Despite the understeering, this is still a fun one to drive. Cars understeers, of course, but as long as the developers don't intentionally make it understeering (like the Subaru), it's still okay. Got a very low 1:52 on auto shift with a small mistake.
My initial thought when I saw the challenge was with mixed feelings. But after I started, it immediately evolved to be fun. Pushing some more I could get into mid to high 51‘s I think. Maybe I will go for it again 👍
Despite the understeering, this is still a fun one to drive. Cars understeers, of course, but as long as the developers don't intentionally make it understeering (like the Subaru), it's still okay. Got a very low 1:52 on auto shift with a small mistake.
My initial thought when I saw the challenge was with mixed feelings. But after I started, it immediately evolved to be fun.
Pushing some more I could get into mid to high 51‘s I think. Maybe I will go for it again 👍