We need more considerate people like you. I had one in May of 2018 and I’ve been since referring to it as a “breakthrough” myself instead of a breakdown because of what I’ve learned from having one and every time you have one you become mentally and emotionally stronger as a result don’t ever loose hope brother because you are never alone Godspeed my friend!!!
I have the habit of being nocturnal because of online studying and needing to monitor my grandma at night. I felt a void when she passed, and had some days not even seeing/talking to family members. After a breakdown, I had thoughts of 'I don’t want to feel sh*tty anymore, I want to feel fine'. I no longer wanted to do as people wanted/expected, cared less about what other ppl said and made some family members unhappy because I seem 'selfish' and more outspoken. Either I care more about my own happiness or be a people pleaser :/
Its insane how often it boils down to that tho isn't it? I know I believe in a middle ground, and I do what I can to walk that line hard. But from observations, you're either a people pleaser or looking after yourself first
I think you can absolutely please people and make them happy. As long as it’s not at a detriment to yourself. You wouldn’t want other people to do that for you, so why do it for them?
Hmm... Are the annoyed family members possibly those who inculcated the(our) people pleasing?! NB: Sam Vaknin's youtube on people pleasing v infomative on these psychodynamics.
I had a professor from Russia who said people in U.S. were too concerned with mental health - that depression and even breakdowns were valuable. He also said that our expectation that everyone be happy all the time, greet each other with a smile and "fine" or "great" in response to "how are you?" was fake and inhumane.
@Chesapeake Bay but you name yourself after that dirty ass bay. I'm from maryland too. You're not excluded from the smog in d.c regardless of whether you drink well water or not you're still contaminated lol.
A crisis represents an appetite for growth that hasn't found another way of expressing itself. Una crisis representa un apetito por el crecimiento que no ha encontrado otra forma de expresarse.
"People talk about caterpillars becoming butterflies as though they just go into a cocoon, slap on wings and are good to go. Caterpillars have to dissolve into a disgusting pile of goo to become butterflies. So, if you're a mess wrapped up in blankets right now - keep going." - Jennifer Wright Came across this yesterday, during a really bad episode of sudden, utter despair and hopelessness. Naturally I turned to the internet, partly to distract myself from myself, partly looking for answers. I don't know about you, but that quote is the single most hopeful thing I've read in a long, long time.
My doctor told me "you need to be kind to yourself. Expecting perfection is only going to set you up to fail. However, the one who did this to you, is yourself. So you also need to take responsibility for hurting yourself this way". I'm on a slow route to recovery, and even though I don't think everything needs to be a lesson, this really has made me open my eyes to how much is to much and what I am truly capable of.
To be fair, you are probably not the only one who did this to yourself. You probably learned this lesson as a very small child. It’s not all your fault.
Good mental health care allows you that safe space while you build up new support systems, so that the next time life gets you down, you have the right people in place to be with you through that time
to me, a breakdown is like a broken clock. clocks are very finely tuned instruments, and they have lots of little gears inside them. Because they have so many gears, sometimes some grease builds up between the cracks. normally, you don’t notice, the clock keeps ticking as usual, and life is good. but slowly, eventually, the grease builds up to a point where you start to notice. And then the clock stops working. The clock doesn’t stop because of some random, one off event, it’s a gradual build up that’s never been cleaned out. But nobody notices, because all they see is a broken clock
Having a major breakdown was amazing for me. Didnt feel like it at the time but I came out of it as the best version of myself and now I actually enjoy being alive
I had one, very intense (scared the cats), short in duration and I could feel it physically break. It has been like that beautiful day after a hurricane. I am very patient with myself and at 69 I finally feel love for myself. I have known to stand up for myself for a long while. Now I must be doing it correctly bcs it’s finally working. Difference between fearful defense and healthy pro activity?
@@metsot I like how you think you know everything about everyone else’s lives. You never saw what they went through. Obviously you have some growing to do.
That feeling of freshness after a breakdown - a certain kind of special relief, like when you go outside to breathe in the air after a storm, is incredible. Often, I think it's worth the pain.
I really appreciate that image right now. It's palpable in a way that helps me connect with my own breakdowns and reminds me to trust them a bit more. Anyway, thanks.
Hey yo - are u ok?? I want to tell u that u will be & I'm here for u alright👌 I know you're scared, confused & lonely but u are worth it, never give up - pls let me know how you're going?
@@annoyingdoggo6913 - I won't say i know what yr going through but i will say u won't feel this way forever..that's a promise. Yr welcome to tell me what's going on in yr life that has u feeling so miserable, I'm happy to hear it☺ I went through a stage only a few years back where it felt like I was crying all day every day, I just wanted to sleep bc it was the only time I'd get to escape the misery & loneliness but my anxiety had become so intense that my mind wouldn't even let me sleep which after months of bare minimum sleep fatigue became a factor...which made everything all the worse for it. Worst part of it all was it seemed not one single soul in this world gave a toss... I can tell u more if yr interested in hearing it but the bottom line is I am now happy, i have unknowingly learnt things that i hadn't in my 42yrs of life & know things that I'm not even sure how or why i know them? Everything that happens in my life & around it comes with crystal clear clarity & I feel an inner strength that is completely empowering. If u had of seen or known me & where my life was at not so long back u wouldn't believe I'm the same person...to give u some perspective how dark life had gotten for me I had begun to consider suicide as an option & it never had even been a thought to me before. All i knew is i couldn't go on the way i was feeling all day everyday.. Pls believe u are not alone, I think yr worth it & I care how yr feeling😉
I just had my first breakdown in my life at the age of 32. It was tough and dark. But blessed, I learned to listen to my emotions better. I’m thankful for this new perspective on life. Let us remember that don’t forget to heal and love ourselves everyday. ❤ Know that you are not alone, wherever you are.
I totally agree with you but it is annoying to hear that when you haven’t reached a stage where you can agree that it made you a better person after all.
Not advice to do it, but I had one and dropped out of a funded masters program a few months after I started. Thought I was ready, switched schools and disciplines and dropped out of that one a month after. Moved home, did random things like stain wood on a construction site and become a UPS helper over the holidays just to stay busy. Currently I’m a year out from finishing a PhD (after another discipline switch) and am planning a wedding for next year. I cannot see my life turning out this well if I did not have that period of “breaking down.” Again, not advice to quit your job or anything. But assurance that doing things that may seem “incorrect” at the time in order to take a step back and figure things out may be a good path, even if some people around you just fundamentally don’t understand.
Thank you very much for your replies. I've quitted since february and I've felt better, relieved, I've also switch disciplines since college and I expect to go back to school next semester. I hope you all doing good.
But a fish in a toxic tank and it will get sick. You can take the fish out and put it in a new fresh tank for a while, it will get better. The moment you put it back in the first tank, it will go back to being sick.
You probably don't know how you saved a life today but I think i was going to vanish in thin air and nobody is going to notice...i feel nothing, want nothing....need nothing....i just wanted everything to stop and just cry shamelessly....the person I need at these times....a truly good friend was busy....I thought the time has come....the world is giving me signs to stop....but believe me as exaggerated it sounds....I came across this video ...and I learnt....i regained my calm....yes...a lil part of me was still tangled mess....but i got what I needed the most...even in such amount....I am thankful
"we haven’t become ill, we are ill already"- absolutely love these videos. At 17 I had a breakdown and it took me a LONG time wallowing in depression and seeking suicide as an option to finally realise that it was an opportunity to grow and learn. Love the explanation of our brain trying to tell us something but as our conscious minds are lazy it takes urgent action. Our brains are so clever in seeking health but often we ignore the signposts given by our body until its too late.
How do you go about it? Words of advice would really help. Lately been digging my head into stuff around the house (since I quit my job, and am rediscovering myself). But I want to also achieve things and not just wallow in my feelings. I notice strong headaches for the past three days and unsure why. Thanks for sharing your inspiring story.
@@GayleCreates Have you tried the Mood Gym website? There is also a book available from Amazon (also called Mood Gym) available in paperback or on Kindle. Amazon also have a huge selection of books about building self esteem and confidence. It sounds like you are already on the right path by prioritising self care. Good nutrition, regular sleep, fresh air and exercise are essential for our wellbeing. Reading fiction and listening to gentle meditative music (available on TH-cam) can also be helpful. A short course of anti depressants may be helpful in lifting your mood if you feel unable to cope initially. Everyone is different but art, music and nature are all wonderful healers. Write down 3 things you are grateful for each day and build from there. Best wishes 😊💕
@@GayleCreates I'm no professional, but trying to figure out what your mental health really needs by looking inside and discovering what your body really wants (even if contrary to social opinion, like hard work or a passion) is a good way to start.
When you get over it, suddenly everything is clearer. You see the truths. You see everything. You accept everything. And everuthing is fresh like clean slate... and like others sometimes i think the pain is worth it.
This makes me feel less guilty about the times I’ve had break downs. I always thought there was something wrong with me, but I was really just not happy or struggling in the circumstances I was in.
Humans are able to up hold A LOT of stress and pain, but it adds up. Every Cup has a Limit and when there is no space left, the shit will Spill all over the place.
“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” -Jiddu Krishnamurti Breakdowns appear (to me) to be an almost unavoidable consequence of humans having evolved socially to the point that our own subconscious minds demand a better and more meaningful reality to that which we are being served. Thank you for the vid. Superbly put together and uncannily prescient for many.
And now, due to its utterly toxic premise, the culture itself is breaking the world down and when enough supports have fallen it will go down too, probably fairly soon. The only thing that can save humanity is to dissolve the artificial boundary imposed between it and nature. That can only occur through conscious awakening. I don't know if it can happen en masse. Jiddu Krishnamurti's aphorism is relevant on all levels that I can think of.
I’m convinced I had a breakdown that lead to the greatest awakening, self healing, growth and self development of my life. You embrace the breakdown (I know that’s very difficult) ask what it wants to teach you.
like Jordan Peterson says-ask yourself what you should be doing, that you could be doing, that you would do. You'll get an answer so fast it will make you hair curl. You know. You know what things you should be doing. But it isn't just saying the question. You have to really be asking. somehing like that!
I call that bs. If i don't get some sorth of supernatural power and an interensing life (except the deaths) like in a anime, i still think it was all for nothing. I feel like i had become dummer and dummer by the breakdown to breackdown since i make the same mistakes as before. So if isin't the first case, miss me with that crap. I'm tired of this freaking life that gives me nothing more than stress. I want something with value in return. And before you say, that i'm selfish. Is because i'm tired to be selfless anymore.
I suffered a breakdown earlier this year (at 33) and the way that my body responded was so scary. It literally stopped working. I ended up making some big decisions and my life took a complete 180. It took me a while to understand the purpose of the breakdown because of how guilt-ridden and ashamed I felt for having "failed" at life, but life is 100% better now. Listen to your body, reach out to your support system, and ask for professional help (social workers, counselors, your PCP) if needed. xo C
A lot of people out here are struggling so I wanted to say this; I don’t know if it will reach anyone but I hope it will. Even if your will to live might be small and fleeting, the fact you’re watching this video means you’ve not completely given up hope. That will can grow, if you nurture it and take the time needed to understand what has kept it small. If there’s a will, there’s a way. You have the power take control of your life again. Just like the video says, you just might have to listen to what is blocking you from having that power. Stay strong, you amazing individual ^^
I needed to see this. I'd recently startedbinge drinking because the stress from college and expectations on me and the seemingly endless stream of adult responsibilities have simply become too much. So much to learn and remember, so much I expect myself to be perfect at, so many people I don't want to let down. I've made a recent desision to cut out drinking until my 21 birthday and after which develop a healthier relationship with alchohol and my mind. I hope that by sharing my experience I can help others in this comment section feel less alone.
Your comment is really beautiful and encouraging. I hope I can help you a bit with all the pressure you are feeling. Please don't feel a need to be perfect or to please others by being the perfect person. What is perfection anyway? Each person views perfection differently and if we try to please others, we will forever fall short. I have found that doing my best each day is good enough, otherwise we can make ourselves sick with all the stress. If I know that I got up each day and did my best, then that is good enough and it doesn't matter what others think. Strive for inner peace and joy from within instead of seeking it from the outside. It is always the simple things in life that lead to a more joyful life. Not being tied down feeling like you never achieve anything, but feeling like each day is new for you to achieve your best with no pressure, just joy and gratitude for life. Take nature walks and see the beauty all around. It's not always the striving that gets us places, but the calm and quiet times that help us grow the most. Just a thought on alcohol. You may want to strive for not drinking at all because it always leads to more troubles and causes many health problems, and is a depressant. Drinking almost always leads down a road of misery with nothing at the end of it. Strive to be sober and get joy out of living a good and healthy life by being an example of health to others. Hope you have a beautiful and abundant life.
Literally me except that I procrastinate on my studies. I really wish I knew what to do at this point. I feel like I’m so behind in my studies that I’m considering dropping out, but I’m worried about letting everyone down. I CHOSE to go to the college I’m at, and now I’m wasting my opportunity because of my inner struggles. And even if I did drop out, I don’t know where to go next. I can’t choose another college to go to, I already tried two other colleges and ended up the same way. And doing another part-time job might ruin my super-unpredictable schedule with my current part-time job. I feel like it should be an easy answer, but it’s not as clear-cut as it should… Sorry for ranting on like that. I think I needed to vent. Anyways, I’m glad that someone had the same issue as me.
Hmm, I also just started college and I FEEL like I will break at somepoint as well... I chose to go to a college without my friends (which was a 6th form so everyone i know went there) and now I'm stranded without friends, and I'm starting to question if everything I've done is even my choice. Like I've been doing maths, and computer science but I feel so damn bored every lesson and i can see any job related to them being the same experience... Idk anymore
Hmm, one question: how are you getting your hands on alcohol in the first place if you’re under 21? It’s illegal to even be in possession of it before that age! Do you realize how many crimes you’re unintentionally committing right now? Not trying to be rude; just genuinely wondering what you’re doing here.
