Polish Army operates "Topaz" seek&destroy system, which connects FlyEye drones, Warmate kamikaze drones and artillery operating in the area. Connected to fast moving and fast shooting Krabs and Raks it's a real badass.
@@jn1205 "kacapy" znają ten sprzęt nie gorzej od obsług. Oni nie mieli Antonia- dewastatora służb. Cenne jest to, że sprzęt, który na poligonie zapowiadał się świetnie równie dobrze pokazał się w realnej walce. Teraz "tylko" zapewnić WP odpowiednią ilość. Pluton na kompanię zmech byłoby OK. I amunicja! Jak uczy historia jeśli masz dobre możliwości produkcyjne na dzień dobry zapas półtora tysiąca nabojów na lufę powinien wystarczyć na jakiś rok walki.
Schonen abend dear Ukrainians 💖 Ukraine supporters ❤ yet again well spoken, nothing to said more than already have been mentioned, Slava Ukraine 💙💛 God bless Ukraine and the alliance 💖💖🥇🥇
I'm beginning to wonder if Poland's purchase of so many weapons of war might be used to help Ukraine. Perhaps Poland being an honorable country is working with Ukraine and has developed its own Lend Lease Act since the US Republican party has failed to honor, on Trump's orders, its commitment to Ukraine. I thank Poland for doing all you have done for Ukraine. You are showing the world, and I hope the people of the United States, what being an honorable ally looks like. I retire in 2 years, does Poland accept immigrants even though they are from the US? Slava Ukraine!
Yes, but the residency / polish citizenship process is very outdated and therefore very slow, annoying and takes a lot of time (apparently there are EU countries that have worse a significantly worse immigration process).
No more Polish weapon for Ukraine (especially not for free). Poland gave Ukraine huge amount of equipment, money, fuel, hosts Ukrainian refugees. Poland supported Ukraine the most out of all countries (compared to GDP) and faced shocking lack of gratitude and even hostility from Ukraine in return. It was not worth to help them and possibly even harmful for Poland.
Poland is buying arms primarily for our own national defence, but also to replenish the stocks of things we already donated or intend to donate to Ukraine.
@@ColonelStanley If what they said in the video is true, then RAK is lightyears behind AMOS and NEMO. AMOS or NEMO don't need level ground to fire accurately, can fire while moving, and are able to fire multiple shots before the first hits the target.
@@KalleKilponen The same as Rak, it's because of the chassis, but M120 also can fire while moving. New polish IFV Borsuk and new wheeled infantry vehicle will be more accurate. The vehicle has an inertial navigation system and far advanced Fire Control System. And most interesting thing is - the Rak mortar can fire remotely as an completely unmanned weapon (not only unmanned turret as Nemo), using commands and data transmitted electronically to the vehicle's computer. In 1 - 2 years we will compare both systems... and their costs. ;) Kind regards - S.
@@KalleKilponenrak w tej wersji jest do towarzystwa jednostek uzbrojonych w rosomaki. Podwozie ma wady, nie da się strzelac tak szybko jak automat pozwala.. Pozyzycjonowanie po zatrzymaniu ma zalety. . Bo to nie moździerz ale system. Z amunicja specjalna nie potrzebuje zasypywać przeciwnika amunicja. Pociski wystrzeliwane z raka ,specjalne, można sterować. Znacznikiem laserowym. Z drona,pojazdu, czy pojedynczego żołnierza.mozna celować. Pociski trafiają w ruchomy cel o wielkosci 60 cm... . To samo celowanie jest w specjalnych pociskach dla krab155mm.Dlatego dla krab szykujemy system dronow gladius. Potrafią bardzo daleko polecieć w głąb. Operacyjny przeciwnika. To pomaga też w szukaniu celu dla himars.. dronom wojskowym obojętny jest brak gps, zakłócanie elektroniczne. Mamy dobry system łączności. Jednocześnie można naziemnie,satelitarnie i to na różnych wysokościach i falach satelit. . Ten sprzęt czeka gdyby zaczęła się zabawa z ruskimi. Ukraina dostala kompletny system kompanijny drony,centrale i mozdzierze. Może system sam szukać przeciwnika i go eliminować. Bez amunicji specjalnej jest większe zgrzycie amunicji ,ani dron nie ma wskaźnika laserowego.. w ukrainie nie ma też współpracy bwp,czołgów z kompanijna jednostka mozdzierzy.Te pojazdy nie informują automatycznie o zauważeniu celów dla raków.. wysyłamy kraby jako system ,wszystkie działa 155mm z elektronika mogą być podłączone do tego systemu. To bardzo podnosi skuteczność ostrzalu. Dron I działo lub himars.
