and make the verse in Hindus scripture say something like "the men on a camel from a far" and then from that they will a claim its talking about Mohamed :D.
    "Bible/Torah has mistake's" - ofcource what else could you say if your book contradicts theme.

  • @tigerclaw1000
    @tigerclaw1000 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    What you are saying is just a rationalization, yes women are different in some aspects but exactly the same in most.
    We both need: Food, heat, love, appreciation, social contact, sexual/erotic fulfillment.
    Women crave sex and excitement go find out your self, i do not know if you are aware of this, but in the west people have two phases of life, one when they have sex with different people to have some fun and experience new things and then the settling phase when they find the one true partner.

  • @tigerclaw1000
    @tigerclaw1000 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    And for the record i would not mind believing in Allah, after all his religions has some very attractive features for men especial. 4 wives, 72 virgins in heaven :D etc...
    but the problem is that i have no more reason to believe in Islam then in any other religion.
    And even if Mohamed did had modern scientific knowladge and know future events, that dosent tell much less prove who gave him this knowladge.
    It could be any number of beings or way to get it: aliens, time travel, Other gods

  • @B1ler
    @B1ler 12 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    You sir, should not be speaking about the matters you do not know, let alone making lectures about them. You should be humble and engage on a mutual debate with your fellows and not raise up and adjust your speech of voice so as to show pride because, I would worry that I might mislead people.
    Your whole lecture is filled with fiction of your imagination, to mention a few corrections, Jinns Have a form and individuality just as we all have, but they are much more advanced as a race.

  • @Coucooru
    @Coucooru 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    @ella5024 In fact it's the opposite haha...

  • @tigerclaw1000
    @tigerclaw1000 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    LOL really? animals are your role models now O_o. the animals closest to us(gorillas,chimps, orangutangs and many others) eat there poop O_O so should we?
    100% of mammals kill, when ever it suits theme, should we? And i can go on and on
    I mean lol dude if any one made a bigger distinction between animals and humans its your religion.
    We are animals technically to, but as a shark is not a squirrel and a horse is not a bird, so are we are not like the other animals.

  • @tomyy0101
    @tomyy0101 11 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @azadam1000
    @azadam1000 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    normal women doesnt want to have more then 1 husband , those who want that are called whores , 2 . lets say a country there are more women then man (thise women need protection and have the need for a family , many men dont marry just want to fuck around , and there are those called gay they do not marry , it is a solution , you try to compare with western values you may do that but Islamic values work better .(there is no counrty ruling ISLAM .

  • @zodiak121
    @zodiak121 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    clearly you don't know what he means by "energy" i recommend you study more physics

  • @tigerclaw1000
    @tigerclaw1000 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Allah is unfair, he showed so many people his power and this proof/evidence in the past, but now that we have reason and logic,
    Now when it is the hardest to believe this fairy tales! he dosent show his power?
    Is it that an all lowing all just being is not all just and all lowing or unfair OR are this just fairy tales?
    You be the judge!

  • @Musaferjanewale
    @Musaferjanewale 10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Br yasir. I am disappointed in your lecture. You should do your homework properly. My great grandmother was a well known saint and she had jinns in her control and everyone knew it.

    • @judedesilva6838
      @judedesilva6838 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Nahid Akhtar how we know whom control whom???
      if itz who's throne your grandmother got ???????
      OR Sorry to say but you misunderstood your great grandfather is JINN,.,LoL

    • @amarwaraich
      @amarwaraich 8 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      your great grand mother did not control the jinn as control of jinn was only given to the prophet suleymaan may Allah be pleased with him. Your great grand mother may have been a saint and may have spoken with jinns but would never have seen them in there real form as it's impossible to see them with (a) the human eye and (b) they never reveal thier real form. Also if it was a muslim jinn then it would not come into contact with her as they live there own lives and definitely would not be under her control..if it's an evil jinn again you are made to think you are in control but you never really are as the evil jinn has its own agenda. You have made a mistake in believing your great grand mother controlled jinn because believe me that power was only with prophet suleymaan and no other human being or prophet as it was a dua he asked Allah and it was granted!

    • @TheSaudiboy2010
      @TheSaudiboy2010 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      +amarwaraich In Islam we say peace upon after a prophet name and not only may allah be pleased with him coz prophets are in the highest rank of pious and closest to Allah all mighty

    • @amarwaraich
      @amarwaraich 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      +TheSaudiboy2010 yes you are correct. however it is not a sin of you do say. The only prophet we say peace upon him is the prophet mohammed sallahu alayhi wasalam. You are correct though we should say peace upon them all

    • @TheSaudiboy2010
      @TheSaudiboy2010 8 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      ***** It should be all prophets in general and prophet Mohamed peace and prayers upon him in specific, In the Quran, Allah all mighty himself says peace on all messengers and prophets and some are mentioned by name with peace upon them followed their specific name. In Islam we honor, believe and respect all prophets peace upon them all without any discrimination as mentioned in the holy Quran. Peace on you all.