I've been in a perpetual breakdown for several years due to existential depression, and I just keep wondering what's wrong with everyone else for pretending there isn't anything wrong with the world.
Because WORLD must go ON. We men HAVE to pile up our but-hurt feelings get everything working . Water , food , internet , electric it all comes for someones hard work and pain. When you just do some real work and not think too much about it gets better.
I went through 6 months of existential crisis late 2016. I learned about myself .. I learned about the world and was interested in every subject out there, math and art which I never thought I'd be interested in. In the end I really got into psychology also a subject I never thought I'd like. I'd read throughout the day, exercise daily and the whole day I had this sixth sense where I could feel the universe as being part of me. I took plenty of notes about everything I was learning about myself. It's been almost 3 years since then and my life is going well, though there's always room for improvement of course. I sometimes wish I could experience what I experienced then, because of how I handled it and used the whole thing for my own advantage. If you are going through it and are not sure how to deal with it, here is a hint that'll transform the way it'll affect you in a positive manner: TAKE NOTES. Lots of them. Right goals, habits, things that need improvement. USE YOUR MEMORY. Most of us are going through this because of things that happened during or since our childhood. So think as far back as you can and connect every dot since then and make it VIVID. I also use my memorable childhood memories to cope with depression. It never disappoints. I envy people who are going through existential crisis because you're seeing the world as it is. For people who are not, there's this filter in our minds which is constantly filtering out all the metadata that is attached to everything we experience. Well, it makes since because the world is in a faster pace for most of us, though I prefer being able to slow things down.
Very relatable. Suffered personal and work stress for many years until I started getting panic attacks 3 years ago. Quit my job cut off all relationships and been focusing on myself and my health since. Learned so much and getting ready to do life again - properly - the way I want it.
Darima2: Everyone's situation is different of course, I was relatively lucky because my problems (stemming from adoption and immigration) actually forced me to think and fend for myself so from a young age I started learning about suffering (via Buddhism), mental and physical health and success. I had also gained years of skills and experience in tech so was able to take time off - personal and financial independence was KEY for me. I needed my own space to just be with myself, listen to my mind and body and act honestly according to them rather than faking it for my job or social circles. However I would not recommend prolonged isolation - if you have supportive family/friends around you, ask them for help. Trying to think your way out of your own mind can become a vicious trap in itself.
G I completely understand this and went through this too and now looking back it all makes sense why panic attacks started to happen. That’s why I’ve come to understand that panic attacks are the body’s way of really alerting us and getting our attention because we haven’t been paying attention for so long. Once I started to embark on the difficult journey of self discovery, the panic attacks slowly started leaving me. It is crazy how it works, but it all makes sense
@@danielishere734 As if, man. It was the first thing that came to my mind when I watched. It's a common joke. You good though? Monitoring some rando's comments on videos? Maybe this is just a projection and you're the one fishing for likes.
Lashun A. Sure! So there was a conspiracy theory circulating that the government can actually view & keep track of our actions/activities through the little cameras on our phones, laptops, etc. (that’s why some folks put band-aids or opaque tape over their lenses). The joke is that every person is assigned their own personal FBI agent to monitor their every move. Part of the joke is to use this as the reason we often will find adverts on social media or internet browsing of things we looked up or talked about needing or wanting to get. The internet has personified these “personal FBI agents” as friendly who look out for us and recommend things that would help us out or give us indirect advice. Kind of like a guardian angel of sorts, if you will😂
I think the conscious mind ignores these pleas for attention from the emotional self not because it’s lazy, but because it has deemed other things in our environment (e.g. being a good employee, living up to societal standards and family expectations, etc.) more important than our mental and emotional needs that might be seen as “inconvenient” to tend to by the conscious mind and frankly, society as a whole. The conscious mind seems to register that this is an important thing to listen to, but other “needs” take priority, and that’s why when the emotional revolution happens, the conscious mind seems to have simply run out of energy to keep up the facade of being a “good” __________ (employee, husband, wife, daughter, etc.), in favor of surrendering and actually listening to ourselves and what we truly need.
I tend to think some of it is EGO driven, I can muster through, I am to strong to cry about this or that or worse yet I don't need help I can do it all myslef I also think that there is disconnect from our spiritual side. As we are spiritual beings having a human experience we sometimes forget to connect to ourselves on a deep level, to take a breath and experience the joy life has to offer vs running on the wheel or chasing our tail for material gains. Just my two cents.
TsiroGant I’m so glad! Thank you for reading! Jess Yates I definitely agree that it feels like it’s ego driven for sure. I think that plays into the idea that we’re told from a young age how to be as ourselves and how to be in the world, and sometimes that means not crying or putting up some sort of emotional front, when our true selves feel really differently. Edit to add: and I absolutely agree, we could all stand to enjoy our lives in the moment more and spend less mental energy pushing ourselves toward some ideal that may not actually be ours in the first place :)
Is been a long time now since money has become more important than anything else, I think this has damaged our species tremendously, we are truly amazing and have soooo much to offer the planet, we could make this our dream planet if we wanted to, but this society we live in has made us selfish and money hungry and left us on a really though spot. I believe that with the sweet arrival of the internet everything could change though, I don´t think we´re completely doomed by any means.
Christina Schreiner I agree . This video was amazing until it called the conscious mind lazy. If anything it's fear. We are taught what is important and it seems like everyone around us follows that , so will learn to distrust ourselves. With that means to supress our feelings . Avoiding pain and confusion and grief or whatever word you relate to must is not lazy . It's scary. Terrifying , when everyone around you thinks you should live by a certain norm yet your emotional needs are screaming out at you , it's no wonder we will be scared . We aren't taught how to cater for our emotions properly so of course we push it away because we don't understand it and that scares us
This really gives so much hope. For more than almost 5 months my life has stopped: everything I worked extremely hard to build has been destroyed, I lost my friends, my goals and ambitions are gone after I was so close to achieve them, l am so lonely and broke and lot more ... In a word I have got no more energy to keep living. I just wanna sleep forever and disappear . I tried many times to get out of this and get back to what I have been before, but things are just getting worse. The problem is that life does never wait for anyone to get better. Everyday, I lose more chances . I feel really bad for the fact that when I see people everyday just going ahead, living their dreams, having the power and the energy I have had once and I lost, getting closer to my dreams and goals...I hate myself and I hate how I have got nothing left in me, except lot of shame, regret, sadness and the desire to die. It really seems unfair to me. I am really sick of this, I just want to get well before it is extremely late.
I'm going through something remarkably similar. Mind, body, goals, friendships, so much deteriorated over the past few years, so many loved ones literally and figuratively lost. I have learned from this though that it's not healthy to bottle it up and hide it away, that I need to take the time to grieve and then it's okay to be sad in the face of so many tragedies. You have to take the time to grieve it, learn how to let your mistakes go instead of holding on to and living in regret. You can always approach and apologize to old friends and try to heal old wounds as well, and you've got the time to recognize now where your energy belongs and who is bad for you and who is good. Hold on to the good ones, make compromises, apologize, and step out of the old rolls and into the new ones that fulfill your need for belonging and love. Best of luck to you, I'm still struggling everyday as well. I was lucky enough to find a free counseling and I've been sticking to it, and it came at no small expense but I began ketamine therapy in 5 days as well that I hope will break me through my depression feedback loops. My counselor may have openings as well, contact me with a DM or simply reply to my comment and I can refer you to them.
Please do not take my words into action but take them into consideration. Perhaps trying to regain what you once had, be who you once were or do what you once did is not what you need. From my experiance of depression and a burnout i learned to listen to what i really needed or wanted and celebrated what i had gained instead of thinking about how much i still had to do. Im now in a different place then where i was before with new friends and new hobby's, and with the ability to listen to what i need and what my body needs. This might have be a ver incoherent (if thats the right word) but these were the words that came to my mind first. Again, please dont take my words into action but take them into consideration. I wish you all the best in your path to recover and hope you will be better someday :)
You sound a little bit like me. As people get older, they will add more important things into their lives; family, job, colleague, friend, money, love, etc. I was also like that, until i had a breakdown and can't get myself to work on anything i promised myself to do. I just sit down, not going anywhere, not doing anything. I kept pondering until i reached a conclusion: chasing two horses isn't getting me anywhere, so rather than adding things/goals into my life, how about i throw away and reduce them instead? And so i threw all things that i want, all things i thought i want, all goals that is reachable yet i haven't done, all the time to "socialize" with other people, etc. And i came to discover that ONE thing i truly want and truly desire with all my being. That thing at the bottom of my "things to throw away" list. It gets my heart and body running like a horse on fire. And from then on i started to work, FOR JUST THAT ONE THING. I was (hyper)focused, not thinking about anything or anyone, but just that single thing, day and night. And guess what, i find myself out of that standstill, regained my vigor, my brain and body works in sync, and i learned to keep myself away from reaching to things i wouldn't grab.
True story: I had a breakdown at work and couldn’t stop crying. Took short-term leave to try to heal. One month later, I tried to return to work. Instead, my employer fired me.
@@beckywaytoomuch I'm so sorry for what happened to you , this is what I fear , I'm growing up and soon to be expected to find a job , and as someone who has many breakdowns or needs time to heal , I'm not sure I'll make it...
I just want to tell you how grateful I am because I have come across this channel. You are a blessing to many people who are struggling in processing their thoughts & feelings... Please continue being a source of healing,love & light to millions of people! Thank you so much! Love from the Philippines 🇵🇭
@@dbsk06 It wasn't for me and I knew it -- it didn't interest me, it didn't line up with my values, it burned me out -- but I stayed for the paycheck and fear of trying something new. The breakdown made me realize that I can't live the next 30 years of my professional life in the same way that I lived my first 10.
It took me 30 some years to keep juggling, while riding a unicycle, being a daughter, then student, teacher, wife, Mom of 6 adult children and 9 grandchildren, and in between all of that go through sexual abuse as a teenager, my Mom’s death, a car accident, and finally ending up with Lupus, to break down with PTSD, Anxiety, and Mild Depression. My body felt exhausted at age 51. Thank you for this video. It was Wonderful. If I could use my life and this video to help others to slow down I will.
Myrna Figueroa isn’t that how life is? Everything you listed seems very average. Death, life, survival, etc? Isn’t that what we’re all bound to go through?
Wowww...you sound like a very strong person to go through that much adversity and still raise children and grandchildren! They must really look up to you. Yesss...self care time is so important. Time to sit down with yourself and do what makes you happy and brings you joy. Thank you for posting your testimony :)
When you have a breakdown, you essentially identify what area/s of your life (relationships/work/habits/etc.) you need to break out of to heal...you get a breakthrough when you're finally able to take steps to take control of your emotional and mental wellbeing.
having battled depression, alcoholism and botched attempts at suicide for years I was given the advice to just 'give up' and embrace the pain. So when I was facing financial and personal ruin that's exactly what I did. I stopped trying to cope and collapsed into a heap of tears and crying in a public place. Then I got the peace and clarity of mind that enabled me to pick up the pieces and put my life back together. Doing really well now and in control of my life. The mental health professionals that were supposed to be helping me ran away in fright. I thought that was very interesting :)
If my professionals hadn't stuck with me I would have killed myself. I've stopped trying to cope many times and it did nothing but get me into an even worse mess. Humans are complex, minds are complex. Much more so than this video lets on.
It's like looking at a broken mirror and trying to fix it, while your fixing the shards you realize some make you bleed some hurt more than others. I am still trying to pick up the pieces. From my experience of botched attempts to kill the pain.... I felt stupid that it didn't work, I could even do that right. Got made fun of by people for using it for attention. I'm going to sound old a.f right now but I think social media really plays a big part in breakdowns depression and suicide.... I wish I was still young and pick up the land line and hear the God awful sound of the modem. I can't keep up with this world. I shut EVERYONE out.... I don't know how to open the door in my head to let the pain out.
Exactly my case. Had to go through a breakdown to live more authentically. Enough of that persona didacted by society. No more bullshit to endure. My choices now not anybody's else's
"Enough of that persona didacted by society." Then what happens if you don't have a choice? Like you work from 9 to 5, everyday on a job you don't like, but because the governments around the world made sure this so-called "capitalist" system is depended on governments to function by creating a central currency, working-class regulations, increasing taxes, all that makes it nearly unbearable to live with a minimum wage because everything is hella expensive thanks to all that intervention... You are limited. Your creativity is fucked because you have too much shit going on. I always wanted to be a musician, a producer, live off my art, but this bullshit system enslaves us to the point of getting anxious if we don't get a job asap; overvaluing a fucking major diploma that for a large number of people goes to the locker. This world man, I don't know.
Ever since my breakdown I've been experiencing a total lack of interest in purchasing things or keeping up the trends on Instagram. It makes me wonder, am I broken? I catch myself second guessing the little actions I take when I venture outside. It's terrifying and reassuring at the same time. The breakdown is over, but how long more until I feel back to normal? What can I do to make myself feel not so out of place anymore?
miele hina it just takes time but you’ll get there I’m 2 years into one and I’m almost back to normal sometimes it takes longer for some people but you have to do what works best for your growth maybe church and prayer? That’s what helps me most are you religious at all?
Im only 22, and recently, sadly I had a really bad breakdown. I kept the "mail" at the door for much longer than it should've ever been there. It got so bad that I would go briefly catatonic. Luckily I finally feel on the path to healing and this video is a beautiful thing to see, so thank you.
Hope you are in a better place now and on a good road to recovery it takes a while but its supposed too. I know im going through this now its a lonely painful journey. Big hug to you. 🦋🕊🙏💗
This is where you and your ego have a stand off. This is called the abyss. It is very dangerous, you may not survive. The goal is to destroy your ego here and give birth to a much more improved version.
