I was one of them when I was like 10 or 11 lol. It worked and people liked it. I always paid out and each time even though the odds are in my favor I still lost all my pp each time.
I think we all have a story of something like this happening. I remember being in Karnor's Castle on my Monk and I was annoyed that the group leader heavily insisted that the group be Need Before Greed because the only stuff that ever seemed to drop at our camp was Kunark Armor, which was valuable at the time. I finally agreed that we would just do Need Before Greed so he will stop complaining. Well, a Tranquil staff drops about an hour later, and I'm the only monk. Need Before Greed, right? No, suddenly the same leader is saying it's Greed Before Need. A few of the people in my group were annoyed because they knew he was trying to scam me out of the item, but I finally rolled anyways, and I rolled a 100 and wont he /random. Dude gates out of the zone with the Tranquil staff, goes on the forums and slanders me, and when I fill out a petition, the GM tells me I should only group with people I know / trust and that there was nothing they could do about it. 😜 I still want to fight this due like 24 years later. It STILL triggers me that that moment was stolen from me. I never quite experienced anything like that in any other game or MMO I ever played because no items in other games have quite the weight or meaning as a Tranquil Staff in true Classic Kunark.
And one day, may you find him in a dark alley with no working security cameras nearby, and he just got out of the hospital and is too weak to fight back....but he still laughs at you for losing that tranq staff....
Had more or less the same thing happen in Final Fantasy XI. When I won the roll, they disbanded the alliance that we had formed with another party to fight the guy who dropped the item. At least back then when you did that, any loot that had not yet been distributed was just lost. They didn't get the item. Nobody got the item. They would rather that I didn't get it, because they lost the roll.
It's fascinating that EQ has attracted/created a community of so so many good people, while also attracting scumbag griefers. I've been very fortunate to mostly only encounter the good ones, which makes me very fortunate. Hearing stories like this reminds me how fortunate.
Way back when EQ was still owned by Verant, we received a cease and desist order from their lawyers for leveling enchanters to sell to guilds on ebay. Good times.
@@fatguylittlestream Haha. I sold my warrior in late 1999 with full pohate (indocolite) gear, one of the first in my server, for $1800 to a person in Austria. He had to do 3 payments as the limit was 600 for international payments over Billpoint. My dad received the money, bought me a 900 dollar Emachines computer for my room (I was using my dads at the time in my parents bedroom) and he pocketed the rest. I was 15. Billpoint eventually went after my dad for a illegal transaction as they clearly say not to do multiple payments in separate transactions. They tried for two years to get the money back before they were bought out and went bye bye. haha.
Oh my goodness... I would've been absolutely devastated. I still am pained over a friend who let their corpse rot with borrowed items on it... including a cloak of flames (probably sold it for weed, now that I think about it.)
Thanks for sharing that story. I would have fallen for that scam also. In fact, I got scammed for 10k plat for the reaver in a trade window with an imposter worthless item that looked the same. Similar to you, early 2000s I was young, stupid, and looking for a deal. Went back to farming spider silks afterwards.
I enjoyed the story! that does suck that it happened to you. I applaud you for still playing the game after that. That took a lot of courage / self-control. I probably would have rage quit so hard and broke something. And cuss like a sailor to I couldn't breathe no more. But I have found that the things you remember the most in games are the problems you have for some reason. Great video was entertaining.
@@Joshthegamer8600 Ya, this was back in Velious... When the spam in EC was so violent, you had to take expand your chat window all the way, take a screenshot, copy to MS paint, and read the trade chat there, because in game it was unreadable due to it scrolling so fast at peak hours. I hustled so much plat back then... Had buyers who would make guaranteed purchases from me of certain items, so I would haggle deals from my guild bank or other sellers when my buyer was offline. Flipping the Truncheon of Doom was was best... it often sold for as little as 15k, but people trying to solo level would throw 30k at one if they were desperate for one... Probably made 100k flipping that one item. The auction house ruined that aspect of the game.
Everquest was ruthless AF. I remember PKing a guy on Rallos Zek and taking tons of plat from him. He was encumbered and probably made a long trip across the Karana's only to lose it all a crew of degenerates killing anyone crossing the bridge.
