The reason why the old world books are good is that they were written with relatable characters from the point of view of Felix. Normal stuff like relationship problems which is a cool contrast to the overpowered Gotrek, who it turns out has serious trauma and a drinking problem. Spoiler, the books are clear that Gotrek is an avatar of Grimnir, after finding his axe in the Chaos wastes. He talks to Grimnir about it in Slayer. Good old world books are Trollslayer, Demonslayer, and the Doom of Gotrek two novel set. He’s one of the few characters across the Old World- AoS- 40K world who kills a Bloodthirster.
You covered one of the most interesting aspects of Gotrek. At a distance he is this gross ball of destruction but he has a lot of depth. He enjoys playing off of people underestimating him. He is intelligent and a former engineer. Plus he covers for his depression and need for companionship. The AoS books have done a great job expanding on this (Except Blightslayer)
I'm a big Gotrek Enthusiast, and I read all of the Gotrek books that come out...but there's one thing about all of his stories that aggravates me: they don't really let his character arcs stick. Like, he keeps having to relearn the lessons of "I should use the master rune to help people instead of trying to get rid of it" and "I can do more good by staying alive and fighting with people than dying alone". Like, Soulslayer is probably my most favorite of the books, because he seems to have finally learned some lessons, but then by the next book (blightslayer), he's largely backslid and he's back to seeking his doom and refusing to use the master rune again. I put it down to them changing authors from books 3-4 (and I guess the climax of book 3 COULD cause some character backsliding), but it's really annoying how all of his stories are him learning the same lessons again.
GW has reliably shown that someone of strong enough willpower is capable of resisting chaos corruption for incredible lengths of time if not indefinitely. Also, as cool as Gotrek is, I think Grombrindal presents a very interesting contrast, as they also feel like grimnir and grugni’s avatars respectively
Right? Its weird how the Dwarfs turned out with Grombrindal was their king; hes the most level headed cool thinking and kindest dwarf in the setting, hell it seems like he even forgave malekith in the end times and he did done the most wrongs of anyone.
Ah, Gotrek. The slayer who is very good at killing, but ridiculously, outrageously bad at dying. One of my favourite parts about Gotrek is that despite the air of 'don't care' he puts out, he does express considerable empathy for others and will put his own interests aside for other peoples' sakes. As for books, I'd recommend The Serpent Queen. It's kind of a one-off story, so you don't need to read every other novel to feel like you're not missing out. Also, it provides some interesting insights into the Tomb Kings and their way of unlife. I'd also recommend Skavenslayer. While it is technically a compilation of short stories, you get Gotrek being Gotrek, Felix having (self-inflicted) romance issues and skaven being...well, skaven. It's a good time, is what I'm saying.
I think the reason why he doesn't get corrupted is that he has one of Grimnir's axes from the old world, which has mutated him (in a good way) and turned him into more of a demigod than a mortal. This explains how he can keep going for so long, and in the old world novels it's explained that part of it transferred to his companion Felix also: they'd been fighting for about 40 years in the book, and Felix was still up and going instead of being an old man crippled by the heavy fighting.
In Felix’s case, it was his sword. His sword had a unique “soul” to say, and thus kept his youth, and strength. And it seemed to improve his sword skill and at times take control in the dire circumstances.
“I’m happy to report he isn’t nostalgia bait but there to flesh out the Mortal Realms” Indeed! Guymer said as much on his Track of Words interview about Realmslayer: “Bringing an Old World classic like Gotrek to the Age of Sigmar was honestly the best bit. He hates that dwarfs now ride magmadroths. He hates that you can’t get a Bugman’s anywhere. He hates that Teclis is a god now. From my very first thoughts on this I wanted Gotrek to represent the old fan who never got on board with the Age of Sigmar. He’s the guy who snarks on message boards, who closes his eyes and prophecies the doom of Games Workshop. He’s the guy who sets fire to his Tomb Kings. But he’s in the Age of Sigmar now, he’s got to deal with it, and in doing so, reluctantly acknowledges that there’s a place for him in it.”
I've basically just finished the Gotrek and Felix Audiobooks, with the exception of the novellas they're still recording/releasing. I absolutely recommend them, Jonathon Keeble does an absolutely phenomenal job narrating the books. I finished the first 2 or 3 oh Gotrek's AoS book. While I very much enjoying Gotrek's characterization, I miss Felix and his perspective. I wish he could've had a return or a chance at a 2nd life in AoS, especially with his family.