Very wise words by willie peppers , In my journey i tried letting go of the ego for years but was always confused because sometimes my ego was dead on and very very helpful . so i have imagined a way ( almost my duty ) to live with this ego and learn from it and also forgive it and teach it . It is part of me so is included when i say i love you to myself . The stand off was there for sure and very real over time but i have tried to listen to the inner voice which suggests i nurture this ego , love it and teach it . ,after all ,all the great creativity and positive flow that comes once ego put in place and conditioned by self love trust , respect and wisdom instead of fear shame and guilt . is incredibly and the ego is needed to translate that to the world through song , book , action or whatever creative soul becomes exposed in you . Your inner self will experience so much greatness and wisdom and beauty , the talented few get to interpret this back to the world . I do get it though when first seeing the ego and its bullish ways you kinda want to leave it or get it out , through breaking down comes much good if one is fortunate enough to avoid big pharma drugs or victim thinking . When i had mine i tried explaining it to one other friend but explained that i broke up instead as i witnessed the most wise and beautiful moments that words so far cannot explain . Peace to all ego's out there but your not the boss of us anymore , now let's go for that walk and sort this out . cheers
This got me a bit emotional... I've felt like that a long time till I really took the time to look at the probem and pay proper attention to understand what was goin on.
Luny & Milky yeah it was hard to click on it knowing that well... It was going to bring some stuff up. But the deft advice is appreciated all the same. This is a great channel.
Omg.. I thought the same.. I wish this was an event in my life rather than a phase. But I am glad that after a decade I have made the decision to get out of it. All the best to you! Lots of blessings and best wishes :) you are about to start a beautiful life!
The benefits I might have gained from my breakdown were hindered by the shame and fear I felt as others judged me for being a failure and weak. The healing started when I mixed with people who accepted and tried to understand. This relieved me from my internal shame so I could start accepting myself and using the breakdown as a (re) starting point for future growth and fulfllment.
For everyone who needs to hear this, it’s *okay* to take medication if you need to get through your tough times. Sometimes our brains needs some help to deal with whatever it is you’re in. Never forget that everyone is different and different things work for different people!
Irrefutably evidence says, yeah ideally you've got all your lifestyle stuff in order, diet, exercise, therapy, interpersonal relations/support group wise, those all are great for mental health BUT when you're in the middle of the struggle, thats when its hardest to fix/initiate those things and meds are very useful in getting your baseline up to a point where we can take that multimodal approach.
@@gordont1767 I just don't like SSRIs or similar, I'll agree more when medical microdosing replaces them, or at least comes along as an alternative, in more than just Canada
I feel like I have a breakdown every couple of months. I try to pay attention to my emotional health and deal with internal issues as I become aware of them, but I still have a breakdown when life gets too overwhelming or stressful. The stress just makes me hyperaware of all the shitty aspects of my life. At this point I’ve just accepted it as a normal cycle for me.
They're likely too small and too weak to prompt the change needed to fix the major issue. You'll either get a really big one at some point or live the rest of life out in your current broken state. That, or you harshly overreact. Which would be a preferable reality haha.
Remember that, every time you've hit a terrible period, you've managed to recover (at least to a limited extent). I, too, go through these cycles regularly but have drawn some strength by recognizing that I am able to come out the other side, not perfectly happy but able to press on for at least a while longer.
I recall when I had a meltdown I was walking along a not too bust street and just started crying....it prompted me to see a counsellor and help in the form of just someone who'd listen to me
I had a breakdown last week, it was at a comic con and everything just hit me. But this is true, I am doing way way better right now than I have ever been
@@SteveVi0lence and? I choose to be myself because that's who I want to be, I'm not gonna pretend to be someone I'm not anymore. Instead of insulting random people online try to reflect on yourself, and perhaps you can be happy too my friend.
spellthemagicword Honestly I'm not sure, it forced me to reflect and I realized that I'm just going through life one day at a time. I don't know if that makes sense because we all are but I feel different it's pretty hard to explain.
Mercy Mburu and it is really good to look at what is before us-like it or not-and get away from those who intentionally try to make you crazy. This is a good thing.
I bless the breakdown I had a few years back. Now I am stronger, smarter, faster and above all more 'free' then I could ever imagine. Be brave face your demons, you only become happier afterwards
False adertising. Breakdowns are that time when i question my actions and my importance as a human being. I had so many yet i failed to get to the conclusion to the question wtf am i here for. Meybe things are good now, but in the future who knows? We tend to fill our life with delusions of importance, but in the universe scale we are just dust on a tiny particle that floats in the vacum of space. Where i was going with this? Idk what my point is. Oh yeah, i'm useless. Idk about you guys but for me seems true.
@@bluebeka2458 Well you can also draw different conclusions from the fact that we're nothing on a cosmic scale. None of it really means anything according to that logic, but then why would you spend your time feeling sad about that fact? And why would you care about other people's opinion if none of it actually matters? I thought of life as a dream: it doesn't really "matter" but you still ejoy/try to enjoy it regardless because it can be fun.
"It's times like these you learn to live again It's times like these you give and give again It's times like these you learn to love again It's times like these time and time again"
4 years ago I had a breakdown. A really bad one. This video is the most accurate description of what it felt like, and what the subsequent recovery was like. Thanks for making this.
i had a nervous breakdown in 2012 ...worst thing ever i was trembling 24 seven, sweating all the time but felt like ice no matter how many clothes i put on , i develpoed a stutter, could not stop crying and eventually after some very out of charactor beahviour i attempted suicide. thank god for the medical teams intervention its over its done , im living and to everyone who reads this , u wil get through it .get help
My grandad died at the start of the year and although I continue to miss him terribly, I keep thinking that I really overreacted. After watching this video though, I've come to the realisation that my grief caused me to have a breakdown. This has helped me make sense of what I was feeling so thank you for uploading this.
I feel you, I lost both my grandmothers this spring and just colapsed, felt like not even my mother could understand. Only one friend really understood, and ofc I was glad that their suffering ended and was thankful for their life, but it still hurts so much and it is hard to keep on. I had never lost anyone before, it is so weird.
This is an incredible video for understanding a breakdown. I had one about six months ago, it took a full two months for me to regain some semblance of normal function, and I am still on the road to recovery. No therapist explained it like this, but it makes so much sense to see it in this way.
@@phyrexd4365 I'm unfeignedly happy for you that it wasn't ..believe me. Thank's for saying so:) I'm not exactly sure what you mostly young people here mean when you speak of a "breakdown". In psychiatry there's the concept "nervous breakdown" which I myself suffered once. That type of "breakdown" at least is never "mended" in any amount of months ..we're talking years ..possibly many many years.
Astonishingly good, and life changing! I hope the so-called mental health professionals know something about this now, as they have seemingly specialized in the past in diagnosing schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or major depression when some of their patients were simply in untenable situations.
I was diagnosed bipolar in France. They provided me lithium and I had to take blood tests every day for a month. Until I read about bipolar disorders and didn't see me there... So I went back to my psychiatrist and ask for tests, a week later he said "sorry, you are not bipolar"
@@anotherone3666 we live in the age of drive by appraisals, surface judgements and snap decisions, unfortunately time is money but haste is waste...Go figure...Wishing You...All...Our Planet...Time to grow in true Health...Amen !!!
My mother was misdiagnosed with depressive psychosis by a seemingly well renowned psychiatrist. Another physician also suspected schizophrenia. They prescribed medication, but she refused to take them, because she knew it was wrong, she was just going through some things. And then when they referred her to another hospital in another part of the country, (this hospital is considered the best next to another hospital in our country), they ran tests on her and found nothing wrong with her. They said it was just anxiety that she was unable to control. All these fanciful doctors (I'm not talking about all doctors) who think they know stuff when sometimes they need to swallow their pride and admit that they don't know and they're wrong, with their fanciful terms sent us on a wild goose chase
I came to this conclusion many many years ago after an emotional breakdown. I have never took meds for any of the bouts of depression I’ve had. I believe depression is a pressure gauge it tells you when things are out of whack. It causes you to stop and take stock of your life. Depression is not a demon to be exercised but rather a messenger that should be listened to
I don’t think this can be said for everyone. For many people, depression comes as a result of a chemical imbalance in their brain, not from any kind of internal or external conflict. While there often is a very real reason for why someone is feeling unwell, there are also many instances where there isn’t one, and meds are important to help someone recover from their body making a mistake. It’s very important to identify when medication is necessary and take action.
The breakdown shows what we have known and did not want to have realized. I had one and was fighting to avoid it. I fought afterwards to heal. I changed my job and cut off toxic relations. Today I wonder how I could go so far. How my boss was such a jerk to abuse my good will. I matter. This I learned. I grew.
Im 25. Going through a life crisis for about six mounths. Im depressed and kinda hopeless. Got no fucking clue what to do next. A lot of suicidal thoughts. This gave me some help to try to look at things from a diferent perspective. I Hope to see better days. Thanks
You’re 25 & don’t know what to do with your life? Join the club. There’s millions of the likes of different ages who still don’t know what they want yet. Remember life’s not about the destination, it’s the journey that matters
We have breakdowns or breakthroughs when we feel something isn't going right and we can't quite put our finger on it. Oprah's assistant wrote a book about this years ago and called it being "emotionally anorexic"-depleting yourself of certain emotional needs similar to hunger needs and telling yourself that you are hungry or "satisfied" . eventually life will lead you to where you are supposed to be when you finally look deep within yourself and ask who YOU want to become , not who you want to be for others
There were so many parts of this I needed to hear. The importance of falling before you're able to get up; the reassurance that a breakdown can last a long time and that one is not necessarily going insane; the beauty of the complete collapse of mind and its rebuilding in better, more loving terms. In a way it made me feel grateful for the pain I've endured and how I would still be suffering if I didn't have these extremely painful periods of just looking, and coming to terms with. A big thank you to this channel for its beautiful content that has seen me through some of the not so good parts of my life so far.
I like that a lot, a breakdown is one side of the mind trying to force the other into growth. I had one of these last week in passive thought. A crisis represents an appetite for growth
In 2017, I had a breakdown. My favorite job moved to another city, got a new job which I didn't fit in, broke up with my boyfriend of 6 years and got bloodclots in both of my lungs. When I was hospitalised my new job fired me, and felt like my WHOLE life had ended... But as this video suggested, I might've needed that so that I would finally listen to myself. Thank you The School of Life for putting my thought into words with this video. Because of the breakdown, I had finally time to think of what was important for me personally. And I found that the jobs I was working with didn't give me any selfsatisfaction, and I used up my energy because I got nothing in return for doing it. Now I have changed my career for something that is less prestigious, but that gives me everything back in return that I PERSONALLY need. So don't worry. It actually gets better.
I just now came close to a breakdown. My well intentioned dad innocently showed me a TH-cam video that set off some serious self hatred that developed from my mom. We're not young people, 81 and 50, so this has no age limit. I came seriously close to drinking after almost eight years sober. Now I'm scouring the internet trying to feel better. What great timing, thank you.
I have breakdowns after breakdowns sometimes on the daily and sometimes just weekly. No matter how hard I’ve been trying to work on myself, no matter how much support I’ve got from my loved one and no matter how much I’ve been trying to get out of this state...I just can’t. It’s been going on for years now and I feel like I’m slowly losing myself as the days go by. I truly wish this is just a phase and not something that will stick to me on the daily or weekly because I can’t go on like this anymore
stop trying to stop the breakdowns. stop trying to push them under the rug, and just have a moment to let it all out. cut your hair, punch a wall, cry into a pillow, do everything all at once and let your anger and sadness and rage out in a big mess, you can clean it up later.
I dont understand people not interested in personal growth.... They live the full life unchanged... I just dont understand. And why are so many of them...
ignorance can be bliss, but also many are just unaware what you even are suggesting. They'd say "I go to the gym. I read nonfiction books. I watch the news. I go on vacations to exotic places. What else is personal growth?"
informitas 0 That doesn’t mean to do nothing to improve, or use cognitive reappraisal etc etc. Most people don’t even attempt to do anything and just brag or place in comments on TH-cam like a disorder is quirky.
Depression is a serious thing, there was even something that said depression is the 3d popular mental illness in the world, and why can't people who feel as if nothing's worth it any more it can be for more then one reason why there not doing personal growth, to even do personal growth you have to be aware of your situation and want to do better for yourself and a lot of the time people feel, ashamed to tell anyone, think it's there fault, scared, and sometimes the people around them don't understand, or refuse to, in a lot of cases they feel like there's nothing more for them here.
About 6 years for me and I'm feeling hopeless that I'm not getting "better" or that I'll ever be happy. I'm turning 25 this April and I feel like I'm already done with life
This JUST happened to me. Over the past 8 weeks, this very thing. The unhandled lifelong problems. The crisis that comes from nowhere. I was compelled to find the answers, to address the problems, to figure out who I really am and who I really want to be. It's lasted 8 weeks, was near to suicide and it resolved like a fever breaking. Over a 2 day period, it went from completely overwhelmed to all the pieces coming together and a clear direction, plan, sense of how I want to live, who I want to be. A complete calmness has settled and the future feels bright. The molting animation is right. It's transformative. It was a ride I couldn't get off despite wanting to so badly. In the end, the ride did come to stop. Thankfully I had a LOT of frequent professional help and it was resolved in about 4 weeks. It was definitely a process where a lot is worked through and skilled help significantly improved the situation.
Thanks for doing this. It’s hard to describe a breakdown without sounding like you are making excuses, or pretentious. You have to been through it to really understand it as a real process.
I am going through a rough phase of panic attacks, and really didn't understand what was happening, until I realized that I had/have way too many things on hold in my life, very important things that I just swept under the rug. I decided to take action and now the panic attacks are so light and scarce, and after watching this video I realized that I did the right thing, TAKE ACTION, rather than take meds as some friends and family suggested. Lesson learned, our body is way more intelligent than we are, and will always let us know that enough is enough, listen to it, embrace the sadness and despair, and use them as fuel for your changes, it has worked wonders with me, I am sure it will with anyone else as well.