My getting scammed in 2002 from EQOA on ps2 involved a dueling glitch. I had one of the few hundred ceremonial vestment robes on the server. A robe that could be worn by melee (only 3 in the game could, and they all were unobtainable after a short period), and provided very slight bonuses, but it was removed from the drop tables, however still tradeable. I believe at one point these robes were selling for $600+ USD by 2007 or 08 before they were changed to untradeable. Anyways, I'm 12 or 13 years old, on a level 55 geared rogue, and some level 5 comes up to me and challenges me to a duel. This person got to know me over a week in whispers, I really thought nothing about it, but I was targeted because of my robes. I forget what their explanation of not leveling at all was. One day in Freeport, he challenges me to a duel and there was a wager screen first. He immediately throws up a Ceremonial Vestments robe and tells me he's quitting and wanted me to have his, he said "Throw yours up against mine. For fun" I thought we were homies and he was standing right in front of me. I said f**k it, why not. He's level 5. I think gear in that game had level requirements, so he wasn't some godly level 5 twink, he was practically naked if I remember. I want to explain the "glitch" part now. Duels worked much similar as in WoW. You had to be so close to challenge a person to a duel. When you accepted, you had to stay within bounds of that initial point where the duel was challenged. So my immediate logic is that if I am being challenged to a duel, the person challenging me is clearly in my sight, and I know who is within range to challenge me. He was the only person. Lets say his name was Druiidwolfsz , and what he did now was make a character also logged into the game named Druidwolfzs. While the original person Druidwolfsz was standing in front of me having me distracted, he targets me with his other character and runs off. The second guy keeps me targeted and runs away until he is too far and the game drops me as his target. Once the game dropped me as his target, that's where the glitch occurred. As long as he did not target anything else in the game, the game still registered me as his target. He could not attempt to cast spells, or do anything to interact with me, however with no target. He could challenge me to a duel and it was based on where he was standing. Norrath in EQOA was open, no instance zoning like pc. So he could literally have ran an hour away for all I know when he challenged me. I accepted the duel and immediately started to panic when he's right in front of me and I see that I am forfeiting my robes if I don't get inside the allowed arena. 15 seconds.. 10 seconds.. 5... . So I lost the duel, and my robe and he immediately logged. It was an elaborate scam, and required good misdirection and captivating off my greed as a gullible kid. I contacted SoE and they got back to me two weeks later. Sorry there's nothing we can do. Their reasoning was I agreed to the duel, and should not wager items I am not willing to lose. Fair point, but I lost because of an exploit, that you guys fixing not long after basically admits it wasn't a feature or intended. Tldr; I lost a $200 unobtainable but tradeable item in EQOA through a very elaborate dueling glitch. There were multiple steps involved in pulling off this one glitch / scam that began with the person casually talking to me for la week. SoE did nothing, it was my fault for wagering it and fixed the dueling bug a month or two later. Thanks if you read.
I feel this bro, back in 2002 ish I had a 55 mage with 3/4 epic done just needed earth staff and crown from sky, inseen an advertisement for 60 warrior with both epics ( he literally had the epic 2x) and a ranger with both epics) sure enough i traded accounts, enjoyed it for a week and could never login again, and I still regret it bit never tried to get account back, i just started over
Back in like 2000ish I was semi noob, but had gathered several thousand plat and had been twinked with items by a stranger of the same class who was quitting the game and liked my characters name so had some stuff and was openly chatting about the frustration of not being able to move items between characters on the same account while grouping one day. One of the members of my group suggested dropping the items I wanted to transfer on the ground in a bag and in a secluded spot where I had the toon I wanted to xfer the items to camped out close by. I tested this and sure enough plenty of time to recover the dropped bags on the other toon. Long story short after the group ended I took his advice and dropped most my items in a few bags, logged out and then back in on the other toon and all of it was gone except a few pieces of plat that I had also dropped (you could drop $ back then) and later that day saw dude who had offered the friendly advice wearing Gebs he didn't have previously and that were in one of those bags. I tried to petition and the GM told me "Don't be dumb with your items" essentially and did nothing.
I used to do the drop back in the day, I had a couple of spots I think one was in south qeynos was always a little nerve wracking logging in looking for that bag lol.
