The numbering on those bits. 100% I would paint those with white nail polish and wipe off the excess with nail polish remover. Instantly readable, including in low light, and it would make those infinitely more immediately useful to me. That's one thing I struggle with, actually. I want to carry about that many bits (but not necessarily that selection---I don't need many flats), and the 2.5D profile really is all I need most of the time. Nice set!
Yes. Very portable. I do believe these thinner bits make sense in tools like this. I do not think they make sense in full size multitool. But here where it is about being small and having in a pinch, this is just perfect.
The numbering on those bits. 100% I would paint those with white nail polish and wipe off the excess with nail polish remover. Instantly readable, including in low light, and it would make those infinitely more immediately useful to me. That's one thing I struggle with, actually. I want to carry about that many bits (but not necessarily that selection---I don't need many flats), and the 2.5D profile really is all I need most of the time. Nice set!
Yes. Very portable. I do believe these thinner bits make sense in tools like this. I do not think they make sense in full size multitool. But here where it is about being small and having in a pinch, this is just perfect.