I've been experiencing something like a mental breakdown. It's been really hard dealing with anxiety/panic symptoms every day for a number of months now. I push videos like this away because I get incredibly nervous at the thought of discovering something that I'd rather not know about. Like some sort of life sentence to something I can't control. But I am so glad I just watched this! It was uncomfortable, but the more I expose myself to the fact that my experience isn't unique, and that things get better once you learn more about yourself, the better and less scared I feel. I'm glad I'm learning to face the issue head on instead of avoiding it; it takes away the novelty of the miserable experience and makes it more manageable. Feelings come and go in seasons, and one day I'll feel much better; It feels so good to be able to tell myself that after months of confusion and depressive feelings! It's so important to listen to yourself and your needs. Seriously, from someone who is going through it right now, thank you from the bottom of my heart!
@@DJSimNRecords Very nice of you to ask! Well... I was a first quarter transfer student at UCLA (which was the main cause of my distress), and I decided to come back home and take a break! I've been working at a local bookstore, and preparing for a full time semester in music at my local community college! I was doing math before, so a different path for sure. I did a few therapy sessions, and I'm feeling much more in control of my anxiety. It is still a day to day issue, but i'm less scared now, now that I know certain coping mechanisms. I'm learning to accept it, and see it as just part of my experience, not the whole thing! TLDR: I'm doing better!! (I can never seem to type up something short XD sorry)
I'm going to jump in for 2 things. Philip, "yeah, you got this!" Not bragging but I learned that very young cuz I'm naturally fascinated with how behaviors work. And yes, it sounds like you were clearly afraid of the unknown. Because you feared it would be more than you could survive. Then the more you looked, the more you mastered what came along, and you realized you had the skills you need if something happens, yeah?
The other thing: I have no idea how I'm still getting through each hour and day. It's unbearable and nothing has gotten better for a very very long time. I dont even want to continue living, but I find ways to avoid those thoughts (because I dont want to make that choice - yet) so I've mastered the ability to completely not know or live in my reality. It's like intentional dissociation, and if I could get some good therapy, this is what uDONT want to do, lol, like avoidance, but it's seriously too too painful. Sometimes I cant avoid it or contain it and it's even more horrible, but i just survive on those momentary bits and pieces. Its exhausting on all levels!! I lose a lot of things because I have to stay totally focused on preventing the bucket from getting kicked .
Wear your seatbelt. Going through a windscreen is not good. Meaning: it's in your own interests to learn what behaviour is sensible. I never wore one in the 70s. It's the 'law' now. So, we all have to learn. Voluntarily is a good idea. Preserve your health, learning truth is just taking responsibility as an adult. Children and immature adults stick their heads in the sand. This isn't an insult, just tough love, and straight talk.
I have had crises in my life. They were horrible, but through them I began exploring, confronting and healing from a pernicious affliction in not just me, but about my entire family: the constant, permanent suppression of our emotions, from hopes and dreams to sadness and anger. For various reasons - some I know, some I am certain I do not know - my family learned that emotions are bad, that it is better to not talk about them and to bury them. That development within my family culture was a momentous one. And a tragic one. It has condemned many within my family, especially on the male side, to lives of emotional isolation and even emotional death. It has condemned others to live with people who are emotionally isolated and even dead. I hope I can be a part of a change in my family. A change for the better. So yes, though the price is very high, good things can come from breakdowns. And I am trying to approach my story of breakdowns more with this idea in my mind and heart. To all those out there struggling with breakdowns of your own, you are ok. You are worth it to listen to yourself and to rediscover yourself, your heart, your ideals. Have faith, even in the depths of darkness. You are ok. Warm hugs.
Excellent. Breakdown: When personal values conflict with social values, we can then make some kind of compromise. Unfortunately, it is exquisitely painful and socially unacceptable.
My breakdown was the worst then best thing to ever happen to me. I literally rebuilt my life, slowly, one brick at a time. I’m still building four years on but knowing that true darkness and pain, new challenges no longer scare me as much. It was horrible at the time but I’m glad I leaned in, accepted I was not well and started to accept working from scratch again. I leaned on friends and family and took meds when I needed them. I’m now in a new (not toxic) job, studying for my masters, lost weight, learning to drive, have hobbies, and a career goal. Best of all I talked about it all and opened doors for others who felt like they couldn’t. Life is not a linear line of progress go easy on yourself and listen to your needs x
The more that I have accepted the process and understand its significance in my life, the more I have embraced it as a necessary tool for me. I believe those who can and do breakdown are actually the most deep and honest people I know. It is so brutally raw and honest.. no false masks or smiles. You survive it or you don’t You may be the living dead for a long time and feel it.. But if and when you do re-emerge from it, it has carved out a deeper connection to your authenticity and living artistry.
Thank you... Gigantically !!! A breakdown is simply shouting to us that... 1) We have been doing everything absolutely wrong. All our life !! We have to re think..... & re-evaluate everything. 2) That our desires & dreams are actually artificial... only being superficial balming attempts to avoid & escape our unaddressed & unresolved pains, inadequacies & fears... dark negative energy... which just wants to be heard.... fully. With Positivity, Patience & Love. 3 ) That we cannot & will never get the enchanting love we... restlessly & relentlessly... seek from others, things, achievements... activities... or recognition. Taking a few months to do love meditations is perhaps the best & only real answer to our deep healing... & Awakening. Deeply & unconditionally LOVING yourself....your pains... your fears... your problems. With positivity, CALM, gratitude, courage, extreme patience & forgiveness... & deep self acceptance.... A Grand Self Love. A deep love that embraces ALL aspects & tangents of our self & life. Totally. 1000% !!! Doing this for a week will simply not cut it. You will have to take a break of several weeks... or months. 🌈🌈🌈 Great Happiness, Strength, Love & Tranquillity, 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
Yep, my breakdown took me to a huge awakening, now I actually thank God it happened even when in the darkest moments I thought of suicide. Now I see, huge victories come from huge challenges ⚜️
Guilty of having been through multiple episodes of nervous breakdowns very recently; it was a terrible point of my life and at times I felt like the air was strangling me. Vigorous Exercise has saved me. Still healing but definitely getting there!
Wow, this video is like someone is directly talking to me and explaining my current situation. I wish we had someone who can understand the dilemma like this.
@@suemilner9691 thanks a lot, I think I had it for a couple of years already but choose to ignore it as it could devour me entirely. So I sometimes make an effort to entertain myself or simply sleep just to avoid dealing with it. I have a lot of things to do and I want to settle it when that is the only big problem that remains.
I just sent this to my sister after explaining for the first time why I couldn't communicate with her during my breakdown. Then I had a good cry. Thank you for the explanation.
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The School of Life this is incredible! Thank you, what about a shared psychosis? I had a breakdown due to one.
This video is exactly what my mind/heart was looking for! Thank you for that
It's just amazing how this channel touches my heart and mind.
The School of Life Thankyou for this incredible video .
It gives me hope
Where can one go for more help?
"When we hit our lowest point we are open to the greatest change"
-Avatar Aang
Ahh yes
this made me feel less guilty of what could be a major melt down. It made me start a vlog, which now has 100 subscribers today.
@@aissetousillah3283 no its aang
Yeah, but when the world needed him most where was he??? He was off penguin sledding in the south, that's where. 😒🐧🐧
A breakdown leads to a breakthrough. Got to feel it to heal it.
Idk it was meant to be like this, but this really felt reassuring and gave me a spark of hope. Thanks.
We need more considerate people like you. I had one in May of 2018 and I’ve been since referring to it as a “breakthrough” myself instead of a breakdown because of what I’ve learned from having one and every time you have one you become mentally and emotionally stronger as a result don’t ever loose hope brother because you are never alone Godspeed my friend!!!
Drug the breakdowns and be good little shits that want nothing but school and then work and kids.
Glad it happened I know kno I'm normal the world isnt
@@kelleybright3113 by definition most of the world is normal and you're not. I'm not saying they're better, they're idiots, but they're normal.
I received the notification after my mental breakdown?? Man my FBI agent is caring
Anastasia Christina this comment is underrated
I understand. Fortunately my low self-esteem tells my paranoia that I'm not important enough to merit persecution.
peculiarlittleman that hit close to home
Hahaha same here! Thanks fbi lady
I have the habit of being nocturnal because of online studying and needing to monitor my grandma at night. I felt a void when she passed, and had some days not even seeing/talking to family members. After a breakdown, I had thoughts of 'I don’t want to feel sh*tty anymore, I want to feel fine'. I no longer wanted to do as people wanted/expected, cared less about what other ppl said and made some family members unhappy because I seem 'selfish' and more outspoken. Either I care more about my own happiness or be a people pleaser :/
Its insane how often it boils down to that tho isn't it? I know I believe in a middle ground, and I do what I can to walk that line hard. But from observations, you're either a people pleaser or looking after yourself first
I think you can absolutely please people and make them happy. As long as it’s not at a detriment to yourself. You wouldn’t want other people to do that for you, so why do it for them?
Are the annoyed family members possibly those who inculcated the(our) people pleasing?!
NB: Sam Vaknin's youtube on people pleasing v infomative on these psychodynamics.
I had a professor from Russia who said people in U.S. were too concerned with mental health - that depression and even breakdowns were valuable. He also said that our expectation that everyone be happy all the time, greet each other with a smile and "fine" or "great" in response to "how are you?" was fake and inhumane.
@Chesapeake Bay 😂😂😂
@Chesapeake Bay I... uh... what?
@Chesapeake Bay lol, someone's been reading too many conspiracies
@Chesapeake Bay but you name yourself after that dirty ass bay. I'm from maryland too. You're not excluded from the smog in d.c regardless of whether you drink well water or not you're still contaminated lol.
Laugh if you want but I would urge yall to look up the side effects. Flouride has now been recognized as a neurotoxin.
"A crisis represents an appetite for growth that hasn't found another way of expressing itself". This caught my eyes.
ur ears* its ok tho, ur going thru a breakdown
@@kevinkim6664 thanks for pointing it out. Hahaha.
A crisis represents an appetite for growth that hasn't found another way of expressing itself.
Una crisis representa un apetito por el crecimiento que no ha encontrado otra forma de expresarse.
Beautiful, isn't it?
"People talk about caterpillars becoming butterflies as though they just go into a cocoon, slap on wings and are good to go.
Caterpillars have to dissolve into a disgusting pile of goo to become butterflies.
So, if you're a mess wrapped up in blankets right now - keep going."
- Jennifer Wright
Came across this yesterday, during a really bad episode of sudden, utter despair and hopelessness. Naturally I turned to the internet, partly to distract myself from myself, partly looking for answers.
I don't know about you, but that quote is the single most hopeful thing I've read in a long, long time.
Whatever works for you, embrace it . Don't let any lack of validity from others make you sad . You are of Worth , that's why You are Created by God
that's awesome, thank you.
i wanted to cry when i was reading this ❤ ty. its so true
thank you so, so much for sharing this
My doctor told me "you need to be kind to yourself. Expecting perfection is only going to set you up to fail. However, the one who did this to you, is yourself. So you also need to take responsibility for hurting yourself this way".
I'm on a slow route to recovery, and even though I don't think everything needs to be a lesson, this really has made me open my eyes to how much is to much and what I am truly capable of.
To be fair, you are probably not the only one who did this to yourself. You probably learned this lesson as a very small child. It’s not all your fault.
Mental breakdown = character development
That explains why im so different then I was before
Wait until you have 20 more.
Main Character potential?
@@bluebeka2458 Yes...
Sometimes you need a breakdown to realize what are the toxic and what are the good things in your life.
A breakdown is not a sunday park picnic.
Both of mine were caused by toxic people and me being a people pleaser. Thankfully my breakdowns moved me away from each of these people.
@@metsot i have it. It sucks!!!!!
Good mental health care allows you that safe space while you build up new support systems, so that the next time life gets you down, you have the right people in place to be with you through that time
to me, a breakdown is like a broken clock. clocks are very finely tuned instruments, and they have lots of little gears inside them. Because they have so many gears, sometimes some grease builds up between the cracks. normally, you don’t notice, the clock keeps ticking as usual, and life is good. but slowly, eventually, the grease builds up to a point where you start to notice. And then the clock stops working. The clock doesn’t stop because of some random, one off event, it’s a gradual build up that’s never been cleaned out. But nobody notices, because all they see is a broken clock
Having a major breakdown was amazing for me. Didnt feel like it at the time but I came out of it as the best version of myself and now I actually enjoy being alive
You didn't go through "a major breakdown" believe me. You may have grown though ..for other reasons.
@@metsot don't be so vague. some random person on the internet doesn't need your lies and coddling.
I had one, very intense (scared the cats), short in duration and I could feel it physically break. It has been like that beautiful day after a hurricane. I am very patient with myself and at 69 I finally feel love for myself. I have known to stand up for myself for a long while. Now I must be doing it correctly bcs it’s finally working. Difference between fearful defense and healthy pro activity?
@@metsot I like how you think you know everything about everyone else’s lives. You never saw what they went through. Obviously you have some growing to do.
@@cunningfox831 I don't know obviously ..it's all based on my life experience. I'm 50 ..the growing is done. I'm dying.
"We have not become ill, we were ill, already"
That feeling of freshness after a breakdown - a certain kind of special relief, like when you go outside to breathe in the air after a storm, is incredible. Often, I think it's worth the pain.
Feels great! Hahaha I tend to have one once a year due to frustration but it feels so refreshing to let it all out 😂
I really appreciate that image right now. It's palpable in a way that helps me connect with my own breakdowns and reminds me to trust them a bit more. Anyway, thanks.
taigatayo if god is real he's such a sadistic pos.
slevinlindsay It’s been 9 years and I’m still waiting for this “freshness”.