I've been in this exact situtaion. As luck would have it I found a fungi tunic on the ground in EC tunnel a month or so later, which was way more valuable then what I had lost. Good times man
Great story. I do not have any scam stories about myself, but yeah I have a friend who got scammed a few k on some dwarf velious armor... know and trust who trade with or dont' take chances...
the day i learned not to trust anyone was the day my fungi got stolen in everquest EC tunnels i had traded up for months to afford it, my most trusted friend in the game was supposed to hold it while i switched characters, when i came back online he was never to be seen again. I was like 13 years old :D.
I farmed swirling shadows for all the gear I wanted including horse bridles. I could make a couple thousand plat early on Saturday mornings. Good times!
I still have a notebook with items that i either WTB or WTS handwritten with stats and the going prices from back then. cant get myself to throw old memories like that out. Other notebooks included maps and quests. good times!
Ouch, that hurts man. Some people are scandelous! Edit: kinda reminds me of a run of bad luck I had in FFXI on PS2. I had farmed and scrimped to, no joke, 100k gil which was the currency on the game. I needed it to gear up my paladin before people would even group with me because I was new and my equipment was abysmal. So I went to the auction house, and started out buying a nice STR ring for 10k- would've been 90k left for other pieces, I figured about 5-10k a piece would be more than enough. I hit enter, the server lagged, and I got a sold message. ... for 100k. I tried desperately to reach out to the player who had gotten my entire savings, but my incredibly bad luck turned into their incredibly good luck. I quit playing that game for a long while after that happened.
Getting scammed online was almost a right of passage back in the day... I am glad my big loss was just a serpentine bracer... but at the time that was my best item, it hurt, but I learned
I ran that same scam on Vallon Zek lol before the bazaar launched my friend would auc some random obscure item in one zone and I would be in a different zone offering double what he was selling it for saying I needed it for some epic quest I was working on , I'm not proud of it, and I later got scammed myself and ended up quitting over it so in the end I got what was coming to me
I fell victim during, I think, the OG Kunark days, to a bad trade. Granted, I don't think it was a "scam" so much, as it was just me being a really dumb and naive player. My very first character was a Wood Elf Warrior. I had no idea what I was doing, but at some point in my early levels (I think probably pre-level 10), some nice player handed me a Crafted Bracer (the Warrior-only classic quested gear). I didn't *really* know what it was, or how good it was, but I was happy about it! It had a nice cool blue color and I wore it with pride. Fast forward some time, another player sees that I have it, and he suggests a trade with me. The trade? A backpack full of enchanted jewelry. Whoah cool, I don't have any rings or anything, and these things have stats on them? Very cool! So I agree to the trade. After trading away my Crafted Bracers, I start to look at the jewelry... it was a bunch of silver-level jewelry. Stuff like Silver Malachite Rings which only had +2 SV Poison, or a Silver Rose ring with +2 INT. Just like 6 or 8 pieces of extremely cheap jewelry, and I traded away my Crafted Bracers for that :( In my defense, I was a young teenager, EQ was my first MMO, I had no real idea what I was doing, but it didn't take long after I agreed to the trade that I realized "Wait... that trade wasn't worth it...." and the person had logged out and I never saw or talked to them again. I wouldn't call them a scammer, maybe just a swindler...
I loved EQ. I played from Jan 1999 until 2007 in a high end raiding guild. To this day, there hasn't been a better game. I have went back to a few TLPs but with krono, you can just buy BIS items for real life cash and getting a group is nearly impossible after the first 2 weeks has passed because its just mages boxers and no groups. the only way to get a group is to Pay for Powerleveling. I won't ever go back but EQ was the best time of my life. I miss it like I miss my mom that passed away. The memories are great but it's truly gone at this point. Makes me mad that daybreak/darkpaw just milks the IP for TLPs and does nothing to make a new EQ3
I got scammed back when I was young when I tried to buy a 60 beastlord lol, think was like 450 bucks. I remember when I was like 15 I had a "friend" that would scam noobs in ultima online were trick them to putting there house deeds in a bag so when died he could loot them, he later hacked me threw icq and stole all my stuff haha.
I lost 50k plat, which at the time was a fortune, asking someone I didn't know to hold it so I could transfer between characters - it was before shared banks. Needless to say when I relogged my other char, the dude had camped and was nowhere to be found. I wrote this long email to support with screenshots and only afterward realized what a fool I was and how much of my REAL life I was wasting trying to document and resolve that mistake.
I had a secret spot in Neriak that I always used for dropping stuff on the floor to transfer. I was always in a cold sweat worried my internet would drop when I logged out to swap characters!