Does the Rak crew really need to find a perfectly horizontal place to be able to fire? Isn't the onboard fire control system able to compensate for at least minor variations to ensure accurate fire?
I think he meant that you will just not achieve that "100%" accuracy (mind that it is a mortar, not precision artillery or a tank). It shoots 4 rnds/min so it doesn't seem to be a big deal. The problem is that it is based on Rosomak (I think)
I understood the statement of this member of Rak's crew to mean that if Rak is not standing on a perfectly horizontal surface, its shooting accuracy is significantly deteriorated - maybe I misunderstood, because I don't think this is possible. I am confident that the Rak's fire control system can cope with a surface that is not perfectly horizontal without any negative impact on accuracy.
@@tomgorzenski It should be able to - the vehicle has an inertial navigation system, so it does have sensors that track its location and position in space. So the vehicle knows where it is and should also know its angle relative to the horizontal plain.
Every time they interview soldiers either in their bunkers or like in this interview you will find one or two cats. Cats find warmth, food and company with the soldiers. IFAW is trying to round them all up as well as the dogs but cats are extremely hard to catch.
PS. The "margin of error" associated to MORTAR rounds is constant and significant. That's why it's always best to use mortars in already "pre-arranged" fire ...or - better yet - use GUIDED projectiles. Mortars are efficient because there's practically no defense against them, but their efficiency goes only so far. When you catch an infantry squad in the open with pre-arranged ("squared") fire, the effects are devastating. However if you miss or scatter your fire around too much, the infantry will take cover and the mortar's fire-efficiency plummets down. With 3 guided mortar rounds you can have the same effect as with fifty "conventional" ones. Same thing - even more - goes for artillery.
RAK is the mortar system. The chassi (thats what you are talking about, right?) is the Rosomak wheeled lightly armoured vehicle. Soon (its entering production right now) there will be a new chassi available for the RAK mortar system and it will be from the tracked amphibious vehicle Borsuk (better armour, but not Bradley level).
Rak to automat można go umieścić na każdym pojeździe o odpowiedniej nosnosci i odpowiedniej ilosci miejsca.. Dzięki systemowi ,,topaz" może pracować z każdym urzadzeniem nato..
@@bohomazdesign725The Rak will probably be mounted on the K9 chassis as the new heavily armored personnel carrier is to be mounted on this chassis, but you never know what they will do there.
The rak self-propelled mortar uses the topaz fire management system in the same way as the flyeye reconnaissance drones, which means that if the flyeye marks a target, the rak gets information about its location and the computer automatically calculates how to position the gun to hit the target, even if the vehicle is tilted, those soldiers are most likely using the vehicle as a regular mortar on wheels.
@@titan_fist1953 it still makes no sense, whats the difference where the (lon, lat) coordinates are coming from, flyeye or manual input? Vehicle tilt is still a factor to consider in calculations for both cases
@@fpsmeter It does have all the necessary sensors as the Rosomak is equipped with the Talin 500 inertial navigation system, so the vehicle knows its location and position in space. This whole part about the Rak having to be perfectly leveled seems very weird to me to be honest, I don't know any logical explanations for this.
@@fpsmeter The difference is that if you enter the position of the gun manually and do not take into account the slope of the ground, the information will be wrong. If you manually specify the coordinates where the gun should fire and let the computer calculate everything, the computer takes into account the inclination of the vehicle. If you manually position the gun as you would in a regular mortar, it will fire just as accurately, because it was you who set up the gun, not the computer.
@@olekzajac5948I know. One explanation could be that all network systems made for Polish army were removed for security purposes and it's more manual. Second explanation is poor knowledge about the equipment they were given to use.
@@robertklimczak5630 gdyby pneumatyczne podwozie rozwiązywało sprawę to żołnierz by nie mówił, że znalezienie płaskiego terenu jest wyzwaniem. To że Polska jest w miarę płaska to nie znaczy, że wszędzie tak jest, a sprzęt wojskowy musi być niezawodny w każdych warunkach. Jak dla mnie jest to wielkie niedopatrzenie i sprzęt powinien zostać wyposażony albo w pług do równania terenu, albo możliwość zainstalowania pneumatycznych ramion, znanych z koparek. Sprzęt wojskowy musi być niezawodny i działac w każdych warunkach.