*Me crying at 3 am*
Hey yo - are u ok?? I want to tell u that u will be & I'm here for u alright👌 I know you're scared, confused & lonely but u are worth it, never give up - pls let me know how you're going?
@@beejaydee6126 not so good it feels like the whole world is against me these past few weeks and i feel so happy finally someone asked me if im ok
@@annoyingdoggo6913 - I won't say i know what yr going through but i will say u won't feel this way forever..that's a promise. Yr welcome to tell me what's going on in yr life that has u feeling so miserable, I'm happy to hear it☺
I went through a stage only a few years back where it felt like I was crying all day every day, I just wanted to sleep bc it was the only time I'd get to escape the misery & loneliness but my anxiety had become so intense that my mind wouldn't even let me sleep which after months of bare minimum sleep fatigue became a factor...which made everything all the worse for it. Worst part of it all was it seemed not one single soul in this world gave a toss...
I can tell u more if yr interested in hearing it but the bottom line is I am now happy, i have unknowingly learnt things that i hadn't in my 42yrs of life & know things that I'm not even sure how or why i know them? Everything that happens in my life & around it comes with crystal clear clarity & I feel an inner strength that is completely empowering. If u had of seen or known me & where my life was at not so long back u wouldn't believe I'm the same person...to give u some perspective how dark life had gotten for me I had begun to consider suicide as an option & it never had even been a thought to me before. All i knew is i couldn't go on the way i was feeling all day everyday..
Pls believe u are not alone, I think yr worth it & I care how yr feeling😉
@@beejaydee6126 i coudnt thank u enough for opening up to me even if im just a stranger u still made me feel like im important
Annoying Doggo right 😂 I don’t know I had one
As a video editor and motion graphics artist, The School of Life never ceases to amaze me with their presentation quality.
+BanditRants your videos are unreal!
tantbreathMAN2001 I agree they look great!
Thanks so much! We are blessed to work with some very brilliant people.
The audio could be better though . Too much plosives.
I'm a scientist and I'm always envious of you creative types
I just had my first breakdown in my life at the age of 32. It was tough and dark. But blessed, I learned to listen to my emotions better. I’m thankful for this new perspective on life. Let us remember that don’t forget to heal and love ourselves everyday. ❤ Know that you are not alone, wherever you are.
Sometimes after a breakdown, most of the things which were hazy become clearer.
The Axis of Insight absolutely
I totally agree with you but it is annoying to hear that when you haven’t reached a stage where you can agree that it made you a better person after all.
Stephen Lee Gillis 🙂 I’ll take your word for it 😇
I just had mental breakdown and right after I felt better.
The Axis of Insight this is where I am right now. I was scared as fuck but am finding appreciation in the process of becoming whole again
Thank you. I will fix my life tomorrow. Please pray for me to get things done.
I hope you succeed :)
So, how did thing turn out?
Hey Brian how are things going now
Fix it now not tomorrow because then it will always be tomorrow
Break downs have followed up with the best decisions of my life.
@yon can correct
I agree, I've learned best the hard way.
I like that and believe that
I hope I can say the same things in a year. Happy to hear your life became better!
I'm in a middle of a breakdown and thinking if I should quit my job to take a time for myself. This video put me into perspective
So what was your choice? Job or quitting
Not advice to do it, but I had one and dropped out of a funded masters program a few months after I started. Thought I was ready, switched schools and disciplines and dropped out of that one a month after. Moved home, did random things like stain wood on a construction site and become a UPS helper over the holidays just to stay busy.
Currently I’m a year out from finishing a PhD (after another discipline switch) and am planning a wedding for next year. I cannot see my life turning out this well if I did not have that period of “breaking down.”
Again, not advice to quit your job or anything. But assurance that doing things that may seem “incorrect” at the time in order to take a step back and figure things out may be a good path, even if some people around you just fundamentally don’t understand.
Hope you are doing better now. Its a slow process and a lonely one but i hope for me i become a happier person eventually. 🦋🕊🙏
Thank you very much for your replies. I've quitted since february and I've felt better, relieved, I've also switch disciplines since college and I expect to go back to school next semester. I hope you all doing good.
But a fish in a toxic tank and it will get sick. You can take the fish out and put it in a new fresh tank for a while, it will get better. The moment you put it back in the first tank, it will go back to being sick.
You probably don't know how you saved a life today but I think i was going to vanish in thin air and nobody is going to notice...i feel nothing, want nothing....need nothing....i just wanted everything to stop and just cry shamelessly....the person I need at these times....a truly good friend was busy....I thought the time has come....the world is giving me signs to stop....but believe me as exaggerated it sounds....I came across this video
...and I learnt....i regained my calm....yes...a lil part of me was still tangled mess....but i got what I needed the most...even in such amount....I am thankful
I'm glad you're still here and hope you're feeling well today
Happy for you, Josaya. 👍🏽🙏🏾
even when it gets hard you gotta keep fighting, im so happy you're still alive
Josya Mitra same
We love you💓
"we haven’t become ill, we are ill already"- absolutely love these videos. At 17 I had a breakdown and it took me a LONG time wallowing in depression and seeking suicide as an option to finally realise that it was an opportunity to grow and learn. Love the explanation of our brain trying to tell us something but as our conscious minds are lazy it takes urgent action. Our brains are so clever in seeking health but often we ignore the signposts given by our body until its too late.
so well put.
How do you go about it? Words of advice would really help. Lately been digging my head into stuff around the house (since I quit my job, and am rediscovering myself). But I want to also achieve things and not just wallow in my feelings. I notice strong headaches for the past three days and unsure why.
Thanks for sharing your inspiring story.
I’m so glad you’re still here ❤️
@@GayleCreates Have you tried the Mood Gym website? There is also a book available from Amazon (also called Mood Gym) available in paperback or on Kindle. Amazon also have a huge selection of books about building self esteem and confidence. It sounds like you are already on the right path by prioritising self care. Good nutrition, regular sleep, fresh air and exercise are essential for our wellbeing. Reading fiction and listening to gentle meditative music (available on TH-cam) can also be helpful. A short course of anti depressants may be helpful in lifting your mood if you feel unable to cope initially. Everyone is different but art, music and nature are all wonderful healers. Write down 3 things you are grateful for each day and build from there. Best wishes 😊💕
@@GayleCreates I'm no professional, but trying to figure out what your mental health really needs by looking inside and discovering what your body really wants (even if contrary to social opinion, like hard work or a passion) is a good way to start.
When you get over it, suddenly everything is clearer. You see the truths. You see everything. You accept everything. And everuthing is fresh like clean slate...
and like others sometimes i think the pain is worth it.
Queen yes I learned to slow down a lot
What does getting over it really means ?
I hope i get to this point someday
It surely is!
Queen i hope so..
This makes me feel less guilty about the times I’ve had break downs. I always thought there was something wrong with me, but I was really just not happy or struggling in the circumstances I was in.
The subconscious mind is very patient.. until it is *Not.*
Mind to explain?
Humans are able to up hold A LOT of stress and pain, but it adds up.
Every Cup has a Limit and when there is no space left, the shit will Spill all over the place.
This screams to me
Very succinctly put
Spot on!
“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.”
-Jiddu Krishnamurti
Breakdowns appear (to me) to be an almost unavoidable consequence of humans having evolved socially to the point that our own subconscious minds demand a better and more meaningful reality to that which we are being served.
Thank you for the vid. Superbly put together and uncannily prescient for many.
And now, due to its utterly toxic premise, the culture itself is breaking the world down and when enough supports have fallen it will go down too, probably fairly soon. The only thing that can save humanity is to dissolve the artificial boundary imposed between it and nature. That can only occur through conscious awakening. I don't know if it can happen en masse.
Jiddu Krishnamurti's aphorism is relevant on all levels that I can think of.
Socity still haven't figured out the true nature of reality, and deep down, they know that life has more to it then they believe
You can't be truly happy when you're so deeply deceived about the greatest metaphysic truths
Jonathan Wholohan very well said!
I’m convinced I had a breakdown that lead to the greatest awakening, self healing, growth and self development of my life. You embrace the breakdown (I know that’s very difficult) ask what it wants to teach you.
like Jordan Peterson says-ask yourself what you should be doing, that you could be doing, that you would do. You'll get an answer so fast it will make you hair curl. You know. You know what things you should be doing. But it isn't just saying the question. You have to really be asking. somehing like that!
thank you so much for sharing
Definitely! Same here.
I call that bs. If i don't get some sorth of supernatural power and an interensing life (except the deaths) like in a anime, i still think it was all for nothing. I feel like i had become dummer and dummer by the breakdown to breackdown since i make the same mistakes as before. So if isin't the first case, miss me with that crap. I'm tired of this freaking life that gives me nothing more than stress. I want something with value in return.
And before you say, that i'm selfish. Is because i'm tired to be selfless anymore.
@@bluebeka2458 I recommend you reading: “Be Calm” by Jill P. Weber - online free available. Mind changing 😉
I suffered a breakdown earlier this year (at 33) and the way that my body responded was so scary. It literally stopped working. I ended up making some big decisions and my life took a complete 180. It took me a while to understand the purpose of the breakdown because of how guilt-ridden and ashamed I felt for having "failed" at life, but life is 100% better now. Listen to your body, reach out to your support system, and ask for professional help (social workers, counselors, your PCP) if needed. xo C
I never bought into the "Fail/succeed" bullsheet. Failed in comparison to whom? Bernie Madoff? "The Loser now will be later to win"- Bob Dylan
What do you mean your body stopped working? You got too depressed to move?
The problem is that not everyone can get past their breakdown phase...
Or are in control of what is causing it
Break out of the box society put us in, it's a break out not break down.
oldschoolman 144 THIS!
but crying helps man some times u just got to cry and then ull feel okay. crying is awesome man,
I can't believe how accurately timed this video is. Thanks a lot!
A video about having a mental breakdown is always well timed
Indeed same here
Water Molecule I am down by tinnitus and face palsy, I agree every word in this video
YES!!! OMG IT IS !!! A couple of days ago, i started to pick up the pieces of my broken life ....
Oliver OAP haha u got tinnutus too?
A lot of people out here are struggling so I wanted to say this; I don’t know if it will reach anyone but I hope it will. Even if your will to live might be small and fleeting, the fact you’re watching this video means you’ve not completely given up hope. That will can grow, if you nurture it and take the time needed to understand what has kept it small. If there’s a will, there’s a way. You have the power take control of your life again. Just like the video says, you just might have to listen to what is blocking you from having that power.
Stay strong, you amazing individual ^^
Bad moods can be thought of as storm clouds that will pass.
thank you so much
Idk you but i love you thx
My goals are beyond this world. So i'm not expecting much. Honestly idk what i'm expecting anymore...
Thank you. You don’t know how much your words helped
I needed to see this. I'd recently startedbinge drinking because the stress from college and expectations on me and the seemingly endless stream of adult responsibilities have simply become too much. So much to learn and remember, so much I expect myself to be perfect at, so many people I don't want to let down. I've made a recent desision to cut out drinking until my 21 birthday and after which develop a healthier relationship with alchohol and my mind. I hope that by sharing my experience I can help others in this comment section feel less alone.
Your comment is really beautiful and encouraging. I hope I can help you a bit with all the pressure you are feeling. Please don't feel a need to be perfect or to please others by being the perfect person. What is perfection anyway? Each person views perfection differently and if we try to please others, we will forever fall short. I have found that doing my best each day is good enough, otherwise we can make ourselves sick with all the stress. If I know that I got up each day and did my best, then that is good enough and it doesn't matter what others think. Strive for inner peace and joy from within instead of seeking it from the outside. It is always the simple things in life that lead to a more joyful life. Not being tied down feeling like you never achieve anything, but feeling like each day is new for you to achieve your best with no pressure, just joy and gratitude for life. Take nature walks and see the beauty all around. It's not always the striving that gets us places, but the calm and quiet times that help us grow the most. Just a thought on alcohol. You may want to strive for not drinking at all because it always leads to more troubles and causes many health problems, and is a depressant. Drinking almost always leads down a road of misery with nothing at the end of it. Strive to be sober and get joy out of living a good and healthy life by being an example of health to others. Hope you have a beautiful and abundant life.
Literally me except that I procrastinate on my studies. I really wish I knew what to do at this point. I feel like I’m so behind in my studies that I’m considering dropping out, but I’m worried about letting everyone down. I CHOSE to go to the college I’m at, and now I’m wasting my opportunity because of my inner struggles. And even if I did drop out, I don’t know where to go next. I can’t choose another college to go to, I already tried two other colleges and ended up the same way. And doing another part-time job might ruin my super-unpredictable schedule with my current part-time job. I feel like it should be an easy answer, but it’s not as clear-cut as it should…
Sorry for ranting on like that. I think I needed to vent. Anyways, I’m glad that someone had the same issue as me.
Hmm, I also just started college and I FEEL like I will break at somepoint as well... I chose to go to a college without my friends (which was a 6th form so everyone i know went there) and now I'm stranded without friends, and I'm starting to question if everything I've done is even my choice. Like I've been doing maths, and computer science but I feel so damn bored every lesson and i can see any job related to them being the same experience... Idk anymore
Hmm, one question: how are you getting your hands on alcohol in the first place if you’re under 21? It’s illegal to even be in possession of it before that age! Do you realize how many crimes you’re unintentionally committing right now? Not trying to be rude; just genuinely wondering what you’re doing here.
@@mbcommandnerd I'm guessing they live in a different country which has a lower age limit for alcohol
I've been in a perpetual breakdown for several years due to existential depression, and I just keep wondering what's wrong with everyone else for pretending there isn't anything wrong with the world.
@@hansderhalbe9229 I was about to ask the same
That's nirmal
Because WORLD must go ON. We men HAVE to pile up our but-hurt feelings get everything working . Water , food , internet , electric it all comes for someones hard work and pain. When you just do some real work and not think too much about it gets better.