My fav moment of him in the mortal realms, is thanquil is one of the first old world people he encounters, thanquil freaks out while gotrek goes "who are you?"
Never thought I'd feel sorry for THANQUOL of all people, but man that has to STING. That rat basically based his entire existence upon his relationship to his 'arch-nemesis' the dwarf-thing meanwhile since he was never stupid enough to fight them directly, Gotrek doesn't even know who the hell he is! That's just hilarious - NOTHING is going to sting a skaven more than making it realize that it is NOT the most important center of the entire universe that everyone else revolves around.
Yeah, Gotrek in avatar of Grimnir form as the Fyreslayer's centerpiece and Grungni in some epic aethermachine as the Kharadron's centerpiece! Now I need it.
I share your well placed frustration in trying to acquire the gotrek and felix books. I have the first two omnibuses and the 6th one had to get giant, orc, man, elf, shaman and zombie slayer separately as their omnibuses were marked up. Also I can't find the 5th omnibus anywhere physically and will likely throw in the towel and buy the e-book. I have so far read up to giantslayer and so far my favorite books are Skavenslayer(HILARIOUS) and Daemonslayer(AWESOME) with Beast and Giantslayer also being great. If you cant get them physically but want good insight into the world that was (Oldworld fantasy) Get at least the first omnibus which in physical should still be ~$16-$20 right now and from there decide if you wanna go further(which unfortunately might have to be an all digital collection). Also I haven't read the new Gotrek books as I'm haven't finished the original series yet but one of my favorite recurring characters in the series is the Skaven greyseer Thanquol and I know he survived into AOS and I really wanna read both of their reactions to the other being alive.
Skavenslayer is probably the best intro to Gotrek books. They are 2 heros in a world of grand fantastical powers, but while most fantasy has chosen youths, stoic barbarians or other Romanticized heroes. Gotrek and Felix come off as working class lads trying to get by and stumbling into these huge stories because they need to pay for food, help a friend, or just petty spite. The William King books do a great job though over the top of driving that home so you get the kind of things that motivate them before you follow them in High adventures
I highly recommend just reading all the gotrek and felix books if you can most of them are on audible far and away the best book series I have ever read
You might want to include the book Grombindal. It has the true (we assume) purposes of both Gotrek and Grombindal in the mortal realms. One is forged to reunite the Duarden (KO, FS, and Dispossessed) and the other was returned to the mortal realms to destroy chaos. Grombrindal says he kind of wished he could be the one to go toe to toe with chaos but alas that's the other one (Gotrek).
Considering he was sent to the mortal realms equivalent of Hell and just fought his way through it, Gotrek is basically Doomguy... or the DoomSlayer, if you will.
Hello! All the old world books are very good, and those mentioned are beyond. Trollslayer is the perfect start/intro. Skavenslayer shows how dark and cruel the warhammer world is. Demonslayer best/epic fight i ever experienced, also dark and hopless for the regular people. Dragonslayer is beyond imagination. Orcslayer hit me hard, on a sentimental level; (one of my favorite books.) Shamanslayer and Zombieslayer made me realize how much I bonded with some characters, and how important life is. Kinslayer left me empty (in a good or a bad way? you read it, than let me know) BUT be ware, if you want the full experiance of the this book you have to read all the previous ones. (because it is a build up) Slayer is the last book of the old world (Gotrek & Felix) so it made me sad, I know, nothing lasts forever. This is the last one. That's it, no more slaying! (I felt like something is missing, that the last book was writen to quickly and all the characters behave/act and think different than before. I think "they" wanted to end the old world and focus on the AOS insted. Yes, it has to end someday but it could have been more detailed and more epic.) It was a lifetime of SLAYING after all! Please let me know what do you think! Thank you,
The reason Gotrek was looking for Nagash, if i don't remember wrongly, was to find his old friend, Felix. Nagash is basically the god of death now after all, he ought to know, according to Gotrek's logic. If you are interested in the adventures of Gotrek&Felix, try out the Gotrek&Felix Omnibus (3 of them) in the black library. But (SPOILER ALERT) the reason for him to be in the Realm of Chaos in the first place was... When the end-time happened, Gotrek was the one trading place with Grimnir, holding back the chaos horde pouring into the old world. After the world was destroyed, he just aimlessly wandered the realm of chaos slaying demons, imbused with the power of Grimnir. Until it spatted him out. The reason why Gotrek seems so indifferent toward Grimnir, antagonize even, is because he has already paid his due, he has accepted the doom of all dooms, Grimnir's doom. Yet he is still alive, still unwelcomed into his ancestor's hall. And Grimnir owns him that.