@hawaiian108 Powinien. I prawdę mówiąc, jestem zdziwiony że według Ukraińców tego nie robi, zwłaszcza że Rosiek ma nawigację inercjalną, więc ma czujniki położenia i pochylenia. Mam nadzieję że albo odniesie się do tego HSW albo wyjaśni to Wolski lub inny z ekspertów.
there is a hydro-pneumatic suspension. The problem is that many of these Ukrainians are poorly and briefly trained. The "rak" fire system takes into account leveling.
About perfect leveling: yeah, FCS can compensate for this. But every shot generates recoil and soil is unevenly compacted and doesn't have uniformed density. Therefore, every pounding causes vehicle to move ever so slightly, affecting repeatability of shot. Same applies to howitzers and angle sensors aren't that precise - remember +/- 1 degree gives measurable difference in range.
Mate, it's a discovery almost as Newton's apple. What a shame that the constructors of this mortar system didn't know that and didn't design some countermeasures. 😂
@@mil3k *But they had* and Ukrainians with their usual level of competence talk bullshit. And there's actually no PERFECT countermeasure due to finite precision of motors responsible for turret elevation. Some dispersion resulting from soil dynamics is inevitable regarding of countermeasures :D. For absolute countermeasure you'd have to have fixed reference points, D-GPS and laser reference system like one responsible for keeping HMS Victory in place. All for firing dumb rounds which have area effect about the size of football field xD also newsflash - even without this particular effect, artillery has minute differences due to wieght and composition of propellant charge, barrel temperature and wear and so on. They are all countered, but with finite precision.
You cannot see what is happening around you while driving the vehicle. This issue must be addressed in the next models. Unless psychologists have decided that not seeing reduces fear 🤣 I prefer situational awareness.
Jakich relacji? My Ukrainie wszystko dajemy a oni nam pluja w twarz.W dupie mamy takie relacje,ludzie w Polsce madrzeja,a wypowiedzi takich jak Kaczka,Sądowy Jermak tylko to przyspieszają.
I'm sure the border problem is related to the Russian secret services. Border issues are very cheap for the Russian secret services. The hand of a Polish farmer is used.
@@dydko1981 Nobody controls it. Farmers simply need to have money to pay their loans. If they are flooded with cheap grain from Ukraine, they will go bankrupt.
Too bad this wont be used at all. This is like a firepower superiority mortar otherwise its just an artillery magnet and FPV magnet because very limited range. Unless ukraine gets a crap ton of 120mm mortar shells and has the ability to deny the sky to drones this thing is reserve
The problem is that the Ukrainians were not being prepared for the attack of Russians, but for the barbecue on May 9, "And the population rejoiced and applauded the invitation to the barbecue, not knowing that they and their children would be the meat for the barbecue."
Why you keep on saying 'Mine' when you mean 'Mortar' or 'Artillery Shell'? A 'Mine' is the device on the ground that detonates when triggered. You could call them 'Artillery Shells' or just 'Shells'.
@@marcindubiel8795 The terms "mina moździerzowa" and "miotacz min" do exist in Polish and mean mortar shell and mortar respectively. These are archaisms though, they were used untill mid XX century.
The word goes back to celtic "menis" (ore, metal) which became mine in French (mine like digging under ground). Later it became synonyme for explosives used in mining facilities. The military took the term to describe explosives with shock wave effect (in contrast to explosives with splitter effect) In the early 20th century many armies had weappons that translate as "mine thrower" but were mortars in modern terminology.
Needs to be leveled? That is a serious drawback in a battlefield and hinders positioning tremendously. Polish designers should address that issue with a gyroscope or something. Asap.
It doesn't have to, if flyeye marks the target, the computer automatically calculates how to position the gun even taking into account the inclination of the vehicle to hit the target. These soldiers are most likely using this vehicle like a regular mortar on wheels.
@@titan_fist1953 That would make sense. Modern systems should be able to account for inclination, wind conditions and all the rest. And now that I think about it, the meaning in the guys words might have been lost in translation. He might know full well how to use the weapon optimally and the video producers just made a mess with AI translator.
@@tukkajumala That whole part about the Rak having to be perfectly leveled seems very weird to me, especially that the Rosomak does have all the necessary sensors as it's equipped with the Talin 500 inertial navigation system, so the vehicle knows its location and position in space. I don't know what he meant there, but if he really meant what was said in English, then it's really weird and I don't have any good explanation for that.
finnish designed but made in poland chassis with 100% polish mortar turret. Finns really need to send more vehicles, not just polish made Finnish designs !
No, M120K Rak mortar system is entirely Polish design. Only chassis is Finns license, but it get many Polish changes adequate to Polish Army needs. Rak mortar system include Polish made armored turret, mortar, fire system, communication, command and control systems, sight system, ammunition storage system, self defense system with IR sensors, smoke grenade launchers, machine gun and other equipment.