Luis Unbekannt take a bunch of lsd and then you’ll know
I went through 6 months of existential crisis late 2016. I learned about myself .. I learned about the world and was interested in every subject out there, math and art which I never thought I'd be interested in. In the end I really got into psychology also a subject I never thought I'd like. I'd read throughout the day, exercise daily and the whole day I had this sixth sense where I could feel the universe as being part of me. I took plenty of notes about everything I was learning about myself. It's been almost 3 years since then and my life is going well, though there's always room for improvement of course. I sometimes wish I could experience what I experienced then, because of how I handled it and used the whole thing for my own advantage. If you are going through it and are not sure how to deal with it, here is a hint that'll transform the way it'll affect you in a positive manner: TAKE NOTES. Lots of them. Right goals, habits, things that need improvement. USE YOUR MEMORY. Most of us are going through this because of things that happened during or since our childhood. So think as far back as you can and connect every dot since then and make it VIVID. I also use my memorable childhood memories to cope with depression. It never disappoints. I envy people who are going through existential crisis because you're seeing the world as it is. For people who are not, there's this filter in our minds which is constantly filtering out all the metadata that is attached to everything we experience. Well, it makes since because the world is in a faster pace for most of us, though I prefer being able to slow things down.
Thanks for breaking it down
Oh god
lol ;D
I was looking for this comment.
Rokas S 🇦🇺😃🌈 I’ve had a couple of those
Very relatable. Suffered personal and work stress for many years until I started getting panic attacks 3 years ago. Quit my job cut off all relationships and been focusing on myself and my health since. Learned so much and getting ready to do life again - properly - the way I want it.
G Same here. Glad to know others can relate. I'm slowly but surely getting to a better place. Live YOUR best life.
all the best. kind of in that 'me' cocoon too.
G How have you done that?It feels daunting to change all the things one wants to change even if they know it will make them happier?
Darima2: Everyone's situation is different of course, I was relatively lucky because my problems (stemming from adoption and immigration) actually forced me to think and fend for myself so from a young age I started learning about suffering (via Buddhism), mental and physical health and success. I had also gained years of skills and experience in tech so was able to take time off - personal and financial independence was KEY for me. I needed my own space to just be with myself, listen to my mind and body and act honestly according to them rather than faking it for my job or social circles. However I would not recommend prolonged isolation - if you have supportive family/friends around you, ask them for help. Trying to think your way out of your own mind can become a vicious trap in itself.
G I completely understand this and went through this too and now looking back it all makes sense why panic attacks started to happen. That’s why I’ve come to understand that panic attacks are the body’s way of really alerting us and getting our attention because we haven’t been paying attention for so long. Once I started to embark on the difficult journey of self discovery, the panic attacks slowly started leaving me. It is crazy how it works, but it all makes sense
After my breakdown I started living my life more and in an organized way , less toxic and I also eliminated many things to remain happy.
I had a breakdown in my car tonight and saw this in my recommended 30 mins later. I’m not mad; thank you FBI agent
Catherine Duong stop copying for likes
@@danielishere734 As if, man. It was the first thing that came to my mind when I watched. It's a common joke. You good though? Monitoring some rando's comments on videos? Maybe this is just a projection and you're the one fishing for likes.
penelope pittstop Hey, thanks for the enlightenment, Penelope👍🏼
Phone hackers or nah? Enlighten me...Please... I dont get this joke...
Lashun A. Sure! So there was a conspiracy theory circulating that the government can actually view & keep track of our actions/activities through the little cameras on our phones, laptops, etc. (that’s why some folks put band-aids or opaque tape over their lenses). The joke is that every person is assigned their own personal FBI agent to monitor their every move. Part of the joke is to use this as the reason we often will find adverts on social media or internet browsing of things we looked up or talked about needing or wanting to get. The internet has personified these “personal FBI agents” as friendly who look out for us and recommend things that would help us out or give us indirect advice. Kind of like a guardian angel of sorts, if you will😂
I think the conscious mind ignores these pleas for attention from the emotional self not because it’s lazy, but because it has deemed other things in our environment (e.g. being a good employee, living up to societal standards and family expectations, etc.) more important than our mental and emotional needs that might be seen as “inconvenient” to tend to by the conscious mind and frankly, society as a whole. The conscious mind seems to register that this is an important thing to listen to, but other “needs” take priority, and that’s why when the emotional revolution happens, the conscious mind seems to have simply run out of energy to keep up the facade of being a “good” __________ (employee, husband, wife, daughter, etc.), in favor of surrendering and actually listening to ourselves and what we truly need.
I tend to think some of it is EGO driven, I can muster through, I am to strong to cry about this or that or worse yet I don't need help I can do it all myslef I also think that there is disconnect from our spiritual side. As we are spiritual beings having a human experience we sometimes forget to connect to ourselves on a deep level, to take a breath and experience the joy life has to offer vs running on the wheel or chasing our tail for material gains. Just my two cents.
TsiroGant I’m so glad! Thank you for reading!
Jess Yates I definitely agree that it feels like it’s ego driven for sure. I think that plays into the idea that we’re told from a young age how to be as ourselves and how to be in the world, and sometimes that means not crying or putting up some sort of emotional front, when our true selves feel really differently.
Edit to add: and I absolutely agree, we could all stand to enjoy our lives in the moment more and spend less mental energy pushing ourselves toward some ideal that may not actually be ours in the first place :)
Is been a long time now since money has become more important than anything else, I think this has damaged our species tremendously, we are truly amazing and have soooo much to offer the planet, we could make this our dream planet if we wanted to, but this society we live in has made us selfish and money hungry and left us on a really though spot. I believe that with the sweet arrival of the internet everything could change though, I don´t think we´re completely doomed by any means.
Christina Schreiner I agree . This video was amazing until it called the conscious mind lazy. If anything it's fear. We are taught what is important and it seems like everyone around us follows that , so will learn to distrust ourselves. With that means to supress our feelings . Avoiding pain and confusion and grief or whatever word you relate to must is not lazy . It's scary. Terrifying , when everyone around you thinks you should live by a certain norm yet your emotional needs are screaming out at you , it's no wonder we will be scared . We aren't taught how to cater for our emotions properly so of course we push it away because we don't understand it and that scares us
School of Life - the only school I never get bored of.
Eli Contassot I know right?!! I'm hooked
Eli Contassot this comment is so accurate...
Eli Contassot and the only school who doesnt threaten you with jail for not being here and watching pretty cool school if I do say so myself
This really gives so much hope.
For more than almost 5 months my life has stopped: everything I worked extremely hard to build has been destroyed, I lost my friends, my goals and ambitions are gone after I was so close to achieve them, l am so lonely and broke and lot more ... In a word I have got no more energy to keep living. I just wanna sleep forever and disappear .
I tried many times to get out of this and get back to what I have been before, but things are just getting worse.
The problem is that life does never wait for anyone to get better. Everyday, I lose more chances .
I feel really bad for the fact that when I see people everyday just going ahead, living their dreams, having the power and the energy I have had once and I lost, getting closer to my dreams and goals...I hate myself and I hate how I have got nothing left in me, except lot of shame, regret, sadness and the desire to die. It really seems unfair to me.
I am really sick of this, I just want to get well before it is extremely late.
It's gonna be okay. Hang in there
you gotta keep on going! Don't lose hope! I send you a hug
I'm going through something remarkably similar. Mind, body, goals, friendships, so much deteriorated over the past few years, so many loved ones literally and figuratively lost. I have learned from this though that it's not healthy to bottle it up and hide it away, that I need to take the time to grieve and then it's okay to be sad in the face of so many tragedies. You have to take the time to grieve it, learn how to let your mistakes go instead of holding on to and living in regret. You can always approach and apologize to old friends and try to heal old wounds as well, and you've got the time to recognize now where your energy belongs and who is bad for you and who is good. Hold on to the good ones, make compromises, apologize, and step out of the old rolls and into the new ones that fulfill your need for belonging and love. Best of luck to you, I'm still struggling everyday as well. I was lucky enough to find a free counseling and I've been sticking to it, and it came at no small expense but I began ketamine therapy in 5 days as well that I hope will break me through my depression feedback loops. My counselor may have openings as well, contact me with a DM or simply reply to my comment and I can refer you to them.
Please do not take my words into action but take them into consideration. Perhaps trying to regain what you once had, be who you once were or do what you once did is not what you need. From my experiance of depression and a burnout i learned to listen to what i really needed or wanted and celebrated what i had gained instead of thinking about how much i still had to do. Im now in a different place then where i was before with new friends and new hobby's, and with the ability to listen to what i need and what my body needs.
This might have be a ver incoherent (if thats the right word) but these were the words that came to my mind first. Again, please dont take my words into action but take them into consideration.
I wish you all the best in your path to recover and hope you will be better someday :)
You sound a little bit like me. As people get older, they will add more important things into their lives; family, job, colleague, friend, money, love, etc. I was also like that, until i had a breakdown and can't get myself to work on anything i promised myself to do. I just sit down, not going anywhere, not doing anything. I kept pondering until i reached a conclusion: chasing two horses isn't getting me anywhere, so rather than adding things/goals into my life, how about i throw away and reduce them instead? And so i threw all things that i want, all things i thought i want, all goals that is reachable yet i haven't done, all the time to "socialize" with other people, etc. And i came to discover that ONE thing i truly want and truly desire with all my being. That thing at the bottom of my "things to throw away" list. It gets my heart and body running like a horse on fire. And from then on i started to work, FOR JUST THAT ONE THING. I was (hyper)focused, not thinking about anything or anyone, but just that single thing, day and night. And guess what, i find myself out of that standstill, regained my vigor, my brain and body works in sync, and i learned to keep myself away from reaching to things i wouldn't grab.
True story: I had a breakdown at work and couldn’t stop crying. Took short-term leave to try to heal. One month later, I tried to return to work. Instead, my employer fired me.
I have been through something similar and am so sorry 💗
Rebecca Waychunas Thank you. I am sorry for what you went through too.
I'm so sorry. I'm sure youll find a job where they'll value your health more
at work that never works!
@@beckywaytoomuch I'm so sorry for what happened to you , this is what I fear , I'm growing up and soon to be expected to find a job , and as someone who has many breakdowns or needs time to heal , I'm not sure I'll make it...
Currently watching this while having a breakdown
Currently having a breakdown while watching this
@@Spookspek y u do him like that?
@@alisalehi6991 Sounds like SpectralBacon is having a breakdown too...
Sylvie the whalien me too
I now want to have a breakdown. I’m going to start by quitting my job which I’ve hated for 17 years. Wish me luck humans!
How did it go?
@@shaun7517 ☹
Is it too late to wish him luck? Hello, qwargy. You there?
Poor quarry. I mean- poor qwerty. Oh, nevermind.
I just want to tell you how grateful I am because I have come across this channel. You are a blessing to many people who are struggling in processing their thoughts & feelings... Please continue being a source of healing,love & light to millions of people! Thank you so much! Love from the Philippines 🇵🇭
Glad to have a fellow Filipino here in this channel!
"Tired of being what you want me to be,
Feeling so faithless, lost under the surface"
Dont know what you're expecting of me.
Put under the pressure of walking in your shoes
Every step that I take is another mistake to youuuuu
Caught in the undertow, just caught in the undertow.
I become so numb. I can't feel you there
Become so tired, so much more aware
I'm a year out from a nervous breakdown after being miserable for a decade in tech.
I'm starting graduate school for social work in September.
John Choi what was wrong with tech????
@@dbsk06 It wasn't for me and I knew it -- it didn't interest me, it didn't line up with my values, it burned me out -- but I stayed for the paycheck and fear of trying something new.
The breakdown made me realize that I can't live the next 30 years of my professional life in the same way that I lived my first 10.
Congrats and good luck! I wish you all the best for your SW degree. I'm sure you will make some people's lives better.
Just don't drink the Socialist Injustice Koolaid and start hating.
@@TheJeremyKentBGross For sure, man. I'm all for personal accountability and self agency.
It took me 30 some years to keep juggling, while riding a unicycle, being a daughter, then student, teacher, wife, Mom of 6 adult children and 9 grandchildren, and in between all of that go through sexual abuse as a teenager, my Mom’s death, a car accident, and finally ending up with Lupus, to break down with PTSD, Anxiety, and Mild Depression. My body felt exhausted at age 51. Thank you for this video. It was Wonderful. If I could use my life and this video to help others to slow down I will.
Myrna Figueroa isn’t that how life is? Everything you listed seems very average. Death, life, survival, etc? Isn’t that what we’re all bound to go through?
I think you are very strong 💪
Wowww...you sound like a very strong person to go through that much adversity and still raise children and grandchildren! They must really look up to you. Yesss...self care time is so important. Time to sit down with yourself and do what makes you happy and brings you joy. Thank you for posting your testimony :)
Sounds like my mom
I hope you're doing better 💕
Just had a huge breakdown last March. 😢 I’m still healing. ❤️🩹
When you have a breakdown, you essentially identify what area/s of your life (relationships/work/habits/etc.) you need to break out of to heal...you get a breakthrough when you're finally able to take steps to take control of your emotional and mental wellbeing.
having battled depression, alcoholism and botched attempts at suicide for years I was given the advice to just 'give up' and embrace the pain. So when I was facing financial and personal ruin that's exactly what I did. I stopped trying to cope and collapsed into a heap of tears and crying in a public place. Then I got the peace and clarity of mind that enabled me to pick up the pieces and put my life back together. Doing really well now and in control of my life. The mental health professionals that were supposed to be helping me ran away in fright. I thought that was very interesting :)
If my professionals hadn't stuck with me I would have killed myself. I've stopped trying to cope many times and it did nothing but get me into an even worse mess.
Humans are complex, minds are complex. Much more so than this video lets on.
Had my third infront of over 50 students.
to rise first you have to hit the bottom...