It was Realmslayer that got me to reconsider AoS. I was rather bitter about how the End Times was handled. Gotrek is the worst Slayer to ever Live and the Greatest champion of all mortals. I miss Maleneth.
As someone who grew up reading the Gotrek and Felix books, I recoomend all the Omnibus's by William King specifically. Then the newer ones. Then read some of the End Times boks for each of the "major" players like Nagash etc. Then read Slayer and then end with the last few books of the End Times. There are a few odd solo adventure books of Gotrek and Felix that arent essential but are nice as stand alone reads.
I love gotrek! I've listened to almost every audio book from the old world and Aos. The old books are super fun. Felix is a good hero in his own right and the stories are really about him being drug around by this demigod. I'd listen to the audiobook of skavenslayer as it gives a good flavor for the humor. The next three books ( deamonslayer, Dragonslayer, beastslayer) tell one complete story of his adventures. It feels like a complete d and d campaign and I'd listen to all of them again!
More Dwarfs! Have you read Chronicles of the Wanderer and the new novel? Ill send you a copy if you cover it on the channel. I bet you can get a full weeks worth of content out that book. Theres also another new Grombrindal series in recent White Dwarfs. And a Grombrindal black library story in which he explores a duardin underworld.
If actor Brian Blessed had been 40 years old, he would play Gotrek in the live adaptation movie/series. 👍🏾I think he did the voice for the Warhammer game.
Just a list of all the people he’s known and lost Helga and birna his wife and daughter Felix his best friend Snorri nosebiter his best dwarf friend Thangrim firebeard king of Karak dum Malakai makasson dwarf engineer Ulli ullison dwarf slayer Bjorni bjornison dwarf slayer Grimmi dwarf slayer Rodi balkison dwarf slayer Steg dwarf slayer Cat Felix’s wife Prince hamnir his friend before felix Maximilian schriber a light wizard Ulrika magdova kislevite noblewoman Ungrim ironfist last slayer king Broddur the battlesmith who believed gotrek is grimnir Malaneth witchblade his khainite assassin and friend The fyreslayer runefather who died against the deepkin Trachos a storm cast who journeyed with malaneth and gotrek for a time. And the 8 fyreslayers who journeyed with gotrek and broddur And prince jordain of edessa who died against a champion of tzeech his breastplate becoming gotrek’s shoulder piece. Really love the gotrek books a character who’s lost everything and still keeps going on would love a meeting between gotrek and cado ezechiar
So Doug, you read up on Gotrek, read many of his stories listened to some audio dramas, and he even have seen battle reports that included him. And after all of that, your conclusion is that we need a more powerful flaming Gotrek on the table top? Have you seen his warscroll? As a chaos player just the thought of this gives me nightmares.
The first omnibus is a really good place to start. They give a broad stroke on the reason why Felix is with Gotrek. It is a highly unusual pairing of dawii and man. I won't spoil too much. They are bound together by an oath. Their stories take them on epic quests and tavern brawls. They also provide critical insights into major events that tip the scales on a grand scale as well as being at times just well written. If you wanted a first hand account of how Felix gets his sward or why the dawii want karak Dorn back they are all in the Gotrek stories. There is also some bleed over into AOS. Gotrek is at least in ghoulslayer looking to find Felix or at least figure out whatever has become of his old doomsayer. (I hope I got Felix oath bound title right, please correct me if I am wrong) That a side the old world Gotrek and Felix novels can be found in bulk in Omnibus on amazon or maybe ebay. I dont think there are too many in bookstores or GW shops. A copy might be found in a mom and pops shop. I was lucky enough to find a copy of the first Omnibus at a Barnes and Noble in Denver when I was living there not that long ago; but I know there should be at least two maybe three if memory serves. It may not.
Book-A-Million is where I got my 4 G&F omnibuses, and many more WH fantasy books, but last I was there WH is almost non existent along with comic books being pushed out by mangas.
Gotrek is the greatest Character in all of GW Fantasy books. Between Old World, and AOS Gotrek is the best. Its cool to see all of these facets of Gotrek with the new books but they really need to bring back Felix as a companion. No ghost, no sprit realm just Felix in the flesh. He also needs to cut Sigmar down to size both literally and figuratively. Last thing, they should release a Gotrek model every year lol
Totally random, but I really wish to hear your thoughts on Cado Ezechiar and his novel - just finished it today and I believe it's quite the interesting spin on a gravelord character, especially once it's revealed how he became soulblight.
