Service for 12th Sunday after Pentecost - 110824

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 15 ธ.ค. 2024
  • Welcome to West Gordon Parish Church of Scotland (Alford, Strathdon, Rhynie)
    Our service for the twelfth Sunday after Pentecost was run very much as an experiment using technology to link Alford, Rhynie and Strathdon churches with a simultaneous Shared Service of worship linking all three churches together. The service was led by Rev Dr John Cook from Alford church with contributions via video link from both Rhynie and Strathdon.
    The readings from the Bible were - Psalm 33: 1 - 5 and Isaiah 58: 1 - 14
    The Hymns used in the service were -
    ‘Spirit of Truth and Grace’ (CH4 608)
    ‘When I Needed a Neighbour, Were You There’ (CH4 544)
    ‘Beauty for Brokenness’ (CH4 259)
    ‘Longing for Light, We Wait in Darkness’ (CH4 543)
    ‘May the Lord Bless You’
    Many thanks to Alison for playing to Sandra for reading and to Margaret, Janet and Sue for helping out with the service. Also, a big thank you to Mike, Paul and Richard for dealing with the technical aspects of the service.
    All the words of the Hymns, the Lord’s Prayer and Responses come up on the screen, so please feel free to join in at home.
    God bless,

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