Based on Polish experience and modifications, the Finns have developed a new version of the vehicle. Suffice it to say that more of these transporters were produced in Poland than in all other countries combined (7 countries excluding Poland), including the Finns. This number is even higher if Polish production for Finnish contracts is added.
The problem is that the Ukrainians were not being prepared for the attack of Russians, but for the barbecue on May 9, "And the population rejoiced and applauded the invitation to the barbecue, not knowing that they and their children would be the meat for the barbecue."
Russians know the weapon already very well as it was showcased at many exhibitions and oficial specs are widely known and public available. No harm done here.
Moździerz,,rak" jest najslabszym z mozliwych wersji. Gdyby byl umiejscowiony na innym stabilniejszym nosniku moglby miec wieksza szybkoszczelnosc. Ale ta wersja jest dla jednostek uzbrojonych w rosomaki. Te same pojazdy ,latwiejsza logistyka.
@@skajuoker--x moze i popelnia bledy/ tez mam male problemy ze zrozumieniem... ale w sumie ma poczesci racjie, rosomak jest zaprojektowany jako lekki woz piechoty, a nie bestie wyrzucajaca 120mm pociski... przy innej opcji jak np borsuk lepiej by sie sprawdzala, glownie chodzi o ciezar pojazdu/lepszy silnik itd... mam nadzieje ze w koncu nasi politycy zamiast wpie%%% krewetki zaczna wydawac na tzw technike i rozwuj naszych firm zbrojeniowych :) pozdro
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Also the Polish Krab is impressive.
Greetings from Poland
Polish Army operates "Topaz" seek&destroy system, which connects FlyEye drones, Warmate kamikaze drones and artillery operating in the area. Connected to fast moving and fast shooting Krabs and Raks it's a real badass.
ale ty mundry...
Polish artillery systems have names after crustaceans: Crayfish (Rak), Crab (Krab), Lobster (Homar) etc
Cancer? Ja jebie
@@pawlakppp kobiete?
xd :DDDD@@pawlakppp
No i gitara...
I haven't seen the inside of the "Rak" mortar before.. looks modern and may it serve the Ukrainian army well.
To dobrze.... tajemnica wojskowa .Lepiej nie chwalić się za wcześnie .Kacapy zaskoczone gdy posuwa 100km /h
@@jn1205 "kacapy" znają ten sprzęt nie gorzej od obsług. Oni nie mieli Antonia- dewastatora służb. Cenne jest to, że sprzęt, który na poligonie zapowiadał się świetnie równie dobrze pokazał się w realnej walce. Teraz "tylko" zapewnić WP odpowiednią ilość. Pluton na kompanię zmech byłoby OK. I amunicja! Jak uczy historia jeśli masz dobre możliwości produkcyjne na dzień dobry zapas półtora tysiąca nabojów na lufę powinien wystarczyć na jakiś rok walki.
Rosomak is licensed copy of Finnish made Patria AMV, they had first the double and single barreled 120mm mortar called Patria Nemo
@@niceview2112 Rosomak is licensed Patria AMV copy , The Polish mortar is originally a Polish development and has nothing to do with NEMO.
@@glfan896 I never said the Polish mortar had anything to do with Nemo mortar system.
Schonen abend dear Ukrainians 💖 Ukraine supporters ❤ yet again well spoken, nothing to said more than already have been mentioned, Slava Ukraine 💙💛 God bless Ukraine and the alliance 💖💖🥇🥇
isn't that Patrias AMV chassis? Pretty sure the Polish Armaments Group manufactures those under licence.
Yeah. Our APCs (Rosomak) are also on Patria's chassis. Quality stuff.
Rosomak is based on Patria AMV but poles introduced at least 2.5k changes and inprevements
Respect for Poland from Argentina...
I'm beginning to wonder if Poland's purchase of so many weapons of war might be used to help Ukraine. Perhaps Poland being an honorable country is working with Ukraine and has developed its own Lend Lease Act since the US Republican party has failed to honor, on Trump's orders, its commitment to Ukraine. I thank Poland for doing all you have done for Ukraine. You are showing the world, and I hope the people of the United States, what being an honorable ally looks like. I retire in 2 years, does Poland accept immigrants even though they are from the US? Slava Ukraine!
Yes, but the residency / polish citizenship process is very outdated and therefore very slow, annoying and takes a lot of time (apparently there are EU countries that have worse a significantly worse immigration process).