"he speaks to old world dwarfs" No. This is why you need to go read the entire gotrek and Felix series. That wasn't any dwarf. That was Snori Nosebiter. This conversation was closure on the absolute most pivotal point in the series.
I'm disappointed that you refer to him in an eternal hell in the realms of chaos. It was only hell because he was denied a real opponent to kill among the weakling hoards of chaos.
Lore vid about Gotrek. New sub for you Gotrek is the greatest hero of the old world In almost every book from the old world he intentionally or inadvertently screws up Grey seer Thanquals plans
I love the gotrek books old and new! But i do feel like they have such an issue with constant writer changes or a inconsistent vision. Like realmslayer was great, great intro. Gotrek is literally a metaphor for old world fans thinking the new world is fake and stuff, but eventually accepting it. And then the characters who help him get to that point are never mentioned again, jordaeus and broddur just poof! And rhen we get the Hinks books where he takes on this sort of Duardin rebuilder figure and then thags abruptly ended in soulslayer and now in blightslayer hes back to wondering depressed slayer.
Did you read the end times he was decended from Grimner to Replace him in the war the axe was grimners and awkwning gotrex divinity, Gotrex was for a moment a God created to fight chaos on a god level he IS completely immune to all chaos except the need for a bar fight.
My only gripe so far with Gotrek on AOS is that i've absorbed most of my content through audiobook and i got too used to Jonathan Keeble's perfect impression of what he should sound like and behave, so when i got to realmslayer he sounded like a complete dunce compared to his old world voice, he was also a bit too humorous for someone that apparently got cheated out of his doom way too many times and is supposed to be jaded about it...
You should read trollslayer and skavenslayer as an introduction to gotrek and felix. Then demonslayer, dragonslayer, beastslayer, vampireslayer because it s like one big story arc about 4-5 charachters which is rare in warhammer and it is kinda one journey. And you can end with kinslayer and slayer to know then end, all that is in between still very cool but they are more stand alone novels a little bit like his book in aos, there is not a bigger story behind them
Its not just him as a dwarf it the relationship with Felix's and how they are the maniftation of sigma and grimner. Hes a fucking badass how he loses his eye standing aginst an orc horde to save a caravan, or when he kills a korn berserker the last book i listened to gaint slayer im not going to say what happens but you can guess how fucking badass this one dwarf and human are its not just gotreck. Felixs only reason for being there is to record his death in a tail for the ages. Start with troll slayer last time i looked gaintslayer was last one on audible.😊
trollslayer, daemon slayer, dragonslayer, beastslayer, vampirelsayer, giantslayer, orcslayer, manslayer, and elfslayer are the best of the went downhill after elfslayer and the ultimate nadir of the series was the horrible mish mashhing of the series they did to bring it to the end with the End Time series...a total waste of years of character development.
The reason why the old world books are good is that they were written with relatable characters from the point of view of Felix. Normal stuff like relationship problems which is a cool contrast to the overpowered Gotrek, who it turns out has serious trauma and a drinking problem. Spoiler, the books are clear that Gotrek is an avatar of Grimnir, after finding his axe in the Chaos wastes. He talks to Grimnir about it in Slayer. Good old world books are Trollslayer, Demonslayer, and the Doom of Gotrek two novel set. He’s one of the few characters across the Old World- AoS- 40K world who kills a Bloodthirster.
Pinned, thank you for the suggestions and the additional breakdown into the strengths of that series!
My favorite will always be Skavenslayer.
@@fumarc4501 lmao same that book is too funny and awesome
You covered one of the most interesting aspects of Gotrek. At a distance he is this gross ball of destruction but he has a lot of depth. He enjoys playing off of people underestimating him. He is intelligent and a former engineer. Plus he covers for his depression and need for companionship.
The AoS books have done a great job expanding on this (Except Blightslayer)
Felix throw him the hammer to kill the Bloodthrister! Skavenslayer is awesome!
I'm a big Gotrek Enthusiast, and I read all of the Gotrek books that come out...but there's one thing about all of his stories that aggravates me: they don't really let his character arcs stick. Like, he keeps having to relearn the lessons of "I should use the master rune to help people instead of trying to get rid of it" and "I can do more good by staying alive and fighting with people than dying alone". Like, Soulslayer is probably my most favorite of the books, because he seems to have finally learned some lessons, but then by the next book (blightslayer), he's largely backslid and he's back to seeking his doom and refusing to use the master rune again. I put it down to them changing authors from books 3-4 (and I guess the climax of book 3 COULD cause some character backsliding), but it's really annoying how all of his stories are him learning the same lessons again.