Super inconvenient but I used a spot at the back of surefall glade, or way out of the way in ak'anon. After having stuff "disappear" in other spots I made sure to go way out of the way from then on. Shared bank slots were one of the best QoL additions to the game.
haha...learned this lesson way before EQ....back when BBSs were a thing and text mmos were all there was. I took advantage of it in later years with UO...considering it's pvp aspect, but never did in eq and after.
not quite the same thing, but i have spent Ludicrous quantities of in game currency on items while drunk. once in a game called eve online, i may have bought a "Large armor repairer 1" for 1.5 billion isk an item normally worth maybe 2 million. have definitely bartered krono for 5k instead of 50k. I stopped playing games while drunk.
Even now on tlp ill wtb simething for krono, theyll say they have it for exactly what im asking but that they are in a raid and i gotta parcel the krono. Theyll "ask their raid lead if they can drop for a min to parcel me the item" ... neway they never agree to parcel item first, never agree to meet you at their bind or origin point to do the trade in person, never ageee to meet after their raid... wonder if they actually get people with it. Easy krono if they do. Thing is some eq players are very trustworthy and you can do transactions like that, but not in this case
I got done when I started playing less and purchased in game currency to upgrade hear to keep up with friends. It was a small amount and didn't notice for over a year they had repeated the transaction 22 more times from my PayPal account 🤦 lesson learnt never again
You are right. I could definitely have done more with that. Im trying to inject some wisdom into the video I am currently working on, so we will see if it lands!
crazy obvious scam. I bet you'd have fallen for the other scam too. You find an item no one else has in the bazaar, then you put it up for a price that definitely isn't worth it, but isn't unreasonable enough to prevent someone to buy it. Then you auction that you're looking to buy said item for an even higher price, on a different character to try to trick people into buying it to flip it by sellling it to you. I'd regularly call those people out until they logged off
1. Everquest is my JAM, old school EQ in particular.
2. You sure can weave a story.
Oh the ones I have to tell. Thank you for sharing yours.
Who remembers all of the random # "casino's" that people used to run?
Used to? They are still there!
I was one of them when I was like 10 or 11 lol. It worked and people liked it. I always paid out and each time even though the odds are in my favor I still lost all my pp each time.
Richgirl casino is the only reputable casino in EverQuest tlp servers .
Theyre still doing it
@@asakashigure Hey guys, I found Richgirl
I think we all have a story of something like this happening. I remember being in Karnor's Castle on my Monk and I was annoyed that the group leader heavily insisted that the group be Need Before Greed because the only stuff that ever seemed to drop at our camp was Kunark Armor, which was valuable at the time. I finally agreed that we would just do Need Before Greed so he will stop complaining. Well, a Tranquil staff drops about an hour later, and I'm the only monk. Need Before Greed, right? No, suddenly the same leader is saying it's Greed Before Need. A few of the people in my group were annoyed because they knew he was trying to scam me out of the item, but I finally rolled anyways, and I rolled a 100 and wont he /random. Dude gates out of the zone with the Tranquil staff, goes on the forums and slanders me, and when I fill out a petition, the GM tells me I should only group with people I know / trust and that there was nothing they could do about it. 😜 I still want to fight this due like 24 years later. It STILL triggers me that that moment was stolen from me. I never quite experienced anything like that in any other game or MMO I ever played because no items in other games have quite the weight or meaning as a Tranquil Staff in true Classic Kunark.
Ya the greed definitely got the better of that guy. Sucks that it happened that way. Winning the roll makes it sting even more!
And one day, may you find him in a dark alley with no working security cameras nearby, and he just got out of the hospital and is too weak to fight back....but he still laughs at you for losing that tranq staff....
Had more or less the same thing happen in Final Fantasy XI. When I won the roll, they disbanded the alliance that we had formed with another party to fight the guy who dropped the item. At least back then when you did that, any loot that had not yet been distributed was just lost. They didn't get the item. Nobody got the item. They would rather that I didn't get it, because they lost the roll.
It's fascinating that EQ has attracted/created a community of so so many good people, while also attracting scumbag griefers. I've been very fortunate to mostly only encounter the good ones, which makes me very fortunate. Hearing stories like this reminds me how fortunate.
Way back when EQ was still owned by Verant, we received a cease and desist order from their lawyers for leveling enchanters to sell to guilds on ebay. Good times.
