Undying Worms and Unquenchable Fire: Do Those Things Prove That Hell Is Eternal Conscious Torment?
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 6 ก.พ. 2025
- In today's Little Lesson, Bible teacher David Servant considers what Jesus meant when He talked about undying worms and unquenchable fire in Hell. Learn more!
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Shalom from Switzerland. Thanks for exposing the Truth so Clearly.
Woah. Ok so not even done with the video yet and this is hard to swallow. But I’m open to it because Christ in His infinite wisdom and mercy “took me” to what He called “would be my hell” and explained why. It was then I began to wonder more about what that meant. I’ve seen glimpses of hell my whole life, as satanic childhood abuse followed by me seeking answers in the occult led to me physically seeing much of what is unseen to most and it terrified me! Thank you Jesus for rescuing this lil orphan girl all grown up now! But help me understand this now please Lord…
Ok what does one do exactly to blaspheme the Holy Spirit? I’ve always wondered and desperately prayed I had not done it knowingly or unknowingly…
My “hell” that He showed me was not burning. Not physically painful. I was simply “stuck”, unable to move from my bed in my bedroom. Only I felt SUCH a heaviness in my spirit when He showed me exactly what it would feel like to SIMPLY BE OUT OF His beautiful presence. That desperate longing in my heart and soul when I truly thought I could be eternally separated from Him if I didn’t change what I was doing and because He wants me to tell others now. Now I see that. He told me my “hell” would look different than anyone else’s because it would be personal to me. But He only allowed me to see that because it was necessary for me to leave everything else behind. Afterwards for about 6 months the enemy tried to kill my hope and joy and even my life because I was so afraid I would lose my salvation at a moment’s notice. There’s a reason Jesus holds teachers more accountable, and that’s because if you even accidentally share false doctrine, there’s a price in that, but especially the Pharisees who wrap Gospel believers up in chains of law. Literally just came free from every physical and emotional chain that was holding me back the moment that spirit of religion and law let loose of me.
Thank you for your teachings. This is the first video I’ve been seen but I’m always grateful for other believers who stand on the TRUTH no matter what others may say.
Many of us have asked this question. From what It is said it means that one would claim or believe that Jesus did not get his power from Almighty God but claim falsely that he got his power from Satan and demons. Also I think it is clear that is a form of denying Jesus came out from Almighty God as Savior by who's blood we are reconciled to Almighty God. We have faith in Jesus and what he paid for us at the cross in his blood, by which we have forgiveness of sins and eternal life if we stay/abide in that faith in him. Keep in your faith in Jesus and praise Almighty God.@@WalkByFaith24
Sins which are done in the flesh are temporal. They are completed and all are forgiven by the blood of Christ so that all may be raised to judgment. But the sin that is done eternally in the spirit against the Spirit of God is eternal. "Let he that is filthy be filthy still". If for their whole lives they rejected the Spirit of God and refused to repent and obey him then after they are resurrected, for all eternity they will be the same. They will choose separation from God and eternally reject him as their King.
I harmonize the worms never die and fire is never quenched by looking at Revelation where it says that the devil and those who take the mark will be punished eternally. So, even if not everyone suffers that eternal fate, some are destined for it. It makes complete sense to me that during that last time, with half of the tribulation past, the truth of God's existence will have become obvious to everyone, so that eternal punishment would be reserved for those who, with zero doubt as to the truth of scripture, choose to reject God and embrace the enemy.
Exactly! The lord was quoting Isiah. Isiah depicts an image of annihilation. The worms eat off of the carcases of those who rebelled against God.