GW has reliably shown that someone of strong enough willpower is capable of resisting chaos corruption for incredible lengths of time if not indefinitely. Also, as cool as Gotrek is, I think Grombrindal presents a very interesting contrast, as they also feel like grimnir and grugni’s avatars respectively
The white dwarf grombrindal is just as badass too
@@brooklynkeith2877 would be REAL nice to have a chat between those two
Right? Its weird how the Dwarfs turned out with Grombrindal was their king; hes the most level headed cool thinking and kindest dwarf in the setting, hell it seems like he even forgave malekith in the end times and he did done the most wrongs of anyone.
Grombrindal is the Avatar Of Grungi and has been set to Watch Gotrek when he can, Gotrek nearly recognising him in Realmslayer
If I'm not mistaken, the two meet in the Blood of the Old World audiodrama. Grombrindal goes by the alias Withrom.
Ah, Gotrek. The slayer who is very good at killing, but ridiculously, outrageously bad at dying.
One of my favourite parts about Gotrek is that despite the air of 'don't care' he puts out, he does express considerable empathy for others and will put his own interests aside for other peoples' sakes.
As for books, I'd recommend The Serpent Queen. It's kind of a one-off story, so you don't need to read every other novel to feel like you're not missing out. Also, it provides some interesting insights into the Tomb Kings and their way of unlife.
I'd also recommend Skavenslayer. While it is technically a compilation of short stories, you get Gotrek being Gotrek, Felix having (self-inflicted) romance issues and skaven being...well, skaven. It's a good time, is what I'm saying.
Also Demon slayer
One thing I will always remember from Serpent Queen was when the queens body guard said she would fuck Felix if she weren't a skeleton 😂
I think the reason why he doesn't get corrupted is that he has one of Grimnir's axes from the old world, which has mutated him (in a good way) and turned him into more of a demigod than a mortal. This explains how he can keep going for so long, and in the old world novels it's explained that part of it transferred to his companion Felix also: they'd been fighting for about 40 years in the book, and Felix was still up and going instead of being an old man crippled by the heavy fighting.
In Felix’s case, it was his sword.
His sword had a unique “soul” to say, and thus kept his youth, and strength. And it seemed to improve his sword skill and at times take control in the dire circumstances.
“I’m happy to report he isn’t nostalgia bait but there to flesh out the Mortal Realms”
Indeed! Guymer said as much on his Track of Words interview about Realmslayer:
“Bringing an Old World classic like Gotrek to the Age of Sigmar was honestly the best bit. He hates that dwarfs now ride magmadroths. He hates that you can’t get a Bugman’s anywhere. He hates that Teclis is a god now. From my very first thoughts on this I wanted Gotrek to represent the old fan who never got on board with the Age of Sigmar. He’s the guy who snarks on message boards, who closes his eyes and prophecies the doom of Games Workshop. He’s the guy who sets fire to his Tomb Kings. But he’s in the Age of Sigmar now, he’s got to deal with it, and in doing so, reluctantly acknowledges that there’s a place for him in it.”
poor gotrek. I've read all the new AOS books with him. man couldn't die when the world ended and now he's back and now they won't let him.
The entire world ended, and he still hasn't died? Truly, he is greatest failure of a slayer to ever live.
Gotrek dident survive the end times. The end times survived Gotrek 😂
I've basically just finished the Gotrek and Felix Audiobooks, with the exception of the novellas they're still recording/releasing. I absolutely recommend them, Jonathon Keeble does an absolutely phenomenal job narrating the books. I finished the first 2 or 3 oh Gotrek's AoS book. While I very much enjoying Gotrek's characterization, I miss Felix and his perspective. I wish he could've had a return or a chance at a 2nd life in AoS, especially with his family.
Today started out rough but this more than makes up for it! Thank you 😊
You got this! Thanks for watching and commenting!
My fav moment of him in the mortal realms, is thanquil is one of the first old world people he encounters, thanquil freaks out while gotrek goes "who are you?"
Never thought I'd feel sorry for THANQUOL of all people, but man that has to STING. That rat basically based his entire existence upon his relationship to his 'arch-nemesis' the dwarf-thing meanwhile since he was never stupid enough to fight them directly, Gotrek doesn't even know who the hell he is! That's just hilarious - NOTHING is going to sting a skaven more than making it realize that it is NOT the most important center of the entire universe that everyone else revolves around.