No more Polish weapon for Ukraine (especially not for free). Poland gave Ukraine huge amount of equipment, money, fuel, hosts Ukrainian refugees. Poland supported Ukraine the most out of all countries (compared to GDP) and faced shocking lack of gratitude and even hostility from Ukraine in return. It was not worth to help them and possibly even harmful for Poland.
Poland is buying arms primarily for our own national defence, but also to replenish the stocks of things we already donated or intend to donate to Ukraine.
Not Puchaesed but donate
@@supreme3376Not donate, but purchase.
Merci de supporter l'Ukraine
Mortar cat is badass.
Did you heard about slodier bear Voytek?
Hope it helps you guys. Stay strong! Greetz from 🇵🇱.
Rak is very unique equipment and there is no other similar mortar system in world.
There is Nemo and AMOS. Both are much more advanced and use the same AMV platform with RAK.
@@LeccareNewHandle Much more advanced? Funny joke... :)) Rak is the newest and most advanced mobile mortar. S.
@@ColonelStanley If what they said in the video is true, then RAK is lightyears behind AMOS and NEMO. AMOS or NEMO don't need level ground to fire accurately, can fire while moving, and are able to fire multiple shots before the first hits the target.
@@KalleKilponen The same as Rak, it's because of the chassis, but M120 also can fire while moving. New polish IFV Borsuk and new wheeled infantry vehicle will be more accurate. The vehicle has an inertial navigation system and far advanced Fire Control System. And most interesting thing is - the Rak mortar can fire remotely as an completely unmanned weapon (not only unmanned turret as Nemo), using commands and data transmitted electronically to the vehicle's computer. In 1 - 2 years we will compare both systems... and their costs. ;) Kind regards - S.
@@KalleKilponenrak w tej wersji jest do towarzystwa jednostek uzbrojonych w rosomaki. Podwozie ma wady, nie da się strzelac tak szybko jak automat pozwala.. Pozyzycjonowanie po zatrzymaniu ma zalety. . Bo to nie moździerz ale system. Z amunicja specjalna nie potrzebuje zasypywać przeciwnika amunicja. Pociski wystrzeliwane z raka ,specjalne, można sterować. Znacznikiem laserowym. Z drona,pojazdu, czy pojedynczego żołnierza.mozna celować. Pociski trafiają w ruchomy cel o wielkosci 60 cm... . To samo celowanie jest w specjalnych pociskach dla krab155mm.Dlatego dla krab szykujemy system dronow gladius. Potrafią bardzo daleko polecieć w głąb. Operacyjny przeciwnika. To pomaga też w szukaniu celu dla himars.. dronom wojskowym obojętny jest brak gps, zakłócanie elektroniczne. Mamy dobry system łączności. Jednocześnie można naziemnie,satelitarnie i to na różnych wysokościach i falach satelit. . Ten sprzęt czeka gdyby zaczęła się zabawa z ruskimi. Ukraina dostala kompletny system kompanijny drony,centrale i mozdzierze. Może system sam szukać przeciwnika i go eliminować. Bez amunicji specjalnej jest większe zgrzycie amunicji ,ani dron nie ma wskaźnika laserowego.. w ukrainie nie ma też współpracy bwp,czołgów z kompanijna jednostka mozdzierzy.Te pojazdy nie informują automatycznie o zauważeniu celów dla raków.. wysyłamy kraby jako system ,wszystkie działa 155mm z elektronika mogą być podłączone do tego systemu. To bardzo podnosi skuteczność ostrzalu. Dron I działo lub himars.
Does the Rak crew really need to find a perfectly horizontal place to be able to fire? Isn't the onboard fire control system able to compensate for at least minor variations to ensure accurate fire?
I think he meant that you will just not achieve that "100%" accuracy (mind that it is a mortar, not precision artillery or a tank). It shoots 4 rnds/min so it doesn't seem to be a big deal. The problem is that it is based on Rosomak (I think)
I understood the statement of this member of Rak's crew to mean that if Rak is not standing on a perfectly horizontal surface, its shooting accuracy is significantly deteriorated - maybe I misunderstood, because I don't think this is possible. I am confident that the Rak's fire control system can cope with a surface that is not perfectly horizontal without any negative impact on accuracy.
@@tomgorzenski It should be able to - the vehicle has an inertial navigation system, so it does have sensors that track its location and position in space. So the vehicle knows where it is and should also know its angle relative to the horizontal plain.
@@tomgorzenskiYeah, it's using Topaz, the same system used by Krabs, so in theory it shouldn't be a big problem (uneven terrain).