Yes we find it elsewhere too, and God did give him a good lesson on it
More biblical examples of "unquenchable" (or a variant) not meaning forever:
"... my wrath will be kindled against this place, and it will not be quenched." (2 Kings 22:17)
"... my wrath will be poured out on this place and will not be quenched." (2 Chr. 34:25)
"O house of David! Thus says the Lord: 'Execute justice in the morning, and deliver from the hand of the oppressor him who has been robbed, lest my wrath go forth like fire, and burn with none to quench it, because of your evil deeds.''' (Jer. 21:12)
"Behold, I will kindle a fire in you, and it shall devour every green tree in you and every dry tree. The blazing flame shall not be quenched, and all faces from south to north shall be scorched by it." (Ezek. 20:47-48)
"Seek the Lord and live, lest he break out like fire in the house of Joseph, and it devour, with none to quench it for Bethel." (Amos 5:6)
See also Lev. 6:13, Isa. 1:31, Isa. 34:10
There aren't any biblical examples of "unquenchable" meaning forever.
Do people even conceive how long eternity is?! What kind of just God would allow eternal suffering? Just punishment, yes, but eventually, death and hades will both be destroyed with God being all and in all in a new heaven and earth where there is no more death and hades.
This is dangerous false teaching. Jesus means what he says. The smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever and they have no rest. Unquenchable means unquenchable. Dies not means dies not.
Do not fall for the serpent's lie: Did God really say?
I'd have to agree that this is really not sound doctrine.
Matthew 25:46 KJV - And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.
Jude 1:7 KJV - Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.
Isaiah 33:14 KJV - The sinners in Zion are afraid; fearfulness hath surprised the hypocrites. Who among us shall dwell with the devouring fire? who among us shall dwell with everlasting burnings?
Matthew 18:8 KJV - Wherefore if thy hand or thy foot offend thee, cut them off, and cast them from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life halt or maimed, rather than having two hands or two feet to be cast into everlasting fire.
Matthew 23:33 KJV - Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?
Revelation 14:11 KJV - And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.
Revelation 20:10 KJV - And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.
@@VFXShawn You're adding to the scriptures. Stop using the Septuagint. It's demonic and corrupted.
Thank you for the verses. I was thinking about those Revelation passages especially. They're pretty cut and dry.
Jesus never said hell in the Bible. Hell is a word of pagan origin that was put into English translations hundreds of years after Jesus died. A literal translation of the original Greek NT text shows that He said "Gehenna" or "the Valley of Hinnom". Gehenna was a real, physical place in Jerusalem where people would dump their trash and the trash would burn day and night. The bodies of criminals would be dumped into Gehenna and they would burn and/or be eaten by worms as they rotted. This was the place where Hebrews in the OT conducted human sacrifice rituals by throwing babies into the fire to appease the pagan god Molech. The Jews (remember that Jesus spoke primarily to Jews) considered Gehenna to be an evil place where the souls of the wicked would go to be punished. However, the belief was that the wicked are not be punished forever. The punishment would be for the purposes of purification and would traditionally last about 12 months.
Further, the word from the original written drafts of the NT translated into the English word "punishment" was the Greek word "kolasis". Kolasis means corrective punishment. Corrective punishments are meant to change someone's behavior for the better, and are temporary. "Timoria" is a Greek word that means retribution, penalty, or vengeance. If hell lasted forever, "timoria" would be the word that the original text would use for punishment. However, it only uses "kolasis", temporary punishment. God bless.
A literal translation of Matthew 25:46 in the original Greek text reads: "And these shall be coming away into chastening eonian, yet the just into life eonian." Eonian means age-lasting, or related to an age. Those who are to be punished will be chastened for an age (undefined period of time). To be chastened means to be corrected by punishment. Also, just because the same word is used to describe the duration for punishment and life are the same (eonian), it does not mean that the durations are actually equal. The verse means that the wicked will be corrected for an undefined period of time and the righteous will have life for an undefined period of time. The fact that the punishment is for correction indicates that the punishment is NOT eternal.
@@alwaysadawg6488 By original Greek are you referring to the Masoretic Text or the boot leg LXX?
Thank you for having one of the better explanations of the eternal punishment scripture. The wages of sin is death, as plainly stated by the Bible. So THAT is the punishment and it IS eternal. The first death that we ALL face is temporary as we ALL get resurrected, the righteous and the wicked. However, the wicked are thrown into the lake of fire which IS the second death and there is no resurrection from that.