@@Archris17I'd say he was fighting them directly when he roided(warped) up I Kislev, from a distance of course.
Well now that you have put the similarities between Gotreks situation and life of brian in front of me i cannot stop thinking about it
I always see his Name as "(You) Got-rekt (Bro)!" :D
Yeah, Gotrek in avatar of Grimnir form as the Fyreslayer's centerpiece and Grungni in some epic aethermachine as the Kharadron's centerpiece! Now I need it.
I share your well placed frustration in trying to acquire the gotrek and felix books. I have the first two omnibuses and the 6th one had to get giant, orc, man, elf, shaman and zombie slayer separately as their omnibuses were marked up. Also I can't find the 5th omnibus anywhere physically and will likely throw in the towel and buy the e-book.
I have so far read up to giantslayer and so far my favorite books are Skavenslayer(HILARIOUS) and Daemonslayer(AWESOME) with Beast and Giantslayer also being great. If you cant get them physically but want good insight into the world that was (Oldworld fantasy) Get at least the first omnibus which in physical should still be ~$16-$20 right now and from there decide if you wanna go further(which unfortunately might have to be an all digital collection).
Also I haven't read the new Gotrek books as I'm haven't finished the original series yet but one of my favorite recurring characters in the series is the Skaven greyseer Thanquol and I know he survived into AOS and I really wanna read both of their reactions to the other being alive.
Skavenslayer is probably the best intro to Gotrek books. They are 2 heros in a world of grand fantastical powers, but while most fantasy has chosen youths, stoic barbarians or other Romanticized heroes. Gotrek and Felix come off as working class lads trying to get by and stumbling into these huge stories because they need to pay for food, help a friend, or just petty spite. The William King books do a great job though over the top of driving that home so you get the kind of things that motivate them before you follow them in High adventures
All time favorite character!! 💪🏻💪🏻
Thank you for your video! I’ve read “Ghoulslayer” since I’m playing FEC but this video motivated me to try another Gotrek books❤
I highly recommend just reading all the gotrek and felix books if you can most of them are on audible far and away the best book series I have ever read
I think I read the first 12 books 5 times over the decades.
You might want to include the book Grombindal. It has the true (we assume) purposes of both Gotrek and Grombindal in the mortal realms. One is forged to reunite the Duarden (KO, FS, and Dispossessed) and the other was returned to the mortal realms to destroy chaos. Grombrindal says he kind of wished he could be the one to go toe to toe with chaos but alas that's the other one (Gotrek).
Considering he was sent to the mortal realms equivalent of Hell and just fought his way through it, Gotrek is basically Doomguy... or the DoomSlayer, if you will.
Gotrek is everything what doomslayer want to be
All the old world books are very good, and those mentioned are beyond.
Trollslayer is the perfect start/intro.
Skavenslayer shows how dark and cruel the warhammer world is.
Demonslayer best/epic fight i ever experienced, also dark and hopless for the regular people.
Dragonslayer is beyond imagination.
Orcslayer hit me hard, on a sentimental level; (one of my favorite books.)
Shamanslayer and Zombieslayer made me realize how much I bonded with some characters, and how important life is.
Kinslayer left me empty (in a good or a bad way? you read it, than let me know) BUT be ware, if you want the full experiance of the this book you have to read all the previous ones. (because it is a build up)
Slayer is the last book of the old world (Gotrek & Felix) so it made me sad, I know, nothing lasts forever.
This is the last one.
That's it, no more slaying!
(I felt like something is missing, that the last book was writen to quickly and all the characters behave/act and think different than before. I think "they" wanted to end the old world and focus on the AOS insted. Yes, it has to end someday but it could have been more detailed and more epic.)
It was a lifetime of SLAYING after all!
Please let me know what do you think!
Thank you,
Gotrek & Felix's books got me into Warhammer fantasy
Gotrek & Felix's books are corrected into six omnibuses you can collect them more easily then searching for every individual book
The reason Gotrek was looking for Nagash, if i don't remember wrongly, was to find his old friend, Felix. Nagash is basically the god of death now after all, he ought to know, according to Gotrek's logic.
If you are interested in the adventures of Gotrek&Felix, try out the Gotrek&Felix Omnibus (3 of them) in the black library. But (SPOILER ALERT) the reason for him to be in the Realm of Chaos in the first place was...