Bought my first car with money from selling EQ items and account lol. 16 year old me felt like such an entrepreneur.
@@fatguylittlestream Haha. I sold my warrior in late 1999 with full pohate (indocolite) gear, one of the first in my server, for $1800 to a person in Austria. He had to do 3 payments as the limit was 600 for international payments over Billpoint. My dad received the money, bought me a 900 dollar Emachines computer for my room (I was using my dads at the time in my parents bedroom) and he pocketed the rest. I was 15. Billpoint eventually went after my dad for a illegal transaction as they clearly say not to do multiple payments in separate transactions. They tried for two years to get the money back before they were bought out and went bye bye. haha.
Tough lesson to learn but you're sharper for it. 👍
Great video, I remember that crap happening back then. I was dumb enough to fall for dumb crap like that myself, so you are not alone.
Subbed! I love EQ and have hundreds of hours in P99 and would love to make content for it and actually play/stream again! Cheers!
I haven’t played in 2+ years but was in one of the big guilds on green/teal
@TerminalLanceGaming3051 Thanks! I have played on p99boff and on over the years bit I dont have tine to commit to grouping there.
Loved the story, never played EQ, looks like DAOC which I did play and still do:) I remember being scammed in Diablo 2, then you learn.
Oh my goodness... I would've been absolutely devastated. I still am pained over a friend who let their corpse rot with borrowed items on it... including a cloak of flames (probably sold it for weed, now that I think about it.)
That sounds like a 1999/2000 $400 item easily.
Thanks for sharing that story. I would have fallen for that scam also. In fact, I got scammed for 10k plat for the reaver in a trade window with an imposter worthless item that looked the same. Similar to you, early 2000s I was young, stupid, and looking for a deal. Went back to farming spider silks afterwards.
I enjoyed the story! that does suck that it happened to you. I applaud you for still playing the game after that. That took a lot of courage / self-control. I probably would have rage quit so hard and broke something. And cuss like a sailor to I couldn't breathe no more. But I have found that the things you remember the most in games are the problems you have for some reason. Great video was entertaining.
@@drewdudy Thanks for watching
Great story. I probably would've fallen for it, too. But luckily, I sucked at making money.
nice story, even though the theft was unpleasant, it is a nice illustration of the real stakes at play, trust and betrayal
Back in the day, I was in the EC tunnel when some poor soul paid 28kpp for a Giant Lords Tunic... thinking it was a Fungi Tunic...
The link of the item you get in chat when accepting a trade now is so great. But I still mouse over just in case.
@@Joshthegamer8600 Ya, this was back in Velious... When the spam in EC was so violent, you had to take expand your chat window all the way, take a screenshot, copy to MS paint, and read the trade chat there, because in game it was unreadable due to it scrolling so fast at peak hours. I hustled so much plat back then... Had buyers who would make guaranteed purchases from me of certain items, so I would haggle deals from my guild bank or other sellers when my buyer was offline. Flipping the Truncheon of Doom was was best... it often sold for as little as 15k, but people trying to solo level would throw 30k at one if they were desperate for one... Probably made 100k flipping that one item. The auction house ruined that aspect of the game.
Everquest was ruthless AF. I remember PKing a guy on Rallos Zek and taking tons of plat from him. He was encumbered and probably made a long trip across the Karana's only to lose it all a crew of degenerates killing anyone crossing the bridge.
My getting scammed in 2002 from EQOA on ps2 involved a dueling glitch. I had one of the few hundred ceremonial vestment robes on the server. A robe that could be worn by melee (only 3 in the game could, and they all were unobtainable after a short period), and provided very slight bonuses, but it was removed from the drop tables, however still tradeable. I believe at one point these robes were selling for $600+ USD by 2007 or 08 before they were changed to untradeable. Anyways, I'm 12 or 13 years old, on a level 55 geared rogue, and some level 5 comes up to me and challenges me to a duel. This person got to know me over a week in whispers, I really thought nothing about it, but I was targeted because of my robes. I forget what their explanation of not leveling at all was. One day in Freeport, he challenges me to a duel and there was a wager screen first. He immediately throws up a Ceremonial Vestments robe and tells me he's quitting and wanted me to have his, he said "Throw yours up against mine. For fun" I thought we were homies and he was standing right in front of me. I said f**k it, why not. He's level 5. I think gear in that game had level requirements, so he wasn't some godly level 5 twink, he was practically naked if I remember.