Just like in this world, there are two types of punishment, imprisonment and death. People are sentenced to so many years or life in prison, but it is always temporary. However, not one person has ever been sentenced to 20 years of death, because at least in this age, death is permanent or eternal. Now just as Jesus said, man can't fully destroy a person, God will resurrect everyone, but once HE destroys you, it's over, for eternity.
I accept Jesus and his gift of redemption. I’ll skip the hell thing eternal or not.
"For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind." Another contradiction from Isaiah. We will look upon the dead, not remembering all the things they did but hating them for WHAT THEY ARE DOING NOW!
Interesting and I like the idea of annihilism much more than eternal torment. But one thing I realize is, that you need a lot of semantics and explaining to make scripture not sound like it sounds. To not make it say, what it says at first glance. Why would god give us such a confusing scripture that is not decoded until 2000 years have passed? And why is the Antichrist and his prophet tormented forever and Hitler not? The same argument that you bring (no infinite punishment for finite sin) would be true for them, wouldnt it? Can you explain these issues?
the wages of SIN is DEATH not HELL
And once again I say about destruction, it is a law of science that things that exist CANNOT CEASE TO EXIST. You can destroy your computer but you cannot make it cease to exist! And it is never written that God made things appear from nothing. They are created from HIS WORD.
So ironic that the ECT believers accuse the annihilationists of being heretics!
Soooo, apparently, believing what the scriptures ACTUALLY say is heresy, but reading all kinds of meaning that's never stated is orthodoxy?
It would be ONE thing if they could at least acknowledge, that that's what the scriptures actually say so they don't call us heretics, but just state we aren't understanding the symbolic language. But when they deny the actual scripture and condemn us for believing the scripture while they hold fast to man's teachings that aren't stated anywhere in the Bible, THEY are the heretics. THEY are the ones blaspheming God's name and keeping people from salvation.
Sadly, most atheists hold a higher view of God's nature that most Christians. They REFUSE to believe in a God that would torture humanity for eternity. Thankfully, for us ALL, they are correct, THAT God does NOT exist.
Lazarus was tormented by flames and wanted water to cool his tongue.
That does not even remotely seem spiritual or temporary.
Hell is an eternal an physical place and so the smoke of people's torment will go up forever and they shall have no rest day or night.
If God kept the eunuch Daniel and his eunuch friends from burning in the furnace, he can definitely keep the worms in hell from burning up in flames in order to create maximum disgust for those who transgressed against him without repentance.
NONE of that is in that text. It blows me away how you refuse to believe what's plainly stated but are more than willing to believe something that you just infer or extrapolate from the text.
Hades gets thrown into the lake of fire, as stated in Revelation, so clearly the rich man being in hades is NOT his eternal abode. The Lake of Fire is the final fate of the wicked, not hades.
But to take that parable literally and then assume it's eternal, means we get to see and hear the screams of the wicked being tortured for eternity. If they can hold a conversation across this impassable chasm, then you could definitely hear the screams of billions of tortured souls. How WONDERFUL do you think paradise will be if THAT is what we have to deal with?
BECAUSE people have taken that parable literally, there are several church fathers who actually tried to sell the insanity that the joys of heaven will be all the more exquisite when they are contrasted with the screams of those in agony. EXCUSE ME?! Only a demon possessed psychopath gets pleasure from the pain and suffering of others. But just another shining example of the logical hoops we have to jump through and flat-out sociopathy we have to engage in, just to hold on to this demonic ECT doctrine.
That being said that parable has nothing to do with the afterlife. It was a warning to the Jews and the Pharisees (rich man) who believed that wealth was a sign of God's favor and that their salvation was secured by the mere fact that Abraham was their Father. Earlier in Luke Jesus brought that very thing up, NOT to say that they are descendants of Abraham as God is able to raise descendants of Abraham from these stones. Paul would later say that they aren't all Israelites who are children of Abraham, but children of the promise. Earlier in that chapter, just before the parable is told, Luke says that the Pharisees were lovers of money, and then lo and behold, it goes right into a parable about a rich man.