When the end-time happened, Gotrek was the one trading place with Grimnir, holding back the chaos horde pouring into the old world. After the world was destroyed, he just aimlessly wandered the realm of chaos slaying demons, imbused with the power of Grimnir. Until it spatted him out. The reason why Gotrek seems so indifferent toward Grimnir, antagonize even, is because he has already paid his due, he has accepted the doom of all dooms, Grimnir's doom. Yet he is still alive, still unwelcomed into his ancestor's hall. And Grimnir owns him that.
Here’s an idea:
Gotrek Vs Archaon.
It was Realmslayer that got me to reconsider AoS. I was rather bitter about how the End Times was handled.
Gotrek is the worst Slayer to ever Live and the Greatest champion of all mortals.
I miss Maleneth.
As someone who grew up reading the Gotrek and Felix books, I recoomend all the Omnibus's by William King specifically. Then the newer ones. Then read some of the End Times boks for each of the "major" players like Nagash etc. Then read Slayer and then end with the last few books of the End Times. There are a few odd solo adventure books of Gotrek and Felix that arent essential but are nice as stand alone reads.
I love gotrek! I've listened to almost every audio book from the old world and Aos. The old books are super fun. Felix is a good hero in his own right and the stories are really about him being drug around by this demigod. I'd listen to the audiobook of skavenslayer as it gives a good flavor for the humor. The next three books ( deamonslayer, Dragonslayer, beastslayer) tell one complete story of his adventures. It feels like a complete d and d campaign and I'd listen to all of them again!
More Dwarfs!
Have you read Chronicles of the Wanderer and the new novel? Ill send you a copy if you cover it on the channel. I bet you can get a full weeks worth of content out that book.
Theres also another new Grombrindal series in recent White Dwarfs.
And a Grombrindal black library story in which he explores a duardin underworld.
If actor Brian Blessed had been 40 years old, he would play Gotrek in the live adaptation movie/series. 👍🏾I think he did the voice for the Warhammer game.
Yes he did. There's a video of him describing his experience voicing Gotrek
And he gets a axe, but not the axe of Grimnir he lost in the realm of Chaos....he's actually still looking for that axe
Gotrek is basically Doom Slayer...
Just a list of all the people he’s known and lost
Helga and birna his wife and daughter
Felix his best friend
Snorri nosebiter his best dwarf friend
Thangrim firebeard king of Karak dum
Malakai makasson dwarf engineer
Ulli ullison dwarf slayer
Bjorni bjornison dwarf slayer
Grimmi dwarf slayer
Rodi balkison dwarf slayer
Steg dwarf slayer
Cat Felix’s wife
Prince hamnir his friend before felix
Maximilian schriber a light wizard
Ulrika magdova kislevite noblewoman
Ungrim ironfist last slayer king
Broddur the battlesmith who believed gotrek is grimnir
Malaneth witchblade his khainite assassin and friend
The fyreslayer runefather who died against the deepkin
Trachos a storm cast who journeyed with malaneth and gotrek for a time.
And the 8 fyreslayers who journeyed with gotrek and broddur
And prince jordain of edessa who died against a champion of tzeech his breastplate becoming gotrek’s shoulder piece.
Really love the gotrek books a character who’s lost everything and still keeps going on would love a meeting between gotrek and cado ezechiar
You missed the best thing about him. They went and got the incredible Brian Blessed to do his voice in most of the audiobooks.
....and Total War Warhammer
Alot of the gotrik and Felix books are on audible
So Doug, you read up on Gotrek, read many of his stories listened to some audio dramas, and he even have seen battle reports that included him. And after all of that, your conclusion is that we need a more powerful flaming Gotrek on the table top? Have you seen his warscroll? As a chaos player just the thought of this gives me nightmares.
All the Gotrek and Felix novels are available on Audible
The first omnibus is a really good place to start. They give a broad stroke on the reason why Felix is with Gotrek. It is a highly unusual pairing of dawii and man. I won't spoil too much. They are bound together by an oath. Their stories take them on epic quests and tavern brawls. They also provide critical insights into major events that tip the scales on a grand scale as well as being at times just well written.
If you wanted a first hand account of how Felix gets his sward or why the dawii want karak Dorn back they are all in the Gotrek stories. There is also some bleed over into AOS. Gotrek is at least in ghoulslayer looking to find Felix or at least figure out whatever has become of his old doomsayer. (I hope I got Felix oath bound title right, please correct me if I am wrong)
That a side the old world Gotrek and Felix novels can be found in bulk in Omnibus on amazon or maybe ebay. I dont think there are too many in bookstores or GW shops. A copy might be found in a mom and pops shop. I was lucky enough to find a copy of the first Omnibus at a Barnes and Noble in Denver when I was living there not that long ago; but I know there should be at least two maybe three if memory serves. It may not.