I want to explain the "glitch" part now. Duels worked much similar as in WoW. You had to be so close to challenge a person to a duel. When you accepted, you had to stay within bounds of that initial point where the duel was challenged. So my immediate logic is that if I am being challenged to a duel, the person challenging me is clearly in my sight, and I know who is within range to challenge me. He was the only person. Lets say his name was Druiidwolfsz , and what he did now was make a character also logged into the game named Druidwolfzs. While the original person Druidwolfsz was standing in front of me having me distracted, he targets me with his other character and runs off. The second guy keeps me targeted and runs away until he is too far and the game drops me as his target.
Once the game dropped me as his target, that's where the glitch occurred. As long as he did not target anything else in the game, the game still registered me as his target. He could not attempt to cast spells, or do anything to interact with me, however with no target. He could challenge me to a duel and it was based on where he was standing. Norrath in EQOA was open, no instance zoning like pc. So he could literally have ran an hour away for all I know when he challenged me. I accepted the duel and immediately started to panic when he's right in front of me and I see that I am forfeiting my robes if I don't get inside the allowed arena. 15 seconds.. 10 seconds.. 5... . So I lost the duel, and my robe and he immediately logged. It was an elaborate scam, and required good misdirection and captivating off my greed as a gullible kid.
I contacted SoE and they got back to me two weeks later. Sorry there's nothing we can do. Their reasoning was I agreed to the duel, and should not wager items I am not willing to lose. Fair point, but I lost because of an exploit, that you guys fixing not long after basically admits it wasn't a feature or intended.
Tldr; I lost a $200 unobtainable but tradeable item in EQOA through a very elaborate dueling glitch. There were multiple steps involved in pulling off this one glitch / scam that began with the person casually talking to me for la week. SoE did nothing, it was my fault for wagering it and fixed the dueling bug a month or two later. Thanks if you read.
Playing EvE online has inoculated me against all forms of scam.
Oh... Indeed!
Great story! Love it. Been there, done that (been hustled). Dirty players were plentiful in early years.
I died when you said aviak feather 😂
I feel this bro, back in 2002 ish I had a 55 mage with 3/4 epic done just needed earth staff and crown from sky, inseen an advertisement for 60 warrior with both epics ( he literally had the epic 2x) and a ranger with both epics) sure enough i traded accounts, enjoyed it for a week and could never login again, and I still regret it bit never tried to get account back, i just started over
Man that sucks. Sorry for your loss
I got over it eventually lol
Good lesson. I've seen variations of this scam in movies.
Back in like 2000ish I was semi noob, but had gathered several thousand plat and had been twinked with items by a stranger of the same class who was quitting the game and liked my characters name so had some stuff and was openly chatting about the frustration of not being able to move items between characters on the same account while grouping one day. One of the members of my group suggested dropping the items I wanted to transfer on the ground in a bag and in a secluded spot where I had the toon I wanted to xfer the items to camped out close by. I tested this and sure enough plenty of time to recover the dropped bags on the other toon. Long story short after the group ended I took his advice and dropped most my items in a few bags, logged out and then back in on the other toon and all of it was gone except a few pieces of plat that I had also dropped (you could drop $ back then) and later that day saw dude who had offered the friendly advice wearing Gebs he didn't have previously and that were in one of those bags. I tried to petition and the GM told me "Don't be dumb with your items" essentially and did nothing.
I still do the bag drop to this day on P99. You have to find extremely secluded spots that no one has a reason to ever go to.
I used to do the drop back in the day, I had a couple of spots I think one was in south qeynos was always a little nerve wracking logging
in looking for that bag lol.
I've been in this exact situtaion. As luck would have it I found a fungi tunic on the ground in EC tunnel a month or so later, which was way more valuable then what I had lost. Good times man
Ha! I made it into your video. That mage is my toon (velthorian)! Small world
Oh thats funny lol
Great story. I do not have any scam stories about myself, but yeah I have a friend who got scammed a few k on some dwarf velious armor... know and trust who trade with or dont' take chances...
Ya I always get nervous buying things that have to be multi quested
the day i learned not to trust anyone was the day my fungi got stolen in everquest EC tunnels i had traded up for months to afford it, my most trusted friend in the game was supposed to hold it while i switched characters, when i came back online he was never to be seen again. I was like 13 years old :D.
