I didn't see where anyone went out of signal range - next time schedule a stream and stream the whole thing! 😀 (it takes less time to set up the stream than to edit hours of footage lol it's that curse of lazy engineer thinkin)
I'm a Motorcycle/cyclist/MTB/Gravel rider based in Socal, wanting to get a commuting fun EUC. New to EUCs, never ridden, but want an EUC I can stick with. Want to spend about 2k, where does one start, with no intent on customizing for the first 6 months? s22 ?
OMG.... 2K will get you so much good stuff on the used market. If you get a master, S22, T4, Falcon, Sherman S, EX30 Commander Pro.... all great. Depends on what kind of riding you expect to do. Commander Pro and Sherman S are both top choices.
@@roghaj I expect to commute daily to work, but I love a good gravel trail. I'd prefer some suspension. I wouldnt know where to start with selecting a used wheel, mainly because I have no idea on service and technical issues that could arise. I'm in central OC Irvine area. I've been slowing collecting safety gear, and im a long time cyclist and motorcyclists, so I have jackets and helmets. Bought one of Marty's Mirrors he uses recently for example.
"Long walk to the airport " @ 51:10 had me rollin'🤣🤣🤣
Seems way funnier to me now that you've pointed it out.
It’s a beauty out there.. 😮👍
Roger, taking it for the team in the sand trap.
Must be a nice experience!
I ride through there every week, the police are usually cool. But it's usually just me. They want you to walk in certain areas.
@RogerEUC 7:08 another prediction that came true
This is the hardest video to watch.. freakin French camera angles
I didn't see where anyone went out of signal range - next time schedule a stream and stream the whole thing! 😀
(it takes less time to set up the stream than to edit hours of footage lol it's that curse of lazy engineer thinkin)
I'm a Motorcycle/cyclist/MTB/Gravel rider based in Socal, wanting to get a commuting fun EUC. New to EUCs, never ridden, but want an EUC I can stick with. Want to spend about 2k, where does one start, with no intent on customizing for the first 6 months? s22 ?
OMG.... 2K will get you so much good stuff on the used market. If you get a master, S22, T4, Falcon, Sherman S, EX30 Commander Pro.... all great. Depends on what kind of riding you expect to do. Commander Pro and Sherman S are both top choices.
@@roghaj I expect to commute daily to work, but I love a good gravel trail. I'd prefer some suspension. I wouldnt know where to start with selecting a used wheel, mainly because I have no idea on service and technical issues that could arise. I'm in central OC Irvine area. I've been slowing collecting safety gear, and im a long time cyclist and motorcyclists, so I have jackets and helmets. Bought one of Marty's Mirrors he uses recently for example.
The neo-goth stickers on my bumper got featured in the intro. 😆
I didin't know that was you... been watching your videos.... the last clip video was fun. Loved it.
@@roghaj : Thank you, Sir Rog.
I live nearby and I’ve taken this route maybe 50 times, and it was painful watching you make so many wrong turns
1:01:25 😂 I have patience….just very little lol