Lazarus, who is sitting just outside the gate, represents the gentiles who weren't allowed to enter into the inner courts of the temple. He represents the gentiles starving for the word of God that the Jews were SUPPOSED to be sharing with the gentiles. That was the purpose of God setting the Jews to Himself. The Word is equated to bread many times in the Bible.
Note that it mentions that rich man had FIVE brothers. Now WHAT kind of detail is THAT doing in the story. Simple. Judah had 5 brothers from the same mother, Leah.
Note that in the parable, Lazarus ISN'T allowed to be resurrected to warn his FIVE Brothers, but in real life, a man named Lazarus IS resurrected, and just as Abraham predicted, not only would they NOT believe, but the Pharisees plotted to kill both Lazarus AND Jesus to silence him.
So it's clear it was a message and warning to the Jews that they were about to be set aside and it would be the Gentiles that the word and salvation would come to now.
Maybe you missed something
I'm open to annihilation, but I believe God is just even if it is eternal torment. But it's gonna be really awkward for you on Judgement Day if you were wrong having considered God sadistic, unloving, and unjust. I hope you're right, for your sake
To believe anything other than what you have said is tantamount to saying that the Almighty is a crazed Sadist...The Almighty is about love and love only...to suggest otherwise is a Satanic belief...those that believe in eternal suffering at the hands of the Almighty are followers of the Devil.
Not necessarily. They just assume, that god has a judgement that is beyond our current understanding. So that what appears to us sadistic and out of proportion, might be justified from a divine perspective. We should not condemn other believers bc they believe to the best of their knowledge. Just like we do...
This may be true?...however I believe the Bible is written so it can be worked out...otherwise it's absolutely useless to Humanity....no loving Father would give their Children a book that is beyond their understanding....we are all made in His image so if we're grieved by something you can bet a penny to a pinch of salt He is too.@@petervonbergen5364
And the punishment MUST fit the crime in order to be able to equate God with being a Just God.
I fear THINGS. I have no fear whatsoever of NOTHING. You may say that people will be punished before they cease to exist and that is something to fear, but just as that would be nothing in comparison to everlasting happiness, even less so would a punishment that we have no memory of for all eternity be something to be concerned about. We endure sufferings in life because we look forward to the time when they will end...
You keep saying there are mountains of evidence for your "ceasing to exist" viewpoint, but so far you have been speaking for two hours and have provided ZERO evidence from the scriptures of anybody ever saying that the wicked will cease to exist! You speculate that man was not made eternal, but man was created "after the image and likeness of God", and the very name of God is "The Eternally Existing". Living and dying are opposites, and you say that existing forever is living, but Christ said that he came so we may have life, AND HAVE IT TO THE FULL.
Concerning the worm never dying, that is not what the scripture says. It says that their worm WILL NOT HAVE AN END. So it consumes them and NEVER COMPLETES ITS WORK. And you said that God is able to destroy BOTH body and soul in hell, and you define this destruction as making them cease to exist. But Isaiah said that the bodies will NOT cease to exist. So this destruction of body and soul clearly does not mean that. You blatantly contradict yourself! And as I said previously, concerning them being "an abhorrence to all mankind", those we previously loved we will instead HATE, and the smoke of their torments ascends forever.
You make up nonsensical ideas about people going to hell at "the age of accountability", but as it is written ALL sins and blasphemies will be forgiven. But it is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit of God which is the everlasting sin which cannot be forgiven, rejecting God forever in the Spirit, for it has no end like other sins which are completed. "The wages of sin is death." So long as the work of sin continues the wages continue to be paid!
Laying aside what God has said, twisting it around and choosing to believe what you want to believe is CALLING GOD A LIAR. And not believing that all of his judgments are just but judging him by your faulty human understanding and calling him SADISTIC and UNFAIR in his judgements is indeed a VERY dangerous thing! Be careful lest you also are found guilty of this everlasting blasphemy!!!
You're really terribly mistaken...ABOUT A LOT!