Oh that really sucks!
I farmed swirling shadows for all the gear I wanted including horse bridles. I could make a couple thousand plat early on Saturday mornings. Good times!
Good story. Idk if I would have fallen for that. Maybe though.
Dang man, that was an elaborate scam lol. I would have fallen for that to.
"It was tradable"
*laughs in Firiona Vie*
Trading was even worse back in 99. It's not like P1999 today when you can go to the wiki and see how much people are selling an item for
I still have a notebook with items that i either WTB or WTS handwritten with stats and the going prices from back then. cant get myself to throw old memories like that out. Other notebooks included maps and quests. good times!
Ouch, that hurts man. Some people are scandelous! Edit: kinda reminds me of a run of bad luck I had in FFXI on PS2. I had farmed and scrimped to, no joke, 100k gil which was the currency on the game. I needed it to gear up my paladin before people would even group with me because I was new and my equipment was abysmal. So I went to the auction house, and started out buying a nice STR ring for 10k- would've been 90k left for other pieces, I figured about 5-10k a piece would be more than enough. I hit enter, the server lagged, and I got a sold message. ... for 100k. I tried desperately to reach out to the player who had gotten my entire savings, but my incredibly bad luck turned into their incredibly good luck. I quit playing that game for a long while after that happened.
Getting scammed online was almost a right of passage back in the day... I am glad my big loss was just a serpentine bracer... but at the time that was my best item, it hurt, but I learned
I ran that same scam on Vallon Zek lol before the bazaar launched my friend would auc some random obscure item in one zone and I would be in a different zone offering double what he was selling it for saying I needed it for some epic quest I was working on , I'm not proud of it, and I later got scammed myself and ended up quitting over it so in the end I got what was coming to me
I still don't understand why you paid 100K for a feather and not the sword?
I fell victim during, I think, the OG Kunark days, to a bad trade. Granted, I don't think it was a "scam" so much, as it was just me being a really dumb and naive player. My very first character was a Wood Elf Warrior. I had no idea what I was doing, but at some point in my early levels (I think probably pre-level 10), some nice player handed me a Crafted Bracer (the Warrior-only classic quested gear). I didn't *really* know what it was, or how good it was, but I was happy about it! It had a nice cool blue color and I wore it with pride. Fast forward some time, another player sees that I have it, and he suggests a trade with me. The trade? A backpack full of enchanted jewelry. Whoah cool, I don't have any rings or anything, and these things have stats on them? Very cool! So I agree to the trade. After trading away my Crafted Bracers, I start to look at the jewelry... it was a bunch of silver-level jewelry. Stuff like Silver Malachite Rings which only had +2 SV Poison, or a Silver Rose ring with +2 INT. Just like 6 or 8 pieces of extremely cheap jewelry, and I traded away my Crafted Bracers for that :(
In my defense, I was a young teenager, EQ was my first MMO, I had no real idea what I was doing, but it didn't take long after I agreed to the trade that I realized "Wait... that trade wasn't worth it...." and the person had logged out and I never saw or talked to them again. I wouldn't call them a scammer, maybe just a swindler...
Great story!
Thank you!
I got scammed a long time ago when Star Wars online came out. Except I was scammed out of an account. Happened around '97
The timing of this to come up... I just got got in the bazaar over my own stupidity 30 min ago :(
@@ZykoMike Ah, sorry to hear that. Happens to the best of us!
I loved EQ. I played from Jan 1999 until 2007 in a high end raiding guild. To this day, there hasn't been a better game. I have went back to a few TLPs but with krono, you can just buy BIS items for real life cash and getting a group is nearly impossible after the first 2 weeks has passed because its just mages boxers and no groups. the only way to get a group is to Pay for Powerleveling.
I won't ever go back but EQ was the best time of my life. I miss it like I miss my mom that passed away. The memories are great but it's truly gone at this point. Makes me mad that daybreak/darkpaw just milks the IP for TLPs and does nothing to make a new EQ3
Play on Project Quarm, came back to EQ recently after 20 years, feels the same there :)
never played EQ but i definitely would have fallen for this as well
Good to know im not alone lol
I got scammed back when I was young when I tried to buy a 60 beastlord lol, think was like 450 bucks. I remember when I was like 15 I had a "friend" that would scam noobs in ultima online were trick them to putting there house deeds in a bag so when died he could loot them, he later hacked me threw icq and stole all my stuff haha.