30 bullets in which there are hundreds of smaller bullets thrown in one minute - what a destructive force
Rak, Krab, Langusta, Homar-k. These crustaceans are pretty cool
BM-37 is Soviet, based on a French mortar
Znowu Polska Krab teraz Rak ❤
1:44 that random cat leaping out freaked me out . . .
Every time they interview soldiers either in their bunkers or like in this interview you will find one or two cats. Cats find warmth, food and company with the soldiers. IFAW is trying to round them all up as well as the dogs but cats are extremely hard to catch.
Myszy sa problemem po obu stronach.@@lmcsquaredgreendale3223
well, four people and a kitty commander...
Cóż moździerz jest automatem. Mogło by być mniej ludzi Ale w razie uszkodzeń można przejść na ręczna pracę.
8:07 'error: attempt to read or write outs--- Uncompression error. System halted. '
PS. The "margin of error" associated to MORTAR rounds is constant and significant. That's why it's always best to use mortars in already "pre-arranged" fire ...or - better yet - use GUIDED projectiles. Mortars are efficient because there's practically no defense against them, but their efficiency goes only so far. When you catch an infantry squad in the open with pre-arranged ("squared") fire, the effects are devastating. However if you miss or scatter your fire around too much, the infantry will take cover and the mortar's fire-efficiency plummets down. With 3 guided mortar rounds you can have the same effect as with fifty "conventional" ones. Same thing - even more - goes for artillery.
Slava Ukraini, heroyam slava! 🇳🇱❤🇺🇦
🇵🇱❤🇺🇦 Слава Україні!
RAK is nice, but needs better side armour. looks like its got the mounting points to take it.
RAK is the mortar system. The chassi (thats what you are talking about, right?) is the Rosomak wheeled lightly armoured vehicle. Soon (its entering production right now) there will be a new chassi available for the RAK mortar system and it will be from the tracked amphibious vehicle Borsuk (better armour, but not Bradley level).
Rak to automat można go umieścić na każdym pojeździe o odpowiedniej nosnosci i odpowiedniej ilosci miejsca.. Dzięki systemowi ,,topaz" może pracować z każdym urzadzeniem nato..
@@bohomazdesign725 good job, but is one problem :( politicians like "tusk", and new LGBT pro system... wake up Europe....
@@bohomazdesign725The Rak will probably be mounted on the K9 chassis as the new heavily armored personnel carrier is to be mounted on this chassis, but you never know what they will do there.
@@bohomazdesign725But better defence against landmines than Bradley and most modern IFVs.
Rosja musi upaść ! Pozdrowienia z Polski !
Stay strong Ukraine 🇵🇱💪🇺🇦
casual KOT walking by a mortar. Druid country
Go on Ukrainian!
Sława, Ukraińcy! Za Wolność Waszą i Naszą!
How come there's no gyroscope to adjust the fire for the level of terrain?
The rak self-propelled mortar uses the topaz fire management system in the same way as the flyeye reconnaissance drones, which means that if the flyeye marks a target, the rak gets information about its location and the computer automatically calculates how to position the gun to hit the target, even if the vehicle is tilted, those soldiers are most likely using the vehicle as a regular mortar on wheels.
@@titan_fist1953 it still makes no sense, whats the difference where the (lon, lat) coordinates are coming from, flyeye or manual input? Vehicle tilt is still a factor to consider in calculations for both cases
@@fpsmeter It does have all the necessary sensors as the Rosomak is equipped with the Talin 500 inertial navigation system, so the vehicle knows its location and position in space. This whole part about the Rak having to be perfectly leveled seems very weird to me to be honest, I don't know any logical explanations for this.
@@fpsmeter The difference is that if you enter the position of the gun manually and do not take into account the slope of the ground, the information will be wrong.
If you manually specify the coordinates where the gun should fire and let the computer calculate everything, the computer takes into account the inclination of the vehicle.
If you manually position the gun as you would in a regular mortar, it will fire just as accurately, because it was you who set up the gun, not the computer.
@@olekzajac5948I know. One explanation could be that all network systems made for Polish army were removed for security purposes and it's more manual.
Second explanation is poor knowledge about the equipment they were given to use.
Wow, I didn't know that this mortar has to be leveled. It should have some pneumatic arms (like cranes etc) to lvl the vehicle.
Ma pneumatyczne ustawienie podwoziem. Dodatkowe ramiona i tym podobne opóźniały by przemieszczanie . Szybko stajesz,strzelasz i odjezdzasz.