It's like looking at a broken mirror and trying to fix it, while your fixing the shards you realize some make you bleed some hurt more than others. I am still trying to pick up the pieces. From my experience of botched attempts to kill the pain.... I felt stupid that it didn't work, I could even do that right. Got made fun of by people for using it for attention. I'm going to sound old a.f right now but I think social media really plays a big part in breakdowns depression and suicide.... I wish I was still young and pick up the land line and hear the God awful sound of the modem. I can't keep up with this world. I shut EVERYONE out.... I don't know how to open the door in my head to let the pain out.
Debbie Hatton third what?
Exactly my case. Had to go through a breakdown to live more authentically. Enough of that persona didacted by society. No more bullshit to endure. My choices now not anybody's else's
"Enough of that persona didacted by society."
Then what happens if you don't have a choice? Like you work from 9 to 5, everyday on a job you don't like, but because the governments around the world made sure this so-called "capitalist" system is depended on governments to function by creating a central currency, working-class regulations, increasing taxes, all that makes it nearly unbearable to live with a minimum wage because everything is hella expensive thanks to all that intervention... You are limited. Your creativity is fucked because you have too much shit going on. I always wanted to be a musician, a producer, live off my art, but this bullshit system enslaves us to the point of getting anxious if we don't get a job asap; overvaluing a fucking major diploma that for a large number of people goes to the locker. This world man, I don't know.
@@thedarkestlotus Get a job, work it, plan and have fun.
AIWATE me too
Ever since my breakdown I've been experiencing a total lack of interest in purchasing things or keeping up the trends on Instagram. It makes me wonder, am I broken? I catch myself second guessing the little actions I take when I venture outside. It's terrifying and reassuring at the same time. The breakdown is over, but how long more until I feel back to normal? What can I do to make myself feel not so out of place anymore?
miele hina it just takes time but you’ll get there I’m 2 years into one and I’m almost back to normal sometimes it takes longer for some people but you have to do what works best for your growth maybe church and prayer? That’s what helps me most are you religious at all?
Im only 22, and recently, sadly I had a really bad breakdown. I kept the "mail" at the door for much longer than it should've ever been there. It got so bad that I would go briefly catatonic. Luckily I finally feel on the path to healing and this video is a beautiful thing to see, so thank you.
Hope you are in a better place now and on a good road to recovery it takes a while but its supposed too. I know im going through this now its a lonely painful journey. Big hug to you. 🦋🕊🙏💗
This is where you and your ego have a stand off. This is called the abyss. It is very dangerous, you may not survive. The goal is to destroy your ego here and give birth to a much more improved version.
willie peppers Couldn’t have said it better, I’m tired of ego getting in the way of everything
Wow, so well said!! Mine was destroyed and I’m the better for it.
Yes...abyss is kind of what this feels like...thank you for sharing
Very wise words by willie peppers , In my journey i tried letting go of the ego for years but was always confused because sometimes my ego was dead on and very very helpful . so i have imagined a way ( almost my duty ) to live with this ego and learn from it and also forgive it and teach it . It is part of me so is included when i say i love you to myself . The stand off was there for sure and very real over time but i have tried to listen to the inner voice which suggests i nurture this ego , love it and teach it . ,after all ,all the great creativity and positive flow that comes once ego put in place and conditioned by self love trust , respect and wisdom instead of fear shame and guilt . is incredibly and the ego is needed to translate that to the world through song , book , action or whatever creative soul becomes exposed in you . Your inner self will experience so much greatness and wisdom and beauty , the talented few get to interpret this back to the world . I do get it though when first seeing the ego and its bullish ways you kinda want to leave it or get it out , through breaking down comes much good if one is fortunate enough to avoid big pharma drugs or victim thinking . When i had mine i tried explaining it to one other friend but explained that i broke up instead as i witnessed the most wise and beautiful moments that words so far cannot explain . Peace to all ego's out there but your not the boss of us anymore , now let's go for that walk and sort this out . cheers
I love this! A very poignant deeper description, Thankyou!
This got me a bit emotional... I've felt like that a long time till I really took the time to look at the probem and pay proper attention to understand what was goin on.
Luny & Milky yeah it was hard to click on it knowing that well... It was going to bring some stuff up.
But the deft advice is appreciated all the same.
This is a great channel.
yep, it sure has a great deal of intense messages!
Omg.. I thought the same.. I wish this was an event in my life rather than a phase. But I am glad that after a decade I have made the decision to get out of it. All the best to you! Lots of blessings and best wishes :) you are about to start a beautiful life!
Luny & Milky true
Thank you; best to you too x')
The benefits I might have gained from my breakdown were hindered by the shame and fear I felt as others judged me for being a failure and weak.
The healing started when I mixed with people who accepted and tried to understand. This relieved me from my internal shame so I could start accepting myself and using the breakdown as a (re) starting point for future growth and fulfllment.
For everyone who needs to hear this, it’s *okay* to take medication if you need to get through your tough times. Sometimes our brains needs some help to deal with whatever it is you’re in. Never forget that everyone is different and different things work for different people!
Irrefutably evidence says, yeah ideally you've got all your lifestyle stuff in order, diet, exercise, therapy, interpersonal relations/support group wise, those all are great for mental health BUT when you're in the middle of the struggle, thats when its hardest to fix/initiate those things and meds are very useful in getting your baseline up to a point where we can take that multimodal approach.
Very true. Not everyone is equipped to just "break down" and come out the other side improved, or even at all.
@@vystormI have bi polar disorder . I have to take meds or I go crazy
@@gordont1767 I just don't like SSRIs or similar, I'll agree more when medical microdosing replaces them, or at least comes along as an alternative, in more than just Canada
I feel like I have a breakdown every couple of months. I try to pay attention to my emotional health and deal with internal issues as I become aware of them, but I still have a breakdown when life gets too overwhelming or stressful. The stress just makes me hyperaware of all the shitty aspects of my life. At this point I’ve just accepted it as a normal cycle for me.
My nervous breakdown makes me sick because I cry a lot during the breakdown.
They're likely too small and too weak to prompt the change needed to fix the major issue. You'll either get a really big one at some point or live the rest of life out in your current broken state.
That, or you harshly overreact. Which would be a preferable reality haha.
Remember that, every time you've hit a terrible period, you've managed to recover (at least to a limited extent). I, too, go through these cycles regularly but have drawn some strength by recognizing that I am able to come out the other side, not perfectly happy but able to press on for at least a while longer.
William Evans your comment has really helped me see one more day through. Thank you, all the best to you 🙏🏻
1:22 "The tears have stopped and it's safe to go outside"
Damn I felt that
I recall when I had a meltdown I was walking along a not too bust street and just started crying....it prompted me to see a counsellor and help in the form of just someone who'd listen to me
mood, indeed
"I don't know how I'd ever have gotten WELL if I hadn't fallen ILL"
Lilium Louise 😻
I had a breakdown last week, it was at a comic con and everything just hit me. But this is true, I am doing way way better right now than I have ever been
Comic con? You're a comic clown
@@SteveVi0lence and? I choose to be myself because that's who I want to be, I'm not gonna pretend to be someone I'm not anymore.
Instead of insulting random people online try to reflect on yourself, and perhaps you can be happy too my friend.
@@voornaamachternaam8559 what did he say? He deleted the message...
@@p0dushhka tried to just discredit my entire message and simply insult me, he failed miserably
A nervous breakdown is a mandatory call for one to go back and mend their foundations.
Mercy Mburu I had one the other day
spellthemagicword Honestly I'm not sure, it forced me to reflect and I realized that I'm just going through life one day at a time. I don't know if that makes sense because we all are but I feel different it's pretty hard to explain.
mervin814 you should rest Mervin, just chill.
I fucking love this , thank you so much
Mercy Mburu and it is really good to look at what is before us-like it or not-and get away from those who intentionally try to make you crazy. This is a good thing.
I bless the breakdown I had a few years back. Now I am stronger, smarter, faster and above all more 'free' then I could ever imagine.
Be brave face your demons, you only become happier afterwards
thank you so much for sharing
False adertising. Breakdowns are that time when i question my actions and my importance as a human being. I had so many yet i failed to get to the conclusion to the question wtf am i here for. Meybe things are good now, but in the future who knows? We tend to fill our life with delusions of importance, but in the universe scale we are just dust on a tiny particle that floats in the vacum of space. Where i was going with this? Idk what my point is. Oh yeah, i'm useless. Idk about you guys but for me seems true.
@@bluebeka2458 Well you can also draw different conclusions from the fact that we're nothing on a cosmic scale. None of it really means anything according to that logic, but then why would you spend your time feeling sad about that fact? And why would you care about other people's opinion if none of it actually matters? I thought of life as a dream: it doesn't really "matter" but you still ejoy/try to enjoy it regardless because it can be fun.
"It's times like these you learn to live again
It's times like these you give and give again
It's times like these you learn to love again
It's times like these time and time again"
🎶Dj got us in love agaiiinnn🎶 (Love again)
Foo fighters
4 years ago I had a breakdown. A really bad one. This video is the most accurate description of what it felt like, and what the subsequent recovery was like. Thanks for making this.
i had a nervous breakdown in 2012 ...worst thing ever i was trembling 24 seven, sweating all the time but felt like ice no matter how many clothes i put on , i develpoed a stutter, could not stop crying and eventually after some very out of charactor beahviour i attempted suicide.
thank god for the medical teams intervention
its over its done , im living and to everyone who reads this , u wil get through it .get help
Now that sounds a little more like a real "a breakdown".
My grandad died at the start of the year and although I continue to miss him terribly, I keep thinking that I really overreacted. After watching this video though, I've come to the realisation that my grief caused me to have a breakdown. This has helped me make sense of what I was feeling so thank you for uploading this.
Are you feeling okay
I feel you, I lost both my grandmothers this spring and just colapsed, felt like not even my mother could understand. Only one friend really understood, and ofc I was glad that their suffering ended and was thankful for their life, but it still hurts so much and it is hard to keep on. I had never lost anyone before, it is so weird.
Very accurate . I always tell myself I am grateful for my breakdown because now I can really be myself and live more fully 😊
Absolutely excellent. Perhaps the most important video of all S.O.Life's video's..!
Your pain is trying to teach you something.
This is an incredible video for understanding a breakdown. I had one about six months ago, it took a full two months for me to regain some semblance of normal function, and I am still on the road to recovery. No therapist explained it like this, but it makes so much sense to see it in this way.
Took you a full two months.? Try 20 years.
@@metsot I apologize that my mental breakdown wasn’t as bad as yours. I hope you get better.
@@phyrexd4365 I'm unfeignedly happy for you that it wasn't ..believe me.
Thank's for saying so:)
I'm not exactly sure what you mostly
young people here mean when you speak
of a "breakdown". In psychiatry there's the concept "nervous breakdown" which I myself suffered once. That type of "breakdown" at least is never "mended"
in any amount of months ..we're talking years
..possibly many many years.
This be the literal school of life. What our current education system never taught us
Solutionist ' exactly. Fucking schools.
The word "Education" is plain sarcasm in that monumental misnomer
Astonishingly good, and life changing! I hope the so-called mental health professionals know something about this now, as they have seemingly specialized in the past in diagnosing schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or major depression when some of their patients were simply in untenable situations.
I was diagnosed bipolar in France. They provided me lithium and I had to take blood tests every day for a month. Until I read about bipolar disorders and didn't see me there... So I went back to my psychiatrist and ask for tests, a week later he said "sorry, you are not bipolar"
@@anotherone3666 we live in the age of drive by appraisals, surface judgements and snap decisions, unfortunately time is money but haste is waste...Go figure...Wishing You...All...Our Planet...Time to grow in true Health...Amen !!!
Yup. They are quick to put a label on our mental breakdown.
I want to like this comment a million times
My mother was misdiagnosed with depressive psychosis by a seemingly well renowned psychiatrist. Another physician also suspected schizophrenia. They prescribed medication, but she refused to take them, because she knew it was wrong, she was just going through some things. And then when they referred her to another hospital in another part of the country, (this hospital is considered the best next to another hospital in our country), they ran tests on her and found nothing wrong with her. They said it was just anxiety that she was unable to control. All these fanciful doctors (I'm not talking about all doctors) who think they know stuff when sometimes they need to swallow their pride and admit that they don't know and they're wrong, with their fanciful terms sent us on a wild goose chase
I came to this conclusion many many years ago after an emotional breakdown. I have never took meds for any of the bouts of depression I’ve had. I believe depression is a pressure gauge it tells you when things are out of whack. It causes you to stop and take stock of your life. Depression is not a demon to be exercised but rather a messenger that should be listened to
Yes! And if you don’t, it’s probably going to show up in physical symptoms.
@@anxylum true
THIS. 👏👏👏 If only I knew what my depression is telling me. Kinda annoying that’s it’s not a clear and direct message. 😕
@@NaviNeku24 to start with it’s telling you to pay attention and look deeper into your own needs and desires and perceptions. That’s what it told me
I don’t think this can be said for everyone. For many people, depression comes as a result of a chemical imbalance in their brain, not from any kind of internal or external conflict. While there often is a very real reason for why someone is feeling unwell, there are also many instances where there isn’t one, and meds are important to help someone recover from their body making a mistake. It’s very important to identify when medication is necessary and take action.
The breakdown shows what we have known and did not want to have realized.
I had one and was fighting to avoid it. I fought afterwards to heal. I changed my job and cut off toxic relations. Today I wonder how I could go so far. How my boss was such a jerk to abuse my good will.
I matter. This I learned. I grew.
Im 25. Going through a life crisis for about six mounths. Im depressed and kinda hopeless. Got no fucking clue what to do next. A lot of suicidal thoughts. This gave me some help to try to look at things from a diferent perspective. I Hope to see better days. Thanks
Henrique Gomes hang in there. This too shall pass.
I've found a really effective Anti depressant. I'll send you the link below immidetly.
