The planet, Varrak IV, is a desolate wasteland-its skies choked with ash and its ground cracked and lifeless. The Chaos Sorcerers have already begun their rituals, and the air buzzes with unnatural energy. The squad splits into two fireteams, advancing through the ruins of an abandoned hive city. The cinematography captures every detail: the solemn march of the Space Marines, their boltguns at the ready, and the ominous chanting in the distance that grows louder with each step.
The planet, Varrak IV, is a desolate wasteland-its skies choked with ash and its ground cracked and lifeless. The Chaos Sorcerers have already begun their rituals, and the air buzzes with unnatural energy. The squad splits into two fireteams, advancing through the ruins of an abandoned hive city. The cinematography captures every detail: the solemn march of the Space Marines, their boltguns at the ready, and the ominous chanting in the distance that grows louder with each step.