Book-A-Million is where I got my 4 G&F omnibuses, and many more WH fantasy books, but last I was there WH is almost non existent along with comic books being pushed out by mangas.
I wrote a reading guide for the Old World books on the TGA forum
Gotrek is the greatest Character in all of GW Fantasy books. Between Old World, and AOS Gotrek is the best. Its cool to see all of these facets of Gotrek with the new books but they really need to bring back Felix as a companion. No ghost, no sprit realm just Felix in the flesh.
He also needs to cut Sigmar down to size both literally and figuratively. Last thing, they should release a Gotrek model every year lol
Ah Gotrek. The Old World's least successful slayer.
Totally random, but I really wish to hear your thoughts on Cado Ezechiar and his novel - just finished it today and I believe it's quite the interesting spin on a gravelord character, especially once it's revealed how he became soulblight.
we need a gotrek and felix movie!
"he speaks to old world dwarfs"
No. This is why you need to go read the entire gotrek and Felix series.
That wasn't any dwarf. That was Snori Nosebiter.
This conversation was closure on the absolute most pivotal point in the series.
You can find all the books on audible
The main book series is on audible now up to book 10 I believe
I'm disappointed that you refer to him in an eternal hell in the realms of chaos. It was only hell because he was denied a real opponent to kill among the weakling hoards of chaos.
It's a great buddy story.
Lore vid about Gotrek. New sub for you
Gotrek is the greatest hero of the old world
In almost every book from the old world he intentionally or inadvertently screws up Grey seer Thanquals plans
He doesn't find his old axe in the novela bone desert
I think its good he doesnt have a fyreslayer brands because to many have fallen from glimmer-lust
I love the gotrek books old and new!
But i do feel like they have such an issue with constant writer changes or a inconsistent vision. Like realmslayer was great, great intro. Gotrek is literally a metaphor for old world fans thinking the new world is fake and stuff, but eventually accepting it. And then the characters who help him get to that point are never mentioned again, jordaeus and broddur just poof!
And rhen we get the Hinks books where he takes on this sort of Duardin rebuilder figure and then thags abruptly ended in soulslayer and now in blightslayer hes back to wondering depressed slayer.
Did you read the end times he was decended from Grimner to Replace him in the war the axe was grimners and awkwning gotrex divinity, Gotrex was for a moment a God created to fight chaos on a god level he IS completely immune to all chaos except the need for a bar fight.
My only gripe so far with Gotrek on AOS is that i've absorbed most of my content through audiobook and i got too used to Jonathan Keeble's perfect impression of what he should sound like and behave, so when i got to realmslayer he sounded like a complete dunce compared to his old world voice, he was also a bit too humorous for someone that apparently got cheated out of his doom way too many times and is supposed to be jaded about it...
Doug look up felix and gotrek on audible lots of information that makes the story even better. He is a lot more than just a slayer
Gotrek is probably THE most interesting character in warhammer fantasy start with william king and read them in order.
You should read trollslayer and skavenslayer as an introduction to gotrek and felix. Then demonslayer, dragonslayer, beastslayer, vampireslayer because it s like one big story arc about 4-5 charachters which is rare in warhammer and it is kinda one journey. And you can end with kinslayer and slayer to know then end, all that is in between still very cool but they are more stand alone novels a little bit like his book in aos, there is not a bigger story behind them
He's the best/worst slayer ever!
Are you kidding me I'm pretty sure Gotrek wouldn't need the run for that he's killed similar things to deities in the old world with Felix.
Its not just him as a dwarf it the relationship with Felix's and how they are the maniftation of sigma and grimner. Hes a fucking badass how he loses his eye standing aginst an orc horde to save a caravan, or when he kills a korn berserker the last book i listened to gaint slayer im not going to say what happens but you can guess how fucking badass this one dwarf and human are its not just gotreck. Felixs only reason for being there is to record his death in a tail for the ages. Start with troll slayer last time i looked gaintslayer was last one on audible.😊
All of the Gotrek books are briiliant, dont skip any of them
Hey Doug. I have sent you a private message on Discord about the old world books.
more i listen to this guy hes clueless about Gotrek
trollslayer, daemon slayer, dragonslayer, beastslayer, vampirelsayer, giantslayer, orcslayer, manslayer, and elfslayer are the best of the went downhill after elfslayer and the ultimate nadir of the series was the horrible mish mashhing of the series they did to bring it to the end with the End Time series...a total waste of years of character development.