@@robertklimczak5630 gdyby pneumatyczne podwozie rozwiązywało sprawę to żołnierz by nie mówił, że znalezienie płaskiego terenu jest wyzwaniem. To że Polska jest w miarę płaska to nie znaczy, że wszędzie tak jest, a sprzęt wojskowy musi być niezawodny w każdych warunkach. Jak dla mnie jest to wielkie niedopatrzenie i sprzęt powinien zostać wyposażony albo w pług do równania terenu, albo możliwość zainstalowania pneumatycznych ramion, znanych z koparek. Sprzęt wojskowy musi być niezawodny i działac w każdych warunkach.
@hawaiian108 Powinien. I prawdę mówiąc, jestem zdziwiony że według Ukraińców tego nie robi, zwłaszcza że Rosiek ma nawigację inercjalną, więc ma czujniki położenia i pochylenia. Mam nadzieję że albo odniesie się do tego HSW albo wyjaśni to Wolski lub inny z ekspertów.
@@kjungst wydaje się jakby rak byl samotny ,bez wozu dowodzenia. Albo ściemniają..
there is a hydro-pneumatic suspension. The problem is that many of these Ukrainians are poorly and briefly trained. The "rak" fire system takes into account leveling.
Its actually a modified Finnish Patria design built under license.
only chassis. Automatic mortar and whle turret was designed, developed and produced in Poland. the same like whole vehicle
Po Ukrainie Rosja z Chinami będą domagały się zwrotu Tajwanu i Korei Południowej ...
For more videos #TribunTimur
About perfect leveling: yeah, FCS can compensate for this. But every shot generates recoil and soil is unevenly compacted and doesn't have uniformed density. Therefore, every pounding causes vehicle to move ever so slightly, affecting repeatability of shot. Same applies to howitzers and angle sensors aren't that precise - remember +/- 1 degree gives measurable difference in range.
Mate, it's a discovery almost as Newton's apple. What a shame that the constructors of this mortar system didn't know that and didn't design some countermeasures. 😂
Ty nieuku Polscy inżynierowie są najlepsi na świecie Mikołaja Kopernika zaczynając Profesor Lem od Kosmosu i.t.d 🇵🇱🥷☯️✌️
@@mil3k *But they had* and Ukrainians with their usual level of competence talk bullshit. And there's actually no PERFECT countermeasure due to finite precision of motors responsible for turret elevation. Some dispersion resulting from soil dynamics is inevitable regarding of countermeasures :D. For absolute countermeasure you'd have to have fixed reference points, D-GPS and laser reference system like one responsible for keeping HMS Victory in place. All for firing dumb rounds which have area effect about the size of football field xD also newsflash - even without this particular effect, artillery has minute differences due to wieght and composition of propellant charge, barrel temperature and wear and so on. They are all countered, but with finite precision.
8:08 - LoL Error Message: SYSTEM halted.
Its must be unlimited free stuff 😂😂
You cannot see what is happening around you while driving the vehicle. This issue must be addressed in the next models.
Unless psychologists have decided that not seeing reduces fear 🤣 I prefer situational awareness.
War is algebra lol
Nie dajcie się.
Pozdro z Polski.
I hope that the current conflict by the Polish-Ukrainian border will not destroy the relationship between Poland and Ukraine 🇵🇱🇺🇦✊🏻👍🏻/🇷🇺👎
Spokojnie tu chodzi o ekonomię a nie o politykę obronną ...👍
Jakich relacji? My Ukrainie wszystko dajemy a oni nam pluja w twarz.W dupie mamy takie relacje,ludzie w Polsce madrzeja,a wypowiedzi takich jak Kaczka,Sądowy Jermak tylko to przyspieszają.
I'm sure the border problem is related to the Russian secret services. Border issues are very cheap for the Russian secret services. The hand of a Polish farmer is used.
@@dydko1981 Nobody controls it. Farmers simply need to have money to pay their loans. If they are flooded with cheap grain from Ukraine, they will go bankrupt.
Let me laugh 😆😆😆😆😆
Too bad this wont be used at all. This is like a firepower superiority mortar otherwise its just an artillery magnet and FPV magnet because very limited range. Unless ukraine gets a crap ton of 120mm mortar shells and has the ability to deny the sky to drones this thing is reserve
The problem is that the Ukrainians were not being prepared for the attack of Russians, but for the barbecue on May 9, "And the population rejoiced and applauded the invitation to the barbecue, not knowing that they and their children would be the meat for the barbecue."
Podwozie Rosomaka chyba ?
Why you keep on saying 'Mine' when you mean 'Mortar' or 'Artillery Shell'?
A 'Mine' is the device on the ground that detonates when triggered. You could call them 'Artillery Shells' or just 'Shells'.
In russian mortar is called minomiot mine thrower and munition is called Mina mine. land mine are called Mina too. just language.
