That would be great to have some sort of converter between an Excel sheet and a Gedcom. I figured out how to make an input-able HTML pedigree chart and if JavaScript allowed it would be great to output that basic pedigree chart to gedcom for Gedmatch upload. I'm shocked Gedmatch has no basic pedigree chart maker page. Almost no one has a Gedcom attached because it takes software but if there was simple tool available online people would use it I think.
We now have GEDCOM 7.0 can you create an video on that comparing with 5.5?
That would be great to have some sort of converter between an Excel sheet and a Gedcom. I figured out how to make an input-able HTML pedigree chart and if JavaScript allowed it would be great to output that basic pedigree chart to gedcom for Gedmatch upload. I'm shocked Gedmatch has no basic pedigree chart maker page. Almost no one has a Gedcom attached because it takes software but if there was simple tool available online people would use it I think.
You've got an interesting idea there for GEDmatch.