Oh wow, that so much worse than what happened to me lol!
I lost 50k plat, which at the time was a fortune, asking someone I didn't know to hold it so I could transfer between characters - it was before shared banks. Needless to say when I relogged my other char, the dude had camped and was nowhere to be found. I wrote this long email to support with screenshots and only afterward realized what a fool I was and how much of my REAL life I was wasting trying to document and resolve that mistake.
I had a secret spot in Neriak that I always used for dropping stuff on the floor to transfer. I was always in a cold sweat worried my internet would drop when I logged out to swap characters!
@@Joshthegamer8600 I did that as well. Those 20 to 30 seconds between camps was intense
Lol same my secret spot was up on a cliff in east commons. So sketchy
Super inconvenient but I used a spot at the back of surefall glade, or way out of the way in ak'anon. After having stuff "disappear" in other spots I made sure to go way out of the way from then on. Shared bank slots were one of the best QoL additions to the game.
haha...learned this lesson way before EQ....back when BBSs were a thing and text mmos were all there was. I took advantage of it in later years with UO...considering it's pvp aspect, but never did in eq and after.
not quite the same thing, but i have spent Ludicrous quantities of in game currency on items while drunk. once in a game called eve online, i may have bought a "Large armor repairer 1" for 1.5 billion isk an item normally worth maybe 2 million. have definitely bartered krono for 5k instead of 50k. I stopped playing games while drunk.
Ive definitely done that stuff before
Even now on tlp ill wtb simething for krono, theyll say they have it for exactly what im asking but that they are in a raid and i gotta parcel the krono. Theyll "ask their raid lead if they can drop for a min to parcel me the item" ... neway they never agree to parcel item first, never agree to meet you at their bind or origin point to do the trade in person, never ageee to meet after their raid... wonder if they actually get people with it. Easy krono if they do. Thing is some eq players are very trustworthy and you can do transactions like that, but not in this case
That's a heartbreaker for certain bruv
You should have put it in your cap, and called it macaroni
I got done when I started playing less and purchased in game currency to upgrade hear to keep up with friends. It was a small amount and didn't notice for over a year they had repeated the transaction 22 more times from my PayPal account 🤦 lesson learnt never again
Missed opportunity to really make it irl wisdom. Touched on it a bit, but I feel like you could have done more with the lesson. Idk, I'm some rando
You are right. I could definitely have done more with that. Im trying to inject some wisdom into the video I am currently working on, so we will see if it lands!
Ew, 90k, dude, so sorry. But it only takes getting scammed once to never fall for it again.
I definitely learned from my mistake!
Sorry someone scammed you like that years ago.
Hahah I've never heard of this scam before until now.
I got twink gear from a friend, then somebody ran up representative and offered a free upgrade....
Reminds me of good old Runescape days of "trimming armor"
Why did you buy a feather instead of a sword?
@@Catdaddyjones Good question! I should make a video explaining the scam and how/why I fell for it :p
Only happens to you once! (Hopefully hahaha)
90,000pp Lesson!
Hopefully lol
Tried to pull a fast one and got a fast one pulled back on you.
I definitely got greedy
I remember that scam.
Most of us got scammed 20 years ago
(Hopefully) This kind of thing only happens to you once!
easiest 90,000,000 i ever made
crazy obvious scam. I bet you'd have fallen for the other scam too. You find an item no one else has in the bazaar, then you put it up for a price that definitely isn't worth it, but isn't unreasonable enough to prevent someone to buy it. Then you auction that you're looking to buy said item for an even higher price, on a different character to try to trick people into buying it to flip it by sellling it to you.
I'd regularly call those people out until they logged off
@RellimNosaj ya, it definitely felt bad at the time lol
You learn quick once you get scammed lol
pssst waybackmachine ;)
Love it
fun times
i was also on inny
Technically we all got scammed if ur playing EQ
umm, i may know the guy who did this lol
Tell him that with compounding interest, he owes me 1,200,000 plat!
Crap, thats like nothing on a live server is it lol
i think youre the scammer er i mean your *)
Im sure a chinese family is thanking you
Getting scammed can make you a better scammer ! Live and learn
Funny story