Even in Polish mortar shell is sometimes called "Mina" (mine).
@@Balthar In polish we have "pociski moździerzowe" - mortar shells, sometimes we spoken ukrainian 🙂
@@marcindubiel8795 The terms "mina moździerzowa" and "miotacz min" do exist in Polish and mean mortar shell and mortar respectively. These are archaisms though, they were used untill mid XX century.
The word goes back to celtic "menis" (ore, metal) which became mine in French (mine like digging under ground). Later it became synonyme for explosives used in mining facilities. The military took the term to describe explosives with shock wave effect (in contrast to explosives with splitter effect) In the early 20th century many armies had weappons that translate as "mine thrower" but were mortars in modern terminology.
Niewdzieczni ukraińcy
Needs to be leveled? That is a serious drawback in a battlefield and hinders positioning tremendously. Polish designers should address that issue with a gyroscope or something. Asap.
Accuracy of 10,5 km is like 7,5 km in normal mortar
It doesn't have to, if flyeye marks the target, the computer automatically calculates how to position the gun even taking into account the inclination of the vehicle to hit the target. These soldiers are most likely using this vehicle like a regular mortar on wheels.
@@titan_fist1953 That would make sense. Modern systems should be able to account for inclination, wind conditions and all the rest.
And now that I think about it, the meaning in the guys words might have been lost in translation. He might know full well how to use the weapon optimally and the video producers just made a mess with AI translator.
@@tukkajumala That whole part about the Rak having to be perfectly leveled seems very weird to me, especially that the Rosomak does have all the necessary sensors as it's equipped with the Talin 500 inertial navigation system, so the vehicle knows its location and position in space. I don't know what he meant there, but if he really meant what was said in English, then it's really weird and I don't have any good explanation for that.
I would say the operators should RTFM. 😂
finnish designed but made in poland chassis with 100% polish mortar turret. Finns really need to send more vehicles, not just polish made Finnish designs !
Electronics is also Polish.
Chassis is heavy modified in Poland as well.
No, M120K Rak mortar system is entirely Polish design. Only chassis is Finns license, but it get many Polish changes adequate to Polish Army needs.
Rak mortar system include Polish made armored turret, mortar, fire system, communication, command and control systems, sight system, ammunition storage system, self defense system with IR sensors, smoke grenade launchers, machine gun and other equipment.
Based on Polish experience and modifications, the Finns have developed a new version of the vehicle. Suffice it to say that more of these transporters were produced in Poland than in all other countries combined (7 countries excluding Poland), including the Finns. This number is even higher if Polish production for Finnish contracts is added.
The problem is that the Ukrainians were not being prepared for the attack of Russians, but for the barbecue on May 9, "And the population rejoiced and applauded the invitation to the barbecue, not knowing that they and their children would be the meat for the barbecue."
Thankfully for the russian army you have unraveled all the secrets that might help them to find weaks spots of the gear.
Russians know the weapon already very well as it was showcased at many exhibitions and oficial specs are widely known and public available. No harm done here.
That's about the dumbest take one could throw about it. xD
Nothing in that vid was significant nor confidential.
Moździerz,,rak" jest najslabszym z mozliwych wersji. Gdyby byl umiejscowiony na innym stabilniejszym nosniku moglby miec wieksza szybkoszczelnosc. Ale ta wersja jest dla jednostek uzbrojonych w rosomaki. Te same pojazdy ,latwiejsza logistyka.
:D:D:D co za brednie...sądząc po twoich błędach piszesz z jakiejś moskiewskiej piwnicy
@@skajuoker--x moze i popelnia bledy/ tez mam male problemy ze zrozumieniem... ale w sumie ma poczesci racjie, rosomak jest zaprojektowany jako lekki woz piechoty, a nie bestie wyrzucajaca 120mm pociski... przy innej opcji jak np borsuk lepiej by sie sprawdzala, glownie chodzi o ciezar pojazdu/lepszy silnik itd... mam nadzieje ze w koncu nasi politycy zamiast wpie%%% krewetki zaczna wydawac na tzw technike i rozwuj naszych firm zbrojeniowych :) pozdro
Rak na Rosomaku jest dla wojsk zmotoryzowanych a na Borsukach będzie dla zmechanizowanych.
Nie narzekaj...nie ma innego takiego na świecie
@@skajuoker--x na gasiennicach będzie lepszy.. sam system rak jest dobry . Nie mam nic po rosyjskiej stronie ani piwnicy ani winnicy.
W podziękowaniach za polską pomoc Ukraincy podcierają tyłki polskimi flagami na granicy. Swołocz.