Link: www. Cyanide
Hang in there buddy. Giving you a virtual hug. Im exactly going thru the same. We can do this!
You’re 25 & don’t know what to do with your life? Join the club. There’s millions of the likes of different ages who still don’t know what they want yet. Remember life’s not about the destination, it’s the journey that matters
We have breakdowns or breakthroughs when we feel something isn't going right and we can't quite put our finger on it. Oprah's assistant wrote a book about this years ago and called it being "emotionally anorexic"-depleting yourself of certain emotional needs similar to hunger needs and telling yourself that you are hungry or "satisfied" . eventually life will lead you to where you are supposed to be when you finally look deep within yourself and ask who YOU want to become , not who you want to be for others
There were so many parts of this I needed to hear. The importance of falling before you're able to get up; the reassurance that a breakdown can last a long time and that one is not necessarily going insane; the beauty of the complete collapse of mind and its rebuilding in better, more loving terms. In a way it made me feel grateful for the pain I've endured and how I would still be suffering if I didn't have these extremely painful periods of just looking, and coming to terms with. A big thank you to this channel for its beautiful content that has seen me through some of the not so good parts of my life so far.
I like that a lot, a breakdown is one side of the mind trying to force the other into growth. I had one of these last week in passive thought. A crisis represents an appetite for growth
In 2017, I had a breakdown. My favorite job moved to another city, got a new job which I didn't fit in, broke up with my boyfriend of 6 years and got bloodclots in both of my lungs. When I was hospitalised my new job fired me, and felt like my WHOLE life had ended... But as this video suggested, I might've needed that so that I would finally listen to myself. Thank you The School of Life for putting my thought into words with this video. Because of the breakdown, I had finally time to think of what was important for me personally. And I found that the jobs I was working with didn't give me any selfsatisfaction, and I used up my energy because I got nothing in return for doing it. Now I have changed my career for something that is less prestigious, but that gives me everything back in return that I PERSONALLY need. So don't worry. It actually gets better.
Dela Nor good for you, keep moving forward!
Dela Nor Congratulations -- listening to yourself is a huge achievement! From one human to another - I am proud of you.
It does. :) Same thing here. Hope you are well.
I just now came close to a breakdown. My well intentioned dad innocently showed me a TH-cam video that set off some serious self hatred that developed from my mom. We're not young people, 81 and 50, so this has no age limit. I came seriously close to drinking after almost eight years sober. Now I'm scouring the internet trying to feel better.
What great timing, thank you.
I have breakdowns after breakdowns sometimes on the daily and sometimes just weekly. No matter how hard I’ve been trying to work on myself, no matter how much support I’ve got from my loved one and no matter how much I’ve been trying to get out of this state...I just can’t. It’s been going on for years now and I feel like I’m slowly losing myself as the days go by. I truly wish this is just a phase and not something that will stick to me on the daily or weekly because I can’t go on like this anymore
Have you tried neurofeedback treatment? They really helped me 💗
YT Dr Eric Berg - depression. Sounds like you're short on B vitamins and a few other things.
Ooh I love dr.Berg! He makes nutrition so easy to understand and follow!!!
stop trying to stop the breakdowns. stop trying to push them under the rug, and just have a moment to let it all out. cut your hair, punch a wall, cry into a pillow, do everything all at once and let your anger and sadness and rage out in a big mess, you can clean it up later.
Kelly Brogan has a book called " A mind of Your own" and a youtube channel that might help. Check her out
I dont understand people not interested in personal growth.... They live the full life unchanged... I just dont understand.
And why are so many of them...
Depression makes you do only the bare minimum. Depression is everywhere.
ignorance can be bliss, but also many are just unaware what you even are suggesting. They'd say "I go to the gym. I read nonfiction books. I watch the news. I go on vacations to exotic places. What else is personal growth?"
informitas 0 That doesn’t mean to do nothing to improve, or use cognitive reappraisal etc etc.
Most people don’t even attempt to do anything and just brag or place in comments on TH-cam like a disorder is quirky.
They are ignorant or just the plato prisoners
Depression is a serious thing, there was even something that said depression is the 3d popular mental illness in the world, and why can't people who feel as if nothing's worth it any more it can be for more then one reason why there not doing personal growth, to even do personal growth you have to be aware of your situation and want to do better for yourself and a lot of the time people feel, ashamed to tell anyone, think it's there fault, scared, and sometimes the people around them don't understand, or refuse to, in a lot of cases they feel like there's nothing more for them here.
Thanks. My breakdown hit about 3 years ago. I'm still climbing out of the hole. It's hard.
keep climbing !
Mine happened last year
Same. It’s been about four years and three kids. Learning a lot about myself. Trying to be kinder to self.
Just happened to me 3 years ago too when I was younger it's difficult
About 6 years for me and I'm feeling hopeless that I'm not getting "better" or that I'll ever be happy. I'm turning 25 this April and I feel like I'm already done with life
Our Earth is having a breakdown in 2020 !!
Let's help her overcome it.
I love this!!!!!
As in the past, so in the future.
The Earth: Why are we here... Just to suffer...?
This JUST happened to me. Over the past 8 weeks, this very thing. The unhandled lifelong problems. The crisis that comes from nowhere. I was compelled to find the answers, to address the problems, to figure out who I really am and who I really want to be.
It's lasted 8 weeks, was near to suicide and it resolved like a fever breaking. Over a 2 day period, it went from completely overwhelmed to all the pieces coming together and a clear direction, plan, sense of how I want to live, who I want to be. A complete calmness has settled and the future feels bright.
The molting animation is right. It's transformative. It was a ride I couldn't get off despite wanting to so badly. In the end, the ride did come to stop. Thankfully I had a LOT of frequent professional help and it was resolved in about 4 weeks. It was definitely a process where a lot is worked through and skilled help significantly improved the situation.
This is spot on, I am 67 and have had several breakdowns all of which ended by being amazing growth experiences!
Thanks for doing this. It’s hard to describe a breakdown without sounding like you are making excuses, or pretentious. You have to been through it to really understand it as a real process.
Had an extreme breakdown. However, it completely changed my personality and outlook on life. Im glad i didn't accept the drugs.
I am going through a rough phase of panic attacks, and really didn't understand what was happening, until I realized that I had/have way too many things on hold in my life, very important things that I just swept under the rug. I decided to take action and now the panic attacks are so light and scarce, and after watching this video I realized that I did the right thing, TAKE ACTION, rather than take meds as some friends and family suggested. Lesson learned, our body is way more intelligent than we are, and will always let us know that enough is enough, listen to it, embrace the sadness and despair, and use them as fuel for your changes, it has worked wonders with me, I am sure it will with anyone else as well.
I've been experiencing something like a mental breakdown. It's been really hard dealing with anxiety/panic symptoms every day for a number of months now. I push videos like this away because I get incredibly nervous at the thought of discovering something that I'd rather not know about. Like some sort of life sentence to something I can't control. But I am so glad I just watched this! It was uncomfortable, but the more I expose myself to the fact that my experience isn't unique, and that things get better once you learn more about yourself, the better and less scared I feel. I'm glad I'm learning to face the issue head on instead of avoiding it; it takes away the novelty of the miserable experience and makes it more manageable. Feelings come and go in seasons, and one day I'll feel much better; It feels so good to be able to tell myself that after months of confusion and depressive feelings! It's so important to listen to yourself and your needs. Seriously, from someone who is going through it right now, thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Philip Dempster how have you been doing lately?
@@DJSimNRecords Very nice of you to ask!
Well... I was a first quarter transfer student at UCLA (which was the main cause of my distress), and I decided to come back home and take a break! I've been working at a local bookstore, and preparing for a full time semester in music at my local community college! I was doing math before, so a different path for sure.
I did a few therapy sessions, and I'm feeling much more in control of my anxiety. It is still a day to day issue, but i'm less scared now, now that I know certain coping mechanisms. I'm learning to accept it, and see it as just part of my experience, not the whole thing!
TLDR: I'm doing better!! (I can never seem to type up something short XD sorry)
I'm going to jump in for 2 things. Philip, "yeah, you got this!" Not bragging but I learned that very young cuz I'm naturally fascinated with how behaviors work. And yes, it sounds like you were clearly afraid of the unknown. Because you feared it would be more than you could survive. Then the more you looked, the more you mastered what came along, and you realized you had the skills you need if something happens, yeah?
The other thing: I have no idea how I'm still getting through each hour and day. It's unbearable and nothing has gotten better for a very very long time. I dont even want to continue living, but I find ways to avoid those thoughts (because I dont want to make that choice - yet) so I've mastered the ability to completely not know or live in my reality. It's like intentional dissociation, and if I could get some good therapy, this is what uDONT want to do, lol, like avoidance, but it's seriously too too painful. Sometimes I cant avoid it or contain it and it's even more horrible, but i just survive on those momentary bits and pieces. Its exhausting on all levels!! I lose a lot of things because I have to stay totally focused on preventing the bucket from getting kicked .
Wear your seatbelt. Going through a windscreen is not good. Meaning: it's in your own interests to learn what behaviour is sensible. I never wore one in the 70s. It's the 'law' now. So, we all have to learn. Voluntarily is a good idea. Preserve your health, learning truth is just taking responsibility as an adult. Children and immature adults stick their heads in the sand. This isn't an insult, just tough love, and straight talk.
I have had crises in my life.
They were horrible, but through them I began exploring, confronting and healing from a pernicious affliction in not just me, but about my entire family: the constant, permanent suppression of our emotions, from hopes and dreams to sadness and anger.
For various reasons - some I know, some I am certain I do not know - my family learned that emotions are bad, that it is better to not talk about them and to bury them.
That development within my family culture was a momentous one. And a tragic one.
It has condemned many within my family, especially on the male side, to lives of emotional isolation and even emotional death. It has condemned others to live with people who are emotionally isolated and even dead.
I hope I can be a part of a change in my family. A change for the better.
So yes, though the price is very high, good things can come from breakdowns.
And I am trying to approach my story of breakdowns more with this idea in my mind and heart.
To all those out there struggling with breakdowns of your own, you are ok. You are worth it to listen to yourself and to rediscover yourself, your heart, your ideals.
Have faith, even in the depths of darkness. You are ok.
Warm hugs.
Back at you super nice commenting guy
You’re story reminds me of my own.
Thank you.
Excellent. Breakdown: When personal values conflict with social values, we can then make some kind of compromise. Unfortunately, it is exquisitely painful and socially unacceptable.
My breakdown was the worst then best thing to ever happen to me. I literally rebuilt my life, slowly, one brick at a time. I’m still building four years on but knowing that true darkness and pain, new challenges no longer scare me as much. It was horrible at the time but I’m glad I leaned in, accepted I was not well and started to accept working from scratch again. I leaned on friends and family and took meds when I needed them. I’m now in a new (not toxic) job, studying for my masters, lost weight, learning to drive, have hobbies, and a career goal. Best of all I talked about it all and opened doors for others who felt like they couldn’t. Life is not a linear line of progress go easy on yourself and listen to your needs x
The more that I have accepted the process and understand its significance in my life, the more I have embraced it as a necessary tool for me.
I believe those who can and do breakdown are actually the most deep and honest people I know.
It is so brutally raw and honest.. no false masks or smiles.
You survive it or you don’t
You may be the living dead for a long time and feel it..
But if and when you do re-emerge from it, it has carved out a deeper connection to your authenticity and living artistry.
Thank you... Gigantically !!!
A breakdown is simply shouting to us that...
1) We have been doing everything absolutely wrong. All our life !!
We have to re think..... & re-evaluate everything.
2) That our desires & dreams are actually artificial... only being superficial balming attempts to avoid & escape our unaddressed & unresolved pains, inadequacies & fears... dark negative energy... which just wants to be heard.... fully. With Positivity, Patience & Love.
3 ) That we cannot & will never get the enchanting love we... restlessly & relentlessly... seek from others, things, achievements... activities... or recognition.
Taking a few months to do love meditations is perhaps the best & only real answer to our deep healing... & Awakening.
Deeply & unconditionally LOVING yourself....your pains... your fears... your problems.
With positivity, CALM, gratitude, courage, extreme patience & forgiveness... & deep self acceptance.... A Grand Self Love.
A deep love that embraces ALL aspects & tangents of our self & life. Totally. 1000% !!!
Doing this for a week will simply not cut it.
You will have to take a break of several weeks... or months.
Great Happiness,
& Tranquillity,
After months of isolation I can say that's true.
Yep, my breakdown took me to a huge awakening, now I actually thank God it happened even when in the darkest moments I thought of suicide. Now I see, huge victories come from huge challenges ⚜️
Guilty of having been through multiple episodes of nervous breakdowns very recently; it was a terrible point of my life and at times I felt like the air was strangling me. Vigorous Exercise has saved me. Still healing but definitely getting there!
Ankita Baruah i can only wish you a future filled with hope and serenity , and may you get through the present into a better tomorrow 🌅
Thank you so much :))
We live in a severely damaged human family. I hope we all find calm and healing cures for the traumas we face together
Ankita Baruah congratulations on winning at life. As small as it seems it’s worth being grateful for.
Wow, this video is like someone is directly talking to me and explaining my current situation. I wish we had someone who can understand the dilemma like this.
I’m here if u need to talk .. not long had a breakdown.
@@suemilner9691 thanks a lot, I think I had it for a couple of years already but choose to ignore it as it could devour me entirely. So I sometimes make an effort to entertain myself or simply sleep just to avoid dealing with it. I have a lot of things to do and I want to settle it when that is the only big problem that remains.
I just sent this to my sister after explaining for the first time why I couldn't communicate with her during my breakdown. Then I had a good cry. Thank you for the explanation.
This video helped me understand what is going on with me.
I'm happy for my breakdown !!! I learned a lot and I'm changing and changed a lot .. we all need a breakdown.. we would never be the same again.